Software Pirating. . .your take

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<< We all break laws. Speeding is my vice. Do I try to rationalize and justify my behavior? Yes, I do. >>

Thank you for proving my point. Which is ....


Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999

<< Thank you for proving my point. Which is ....




Jan 24, 2001
I can't belive this got bumped up!

I accually read though the last few pages and I am still amazed. That fact you are willing to BRAG about your collection of warez and the fact you NEVER pay for software is truely astounding. Yet you think I am the bad guy, because I call you out.

Like I have stated before you have no right to use something that doesnot belong to you. End of story, there is no justification

Here are the main arguements-

It costs to much, I simply can't afford it.


I see no need to pay for something I can obtain through illegal channels for free.

I pirate because am an evil bastard, now leave me alone.


Rather than discuss the flaws of my ways I shall instead side with you so you will shut up!

Both of these arguements of course don't work because the only stengthin my arguement.

here are some of the replys

<< My problem isn't that stealing is justified. It's that you can't quite seem to find a way to comprehend that not everyone has your moral values and your sense of obligation. Instead, you feel justified to belittle people because of it. >>

In other words I am more wrong for questioning your ethic than you are for have none? Ok that works in fantisy land but not in the real world.

<< Every college student works for their degree. I attend college and pay for college on my own working several jobs. Am I entitled to my degree? You better believe I am, because I worked hard at it relentlessly in high school. I pay for it even now with my health and welfare. But regardless of what I choose as my major, it isn't decided by what I can afford or what my morals entitle me to. I didn't sit with my advisor and ask "what majors can I afford?" or "What major will my morals let me take?". >>

When it comes to education just toss your ethics aside you really don't need them untill after you graduate.
But then of course theres this.

<< Yeah, in an ideal world where businesses all have limitless funds and no spending inhibitions, everyone would be supplied with all the tools they need in any manner they wish. But the truth of it, you won't see anyone say "gee boss, I can't take the job cuz I've used/I have pirated software to help me along." Heck, do you think there aren't upper management departments that don't consider giving out pirated copies of the newest and greatest software to their employees to avoid paying licensing fees? >>

So in the work place ethics aren't really that important either.

Come on you guys are supposed to be smart and that is the best you can do?

<< You're missing the point again. If something simple like downloading mp3s is a large time investment, then a professional or business oriented usage of the internet is unfeasible and something else is another line to free up the main, or broadband to cut the amount of time needed to perform tasks. Going by your logic, it's like saying "I'm gonna dig out this building's foundation with my fingers instead of using a shovel because I can dig small holes with my fingers". >>

Actually Using my logic I would say HMMM. Maybe I can't afford to do this job, It would cost me more to do it than if I didn't do itat all! Perhaps I sould find something else to do it or find cheaper tools that will get me by until I can afford the nicer tools.

This was one of my favorites-

<< Yes They can't. How much does office Basic cost at the college bookstore? Not much and why do they need Office XP? You can allways find a used copy of 97 or 2000 for a fraction of what XP costs. >>

<< because officeXP is easy to find on warez channels because it's the newest and shinest thing out there now. >>

In other words If i can't afford the shiny new toy I will find a way to steal it.

<< Do you always give up so easily? they could abandon the position they've worked to get to(It's too hard, I can't do it, let's give up), or they can find another way. They have chosen the latter, if this is something you cannot, in good conscience, condone, fine. It still doesn't mean you can look down on these people for making a situation a litle more tenable. >>

A guy is hungry and steals a loaf of bread, regardless of why he stole or what he stole he still is a thief.

<< My point exactly. You take what extra money you mustered and go about analyzing your options on what YOU can buy. When you buy a toy at walmart, are you considering how much work went into making it or the conditions of the person who designed it? No. You look at the price tag, and compare how much you'd be willing to pay for it and the tag. If that tag price is equal to or less than what you're willing to take out of the money you have left, you'll prolly buy it or consider buying it later. You made a choice that you believed was right. But what you believe to be right, doesn't necessarily make it so. >>

Yes it is right I paid what the retailer asked instead of saying "that seems a little High I'll just take it for free!"

