Software Pirating. . .your take

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Golden Member
Dec 7, 2001

<< maybe if the game and software are not so expensive
people won't copy it
who here would copy a $20 software?


sorry. damn. i really should take something for this cold


Jan 24, 2001
Ok I have one question to all you who have given excuses for pirating software. Why are you ENTITLED to anything?

That seems to be the main thrust of your arguement, I want to have everything but if i can't afford it I'll just take it! I guess one day you are going to relize that the world owes you nothing! That's right kids someday you will find out that you accually have to make choices. And you may accually have to deal with the fact that you haven't earned anything.

Life is all about choice and sacrifice, having priorities and making tough choices. This means no you can't have everything all the time. Your self empowered attitude is really sad. You have accually been able to convice yourselves that you are the most important person in this world and to hell with every one else.

You are the same idiots who always complain software is buggy as hell, and cost to much! There is a way to change that. Vote with your dollar! Don't buy MS products but do buy the competitors product if it's better.

You can call me a zealot if you want, you can cry to your parents if you like, but the fact will always remain that you are using something that DOESN'T belong to YOU! Why should MS or any other company make anything if they can't get paid for it. why spend the time and resources.

companies are spending less and less on PC games because the return just isn't there, for every copy they sell many more are being used. Do you sneak into the theaters to watch movies and then complain that they are dirty? Where does your self inflicted power trip end. If EVERYONE followed your rational the software industry would go down faster than a three dollar whore at the site of a twenty. You claim it's OK because not every one does but enough do that it hurts the industry. You claim the software is too expensive when the price would drop if company knew that people were going to buy rather than copy their software. You say you have better ways to spend your money than to give to bill Gates yet you use his products because on a whole there really isn't anything better. You need broadband because dial up is just too slow, yet million of people are able to get by without an email address and live perfectly happy lives. You say you just can't justify spending $500 for a program that you hardly ever use yet when alternatives that are much cheaper are made availible you balk at the idea.

The fact is you have some inane sense that the world owes you something, that if you can't see the direct effects of your action then you cannot be held accountable. I assume that you all wouldn't mind if someone took something you had created and started producing it and distributing it with out even giving you a second thought. Then again most of you have never done anything worthwild in your life.

Face it all the excuses are used only to make you feel justified in your illegal activity. All they do is give you an excuse to break the law and STEAL from EVERYONE ELSE. THere is a thread on the DOJ's war on warez and the majority of people think that they shouldn't spend the money on anything as trival as warez but how many people do you know running a computer with an illegal OS? Now they would have to buy an OS Any os! so lets say here in this thread there are 10 people, these ten people have never bought or owned a licence for an OS. that is $950 of potential profit that MS lost. YOU NEED AN OS to make a computer work. Now there are MILIONS of people using pirated OS's make it HUNDREDS OF MILLION of lost revenue. Who pays that the people that PAY for the software. You are enrolled in the software welfare, i don't need to try because I am entitled to anything I want, software club. Take a look at your values for just a second, you aren't smarter for stealling just more uncerned with anyone who isn't you!


May 7, 2001
I don't really see how they lose money. I wouldnt even buy it in the first place.

flame on (yea i'm ignorant)



Sep 13, 2001
Let's face it. The majority of people will disobey the law if these conditions are met:

1. Next to nothing chance of getting caught or punished.

2. The act is faceless

3. See other people do it

crimes or infractions: Warez, MP3's, jaywalking, taping VHS rentals, sharing books, even harmless things like sharing sewing patterns.

And lets not even talk about driving infractions. Speeding, rolling through stop signs, running a red, changing lanes without signalling. This may seem trivial, I believe these things are worse than stealing software because they can endanger peoples lives and ARE against the law.

So all you angels here who critizize the "piratez" here should examine your entire lives, especially your driving.



Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< Ok I have one question to all you who have given excuses for pirating software. Why are you ENTITLED to anything? >>

We're not. What's your point?

<< That seems to be the main thrust of your arguement, I want to have everything but if i can't afford it I'll just take it! I guess one day you are going to relize that the world owes you nothing! That's right kids someday you will find out that you accually have to make choices. And you may accually have to deal with the fact that you haven't earned anything. >>

No, we haven't. That's kinda the point of piracy...getting stuff you haven't earned.

<< Life is all about choice and sacrifice, having priorities and making tough choices. This means no you can't have everything all the time. Your self empowered attitude is really sad. You have accually been able to convice yourselves that you are the most important person in this world and to hell with every one else. >>

We are making a choice. That choice is NOT paying for Windows.

<< You are the same idiots who always complain software is buggy as hell, and cost to much! There is a way to change that. Vote with your dollar! Don't buy MS products but do buy the competitors product if it's better. >>

I never complain about MS OS bugs. I don't like using the alternatives.

[Q}You can call me a zealot if you want, you can cry to your parents if you like, but the fact will always remain that you are using something that DOESN'T belong to YOU! Why should MS or any other company make anything if they can't get paid for it. why spend the time and resources. [/i] >>

They don't have to. But they do.

<< You say you have better ways to spend your money than to give to bill Gates yet you use his products because on a whole there really isn't anything better. You need broadband because dial up is just too slow, yet million of people are able to get by without an email address and live perfectly happy lives. You say you just can't justify spending $500 for a program that you hardly ever use yet when alternatives that are much cheaper are made availible you balk at the idea. >>

Exactly. So why do we HAVE to pay Bill when a $300 doesn't mean anything to him?

No one NEEDS anything but food and shelter but life would be hella boring that way. We don't NEED broadband. We want it.

Why would I use a cheaper program I would actually have to look for when EVERYONE has a copy of Photoshop for download?

