So you think the other camp didn't play dirty?

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Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
Originally posted by: nullpointerus
Originally posted by: n7
Drama drama drama :music:
Not to take away from your apt analysis, but...

Some scientific inquiry has been conducted on this subject. Cyclic forum dysfunction, or CFD, as it has come to be called, is a well-known yet rather rare disease affecting people who experience a significant amount of online social interaction, such as AT forumers. Research has been slow but fairly productive. There is no known cure, except abstention, yet people remain hopeful.

Victims of CFD are characterized by a perpetual desperation to feel strong emotions. Normally, to deal with the intense sense of desperation, they will work themselves up into outrage or fear and then triumphantly post how outraged, vindicated, or afraid they are over that topic. Knowledge of the subject matter seems tangential at best since the mistakes provide other CFD victims with the chance to counter misinformation with their own desperation through similar--but always "superior"--vitriol.

The desperation appears, in many cases, to be the manifestation of a deep but subconscious guilt or embarassment over the infantessimal importance of the topics and, to some small degree, their own lives, for having invested so much time in feeding the disease.

Strangely, these proudly dysfunctional people talk past each other, ignoring each others' emotive misaccomplishments. This, in turn, creates new injustices that serve as additional opportunities for forumers to display their various dysfunctions. It is like a group of circus clowns, each so focused on fixing their own dilemmas that they fail to recognize their "solutions" are perpetually causing each other's problems.

Put in a more positive light, it is an endless circle of life: the trolls' injustices feed the antitrolls with "reasons" for witch-hunts whilst taking a perverted delight in the comical manner with which the antitrolls become conspicuously oblivious to both the havoc they themselves wreak on the forum and the fact that the trolls are quite smugly feeding off the havoc. The appearance of mutual dependency has lead some to suspect that CFD may merely be a new form of "forum life" and not, in fact, a social dysfunction.

Occasionally, when frustration increases to a certain level, both sides will switch roles. The antitrolls will bait the trolls, who will, in turn, smite the antitrolls. Oddly, whether engaged in trolling or antitrolling, a forumer never seems to comprehend his/her part in the destruction although each troll and antitroll seems to gain a heightened awareness of the other's dysfunctions. This "tunnel vision" may last a lifetime--and often does.

Continued exposure to cyclic forum dysfunction has few known consequences, but most are relatively benign, affecting only those already inflicted with CFD. Often, victims may demonstrate chronic frustration and/or obsession over relatively trivial subjects such as RAM nomenclature, grammatical errors, use of smilies, choice of avatar names, and CFD-related threads (such as this one).

In extremely rare cases, CFD may lead to loss of life. Although the exact cause of death has never been properly isolated, scientifically speaking, indisputable fact tells us that some of those who engage in CFD flamewars are simply never heard from again. Depending on the custom of the forum, victims who have engaged in such practices immediately before disappearing are sometimes honored by placing the word "banned" by the individual's name, apparently as a last token of fond rememberance. The thread in which the victim fell is often "locked"--whether to prevent others from falling as well, or simply in honor of the dead, is kept secret. "Moderators" often warn forumers not to speak ill of the banned--or, in fact, to say anything at all.

On the rarest of occasions, locking one thread may not be enough. Increased incidence of CFD-related deaths in rapid succession may cause the discussion to branch out into multiple related threads, often involving many other victims. Even "locking" a thread has been known to trigger latent CFD symptoms even in seemingly normal people. In such cases, moderators may have no other choice but to lock all such threads and counsel certain of the more vocal victims via a mysterious superforumal communication device known as a "PM" or by leaving sufficiently-trite, disciplinary messages in victim's "signatures." (The latter is thought to be derived from shock therapy.)

The greatest problem with CFD diagnosis remains its indirect relevance to much of the outside world. Socially, victims exist within a "bubble" in which emotional stimuli are both created and consumed almost exclusively by actions and reactions within the bubble.

The forum exists to serve as a dynamic knowledge base of helpful information for those using video cards. Yet CFD symptoms never manifest when using video cards for any other reason than to engage in CFD-related discussions. As a result, regular forumers tend to avoid such discussions, and the world outside the forum is likewise almost never affected by such problems.

