So why did Hillary lose?

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Jun 22, 2001
Guessed that sky-high stock prices under Obama aren't a correct representation of the economic well-being for the majority of the population.
Wall St is always happy when they have a puppet and turnstiles in high government positions. Take that away and they are scared.


Jun 22, 2001
Wait a second, the right wants the death penalty when the bible says thou shalt not kill but it's not convenient for them at that moment right? I believe that a person should have control over their own bodies so if a woman wants to have an abortion, which I don't agree with, they should have the same right to choose just like an obese church goer making their 5th trip to the buffet bar does to keep themselves overweight. I don't want to pay for eithers medical expenses besides Jesus never promoted making rules over people to take their freedom of choice. Religion has always sought power and control over people which Jesus stood in opposition to. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man goes unto the Father but by him. Jesus is God in the flesh not religion.
The Bible also says that we are to submit to the government set by man. Romans 13:1
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.


Jun 11, 2004
Because most Americans want change. Hillary represented staying the course, and Trump represented change. This is the truest answer you're ever going to get.

I posed this in the other thread and will ask it here then, too.

If what you say is the truth and Americans want change, then why did they at the same polls vote back in nearly all the establishment incumbents assuring the course will stay exactly the same as it always has.
Reactions: NesuD


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
There are a lot of reasons why Trump won and Hilary lost.

I think the biggest reason is that Hilary just flat out isn't popular. People don't like her and don't trust her. Even her own Democrats don't trust her. Sure, the DNC put their weight behind her, but the voters didn't trust her. It didn't help that leaked emails revealed that the DNC was supporting her over Sanders instead of being impartial - that played right into Trump's hands.

Voters know what Trump will do - he pretty much spelled it out. With Hilary, they aren't so sure, because everyone thinks she is owned by the miltary industrial complex and supported by the establishment.

The other reason is that white voters are tired of being told to feel guilty for being born white. They are tired of the SJWs and the liberals, of being called racist and sexist. They want someone to inspire them, to make them feel proud of who they are, and Trump did exactly that.

This is why you see liberal tears all over the media - they can't believe it. Ironically, not only are these liberals extremely condescending of the political views of others, but they have even physically attacked Trump supporters.

The fact that you can be physically attacked for holding a politically incorrect view is exactly why Trump won. Liberals are so intolerant of other ideas, that they polarise more moderate voters in the opposite direction.

You still see this intolerance after the election - no congratulations from the liberals. Just tears and disbelief that anyone could be so "stupid" or "backwards" to vote Trump.

Well over half the voters did. Think about that.


Mar 17, 2008
1. Was the system rigged? I wouldnt put it pass him to try (getting help from the ruskies?(voting machines, rootkits))
2. The email hack (ruskies)
3. Wikileaks (assange)
4. Cambridge Analytica.(corporate america)

This is insane. Maybe the US should be building schools at home as well as in afghanistan and iraq. Idiocracy just turned reality show. A reality shitshow - playing to the tune of the russian national anthem. Stupid.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
All my peers in macroeconomics class are laughing at how stupid and naive the average American is. Trump is a moron as are his followers. Let's hope you idiots don't start the next Great Depression or World War 3 and drag Australia and NZ with you, but I wouldn't put it past you guys seeing as how you elected a clown as your president...


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
The fact that you can be physically attacked for holding a politically incorrect view is exactly why Trump won. Liberals are so intolerant of other ideas, that they polarise more moderate voters in the opposite direction.

Trump says the pie can expand. Leftists want us to fight over slices of the same old, zero sum, musty old government issue pie, into perpetuity.

Oh! And if you can manage to be designated as a member of a "protected class" by the appropriate gov't bureau, you get EXTRA pie.

It's OK. The people you're taking pie from need to be taught a lesson anyway.


Mar 17, 2008
All my peers in macroeconomics class are laughing at how stupid and naive the average American is. Trump is a moron as are his followers. Let's hope you idiots don't start the next Great Depression or World War 3 and drag Australia and NZ with you, but I wouldn't put it past you guys seeing as how you elected a clown as your president...

SpaceX is too late with that mars colonial transporter.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2009
Let the entertainment begin.
America, you are even dumber than we thought. Thanks.


