SoF: Payback


Dec 5, 2000
Any more info on this game? Still releasing in Nov?

Neither the Activision site nor the Activision Value site even list it.

It appears the official site is


Soldier Of Fortune: Payback has officially gone gold!!
Shipping USA - 11-13-07 for Xbox360 /PC 11-20-07 for PS3

Shipping Europe - 11-30-07 Xbox360/PC Q1 2008 for PS3

damnit, i just bought HGL and CoD4!! now I gotta spend more money on SoF Payback!!
I'll tell you right now that with CoD4, HGL got a major push back in play time. Now this is goign to push it back even further!


Aug 9, 2002

There doesn't seem to be a single body part that can't be separated from a body. The bullet from a SAW can tear off an enemy's leg at the kneecap. But he won't die instantly from this. He'll fall to the ground and either shoot at you in desperation or try to crawl to safety.

Hah. Sounds like fun!

And release date Nov. 13th? Why wasn't this mentioned here a long time ago?


Senior member
Jul 18, 2005
Probably because it was originally being developed as a budget title that seemed EXTREMELY gimmicky.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Regs
I do admit it does look kind of cheesy.

how does it seem gimmicky or cheesy?

it looks friggin awesome.
SoF2 was the best MP FPS game in existence. Nothing has ever come close to it. The SP was pretty cool too.

If it's anything like SoF2, then I'll be playing this game for a long time.


Aug 9, 2002
There's just something that tells me that the animations and visuals well be dumbed down and unrealistic.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2005
Ravensoft isn't producing SoF: Payback, and that's all you need to know about its quality.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: ZappDogg
Ravensoft isn't producing SoF: Payback, and that's all you need to know about its quality.

I'll wait until i play it to make that kind of comment.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
I'll reserve judgment until I play it, but I'm not holding my breath.


Dec 5, 2000
looks like Nov. 13th is the release date according to the forum on

also, one of the admins or whatever of that site got to see a hands on preview of it and he says it is awesome. he hasn't posted a full preview review yet (at least last time I checked) but plans on it soon.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Just watched the HD video from that link! :Q Looks freaking awesome!

Hope they have a demo, I'd love to try it!



Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Just watched the HD video from that link! :Q Looks freaking awesome!

Hope they have a demo, I'd love to try it!


there's no plans for a demo
If the guy on the forum that got the hands on preview says its really like SoF2, then I'm getting it without hesitation.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Just watched the HD video from that link! :Q Looks freaking awesome!

Hope they have a demo, I'd love to try it!


there's no plans for a demo
If the guy on the forum that got the hands on preview says its really like SoF2, then I'm getting it without hesitation.

Guess I'll have to wait for your review then.



Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Just watched the HD video from that link! :Q Looks freaking awesome!

Hope they have a demo, I'd love to try it!


there's no plans for a demo
If the guy on the forum that got the hands on preview says its really like SoF2, then I'm getting it without hesitation.

Guess I'll have to wait for your review then.


did you play SoF2?


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Just watched the HD video from that link! :Q Looks freaking awesome!

Hope they have a demo, I'd love to try it!


there's no plans for a demo
If the guy on the forum that got the hands on preview says its really like SoF2, then I'm getting it without hesitation.

Guess I'll have to wait for your review then.


did you play SoF2?

Nope, never did. If it is anything like how this looks, I think I missed out.



Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: KeithTalent

Nope, never did. If it is anything like how this looks, I think I missed out.


Well, while the SP was cool, it really wasn't much to write home about. But the MP is where it really shined. Best MP of any game I have ever played. Just the way the characters moved, the way the guns shot, how the damage was determined, the atmosphere just really made it a great MP game.

Hell, other than a guild in an MMO, SoF2 was the only game I ever joined a clan in.


Senior member
Jun 20, 2004
SF2 was so much fun, great game. Really changed MP online for a bit.


