So, uh, which parts of the Bible do people generally not follow?

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Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
The odds of you coming here and making this thread in ignorant and blissful innocence are 1 in 983298632986. That's how about how many threads of this nature I have seen on this board alone, and they are all troll threads. That's because people use those passages from the Bible to smear Christians and Jews, ala "Look at how a bunch of fairy-tale believing retards want to run the world. Even if they don't how can they call that book sacred? Only a bunch of backassward monkeys would buy any of that garbage!""

Now if you seriously have questions about this topic, you are putting the cart before the horse. You need a history of religion class or two, or five.

Did you not study this book in school? Do they not teach the Bible in public school anymore?

Why would they teach the Bible in *public* school? No, we didn't study it.

FYI, with your attitude, you're actively PUSHING people to CONTINUE smearing Christians with quotes from the Bible. Why the fuck would someone do anything like try to get their facts straight when all they're met with is your kind of attitude? I've extended quite a bit of patience towards you but it is wearing thing.

I came here because someone on Facebook posted a picture of a man instructing a girl how to shoot a M16. On the poster was a quote from the Koran saying to kill all non-believers blah blah blah. I went to the actual section of the Koran and found that that was NOT what it said at all. In the comments someone quoted a section of the Bible on stoning people, so I searched for that and to my surprise the quote was actually accurate and verbatim.


Sep 10, 2003
Why would they teach the Bible in *public* school? No, we didn't study it.

FYI, with your attitude, you're actively PUSHING people to CONTINUE smearing Christians with quotes from the Bible. Why the fuck would someone do anything like try to get their facts straight when all they're met with is your kind of attitude? I've extended quite a bit of patience towards you but it is wearing thing.

I came here because someone on Facebook posted a picture of a man instructing a girl how to shoot a M16. On the poster was a quote from the Koran saying to kill all non-believers blah blah blah. I went to the actual section of the Koran and found that that was NOT what it said at all. In the comments someone quoted a section of the Bible on stoning people, so I searched for that and to my surprise the quote was actually accurate and verbatim.

SphinxnihpS is just an asshole.

But, srsly, the book you need to read is "Christianity: The first 3000 years"


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011
I went to public school and never saw a Bible in a classroom until I was in high school. This was mainly due to the consensus, and wrong, view of the US Constitution.

Fortunately, my wise school board and teachers were prepared to defend their decision to outright teach the Bible in History, English, and Philosophy classes, due to it's pivotal historical role in all these areas.

It would be impossible to understand the mind's of innumerable historical figures without understanding their faith.

that's funny, my history teachers always managed to teach us history without teaching the bible :hmm:


Senior member
Jul 1, 2003
OP, if you really want to understand, you have to actually read the Bible cover to cover. This will take you through the Old Testament which covers the Creation, the Abrahamic Covenant, Law of Moses and God's interaction with the ancient Israelites. The New Testament covers Jesus Christ's birth, life, death and resurrection, The fulfillment of the law of Moses, the atonement and new covenant to the Jews and Gentiles, and Christ's teachings and gospel to his followers. The last books in the NT are the teachings of Christ's followers after His ascension to heaven and their prophecies for the last days before the return of Jesus Christ.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
But yeah, to answer your other question, no, they didn't teach us very much about religion when I was in school. The historical aspects of it, sure, but not scripture. It has no place in schools anyway; if you want your kid to learn scripture, send him to Sunday School.

I do not mean the articles of faith. I mean the history and evolution of the Bible itself, the concurrent history under which it was written (pieced together), and the revolution in thought it brought about.

Most Americans feel special, like to feel special, are taught that feeling special and unique, worthwhile even in failure, and all that stuff are good things. Taught that people have natural rights, are all equal, blah blah blah. Those are all ideas based on and derived from Christianity.

Christianity was a revolution in thought that gave status to everyone, said that you are special and unique and loved by God no matter what, no matter how imperfect, no matter what your social class. That idea caught fire, laid waste to the most powerful and widespread Empire in the world, and still even 2000 years later, pervades almost every aspect of of laws, culture, customs, fashion, and passion.

The Hebrews gave us laws and Justice, the Christians gave us equality and individual status with god.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Why would they teach the Bible in *public* school? No, we didn't study it.

