So my girlfriend of 8.5 years decided to break up on Sunday

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Golden Member
Dec 4, 2005
Good luck man. Ive had to deal with women like this before and it usually doesnt end in a good way, sorry to say. Although it wasnt 8-9 yr relationship (3 yrs for me) and she broke up with me for reasons unknown to me. She still to this day doesnt tell me why which is what hurt the most back then. I been over it for quite awhile though and have moved on but everytime I talk to her I cant help but to think about the past, the whole relationship was good except the ending which is what makes no sense but oh well. We have been talking recently so im not quite sure what that means but im not letting my self fall into a bad situation. Keep your head up and if it is over, just be glad it happened now and not 5 years down the road when you were possibly married and paying a mortgage on a house or something, thats the only way to look at it I guess. Be glad it happened sooner rather then later.


Senior member
Jul 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Originally posted by: Descartes
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Lemmie see, after 8 1/2 years you weren't married, you weren't engaged, you weren't even living together ?

I'm struggling real hard to see what it is exactly that you lost ?

Are you being serious?

yeah I am
I am with her on this one. 8.5 years? What were your future plans?



Senior member
Jul 28, 2005
My advice is move on, when a woman isn?t sure of a man then the relationship must end, it sound cold and I really can?t tell all the though behind this idea, but trust me move on, and put a post-it with all the things bad in your relationship and her near of the phone and computer and read it whenever you feel that you need her, and don?t call, write or any communication form with her, is better even if you live in another city, she will be dating another man instantly or even by now, don?t trust her, if she came back is for worse. Live alone; don?t date other women if you are in love with your ex-girlfriend, you just going to project the resentment in the new girl.


Golden Member
Jun 17, 2002
Once again thanks for alll the replys ( i check this thread every now and again). Since the number of views/relpys lead me to believe that some ppl are interested in the outcome or whatever, I will post a conclusion to this saga, when it manifests itself.

It was a strange weekend. I went to a friend's house that I known for awhile and although it was a good time I could swear people were being "careful" around me. My bud who went through somethign similar was a good source of support, but at this point all I really want is closure to the subject, not pity. Luckly with a little help of some booze and dropkick murphys i quickly forgot my troubles. Saw a cute girl at the icecream store eyeing me, life is starting to look up.

As an aside i almost hit Rod Blagoivich (sp?) while he was jogging on montrose, like an idiot i may add (against traffic) with a cop on a bike behind him, kinda like punchout.

My thoughts are, if you think there is any way that she won't return then drop her @$$ like a bad habit and be as cold as you can be to her. Screw her (not literally) for putting you through this after you trying to hard to be with her!! On the other hand, if you think she'll come back, that's an entirely different ballgame. She could return and then pull this crap again in the future. If you think she's just keeping you around as the spare tire while she explores other "opportunities" then that's BULLSHEN!! I don't think I'd wait around.

But I've heard about the "danger zone" where if you delay it for too long, one of the parties might get tired of waiting around or might just get bored with the lack of exciting "newness" and start looking elsewhere. It could be just for physical pleasure (i.e. she still wants you for emotional support) or it could be that she wants an entirely new scene (sounds like that's the case here since she wants to take a 1-mo break with very limited communication).

Since NONE of us know her like you do, or know much about your relationship at all for that matter, I think you should do some deep thinking (as if you haven't already been doing that). If you think she just needs a breath of fresh air and will come back and be faithful, she might be worth waiting around for as long as she dosen't use this as an opportunity to be promiscuous. I mean she might need some time/space to realize what she'd miss if the relationship ended. Or she might feel so free and alive that she just leaves the country and becomes a French prostitute for the rest of her days.

That will only send the message that you can't live without her and she can pull this shite again later on when she feels "This is time to find that focus again after trying new things and tapping in to new sources of strength and inspiration." Yeah, I think we know what's being tapped and what new things are being tried...

best post imo, 100% sums up whats been going through my head great stuff...

Lemmie see, after 8 1/2 years you weren't married, you weren't engaged, you weren't even living together ?

I'm struggling real hard to see what it is exactly that you lost ?

A lot of time and effort, all for naught. You date a person that long and they WILL become a part of you. You take them away and you will feel that something is missing, like tearing out a chapter out of a 2 chapter book. You will miss the little things that you two shared how you two evolved to compliment one another.

I read bits and pieces of it but to put it bluntly, no woman wants a sorry @ss man who she has been with for a 8 long plus years and not see no marrying future. She should have booted your butt about 3 years ago. Go waste someone else's time. Give me a break

Apparently you don't understand the situation, and I really don't expect you to. Marriage is an outward manifistation of two people's feelings for one another thats formalized for everyone else to see. Time is not wasted just because you do not have a marriage certificate in a safe and a ring on your finger. That kind of shallow thought process is why a good marriage is so hard to find these days. Imo marriage is really a formality if two people really care about each other, and there should be no rush or deadline to accomplish it.

