SoB: Daily Stats and Milestones - 06/05 - Rate increasing slightly, but so is TPR and ORU :(


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
Seventeen Or Bust Stats Report for 2003-06-05 19:01:16

Top 10 Teams: Total Production

Rank.........Team.........Total Work (cEMs)...Last Day's Work (cEMs)....Team Delta (cEMs)....Overtake (Days)
...1..TeamPrimeRib............254.656 T................2.473 T..............-35.527 T......................
...2..Anandtech...............219.129 T................1.314 T................0.000 ....................---
...3..ORU.....................192.190 T................1.470 T...............26.939 T....................172
...4..TeamRetro...............171.378 T..............752.019 G...............47.751 T......................
...5..TeamTNT.................103.673 T..............352.669 G..............115.456 T......................
...6..MajorGeeks...............68.013 T..............251.510 G..............151.116 T......................
...7..Rechenkraft..............62.233 T..............187.199 G..............156.896 T......................
...8..Securiteinfo.............53.080 T..............222.172 G..............166.048 T......................
...9..FreeDC...................49.395 T...............61.567 G..............169.734 T......................
..10..TeamBeOS.................48.012 T..............133.266 G..............171.116 T......................

Overtake Days: If team is below us, time in days for them to overtake us, if team is above us, time for us to overtake them, based on last day's rate

Top 10 Teams: Last Day's Rate

Rank.........Team.........Rate (cEMs/sec)....Team Delta (cEMs/sec)
...1..TeamPrimeRib............28.620 M..............-13.414 M
...2..ORU.....................17.013 M...............-1.807 M
...3..Anandtech...............15.206 M................0.000
...4..TeamRetro................8.704 M................6.502 M
...5..TeamTNT..................4.082 M...............11.124 M
...6..MajorGeeks...............2.911 M...............12.295 M
...7..Securiteinfo.............2.571 M...............12.634 M
...8..Rechenkraft..............2.167 M...............13.039 M
...9..d'family.................2.094 M...............13.112 M
..10..TeamBeOS.................1.542 M...............13.663 M