<< Mayhaps you should re-read my post before you comment. Most people follow this pattern of shopping. They ask themselves, is this a good deal? If it is, then it can be bought. If the cost is too high, then it gets passed. I'm asking, do you do the opposite? Do you ever stop yourself and say, "Golly, this was just too good I deal. The person deserves more. Let's go back and give the cashier more money >>

Ok I really want to know how buying a loss leader can be compared to stealing.
If a company is willing to sell me a product at a loss that is there problem, If I buy it for the amout that is listed then I LEGALLY own it. Now You think that some how compares with me just taking it? PLease try that logic somewhere else because it just doesn't work here in REALITY.

<< Regardless of the legality of the issue, at no point are you ENTITLED to snob your nose up at people who don't share your moral values. You said it yourself life is about choice and sacrifice, yet you don't seem to respect this at all. Life is about choice and sacrifice. Piraters have made the choice to obtain software illegally and have sacrificed the security that comes in knowing that there is no risk involved in owning it. >>

Accually I can belittle whom ever I choose, Free speech is a wonderful thing. Yes you have the right to make whatever choices you want. And by pirating software you coose to steel, I then choose to belittle you for it! It really works check the previous 200+ posts. When your choice is to steal something that doesn't belong to you then your sacrafice is having people like me question your values!

<< If things were to go your way, however, you would deny them this choice. >>

Yes I think you should pay for thing you use if the company wants you to, I'm funny that way.

<< U can't even live by your own words yet you expect others to >>

HMM So I pirate software? I really don't think so.

<< U voice your disgust at piracy, yet you are the one condemning anyone. No one is cramming warez down your throat. No one is calling you a fool for paying for your software when another choice exists. No one depicting you as worthless and small >>

I condem people WHO STEAL FROM OTHER PEOPLE! wow you figured that out. Yes I think people who coose to pirate software are worthless and small yes that's it.

<< We all make our own choices in life. I choose to use my job as a means of getting software, knowing full well there are plenty of places legal and illegal I can get the software from, and I can live with it. Others pirate, knowing full well that their actions are not condoned and that there are other ways to get the software, and they live with it. You have chosen to purchase your software knowing full well you could pirate it and that there are many piraters there in the market, but seem to have this need to bash on people who make other choices. >>

ANd you choose to bash me for doing so! Hey it really is simple don't steal I shuut up on the subject. Steal because you just have to have the NEWEST AND BRIGHTEST really isn't a worthy cause, You seem like you may be semi-inteligent I would suggest that you find a different avenue that accually leads somewhere as opposed to defending the dignity of theives!

<< Your argument wouldn't be so intolerable if the crime you are engaging in wasn't victimless. But there ARE victims from the trading of warez, and that's the software makers and the legitimate consumers of their products. The argument of "well, I wouldn't buy the software if I had to pay for it" is moot because you aren't doing them any favors buy using pirated copies! Lemme steal this copy of Max Payne just to show Gathering of Developers that I like their work. Geez, where's the logic??? >>


<< tm37 does NOT have justification to belittle anyone. >>

I can belittle anyone I choose!

<< but I don't recall in any of the software license agreements that he has the right to go around and typecast people who don't think like he does, don't share his moral values, or his particular sense of judgement. He's got a problem with piracy, it has been duly noted. Casting all piraters as slackers and online vagrants who are of little or no worth is where I draw the line. There is no excuse for passing judgement on people you don't know squat about. The world does not conform to this moral model that tm37 puts up and that it, under just about anyone's perspective, doesn't work as it SHOULD because there are other options. >>

Yes I judge people on there actions and Because they steal i judge! I don't need a EULA to give me permission to call you a thief after you admit you are a thief, It called the constitution! People readly say that they pirate because it is easier and cheaper than PAYING (GASP:Q) for the software they use. Well if that isn't slacking in that area at least I don't know what is.

