So why did Hillary lose?

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Oct 6, 2009
That might be oversimplifying things too much. It's more like the dogs have enough shit to do, to not be worrying about what's going on over in the farmer's house. They may come knocking when food hasn't been put out for the 3rd day straight though.

Unfortunately those who live in the farmer's house have mastered the art of releasing just enough information in just the right way to get all the hounds riled up.
No. People were paying attention this time. They don't want to be able to determine what is bullshit and what is true. They only care that they are being told exactly what they want to hear.


Dec 15, 2015
No. People were paying attention this time.

Some were, some were just listening to the rhetoric. Some were just voting party lines. Some were just voting pro-whatever. This is the same as every other election. You think 90%+ of the voting population hangs out in political message boards with other (relatively) intelligent primates, discussing politics in-depth, listening to point vs counter point vs counter counter point forever? No. They listen to what fox/cnn say, hear about all the bad shit each side says/does, and make a decision based on whatever.

Researching stuff takes too much time for non-nerds to delve in to, and figuring out what is bullshit and what is truth with these shitsticks we get as our potential leaders takes more time than the VAST majority of Americans has time for.


Nov 10, 2003
A few more things. Hillary will flip of anything whenever it suits her agenda. She was against gay marriage but then flipped. She was for the TTP but then flipped again. By any mean necessary to achieve her goal.


Oct 6, 2009
Some were, some were just listening to the rhetoric. Some were just voting party lines. Some were just voting pro-whatever. This is the same as every other election. You think 90%+ of the voting population hangs out in political message boards with other (relatively) intelligent primates, discussing politics in-depth, listening to point vs counter point vs counter counter point forever? No. They listen to what fox/cnn say, hear about all the bad shit each side says/does, and make a decision based on whatever.

Researching stuff takes too much time for non-nerds to delve in to, and figuring out what is bullshit and what is truth with these shitsticks we get as our potential leaders takes more time than the VAST majority of Americans has time for.
Bullshit. I personally put the research right under their noses. THEY DON"T CARE. Their minds are made up and NOTHING will change them. They don't get to plead ignorance.
Reactions: ivwshane


Dec 15, 2015
Bullshit. I personally put the research right under their noses. THEY DON"T CARE. Their minds are made up and NOTHING will change them. They don't get to plead ignorance.

Guy, that's what I'm saying. Putting that research there still means it has to be verified, citations verified, ensure that nothing was left out in order to craft a specific agenda, etc. Due to the barrier of entry for an omnipotent political awareness, most simply pick a hot-button issue and go with whichever candidate swings that way, barring anything apocalyptic from that (or another) candidate which swings them elsewhere.

They may not get to plead ignorance, but they can plead fatigue. Eventually the person has to decide whether it really matters between the douche and the turd.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016

Nope, we've been hating on Hillary for decades, Comey just pissed us off.

Jan, 1998, "Vast right wing conspiracy" was when I began to really hate the woman. Bill was guilty, and she knew it. $30 million dollars+ to impeach him. How many lives could that $ have changed? But we spent it proving they were liars, and it was just a drop in the bucket over the decades investigating them. Ken Starr was on the road to the USSC until his career was sidetracked on that mouse hunt, he was/is a good man and would have been a good justice.



Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Nope, we've been hating on Hillary for decades, Comey just pissed us off.

Jan, 1998, "Vast right wing conspiracy" was when I began to really hate the woman. Bill was guilty, and she knew it. $30 million dollars+ to impeach him. How many lives could that $ have changed? But we spent it proving they were liars, and it was just a drop in the bucket over the decades investigating them. Ken Starr was on the road to the USSC until his career was sidetracked on that mouse hunt, he was/is a good man and would have been a good justice.

Ken Starr was a muck-raking piece of shit. He was charged with investigating Clinton investments, that was it. No wrong doing was found. On his own authority, he expanded his investigation into areas where he never had a right to go. I believe his prosecutorial misconduct rose to the level of criminal. For fucks sake, the shit bag was literally investigating whether the president got a blow job or not.


Nov 27, 2001
Most people that I know seem to be celebrating the fact that Clinton lost. You may say, "Well, how is this different than other years?" Normally, you celebrate the fact that your candidate won rather than the opponent losing. I know it sounds weird as they're intrinsically linked, but it's the viewpoint that you take on it that matters here. These same people also express dislike for Trump, but their displeasure over Clinton was far more vehement.
Reactions: TeeJay1952


Oct 6, 2009
Nope, we've been hating on Hillary for decades, Comey just pissed us off.