Sadly, this apathy effectively abandons many CFD victims to continue seeking respect only from those whom they most despise--each other. Their arguments continue without end, hopping from topic to topic, thread to thread, constantly seeking new insults, quips, and reprisals with which to engage battles for which there is no victory.

Despite these problems, there remains a fundamental disconnect between the world outside the bubble and the world inside the bubble. Those trapped within the bubble may be engaged in "crusades" that have no impact--and seemingly, no purpose--on the outside world. During interactions between the two worlds, the CFD victim will see his/her world burning in flames, his/her reputation assailed by countless demons (often called fanboys, although the etymology remains baffling), etc. while a normal person will merely see distraught individuals, in a tranquil field, obsessed trading mock blows over imaginary problems. For the CFD victim, perception and realitiy are one and the same.

In truth, if the CFD victims unknowingly met in the real world, without discussing "video" topics, they would likely coexist peaceably--or at least as well as any two normal people. This disorder remains almost exclusively in the online portion of one's life. No data has yet determined whether the disorder will evolve and threaten the victim's "real life."

The root cause of CFD itself remains a mystery, but it has been likened to substance abuse, the term "forum abuse" having been adopted by moderators in lieu of a more scientific term. In accordance with this hypothesis, "temporary banning" is sometimes used to enforce short abstinence in victims who appear to be headed past the "point of no return." It has also been speculated that the sight of the word "banned" next to the victim's name is another form of shock therapy.

Analysis of CFD treatment has been somewhat hampered by the facts that (a) no one actually knows each other, (b) no victim is aware of his/her condition, and (c) nobody really cares. Unfortunately, little work is being done to overcome these limitations.

In the field of virtual CFD therapy, as in any new field of treatment, the community as a whole has regarded the "treatments" with thinly veiled suspicion. Opinions range from mild suspicion about hidden moderator agendas to wild conspiracy theories tying moderators and GPU designers into an unholy union fraught with slippery slopes, "bannage," and "bad PR." Some, who may or may not themselves be suffering from CFD, have even gone so far as to accuse "other forums'" moderators of using the condition as an excuse for personal vendettas, that somehow moderators are behind the killing (i.e. banning) of certain forum personalities.

No thanks to a lack of funding, ongoing research has revealed that periodic exposure to something CFD victims blankly refer to as "real life" can bring some relief from the tension and need for mental self-degradation. Full cessation of online socialization may, in fact, be too demanding for many victims, so it is recommended that they be worked into this gradually. And while there are legitimate reasons for online congregation, and while incidence of CFD-related forum abuse is slim, clearly, we must think of the children.

Just say NO to forums. :thumbsdown:

Wow.... I hate to be a troll, but dude I think you need to get laid.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
I would like to see a review by that guy that was biased. He ran a good site. If some feel that some good people got burned by working for aeg, so what? At least one of them works for nvidia now and most likely most of them. History is full of good reporters that took marketing jobs. The ex owner of that site never lead the charge against viral marketing and he didn't ban the members involved. If their reputation got tainted, well it was their own secretiveness and public response that caused that. That blog reads like someone was trying to absolve themselves of guilt for being part of the mob. Allegations about reading private mail should be backed up.


Mar 9, 2000
starting to?

it depends whose opinions you read

--just like here

the DO like the technical stuff more

is there *anyone* that doubts that AMD uses viral marketing ... right now and right here at ATF?

--or that ATi actively employed it during the AEG scandal?

is there?

the Aeg guys were just *sloppy* ... we caught Rollo pretty easily

--- now it's *all* in-house

you will hear no disclosures ... anymore

John Reynolds

Dec 6, 2005
Regarding the last few posts, I think the comments are a little unfair. Absolutely feel free to think what you will concerning past events, but ascribing the negativity toward current management who were in no way involved is simply unfair. Rys, the current EIC, used to be a tech-head over at and I always thought he did a bang-up job in his reviews. And while I don't want to speak for him out of turn/place, I don't believe he was too happy either over the AEG flap, particularly for how it affected certain members (ChrisRay comes to mind). So you might want to judge the job he's doing as webmaster of a tech site on the content he and his staff provide since he donned the EIC hat and not on past events he wasn't involved in or couldn't control/influence.