FYI, with your attitude, you're actively PUSHING people to CONTINUE smearing Christians with quotes from the Bible. Why the fuck would someone do anything like try to get their facts straight when all they're met with is your kind of attitude? I've extended quite a bit of patience towards you but it is wearing thing.

I came here because someone on Facebook posted a picture of a man instructing a girl how to shoot a M16. On the poster was a quote from the Koran saying to kill all non-believers blah blah blah. I went to the actual section of the Koran and found that that was NOT what it said at all. In the comments someone quoted a section of the Bible on stoning people, so I searched for that and to my surprise the quote was actually accurate and verbatim.

Dude, I apologized for my attitude and I and others have told you where it came from. Your thread is THE exception of the internet. Google those Biblical passages and see how many troll pages, troll boards, troll posts, satire and humor pages come up. Perhaps you could have explained your motives better? I have no wish to bash on you if your goal is to understand.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
that's funny, my history teachers always managed to teach us history without teaching the bible :hmm:

Well I feel sorry for you then because it's like learning about Astronomy without ever having seen a star.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2006
I do not mean the articles of faith. I mean the history and evolution of the Bible itself, the concurrent history under which it was written (pieced together), and the revolution in thought it brought about.

Most Americans feel special, like to feel special, are taught that feeling special and unique, worthwhile even in failure, and all that stuff are good things. Taught that people have natural rights, are all equal, blah blah blah. Those are all ideas based on and derived from Christianity.

Christianity was a revolution in thought that gave status to everyone, said that you are special and unique and loved by God no matter what, no matter how imperfect, no matter what your social class. That idea caught fire, laid waste to the most powerful and widespread Empire in the world, and still even 2000 years later, pervades almost every aspect of of laws, culture, customs, fashion, and passion.

The Hebrews gave us laws and Justice, the Christians gave us equality and individual status with god.

And then you stop and think I'm a talking monkey flying through space. Who the fucks cares.


Jan 3, 2001
New Testament is the one they follow. The Old Testament is rules V1.0 and had a lot of bugs


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Just all off the smiting stuff. Nothing like a good smiting.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Then your thread is only about 15 years LATE TO THE FUCKING INTERNET.

1. No one believes or follows any of those laws from ancient times in the modern Christian world today. There are people who do follow similar practices in all kinds of rotten places in the world TODAY, and they are not Christians. Well they may be Christian, but they are more importantly, poor.

2. When those laws were written, they were a REVOLUTION in those societies from which they came. Prior to those barbaric, draconian, brutal laws, people had NO RIGHTS. Those laws at least told you what to expect. But more importantly, they told you what to expect no matter WHO YOU WERE.

3. Your "I swear I am not a troll" thread is an obvious troll. If you don't think this is trolling you are more ignorant about yourself than history. This thread has been posted on the internet almost verbatim, since the internet. The concept behind it, is older than that.

Congratulations, you have succeeded in showing us just how small and insulated your world is. Have a nice day.

1) For the most part, yes, but not entirely
2) utter BS. There were other Societies with similar Laws already
3) Maybe, maybe not.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I do not mean the articles of faith. I mean the history and evolution of the Bible itself, the concurrent history under which it was written (pieced together), and the revolution in thought it brought about.

Most Americans feel special, like to feel special, are taught that feeling special and unique, worthwhile even in failure, and all that stuff are good things. Taught that people have natural rights, are all equal, blah blah blah. Those are all ideas based on and derived from Christianity.

Christianity was a revolution in thought that gave status to everyone, said that you are special and unique and loved by God no matter what, no matter how imperfect, no matter what your social class. That idea caught fire, laid waste to the most powerful and widespread Empire in the world, and still even 2000 years later, pervades almost every aspect of of laws, culture, customs, fashion, and passion.

The Hebrews gave us laws and Justice, the Christians gave us equality and individual status with god.

More BS. Other Religions/Societies already had done that.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2000
Can't find better books to read?

Leviticus? Numbers? Deuteronomy?

I did a quick search for "stone to death" and came across these, and from no less.

Leviticus 24:16
New International Version (NIV)
16 anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death.

Numbers 35:17
New International Version (NIV)
17 Or if anyone is holding a stone and strikes someone a fatal blow with it, that person is a murderer; the murderer is to be put to death. (so capital punishment for sure is *required* in the Bible)

Deuteronomy 22:13-22
New International Version (NIV)
(If a woman is found to not be a virgin shortly after she's married, provided she lived previously with her parents)
21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.
22 If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel. (so cheating gets capital punishment, as well as polyamorous relationships)

Do people just ignore these sections nowadays?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Without Christianity anything you challenged, like a royal edict for example, would have been met with death.