Dec 5, 2000
Single player Xbox 360 hands on preview:

SoF: Payback forum

Yesterday, I got the chance to remove some limbs and crack some heads open for myself in a two hour hands on session of Soldier Of Fortune: Payback at Activision HQ in MN. In that time I think that I was able to get a good picture of what this game has to offer. When all is said and done I am pleased with what this game brings to the table ? and I say that as a fan of both the original Soldier Of Fortune and Double Helix.

We started out in a conference room doing a little question / answer session with a few producers and members of the production team. More on the specifics of that in a later post. I'm still getting some details cleared before posting them. Just as we were about to fire up the game on a projector, the lead for the game announced that he had a better idea. We were ushered to his office and I was set in front of a mammoth High Def flat screen... nice job perk =)

As he handed me the controller and started the game he guessed me as ?an easy mode kind of guy? - a bit of teasing. I think everyone in the room raised an eyebrow when I self consciously admitted that easy mode actually was the best choice.... don't get me wrong I've played through Gears Of War and a hand full of other Xbox 360 titles, but I feel more at home with a mouse. I did have to clarify that I wasn't a total noob as one producer started to explain which trigger was ?shoot?... I'm not that bad.

For those that don't know, the Soldier Of Fortune series was handed off from Raven Software and Activision's main studio to developer Cauldron and Activision MN. After really getting some time with the game I think that the new team has handled the game extremely well and does justice to the series. The team was also quick to point out that other studios have contributed to Payback, including heavy hitters Raven and Infinity Ward. In fact Raven gave the final approval of the gore system developed by Cauldron. They liked what they saw... it was messy 'n gooood.

I played through several varied maps. A 'fake' Afghanistan, the jungles of Columbia, an indoor garage, and even the mean streets of (something like) Iraq. From a technical stand point the game really impressed me - in particular the textures. Everything I had seen had a decent level of polish. Something many games miss the boat on would be the foliage, but I thought it was done well here. Overall the buildings and environments looked great and the character models were really nice to look at... even if the whole idea is to just abuse them in really evil and horrific ways. So, for anyone concerned with the looks... don't be, they've more then come through in that department.

But who cares about graphics if the gameplay is crap? I read the forums (obsessively), and I know more then one of you would be perfectly happy with Soldier Of Fortune II: The (prettier) Remake. I played Double Helix, and I whored away many many many precious hours of my life with the multiplayer, so I loved it too. However, as much as I loved it I'm glad Cauldron didn't attempt to emulate a game from 2002. Yes this game still feels like Soldier Of Fortune, yes I blast through baddies in very cruel fashion (return of the crotch shot!), but it is indeed a new game. I know many of you panicked at the idea of iron sites and expanding crosshairs, but let me calm your fears and tell you that the entire time I played I had a dot on the screen and could still shoot from the hip. It (rightly) wasn't quite as accurate as taking the time to use the iron-sites, but I didn't have a hard time dismembering goons from the hip. And speaking of weapons... we have goods a'plenty. Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, SMGs, Pistols, Explosives ... and every attachment you can think of for all of them. A wide variety of scopes, grips, Silencers, and the trusty 'ole noob tube. The weapons felt really good as well. A shooter has to let you feel the weapon you're using and Payback delivers. I think the game captures the usage and recoil of the weapons quite well. I'm quite annoyed when I play a shooter and the weapons feel inaccurate or clumsy (Medal of honor Airborne!) but the variety of weapons I tried were well done. While on the subject of weapons I was informed that each platform will have their own exclusive weapon.

Aside from trekking through levels doing in-humane things to various baddies and henchmen, my playthrough involved some really fun scripted moments also. A truckload of cannon fodder in the desert flying at me got handled by my tube and thanks to the EXCELLENT usage of Havok I get to watch a pretty show filled with an exploding vehicle, arms, and legs flying in every direction. I had the chance to play an especially cool level where I'm chasing a boss through a garage and I'm greeted by heavy explosives and a room full of cars. Needless to say car parts and rockets were flying all around me. Sadly it all came to an end when I got flattened by a Buick at ramming speed - in my defense I was really distracted by the fireworks on screen at the time. So if you really enjoy those Call Of Duty intensity moments, this game delivers in spades. By the time I had finished my toes were curled, and I had tightened the ole sphincter more then a few times. And for those that love their Xbox 360 achievements, I'll just let you try to figure out what evil must be done to achieve "Daddy Long Legs" and "Not Enough Milk".

