SociallyChallenged Workout Journal

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Mar 22, 2002
Yeah, I did this workout, and got 13 reps on the burnout sets, even though I was doing more weight overall. You have much better strength endurance.

Yeah, I was surprised by that fact. I was also using more of a powerlifter-Rippetoe bench hybrid so perhaps I was using my lower body a bit better.
Mar 22, 2002
Just as a quick note, my gym is doing the Filthy Fifty tomorrow, one of the last workouts I did at DACCF. I got something like 29min on it. I felt pretty good until I got to the wall balls last time, but hit a plateau after. This time, I'll pace things a bit more evenly and hopefully get sub-25min. I know I can smash the double unders at the end, which will take minutes of time off in itself.

I woke up Wednesday with moderate inflammation in my left elbow. I didn't feel anything the night before and was kinda pissed about it. I've been icing it and taking ibuprofen. I took Wednesday off because it was painful even just to sit around, but I came back in today. At the next open gym, I'll likely make a go at the Filthy Fifty.
Mar 22, 2002
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Result: 175-195-215-225-235-240-245

10-9-8-7-6-5 reps of:
Front Squats 60% of one rep max (145lbs)
Box Jumps (24 in.)
Handstand Push-ups

Post total time.

Result: 16:45

It's been a long time since I've front squatted so I wanted to at least hit 240lbs. My most recent 1RM back squat was 310lbs and using a conversion ratio of about 3/4, I calculated I would have to lift 240lbs for a PR. Well, 245lbs translates to about 325lbs on back squat (and I tend to be a little weaker in front squat) so I'm happy with the result. Getting that big number meant I got my ass kicked on the metcon though. All in all, I felt alright. HSPU were harder than normal, but I attribute that to intense arm flexion (trying to keep elbows up in front squat) and inflammation in my elbow.
Mar 22, 2002
Strength Work
Power Clean

"Tabata This"
Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.

Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories".

Result: 44 - 7cal row + 14 squats + 7 pull-ups + 7 push-ups + 9 sit-ups

This workout is really difficult to get through. I maintained 7-8cal the whole row, started with 18 squats and slowly degraded to 14, started with 14-pullups, started with 10 push-ups, and started with 10 sit-ups. The fatigue really hits hard at the pull-ups since you're in such high oxygen deficit. I worked my butt off and almost died at the end, but I survived.
Mar 22, 2002
Strength Work
Overhead Squat:

Snatch Balance

Result: 115-125-135-145-155-165-175(F)

Snatch Balance, 60% of 1RM
KB Swings, 2pood
Ball Slams, 20lbs

Result: 7:03

I wore weightlifting shoes for the first time today and it made a huge difference on my comfort and balance in the hole. I didn't wear them for OHS and it felt like I was too tight, which I honestly wasn't. I put the shoes on starting on the second snatch balance rep and I fell in love. I'm almost positive I could've had 175 if I would've tightened up and pushed myself under the bar, but I'm pretty happy with 165. That just means I have no excuse not to PR in the snatch. If any of you guys know good websites to buy Oly lifting shoes for under $100, please let me know.

In other news, the metcon was heavy, but fast... up until I bailed on the snatch balance three times in a row. I was getting soft because I had to breathe harder. It screwed my time a bit. KB swings are WAY harder in Oly shoes, since I couldn't plant on my heels very much. Pro's and con's to Oly lifting shoes, lol.
Mar 22, 2002
Also, I take back everything I said about overhead stuff not working the traps as intensely as things like deadlifts. Mine are absolutely thrashed.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Get the 2009 Rogue weightlifting shoes or Do-Win weightlifting shoes. I have the latter and I refuse to do heavy squatting without them. My only complaint is that the pair I got has overly long velcro straps, which looks a bit weird, but doesn't cause any issues.

And yes, overhead stuff can absolutely destroy your traps. Do enough weight or reps with any olympic-style lift (snatch, clean, jerk, oh squat, etc) and you won't be doing much shrugging the next couple days.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2001
Get the 2009 Rogue weightlifting shoes or Do-Win weightlifting shoes. I have the latter and I refuse to do heavy squatting without them. My only complaint is that the pair I got has overly long velcro straps, which looks a bit weird, but doesn't cause any issues.