Team AnandTech Member Stats

45 members (36.0%) of a total of 125 submitted results in the last day

Rank...Member.......Total Work (cEMs)...Last Day's Work (cEMs)...Rate (cEMs/sec)...Move Up (Days)
...1..amcdonald.................23.795 T..............223.972 G...............2.592 M...............I'm top!
...2..FoBoT.....................16.443 T...............21.040 G.............243.519 K..................Never
...3..EvilWobbles...............14.252 T...............24.084 G.............278.751 K..................719.6
...4..LyNx01....................10.848 T..............123.679 G...............1.431 M...................34.2
...5..Baldy18...................10.696 T...............57.406 G.............664.426 K..................Never
...6..Confused...................9.321 T...............50.267 G.............581.795 K..................Never
...7..SinfulWeeper...............7.521 T...............79.982 G.............925.718 K...................60.6
...8..Huntress...................6.845 T...............83.725 G.............969.034 K..................180.7
...9..Electrode..................6.814 T...............38.871 G.............449.893 K..................Never
..10..mordrid52..................6.605 T...............31.420 G.............363.655 K..................Never
..11..SeanD......................6.141 T...............40.050 G.............463.540 K...................53.7
..12..kantana....................5.966 T...............14.301 G.............165.516 K..................Never
..13..sduguid....................5.643 T...............29.476 G.............341.163 K...................21.3
..14..Actaeon....................5.096 T...............23.060 G.............266.895 K..................Never
..15..MereMortal.................4.639 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..16..Zorg.......................4.540 T...............55.213 G.............639.041 K....................1.8
..17..Slatz......................4.226 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..18..Woodie.....................4.185 T...............60.921 G.............705.102 K.................Today!
..19..CyberWire..................3.775 T................8.351 G..............96.658 K..................Never
..20..winr.......................3.770 T...............38.223 G.............442.395 K.................Today!
..21..Remy.......................3.391 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..22..ThomasL....................2.905 T................7.226 G..............83.640 K...................67.3
..23..Tetsuo316..................2.702 T................5.575 G..............64.527 K..................Never
..24..soni.......................2.574 T...............30.451 G.............352.439 K....................5.2
..25..sv2003.....................2.554 T...............48.001 G.............555.567 K....................1.1
..26..Chipster22.................2.321 T...............13.173 G.............152.470 K..................Never
..27..WX.........................2.309 T................6.942 G..............80.352 K..................Never
..28..MrFiTTy....................2.116 T...............10.327 G.............119.524 K...................57.1
..29..TADaaavo...................1.975 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..30..HarvardAce.................1.561 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..31..pmattson...................1.526 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..32..Afterthought...............1.516 T...............29.009 G.............335.755 K.................Today!
..33..debris.....................1.419 T................9.576 G.............110.829 K..................Never
..34..TAGeoffS...................1.364 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..35..Torghn.....................1.361 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..36..PolloLoco..................1.352 T................7.499 G..............86.797 K....................1.1
..37..SvenTheGoose...............1.194 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..38..Paperboy...................1.171 T...............10.334 G.............119.607 K....................2.2
..39..bunker.....................1.045 T................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..40..cpatstone..................1.018 T..............562.525 M...............6.511 K...................46.7
..41..bobthedefiler............999.694 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..42..TDK......................912.999 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..43..iostream9................838.767 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..44..penquissciguy............837.247 G...............18.920 G.............218.987 K.................Today!
..45..got2beazn................833.991 G................6.780 G..............78.474 K..................Never
..46..maverick.................829.310 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..47..gensheimer...............807.734 G................1.741 G..............20.150 K...................12.4
..48..idgaf13..................806.926 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..49..Amok.....................770.594 G...............15.494 G.............179.327 K....................2.3
..50..Gatsby...................764.335 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..51..cjei.....................710.846 G................2.621 G..............30.332 K...................20.4
..52..Ruckus...................637.299 G................6.149 G..............71.164 K...................20.8
..53..Foobar...................636.449 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..54..Ciber....................636.258 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..55..Doobershu527.............597.639 G................1.172 G..............13.561 K.....................33
..56..TitoTacos................576.649 G...............15.034 G.............174.001 K....................1.5
..57..Ammocan..................440.720 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..58..kpxpsychoboi.............403.089 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..59..adre.....................397.170 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..60..richpoirier..............394.868 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..61..PhoenixTNO...............392.993 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..62..TASato...................372.546 G..............891.488 M..............10.318 K...................22.9
..63..Moltres..................356.776 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..64..SubZ3r0..................343.660 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..65..tjw56....................342.244 G................3.825 G..............44.277 K.................Today!
..66..dkappos..................335.633 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..67..GhettoFob................335.559 G..............836.061 M...............9.677 K.................Today!
..68..RaynorWolfcastle.........302.399 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..69..nexus9...................260.634 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..70..CrazySaint...............227.044 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..71..dnd31416.................187.330 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..72..ken008...................186.440 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..73..moriakaice...............177.351 G..............255.462 M...............2.957 K...................35.6
..74..Marxist1917..............172.359 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..75..Khyron320................168.128 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..76..Lemming..................162.106 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..77..AlfredSka................157.841 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..78..krakman..................134.996 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..79..Genix....................130.434 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..80..Mardeth..................124.020 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..81..icepak...................119.259 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..82..KenG6....................110.211 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..83..SilverBack................93.497 G...............39.118 G.............452.758 K.................Today!
..84..vprime....................86.725 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..85..InverseofNeo..............86.101 G...............11.737 G.............135.841 K.................Today!
..86..gistech1978...............76.353 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..87..Chokko....................74.712 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..88..iskander..................73.961 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..89..TAandy....................65.077 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..90..andro.....................55.269 G................6.468 G..............74.856 K....................1.5
..91..Darkone...................53.842 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..92..minendo...................43.791 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..93..kinnoch...................39.262 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..94..Thakkar...................29.000 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..95..SKPhoton..................28.274 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..96..brshoemak.................26.750 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..97..jghoffay80................24.549 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..98..martm.....................22.624 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
..99..fcastle...................19.884 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.100..daniels25143..............17.267 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.101..sciencewhiz...............16.148 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.102..auto21568.................14.000 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.103..Shinj1EVA.................12.500 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.104..merlocka..................11.689 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.105..Anony......................9.643 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.106..mechBgon...................9.299 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.107..inktomei...................9.000 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.108..Deeko......................7.500 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.109..Freez3L....................4.250 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.110..TerryMathews...............3.750 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.111..lobocomet..................3.250 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.112..Kk4Jc......................3.250 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.113..bgilden....................3.000 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.114..AgaBoogaBoo................2.250 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.115..RaleighRedWolf.............2.250 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.116..Macaw......................2.000 G................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.117..cow2.....................749.987 M................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.118..banditbuddhist...........749.973 M................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.119..EverCraft................499.998 M................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.120..BenRogers................499.992 M................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.121..bob970...................469.419 M................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.122..Gomer....................249.999 M................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.123..coopmike.................249.995 M................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.124..smm 007....................0.000 ................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................
.125..jliechty...................0.000 ................0.000 ...............0.000 ......................