Apr 12, 2004
All my peers in macroeconomics class are laughing at how stupid and naive the average American is. Trump is a moron as are his followers. Let's hope you idiots don't start the next Great Depression or World War 3 and drag Australia and NZ with you, but I wouldn't put it past you guys seeing as how you elected a clown as your president...

Holy shit, undergrads taking a 100/200-level econ class have an opinion. Thank you for educating us, you've corrected the record.
Reactions: Headfoot


Jun 9, 2016
Trump says the pie can expand. Leftists want us to fight over slices of the same old, zero sum, musty old government issue pie, into perpetuity.

Oh! And if you can manage to be designated as a member of a "protected class" by the appropriate gov't bureau, you get EXTRA pie.

It's OK. The people you're taking pie from need to be taught a lesson anyway.

Sure, the people who study this for a living haven't thought of that but evidently the conservative brain trust you're part of figured it out.


Jan 31, 2010
The pollsters caused Hillary the win. The skewed numbers pushed those who did not want her to be President to get out and vote as well as resulted in those who believed the polls that their votes weren't required as Hillary had the election in the bag. The beloved Five Thirty Eight got it so wrong from 70+% of winning to zero % of winning


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2008
Mainstream media outlets should have been unbiased and celebrities needed to keep their mouths shut. Enough people took a contrarian reaction to their Clinton Pimping/Trump Slamming to cost her the election.


Aug 5, 2000
Obama's ignored the will of the people on immigration and paid the price

The Repubs in Congress didn't do anything either. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall any serious legislation the Repubs introduced during Obama's two terms that dealt with closing the borders, or hunting down all of the illegals and deporting them wholesale, etc.

If anything, the Repubs in Congress sure as hell made a whole lot of noise about it, but that's about it.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
They (the dems) decided on a coronation for a major power in the party, rather than letting the people choose the best candidate to represent them. They ran basically the only person who could've lost to Trump. Their corruption makes them complicit as to why we have an unstable reality star as the most powerful man in the world.

They also pushed the wrong narrative against Trump. They focused on how he's personally an asshole, and what an asshole anyone who supported him was. That made his support dig in, and say fuck it - if you say I'm a racist/sexist/whatever for not liking Clinton, I'm just going to be against you, full bore. Instead of playing identity politics, and alienated the people they were trying to call over in the process, they should've focused on how Trump will be a disaster for his supporters, how the things they believe about him aren't true, and what he really is.

The narrative for the last few weeks shouldn't have been about pussy grabbing, they should've been about how he met with the President of Mexico and curled into a little ball and ran away instead of being the "I'm the dealmaker, I'll walk into a room and get the best deal from every world leader"

Condescending identity politics caused people to dig in, to feel attacked, to feel like they were battling against the great big PC machine that was taking over the country. It invigorated his support. His support should've been swept out from under him by showing that he couldn't do the things he said he'd do.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
Holy shit, undergrads taking a 100/200-level econ class have an opinion. Thank you for educating us, you've corrected the record.

"Holy shit, undergrads taking a 100/200-level econ class have an opinion"

None of that is an opinion. The man has marketed himself to morons, he's said ridiculous things and backtracked on them many times even so far as to blatantly lie and deceive his followers, yet your average Ameritard can't see past the halo effect for the imbecile he is and would rather stay entrenched in their delusional world.

Building a wall to keep Mexicans out (apparently w/out using tax payers' money) -> a ridiculous thing to say, how much of a moron do you have to be to believe this? It sounds like a 5 year old's answer to a very complex problem.

"Thank you for educating us"

I haven't educated anybody in my comment but it does seem like your average Trump supporter would benefit greatly from at least elementary-level education. Sadly you can't teach critical or rational thinking..


Aug 5, 2000
Every study and survey on the matter put racial resentment as the priority for trump fans (even above his primary challengers), and that metric is probably the best predictor of party affiliation these days. Frankly it's hard to dispute that his movement was based around what he was saying about the muslims and mexicans or such, again in contrast to even his primary foes.

Econ usually comes second as something they claim to, but the most detailed study of trump supporters by gallop found they general have high-ish incomes averaging >70k, so that can't be it.

So by the process of elimination, it's not hard to figure what really matters. Conservatives are right in that the media and educators suppress white nationalism (arguably for good reason), but the reality remains that this election set us straight far as what motivates more americans.

