SociallyChallenged Workout Journal

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Mar 22, 2002
Out of curiosity, why is it that crossfitters seem to always prefer pull ups when not adding weight but then switch to chin ups when adding weight? Is it just because you can add more weight with chin ups?

I'm starting to add weight for the first time this week but I figured I'd just stick with pull ups.

Personally, I'm working to get a one-arm chin-up or pull-up as soon as I can. The one-arm chin-up is something that's easier to achieve since you can lift a bit more maximally with a supinated grip. I'm just training in preparation for that. Once I get BW+150, I'll really start working my technique for the one-arm stuff.
Mar 22, 2002
Took yesterday off due to angry elbows again. I had them released at the ART specialist and am taking the week easy on them (no extreme flexion, no active extension or eccentric motion at the triceps/anconeus).

AMRAP in 20min of:
5 Wall Balls, 20lbs (Subbed 95lb back squat to avoid elbow probs)
10 Ball Slams, 20lbs
15 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood

Cool Down
1000m Run - 4:22

Result: 7 rounds, 5 back squat, 10 ball slams, 4 kettlebell swings

This is the first time I've swung the big KB around for a full workout. It was intense. Near round 3-4, my back really started to tighten up. It was tough, but I continued with an 8+7 breakdown until round 6, where I had to go 5+5+5. I was pretty happy with my performance considering this is nearly half of my body weight. Will have to continue working on these heavy KBS though. Glad to be back in the gym.
Mar 22, 2002
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Double Unders

Result: 7:27 (PR)

Annie seems to always be my backup workout. I wanted to do Mr. Joshua, but knew my back would be too sore for deadlifts. I decided to do Annie + some running, but I didn't bring the right shorts for running and my legs began to chafe about 1200m in. I'll probably just do the mainsite WOD (run 5k) tomorrow just because I don't want deadlifts to possibly aggravate my elbows again. It was a mediocre day, but at least I PR'ed in something.
Mar 22, 2002

First Workout
Ellestad Treadmill VO2max test (worked at steep incline 10-15% and up to 6mph). Took 16:20 for me to fail.

Second Workout
AMRAP in 20min of:
10 Wall Balls, 20lbs (Subbed 24in box jumps)
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Back Extensions

Result: 11 rounds, 10 box jumps, 1 GHD sit-up

Right elbow is still a bit tender so I'm going to start playing it by ear with the WODs. Gonna ease back into using the upper body. I'm stinkin' tired.
Mar 22, 2002
5 rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat, 95lbs

Result: DNF.

I started this workout fine and felt pretty good, but at the end of the second round run, I felt a light burning and twinge in my adductors. I thought my hip just had to pop, but when I got down into the pulling position to snatch the weight, I had a continued straining sensation. I went down into the first overhead squat and decided that it wasn't worth it to go any further. I guess I should've thought today out a bit better since I did a VO2max test, WOD, and adductor stretches yesterday and only slept 6ish hours. I hope it's only minor and will have to just feel it out as the week comes up. Injuries are frustrating.
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Mar 22, 2002
Mon 11/1/10
5 rounds for time of:
100 single unders (heavy jump rope)
20 3/4 unweighted box squats
20 overhead lunges, 65lbs

I haven't timed workouts since I injured myself. I push at a pace comfortable for my injury, but challenging cardiovascularly. This was a neat workout.

Also, I took the time to evaluate my leg injury. Seems like an adductor/flexor combo muscle so it's likely pectineus.
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Mar 22, 2002
Wed 11/2/10
Run 25min

Strength Work/Rehab
Upper body strengthening exercises with band

Ran in grass wearing loafers. Sadly, my running shoes give me shin-splint like symptoms EVERY time I run in them. My fivefingers have seen better days and create some pressure points due to me drying them a while back. I went minimalist and wore some tight fitting loafers and they worked great. Had a very light pulsating pain in the adductor at the end of the workout.
Mar 22, 2002
Thurs 11/4/10