Jan, 1998, "Vast right wing conspiracy" was when I began to really hate the woman. Bill was guilty, and she knew it. $30 million dollars+ to impeach him. How many lives could that $ have changed? But we spent it proving they were liars, and it was just a drop in the bucket over the decades investigating them. Ken Starr was on the road to the USSC until his career was sidetracked on that mouse hunt, he was/is a good man and would have been a good justice.

OMG he lied about getting a blow job, a question that should never have been asked in the first place. Let's pretend that's the same as lying about corruption or committing outright fraud. Ken Starr was a fucking scumbag, and all the loons that bought into that fiasco just expose their ignorance and/or refusal to discuss actual issues.


Jun 9, 2016
Your conclusion is only one of many possible explanations for that data. That sort of question can be answered "yes" for reasons other than "white nationalism."

I think it's far more likely that basic human psychological factors like fear of change, scapegoating and xenophobia far, far outweigh any KKK style nationalism. "Immigrants" makes a common enemy which in turn makes a common voting bloc. It's just basic psychological principles.

My conclusion is based on actual research as to what these people respond to, and their response to racial resentment is certainly off the charts, with trump pretty much proving this in a live test. It's possible you can generalize/model this empirical effect with some "deeper" psychological reason of fearing the other or whatever, but it's not as if that removes the racial resentment observable.


Oct 6, 2009
Guy, that's what I'm saying. Putting that research there still means it has to be verified, citations verified, ensure that nothing was left out in order to craft a specific agenda, etc. Due to the barrier of entry for an omnipotent political awareness, most simply pick a hot-button issue and go with whichever candidate swings that way, barring anything apocalyptic from that (or another) candidate which swings them elsewhere.

They may not get to plead ignorance, but they can plead fatigue. Eventually the person has to decide whether it really matters between the douche and the turd.
Sorry again. These people faced with contradictory evidence would then SPEND THE TIME to go on Google and look for any link that told them what they actually wanted to hear. Multiple non-partisan fact checking sites? I DON'T TRUST THEM THEY ARE PART OF LIBERAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA LYING TO ALL YOU SHEEP. Breitbart? Zerohedge? Alex Fucking Jones? I'll take anything they say as gospel because it's what I want to hear!


Jun 9, 2016
Agent's perspective that this outcome was about race is a partial truth. White resentment was one factor. Not the most important because as I said above, a chunk of swing voters elected Trump. Those pivotal voters were likely not very racist. They just didn't like Clinton, for reasons both real and perceived. Given that this was the case, it is pointless to speculate about the degree of racism among core Trump supporters, because they are partisan and would have voted for any GOP candidate, with or without Trump's aggressive anti-immigrant stance.

So let me get this straight. All research on the matter points to racial resentment as the driving cause of this election and american politics in general. Trump is the only one smart enough to embrace that as a primary strategy, and demonstrates its veracity by winning against all comers, to the "astonishment" of the establishment (that includes you). Remember that cognitive dissonance thing y'all like to accuse conservatives of? Well, it's not some kind of GOP-only disease, though even their estab clearly didn't want to believe it was so simple, too. Appeal to latinos when they can just do this instead? Ha, the fools.

Out of curiosity, since you are one who is arguing that Clinton essentially ignored white working class voters, what do you think she could have done to appeal to them? The only thing I can think of is not saying "basket of deplorables." From a policy perspective, I can't think of a single thing. If white working class people think that conservative economic policies, like cutting taxes on the super rich, are to their benefit, there is nothing the democrats can do about that unless they want to become a conservative party instead of a liberal one. Liberals believe that the economic policies they favor benefit everyone but the super rich, not just minorities. So what specific positions should she have taken to win over the white working class voters?

The greater insight I was thinking of last night is this, and you would probably concur:

The centrist democrats actually did quite a favor for that midwest region by saving the domestic auto industry to the vilification of the right for it. Half those people literally would not have jobs if the gop had its way. If you're to believe the tale of Jesus, he was all about helping people out for some just reward down the line, and the obama/clinton christians certain lived up to that.