Mar 9, 2000
B3D changed hands ... in other words?

i can only imagine why they don't want it dredged up ... it is *old* news

and we *know* all major tech companies employ viral marketing

it is a sad fact of life ... as we are important ... as a forum to the big companies

the people who have no ethics will always take unfair advantage ... and the people with good morals won't ...

"our job" is to find who to believe


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Don't see what Chris Ray lost? He is still well liked and got his job with Nvidia. Seems dumb to blame Dave Bauman for the the reaction of others to a secret group getting free Nvidia hardware and future jobs.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: ronnn
Don't see what Chris Ray lost? He is still well liked and got his job with Nvidia. Seems dumb to blame Dave Bauman for the the reaction of others to a secret group getting free Nvidia hardware and future jobs.

i think the whole point is that while everyone was *dumping* on Rollo and AEG ... the ATi viral marketeers were hard at work - all the while making out nvidia to be "evil" when ATi did exactly the *same* thing


Dec 10, 2000
i think the whole point is that while everyone was *dumping* on Rollo and AEG

Rollo deservedly got dumped on for his own actions, and was the poster child for "why" AEG was bad for the enthusiast community and AT.

He continually tried and succeeded to sidetrack important threads like NV40's purevideo debacle with disinformation when he clearly didn't have clue what he was even talking about.

He insulted good forum members, and often used ridicule with the knowlege that his "fan club" would jump into the fray with him.....often ending threads with pointless talk of Mopars and the parenting skills of his latest target's folks.

He drove good, contributing members away from this forum.....for good, and it has yet to recover.

He wrongly singled me out personally because of my well known involvement as a Beta tester for ATI in an attempt to deflect the forum heat away from himself when his lies came to light.

I've spent countless hours testing various configurations, helping fellow enthusiasts, posting threads, campaigning against features that are heavily marketed yet never implemented or working...because I'm an enthusiast and enjoy it. Bastards like Rollo take the spirit away from true enthusiasts and turn places like this into a steaming pile of ego driven fanboys.

I've pretty much lost my enthusiasm and pretty much stepped aside as a direct result, and I'm not alone...but by all means, continue on with your hero worship of that ass.:roll:


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I syill think this thread doesn't belong in Video, but I digress.

People who work for Nvidia/ATI/AMD/Intel/etc posing as Forum members would be fine, if the extent to their activities were to simply help people to have the best experience possible with the particular Product(s) from their respective Employer. However, especially with Rollo, this was certainly not the case. Disinformation, fabricated problems, and attempts to undermine others became the prime directive. Whether the Viral Marketers intended that or not they certainly condoned it and don't deserve any respect.

AT and many other websites/Forums were intended to Help Users out, not to be Marketing Battlegrounds using any means deemed necessary to achieve another Sale.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: sandorski
I syill think this thread doesn't belong in Video, but I digress.

People who work for Nvidia/ATI/AMD/Intel/etc posing as Forum members would be fine, if the extent to their activities were to simply help people to have the best experience possible with the particular Product(s) from their respective Employer. However, especially with Rollo, this was certainly not the case. Disinformation, fabricated problems, and attempts to undermine others became the prime directive. Whether the Viral Marketers intended that or not they certainly condoned it and don't deserve any respect.

AT and many other websites/Forums were intended to Help Users out, not to be Marketing Battlegrounds using any means deemed necessary to achieve another Sale.

how do you know what they were *intended* for?

don't forget 'entertainment' as a huge draw for forums ... and fanboys have *always* existed ... in Video since the first discreet video cards.


Originally posted by: rbV5
i think the whole point is that while everyone was *dumping* on Rollo and AEG

Rollo deservedly got dumped on for his own actions, and was the poster child for "why" AEG was bad for the enthusiast community and AT.

He continually tried and succeeded to sidetrack important threads like NV40's purevideo debacle with disinformation when he clearly didn't have clue what he was even talking about.

He insulted good forum members, and often used ridicule with the knowlege that his "fan club" would jump into the fray with him.....often ending threads with pointless talk of Mopars and the parenting skills of his latest target's folks.