Multiplayer is obviously being guarded by ninjas right now (or still being tweaked), so I didn't get the opportunity to play through it, but they did share some exciting details. A few members of the team giggled at the concept of the 'bleedout'. Basically if you aren't killed by a lethal blow you have an 8 second bleedout. During that time you can pull out your pistol and let loose some revenge before the reaper comes. They've had some really great situations occur in play testing where two people wind up in the bleedout and a mad scramble occurs to unleash the final shot as they lay bleeding on the ground. One producer had a particularly evil glint in his eye as he explained that this also leads to some 'tough' decisions. If a flag carrying teammate goes down, you get to make the choice between letting him bleed out and regain some honor by extracting some revenge, or capping the fools head yourself to take the flag out of his dying fingers. I don't know about you, but if I see a sissy girl drop an enemy flag my standard operating procedure is going to have to be putting him out of his misery and taking care of what he should have done right in the first place. I'm a teabagger from way back. If I don't like you it's likely you'll see me doing the squat dance over your corpse (maybe even more if I do like you).Soldier Of Fortune: Payback has it's own take on post-kill humiliation. Supposedly all of the brutality from the single player makes it's way to the multiplayer. During bleedout you have the option of disarming and removing limbs of fallen foes as they helplessly watch (or cry zomg bs!). You could tell there was some inner-office enjoyment of this mechanic as one producer enthusiastically explained this particular bit. "Soon" I will be able to properly preview the multiplayer, but for now I can only say it sounds like a load of good carnage. Initially I was supposed to try it yesterday, but it looks like NDA signing play testers are the only ones getting close to it right now. Personally I'm happy that they are taking their time balancing and perfecting it.

While having nothing to do with Soldier Of Fortune, I just wanted to add that the final stop on my trip was a visit to the GameInformer office in Minneapolis. With over 3 million subscribers I'm sure several of you are readers of the magazine. Being a reader myself I got a kick out of meeting the editors and checking out what life is like in the GI office... and life is good. Although Kato was adamant about deadlines and work ethic, I didn't really feel sorry for anyone as I watched Reiner and Matt Helgerson hard at work. And by hard at work I mean playing previewing Mario Galaxies in front of another mammoth flat screen (Does EVERYONE have those!?). The mini-tour ended in the game vault (which was impressive) and a quick photo that involved mid-evil weapons (and a Rockband drum set?!) that may end up in the magazine. Not a bad end for the day... really decent bunch of guys.

With so many games and so much hype I think there will be some stiff competition this November. I can say this, if you were to put any holiday blockbuster and Soldier Of Fortune: Payback side by side and remove the names and hype, people would have no problem favoring Payback. I've played the demos for many of the top games coming this season, Payback easily stands up to the top of the litter. Don't get me wrong I'll be buying Call Of Duty, but Soldier Of Fortune stands up on it's own despite the hype or press.

Note: Just a little side note. I was assured that the game is the same over multiple platforms. I played the Xbox 360, but any screens and videos released thus far can be applied to PC or PS3.

At least it sounds like its going to be a well made game in terms of graphics and stuff. It just may not play the same as SoF2. If it plays like CoD2 I won't be too disappointed, because I liked CoD2, but I just wish it played like SoF2.



Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: ZappDogg
Ravensoft isn't producing SoF: Payback, and that's all you need to know about its quality.

"What started out as a value-priced title developed by Cauldron (Civil War: A Nation Divided) eventually got Activision?s full attention?including help from Infinity Ward, Raven and other company heavy hitters?resulting in the Soldier of Fortune: Pay Back that?s landing on store shelves in a few weeks. Now it?s a full-priced, full-featured game that?s being published by Activision proper. Once you get past its oddball pedigree, the game provides the expected dose of over-the-top action that you?d expect from the Soldier of Fortune name."

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