So what's everyone's thoughts on the new Zune firmware and software?

Oct 19, 2000
I made sure to get up about 30 minutes early this morning so I could update my Zune firmware and software in order to mess around with it a bit today at work. So far I think both are very worthy upgrades. Any of my following thoughts are from limited use so far.

Just to let you know of my qualifications of judging this new Zune outfit, I've owned my Zune 30 since day 1, and it is by far my favorite player that I've owned (out of the iPod Nano and Vision M). I also have a Zune Pass subscription, the $14.99/month music rental deal. I'm running on Vista Ultimate.

First up, the new Zune Marketplace software. MUCH better than before. The old software was a merely rebadged WMP11, which was ok I guess, but the Marketplace front was slow and felt clunky at time. This new software seems very well laid out, and so far in my experience, it's FAST. Everything from bringing up the Marketplace front page to switching between artists and albums quickly. I like how the default view of the local music list shows artists on the left, albums in the middle, and songs on the right. Everything is right there immediately without having to switch between tabs or links.

I like how the Martketplace is laid out, especially when I first looked for an artist to see if any new albums had been added (they supposedly added quite a few new songs, a couple million I think?). When you are in an artist or album view, the rest of that artist's albums appear at the bottom of the screen for quick navigation. On the old software, you had to click a couple of times to get into another album.

But overall, the Zune software is fast so far in my testing. The entire suite got a makeover, nothing of the old software remains. I was able to download the new software and install it directly over top the old, and had 0 issues with it. I love the way everything looks, it's got a decidedly Apple feel to the buttons and such, which I'm fine with. The changeable textured background adds a very unique feel to the software. It amazes me that after seeing this software and the new Zune Originals marketing, that Microsoft can actually pump out something that is as stylish as this.

As for the new firmware, it works fine so far. It updated with absolutely no problems, and did so in about 60 seconds....pretty quick. The new top menu looks awesome with the enlarged font, I much prefer this one over the old one. So far, after playing around with the new interface in my car on the way to work, it seems a bit faster than the old one. On the old, sometimes it would pause a second when switching between songs (most other times it was instant), but on the new interface, I haven't had it really slow on me once (I haven't used it nearly as much, though, so we'll see how this goes). The new animation when switching album art in a shuffled playlist is nice and quick so far.

The one thing I don't like about the new firmware/interface is the smaller font size of the artist/album/song names during playback. Why did they make these smaller? From the distance I view the screen in my car, it takes more than a quick glance now to see what's playing if I don't recognize the song. Even the menus past the top menu have had all of their fonts reduced. This is a minor inconvenience for me, as I liked the bigger type size, but I'll make do. I guess they wanted to be able to fit more on the screen, and this may not even be as big of a problem with the bigger 3.2" screen on the Zune 80, compared to the 3.0" screen on my Zune 30 (not sure if that extra 0.2" would make a difference).

I did test out wireless syncing this morning, and it worked perfectly. It seemed quite slow in my one test, but I'll definitely be trying it out more tonight. Seems like it took a couple of minutes to sync just one 3 minutes song.....hopefully this isn't the norm.

Overall, I'm extremely happy. I've definitely gotten my money's worth . I enjoyed my Zune before, and my biggest complaint was the software. Now that the new software seems to be a much more enjoyable experience, I'm looking forward to using it much more often. A HUGE :thumbsup: from me on both the firmware and software.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I ran across the new online functionality that is much like an XBOX Live account. You have an online persona, which looks to report info such as songs played, favorite song, currently playing, etc. Kind of a neat idea, and it looks to tie in together with the rest of Microsoft's Live offerings.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2005
Well I overslept and woke up about 3 hours late this morning. Luckily it gave me a chance to download the new software and update my zune firmware so I could test it out on the way to work.

The new software is so much better. It feels very smooth, much smoother than the old software. I was a bit worried about trying to install over the old software, but luckily it turned out good. The layout is much nicer as well. I like the look and placement of things, and the settings are much easier to find now.

I really like the new firmware, also. I just wish they would have fit all of the main options onto the screen without requiring me to scroll down. The fonts are huge, and all they had to do was decrease font size to get them to fit. It's not a big deal, just something that kind of bugs me Maybe the Zune 80 doesn't do this?

