So what is new?


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
I have been pretty excited about some fo the developments in OpenBSD recently.

This email explains a bunch of the new stuff. Combined with systrace, this system could be increadibly fun and useful.

Since I focus mainly on OpenBSD, I miss out on development goodies from other OSes. So, post what is new with our OS of choice! Or maybe you have some new program or a new feature in an old program you would like to hype. Post it, gloat, and wait for the flam^H^H^H^H hurrahs!

Barnaby W. Füi

Elite Member
Aug 14, 2001
yeah that looks pretty cool. it seems that openbsd is able/willing to just stick things like that in, since theo can just be like "ok we are doing it". once it gets some more use and people start talking more, hopefully the idea will spread. systrace is very interesting, and once i get some things out of the way i plan on playing with it, although i think i'll have to move to -current.


Senior member
Mar 5, 2002
not much to gloat about with red hat right now -- I've had this issue with red hat's ATI support that I haven't been able to get around, and not really asked for help because it seems slightly embarassing/ridiculous.

Maybe if I hide it in here in your thread it won't be as bad -- I put in an ATI 9500 pro to handle a new Dell 2000FP for some nice 1600x1200 DVI action in my personal system and can't get 1600x1200 going with any red hat release or redhat xfree package. The max I can get get going is 1280x1024 and it doesn't look very sharp -- 1600x1200 is an option within redhat-config-xfree86, however even when set to this res it still displays at 1280x1024 -- there aren't really any errors to go by that I can see, it just won't display the correct resolution.

ATI has a few drivers on their site which didn't help. Red Hat 8.0 thought it was a 9700, which given my limited understanding of graphics hardware is perhaps a very similar chipset to the 9500.

My limitations are when things get to local configurations and particularly anything related to display. If anyone could offer any assistance without ridiculing me for not *getting* this aspect of the *nix world that would be very cool.


Senior member
Oct 5, 2000
N11- are you running the driver from ATI´s site? If not try that. Last if that doesn´t work then let me know and I will pull my 9700P and take it to work and try it on a 16x12 TFT under RH8 and 7.3

To add to n0c´s thread-

Finally tried SuSe 8.1 (after much grousing) and I think that I will be dropping RH (execpt for RHCE train up). I have a firewall box that I think that I wil try deb on (again) or maybe a *BSD if I can plan the time.



Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
I saw Matt Dillon was kicked from FreeBSD -core recently.

Debian is working on a x86-64 port. If Opterons aren't too expensive when they're released I'll have a few and this'll be good =)

Big MPlayer license debate on the Debian lists, it's not included because of possible illegallalities in some libs it depends on, but xine uses the same libs and is included already. I use and really like MPlayer, but I wish they'd get the licensing sorted out.

Buddha Bart

Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
not a new good thing but i'm sure we all read about redhat's 1-year EOL on consumer versions of their distro.

N11, you've got multiple (dozens?) of redhat machines, have you guys thought out your reaction to this? Upgrade to RHAS? Stick with the consumer version but do complete system upgrades every year?


Senior member
Mar 22, 2001
Lets see, I've rediscovered the joys of win98!! err.. what joy? the thing runs like crap, but it plays Icewind Dale II, so I am HAPPY!! Now if only Black Isle could be as nice as Bioware and do linux ports... Ah well, suffice it to say that I got a new game and I am totally addicted, I just wish they'd make a sequel to Planescape: Torment, that game was just awesome (and Annah was hot as hell, but then she was a tiefer ;0) Although the fact my 4th lvl Paladin has as many HP as myy 4th lvl wizard is a tad disturbing.

Now if only Neverwinter Nights would come down in price so I could pick a copy of it up... oh ya, I need a name for my windows comp... I've taken to using placenames from Middle Earth. When in linux the machine is lothlorien, while rivendell sits beside it. My dads proxy server (win98) is mordor since its evil. So I need a name of somewhere that used to be evil (since windows will eventually be purged from this machine). Anyone know anything off hand? Or do I need to dig out the Silmarion? :0)


Mar 17, 2001
Originally posted by: BingBongWongFooey
isn't 2.6 approaching?
I've heard anywhere from "Real Soon Now" (TM) to middle of this year. It wouldn't suprise me if the actual release happens sometime this fall (or even early 2004). There doesn't seem to be any good website for following the latest developments in the Linux kernel, or else I'd be watching it.


