So you think the other camp didn't play dirty?

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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Gstanfor
I'm not for hire - at any price.

And never forget that we understand this just might be a convenient way to say, nobody would ever hire you. Of this, I have zero doubts.



Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: Gstanfor
I'm not for hire - at any price.

And never forget that we understand this just might be a convenient way to say, nobody would ever hire you. Of this, I have zero doubts.

lol nothing like a fresh flamefest first thing in the morning :laugh:


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Rage187
Originally posted by: Gstanfor
I'm not for hire - at any price.

I am..

/waiting for free gear.

AMD is more likely to have lots of under-performing stuff to give away

AMD is *deep* into viral marketing

as i found out that ATi was

yes, it was very one sided here against AEG
... and you can lay *that* blow-up at Rollo's feet


Jul 1, 2005
Yeah, I thought it was strange when "that guy" went to work for "that company". However I rarely went to "that site", so I was not familiar enough with the situation to give it much thought beyond it being a coincidence.

If what the linked article says is true, that's pretty bad. Borderline illegal maybe. For "that company" to pay someone to use a forum to spy on it's members...... disgusting.

I guess we will never know all the details for sure that's why I keep using "that whatever", but if it's true about any company not even "video card a" or video card b" it still seems to cross a line.

For the record I was not against the marketing groups at all. However, they should have been more upfront about it, especially when asked. While hiding your involvement in a marketing group is not as bad as what this thread is about, it still makes you a pretty crappy member of the community.



Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Rage187
Originally posted by: Gstanfor
I'm not for hire - at any price.

I am..

/waiting for free gear.

So am I. But I won't spy on people or read there personal messages.

However I will say how happy I am with "free gear A" or "free gear B" and post pictures of it often.

I'm not biased either.....send me a R600 or a new Barcelona system, something, please.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2006
Originally posted by: Wreckage
Originally posted by: Rage187
Originally posted by: Gstanfor
I'm not for hire - at any price.

I am..

/waiting for free gear.

So am I. But I won't spy on people or read there personal messages.

However I will say how happy I am with "free gear A" or "free gear B" and post pictures of it often.

I'm not biased either.....send me a R600 or a new Barcelona system, something, please.

Maybe thats why they wont hire you Maybe they carefully look for biased members to rave about how good their stuff is :Q


Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: ShadowOfMyself
Maybe thats why they wont hire you Maybe they carefully look for biased members to rave about how good their stuff is :Q

Bah, whatever I just want free stuff.


Mar 9, 2000
that wouldn't make any sense

Viral Marketing recruiters need to *cultivate* a forum member who is relatively respected and who *appears* to have some measure of fairness and balance
--that person is "subverted" ... over a long time

fair and balanced ...

sound familiar ?

"free stuff" ... some HW 'junk' to review ... then you send it back

--these guys are in it for the long haul ... i'd guess they'd start with university students


Golden Member
Jan 22, 2002
I don't get it. I always assumed David was biased against NVIDIA because he was upset 3dfx went out of business, a company he used to work for. So is this article claiming he was already working for ATI long before he officially announced his departure to work for ATI?


Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: AmdInside
I don't get it. I always assumed David was biased against NVIDIA because he was upset 3dfx went out of business, a company he used to work for. So is this article claiming he was already working for ATI long before he officially announced his departure to work for ATI?

It certainly seems that way.

Although I have always considered John Reynolds to be an ATI fanboy


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
At first I was like, "Huh? Gstanfor has a website?" Then I learned that they were talking about his obsession, Baumann.

John Reynolds

Dec 6, 2005
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
As many of you know, a certain owner of a popular 3D site always evangelized an IHV's hardware and seemingly always had inside information about their products. Eventually his role as owner of the website and chief advocate of that IHV earned him a place in it's marketing department.

I believe this is the website where the entire sordid affair of an IHV's viral marketing practices were first exposed to the online community--now we have some insight as to how this particular website owner learned of it's existence. According to John Reynolds, an ex-moderator, the site's owner actively perused people's private messages to ascertain their role as viral marketers and he then used that information against them publicly to the benefit of his preferred IHV and now employer. I don't know about the rest of you but I find the latter just as much if not more appalling than what happened with the viral marketing ordeal and the conduct of some if it's members. It shows this person (and perhaps the IHV) had no ethical boundaries and did anything he (or they) could to dig up dirt on the rival IHV's activities and it also exposes his hypocrisy as well as the company that now employs him. As a supporter of that IHV and this individual, I feel used and disgusted by his behavior.

