So Your Eyeing a Third Party Candidate This Time Around

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Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
lol I'll forego pointing out that he was an excellent governor and simply point out that the same logic would make you a corrupt serial liar.

Excellent governor does not make for a great President, especially when he can't even name a single world leader that he admires. Oh, and Aleppo, remember that? There's not much to that Johnson you're hanging on to, that's for sure.

As far as your logic goes... aw hell, I'm tired of shooting fish in the bottom of a dry barrel.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
One additional bit of info. The United States actively bombed the oil infrastructure that was controlled by ISIS. This represents America at war with EVERYBODY in that region. Don't pretend that America is not one of the reasons that people are fleeing Syria, WE ARE. We are doing our damnedest to ensure that the place is unlivable. Bombing infrastructure into nonexistence is unwarranted and immoral. We are NOT in a fight for survival. We should be working to decrease suffering rather than the opposite. Who going to pay for rebuilding what America has destroyed?
On the contrary, that's one of the smartest things Obama has done in foreign policy. Oil revenue allows ISIS to project evil and impose it on many more people; removing that oil revenue reduces ISIS' ability to impose evil on people. It's like removing a cancerous growth - it might hurt now, but it's best in the long run.

Excellent governor does not make for a great President, especially when he can't even name a single world leader that he admires. Oh, and Aleppo, remember that? There's not much to that Johnson you're hanging on to, that's for sure.

As far as your logic goes... aw hell, I'm tired of shooting fish in the bottom of a dry barrel.
404 Error: Fish not found. I think we'd all agree that the Hildabeast is very familiar with Aleppo, as is Obama. Are the people in Aleppo better for that knowledge? Eight years ago they were oppressed; today they are living in hell with the guarantee that whichever of them survive this civil war will still be oppressed. If one wants a subject on which everyone in Syria can agree, the desire that America's leaders had remained ever-ignorant of Syria's existence has to be near the top of likely candidates. Remember, Bush set up the conditions that made possible ISIS in Iraq; Obama and Clinton made possible ISIS in Syria. While one can certainly find people in Iraq who are grateful that Saddam is gone and that they can have free elections, I doubt one could find anyone in Syria who is grateful for the Obama/Clinton intervention. Certainly not any in Aleppo.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014

404 Error: Fish not found. I think we'd all agree that the Hildabeast is very familiar with Aleppo, as is Obama. Are the people in Aleppo better for that knowledge? Eight years ago they were oppressed; today they are living in hell with the guarantee that whichever of them survive this civil war will still be oppressed. If one wants a subject on which everyone in Syria can agree, the desire that America's leaders had remained ever-ignorant of Syria's existence has to be near the top of likely candidates. Remember, Bush set up the conditions that made possible ISIS in Iraq; Obama and Clinton made possible ISIS in Syria. While one can certainly find people in Iraq who are grateful that Saddam is gone and that they can have free elections, I doubt one could find anyone in Syria who is grateful for the Obama/Clinton intervention. Certainly not any in Aleppo.

This is called going off on a tangent, something some people do when they've got nothing to counter something that's been said about something they said. IOW, you've got nothing so it's off into the wild blue yonder!

Go right ahead, I'll!


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
This is called going off on a tangent, something some people do when they've got nothing to counter something that's been said about something they said. IOW, you've got nothing so it's off into the wild blue yonder!

Go right ahead, I'll!
lol You'll watch, but you won't understand.
Reactions: KMFJD


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
lol You'll watch, but you won't understand.

If I could understand you I would go seek professional help. I'll leave stupid and crazy to you, you're quite experienced at it. I don't operate on that wavelength.

Go ahead, you can have the last word if you wish... I understand. Later.


Mar 9, 2005
News Flash, but not really.

Real Time With Bill Maher: Some very sobering things to say about Trump and the state of this race

Munchs on a PBJ.
He makes it Mr. Obvious doesn't he? My parents cannot believe that I'm voting for Hillary and not Trump. My father is a supposedly devout Mormon who has his willful blinders on at full intensity as does my mother. Trump can do no wrong in their eyes and if he stood in their living room and molested a female family member they'd find an excuse to justify their continuing support of him. This is how brain dead Republican voters are and its really sad. Their confirmation bias is among the strongest I've ever witnessed and no matter of evidence to the contrary will convince them otherwise. Bill's revisal of GOP to grab our pussy's made me ROFL.
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Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
He makes it Mr. Obvious doesn't he? My parents cannot believe that I'm voting for Hillary and not Trump. My father is a supposedly devout Mormon who has his willful blinders on at full intensity as does my mother. Trump can do no wrong in their eyes and if he stood in their living room and molested a female family member they'd find an excuse to justify their continuing support of him. This is how brain dead Republican voters are and its really sad. Their confirmation bias is among the strongest I've ever witnessed and no matter of evidence to the contrary will convince them otherwise.