Move Up Days: Time in days for a member to overtake the person above them, based on last day's rate

No new members

Milestone Makers

andro passes 50 G cEMs!

Congrats to the Milestone Makers!

For more information on Seventeen or Bust, and how to join the Team, please visit the Seventeen or Bust FAQ

Having a problem with the client? Is it stuck? Not sending to the server? Got a dual or Quad CPU system and want to get it running??
Take a look here and see if MathGuy's most excellent Service Handler for Windows NT/2K/XP, and Zorg's Bash Script for Linux, will fix a problem!

All previous daily stats may be found here



No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
you mean a beta version or a fully tested/improved client?

oh goody, when DF phase I closes next week, i'll try to catch up to amcdonald


Mar 4, 2003
he says release. so........

I just wonder if we are going to need a new version of the service manager for it.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Thanks Garry!!

Congrats on your milestone!!!!

andro passes 50 G cEMs



Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
There better be a new version or tomorrow I'm switching my dually to SETI. The client just keeps locking up too much.:|

Plus I have the same comupters running now as before but my rate is 300G less and its starting to piss me off.:|

Thanks Garry.


Mar 27, 2003
Baldy18 - you say the client is locking the service handler not doing appropriate restarts? There was apparently a flurry of client stalls (probably something on the server end) around 5:00pm Eastern time today, but in every case I know of, the handler caught them and they're all perking away happily now.

OberonBob - yes, you will need a new service handler for the new client, but it should be included with the new client distribution from Louie.


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Baldy18
There better be a new version or tomorrow I'm switching my dually to SETI. The client just keeps locking up too much.:|

Plus I have the same comupters running now as before but my rate is 300G less and its starting to piss me off.:|

Thanks Garry.

I was just coming here to post the same damn thing.

Originally posted by: MathGuy
Baldy18 - you say the client is locking the service handler not doing appropriate restarts? There was apparently a flurry of client stalls (probably something on the server end) around 5:00pm Eastern time today, but in every case I know of, the handler caught them and they're all perking away happily now.

OberonBob - yes, you will need a new service handler for the new client, but it should be included with the new client distribution from Louie.

I have recently rebuilt everyone of my machines (7 total) and installed XP (home and pro) on all of them. I had NOT gotten around to installing the service, thought I will do it later after I get them all back up and running. Anyway, this past 3 or 4 days, all of the clients have been stalling, I just can't keep them running. This morning I ran around to each of the and installed the service. Today I get home and they are all stalled again. :|

MathGuy... I only did an install of the service without anything other than setting the client to not start on windows start up, running idle.

Someone please tell me what to do. My production should be around 1.4 - 1.5 daily. Instead I'm squeaking by at around 900ish because I have to restart them more than once a day. You don't know how much it bugs the shiot out of me to check stats from work and just KNOW they are stalled again and not be able to do anything about it.

A very sad Diana



Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2001
I forgot to say, look at my stats, I was running at 1.4 a week ago. I just added a new xp1700+ which is running at 2000mhz at the moment (more to come I am sure, still burning this baby in), so I am expecting over 1.5.