Jun 15, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
I have been pretty excited about some fo the developments in OpenBSD recently.

This email explains a bunch of the new stuff. Combined with systrace, this system could be increadibly fun and useful.

Since I focus mainly on OpenBSD, I miss out on development goodies from other OSes. So, post what is new with our OS of choice! Or maybe you have some new program or a new feature in an old program you would like to hype. Post it, gloat, and wait for the flam^H^H^H^H hurrahs!

Eh, about the only thing that I can add is that Debian testing is stable as always

Upgrading to GNOME 2.0 messed my system up pretty bad, so it's back to 1.4(?) for me.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Upgrading to GNOME 2.0 messed my system up pretty bad, so it's back to 1.4(?) for me

That's interesting because I have both versions of a number of the libs installed and everything works fine. I don't use the whole DE, but I do use a number of Gnome 1.4 and 2.0 apps, both of which run happily.


Jun 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Nothinman
Upgrading to GNOME 2.0 messed my system up pretty bad, so it's back to 1.4(?) for me

That's interesting because I have both versions of a number of the libs installed and everything works fine. I don't use the whole DE, but I do use a number of Gnome 1.4 and 2.0 apps, both of which run happily.

Man, I don't know what happened, but *everything* screwed up. I couldn't even get apt to install or remove anything. Broken dependancies on core packages I'd imagine.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
FreeBSD 5.0 is out

I don't really know the detail since I am still running 4.x on my machines. I don't see any immediate need to go bleeding edge.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Its amazing. I cant believe I am the only person interrested enough in his OS of choice to keep up with some of the cutting edge (or atleast edgey) stuff the developers are doing. Is Linux that boring or am I?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Its amazing. I cant believe I am the only person interrested enough in his OS of choice to keep up with some of the cutting edge (or atleast edgey) stuff the developers are doing. Is Linux that boring or am I?

I don't want to be a tester . I'm of the old philospohy; If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I love seeing Joe Shmoe get suckered into upgrading their PII400 to a PIV 1.8GHz with 512M RAM and an 80GB HD for a machine that browses the web and does E-mail. I got a webserver running FreeBSD 4.4 and don't see any
reason to upgrade it... heck I know a guy running RedHat 4.x on a 486 and handles DNS and E-mail serving quite well.... I believe it is a web-server as well.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Mucman
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Its amazing. I cant believe I am the only person interrested enough in his OS of choice to keep up with some of the cutting edge (or atleast edgey) stuff the developers are doing. Is Linux that boring or am I?

I don't want to be a tester . I'm of the old philospohy; If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I love seeing Joe Shmoe get suckered into upgrading their PII400 to a PIV 1.8GHz with 512M RAM and an 80GB HD for a machine that browses the web and does E-mail. I got a webserver running FreeBSD 4.4 and don't see any
reason to upgrade it... heck I know a guy running RedHat 4.x on a 486 and handles DNS and E-mail serving quite well.... I believe it is a web-server as well.

I run OpenBSD 3.1 on a couple of machines and 3.2 on a couple of others. How does that in any way interfere with me keeping up with some of the cooler developments in -current or getting excited about some great features in a future version? I see your point, but I dont think its a real valid one.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
The next release of Gentoo Linux is expected to be released as 1.4_rc3, rather than 1.4_final. This decision was based on a number of factors, including:

KDE 3.1 is not yet released, but is expected to be released imminently
The 2.4.20 kernel is experiencing IDE problems on x86. While patches are in the pipeline to fix these issues, they require more testing before being declared "stable"
gcc-3.2.1-r6 has been recently released and requires additional testing
Recent upgrades to XFree86 require additional testing
And, most importantly, any final release of Gentoo Linux needs to be as stable as possible before being released to our users.

