SociallyChallenged Workout Journal

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Mar 22, 2002
Today was back and bi's:

Cable Pull Downs:
#2/6/190 (very near fail)

Close Grip Pull Downs:

Bent Over Rows:

Alternating DB Curls:
#1/6 left, 7 right/47.5's
#2/4 left, 6 right/47.5's

Curl Bar Curls:
#1/4/Curl Bar + 60's
#2/4 + 1/Curl Bar + 60's

Weight: 153.0

Today was actually a pretty good day. I went in feeling strong and came out victorious. Good times One thing that kinda bugs me is that my curl bar/straight bar curls are always right around 4 reps with that weight 'cause they're always fatigued at the raising of the rest of the weights in the workout. My biceps burn the whole workout and I just wanted to get 5 solid ones. Oh well.
Mar 22, 2002
Today routine was for legs.

#3/6/245 (I wanted the last one bad)

Leg Press:


Leg Curls:

45 Degree Calf Raise:

Weight: 153.4

I actually had to do two sets standing calf raises, but my back was so tired from squats and DL's that I couldn't stabilize myself for it. I was really proud of myself for today. The day started off slow and kinda boring, but I was looking forward to lifting for legs. I got to the gym and my hips just weren't warming up, but I kept stretching and doing assisted airsquats and stuff and I finally got them to stretch out with some weight on my back. I tackled the squats. I was so happy when I got the first set of 6. 245 is 10 pounds higher than last week and I still managed to get 6. I may go to 255 next week, but that may be pushing it a little bit. Also, this is the first day I did actual deadlifts, and I don't think 295 is too shabby for 5 reps my first day Overall, I was stoked and I'm proud to post these weights here.


Jun 22, 2004
It wouldn't take that much additional effort to clean both sides of the mirror. Though, I understand that you are not cleaning it on principle. I hate jerk/dirty/filthy roommates.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: Safeway
It wouldn't take that much additional effort to clean both sides of the mirror. Though, I understand that you are not cleaning it on principle. I hate jerk/dirty/filthy roommates.

Haha, yeah, I know. I didn't realize how filthy it was until I took this picture. I've cleaned it twice and it comes back the next day. I don't have to clean my side since I don't get that on my side, and that's shared by me and another roommate. *Shrugs*
Mar 22, 2002
Alright, so today I decided to do a CrossFit Total. This is my first "max" exercise ever so I warmed up to my calculated 1 rep maxes which were 285 for squat, 332 for deadlift, and 145 for military press. Well, I have to say I'm pretty impressed with my strength today. The stats were as follows:

Squat - 300 (Almost got 305, but didn't have the intensity)
Military Press - 145 (No chance I had 150)
Deadlift - 340 (Didn't want to go to 345 since my back was already sore from the squats)

Overall CFT: 785

My goal is to get to 830, which will be considered "Advanced" for my weight. It will include approximately a 315 squat, 380 deadlift, and only a 140 military press, which I obviously already have. I was really happy to be able to get 300 squat under my belt, but my DL was a bit disappointing. I'll get it up, this is only my third time actually doing deadlifts well.

Weight: 155.75 (Heavy with water/food methinks)

Also, a funny story. I ran out of my whey protein, so I ordered some online. I went over to the nearest GNC and they wanted $35 for a 2-pound tub of it! Pffft, screw that. So I went next door to Safeway who was having a sale on tuna. Tuna it is then! So it seems that I'll be having a tuna sandwich right after my workouts and right before bed for the next couple of days. Hope I don't die of mercury-poisoning Also, gotta mention that I have the new pic up, for those who haven't been in here in a bit.


Jun 30, 2004
It shouldn't take long to get your deadlift up. You may have had a decent amount more left if it weren't for maxing out on squats right before too. I never max out on both squats and deads on the same day for that very reason.

Hope I don't die of mercury-poisoning

At your weight (153) you would have to eat over 142 ounces a week of tuna in order for it to start becoming a health risk according to that calculator. A can of tuna is what, like 5 ounces? I don't know how accurate the calculator is, but either way the point is... you'd have to eat an awful lot of it for it to really become a problem. So don't worry about it.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: KoolDrew
It shouldn't take long to get your deadlift up. You may have had a decent amount more left if it weren't for maxing out on squats right before too. I never max out on both squats and deads on the same day for that very reason.

Hope I don't die of mercury-poisoning

At your weight (153) you would have to eat over 142 ounces a week of tuna in order for it to start becoming a health risk according to that calculator. A can of tuna is what, like 5 ounces? I don't know how accurate the calculator is, but either way the point is... you'd have to eat an awful lot of it for it to really become a problem. So don't worry about it.