Well, this is the reward they got, and it's all the more clearly given the kind of degenerate the "christian" right voted for. There's a very illuminating lesson into human nature to be had here for those not afflicted by idealism enough to learn it.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2011
Most people that I know seem to be celebrating the fact that Clinton lost. You may say, "Well, how is this different than other years?" Normally, you celebrate the fact that your candidate won rather than the opponent losing. I know it sounds weird as they're intrinsically linked, but it's the viewpoint that you take on it that matters here. These same people also express dislike for Trump, but their displeasure over Clinton was far more vehement.

This accurately describes my thoughts. Im not glad trump won, im just glad clinton lost.
Reactions: Double Trouble


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
OMG he lied about getting a blow job, a question that should never have been asked in the first place. Let's pretend that's the same as lying about corruption or committing outright fraud. Ken Starr was a fucking scumbag, and all the loons that bought into that fiasco just expose their ignorance and/or refusal to discuss actual issues.

Funny how that worked out, huh?


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
As a liberal who supported Obama and Hillary, I've been struggling to make sense of this. On one hand I recognize that I fell victim to the reflexive dismissal of these disaffected rural voters as racists and bigots. Now for a good deal of these people I think that perception is absolutely true, but thats not really the point. The plight of poor blacks manifests undesirable behaviors as well, yet liberals like myself for some reason extend more sympathy to these people due to the historical victimization of blacks as a whole, while they both are legitimately hurting. Democrats and Republicans alike have both victimized this group in different ways. Democrats outright dismiss them, while Republicans have exploited their resentment for the political ends of their donor class while actually working against their interests by helping dismantle trade unions and fighting universal health care. The Republican party likely thinks this has been some kind of validation of conservative orthodoxy, but I think that would be a grievous misreading of the message they have sent. These people dont want what the Paul Ryan's of the party have been selling. They want respect, jobs, and opportunity. If they are given these things, much like poor blacks, the rough edges will be smoothed over, and deplorable can give way to respectable.

The positive I am trying to take from this is that Trump might have wrecked both party establishments, and may give rise to new coalitions that might actually be interested in governing rather than pandering. Much like Trump's ex-wives, he might have little use for the voting coalition that got him there and may ditch it for a new one that sits in the middle somewhere. Trump could propose a deficit funded single payer healthcare system, or a massive infrastructure program and his supporters would gobble it up. His desire for personal greatness should hopefully compel him to be a successful and transcendent president, and spending his time in office catering only to the people who got him there would not further that goal.

With that said, it's far more likely that this will be a fucking disaster, but I'm seeking any silver lining in this mess that I can find.
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Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
I would say not funny at all, actually.

Termination is the suggested punishment for sex on the job as a federal employee, and most private employers, why should he have been any different.

I actually liked him, but I was explaining the origin of my dislike of Hillary. I'm clueless why the party thought she could win.


May 15, 2000
Good lord that was a ton of bullshit! Did you even watch the election this year? Prior to her announcing and for the first half of the year she did nothing but small appearances and town halls.

Hillary didn't connect because she's a horrible politician and she had a horrible message. She did exactly everything you think she should have done and she certainly had better, more detailed, and more realistic plans to address their concerns than anyone in either party including Bernie.

That certainly played into it, but you don't fight through that kind of slime by calling those people that would otherwise vote for you a "basket of deplorables." The Clintons navigated through those decades of mud-tossing pretty well, but all the while they were instrumental in re-shaping the party from a progressive, populist, working-class party to a more centrally elitist "big solution" party that stuck to high-minded think-tank socioeconomic experimentation to try and convince those working class stiffs to "learn to be like us!"--upward mobility (your job disappeared because that's what happens in societies; you are probably better off gaining new skills to make yourself competitive in interesting times--you just need to be a harvard-educated master of the universe like us and your life will be better!) rather than address the fact that these people really aren't going to be moving to different places and easily gaining new skills. This is the kind of thing I believe in (well, I don't think anyone can just easily be some harvard-educated MotU) and, to some degree think it's a workable practice if you instead treat people with respect and dignity, work with them in their world rather than tell them what they need to do to be more mobile and change their lives. This election was a kick in the ass for the modern democratic party and they really need to get back to those core values and learn how to talk to their historic base again.

None of this was reflected in the polling, but it is exactly what happened. Hillary could have probably survived that kind of nonsense had she spent more time talking to these people rather than preach at them from afar.