Mar 27, 2003
Huntress - sounds like you need to do the following at a Command Prompt:

cd "\program files\sb"
net stop "Seventeen or Bust service"
sobsvc -s
sobsvc -m
net start "Seventeen or Bust service"

If, in addition, you want them to run at lower priority (true idle), insert a "sobsvc -x" line (where all the other sobsvc lines are).
If, in addition, you want them to restart every day at 2 am for "socket cleansing", insert a "sobsvc -r:200" line in there also.
If, in addition, you want to *always* see the icons in the system tray, insert a "sobsvc -k" line.
If, though, you want to make sure that you *never* see the icons in the system tray, go to Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services, double-click on the "Seventeen or Bust service," go to the "Log On" tab, uncheck the "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop" box, press "Ok" and press the restart button on the top - you'll never see the icons again (but you can't really see what they're doing, either).

Edited to make the switch character correct!


Jan 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Baldy18
There better be a new version or tomorrow I'm switching my dually to SETI. The client just keeps locking up too much.:|

Plus I have the same comupters running now as before but my rate is 300G less and its starting to piss me off.:|

Thanks Garry.

If the service handler is installed and properly configured, it will restart stalled clients.

Your rate will fluctuate with K and N values, just as they would in SETI with different AR work units.

Edit: Thanks for the stats Garry


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2001
Thanks MathGuy!

I will do that... although I always want to see them

I do not know what is going on with these things though, when they start stalling, they really start stalling. Seems interesting to me that everyone of mine will stall. Something just ain't right.

But thank you :heart:


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
I haven't set it for automatic restarts but I have set it to restart once per day and it is consistently hanging on one processor of my dually 2-3 hours after the restart.


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2001
Well I just went and followed the instructions listed above, the client on my machine is stalled right now... here's the log from the time I restarted the service after the change:

[Thu Jun 05 19:39:16 2003] restarting proth test from cache (k=28433, n=3819913) [13.5%]
[Thu Jun 05 19:50:28 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 19:50:28 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 19:50:28 2003] n.high = 531092 . 192 blocks left in test
[Thu Jun 05 20:01:40 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 20:01:41 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 20:01:41 2003] n.high = 548224 . 191 blocks left in test
[Thu Jun 05 20:12:54 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 20:12:54 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 20:12:54 2003] n.high = 565356 . 190 blocks left in test
[Thu Jun 05 20:24:05 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 20:24:05 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 20:24:05 2003] n.high = 582488 . 189 blocks left in test
[Thu Jun 05 20:35:56 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 20:35:57 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 20:35:59 2003] n.high = 599620 . 188 blocks left in test
[Thu Jun 05 20:47:10 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 20:47:10 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 20:47:11 2003] n.high = 616752 . 187 blocks left in test
[Thu Jun 05 20:59:11 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 20:59:12 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 20:59:12 2003] n.high = 633884 . 186 blocks left in test
[Thu Jun 05 21:10:22 2003] logging into server
[Thu Jun 05 21:10:22 2003] login successful
[Thu Jun 05 21:10:22 2003] n.high = 651016 . 185 blocks left in test

As you can see, running 11 minutes blocks... it has been stalled for for about 15 minutes.

How soon does the service take to restart a stalled client?


Mar 27, 2003
Huntress - It looks at the progress every 5 minutes and if it hasn't done anything in that particular 5 minute interval it restarts. Usually stalls happen right at the end of a block, so I would expect it to notice the stall somewhere between 16 and 21 minutes after the stalled block started, so around 20:35 to 20:40. Did it restart? If not, send me the sobsvc.log as well and I'll try to track down the problem.


Mar 27, 2003
Baldy18 - until the next client version comes out, I would definitely suggest using the "/s" switch to restart stalled clients. It's not a bad idea even after that since there is no guarantee that the new one will *never* stall (things do happen...)


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2001
Here's the log... interesting... doesn't look like the auto restart is on, why would that be, I followed the instructions above to the letter...