Without christianity emperors were granted their powers by the gods themselves, no common person had any "god given" rights or natural rights. That concept is thanks to christianity. Obviously even during christianity there was still the fact that women were viewed as property, and kings pronouncing a divine right, but it progressed much further than before it.

Can the argument be made that this would have happened without christianity, sure, but that's in an alternate universe.

With Christianity Kings/Queens had divine powers. Fact.


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Dude, I apologized for my attitude and I and others have told you where it came from. Your thread is THE exception of the internet. Google those Biblical passages and see how many troll pages, troll boards, troll posts, satire and humor pages come up. Perhaps you could have explained your motives better? I have no wish to bash on you if your goal is to understand.

Thank you.

Yes, my wish is sincerely to understand. I thought my OP was neutral and I didn't expect people to fill in the gaps with some kind of ulterior motive from me.

Mind you, I'm fully non-religious and will stay that way because I think that religion in general has too many issues to be believable. However, if atheists or people in general are going to debate, at least get the facts straight. Taking passages that the majority of Christians don't believe in anyway as proof of how wrong they are is ignorant at best. It's the same as Christians saying that Atheists have no morals or ethics. Both sides just don't understand what the other side is about and they fill in the gaps with made up stuff (much as what you did with my OP, honestly).

Now, the fallout from a religious society are undeniable. China's communist party eradicated religion, endorsed science and reason, and look at where they are now. Many people have no ethics and no sense of helping others. To be fair, there are a lot of Chinese who DO, but they're relatively fewer, and not in power, unfortunately.

Then you have places like the Middle East. And North Korea.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2005
You simply can have no meaningful grasp of history of Western Culture without it.

Western culture had its roots in pre-Christian civilization.

Do they teach nothing in school anymore? Are you incapable of drawing those conclusions on your own? Do you understand anything about US History even, much less Europe? Christianity is central to all of that. Christianity, like it or not, is the dominant force that shaped all of Western culture for the past 2000 years. Your ability to speak and act freely is due to Christianity.

This is a grossly myopic, inaccurate, and ultimately ignorant view of history. The origins of freedom in the US specifically (if you mean their codification in the Constitution) have roots in multitudes of sources. Constitutions themselves were around long before Christ, democratic constitutions arise not out of Christianity but as a backlash against the Monarchy and aristocracy. The ideals within Constitutions arise from various sources, but primarily linked to ideas coming from the Age of Enlightenment in which mankind finally shed the shackles of tradition and embraced things like the scientific method and reason. If anything, it was an escape from the church and in a lot of ways traditional Christianity. So sure, you might say that Christianity caused it but only in the context that some of the men ultimately involved were Christian and that the movements responsible for modern western civilization largely rose in response to Christian dogma. It's like praising cancer for a drug that cures cancer. Sure, without Christianity we wouldn't have had the Age of Enlightenment that progressed mankind, but we may not have needed it and we may have bypassed the dark ages. We'll never know.

It honestly sounds a lot like a friend of mine who credits Solidarity for single-handedly ending the Soviet Union and thus the Cold War. It contributed, sure, but was only one small piece in a much larger puzzle and includes every other economic, political, and sociological event on the planet. A very narrow and inaccurate view.

Your ability to openly challenge Christianity is due to Christianity.

My ability to openly challenge Christianity is derived from a variety of men and ideas that have sources dating back thousands of years and a very random yet lucky series of events leading up to today. It was not a foregone conclusion, nor do I expect this ability will last forever. In fact, a lot of my ultra-Christian family would do anything in their power to limit my ability to do so and have no issue telling me that Atheists such as myself have no business in this country (enjoying freedoms only reserved for them apparently).
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Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011
Well I feel sorry for you then because it's like learning about Astronomy without ever having seen a star.

christianity didn't shape western culture, western culture shaped christianity.
modern day christianity is not the product of some hippie commie from 2000 years ago, it's the product of 2000 years of revisionism.

christianity (like most religion) was nothing more than a means to an end and a way to control the masses. No pivotal event in human history was driven exclusively by the belief in a magic skyfairy, at most it was a justification and/or a beacon under which to rally the people.

spending your summers at bible camp is not essential to grasping history, and will often allow you to better approach things like the crusades from a purely scientific viewpoint, not from dogma and personal beliefs.