Thanks a lot man, that makes me feel a little bit better. I figured doing it for 3-5 days wouldn't kill me anyhow. I think I'll be taking in a max of 70 oz for the week for one week. And thanks for the info on the DL. I was really feeling it during the acclimation sets. I will do a max again on my week off at the end of this program and I'll try to do them different days. Hell, this is my third time doing deadlifts and I got 340. I don't have any complaints
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: paulxcook
Wow nice 1RMs, I didn't even notice you'd done that. Getting strong fast.

Yep just did it today I think I have some pretty decent genetics if you ask me. I've never really weight-trained, but in two months I'm up to almost "advanced" lifts for my weight. Pretty stoked. Thanks again.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
I thought you'd done this before and were just getting back into it after a while. If you're already up to that weight in 2 months, especially at your size, yes, I would say that's impressive.


Jun 22, 2004
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: paulxcook
Wow nice 1RMs, I didn't even notice you'd done that. Getting strong fast.

Yep just did it today I think I have some pretty decent genetics if you ask me. I've never really weight-trained, but in two months I'm up to almost "advanced" lifts for my weight. Pretty stoked. Thanks again.

That is definitely impressive. Advanced for my weight is on par with Hercules.
Mar 22, 2002
Thanks guys, makes me feel like I'm actually doing something. I forgot to post yesterday's workout which went as follows:

Bent-over Rows (deloading):

Close-grip Pull Downs:

Wanted to work on form with these to try to hit the back better. Same for cable pull downs.

Cable Pull Downs:

Alternating DB Curls mixed with Curl Bar Curls:
#1/5 left, 5 right/50's
#1/6/Bar + 60
#2/2 left, 3 right/50's
#2/5/Bar + 60

Aha, finally did more than 4 reps with the bar + 60 since I didn't do it last.

BB Wrist Curls:

I'm gonna stop doing these 'cause they put too much stress on my wrists.

It was a pretty standard workout. I wanted to work on my form, which helped on the rows especially. I decided to start deloading on the rows since I want to utilize the explosive force from the muscles, rather than just doing something like an isometric. Was still recovering a bit from maxes, I have to say. I ended up doing a lot of squats and a lot of deadlifts since my 1RM range was off, so the back was especially sore. This week I'll be doing 3 or 4 days on, 3-4 days off since I'm starting a new routine for the next couple of weeks, but also because I've got a crapload of midterms. Again guys, thanks for the props on the maxes.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
I'm gonna stop doing these 'cause they put too much stress on my wrists.

On the BB curls, you could swith to easy-curl bar, and add reverse grip BB curls to help stabilize the wrists. they feel similar to hammer curls, but put even more stress on the forearms. Other personal favorites are rope with cable, hammer curls and single arm cable curls. Both are easy on the wrists. I need that after six, count-em....six wrist surgeries to correct two broken wrists.

Keep up the good work.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: paulxcook
Wow nice 1RMs, I didn't even notice you'd done that. Getting strong fast.

Yep just did it today I think I have some pretty decent genetics if you ask me. I've never really weight-trained, but in two months I'm up to almost "advanced" lifts for my weight. Pretty stoked. Thanks again.

I think it helps that you played like 6 sports in high school

I'm catching up to you quickly sucker heheheh.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: spamsk8r
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: paulxcook
Wow nice 1RMs, I didn't even notice you'd done that. Getting strong fast.

Yep just did it today I think I have some pretty decent genetics if you ask me. I've never really weight-trained, but in two months I'm up to almost "advanced" lifts for my weight. Pretty stoked. Thanks again.

I think it helps that you played like 6 sports in high school

I'm catching up to you quickly sucker heheheh.

Maaaaaaybe. Hm, was it 6? Basketball, track, cross country, soccer, water polo. Almost did football, but mom wouldn't let me, lol. So that's five. Pssscht. Yeah, unless I can increase my CFT 60 pounds before the next one, I bet you'll catch me quick status *shakes fist*. My shoulder was really lame today, so my press will probably be my slowest improvement. I really gotta look into PT for it. Still got you on squats, sucker!
Mar 22, 2002
Ok, so I got really frustrated last week when I tried to do the whole workout 3-4 days a week thing. My shoulder was PISSED after bench and I couldn't do any of the exercises. I decided to go back to 5 days a week for the best and healthiest overload of my muscles. I did a workout some other time, but I'm too lazy to post it. Today, I did legs.


Lost balance a bit and had to set it down. Picked it back up and finished.

Leg Press:

Stiff Leg Deadlifts:

Standing Calf Raises:

Allowed my knees to bend the last set a bit.