Dems have a legit problem here and it has been brewing for some time. The altright nutters have been saying it and no one listened to them. I don't find it difficult to admit how foolish we were on this because there really is no other way to look at it, when you consider the specific counties and demographics of obama and bernie "change" working class folks that roundly rejected her. These were also Bill people. You can argue all you want that their thinking Trump would fix them was irrational, but they still voted. Their problems are real and they do feel pain. They have repeatedly voted for the simplest message that promises to fix things for them. How hard is it to accept that several decades of these voters hearing hope and change and free trade, supporting it, then either having it bite them in the ass or the hope people just walk away from them once they got their vote, is going to cause real, visceral anger?

For all his faults and all his lies and blustering, Trump realized that and despite all advice he received to ignore them, he still went for them. And it worked. Conway and the Sp33dy's and LK's around here were constantly talking about this "silent, hidden Trump supporter base" lurking outside the polling. They were right. ..and these are democratic voters. That has to sting and I hope it does.

Remember how many hoped that Repubs would "learn from 2012" and become more inclusive, less radical, less racist and dismissive of poor people? Think they care about that anymore? Nope. Let's hope the dems, at least, absorb the primary lessons here and make attempts to restore their traditional base. Of course, that all assumes that Trump was just lying to them with empty promises as everyone before him. What if he wasn't? What if, even through dumb luck, these folks lot truly improves in the next couple of years?


May 15, 2000
Exactly. Her message was anti trump. That doesn't work. I'm in California and was still bombarded by her negative ads and I thought they became annoying after a while. We get it! Trump sucks! But why should we vote for you? And I never saw an ad that articulated that reason very well.

Being in Oklahoma I didn't see many ads, but the ones I did see for Hillary were pretty terrible at actually motivating people. The were basically along the lines of Trump would be a bad role model, he says mean things, etc. Trump gave so much real ammunition to hit him, but they constantly went back to the "he's a jerk" card. Everyone already knew he was jerk, hit him on his flip-flops, lies and crazy policies. I just don't see how that would've really motivated anyone that wasn't already going to vote for her. Someone earlier in the thread talked about identity politics hurting her, and I would agree, even though I lean left (especially on social issues) some of the mentality of identity politics turns me off a lot and I know it turns off others far more.

She also took the rust belt for granted, even though Bernie beat her there. I never saw her really take a stand against outsourcing in any real way, and I can understand the people in that part of the country being sick of all the good jobs going away (not that I think Trump will fix that).

She was also a very easy target to sling mud at, and Trump is extremely good at slinging mud. She could've helped herself out by not using the private server or coming clean on it day one. It probably would've also been better to release the speeches, etc. But the hacks and the October 28th FBI letter were out of her control and could've made a big enough difference in this election and both allowed a lot more mud to stick. Her lack of press confidences all fed the untrustworthy/secretive narrative.

Finally, she is also just not inspirational. I can easily watch Obama or Bill speak, but even though I supported her, I never could watch her give a stump speech. I also couldn't stand listening to Trump, but he obviously inspired some people.
Reactions: Double Trouble


May 15, 2000

Ken Starr was a muck-raking piece of shit. He was charged with investigating Clinton investments, that was it. No wrong doing was found. On his own authority, he expanded his investigation into areas where he never had a right to go. I believe his prosecutorial misconduct rose to the level of criminal. For fucks sake, the shit bag was literally investigating whether the president got a blow job or not.

Hmmm... That sounds awfully like how the email "scandal" started. Can anyone, after seven (8?) investigations into Benghazi tell me what how her emails are relevant?


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
Exactly. Her message was anti trump. That doesn't work. I'm in California and was still bombarded by her negative ads and I thought they became annoying after a while. We get it! Trump sucks! But why should we vote for you? And I never saw an ad that articulated that reason very well.

Exactly, Chuck Todd was commenting on that this morning on CNBC, he said he gave her a couple opportunities to verbalized a clear message, and she wouldn't, just said "We're stronger together." And that she wasn't Trump.

She had some good positions and god knows she was qualified and understood how our government works, IMHO, she would have been an effective POTUS, she just didn't connect well, then things like her public and private positions came out, like people suspected when she wouldn't release the transcripts of her paid speeches. Honestly, she was right, but it sure didn't play well with voters, she needed to be more subtle...
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