I also noticed some lag when changing songs on the old firmware. I haven't ran into that yet, so it looks like they improved on that.

I haven't tried out the wireless sync yet. I'll do that later.

I linked my zune to my passport account, and it turns out that it shows all of my xbox friends on my zune page. I sent you a message blurred as a test ... just seeing how everything works. I"ll be interested to see if it shows my played music when I connect my Zune later on tonight.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2005
Originally posted by: RandomFool
I read that a bunch of people have having issues software: id3 tags, missing features and failed installs. I'm installing it now.

ARe people complaining that the tags aren't being retrieved from the internet properly? All of my tags are saved on each mp3 and I turn off the "retrieve information from the internet" option. They have all shown up just fine... so far. I will spend more time on that tonight.

The failed installs part doesn't surprise me really. I was worried about that as I installed.It took a while for me but I think it was just scanning and loading all of my music back in. (7700 songs)


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2001
Something about it not reading the id3 tags correctly and albums showing up incorrectly. My initial thoughts when I saw the interface was "hold shat that's the interface?" I'm going to find a copy of Mario galaxy now and play with it more later.
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: chrisg22
Originally posted by: RandomFool
I read that a bunch of people have having issues software: id3 tags, missing features and failed installs. I'm installing it now.

Are people complaining that the tags aren't being retrieved from the internet properly? All of my tags are saved on each mp3 and I turn off the "retrieve information from the internet" option. They have all shown up just fine... so far. I will spend more time on that tonight.

Well, I've had my Zune on all day after posting this thread this morning, and I have seen a couple of instances of messed up tags. I have around 1600 songs on my Zune currently, and I'd guess that about 75% of those are downloaded via my Zune subscription pass. The other 25% are mp3's that I already had. However, of those mp3's I already had, the Zune software has updated those for me long ago....I never really inputted any info in those manually.

One example is that the Daughtry cd now shows the album artwork from Chevelle's "This Type of Thinking ...." album, but all the other info looks correct. I guess I'll go through tonight and see what else is wrong, but other than that, I've had no problems.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2001
Something went wacky when I ran the sync, I've got tons of double songs showing up now. I don't think it's the new software's fault because I've been messing with my tags and noticed there were some issues pre-update. It's just worse now. I'm gonna wipe my Zune and try resyncing it.

What the heck happened to the update info button in the Zune player?


Apr 19, 2003
Well I updated the software and firmware at lunch and everything went smoothly. When I was updating the firmware I was worried for a few minutes because Windows kept dinging at me and throwing hardware error messages but I just left it alone and all went well. Whew!

As far as the software goes, I spent about 10 minutes messing around with it and a couple of things bother me. I don't like any of the background themes that are provided. They're all too light. I liked the darkness of the old software so I hope they add that back. That's just a minor thing though. More important to me is that I can't copy/paste the album artwork (from Amazon for example) into the software anymore or edit the album info. When I would right click and choose add artwork, it wanted the location of the jpg on my computer. Before, I could just paste it in and the software would take it from there. So that's annoying to me.

I'm big into podcasts so I'll be messing around alot with that section tonight.


Jul 17, 2003
My update went well, and I'm floored. The firmware update isn't all that big of departure, just more of a spit-shine (not that it needed much more). The software is a huge departure though, and it's mostly for the better. The only thing I can't figure out is how to remove a file from the sync list. Other than that it's been great.
Oct 19, 2000
Wow, I'm loving the Zune Card online functionality. Here's mine:

Chris, you sent me my first message through social aspect of the Zune software (and left a comment, how nice ), and you asked me about the song's played listing on the Zune Card. Looks like it will list your last songs as whatever you played on your device. Here's what happened with me. I've been using it at work all day, and I typically have it shuffling a huge playlist of songs. I have this same shuffle going on the way home. When I got home, I wanted to test the automatic wi-fi syncing, so instead of hooking it up to my computer, I sat it across the room and hooked it into a/c power. To my surprise, after it was plugged into the wall for about 2 minutes, the Zune software automatically popped up on my computer and started syncing while I was checking out a couple of websites really quick. I hadn't touched the Zune software yet, and it startled me when it just popped into the foreground. After it synced, I was able to close the Zune software, while the device still says "Sync Complete", and gives the ok button. Hopefully it will sync automatically again even though it's at this screen possibly requiring user input to make it go on. I'll update later.