I had a place set up for this girl to stay with me, it was her choice to take that next step (living together) or not, usually after living together for a short time marriage is the next step... many many people follow the same pattern. She chose not to, I tried to work things out in STL but she decided to "take time apart" I don't get how I was wasteing anyone's time. I had our sh1t toghether to let the relationship progress, the ball was in HER court. I dont think that makes me a "sorry @ass"; I worked hard at this, but of course you wouldn't know that, nor would I expect you to.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
If she's good enough to live with, she's good enough to marry. And vice-versa.
She must've felt crappy knowing you had no intentions of ever totally committing... or she had no intention either - thus the easy way out. Things less than perfect? BYE BYE!


Senior member
Jan 3, 2005
my ex also denied that i was her safety net/ parachute, but i made it clear that if she think she's in a cage and need her space, don't expect the door to be open when she comes back


Jul 4, 2000
wow. your cliffs really were appropriate from the beginning.

i wish you all the best in the future. you deserve it and you sound like you've got a good head on your shoulders. don't go back on what you've said in your latest update...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Slappy00

Don't date self-centered women who put themselves ahead of a relationship, and if you are listen to your friends and familiy, as they can see things that you choose to ignore.

see.. that's my problem, I don't listen to my friends and family when it comes to womans... heh.



Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
My birthday was August 2nd, too!

EDIT: And as your brother-in-birthday, my opinion is that you should cut all contact from her - at least for sixish months. You'll heal faster.



Platinum Member
Nov 5, 1999
Cut her off completely. Any contacts you have with her will prolong the healing. As for her sister, it seems like she is a reasonable girl. Attend her wedding if the sight of your ex with her new BF will not cause you any heartache. Otherwise, said sorry and decline.


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Slappy00


A few things you should know.

1. I am not interested in getting back together right away. Maybe in 6 months, maybe in a year. But definitely in no time soon, because I?m worried about reverting back to old habits, losing this newfound strength, and not giving you enough time to heal /see me as the bitch I really am/look inside yourself to grow strong & discover what you as an individual really want out of life.
2. I am interested in slowly starting to communicate with you, talk with you, hang out, and maintain our friendship & relationship as lovers, and keep you as an important part of my life. But I do not want to be your ?girlfriend? anymore. After eight years I?m done with that. It?s time for our relationship to catch up with who we are as people, and I don?t want to be a ?girlfriend? to you. I?m not sure what I would prefer us to be, and know it sounds like semantics, but I want to redefine us. I feel like I?ve worked hard at figuring out the individual I wake up and try to be every day, and that woman is not a ?girlfriend? like the person in the narrow role I feel like I?ve been cast into by you & how we act together. So, yes, I can see an ?us? of some form in the future, if you?re willing to meet me on my terms and I can agree to yours.
3. I am dating other people. I expect you to as well.

bolded for truth, OP?


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2000
She is full of sh!t, moved on a LONG time ago to be able to "date other people" at this point in time. What strength were you limiting her from? What is this newfound strength that she has "discovered," and yet won't allow you to be a part of it? Sh!t man, move on don't talk to this b!tch, just tell her it was a good time while it lasted and now you have to do what you have to do. That's it, don't fvcking talk to her.

Yeah the birthday thing, don't call/write her.


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Sentinel
She is full of sh!t, moved on a LONG time ago to be able to "date other people" at this point in time. What strength were you limiting her from? What is this newfound strength that she has "discovered," and yet won't allow you to be a part of it? Sh!t man, move on don't talk to this b!tch, just tell her it was a good time while it lasted and now you have to do what you have to do. That's it, don't fvcking talk to her.

Yeah the birthday thing, don't call/write her.

My thoughts exactly... seriously stay away from her. Don't call her, email her or see her. Cut off all communications with her mark her emails as spam, send her calls to voicemail and avoid her. Her loss. Don't let her drag it out with you or the healing will take much much longer. Go out and find some new booty.


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2002
She's cold and heartless man. As others have said the only way to move on is to remove all contact. Yes its going to be hard, yes its going to be a long road but in the end I think you'll find yourself somewhere better. She had to have moved on a LONG Time ago because no honestly caring individual in an Eight year relationship can just "move on" like that. After 8 years she should be devoted to you and you to her as it sounds as you were. Unfortunatly when you care for someone so deeply you dont see the bigger picture in which you might be looking back and noticing. Honestly, she hasn't given you the time of day after Eight years, and you should do the same. She's just going to keep you around (as you suspect) as a second option, but there will never be anything again as you had before. It's over. And honestly, do you really want to go back to that knowing the way she is? Just save whatever emotional state you have and recover from that and get back in the game, it's all you can do. Good luck!