KDE 3.1 did get unmasked on the portage tree and the mad rush to get it functionally killed the Ibiblio Gentoo portage servers. Kinda like the "Anandtech" effect.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Mucman
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Its amazing. I cant believe I am the only person interrested enough in his OS of choice to keep up with some of the cutting edge (or atleast edgey) stuff the developers are doing. Is Linux that boring or am I?

I don't want to be a tester . I'm of the old philospohy; If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I love seeing Joe Shmoe get suckered into upgrading their PII400 to a PIV 1.8GHz with 512M RAM and an 80GB HD for a machine that browses the web and does E-mail. I got a webserver running FreeBSD 4.4 and don't see any
reason to upgrade it... heck I know a guy running RedHat 4.x on a 486 and handles DNS and E-mail serving quite well.... I believe it is a web-server as well.

I run OpenBSD 3.1 on a couple of machines and 3.2 on a couple of others. How does that in any way interfere with me keeping up with some of the cooler developments in -current or getting excited about some great features in a future version? I see your point, but I dont think its a real valid one.

Ahh... I see your point then... my excuse is that I don't have enough time



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Mucman
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Mucman
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Its amazing. I cant believe I am the only person interrested enough in his OS of choice to keep up with some of the cutting edge (or atleast edgey) stuff the developers are doing. Is Linux that boring or am I?

I don't want to be a tester . I'm of the old philospohy; If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I love seeing Joe Shmoe get suckered into upgrading their PII400 to a PIV 1.8GHz with 512M RAM and an 80GB HD for a machine that browses the web and does E-mail. I got a webserver running FreeBSD 4.4 and don't see any
reason to upgrade it... heck I know a guy running RedHat 4.x on a 486 and handles DNS and E-mail serving quite well.... I believe it is a web-server as well.

I run OpenBSD 3.1 on a couple of machines and 3.2 on a couple of others. How does that in any way interfere with me keeping up with some of the cooler developments in -current or getting excited about some great features in a future version? I see your point, but I dont think its a real valid one.

Ahh... I see your point then... my excuse is that I don't have enough time

There is always a little bit of time to glance through a mailing list. I do it mostly while eating lunch at work. Of course, I snuck into a Rush concert one time when I was working at a concert place to see the drummer's solo (I can never remember how to spell Niel's (?) name). So I make time for interresting stuff, even with my 4-5 12 hour work days


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
It's Neil

At work I am too busy to read anything larger than a paragraph... That really pisses me off because I end up doing work related research at home
At home I am usefully setting up, or programming something or another. I would have much more time if people would just leave me alone

In other words, my reading is usually focused on whatever I am actually working on... I lose focus easily, so if I was to read the latest and greatest
articles about OpenBSD + PF I would start working on that when I should be working on migrating my mail server.


Mar 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Mucman
It's Neil

At work I am too busy to read anything larger than a paragraph... That really pisses me off because I end up doing work related research at home

At home I am usefully setting up, or programming something or another. I would have much more time if people would just leave me alone

In other words, my reading is usually focused on whatever I am actually working on... I lose focus easily, so if I was to read the latest and greatest articles about OpenBSD + PF I would start working on that when I should be working on migrating my mail server.
My problem is that if I start reading about all sorts of interesting (hardware or software) stuff, I loose track of time and end up not getting done anything useful. So although I used to follow Linux related (not directly kernel stuff, though, because that's way over my head) development pretty closely, I don't read much in that area any more.

Thus, my systems may be somewhat out of date, but I don't really care as long as they're stable and capable of letting me get my work done. So, aside from an occasional trip to Windows Update, or the once or twice weekly running of "apt get update ; apt-get upgrade", my software doesn't get upgraded that much.

BTW, not to go off topic, but I heard Rush's "Freewill" recently, and found that I liked it. So can you recommend a song or two for me to downl^H^H^H^H^Hcheck out?
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