<< Apparently though, my thoughts counter to the point are not received very well and I am personally criticized for making them. I don't really expect him to suddenly go "Oh my gosh, you're right! I should start pirating right away to make up for lost time", but neither do I expect him to go "You're a moron for thinking that way". >>

But what if you are a moron for thinking that way?


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
The FBI will probably get the hands on the IP log from the mod and bust all those morons bragging about their warez.

Yeah, you, moron.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
ugh, this is still alive.

Rather than discuss the flaws of my ways I shall instead side with you so you will shut up!

you ever stop to think that maybe this isn't considered a flaw by everyone?

<< In other words I am more wrong for questioning your ethic than you are for have none? Ok that works in fantisy land but not in the real world. >>

question away all you like. But you have to realize that not everyone shares your belief system and your set of values. Maybe in your perfect little world, everyone would, but not here.

<< When it comes to education just toss your ethics aside you really don't need them untill after you graduate.
But then of course theres this.

So in the work place ethics aren't really that important either.

Are you even following this argument, because it's getting tiresome of having you seemingly forget what the point is. Just to refresh you memory, my point is that, to some people, having a stable, uninterrupted internet connection is not a luxury, but rather, a necessity for life. You seem to find this unethical. It's not like people are running LOS access points and copper wiring and stealing it. It's paid for. So that art developer who'd like that copy of powerdvd is supposed to give up something critical to his survival in lieu of the fact that he could download it easily. I'm trying to say, it doesn't work that way. It might not be right, but that people don't think that way.

<< Actually Using my logic I would say HMMM. Maybe I can't afford to do this job, It would cost me more to do it than if I didn't do itat all! Perhaps I sould find something else to do it or find cheaper tools that will get me by until I can afford the nicer tools. >>

Once again, you completely missed the point. The point is, the shovel is an integral part of doing the job. It's simply unfeasible and inefficient to do so otherwise. So that while it is possible to dig out a foundation with your fingers, it's not an option. Why ? Cuz you'd never work again.Word would spread you did the work with vast amounts of inefficiency adn you'd be out on the street starving for lack of work. and since you never attended college, I'll excuse the fact that the whole concept of choosing a major is not exactly in your realm of expertise, but suffice it to say, morality doesn't play a significant, if any, part in it. Interest does.

<< This was one of my favorites-

In other words If i can't afford the shiny new toy I will find a way to steal it.

Once again, the point went completely past you. People pirate officeXP because it's the easiest thing to find. Why is it the easiest to find? Because it's the new, shiny thing. It doesn't work the other way around. If office 97 was easier to find, then they'd use that, but it isn't. Why? Because it's been replaced by something newer, shinier, and easier to find.

<< A guy is hungry and steals a loaf of bread, regardless of why he stole or what he stole he still is a thief. >>

that may be, but for a just cause, I would not condemn his moral standard and if he got away with it scot free, I would shake his hand. The difference between right and wrong is often not formed by some governing body or by a supreme ruling power, but by the mind of the individual. One man's standard for what is just doesn't necessarily equate someone elses. Does this make one man better than another. No, just different.

<< Yes it is right I paid what the retailer asked instead of saying "that seems a little High I'll just take it for free!" >>

ok, once again, that's exactly my point. You goto a retailer and pay if you think a price is fair and fits inside your budget. The point is, does the person who made it come to mind? Are you concerned of his welfare? the point is, you're trying to get a fair angle on your purchase, but you're not considering what the developer makes. So now a pirater walks into a store adn looks at a piece of software. His fair price is something very low...about what he considers the time it'd take to download(maybe 5-10 bux). He looks at the price tag and you want him to consider that poor developer in silicon valley? You expect him to feel guilt that he's depriving him of a fraction of a cent or to even pass a shadow of thought over that software company. That is not likely going to occur. I ask you to realize this point.