I'm off to bed so I guess I'll see tomorrow what kind of mental gymnastics you've come up with.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Did you read only half of what I said?

Ok, I missed your counter to that. However, your post is still wrong. Christianity had little to nothing to do with that progression of Rights. Without the re-emergence of Greek and other ancient knowledge none of these changes were likely to occur. The Renaissance is what started it all and it existed despite Christian resistance.


Nov 23, 2001
People generally ignore this quote from the Bible:

The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had iron chariots. - NIV

Or, if they can't ignore it, they rewrite it to make it more palatable:

The LORD was with the people of Judah, and they took possession of the hill country. But they failed to drive out the people living in the plains, who had iron chariots. - New Living Translation

In other words, we can't have The Lord not being able to deal with Iron Chariots, can we?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Western culture had its roots in pre-Christian civilization.

This is a grossly myopic, inaccurate, and ultimately ignorant view of history. The origins of freedom in the US specifically (if you mean their codification in the Constitution) have roots in multitudes of sources. Constitutions themselves were around long before Christ, democratic constitutions arise not out of Christianity but as a backlash against the Monarchy and aristocracy. The ideals within Constitutions arise from various sources, but primarily linked to ideas coming from the Age of Enlightenment in which mankind finally shed the shackles of tradition and embraced things like the scientific method and reason. If anything, it was an escape from the church and in a lot of ways traditional Christianity. So sure, you might say that Christianity caused it but only in the context that some of the men ultimately involved were Christian and that the movements responsible for modern western civilization largely rose in response to Christian dogma. It's like praising cancer for a drug that cures cancer. Sure, without Christianity we wouldn't have had the Age of Enlightenment that progressed mankind, but we may not have needed it and we may have bypassed the dark ages. We'll never know.

It honestly sounds a lot like a friend of mine who credits Solidarity for single-handedly ending the Soviet Union and thus the Cold War. It contributed, sure, but was only one small piece in a much larger puzzle and includes every other economic, political, and sociological event on the planet. A very narrow and inaccurate view.

My ability to openly challenge Christianity is derived from a variety of men and ideas that have sources dating back thousands of years and a very random yet lucky series of events leading up to today. It was not a foregone conclusion, nor do I expect this ability will last forever. In fact, a lot of my ultra-Christian family would do anything in their power to limit my ability to do so and have no issue telling me that Atheists such as myself have no business in this country (enjoying freedoms only reserved for them apparently).

In the interests of not writing a library I over-simplified some things, but the main points are correct. All of the monarchies in Europe before and after the Enlightenment were Christian, but the interpretation of the religion changed as populations began to migrate to cities, and people began to do other things besides being either a serf or a royal. The ideas were present in the Bible long before any of the monarchies. It's also not as if this evolution of thought was some static one-directional thing either, there were periods of backsliding. The Hebrew culture was not in isolation, and itself underwent an evolution. Perhaps they were not the first nation or culture with laws, but in that pre-european time period, laws were something novel and not ubiquitous. Some other cultures that developed them died or were isolated (Minoans, Egyptians). What I am saying is there is an unbroken chain of cultural and philosophical events that stretch from pre-hebrew cultures all the way to the present day. The biggest change in the Enlightenment was the introduction of the printing press, so that everyone could essentially read the ideas for themselves. Suddenly a new wave of brainpower was aimed at understanding the Bible's message, and it didn't always jive with what people were told by their overlords.

Would we have come to where we are today without Christianity, possibly, but impossible to tell, but the fact of the matter is that our American ideals are all rooted mainly in Christianity, and all of the sub-ideas that sprung up were reasoned out with that god in mind.

I realize that I my answer is akin to answering "How do you make a table?, "With a seed", but that doesn't make the answer wrong, it just leaves out a little bit about what goes on in the process from seed to table.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
You know how "we" see terrorists following the whole Allah / Muslim thing? Yeah.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2000
You know how "we" see terrorists following the whole Allah / Muslim thing? Yeah.

US foreign policies don't follow bible/jesus christ...

Check terrorism description in Us Army manual of 1984 and compare to what US doing now...isn't it a terrorism?
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