We have more than a few Mormons in our area, several of them are my customers. Of the ones I know, to a person they are voting Trump. Why? From what I can gather because Hillary is a woman. IMO it's that simple, they don't want a woman as leader. Their own women tend to be fairly subservient to the men so that's probably a good part of it. While it's true that they really don't like Hillary as a person, I don't think it would matter if it was Elizabeth Warren or any other woman, at least a Democratic one.

I can add that I have had two of my married male Mormon customers ask me how to erase their internet history because, ahem... pron. One of them is a church big wig. So I can vouch that they do like women...


Mar 9, 2005
One of them is a church big wig. So I can vouch that they do like women...
My father gets upset when he spouts some party garbage and I ask him to produce proof to back up his claim as does my mother. He's also a Melchizedek priest for the church and over scheduling the Sunday school classes for his ward. This is why I mentioned confirmation bias before because no matter how much evidence is produced to prove a particular point if it is not the one they want to believe they will discard all of it for some outlier that says backs what they believe. They both have a tendency to get upset when my siblings and I will not go along with whatever they've chosen to believe. I possess critical thinking skills which I employ on a daily basis so I can arrive at a fact based conclusion on whatever I'm looking at. The Republican fantasy land they live in is beyond me and I refuse to participate in it. Could they be the missing link Darwin could never find???


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
Missing link? Naah, just knuckledraggers. I've seen religion drive people into making poor decisions over the many years I've been around. Over and over, one bad decision after another, as if God has cursed them to making only poor decisions. All the while they blame others around them for their poor choices, choosing to believe that their superior decision-making skills clearly proves that they are making the right decisions and everyone that they think is screwing them over is clearly screwing them over. The tribalism of a religious group that is prone to making poor decisions sets up negative feedback loops that is hard to break. The only way I can see that you can break out of it is to get out of it, staying in will only get you frozen out.

I got out (former Catholic) and I've been happy ever since. Sounds like you're having a similar experience. Luckily for me, our religious father ran away, abandoning his wife and six kids for the simpler life of a new wife and one new kid. My Mom dropped the church like a hot potato when they pretty much blamed her for his leaving her and the rest of us followed suit shortly after.

Life is so much simpler without the religious hassles, more people should try it.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Ike sent the first military advisers, but JFK sent the first combat troops, and Johnson first sent them into offensive operations.
Two American soldiers are documented to have died IN COMBAT in 1959, before JFK was elected, so, "military advisers" my hairy ass.


Mar 9, 2005
I've seen religion drive people into making poor decisions over the many years I've been around.
I find this observation to be honest as I've seen it myself all too many times in my life. Funny thing is that the bible, which I do believe to be true, tells everyone including Christians (who are not the same as church actors or religious participants) that God's people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) and to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good (1 Thess. 5:21). God is telling people to exercise critical thinking skills and discern the evidence to determine what is appropriate which they absolutely will not do. I reject religion and the illusionary mind sets that it produces. When God tells people to dislodge their heads and see things for what they are then it says a lot to me. Religion says whatever it wants to if it will allow for them to retain control over a given population to serve as their steady revenue stream.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
You have a point, but outside of Communist and Islamicist dogma, surely self determination is as close to a universal societal ideal as one can get.

Asian communist and Islamic societies are very influential and have undergone serious development in recent history. Who are we to say wholesale that they are wrong to relatively devalue self determination?


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
On the contrary, that's one of the smartest things Obama has done in foreign policy. Oil revenue allows ISIS to project evil and impose it on many more people; removing that oil revenue reduces ISIS' ability to impose evil on people. It's like removing a cancerous growth - it might hurt now, but it's best in the long run.

Well it certainly isn't hurting you or I. I posted a link from people in Syria supporting the insurgency who state that the infrastructure bombing is hurting/killing ordinary citizens more than anybody else.

Most if not all of the insurgents who will replace ISIS are about the same as ISIS. I have included a link below to the some of the more powerful ones. Whichever takes over we will probably immediately begin bombing. We can keep playing this game until 90% of the Syrian population has moved to Europe/America OR we can try to stem the crisis. Stability (even under ISIS) is better than anarchy.

I love that in this entire war, America has the distinction of killing the most civilians in a single airstrike. Most people would call that terrorism, we call it giving Syria their freedom.

The United States is manipulating humanitarian concern in an effort to protect its proxy militias and its imperial regime-change project in Syria. The mainstream media and intellectual classes are dutifully falling in line, promoting a narrative favoring U.S. military aggression under the cover of “protecting civilians.”

Similar arguments contributed to the invasions of Iraq and Libya, exponentially increasing the massacres, chaos and proliferation of violent extremism within those countries. These “responsibility to protect” or R2P claims are hypocritical, designed to further the interests of conquest and domination and will lead to even more death and destruction in Syria.