<< Ok I really want to know how buying a loss leader can be compared to stealing.
If a company is willing to sell me a product at a loss that is there problem, If I buy it for the amout that is listed then I LEGALLY own it. Now You think that some how compares with me just taking it? PLease try that logic somewhere else because it just doesn't work here in REALITY.

The point is, do you always pay what something is worth? Do you not try, even a little, to get the better angle?

<< Accually I can belittle whom ever I choose, Free speech is a wonderful thing. Yes you have the right to make whatever choices you want. And by pirating software you coose to steel, I then choose to belittle you for it! It really works check the previous 200+ posts. When your choice is to steal something that doesn't belong to you then your sacrafice is having people like me question your values! >>

So I assume you never learned about something called courtesy? or maybe the last 100 years or so didn't teach you anything about judging people you don't know huh? It seems to me, more than anything, that your only purpose is to spark a flame war of some sorts. Heck, if recall correctly, you said you were offered a copy of winxp corporate edition. What did you do then? Did you call that fellow a moron? Did you stand up and proclaim him a pariah on the spot? I mean, you had a pirater right there in front of you? Do I really want to know what you did to him? Well how about this, why can't someone go out in the street, first amendment written on his shirt, screaming that all g00ks, ch|nks, and negroes should be beaten to death? I trust you know the answer to this one, so I'll let you figure it out.

<< Yes I think you should pay for thing you use if the company wants you to, I'm funny that way. >>

and I'm of a mind to be generally more respectful of people I know little about...I'm strange that way.

<< HMM So I pirate software? I really don't think so. >>

wrong it'll come.

<< I condem people WHO STEAL FROM OTHER PEOPLE! wow you figured that out. Yes I think people who coose to pirate software are worthless and small yes that's it. >>

and you know this how? Are you suddenly omniscient? Nope. The fact is, you don't know anything about these people other than the fact that they choose to pirate software. You say you speed. I've lost people I cared about because of people speeding. Does that mean that I am suddenly granted with the knowledge that you are murderous scum and probably one of the vilest pieces of offal on the planet? No. I don't know this, nor do I assume it's so, despite the fact that it's pretty much all I know about your driving habits.

<< ANd you choose to bash me for doing so! Hey it really is simple don't steal I shuut up on the subject. Steal because you just have to have the NEWEST AND BRIGHTEST really isn't a worthy cause, You seem like you may be semi-inteligent I would suggest that you find a different avenue that accually leads somewhere as opposed to defending the dignity of theives! >>

I condemn the act and your intolerance. I've stated that I respect your arguments, but don't agree with them. Mayhaps you should read things over a few times and calm your blood a bit. Sorry to break it you tho, I conform to the EULA with every piece of software I have installed. I have to have my machine rebuilt for me should it ever fail. All my licenses are kept under lock and key by my supervisor. I have signed forms that state I cannot disperse my licenses in any way, even if I no longer use the software. I have found and chosen my path. And, conversely, this is very simple, stop flaming people you don't know, and I will shut up. easy as pie.

<< tm37 does NOT have justification to belittle anyone. >>

I can belittle anyone I choose! You can, just like I CAN pirate software. But your justification is lacking.

<< Yes I judge people on there actions and Because they steal i judge! I don't need a EULA to give me permission to call you a thief after you admit you are a thief, It called the constitution! People readly say that they pirate because it is easier and cheaper than PAYING (GASP:Q) for the software they use. Well if that isn't slacking in that area at least I don't know what is. >>

so you've never tried to do things a little easier or more cheaply. This brings us right back to the shovel. on the flip side, then that makes you a slacker for doing something a little more convenient. I'm sure there are laws you've broken, probably small and petty laws to you, sometimes not. But because you feel that this law seems particularly important we're the slackers and you are not. Yes, it's all wonderful and good that you can cite the constitution, but that brings us right back to courtesy. If you knew us...or even knew someone close to us, then maybe u could come to some kind of fair or accurate conclusion about the type of people we are, but as it stands, your basis for judgement seems rather poor, don't you think?