He drove good, contributing members away from this forum.....for good, and it has yet to recover.

He wrongly singled me out personally because of my well known involvement as a Beta tester for ATI in an attempt to deflect the forum heat away from himself when his lies came to light.

I've spent countless hours testing various configurations, helping fellow enthusiasts, posting threads, campaigning against features that are heavily marketed yet never implemented or working...because I'm an enthusiast and enjoy it. Bastards like Rollo take the spirit away from true enthusiasts and turn places like this into a steaming pile of ego driven fanboys.

I've pretty much lost my enthusiasm and pretty much stepped aside as a direct result, and I'm not alone...but by all means, continue on with your hero worship of that ass.:roll:
more BS *half-quotes*

i figured it out ... you only read my posts UNTIL you find something "objectionable"
--nevermind that is NOT what my post said

NO hero worship

NO "excusing" of viral marketing

JUST pointing out the HYPOCRICY of the former ATi Fanboys

their company is *deep* into viral marketing

we have AMD viral marketeers - right now - logged into our forums

--read their PMs



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: ronnn
Don't see what Chris Ray lost? He is still well liked and got his job with Nvidia. Seems dumb to blame Dave Bauman for the the reaction of others to a secret group getting free Nvidia hardware and future jobs.

i think the whole point is that while everyone was *dumping* on Rollo and AEG ... the ATi viral marketeers were hard at work - all the while making out nvidia to be "evil" when ATi did exactly the *same* thing

So exactly where did ati do exactly the same thing. If so uncover these paid operatives, so we can ignore them. Blaming Dave Bauman for Chris Ray taking a job with Nvidia is pathetic and just dumb character assassination. If Dave Bauman was guilty of promoting ati over nvidia while running b3d, well prove it or shut up. The present editor has admitted to better connections with nivida so should he be fired also?


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
NO hero worship

NO "excusing" of viral marketing

JUST pointing out the HYPOCRICY of the former ATi Fanboys

their company is *deep* into viral marketing

we have AMD viral marketeers - right now - logged into our forums

If you know of a HRC member here who is denying his/her affiliation while at the same time derailing threads to glorify ATi and downplaying nVidia please point them out.

Yes, ATi practices Viral Marketing. But I think it's pretty useless when nVidia has the G80 out and the best ATi can use to compete with it is their X1950XTX.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: nullpointerus
Originally posted by: n7
Drama drama drama :music:
Not to take away from your apt analysis, but...

Some scientific inquiry has been conducted on this subject. Cyclic forum dysfunction, or CFD, as it has come to be called, is a well-known yet rather rare disease affecting people who experience a significant amount of online social interaction, such as AT forumers. Research has been slow but fairly productive. There is no known cure, except abstention, yet people remain hopeful.

Victims of CFD are characterized by a perpetual desperation to feel strong emotions. Normally, to deal with the intense sense of desperation, they will work themselves up into outrage or fear and then triumphantly post how outraged, vindicated, or afraid they are over that topic. Knowledge of the subject matter seems tangential at best since the mistakes provide other CFD victims with the chance to counter misinformation with their own desperation through similar--but always "superior"--vitriol.

The desperation appears, in many cases, to be the manifestation of a deep but subconscious guilt or embarassment over the infantessimal importance of the topics and, to some small degree, their own lives, for having invested so much time in feeding the disease.

Strangely, these proudly dysfunctional people talk past each other, ignoring each others' emotive misaccomplishments. This, in turn, creates new injustices that serve as additional opportunities for forumers to display their various dysfunctions. It is like a group of circus clowns, each so focused on fixing their own dilemmas that they fail to recognize their "solutions" are perpetually causing each other's problems.

Put in a more positive light, it is an endless circle of life: the trolls' injustices feed the antitrolls with "reasons" for witch-hunts whilst taking a perverted delight in the comical manner with which the antitrolls become conspicuously oblivious to both the havoc they themselves wreak on the forum and the fact that the trolls are quite smugly feeding off the havoc. The appearance of mutual dependency has lead some to suspect that CFD may merely be a new form of "forum life" and not, in fact, a social dysfunction.