The United States has no stake in the wellbeing of Syrian civilians, despite the condemnations of Russia’s offensive in Aleppo. This is clearly shown in the fact that the people that the U.S. is supporting are guilty of the same crimes that the U.S. accuses Russia and Syria of: indiscriminate attacks, targeting of civilians, destruction of schools, hospitals, etc.

Furthermore, the offensive in Aleppo is really no different from what the U.S. did in Manbij, a Syrian city northeast of Aleppo where the U.S. is said to have incorporated a “scorched earth policy” while liberating the city from ISIS this year by treating the civilian population “as if they were terrorists or ISIS supporters.”

Arguably the U.S. conduct was even worse, as the U.S. earned the distinction of launching the deadliest single airstrike on civilians out of the entire five-year conflict, massacring at least 73 where no ISIS fighters were present. But the Manbij operation elicited no moral outcry from the media and punditry, since these were deemed “unworthy victims” given that they were our victims and not those of our enemies. The same can be said about the U.S. operations in Kobani and Fallujah, whereby the entire towns were essentially reduced to rubble without any R2P uproar.

Clinton's foreign policy seems to dovetail well with what you want to happen. Why do you oppose her?
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Before we armed and trained them, the "rebels" were in exactly the same position as dissenters in Saddam-Iraq, present-day Turkey, pre-civil war Syria or Libya, or present-day Iran. If they rise up, then yes, their government will murder them. Once we armed and trained them, the "rebels" were able to push the Syrian government into a full-fledged civil war. That's when government murder ceases to be a retail affair and transitions to wholesale murder and misery, and that's on us. If it's a moral imperative to give these people the right to self-determination, then morally the Bush method is much superior as it removes the old repressive regime at a much lighter price to the people we are supposedly concerned with empowering.

I'm not sure where you got this idea but it's at odds with the timeline of events in the Syrian civil war. They were not helpless before we started aiding them and the 'full fledged civil war' was pretty obviously underway before the US started aiding the rebels. The main rebel faction was comprised of a large number of Syrian military defectors along with the weapons and equipment that they had. ie: they already had arms and training. In addition to that they had been getting major support from Turkey almost since the beginning. So no, they weren't the same at all, and US aid isn't what transformed this from ordinary unrest into a civil war.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008

wait til Clinton embraces her true self in office. Maybe bland serve the big money centrism will win out. I sort of doubt it though at least unless of course you are actually in the top tiers of income levels

It's nice to see the "left" media acting exactly like the "right" media does when it comes to criticism of their guy (or gal) minimize the criticisms of them.

I'll buy the "this other guy is so insane that we have to hold our noses and vote for Secretary Clinton" but not the defense of her as some great (or even good) candidate that some here seem to labor under.
The "lesser evil" is exactly what she is. And she (as well as the rest of us) should be thankful that enough republican voters were insane enough to nominate Trump.

Reactions: disappoint


Nov 11, 1999
wait til Clinton embraces her true self in office. Maybe bland serve the big money centrism will win out. I sort of doubt it though at least unless of course you are actually in the top tiers of income levels

It's nice to see the "left" media acting exactly like the "right" media does when it comes to criticism of their guy (or gal) minimize the criticisms of them.

I'll buy the "this other guy is so insane that we have to hold our noses and vote for Secretary Clinton" but not the defense of her as some great (or even good) candidate that some here seem to labor under.
The "lesser evil" is exactly what she is. And she (as well as the rest of us) should be thankful that enough republican voters were insane enough to nominate Trump.


Or she may be the Liberal Lion we thought Obama might have been.

The utterly pervasive nature of right wing propaganda directed against her warps a lot of people's judgement, even liberals, so we'll just have to find out when we get here.


Nov 11, 1999
When I read the thread title, I get "Third eye candidate" in my head. Couldn't be any weirder than Trump for President, could it?


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2014
Libertarian VP Candidate Admits Defeat, Tells Voters To Pick Clinton Over Trump

oh boy

I guess Weld sobered up for one day. Weld realized that promoting the legalization of marijuana as a single party issue, was not going to get him elected. He was that kind of governor too. If he were the Cleveland Browns coach. he'd tell his team to pack it up before game 1 of the regular season.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Libertarian VP Candidate Admits Defeat, Tells Voters To Pick Clinton Over Trump

oh boy

"In a Tuesday statement addressed to "those in the electorate who remain torn between two so-called major party candidates," the former Massachusetts governor told Republicans not to vote for the GOP nominee out of “fear for our country.”

“After careful observation and reflection, I have come to believe that Donald Trump, if elected President of the United States, would not be able to stand up to this pressure and this criticism without becoming unhinged and unable to perform competently the duties of his office,” he said at a Boston press conference.