But anyway, after it synced, I noticed Chris had sent me a message (noted by the (1) by the Social tab in the software's top menu), and I ended up going to my Zune Card online, which I linked above. It already showed the last few songs that had played on the way home from work, which is pretty cool. It also showed the most played of the day, of which I listened to a Dane Cook comedy album, and it showed 15 plays (the album has 15 tracks). Pretty awesome, although I'm sure I'll play a few songs here and there that I don't want anybody to know I listen to .

So basically, Chris, to answer your question, I didn't have to do anything to update the online Zune Card. It did everything automatically. I'm loving this so far, they've completely trumped anything the iPod has to offer IMO.

EDIT: Actually, you guys might not be able to see my recently played list, I think I turned that off in the settings this morning. Once I log in, I can see it fine. I'm going to turn it on now.

EDIT2: It's kinda stupid that you can read messages from within the Zune software, but to send one, you have to open a browser window (which it automatically does when you choose to send a message in the software). I say leave the browser out of it and keep it all in the software.

EDIT3: That auto-wireless sync is at it again. I changed in the settings to automatically sync all podcasts, and I still had some in a folder that I had downloaded from iTunes from well over a year ago. The Zune software had recognized it, properly organized it, and started syncing by itself. I had to stop it and delete all that crap .

Next up is the test to download a album and see if it syncs automatically when it gets done downloading.

EDIT4: Well, it seems to automatically sync wirelessly when you start up the software after downloading stuff in the previous section. However, not sure if it has some kind of timer to attempt an auto-sync if you leave the program open. Not that big of a deal I don't guess, you can always just click the sync button to make it start instead of closing and reopening.

EDIT5: Looks like everytime I download something, it automatically starts syncing it immediately. Awesome :thumbsup:.


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2005
WTF!! I just bought a Zune 80 and there's no EQ!!! The earbuds that come with it put out NO bass


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2005
Originally posted by: jdoggg12
WTF!! I just bought a Zune 80 and there's no EQ!!! The earbuds that come with it put out NO bass

there is EQ on the 30 Gb zunes... go to settings, then music. You'll see it there


Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: jdoggg12
WTF!! I just bought a Zune 80 and there's no EQ!!! The earbuds that come with it put out NO bass
Make sure you check for updated firmware. The Zune 80 may have firmware version 2.1 (without EQ) instead of version 2.2 (with EQ).


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2005
Originally posted by: SmoochyTX
Originally posted by: jdoggg12
WTF!! I just bought a Zune 80 and there's no EQ!!! The earbuds that come with it put out NO bass
Make sure you check for updated firmware. The Zune 80 may have firmware version 2.1 (without EQ) instead of version 2.2 (with EQ).

Zune 30 has it in 2.2, not the zune 80. It made me update to 2.2 before i could use it


Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: jdoggg12
Originally posted by: SmoochyTX
Originally posted by: jdoggg12
WTF!! I just bought a Zune 80 and there's no EQ!!! The earbuds that come with it put out NO bass
Make sure you check for updated firmware. The Zune 80 may have firmware version 2.1 (without EQ) instead of version 2.2 (with EQ).

Zune 30 has it in 2.2, not the zune 80. It made me update to 2.2 before i could use it
I could have sworn everything I read today said the EQ is there. It's not in Settings-Music like the 30?


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2005

3/4 the way down
No equalizer. In a design decision that surprised me, the Zune team did not include EQ capability in this release. I queried Microsoft about this and got some insight into this decision. The Zune team evidently went to great lengths to ensure top quality throughout the signal path - delivering 32 ohms of signal to the headsets. (Indeed, the first-gen' player was favorably-viewed for its sound quality.) EQ obviously modifies the sound content, which can have a significant battery impact. And, while some users clearly make extensive use of EQ, it is apparently not considered a "must-have" feature by many. The decision came down to an attempt to balance performance, quality and price.


Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: jdoggg12

3/4 the way down
No equalizer. In a design decision that surprised me, the Zune team did not include EQ capability in this release. I queried Microsoft about this and got some insight into this decision. The Zune team evidently went to great lengths to ensure top quality throughout the signal path - delivering 32 ohms of signal to the headsets. (Indeed, the first-gen' player was favorably-viewed for its sound quality.) EQ obviously modifies the sound content, which can have a significant battery impact. And, while some users clearly make extensive use of EQ, it is apparently not considered a "must-have" feature by many. The decision came down to an attempt to balance performance, quality and price.
That's a pre-release review. MS changed at the last minute and added an EQ.

ETA - My bad jdoggg12. After reading some more, I thought they had also added it to the 80. Apologies and sorry for the confusion.


Apr 19, 2003
Any of you heavy podcast listeners? If so, what do you think about how that's set up? Personally, I think it could be much better. The global settings only work on podcasts you add after you set them so make sure you know what you're doing when you begin. If you change them afterwards, you have to go and change each subscription's settings to get them off of the previous global settings. That really sucks.
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: SmoochyTX
Any of you heavy podcast listeners? If so, what do you think about how that's set up? Personally, I think it could be much better. The global settings only work on podcasts you add after you set them so make sure you know what you're doing when you begin. If you change them afterwards, you have to go and change each subscription's settings to get them off of the previous global settings. That really sucks.

I actually did notice that. I had changed the default setting of how many podcasts to keep from 3 to 5. Once I subscribed to a video podcast, I figured that to be too much, and changed it back to 3. All further podcast subscriptions downloaded only the latest 3, but it didn't change that first one. I finally figured out I had to right click on the sub, and manually go back in and change it to 3.


Apr 19, 2003
Anybody having a problem with an artist/band sticking in their Zune tag even though it hasn't been played in several days and shows as the last thing played?
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: SmoochyTX
Anybody having a problem with an artist/band sticking in their Zune tag even though it hasn't been played in several days and shows as the last thing played?

Even though we've traded a few messages back and forth, I'll just type this here. I'm thinking that maybe it doesn't add it to your Zune Card unless the song is played completely beginning to end. Meaning, if you change the song or stop it 2 seconds before it ends, then it won't count.

I could be completely wrong on this, it's just a guess based on my experience so far.


Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Originally posted by: SmoochyTX
Anybody having a problem with an artist/band sticking in their Zune tag even though it hasn't been played in several days and shows as the last thing played?

Even though we've traded a few messages back and forth, I'll just type this here. I'm thinking that maybe it doesn't add it to your Zune Card unless the song is played completely beginning to end. Meaning, if you change the song or stop it 2 seconds before it ends, then it won't count.

I could be completely wrong on this, it's just a guess based on my experience so far.
Hmmm. I've played many songs all the way through since Saturday and since installing the software today but Billy Squier just won't go away. No matter what I do.
Oct 19, 2000
You know, from playing songs all day on my upgraded Zune 30, I've been thinking a lot that the sound quality was better than before. I didn't give it much more thought, though, because I just figured I was imagining it from all of the newness of everything. But many others, I've been reading, also say their sound quality is definitely improved after upgrading their Zune 30's. Anyone else hearing clearer music?


Senior member
Mar 9, 2004
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Wow, I'm loving the Zune Card online functionality. Here's mine:

EDIT3: That auto-wireless sync is at it again. I changed in the settings to automatically sync all podcasts, and I still had some in a folder that I had downloaded from iTunes from well over a year ago. The Zune software had recognized it, properly organized it, and started syncing by itself. I had to stop it and delete all that crap .

Next up is the test to download a album and see if it syncs automatically when it gets done downloading.

EDIT4: Well, it seems to automatically sync wirelessly when you start up the software after downloading stuff in the previous section. However, not sure if it has some kind of timer to attempt an auto-sync if you leave the program open. Not that big of a deal I don't guess, you can always just click the sync button to make it start instead of closing and reopening.

EDIT5: Looks like everytime I download something, it automatically starts syncing it immediately. Awesome :thumbsup:.

Are you saying that if you add something to your library by downloading it that the zune automatically syncs wirelessly? If so does this only happen when you download something or can you like add a playlist and have it sync up?
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