And yes, overhead stuff can absolutely destroy your traps. Do enough weight or reps with any olympic-style lift (snatch, clean, jerk, oh squat, etc) and you won't be doing much shrugging the next couple days.

Too bad the available sizes for both of those shoes are either baby-small or basketball-player huge
Mar 22, 2002
Get the 2009 Rogue weightlifting shoes or Do-Win weightlifting shoes. I have the latter and I refuse to do heavy squatting without them. My only complaint is that the pair I got has overly long velcro straps, which looks a bit weird, but doesn't cause any issues.

And yes, overhead stuff can absolutely destroy your traps. Do enough weight or reps with any olympic-style lift (snatch, clean, jerk, oh squat, etc) and you won't be doing much shrugging the next couple days.

Already looked into both, but like spamsk8r said, there's no real availability out there anymore. All websites I've checked have size 4.5 and lower or size 13 and larger. I'm not exactly looking to spend all that much and would like to be able to request a cheaper pair for Christmas... maybe I'll ask people to pitch in together to get me a nicer pair. I don't really need a nicer pair though due to the low frequency of use. Thanks for the links.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Already looked into both, but like spamsk8r said, there's no real availability out there anymore. All websites I've checked have size 4.5 and lower or size 13 and larger. I'm not exactly looking to spend all that much and would like to be able to request a cheaper pair for Christmas... maybe I'll ask people to pitch in together to get me a nicer pair. I don't really need a nicer pair though due to the low frequency of use. Thanks for the links.

Hm, didn't notice the lack of sizes. That's a shame. For what it's worth, I get very heavy use out of my squat shoes, wearing them every time I front squat, back squat, overhead squat, clean, snatch and jerk (ie, bare minimum 3 times/week). To me, that's worth $150 or so for shoes that will last for years. However, if the budget is tight, the VS Dynamo is also sub $100. I don't have any personal experience with them (everyone I know uses do-win or rogue), but it looks like most sizes are available.
Mar 22, 2002
Hm, didn't notice the lack of sizes. That's a shame. For what it's worth, I get very heavy use out of my squat shoes, wearing them every time I front squat, back squat, overhead squat, clean, snatch and jerk (ie, bare minimum 3 times/week). To me, that's worth $150 or so for shoes that will last for years. However, if the budget is tight, the VS Dynamo is also sub $100. I don't have any personal experience with them (everyone I know uses do-win or rogue), but it looks like most sizes are available.

I checked those out too, but the 3.3cm heel (over 1in) is a little bit steep for my stature. Typically, the taller you are, the larger the heel you need for the same biomechanical changes. I tried the Rogues, which have a 3/4in heel and they were perfect. I'd worry about an inch being too much. Hm...
Mar 22, 2002
Strength Work
Jerk (Push first set, split second and third sets):

15 MIN A.M.R.A.P

Result: 5 rounds, 5 squat cleans, 4 box jumps

Cool Down
3 rounds for time of:
10 SLAM BALLS, 20lbs

Result: 1:31

Need weightlifting shoes. Shoulder is sore and knee is sore. Gonna ice, in a bit of a rush tonight.
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Mar 22, 2002
3 rounds:
10 KBS, 1.5pood
10 Box Jumps, 24in

WOD (Programmed for myself due to light elbow issues)
3 rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
15 Right-handed KB Swings
15 Left-handed KB Swings

Time: 7:23.

"Cool Down"
Tabata Row - 66cal (PR)

My elbow has been flaring up since bench press and any workout that forces me to have a strong rack position like yesterday's WOD (15 hang cleans, 15 burpees, 3x) sets me back. I decided to do this workout to work on my shoulder and grip a bit. I also programmed it so it was roughly the same duration as the other WOD.
Mar 22, 2002

"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Result: 885lbs (back squat - 335lbs (PR), shoulder press - 160lbs (PR), deadlift - 390lbs(PR)) at 155lbs body weight.