[2003/06/05 07:49:40.656]: Parms retrieved: NumClients = 1, AffType = 0, WUQueue = 0, PeriodicRestart = 0
[2003/06/05 07:49:40.671]: TrueIdle = FALSE, MonitorRestart = FALSE, StuckRestart = FALSE, KeepVisible = FALSE
[2003/06/05 07:49:40.671]: AutoRestart OFF
[2003/06/05 07:51:22.171]: Parms retrieved: NumClients = 1, AffType = 0, WUQueue = 0, PeriodicRestart = 0
[2003/06/05 07:51:22.171]: TrueIdle = FALSE, MonitorRestart = FALSE, StuckRestart = FALSE, KeepVisible = FALSE
[2003/06/05 07:51:22.171]: AutoRestart OFF
[2003/06/05 07:51:25.062]: Starting Service
[2003/06/05 07:51:25.062]: starting client 1
[2003/06/05 07:51:25.625]: Client start successful: 0x8c (0x468) - 0x20182 (0x101ac)
[2003/06/05 13:14:07.296]: Parms retrieved: NumClients = 1, AffType = 0, WUQueue = 0, PeriodicRestart = 0
[2003/06/05 13:14:07.296]: TrueIdle = FALSE, MonitorRestart = FALSE, StuckRestart = FALSE, KeepVisible = FALSE
[2003/06/05 13:14:07.296]: AutoRestart OFF
[2003/06/05 13:14:07.296]: Starting Service
[2003/06/05 13:14:07.296]: starting client 1
[2003/06/05 13:14:07.828]: Client start successful: 0x8c (0x44c) - 0x20182 (0x101ac)
[2003/06/05 17:48:04.593]: Process 0x44c (client 1) terminated
[2003/06/05 19:35:38.109]: Client Stop initiated...
[2003/06/05 19:35:38.125]: Client Stop completed
[2003/06/05 19:35:38.125]: Service Stopped
[2003/06/05 19:35:59.609]: Parms retrieved: NumClients = 1, AffType = 0, WUQueue = 0, PeriodicRestart = 0
[2003/06/05 19:35:59.609]: TrueIdle = FALSE, MonitorRestart = FALSE, StuckRestart = FALSE, KeepVisible = FALSE
[2003/06/05 19:35:59.625]: AutoRestart OFF
[2003/06/05 19:36:25.218]: Parms retrieved: NumClients = 1, AffType = 0, WUQueue = 0, PeriodicRestart = 0
[2003/06/05 19:36:25.218]: TrueIdle = FALSE, MonitorRestart = FALSE, StuckRestart = FALSE, KeepVisible = FALSE
[2003/06/05 19:36:25.218]: AutoRestart OFF
[2003/06/05 19:37:43.187]: Parms retrieved: NumClients = 1, AffType = 0, WUQueue = 0, PeriodicRestart = 0
[2003/06/05 19:37:43.187]: TrueIdle = FALSE, MonitorRestart = FALSE, StuckRestart = FALSE, KeepVisible = FALSE
[2003/06/05 19:37:43.187]: AutoRestart OFF
[2003/06/05 19:39:16.203]: Parms retrieved: NumClients = 1, AffType = 0, WUQueue = 0, PeriodicRestart = 0
[2003/06/05 19:39:16.203]: TrueIdle = FALSE, MonitorRestart = FALSE, StuckRestart = FALSE, KeepVisible = FALSE
[2003/06/05 19:39:16.203]: AutoRestart OFF
[2003/06/05 19:39:16.203]: Starting Service
[2003/06/05 19:39:16.218]: starting client 1
[2003/06/05 19:39:16.687]: Client start successful: 0x8c (0xc70) - 0x2d0288 (0x301ac)


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2001
LOL you know the funny thing about that was I had questioned it in my own mind as I was walking through the house setting these up earlier... "hmmm I thought switches were dashes..." and it didn't occur to me that the problem might be that until I saw the log.

May I suggest your next readme have the switch index up at the top of the readme. I actually had quit reading once I saw revision history, and ASSUMED the service defaulted to those values. I know, I know, never assume, but honestly I thought that was the reason the service was developed and it made sense to me.

Anyway.... all seems to be good with the world, and I appreciate your help and assistance
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