Lame cardio video + 15min run

Adductor Rehab

My dad does these cardio videos in the morning and I wanted to see what they entail. They made me crack up with some of the exercises (and advice) given. I did it and then went out for a quicker paced jog.
Mar 22, 2002
Fri 11/5/10


I needed desperately to do some ACTUAL strength work so I went into the CF affiliate and lifted. I tried using my new weightlifting belt today, but it's not worked in enough yet. Each time I got the weight up, I had to drop it since getting back down into the deadlift position pinched my lower abs between the belt and my rib cage. I'll work the belt a bit more, especially where it was bugging. Worked on my form quite a bit and took the belt off for the last set since it was detracting from my workout. Felt pretty good, except for the last set, which was more challenging that I would've liked.
Mar 22, 2002
Hm, I guess adductor injuries must be contagious

What are you doing to rehab it?

Well, I stopped almost immediately after feeling the pain so it's a rather low-level injury Right now, I'm doing a squat progression (3/4 box squat to full box squat to full air squat to back squat with bar, etc), lateral slides (sort of like a basketball defense drill), running, and lunges. I would consider doing some band exercises, but I feel this injury will take care of itself in a timely manner. I tend to feel the injury most in the bottom of a deep squat so that's why I'm focusing on the squat progression. It allows me to tell what level of intensity is appropriate and what isn't almost instantly.
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Mar 22, 2002
Mon 11/8/10
Three rounds for time of:
30 KB Swings, 1.5pood
25 Wall Balls, 20lbs (subbed 50 double unders)
20 Pull-ups

Result: 12:05

Yesterday I felt fine, but it seems I have angered the anconeus gods. It makes no sense from an anatomical stand point why my anconei should fire while gripping (no insertion point that far), but I'm thinking neurologically, it is paired with the forearm extensors. I'm going to avoid overhead grip exercises (heavy deadlifts didn't aggravate them at all) for a bit longer and be a bit more sensible about my first few workouts.
Mar 22, 2002
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets.

Result (Subbed 3x5 on each movement for the 5x1):
OHS - 55, 65, 75
Front Squat - 85, 95, 105
Back Squat - 115, 125, 135

Death by 20m

Result: 8 rounds + 8 suicides (9 required for full round)

I got my Oly lifting shoes (Pendlay Do-Wins) so I decided to try them out. It was nice because I think they took a very slight load off of my adductor. I wasn't going SUPER deep, but was going well below parallel. It was most aggravated by front squats (Randy Coleman style), but the irritation wasn't to a degree outside of rehabilitation. I'm going to continue my rehab every other day first in weightlifting shoes and then without. Hope I can get better quickly.

No pain on the sprints, which is a positive sign. I was smarter with working into higher workloads and started death by 20m at a comfortable jog and slowly increased my speed. I hit some good dig steps without any pain, which is a sign of improvement.


Mar 20, 2000

What's your current weight/body fat %? Also, your diet?

I read through some of your journal (sorry if I missed those parts) and have seen your significant amount of gains in strength. How have you been eating? Low body fat %? Abs visible?
Mar 22, 2002

What's your current weight/body fat %? Also, your diet?

I read through some of your journal (sorry if I missed those parts) and have seen your significant amount of gains in strength. How have you been eating? Low body fat %? Abs visible?

I weigh about 155lbs right now. I had a 3-site caliper test last week that said I was 7% body fat, but I'm more likely around 10-11%. I eat mostly natural, unpackaged foods with the occasional cheese stick or granola bar. I eat a fair amount of fruit, good amount of veggies, eggs, nuts, seeds, meat (chicken and fish especially), lots of milk, etc. My abs have been visible since I was like 11 so my body composition isn't the most difficult to maintain. I'm built best for strength stuff so that's why you've seen such improvement


Mar 20, 2000
I weigh about 155lbs right now. I had a 3-site caliper test last week that said I was 7% body fat, but I'm more likely around 10-11%. I eat mostly natural, unpackaged foods with the occasional cheese stick or granola bar. I eat a fair amount of fruit, good amount of veggies, eggs, nuts, seeds, meat (chicken and fish especially), lots of milk, etc. My abs have been visible since I was like 11 so my body composition isn't the most difficult to maintain. I'm built best for strength stuff so that's why you've seen such improvement

How many calories per day do you consume and do you have a certain amount of carbs/fat/protein that you intake?

