So why did Hillary lose?

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Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
The voters rejected the perceived elitist establishment that Clinton represents. They voted for the idiot who gives everyone the middle finger because that's exactly how they feel.
"Holy shit, undergrads taking a 100/200-level econ class have an opinion"

None of that is an opinion. The man has marketed himself to morons, he's said ridiculous things and backtracked on them many times even so far as to blatantly lie and deceive his followers, yet your average Ameritard can't see past the halo effect for the imbecile he is and would rather stay entrenched in their delusional world.

Building a wall to keep Mexicans out (apparently w/out using tax payers' money) -> a ridiculous thing to say, how much of a moron do you have to be to believe this? It sounds like a 5 year old's answer to a very complex problem.

"Thank you for educating us"

I haven't educated anybody in my comment but it does seem like your average Trump supporter would benefit greatly from at least elementary-level education. Sadly you can't teach critical or rational thinking..

Attitudes like yours pissed off a lot of folks and motivated them to get out and vote for Trump. You can't win people over to your viewpoint by insulting and attacking them.

It's not that I don't agree with some of what you are saying, just how you are saying it. Attacking and denigrating voters often serves to simply cement their opposition.
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Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Another mistake was forgetting that these days, politics isn't seen as Serious Business. It's consumed as entertainment, where people root for their party like they root for their football team. This blindingly obvious political reality having somehow escaped them, they decided to nominate perhaps the least charismatic candidate to ever walk the Earth - a preternaturally inauthentic woman who habitually focus-grouped her every 3rd sentence and whose idea of humour was "I'm trying to get them to have Pokemon Go-To-The-Polls" - and put her up against a professional showman.

I think we can all agree that this was a tactical error.


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2006
Hillary was the worse possible candidate period. Nobody wanted another Bush or Clinton. She reeked of corruption.
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Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
You didn't say anything of substance. All I got out of you was "Ha, I'm from AUS/NZ, you guys are dumb, lol".

Yeah Trump exaggerates and lies plenty. He's turned himself into a proper politician remarkably fast. If you think Clinton didn't say ridiculous things, it's because you didn't pay attention or didn't care. E.g. "if we ban semi-automatic rifles, we can stop a disproportionately high murder rate in the inner cities", despite previous assault rifle bans being useless and most gun crimes having nothing to do with rifles.

You didn't say anything of substance. All I got out of you was "Ha, you're an undergrad, lol".

Yeah Trump exaggerates and lies plenty. He's turned himself into a proper politician remarkably fast. If you think Clinton didn't say ridiculous things, it's because you didn't pay attention or didn't care. E.g. "if we ban semi-automatic rifles, we can stop a disproportionately high murder rate in the inner cities", despite previous assault rifle bans being useless and most gun crimes having nothing to do with rifles.

You've basically admitted that Trump is a moron who has deceived his even dumber cohort of followers. We're on the same boat here now.

"If you think Clinton didn't say ridiculous things, it's because you didn't pay attention or didn't care. E.g. "if we ban semi-automatic rifles, we can stop a disproportionately high murder rate in the inner cities", despite previous assault rifle bans being useless and most gun crimes having nothing to do with rifles."

Not once did I mention the other moron, they are as bad as each other although Hillary is not the president of the US and Trump is. Had she been the president of the US I'd be attacking her personally esp. with her supporting a war on Syria. Your whataboutism doesn't make Ameritards voting for a lying, childish, stupid and downright fsckwit-of-a-supposed-man any less severe. The difference between the two candidates is obvious though and I'd rather vote for the person better educated. Trump is not educated, he is your average American (ironically this was the very same reason your average Ameritard voted for him, true?)


Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
Attitudes like yours pissed off a lot of folks and motivated them to get out and vote for Trump. You can't win people over to your viewpoint by insulting and attacking them.

Ah, so you Ameritards vote emotionally and not rationally? Tell me something I don't know. The entire election was a reality tv-show and you simpletons voted between either of the two candidates based solely on their personalities... right I get it...


Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
Another mistake was forgetting that these days, politics isn't seen as Serious Business. It's consumed as entertainment, where people root for their party like they root for their football team. This blindingly obvious political reality having somehow escaped them, they decided to nominate perhaps the least charismatic candidate to ever walk the Earth - a preternaturally inauthentic woman who habitually focus-grouped her every 3rd sentence and whose idea of humour was "I'm trying to get them to have Pokemon Go-To-The-Polls" - and put her up against a professional showman.

I think we can all agree that this was a tactical error.
This EXACTLY. Consumerism + Media, your average American is a moron waiting to be exploited.


Jun 9, 2016
Ah, so you Ameritards vote emotionally and not rationally? Tell me something I don't know. The entire election was a reality tv-show and you simpletons voted between either of the two candidates based solely on their personalities... right I get it...

In all fairness only half of us (technically closer to a quarter) voted for trump.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
It's the anti-smugness vote for me. There is a difference about being right and informing people of facts and just being a flat-out smug mother f'er. The media being in the bag for Dems, smug as$wipes on this board, Obama, almost everywhere...the smug looks and speech about how people are morons if they don't agree with liberals. Liberals had it coming.

