SociallyChallenged Workout Journal

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
I also find that VFFs are awesome for DU's. The rope probably passes close to my feet, so the less shoe for it to get caught on, the better.
Mar 22, 2002
I also find that VFFs are awesome for DU's. The rope probably passes close to my feet, so the less shoe for it to get caught on, the better.

Yeah, they were amazing. I think I'll be wearing them a bit more often now that I know the damage to them is mainly superficial. I went for a run in them today on a turf field and forgot how much they kick my ass.
Mar 22, 2002
3mi run

Today, I had to decide whether I wanted to go to the CF gym or run with some friends in my PT program. I decided to be social since I haven't hung out with anybody outside of school since it started. It was awesome though. I brought my VFF's and we ran at the slowest girl's pace (which wasn't all that slow). I had to take a calf break to shake my legs and feet out. On my break, I took my heart rate - 123bpm. Lol, I was barely working apparently. It's sweet how CF helps with all general training.
Mar 22, 2002
1k row

9-6-3 reps for time of:
165lb Thrusters
Muscle Ups

Result: 8:28 (135lb thrusters)

Cool Down
1k run
Max DU's - 34, 38, 50 (PR)

I was dreading this workout. I hate thrusters and my shoulder was feeling a little funny beforehand. I couldn't do the thrusters back-to-back. I had to do one thruster, leave it in the rack position, take a breath, and then do another rep. I believe my rep scheme was 5+4, 3+3, and 3 for the rounds respectively. The thrusters weren't terribly difficult, but chaining them together was. Getting my DU goal for the year was pretty nice All I had to do was take my shoes off.

I also did a maximal anaerobic Wingate test in my physiology lab beforehand. I think I got similar results as last year, but my fatigue index was significantly lower. I think my force production decreased by nearly 50-60% last year, but this time it only decreased by 35%, which is a significant improvement. Even if I haven't learned how to bike to produce a greater maximal power, my average power output has increased quite a bit. I just looked at last year's data for a sprint bicyclist and an endurance athlete and, although my max power were lower than the sprint cyclist, my average and lowest power was greater than both individuals. That's not bad. CF has definitely improved my muscular endurance, particularly my strength endurance. That's pretty nice to know.
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Mar 22, 2002
Strength Practice
Power Clean

Complete five rounds of:
Deadlift, 3 reps
Max rep Handstand push-ups

Result: 315x3, 17 HSPU (PR); 335x3, 11 HSPU; 345x3, 8 HSPU; 350x3 (PR), 10 HSPU; 350x3, 9 HSPU.

Skill Work
DU's - 55, 34, 10, 20, 30, 45, 67 (PR)
TGU - 10x44lbs (each arm)

I was glad to come back from the weekend with a non-timed, heavy lifting WOD. I set my mind to 350 early last night and really visualized my lift all throughout the day today. 350 was my 1RM about a month back and today, I got 350x3. Depending on what calculator you use, that puts my 1RM anywhere from 370 to 380lbs. It was a struggle (and I didn't bounce it like many CFers do), but I got it. I also beat my previous of max rep HSPUs. Previous PR was 14. On top of that, I went in and decided to work on my DUs. My first run was pretty good with 55 and I was happy with that. I was bored though so I kept working. I rested up and got 67, which is another PR for the day. Three PRs, one day. Feels nice

Oh, and I got my first strict MU today. It was insane. I didn't realize it, but today was a great day.
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Mar 22, 2002
Strength Work
Overhead Squat:

Three rounds for time of: Run 800 meters,
50 Back Extensions,
50 Sit-ups.

Result: 24:22.

Skill Work
DUs - 72 (PR), 43, 17, 30, 30, 33, 17

Back was pretty messed up after yesterday's deadlift workout so my time is a bit slow. I did sets of 10 on the back extensions the first round, sets of 5 the second round, and sets of 7 the last round. I can typically bust out 50 back extensions relatively quickly so I'm not all that disappointed with this result. I'll aim for something like 22min next time. Now for the ice...
Mar 22, 2002
"Beast 12"
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents

Result: 23:15.