I think a lot of this post is unfair and/or inaccurate. Dave did not "promote" ATI products over NVIDIA's in his articles/reviews. His forum posts often came down in opinion in ways favorable to ATI architectural designs, but I don't think your description is very accurate. Of course bias can take on very subtle colors and work in subtle ways, I'm not denying that.

I was involved in the AEG flap and never quite felt right about how things played out, which is why I made my blog post. I think some good guys like Ailuros and ChrisRay got burned pretty harshly out of the ordeal and I was never happy with that fallout. I just didn't expect this to turn into another new chapter in an old, dead soap opera, but emotions apparently run high when it comes to the graphics wars.


Golden Member
Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: n7
Drama drama drama :music:
Not to take away from your apt analysis, but...

Some scientific inquiry has been conducted on this subject. Cyclic forum dysfunction, or CFD, as it has come to be called, is a well-known yet rather rare disease affecting people who experience a significant amount of online social interaction, such as AT forumers. Research has been slow but fairly productive. There is no known cure, except abstention, yet people remain hopeful.

Victims of CFD are characterized by a perpetual desperation to feel strong emotions. Normally, to deal with the intense sense of desperation, they will work themselves up into outrage or fear and then triumphantly post how outraged, vindicated, or afraid they are over that topic. Knowledge of the subject matter seems tangential at best since the mistakes provide other CFD victims with the chance to counter misinformation with their own desperation through similar--but always "superior"--vitriol.

The desperation appears, in many cases, to be the manifestation of a deep but subconscious guilt or embarassment over the infantessimal importance of the topics and, to some small degree, their own lives, for having invested so much time in feeding the disease.

Strangely, these proudly dysfunctional people talk past each other, ignoring each others' emotive misaccomplishments. This, in turn, creates new injustices that serve as additional opportunities for forumers to display their various dysfunctions. It is like a group of circus clowns, each so focused on fixing their own dilemmas that they fail to recognize their "solutions" are perpetually causing each other's problems.

Put in a more positive light, it is an endless circle of life: the trolls' injustices feed the antitrolls with "reasons" for witch-hunts whilst taking a perverted delight in the comical manner with which the antitrolls become conspicuously oblivious to both the havoc they themselves wreak on the forum and the fact that the trolls are quite smugly feeding off the havoc. The appearance of mutual dependency has lead some to suspect that CFD may merely be a new form of "forum life" and not, in fact, a social dysfunction.

Occasionally, when frustration increases to a certain level, both sides will switch roles. The antitrolls will bait the trolls, who will, in turn, smite the antitrolls. Oddly, whether engaged in trolling or antitrolling, a forumer never seems to comprehend his/her part in the destruction although each troll and antitroll seems to gain a heightened awareness of the other's dysfunctions. This "tunnel vision" may last a lifetime--and often does.

Continued exposure to cyclic forum dysfunction has few known consequences, but most are relatively benign, affecting only those already inflicted with CFD. Often, victims may demonstrate chronic frustration and/or obsession over relatively trivial subjects such as RAM nomenclature, grammatical errors, use of smilies, choice of avatar names, and CFD-related threads (such as this one).

In extremely rare cases, CFD may lead to loss of life. Although the exact cause of death has never been properly isolated, scientifically speaking, indisputable fact tells us that some of those who engage in CFD flamewars are simply never heard from again. Depending on the custom of the forum, victims who have engaged in such practices immediately before disappearing are sometimes honored by placing the word "banned" by the individual's name, apparently as a last token of fond rememberance. The thread in which the victim fell is often "locked"--whether to prevent others from falling as well, or simply in honor of the dead, is kept secret. "Moderators" often warn forumers not to speak ill of the banned--or, in fact, to say anything at all.

On the rarest of occasions, locking one thread may not be enough. Increased incidence of CFD-related deaths in rapid succession may cause the discussion to branch out into multiple related threads, often involving many other victims. Even "locking" a thread has been known to trigger latent CFD symptoms even in seemingly normal people. In such cases, moderators may have no other choice but to lock all such threads and counsel certain of the more vocal victims via a mysterious superforumal communication device known as a "PM" or by leaving sufficiently-trite, disciplinary messages in victim's "signatures." (The latter is thought to be derived from shock therapy.)