Overall, I felt today wasn't a bad day. I had to stop doing legs on Friday because, after stretching, I started to squat and my left inner groin area started to hurt. It's a tendon, which I probably strained or over-stretched. I think I'm finding the right balance for warming up for legs 'cause today I was awesomely flexible. My groin was still sore, but nothing I couldn't work with. I couldn't afford to miss legs again.

Weight: 156.0

I'm surprised at my weight. I haven't been taking in any extra sodium (eh, maybe cottage cheese before bed) and I didn't drink a ton of water or eat a ton either. I upped my calories from 3k to 3.4k though 'cause I stalled a bit. I hope it's my ACTUAL weight going up this time around, lol.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Your military pressing is very impressive. 140 @ 155.5! My bro has pressed 156 @ 155 bw. His back squat is jacked to 340lbs.

Anyone that can military press bw strictly is strong!

Mar 22, 2002
Alright, yesterday was bi's and tri's so I'll post that workout:

Hammer Curls:
#2/4 left, 5 right/45's

Curl Bar Curls:
#1/5/Bar + 65
#2/4/Bar + 65

Alternating Incline Curls:

Tricep Cable Pressdowns

#1/6/Bar + 60
#2/6/Bar + 60

Seated Overhead Tricep Press:

Weight: 159.6

:Q Wtf is up with the weight? It seriously whigged out on me yesterday.
Mar 22, 2002
Today was shoulders/traps/abs:

Military Press:

DB Shoulder Press:
#2/3 left, 4 right/60's

Shoulder started to hurt, but it held on long enough.

DB Side Laterals:

DB Shrugs:

Grip failed the second set.

Upright Rows (close grip):


Had to reposition my body after first 5. These are wicked hard and I'm definitely workin' on 'em.

Weighted Incline Situps:

Weight: 157.0

Today was a pretty good day. My times for going to the gym have been kinda different lately and I realize that going right after class is best. I went today at ~3 and all the douchebags came out. There were two guys doing curls in the squat rack. I went to go do DB presses on one of the 90 degree seats so I set my notebook down and this guy standing like 5 feet away with it, touching no weights, wearing a belt for his shoulder day, and talking to one of the 'tards that was doing curls in the rack comes and tells me he's using it. Yeah freaking right. Whatever, I wasn't done resting or else I would've just told him that I didn't see him using it any time before I was there and woulda just used it. I HATE people like that. He then proceeded to do one set of DB presses on it, then he took it over to the smith machine to do military presses BEHIND HIS NECK. It wasn't even 110 pounds and he was at least 190. Freaking uneducated wanker. Whatever, he got me pumped for my other exercises, but next time I'm just gonna watch for him and tell him whatever he's gonna use is already taken. Oh, and to top it all off, he wasn't putting any of the weights back when he was done. Granted, it wasn't much, but it just was the tone of this guy's stupidity. Blargh. Good day, bad day. *Shrugs*
Mar 22, 2002
Today was upper/lower back day:

Weighted Chin Ups:
#1/6/BW + 40
#2/6/BW + 40
#3/6/BW + 40

I read somewhere that chin ups are actually better than pull ups for overloading your lats and such if you do it with more weight. I increased my weight compared to pullups, but it still wasn't enough. It'll be 45 or 50 next week. It was a new experience and I liked these a lot.

Seated Cable Rows:

Bent Over Rows:

Shoulder didn't like these much. Was a bit fatigued already.

Good Mornings:

I wanted to do light weight for high reps on these 'cause I don't like doing these for 4-6 reps. It screams potential injury to me at least. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Weighted Hyperextensions:
#1/8/60 held to chest
#2/5/60 held to chest

Absolute failure the last set. I couldn't even carry the weight back to the racks. Had trouble walking even, so I pushed it a bit too hard and will keep this in mind next time.

Weight: 158.3

Weight is consistently going up again Awesome. I'm almost at the 20 pound mark, which will pretty much be the end of this bulking phase. I'll let myself get to 165 max, but I doubt I'll hit that since my program will be done in almost 3 weeks exactly. Oh, I also rowed a bit over 2000m to see how I liked the rowing machines. I actually liked them a lot. I warmed up a bit and did a 500m sprint for the first time. My form was fine since I've watched tons of videos on it, but my butt fell off of the seat like 3 times and I had to re-situate. That was less than optimal during a sprint. I think my time was low 1:40's. My lower back was pretty much the limiting factor. I think I could hit 1:30's pretty easy. *Shrugs* Well, today was a good day. I think tomorrow is chest, so that's cool. Will post then.
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