Occasionally, when frustration increases to a certain level, both sides will switch roles. The antitrolls will bait the trolls, who will, in turn, smite the antitrolls. Oddly, whether engaged in trolling or antitrolling, a forumer never seems to comprehend his/her part in the destruction although each troll and antitroll seems to gain a heightened awareness of the other's dysfunctions. This "tunnel vision" may last a lifetime--and often does.

Continued exposure to cyclic forum dysfunction has few known consequences, but most are relatively benign, affecting only those already inflicted with CFD. Often, victims may demonstrate chronic frustration and/or obsession over relatively trivial subjects such as RAM nomenclature, grammatical errors, use of smilies, choice of avatar names, and CFD-related threads (such as this one).

In extremely rare cases, CFD may lead to loss of life. Although the exact cause of death has never been properly isolated, scientifically speaking, indisputable fact tells us that some of those who engage in CFD flamewars are simply never heard from again. Depending on the custom of the forum, victims who have engaged in such practices immediately before disappearing are sometimes honored by placing the word "banned" by the individual's name, apparently as a last token of fond rememberance. The thread in which the victim fell is often "locked"--whether to prevent others from falling as well, or simply in honor of the dead, is kept secret. "Moderators" often warn forumers not to speak ill of the banned--or, in fact, to say anything at all.

On the rarest of occasions, locking one thread may not be enough. Increased incidence of CFD-related deaths in rapid succession may cause the discussion to branch out into multiple related threads, often involving many other victims. Even "locking" a thread has been known to trigger latent CFD symptoms even in seemingly normal people. In such cases, moderators may have no other choice but to lock all such threads and counsel certain of the more vocal victims via a mysterious superforumal communication device known as a "PM" or by leaving sufficiently-trite, disciplinary messages in victim's "signatures." (The latter is thought to be derived from shock therapy.)

The greatest problem with CFD diagnosis remains its indirect relevance to much of the outside world. Socially, victims exist within a "bubble" in which emotional stimuli are both created and consumed almost exclusively by actions and reactions within the bubble.

The forum exists to serve as a dynamic knowledge base of helpful information for those using video cards. Yet CFD symptoms never manifest when using video cards for any other reason than to engage in CFD-related discussions. As a result, regular forumers tend to avoid such discussions, and the world outside the forum is likewise almost never affected by such problems.

Sadly, this apathy effectively abandons many CFD victims to continue seeking respect only from those whom they most despise--each other. Their arguments continue without end, hopping from topic to topic, thread to thread, constantly seeking new insults, quips, and reprisals with which to engage battles for which there is no victory.

Despite these problems, there remains a fundamental disconnect between the world outside the bubble and the world inside the bubble. Those trapped within the bubble may be engaged in "crusades" that have no impact--and seemingly, no purpose--on the outside world. During interactions between the two worlds, the CFD victim will see his/her world burning in flames, his/her reputation assailed by countless demons (often called fanboys, although the etymology remains baffling), etc. while a normal person will merely see distraught individuals, in a tranquil field, obsessed trading mock blows over imaginary problems. For the CFD victim, perception and realitiy are one and the same.

In truth, if the CFD victims unknowingly met in the real world, without discussing "video" topics, they would likely coexist peaceably--or at least as well as any two normal people. This disorder remains almost exclusively in the online portion of one's life. No data has yet determined whether the disorder will evolve and threaten the victim's "real life."

The root cause of CFD itself remains a mystery, but it has been likened to substance abuse, the term "forum abuse" having been adopted by moderators in lieu of a more scientific term. In accordance with this hypothesis, "temporary banning" is sometimes used to enforce short abstinence in victims who appear to be headed past the "point of no return." It has also been speculated that the sight of the word "banned" next to the victim's name is another form of shock therapy.

Analysis of CFD treatment has been somewhat hampered by the facts that (a) no one actually knows each other, (b) no victim is aware of his/her condition, and (c) nobody really cares. Unfortunately, little work is being done to overcome these limitations.