The greatest problem with CFD diagnosis remains its indirect relevance to much of the outside world. Socially, victims exist within a "bubble" in which emotional stimuli are both created and consumed almost exclusively by actions and reactions within the bubble.

The forum exists to serve as a dynamic knowledge base of helpful information for those using video cards. Yet CFD symptoms never manifest when using video cards for any other reason than to engage in CFD-related discussions. As a result, regular forumers tend to avoid such discussions, and the world outside the forum is likewise almost never affected by such problems.

Sadly, this apathy effectively abandons many CFD victims to continue seeking respect only from those whom they most despise--each other. Their arguments continue without end, hopping from topic to topic, thread to thread, constantly seeking new insults, quips, and reprisals with which to engage battles for which there is no victory.

Despite these problems, there remains a fundamental disconnect between the world outside the bubble and the world inside the bubble. Those trapped within the bubble may be engaged in "crusades" that have no impact--and seemingly, no purpose--on the outside world. During interactions between the two worlds, the CFD victim will see his/her world burning in flames, his/her reputation assailed by countless demons (often called fanboys, although the etymology remains baffling), etc. while a normal person will merely see distraught individuals, in a tranquil field, obsessed trading mock blows over imaginary problems. For the CFD victim, perception and realitiy are one and the same.

In truth, if the CFD victims unknowingly met in the real world, without discussing "video" topics, they would likely coexist peaceably--or at least as well as any two normal people. This disorder remains almost exclusively in the online portion of one's life. No data has yet determined whether the disorder will evolve and threaten the victim's "real life."

The root cause of CFD itself remains a mystery, but it has been likened to substance abuse, the term "forum abuse" having been adopted by moderators in lieu of a more scientific term. In accordance with this hypothesis, "temporary banning" is sometimes used to enforce short abstinence in victims who appear to be headed past the "point of no return." It has also been speculated that the sight of the word "banned" next to the victim's name is another form of shock therapy.

Analysis of CFD treatment has been somewhat hampered by the facts that (a) no one actually knows each other, (b) no victim is aware of his/her condition, and (c) nobody really cares. Unfortunately, little work is being done to overcome these limitations.

In the field of virtual CFD therapy, as in any new field of treatment, the community as a whole has regarded the "treatments" with thinly veiled suspicion. Opinions range from mild suspicion about hidden moderator agendas to wild conspiracy theories tying moderators and GPU designers into an unholy union fraught with slippery slopes, "bannage," and "bad PR." Some, who may or may not themselves be suffering from CFD, have even gone so far as to accuse "other forums'" moderators of using the condition as an excuse for personal vendettas, that somehow moderators are behind the killing (i.e. banning) of certain forum personalities.

No thanks to a lack of funding, ongoing research has revealed that periodic exposure to something CFD victims blankly refer to as "real life" can bring some relief from the tension and need for mental self-degradation. Full cessation of online socialization may, in fact, be too demanding for many victims, so it is recommended that they be worked into this gradually. And while there are legitimate reasons for online congregation, and while incidence of CFD-related forum abuse is slim, clearly, we must think of the children.

Just say NO to forums. :thumbsdown:



Jul 1, 2005
It would appear to be a touchy subject over at B3D

I think this thread serves no useful purpose now (or at the beginning, at least for the current B3D), so unless JR has something legit to add or clarify I'll be stopping it here. Take side issues via private channels if you must, and anyone who thinks I closed this thing unjustly can contact me directly.

They closed the discussion, that's kind of trying to sweep it under the rug if you ask me.


Nov 4, 2006
Originally posted by: Wreckage
It would appear to be a touchy subject over at B3D

I think this thread serves no useful purpose now (or at the beginning, at least for the current B3D), so unless JR has something legit to add or clarify I'll be stopping it here. Take side issues via private channels if you must, and anyone who thinks I closed this thing unjustly can contact me directly.

They closed the discussion, that's kind of trying to sweep it under the rug if you ask me.

fine by me, i'd rather read the more technical stuff and actually learn something, than read pages of online soap opera.
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