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Man, after reading that update.

What a supremely nasty selfish person that thing must be. She's truly dead to you now.

No more contact whatsoever in anyway shape or form. None. Block that e-mail, heck change phone numbers.

MOVE ON!!!!!



Golden Member
Jun 17, 2002
Yah when i tell people of her exploits they tell me I must have lost my mind to stay with here that long. Maybe I did, its strange though, all my friends found themselves someone, and all the people at work are married. I have two friiends that are still single, but for pretty good reason- they have problems communicating to the oppsite sex. I wonder how many bar-whores im going to wade through before i find a nice "normal" (they are ALL crazy) girl? In any event my ex isnt waiting around so why should I? these days im like 50% want her back 50% gtfo. There are days wehre I dwell on the good times that we had and wonder what went wrong. There are also days wehre I sit in bed and think about how she ambushed me with this sh1t and did me wrong. On top of that she wanted 6mo to a year to get back together!? I really think that she needs to date a few a-holes and losers (which she will) and find out what she lost out on , and when she comes back asking for reprieve maybe she will be lucky enough to see the 2.0 version of herself ... now with 70% less bitch.

Who knows though, that girl still has a wildcard to my soul, in that she knows how i think and that scares me. Truthfully, if she were to change my mind she has about a month or 2 after that I will be over it completely her word will have little impact on my freshly callused heart; the hurt I feel now will have been replaced with common sense and animosity.

Than again maybe that's what she wants, who knows. Women are impossible to figure out, and in my experience they always drop huge issues like this outta the blue, during a bears game (she had some huge issues last year but we got through em).

Sigh ... it never ends


Senior member
May 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Slappy00
Yah when i tell people of her exploits they tell me I must have lost my mind to stay with here that long. Maybe I did, its strange though, all my friends found themselves someone, and all the people at work are married. I have two friiends that are still single, but for pretty good reason- they have problems communicating to the oppsite sex. I wonder how many bar-whores im going to wade through before i find a nice "normal" (they are ALL crazy) girl? In any event my ex isnt waiting around so why should I? these days im like 50% want her back 50% gtfo. There are days wehre I dwell on the good times that we had and wonder what went wrong. There are also days wehre I sit in bed and think about how she ambushed me with this sh1t and did me wrong. On top of that she wanted 6mo to a year to get back together!? I really think that she needs to date a few a-holes and losers (which she will) and find out what she lost out on , and when she comes back asking for reprieve maybe she will be lucky enough to see the 2.0 version of herself ... now with 70% less bitch.

Who knows though, that girl still has a wildcard to my soul, in that she knows how i think and that scares me. Truthfully, if she were to change my mind she has about a month or 2 after that I will be over it completely her word will have little impact on my freshly callused heart; the hurt I feel now will have been replaced with common sense and animosity.

Than again maybe that's what she wants, who knows. Women are impossible to figure out, and in my experience they always drop huge issues like this outta the blue, during a bears game (she had some huge issues last year but we got through em).

Sigh ... it never ends

Hard to figure out? She basically started out with 'bs lite' information and then followed it up with the WHAMMO that she was riding other **ck...........Anyone that can talk to you like that after 8 years doesn't give 2 shits about you. Screw that b***h..........Get yourself tested- no doubt she was screwing around before your relationship ended and already had another guy lined up and is simply keeping you on the backburner......


Jun 16, 2000
Heh, women suck ass...
I am loving the recently single (4 months ago) hassle free life!!!!!!

Go out and chillax with some friends. Take 'er easy for a bit. It's not so bad


Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2001
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: maziwanka
it seems like she writes really well

I disagree. Sitting down on the crapper and pumping out a thesaurus does not = writing well.
Really that was my first thought in reading that pretentious crap, she uses the thesaurus button way too much. It's not "well" written, it's very annoying to read, like a high school kid who's been ordered by the teacher to work in half the SAT word list into the essay of the day, and who does it very awkwardly and obviously. Using big words for the sake of using big words doesn't impress me at all.

Her very choice of words doesn't come off as anything heartfelt, more like cold, calculating and detached. Yeah, she moved on a while ago, and it's best to cut off communication at this point and not let her take you for a ride on her drama rollercoaster.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
chiming in again... dating a week after an 8-year breakup means she has had other people in mind while you were still "together". Sorry it sucks.
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