<< But what if you are a moron for thinking that way? >>

and on the inverted side, what if you are the moron for not thinking as I do? It could easily be argued that small scale piracy is generally looked over by law enforcement, much like not breaking the seal on cigarettes or jaywalking and that YOU are the moron for not taking advantage of this fact, causing you loss of something valuable like money. You see, as much as you'd like to be, you are not the grand judicator of what is the right and wrong way to look at things.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001
Hahahhahaha! Yay! Hilarious thread is still here!

<< I accually read though the last few pages and I am still amazed. That fact you are willing to BRAG about your collection of warez and the fact you NEVER pay for software is truely astounding. Yet you think I am the bad guy, because I call you out. >>

Hey man, I never call you a bad fact, I've said in this thread like...3-4 times...

I'm a badddd man...
I'm not ashamed of...
A baaaaaad man...

<< Rather than discuss the flaws of my ways I shall instead side with you so you will shut up! >>

I don't consider my choice to piracy any flaw at all. Still sleeping like a log. =) You may be able to argue I have no ethics but...I'm still sleeping.

<< So in the work place ethics aren't really that important either. >>

You are absolutely right. Useless. Me first.

<< In other words If i can't afford the shiny new toy I will find a way to steal it. >>

Actually, the logic is...if I can have the shiny new toy for no cost...why not?

<< A guy is hungry and steals a loaf of bread, regardless of why he stole or what he stole he still is a thief. >>

This is true, I'll give you that. But I will not look down on this man. The fact that this man is willing to risk his reputation and become a thief because he loves his family and is willing to provide for them any way he can...I agree with yoda...I will shake his hand.

Hell, I'll help him steal another loaf and a copy of Windows XP while I'm at it.

Point is...that's different. We're not starving. We just want to be able to use the features and stablity of XP without having to pay $300 for it.

<< Yes it is right I paid what the retailer asked instead of saying "that seems a little High I'll just take it for free!" >>

Actually, I did do that once. I was at the local EB and the guy asked me if I was looking for anything in particular. I answered "Nah...I'm just looking to see what I can download off the net later."

Dude laughed and said that's what he does too. Prices are ridiculous.

<< Accually I can belittle whom ever I choose, Free speech is a wonderful thing. Yes you have the right to make whatever choices you want. And by pirating software you coose to steel, I then choose to belittle you for it! It really works check the previous 200+ posts. When your choice is to steal something that doesn't belong to you then your sacrafice is having people like me question your values! >>

This is true, guys. He can belittle us if he wants. However, that also gives us the right to call him the bad guy even though we're the ones that aren't paying. I, however, will not do that. I'll just call him a zealot.


Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go find a keygen for RTCW and then see if one of those iso sites have info on when I can download Warcraft III.

After that, I think I'll go steal some bread before I get a good nights sleep.


Jun 11, 2001
I think one point that is missing here is the history of software. The first programmers did not believe that software should be bought and sold. They felt that it should be open for anyone to improve on. It is true that manufacturers write up License Agreements that make it unlawful to pirate software, which would make it a criminal offense. However, there must be a higher standard to which laws are held against, or else the most trivial and burdensome laws would need to be followed. People who take the holier-than-thou attitude against piracy are being short-sighted. A programmer, who is denied access to a programming language, is not able to build tools to make other programmers lives easier. An artist denied access to Photoshop will not be able to figure out techniques that will improve other digital artist's works. These are the reasons software was open in the first place.