In the field of virtual CFD therapy, as in any new field of treatment, the community as a whole has regarded the "treatments" with thinly veiled suspicion. Opinions range from mild suspicion about hidden moderator agendas to wild conspiracy theories tying moderators and GPU designers into an unholy union fraught with slippery slopes, "bannage," and "bad PR." Some, who may or may not themselves be suffering from CFD, have even gone so far as to accuse "other forums'" moderators of using the condition as an excuse for personal vendettas, that somehow moderators are behind the killing (i.e. banning) of certain forum personalities.

No thanks to a lack of funding, ongoing research has revealed that periodic exposure to something CFD victims blankly refer to as "real life" can bring some relief from the tension and need for mental self-degradation. Full cessation of online socialization may, in fact, be too demanding for many victims, so it is recommended that they be worked into this gradually. And while there are legitimate reasons for online congregation, and while incidence of CFD-related forum abuse is slim, clearly, we must think of the children.

Just say NO to forums. :thumbsdown:

LOL! :laugh:

Post of the year :thumbsup:


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: ronnn
Don't see what Chris Ray lost? He is still well liked and got his job with Nvidia. Seems dumb to blame Dave Bauman for the the reaction of others to a secret group getting free Nvidia hardware and future jobs.

i think the whole point is that while everyone was *dumping* on Rollo and AEG ... the ATi viral marketeers were hard at work - all the while making out nvidia to be "evil" when ATi did exactly the *same* thing

So exactly where did ati do exactly the same thing. If so uncover these paid operatives, so we can ignore them.

ATi has employed viral marketeers ... at the same time as AEG ... they are "in house" - like nvidia, now - which makes exposing them more difficult

feel free to deny all you want ...

i DO tend to ignore them as i do most trolls ... and i debate them when i am called out by name or when it suits me.

the *rest*of your quote had nothing whatsoever to do with me or my PoV

Yes, ATi practices Viral Marketing. But I think it's pretty useless when nVidia has the G80 out and the best ATi can use to compete with it is their X1950XTX.

and thanks, josh6079 ... they DO

but AMD *needs* it now more then ever - when they are behind

already they are undermining the "credibility" of DT and pointing at other sites to confuse the issue that r600 underperforms


Mar 25, 2002
Originally posted by: rbV5

Rollo deservedly got dumped on for his own actions, and was the poster child for "why" AEG was bad for the enthusiast community and AT.

He continually tried and succeeded to sidetrack important threads like NV40's purevideo debacle with disinformation when he clearly didn't have clue what he was even talking about.

He insulted good forum members, and often used ridicule with the knowlege that his "fan club" would jump into the fray with him.....often ending threads with pointless talk of Mopars and the parenting skills of his latest target's folks.

He drove good, contributing members away from this forum.....for good, and it has yet to recover.

He wrongly singled me out personally because of my well known involvement as a Beta tester for ATI in an attempt to deflect the forum heat away from himself when his lies came to light.

I've spent countless hours testing various configurations, helping fellow enthusiasts, posting threads, campaigning against features that are heavily marketed yet never implemented or working...because I'm an enthusiast and enjoy it. Bastards like Rollo take the spirit away from true enthusiasts and turn places like this into a steaming pile of ego driven fanboys.

I've pretty much lost my enthusiasm and pretty much stepped aside as a direct result, and I'm not alone...but by all means, continue on with your hero worship of that ass.:roll:

Did you get free stuff?



Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: John Reynolds
Regarding the last few posts, I think the comments are a little unfair. Absolutely feel free to think what you will concerning past events, but ascribing the negativity toward current management who were in no way involved is simply unfair. Rys, the current EIC, used to be a tech-head over at and I always thought he did a bang-up job in his reviews. And while I don't want to speak for him out of turn/place, I don't believe he was too happy either over the AEG flap, particularly for how it affected certain members (ChrisRay comes to mind). So you might want to judge the job he's doing as webmaster of a tech site on the content he and his staff provide since he donned the EIC hat and not on past events he wasn't involved in or couldn't control/influence.

My only problem with this issue at R3D is, they were all over the AEG issue but they want to sweep this information under the carpet. They are locking threads for even discussing it. That to me is an admission of guilt and they would like it to go away.

It's hypocritical at best.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
So now it is viral marketers that question the validity of the DT? I thought DT brought that on themselves by being a speculative site. The R600 will either be able to compete or not. Personally I would be surprised that amd bothered releasing the chip if it performed that poorly.