I've been waiting and waiting for this workout to come up. I've been stoked about my deadlift ever since I did 350lbs for a triplet. I was aiming for 380lbs as my high end for deadlift, but got that with good bar speed. The squat was a definite maximum and I was stuck in the same spot until I let out all my air via war cry. The war cry was enough to get me up and out of the difficult ROM so it was a good rep. Shoulder press probably could've been higher if my elbow and shoulder weren't twingy, but I'm very, very happy with these results. I wore a velcro belt, which helped a lot with getting tight, but didn't give me much to push on. I'm gonna invest in a weightlifting belt soon. Stoked that I'm so close to my year's goals.
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Mar 22, 2002
Elbow issues continued to be annoying, especially during my daily activities. As a student, I sit in a lecture hall, taking notes for a majority of the day. I've had trouble ever since the bench press couplet workout with finding a comfortable way to rest my elbows. Last night, tried to ice, found the exact location of my inflammation - the anconeus. Looked up issues having to do with anconeus and found anconeus compartment syndrome, which met my symptoms to a tee. Made an appointment with a friend through CF714, who's also an ART specialist. I came in, he told me I diagnosed it right, he did some active release and some terrible nasty-sounding tissue work with a plastic tool, and I got my ROM back. I took today off to give it a break, but he said I should be good as new tomorrow.

In other news, I finally bought an Inzer belt and some Pendlay Do-Wins. I told family to help me pay for them if they are too lazy to find me a Christmas gift. Finally, I have a sufficient base of useful tools to maximize strength gains, comfort, and form. Just need a power rack and some Olympic weights at some point in the future and I'll be self sufficient
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Mar 22, 2002
Ten rounds of:
Run 150 meters
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
135 pound Front squat, 7 reps
7 Handstand push-ups

Post total time.

Result: 35:31 (subbed 2x pushups for HSPU)

This was a pretty long workout. I was drained at round 6, but continued onward. My goal was to do all sets of front squat unbroken, which I achieved. The thing that took me the longest was catching my breath for the front squat, the run, and the pushups. I subbed pushups for HSPU because my shoulder was aggravated and HSPU would've been an injury for sure. I was pretty happy with my ability to trudge through and I'm glad I'm improving on front squats - they felt much better today for high reps.
Mar 22, 2002
Shoulder was bothering me again after the last WOD so I saw the ART specialist today and he broke up some adhesions on my capsule and fascia tightness all over my shoulder. The ROM I'm getting now is great, but the shoulder is still a bit sensitive. I'll see him again on Monday and hope it helps my shoulder. I'll be amazed if he can actually allow me to build some proper upper body strength. I'm hopeful though.

Weighted Chin-Ups

Result: BW+70, BW+97, BW+117, BW+128, BW+133, BW+133 (PR), BW+133(F)

Video of the second chin-up:!/video/video.php?v=1620327664649

Hopefully you guys will have rights to see that video on facebook. I did this WOD in place of the thruster WOD I missed. I figured I'd give my shoulder a light day so today's WOD was out of the question (bear crawls, burpees). I PR'ed by 10lbs, which I'm pretty happy with. I'm still working for BW+150 before the year is over.
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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Heh, love the last effort in the video: strain strain strain, frog kick, drop down with a huge grin. Awesome


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
Out of curiosity, why is it that crossfitters seem to always prefer pull ups when not adding weight but then switch to chin ups when adding weight? Is it just because you can add more weight with chin ups?

I'm starting to add weight for the first time this week but I figured I'd just stick with pull ups.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Out of curiosity, why is it that crossfitters seem to always prefer pull ups when not adding weight but then switch to chin ups when adding weight? Is it just because you can add more weight with chin ups?

I'm starting to add weight for the first time this week but I figured I'd just stick with pull ups.

Personally, I typically use pull-ups for everything. However, most people can pull more weight if they switch to a chin-up grip. On the other hand, if you are doing lots of reps in a typical CF metcon, the pull-up grip is usually more comfortable for kipping.
Mar 22, 2002
"Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Result: 27:08 (PR by 2min 44sec)

This WOD still sucked a lot. I attacked the box jumps with as little rest as possible and broke everything up into difficult, but manageable sets. I finished everything up through the back extensions significantly faster than last time, but wall balls really crushed me again. I got through them and then the burpees were a chore. Luckily, my double unders have gotten significantly better, leaving me with a nice PR. Looking to get 25min or less next time.
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