Also, it is doubtful that piracy hurts the bottom line of any company. A certain percentage of users will always buy the software. Any software company's aim is to dominate their niche of the market, to drive out there competitors. Piracy, if anything, helps a company to do this. Once the monopoly is reached, then the company can have ridiculous upgrade cycles where they make users pay for a product that is only marginally better. If Photoshop had unbeatable copy protection and Corel was easily copyable, then, who knows, maybe Corel would have all the marketshare now, even though Adobe's product is better. And as the de facto standard, Corel would get more paying customers.



Senior member
Sep 5, 2001
I was always under the impression that the FBI only cared about distributers of warez, not the consumers. If they busted every consumer, the crime rate would skyrocket. Also, its a little different (not right) to copy something than to steal something. copying a CD is not stealing a CD. its stealing the information on the CD that has been copyrighted by the company that made it. Its the same thing as a school painting a picture of mickey mouse on the wall. its a copy of copyrighted material. ok, i'm done


Jan 24, 2001

<< I think one point that is missing here is the history of software. The first programmers did not believe that software should be bought and sold. They felt that it should be open for anyone to improve on. It is true that manufacturers write up License Agreements that make it unlawful to pirate software, which would make it a criminal offense. However, there must be a higher standard to which laws are held against, or else the most trivial and burdensome laws would need to be followed. People who take the holier-than-thou attitude against piracy are being short-sighted. A programmer, who is denied access to a programming language, is not able to build tools to make other programmers lives easier. An artist denied access to Photoshop will not be able to figure out techniques that will improve other digital artist's works. These are the reasons software was open in the first place.

Also, it is doubtful that piracy hurts the bottom line of any company. A certain percentage of users will always buy the software. Any software company's aim is to dominate their niche of the market, to drive out there competitors. Piracy, if anything, helps a company to do this. Once the monopoly is reached, then the company can have ridiculous upgrade cycles where they make users pay for a product that is only marginally better. If Photoshop had unbeatable copy protection and Corel was easily copyable, then, who knows, maybe Corel would have all the marketshare now, even though Adobe's product is better. And as the de facto standard, Corel would get more paying customers.

so we should only follow the laws we agree with?

You logic doesn't work but nice try!


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2000
Again....we are NOT trying to make you the bad guy. We are simply trying to tell you....say it with me now...


Good, I knew you could do it!

You translated my statement rather well earlier. Now follow it, please? You will never sway somone by pretending to be better than them (because thats all you can do, pretend, no one is better than anyone else. We are all tainted by shades of evil, just some draw the blinds to make those shades darker) and you will probably never sway somone by living your life in a way that you think all people should and showing them the benefits of your way of life (by living it, mind you, not by telling them about it repeatedly). My point? Never try. That way youll never be dissapointed.


Senior member
Feb 13, 2001

<< I can't belive this got bumped up! >>

I can't believe you think a certain few of us care what you or AmusedOne thinks on the whole warez issue! Get over it, move on with your life!

P.S. I will spell it out for you: W-E D-O-N-'-T C-A-R-E!!!!! At least I don't, I don't want to speak for the other "thieves" on this board


Senior member
Aug 22, 2000
When you pirate're commiting a crime. It's illegal. I don't know that there's any way to argue that doing something illegal is 'ethically' OK.

Just don't do it anymore. Find a tool you can use for free or cheap. Or become a liberal arts major, or whatever does it for you. Have some integrity.

Later on when you look back at your life, you'll be much happier thinking "I lived with integrity" then you would be thinking "Hey I may not have been a good guy, but WOW that copy of photoshop I had...WOW."



Golden Member
Jan 1, 2001
If it weren't for warez....I couldn't afford the pc I pc would be bare.
If it weren't for warez, I couldn't afford to buy the stuff I HAVE to buy.
Do I care that I am stealing....ummmmm, NO!
I don't lose any sleep, never crosses my mind.
What is really sad, is that I work with developers and they get their warez from me. They don't care either.
Only the companies that stand to lose money care. And of course the few tree huggers on the thread. No offense meant.....or maybe there was???????