Skill Work

I felt like I was nailing this workout for the first few rounds... However, I had a problem right from the lunges - I felt like I was going to throw up. It wasn't exertion-induced, it was from eating a massive lunch while trying to gain a little bit of weight. My stomach was full to the brim and I was burping stuff up the whole WOD. When I finally did get to the point that my body realized I was working pretty hard (at the KB swings), the workout wasn't limited by oxidative ability, but by vomit-avoidance ability. I'm not very pleased with my results, but I know I wasn't on my A-game. Enough said.
Mar 22, 2002
Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Result: 115-125-135-145-150-150-150

My goal today was to hit 150 for three since that would put me at an estimated 1RM of 158lbs (a PR). I almost didn't have the last rep of the first and last set of 150, but I grunted them out just through maintained effort. I'm pretty ok with today's performance. I had to get in and out of the gym pretty quick to go to a Muse concert nearby (which kicked ass btw). It was a wicked show.
Mar 22, 2002
Workout 1
Front Squat:

Bench Press:

Workout 2
Strength Work
Weighted Chin-ups:

Three rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 50 meters
Standing broad-jump, 100 meters
Run 200 meters Post time to comments.

Result: 13:59

Tabata Row - 65cal (PR)

Skill Work
DU - 52, 30, 58, 29, 30

Goal was to beat 14min so I barely squeaked in there. The broad jumps were surprisingly difficult. I was pretty gassed at the end so I wasn't expecting to do all that well on the rowing. Well, we get to the rowing and I start pretty strong. I kept pulling like that, without fatigue or burning, until round 5. After that, I knew I could hold fatigue off and go for a PR. I was pretty stoked since I was stuck at 63 for a bit. Overall, it was a pretty big day. I worked out earlier because I had a huge break and I'm trying to gain a few pounds. I figured some extra weight work wouldn't hurt with that. I'm gonna make sure to eat a bunch to recover for tomorrow's Fight Gone Bad workout.
Mar 22, 2002
"Fight Gone Bad"
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Result: 273 (PR).

I was looking to get 300 today, but I had several problems. I missed 8 wall balls (most above the target) the first round and 3 the second round. Also, due to the extensive rowing, lunges, broad jumps, and front squats yesterday, my posterior chain was smoked. I got 12 SDHP my last round, which isn't very good. I upped the amount of box jumps I got by quite a bit (I think by 17) so hopefully my back won't be so burned out from the previous day next time. Oh well, no excuses. It's a PR - I just need to get after that 300.
Mar 22, 2002
WOD #1
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Result: 18 rounds (total of 171).

Strength Work
Power Cleans:

WOD #2
Ten rounds for time of:
135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 push-ups

Result: 18:27.

The first WOD was ok. I decided just to finish the 18th round since my hand tore lightly during the 17th. My grip had some probs the second workout, but I was working hard the whole time. I would've thought my time was faster than 18:27, but I guess not. My pushup endurance is getting better, which is nice. May or may not work out tomorrow due to two tests coming up. I may try to drop by and get some heavy lifting in or something... maybe some snatches.
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Mar 22, 2002
Strength Work
Overhead Squat:

Double Unders

Result: I've got my DUs down pretty well now so I wanted to do Annie while I had the chance (plus my shoulder was feeling twingy so I decided against any pressing motions). Well, I somehow forgot the set of 30 situps and DUs. My time was 5:52 and I was moving pretty quick. I likely would've had a 7min (and change) time. That would've been almost a couple minute PR, but I'm a dumbass.

On another note, it seems I've acquired some light tingling in my thumb through middle finger. I've actually learned how to diagnose nerve impingements recently and it seems to be quite a complicated case. I talked to the professor (a PhD and DPT) and she said my calluses/torn calluses/scars can impinge the digital nerves locally and that I'm likely having impingement up by the pec minor (and potentially in the neck). It sucks because a) I've been sleeping wrong, b) my posture while sitting all day sucks, and c) she's absolutely right. I've been doing some stretching and "nerve flossing" so I hope it goes away relatively soon.
Mar 22, 2002
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115 pound Push press, 10 reps
10 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
10 Box jumps, 24 inch box

Post total rounds.

Result: 8 rounds + 4 push press.

I actually felt pretty good during this workout. The push press was by far the most difficult part, but I felt I had a maintainable pace. It was challenged and gasping for air (particularly because of the SoCal heat wave), but I felt pretty good. During the cooldown, I got some tingles in my hand so I stopped. Will continue to work on my stretching and exercises.
Mar 22, 2002
Snatch, 1 rep
Clean and jerk, 1 rep
As many rounds and reps as possible in ten minutes of:
55kg Squat clean, 6 reps
12 Pull-ups
24 Double-unders

Add together the best snatch (in kg), the best clean and jerk (in kg), and the total reps performed in the triplet for your final score.