The best logic of all is that ati hires viral marketeers (have no proof, but I know), so the hidden cell of aeg types that got busted are now redeemed.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: sandorski
I syill think this thread doesn't belong in Video, but I digress.

People who work for Nvidia/ATI/AMD/Intel/etc posing as Forum members would be fine, if the extent to their activities were to simply help people to have the best experience possible with the particular Product(s) from their respective Employer. However, especially with Rollo, this was certainly not the case. Disinformation, fabricated problems, and attempts to undermine others became the prime directive. Whether the Viral Marketers intended that or not they certainly condoned it and don't deserve any respect.

AT and many other websites/Forums were intended to Help Users out, not to be Marketing Battlegrounds using any means deemed necessary to achieve another Sale.

how do you know what they were *intended* for?

don't forget 'entertainment' as a huge draw for forums ... and fanboys have *always* existed ... in Video since the first discreet video cards.


Originally posted by: rbV5
i think the whole point is that while everyone was *dumping* on Rollo and AEG

Rollo deservedly got dumped on for his own actions, and was the poster child for "why" AEG was bad for the enthusiast community and AT.

He continually tried and succeeded to sidetrack important threads like NV40's purevideo debacle with disinformation when he clearly didn't have clue what he was even talking about.

He insulted good forum members, and often used ridicule with the knowlege that his "fan club" would jump into the fray with him.....often ending threads with pointless talk of Mopars and the parenting skills of his latest target's folks.

He drove good, contributing members away from this forum.....for good, and it has yet to recover.

He wrongly singled me out personally because of my well known involvement as a Beta tester for ATI in an attempt to deflect the forum heat away from himself when his lies came to light.

I've spent countless hours testing various configurations, helping fellow enthusiasts, posting threads, campaigning against features that are heavily marketed yet never implemented or working...because I'm an enthusiast and enjoy it. Bastards like Rollo take the spirit away from true enthusiasts and turn places like this into a steaming pile of ego driven fanboys.

I've pretty much lost my enthusiasm and pretty much stepped aside as a direct result, and I'm not alone...but by all means, continue on with your hero worship of that ass.:roll:
more BS *half-quotes*

i figured it out ... you only read my posts UNTIL you find something "objectionable"
--nevermind that is NOT what my post said

NO hero worship

NO "excusing" of viral marketing

JUST pointing out the HYPOCRICY of the former ATi Fanboys

their company is *deep* into viral marketing

we have AMD viral marketeers - right now - logged into our forums

--read their PMs

Yes, that's what they were intended for.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: ronnn
So now it is viral marketers that question the validity of the DT? I thought DT brought that on themselves by being a speculative site. The R600 will either be able to compete or not. Personally I would be surprised that amd bothered releasing the chip if it performed that poorly.

The best logic of all is that ati hires viral marketeers (have no proof, but I know), so the hidden cell of aeg types that got busted are now redeemed.

no ... not really ... at least imo - they are NOT "redeemed" ... nor justified

otoh - the current AMD "viral types" need to be lumped in with them

to imply AMD is not also guilty of viral marketing IS hypocritical


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
No one implied ati is not guilty of viral marketing (how can you prove a blanket accusation like that wrong)? Someone did imply that Dave Bauman was, by the action of exposing an aeg cell on b3d. Personally I would like to see some proof/explanation of that specific accusation, rather than redeem the exposed by saying Dave Bauman was even worse. IF he was/is worse for viral marketing - prove it. Otherwise this is just a standard character assassination thread, with less proof than usual.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: ronnn
No one implied ati is not guilty of viral marketing (how can you prove a blanket accusation like that wrong)? Someone did imply that Dave Bauman was, by the action of exposing an aeg cell on b3d. Personally I would like to see some proof/explanation of that specific accusation, rather than redeem the exposed by saying Dave Bauman was even worse. IF he was/is worse for viral marketing - prove it. Otherwise this is just a standard character assassination thread, with less proof than usual.

i don't think you will

since i never accused or implied *anything* about DB ... i don't have to defend anything

and that is far beyond our forum ... anyway

try asking over there
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