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< so we should only follow the laws we agree with?

You logic doesn't work but nice try!

Neither does yours. There are some totally ridiculous laws in the world today. Just do a search for "stupid laws" and you'll find tons.

Also...if you're that strict about following the law...are you telling me you wouldn't steal a loaf of bread for your family if they were starving? I am aware this is totally not the same but still, that's a law. I don't agree with it. Would you still follow it?


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< When you pirate're commiting a crime. It's illegal. I don't know that there's any way to argue that doing something illegal is 'ethically' OK.

Just don't do it anymore. Find a tool you can use for free or cheap. Or become a liberal arts major, or whatever does it for you. Have some integrity.

Later on when you look back at your life, you'll be much happier thinking "I lived with integrity" then you would be thinking "Hey I may not have been a good guy, but WOW that copy of photoshop I had...WOW."


Pbbbbt...I'll answer this seriously when I stop laughing.

Everyone say it with me now...

I'm a baaaaaaaaaaaad man....

<< I can't belive this got bumped up! >>

Then shut up and accept the fact that people are different from you and really don't care what your morals are.

<< Later on when you look back at your life, you'll be much happier thinking "I lived with integrity" then you would be thinking "Hey I may not have been a good guy, but WOW that copy of photoshop I had...WOW." >>

Redfox, please save your noble cause bullsh!t for people who care.

tm37: all of your posts suggests your place of employment has NOTHING to do with technology or software at all. You a mechanic or something?


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001


<< I can't belive this got bumped up! >>

Then shut up and accept the fact that people are different from you and really don't care what your morals are.

<< Later on when you look back at your life, you'll be much happier thinking "I lived with integrity" then you would be thinking "Hey I may not have been a good guy, but WOW that copy of photoshop I had...WOW." >>

Redfox, please save your noble cause bullsh!t for people who care.

tm37: all of your posts suggests your place of employment has NOTHING to do with technology or software at all. You a mechanic or something?


Later on when I look back at my life, I'm gonna be much happier thinking "I had more cool stuff than those guys..." than I would be thinking "Hey, I lived with integrity."


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2001
Well I guess the only positive thing that came out of piracy were the companies who try to stop piracy by using special cds, locks, copyright protection mechanisms, and agencies (EPA or something of that sort etc).

<< Well I guess the only positive thing that came out of piracy were the companies who try to stop piracy by using special cds, locks, copyright protection mechanisms, and agencies (EPA or something of that sort etc). >>

Oh yea, about as positive as "The War on Drugs".


Senior member
Aug 22, 2000
Redfox, please save your noble cause bullsh!t for people who care.

SammySon: I hope that someday you'll learn to think beyond yourself, because I'd bet dollars to donuts that you're going to be pretty miserable going through life like that. Being apathetic is a disservice to yourself.

Try to set a higher standard for yourself -- even if you're only partially succesful, it beats going with the crowd anyday.


<< SammySon: I hope that someday you'll learn to think beyond yourself, because I'd bet dollars to donuts that you're going to be pretty miserable going through life like that. Being apathetic is a disservice to yourself. >>

Someday you will learn that you know nothing about me or my life. Don't pass judgement upon me like I don't understand that simple point you made. If you were following the 200 posts of this thread you would know WHY I responded the way I did.
But instead you just came in and flexed your morals like everyone else did without reading 1 single post. I said I don't care, because I just went through the EXACT same arguement with tm37. But you would know that if you took the time to read.

<< Try to set a higher standard for yourself -- even if you're only partially succesful, it beats going with the crowd anyday. >>

By doing what you are doing(taking some sort of "responsible" stance), you are part of the masses. You are more with the crowd then I will ever be. You must be SO different following all the rules.

Nov 28, 2001
Just because we brag about our warez doesn't mean we actually harbor is. And if we did, jsut saying we do isn't good enough evidence for a judge to issue a warrant for our arrest.
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