And your height? ...Got any pics of your progress?
Mar 22, 2002
How many calories per day do you consume and do you have a certain amount of carbs/fat/protein that you intake?

And your height? ...Got any pics of your progress?

I eat when I'm hungry. I don't eat when I'm not. I typically eat around a 40/30/30 (fat/carbs/protein) split, but I don't track it anymore. I take in anywhere from 120-150g of protein per day and it works just fine. I'm 5'8"ish. No pics.
Mar 22, 2002
AMRAP in 20min of:
20 ab-mat sit-ups
15 step-ups, 20in box
10 GHD back extensions

Result: 9 rounds exactly.

Did this workout to avoid any and all grip/arm involvement. They still don't feel very good. Going to the ART specialist again and then won't use my arms at all until pain in significantly reduced. If that doesn't work, I'll see a physician and maybe a PT. Worst case scenario, a fasciotomy may come into play down the line. Fail. Oh well, this workout was ok - lower intensity, but rehabilitative in nature. I can't go wrong with increased core strength.
Mar 22, 2002
It seems I was lucky enough to acquire some lower back pain, something I've never had and something that hasn't been elicited by my workouts. I'm sitting significantly more at PT school so I'm thinking this has a bit to do with it. So the injuries are now: anconeus compartment syndrome (bilateral), right pectineus strain (improving), and lower back pain. I'm taking this week off from anything but body weight exercises. I'll take tomorrow off to get evaluated at the family chiro since that doesn't require a 'scrip from a doctor. So frustrating.
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Oct 12, 2009
Good luck with the back. Mine's better but now that I know it's a pinched nerve at the L-5, it's more disconcerting than when I thought it was plain muscle strain.
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Mar 22, 2002
Back's better and I've been rehabbing a bit this week.

Wed 11/17/10
10min walk at 3.5mi with 5% grade

Leg Press (Machine)

Lunges (Each leg)

Samson stretch
Low squat position
Medial rotators stretch

5min walk

I did significant stretching and warm-up before getting to the leg press. I also wanted to start light, challenge the pectineus, and then finish the workout light. Pectineus was tight at first, but loosened up quite a bit. No pain, but thought I may have overdone it. Luckily, I ate a bunch and took extra fish oil and felt fine the next day.
Mar 22, 2002
Thurs 11/18/10

30min with 6 longish intervals mixed in (resistance unknown due to spin bike's lack of labeling)

Felt pretty good. I wanted to cycle for several reasons: 1) I wanted to work the concentric contraction for pectineus, 2) I really needed to do some good cardio, 3) I wanted to start rehab of my elbows with very light isometric support (via weight on handlebars). The workout went fine and my pectineus is still chuggin' along.
Mar 22, 2002
Fri 11/19/10
45min broke down as follows:
5min warm-up
10min at 150-170bpm HR
5min active rest at 140bpm or higher
10min at 150bpm-160bpm
5min active rest at 140bpm or higher
5 min of 45sec on, 45sec on intervals (5 intervals) with increased resistance and cadence - peak bpm >170bpm
5min cool-down

Felt almost euphoric after this workout. I've been so sick of just sitting around that cycling while staring at a wall makes me a million times happier. I worked my ass off on the bike - I was sweating all over the place. It's funny because Chapman University's gym is small and mostly has sorority girls in undergrad. I felt a little bit out of place throwing down some serious intervals while Lady Gaga played in the background. I don't give a damn though - I'm just glad to get my heart rate up.
Mar 22, 2002
Back Squat

Tabata Double-Unders - 166

I just came in to the CF gym to work on my back squat. I didn't feel any pain, but the pectineus was tight while warming up. Gonna continue to stretch it and may do some light manual release on it. Elbows didn't flare up on back squat, which was my primary concern. Tabata double-unders were ridiculous. I got 41 my first 20s period and then lost all forearm coordination. I hope to hit 200 next time.
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