Snatch - 145lbs (65.91kg - PR)
Clean and Jerk - 185lbs (84.09 - ties PR)
MetCon - 4 rounds + 5 squat cleans (173 reps)

Score: 323

At my box, there was a 10min time limit for each lift to find your 1RM. I felt really rushed and improperly warmed up. I got 145 as a power snatch, but one of the owners said squat snatch only (which is technically wrong by Oly standards but whatever) so I squat snatched that again. I got 185lbs for my clean and jerk the very first try, which is an improvement on itself. It felt pretty light and I thought for sure I could get 195lbs. Well, not when I only had 1.5min to get it. The first rep I pulled higher than I was ready for and didn't keep my elbows up. All other reps after that were fatigued reps. Next time I max for clean and jerk, I'll go for 190 first. Hit a squat snatch PR though, so I'm alright with today. I think I could've got 150lbs with more time, but such is life.
Mar 22, 2002
Hiked 7mi

Decided to skip the WOD and just go for a hike with the family. It was nice, and relatively difficult about 3mi in - very steep inclines, switchbacks, constant up-and-down terrain. I think we were hiking for 3+ hours. It got my heart rate up pretty high on some of the inclines, but it was a pretty nice trek. My feet were sore afterward and my glutes are sore the day after. All in all, there were no blisters, no injuries, and no problems. I had a good time.
Mar 22, 2002
WOD #1
For time:
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1 mile

Time: 24:24 (6:22, 9:28, 8:34) Rx'ed

WOD #2
30 Clean and Jerk, 135lbs

Result: 5:44 Rx'ed

I haven't felt as purely out of breath as I did in Jerry in years. It was that same suffocating feeling I'd get doing cross country I felt fine muscular-wise, but I was just sucking wind. The 6:22 mile was me holding back a bit for the rows... it didn't help me. I took a 40s break between the run and the row, but the row was still torture.

I felt strong on Grace, which was nice. My clean and jerk form was actually fairly decent for nearly every rep and I felt like I was extending my hips completely and timing things well. It's not the best time, but I'll get in the 4min range next time for sure.
Mar 22, 2002
Are you doing two-a-days as a regular thing now?

Kinda tryin' to, yeah. I'm disappointed with my performance on weighted metcons and pure cardio so I want to work that. I'm also trying to gain a little bit of weight so I'm trying to get some lifting in each time I work out. My body can handle the volume. I just need to be careful about which WODs I pair together. Last week's Death by Pullups and deadlift/pushup couplet had wayy too much volume for one day. I've learned that lesson, lol.
Mar 22, 2002
Strength Work
Overhead Squat:
3x115 (Lost forward)

Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Result: 165-176-185-190-195-200(PR)-200-200-200-200

Max reps bench with 135lbs: 18

I was feeling pretty crappy with the OHS today. I just didn't have the stability for it. I stretched while in the bottom of the squat with PVC overhead after the failed set, which helped loosen me up a bit for the last set. I'm pretty happy with today's bench effort. My previous 1RM was 200 so to get it for 5 sets of 2 feels pretty nice. One of the trainers wanted to set up a burnout, which I'm not typically a fan of. I knew one set for burnout wouldn't really require too much oxidation so I just went for it. I think I got the highest in the gym, even out of the guys lifting way, way more. Weird.
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Mar 22, 2002
Just as a quick note, my gym is doing the Filthy Fifty tomorrow, one of the last workouts I did at DACCF. I got something like 29min on it. I felt pretty good until I got to the wall balls last time, but hit a plateau after. This time, I'll pace things a bit more evenly and hopefully get sub-25min. I know I can smash the double unders at the end, which will take minutes of time off in itself.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2001
Strength Work
Overhead Squat:
3x115 (Lost forward)

Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Result: 165-176-185-190-195-200(PR)-200-200-200-200

Max reps bench with 135lbs: 18

I was feeling pretty crappy with the OHS today. I just didn't have the stability for it. I stretched while in the bottom of the squat with PVC overhead after the failed set, which helped loosen me up a bit for the last set. I'm pretty happy with today's bench effort. My previous 1RM was 200 so to get it for 5 sets of 2 feels pretty nice. One of the trainers wanted to set up a burnout, which I'm not typically a fan of. I knew one set for burnout wouldn't really require too much oxidation so I just went for it. I think I got the highest in the gym, even out of the guys lifting way, way more. Weird.

Yeah, I did this workout, and got 13 reps on the burnout sets, even though I was doing more weight overall. You have much better strength endurance.
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