Now I can only hope the religtards don't get too much influence. And the Republican establishment wakes the f up and realizes this wasn't about their great policies or Never Trumpers.

So much this. I'm an independent, but I find people on the right much less annoying. Mostly, at worst, they're just dumb. People (and the leftists here are a PERFECT example) on the left are beyond annoying - smug, self-righteous, condescending, and so quick to drop the racist/sexist label if you dare to disagree with them on most anything. Just look at all the "sexist/racist" charges flying on twitter this morning. Playing those cards so much undermines their power when they do need to be played, like on the issue of police abuse. It just gets tiresome.

I do think Trump's victory was a loss for our country, but I'm certainly not sad to see Hilary lose. She was and is a terrible candidate.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2007
Democratic superdelegates system distortion/corruption made her Democrat party's candidate and her own problems.
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Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
Ah, so you Ameritards vote emotionally and not rationally? Tell me something I don't know. The entire election was a reality tv-show and you simpletons voted between either of the two candidates based solely on their personalities... right I get it...

Yeah, sorry, I don't hang around here much and haven't figured out who's who. I thought you actually wanted to discuss the topic rationally. Didn't realize you only post here to call folks names and try to make yourself feel superior.

We're just a bunch of stupid Americans. <---work for you?
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Diamond Member
May 4, 2009
Well we could ignore the elephant in the room which is that Hillary is actually ahead in the popular vote...
So yes the real reason she lost is the electoral college.


Jan 6, 2005
The nothingburger proved to be incredibly flavorful.

You can't run an establishment candidate in a year of anti establishment sentiments

You can't run a candidate under FBI investigation and not expect it to distract and derail

It was not her turn, it never was and will never be

If you keep poking politically disenfranchised and inactive people and kick them while they are down, they may vote from a position of emotion

The eliticist snobbery of coastal liberals looking down on and dismissing the very people who at one time were the Democrat firewall was a fatal error

She screwed Sanders and did not meaningfully make him part of her campaign. He was her most vital asset she had, perhaps more so than Obama, and she under utilized him
Reactions: Headfoot


Jan 6, 2005
Well we could ignore the elephant in the room which is that Hillary is actually ahead in the popular vote...
So yes the real reason she lost is the electoral college.
It's not an elephant. That is not how elections work. Running up the score in large blue states does not an election win make. She lost states that clearly and decisively went to Obama the last two elections.


Jun 9, 2016
She screwed Sanders and did not meaningfully make him part of her campaign. He was her most vital asset she had, perhaps more so than Obama, and she under utilized him

This is pretty much right, and exposes a certain character flaw of Clinton. She is not charismatic and generally doesn't surround herself with differentiated talent; not a good choice for running nationally. Kaine is basically just the male version of her, and she choose him because of that, instead of playing politics correctly. Obama included an old fashioned white guy to complement the ticket (same as trump picking the religion guy) just to be safe, even though he could carry the thing by himself.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Misplaced anger. It's as simple as that.

It's a bit more complicated than that and it always is. In this case Hillary was the least popular person who Dems could have put up IMO and the polls reflected that from the beginning. Bernie beat Trump far more than Hillary did (for that matter a few had that distinction).

But Hillary was THE candidate selected and backed by the party faithful and that cost them dearly. Why? I think in large part people took a look at the corporatist and frankly a bit too oily. Then there was the DNC who was shown to be invested to beat Bernie and have Hillary at all costs. That didn't sit well with many nor did the attitude of some supporters. I remember being told that effectively nothing matters but winning. How sad, the ideals were sold out and it showed. Excuses and attacks became the norm, and while Trump certainly had more than enough against him, that became the focus instead of credible candidates who did not make a fortune from those who take advantage of the "average citizen".

Then there are people who have not recovered from the economic problems of the past who aren't minorities. Yes, white men. Aggregate statistics of economics moving in a trend does not translate into good, secure jobs. Hillary tells us that her daughters are privileged because they are white. Well they are that and the daughter of the Clintons and have a few hundred million dollars coming their way. That doesn't matter to people who lost their jobs no matter their color and find themselves not able to make ends meet.

In essence she and their supporters said "we don't care about you, you aren't a minority". Now you may disagree, but people regardless of color do not like to be told how great they have it while drawing from their retirement and running up credit cards to make up for the ever increasing wealth divide that Clinton clearly is on the side that benefits from.

The Democrats became a party of the minorities, the transgenders, the whatever, but they forgot about the majority who live in troubled times. The Big House became much smaller.

Then you have Trump who resonated with those people. Not all of them are racists although the Democrats often tried to make them out that way. To be sure many are but many are worried and have no voice in Hillary or the Democrats. Their support of Trump is a last ditch effort for someone to listen to them, the many who aren't the 1%. Trump offered some hope that their jobs wouldn't be shipped away again.