I mentioned earlier that a guy being interviewed on one of the networks about race being the deciding factor called it "White Lash" when he was referring to how a lot of folks didn't take kindly to the amount of attention that minorities were being given by the Dem Party and they voted with that in mind.

edit - Could this be a situation where the southern strategy has inadvertently regained steam and spread further across the nation?
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Golden Member
May 20, 2009
It's the anti-smugness vote for me. There is a difference about being right and informing people of facts and just being a flat-out smug mother f'er. The media being in the bag for Dems, smug as$wipes on this board, Obama, almost everywhere...the smug looks and speech about how people are morons if they don't agree with liberals. Liberals had it coming.

Now I can only hope the religtards don't get too much influence. And the Republican establishment wakes the f up and realizes this wasn't about their great policies or Never Trumpers.


Apr 12, 2004
The Repubs in Congress didn't do anything either. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall any serious legislation the Repubs introduced during Obama's two terms that dealt with closing the borders, or hunting down all of the illegals and deporting them wholesale, etc.

If anything, the Repubs in Congress sure as hell made a whole lot of noise about it, but that's about it.

That's definitely true. W got record Hispanic votes for a Repub and had the Texas thing on his side, and Rubio and Jeb (maybe even Cruz if he wasn't a creepy Canadian) were set up to continue things down that road, the former two even introducing/supporting amnesty legislation.

"Holy shit, undergrads taking a 100/200-level econ class have an opinion"

None of that is an opinion. The man has marketed himself to morons, he's said ridiculous things and backtracked on them many times even so far as to blatantly lie and deceive his followers, yet your average Ameritard can't see past the halo effect for the imbecile he is and would rather stay entrenched in their delusional world.

Building a wall to keep Mexicans out (apparently w/out using tax payers' money) -> a ridiculous thing to say, how much of a moron do you have to be to believe this? It sounds like a 5 year old's answer to a very complex problem.

"Thank you for educating us"

I haven't educated anybody in my comment but it does seem like your average Trump supporter would benefit greatly from at least elementary-level education. Sadly you can't teach critical or rational thinking..

You didn't say anything of substance. All I got out of you was "Ha, I'm from AUS/NZ, you guys are dumb, lol".

Yeah Trump exaggerates and lies plenty. He's turned himself into a proper politician remarkably fast. If you think Clinton didn't say ridiculous things, it's because you didn't pay attention or didn't care. E.g. "if we ban semi-automatic rifles, we can stop a disproportionately high murder rate in the inner cities", despite previous assault rifle bans being useless and most gun crimes having nothing to do with rifles.


Jun 9, 2016
How the fuck would you know? Are YOU one of the people who do that? No? Then zip it.
As might be inferred from some of my comments, I make a habit of reading academic lit when I can. Since you appear to be the polar opposite, I guess you'll have to take my word that econ & b school are rather aware of the role of investment.

I mentioned earlier that a guy being interviewed on one of the networks about race being the deciding factor called it "White Lash" when he was referring to how a lot of folks didn't take kindly to the amount of attention that minorities were being given by the Dem Party and they voted with that in mind.

edit - Could this be a situation where the southern strategy has inadvertently regained steam and spread further across the nation?

This is exactly the sort of thing racial resentment testing ask. Stuff like "are minority x getting ahead at the expense of whites", except maybe a tad less obvious. There's something like 40 something percent skew between D & R parties, which is higher than pretty much any other factor (sex, age, etc) except maybe race itself.

As for the southern strat, I think it's fairly clear that the country was never as far down that road as commonly seen in media or taught in school. Those institutions like to portray a post-racial society for the future generation, arguable a good cause but not representative of where the nation is. That's why you see the frustration at "political correctness", which was a system created for casual racists to appear less so in public; they obviously don't agree that is what's good for them.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
It's the anti-smugness vote for me. There is a difference about being right and informing people of facts and just being a flat-out smug mother f'er. The media being in the bag for Dems, smug as$wipes on this board, Obama, almost everywhere...the smug looks and speech about how people are morons if they don't agree with liberals. Liberals had it coming.

Now I can only hope the religtards don't get too much influence. And the Republican establishment wakes the f up and realizes this wasn't about their great policies or Never Trumpers.

You, I think I (preliminarily) like you.
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