Weld ticks off a long list of what he sees as Trump’s flaws, including his childish response to criticism, divisive rhetoric about immigrants and minorities, instability, and lack of familiarity with policy."


Apr 12, 2004
Libertarian VP Candidate Admits Defeat, Tells Voters To Pick Clinton Over Trump

oh boy

lol, I just voted Johnson/Weld today (didn't want to put it off before other shit got in the way) and the one thing that would have made me not vote for them was if Johnson endorsed either major candidate. As long as it's only Weld I guess I'm still ok on a technicality, I mean I never found much of a reason to like that guy in the first place, but still, lol.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Two American soldiers are documented to have died IN COMBAT in 1959, before JFK was elected, so, "military advisers" my hairy ass.
Meh. Military advisers do sometimes die in combat, as they are typically Green Berets and often in the field. Man for man, it's probably considerably more dangerous than being in a combat unit. In that sort of war anyway; lots of World War II infantry line companies experienced over 100% casualties in the first three months after D-Day.

Asian communist and Islamic societies are very influential and have undergone serious development in recent history. Who are we to say wholesale that they are wrong to relatively devalue self determination?
That's a fair point, as we have no absolute authority to rule either way. I can only say that the whole of Western civilization (until the rise of progressives) has been aimed at maximizing individual empowerment and self-determination. I suppose one could make an argument that Islamic and Asian yearning for an authoritarian overlord is equally valid morally. In any case, that's clearly where we are all headed.

Well it certainly isn't hurting you or I. I posted a link from people in Syria supporting the insurgency who state that the infrastructure bombing is hurting/killing ordinary citizens more than anybody else.

Most if not all of the insurgents who will replace ISIS are about the same as ISIS. I have included a link below to the some of the more powerful ones. Whichever takes over we will probably immediately begin bombing. We can keep playing this game until 90% of the Syrian population has moved to Europe/America OR we can try to stem the crisis. Stability (even under ISIS) is better than anarchy.

I love that in this entire war, America has the distinction of killing the most civilians in a single airstrike. Most people would call that terrorism, we call it giving Syria their freedom.

Clinton's foreign policy seems to dovetail well with what you want to happen. Why do you oppose her?
I don't oppose Hillary, because she's running against someone even worse. I just don't like her, and I refuse to play D.C.'s lesser evil game.

As to what I want, I very much wish we'd never gotten involved in Syria at all. However, Bush's bungling of the Iraq occupation and rebuilding coupled with Obama/Clinton's bungling in Syria have allowed ISIS to flourish. ISIS is a singular evil, and since we are partially to blame for its rise, we have to help decent people kill it off. That this will involve killing civilians is truly sad, but while war is an ugly thing, it is not the most ugly thing. Life under ISIS is orders of magnitude worse than life under Assad, or Hussein.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
As to what I want, I very much wish we'd never gotten involved in Syria at all. However, Bush's bungling of the Iraq occupation and rebuilding coupled with Obama/Clinton's bungling in Syria have allowed ISIS to flourish. ISIS is a singular evil, and since we are partially to blame for its rise, we have to help decent people kill it off. That this will involve killing civilians is truly sad, but while war is an ugly thing, it is not the most ugly thing. Life under ISIS is orders of magnitude worse than life under Assad, or Hussein.

Decent people? All I see is a bunch of tribes that will butcher the other if they can get the power. Hell they are doing it now. I am certainly not going to pretend surprise about the utter brutality of the people we are backing should they gain power or the inevitable genocide that will follow against the defeated. I do not support this action and if ISIS is defeated I certainly will not support an action against the islamist group that replaces it.

Syrian rebel groups backed by the U.S. and its allies “have committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, including abductions, torture and summary killings,” according to Amnesty International.

A report by the leading human rights organization details how extremist rebel groups have taken over large parts of major Syrian cities, in which they have created repressive theocratic regimes where critics are violently silenced and where religious and ethnic minority groups fear for their lives.

‘Torture Was My Punishment’: Abductions, Torture and Summary Killings Under Armed Group Rule in Aleppo and Idleb, Syria” shows how the Syrian people have been caught between a rock and a hard place — with extremist rebels on one side and a brutal regime on the other.

The report focuses primarily on the governorates of Aleppo and Idlib, in the north of the country. Aleppo is Syria’s largest city, and the Aleppo governorate is the most populous.

Amnesty documented abuses committed by five armed groups that have controlled parts of Aleppo and Idlib since 2012. These rebels have been supported by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the U.S.

Armed groups have repressed many Syrians who were themselves once supportive of the rebels.

“I was happy to be free from the Syrian government’s unjust rule but now the situation is worse,” a Syrian lawyer told Amnesty.
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