The Dems instead of responding to these people's worries labeled them as racist stupid hicks who hate everyone who is not a straight white male.

Well no. Straight white males is not a guarantee anymore. Those who aren't wealthy are insecure regardless of race or gender. Everyone wants a voice and that I believe is why Trump won. Not that he's a gem, the disfavorably rating proves most know that, but when there is no hope offered by the other side people will vote for a pig in a poke, and they have.


Dec 18, 2010
Hillary lost because working class people are tired of liberal agendas.

We are tired of free trade. We are tired of banks getting bailed out. We are tired of wall street getting a free ride. We are tired of obama being more interested in bathrooms than veterans.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Then why did people vote same Republicans back into Congress. That same group of people who have 15% approval ratings?

People in both parties usually like their congressperson even if they hate congress as a whole. The presidency is more often a proxy for these sorts of things.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2009
It's not an elephant. That is not how elections work. Running up the score in large blue states does not an election win make. She lost states that clearly and decisively went to Obama the last two elections.
Yes but it negates any statement of trumps agenda being what people actually want as a whole, which more than a few from the right fail to realize.

Also probably why Trump is already changing his tune.


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
So much this. I'm an independent, but I find people on the right much less annoying. Mostly, at worst, they're just dumb. People (and the leftists here are a PERFECT example) on the left are beyond annoying - smug, self-righteous, condescending, and so quick to drop the racist/sexist label if you dare to disagree with them on most anything. Just look at all the "sexist/racist" charges flying on twitter this morning. Playing those cards so much undermines their power when they do need to be played, like on the issue of police abuse. It just gets tiresome.

I do think Trump's victory was a loss for our country, but I'm certainly not sad to see Hilary lose. She was and is a terrible candidate.

Pretty much how I feel.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
Hillary lost because people don't like corruption and collusion with the media
Hillary lost because she failed to garner the support from blacks as Obama did
Hillary lost because the millennials all watched or read The Hunger Games


Jun 9, 2016
It's a bit more complicated than that and it always is. In this case Hillary was the least popular person who Dems could have put up IMO and the polls reflected that from the beginning. Bernie beat Trump far more than Hillary did (for that matter a few had that distinction).

But Hillary was THE candidate selected and backed by the party faithful and that cost them dearly. Why? I think in large part people took a look at the corporatist and frankly a bit too oily. Then there was the DNC who was shown to be invested to beat Bernie and have Hillary at all costs. That didn't sit well with many nor did the attitude of some supporters. I remember being told that effectively nothing matters but winning. How sad, the ideals were sold out and it showed. Excuses and attacks became the norm, and while Trump certainly had more than enough against him, that became the focus instead of credible candidates who did not make a fortune from those who take advantage of the "average citizen".

Then there are people who have not recovered from the economic problems of the past who aren't minorities. Yes, white men. Aggregate statistics of economics moving in a trend does not translate into good, secure jobs. Hillary tells us that her daughters are privileged because they are white. Well they are that and the daughter of the Clintons and have a few hundred million dollars coming their way. That doesn't matter to people who lost their jobs no matter their color and find themselves not able to make ends meet.

In essence she and their supporters said "we don't care about you, you aren't a minority". Now you may disagree, but people regardless of color do not like to be told how great they have it while drawing from their retirement and running up credit cards to make up for the ever increasing wealth divide that Clinton clearly is on the side that benefits from.

The Democrats became a party of the minorities, the transgenders, the whatever, but they forgot about the majority who live in troubled times. The Big House became much smaller.

Then you have Trump who resonated with those people. Not all of them are racists although the Democrats often tried to make them out that way. To be sure many are but many are worried and have no voice in Hillary or the Democrats. Their support of Trump is a last ditch effort for someone to listen to them, the many who aren't the 1%. Trump offered some hope that their jobs wouldn't be shipped away again.

The Dems instead of responding to these people's worries labeled them as racist stupid hicks who hate everyone who is not a straight white male.

Well no. Straight white males is not a guarantee anymore. Those who aren't wealthy are insecure regardless of race or gender. Everyone wants a voice and that I believe is why Trump won. Not that he's a gem, the disfavorably rating proves most know that, but when there is no hope offered by the other side people will vote for a pig in a poke, and they have.

The econ pitch sounds appealing but for the fact that trump's original supporters were hardly poor and the tag alongs still above average. The data does show however that they perceive their socioecon status encroached upon by minorities which rather compels them. Trump's racial resentment numbers are off the charts even compared to primary opponents.

This translates to our reality where the "good" jobs in middle america (where trump got most of his "suprise" support) whether in public (eg post, law enforcement) or private sector (eg mgmt) are still mostly white, and they worry that might not be true for their spawn with the brownies & such coming in. Those people are going to get the good jobs. It's pretty obvious with straight thinking that illegals working for less than minimal wage are hardly contending for that work, but evidently that's not how the people feel. Pretty easy to see trump's campaign was based largely around fanning those fears.
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