<< The fact is you have some inane sense that the world owes you something, that if you can't see the direct effects of your action then you cannot be held accountable. I assume that you all wouldn't mind if someone took something you had created and started producing it and distributing it with out even giving you a second thought. Then again most of you have never done anything worthwild in your life. >>

Hehehe...I'm actually a hardware consultant myself. I also build computers designed for the disabled (outfitted with Dragon Naturally Speaking, etc and I get the government to pay for it.). I'd have to say that's quite a worthwhile cause or I would never have done it.

The fact that we don't pay for Windows or Photoshop doesn't make us bad people. We just simply don't care.

<< Face it all the excuses are used only to make you feel justified in your illegal activity. All they do is give you an excuse to break the law and STEAL from EVERYONE ELSE. THere is a thread on the DOJ's war on warez and the majority of people think that they shouldn't spend the money on anything as trival as warez but how many people do you know running a computer with an illegal OS? Now they would have to buy an OS Any os! so lets say here in this thread there are 10 people, these ten people have never bought or owned a licence for an OS. that is $950 of potential profit that MS lost. YOU NEED AN OS to make a computer work. Now there are MILIONS of people using pirated OS's make it HUNDREDS OF MILLION of lost revenue. Who pays that the people that PAY for the software. You are enrolled in the software welfare, i don't need to try because I am entitled to anything I want, software club. Take a look at your values for just a second, you aren't smarter for stealling just more uncerned with anyone who isn't you! >>

As I've said before..."Like drugs and porn, the world will never be free of piracy and "file sharing"."

I don't think we really need to justify it. I gave reasons simply because that was the question of the thread. I'm guessing most of us just don't give a damn.

I'm a bbaaaaadd man...
I'm not ashamed of....
A baaaaaaaddd man....


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2001

<< So all you angels here who critizize the "piratez" here should examine your entire lives, especially your driving. >>

preach on brotha


Dec 4, 2000
not putting my 2 cents in either way....
just have to chime in with Ronin....u crack me up bro .....


Jun 16, 2000

<< So why do we HAVE to pay Bill when a $300 doesn't mean anything to him? >>

While I agree 300 bones is nothing to Bill, it's rather not the point.. The point is the fairness.. I understand it's wrong, but most people have mentioned the fact it can be done and you will get away guaranteed, and most likely no one knows it has happened.. Not such a big deal.. It's a big crime on a big scale, but a small crime, at the same time.

Nothing makes it right, and we all KNOW it's wrong.. but it goes on, because there are virtually no risk of penalty.

<< You are the same idiots who always complain software is buggy as hell, and cost to much! There is a way to change that. Vote with your dollar! Don't buy MS products but do buy the competitors product if it's better. >>

Well what other choices do I have son? I already get bsd for free. And there is not much choice with MS business tactics.

<< I assume that you all wouldn't mind if someone took something you had created and started producing it and distributing it with out even giving you a second thought. Then again most of you have never done anything worthwild in your life. >>

You should graduate highschool before you start to judge people with such horrible grammar.

<< You claim the software is too expensive when the price would drop if company knew that people were going to buy rather than copy their software. >>

While your at it take some economics courses. Please understand the concept of supply and demand before you reference it. Apply your statement to OPEC, and see how it sounds.

<< THere is a thread on the DOJ's war on warez and the majority of people think that they shouldn't spend the money on anything as trival as warez but how many people do you know running a computer with an illegal OS? >>

Guess who started that thread? You probably did not even take the time to read the articles cited in that thread.

Why don't you debate some points made instead of lecturing us on topics that you are clueless about.

I am not arguing the legality of piracy. Nor do I try and justify it. Just like, oral sex, tinted windows, underage drinking, underage smoking, speeding and marijuana, piracy is against the law. Cry me a river next time you speed because your late for work.
Or better yet, try and justify your speeding. heh.

So rant on morals all you like but remember.... POT TO KETTLE, YOUR BLACK!


Diamond Member
May 1, 2001

<< Exactly. So why do we HAVE to pay Bill when a $300 doesn't mean anything to him? >>

If it was just Bill, well, then maybe, but at last check, MS had almost 48,000 employees. Somebody could use that $300.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< not putting my 2 cents in either way....
just have to chime in with Ronin....u crack me up bro .....

...? Eh?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001

<< Ok I have one question to all you who have given excuses for pirating software. Why are you ENTITLED to anything?

That seems to be the main thrust of your arguement, I want to have everything but if i can't afford it I'll just take it! I guess one day you are going to relize that the world owes you nothing! That's right kids someday you will find out that you accually have to make choices. And you may accually have to deal with the fact that you haven't earned anything.

The world doesn't owe anyone anything. Conversely tho, what do piraters(I guess I'll throw myself in there too since without my job, I'd be pirating too) owe the world? What obligation do we have to the world not to take it if we can. None.

<< Life is all about choice and sacrifice, having priorities and making tough choices. This means no you can't have everything all the time. Your self empowered attitude is really sad. You have accually been able to convice yourselves that you are the most important person in this world and to hell with every one else. >>

I don't see anyone claiming to be the center of the world here. LIfe is about choice and sacrifice. does this mean if I go to walmart and see a nice sweater that sells for twice as much in macy's I shouldn't buy it at walmart because it'd be worth the higher price anyways? Am I evil for not making the sacrifice and paying more? How about if I stole it, is it more evil to steal it from macy's than walmart?

<< You are the same idiots who always complain software is buggy as hell, and cost to much! There is a way to change that. Vote with your dollar! Don't buy MS products but do buy the competitors product if it's better. >>

If it's that buggy, I don't run point to it. Why would anyone? Indeed, no one does, at least not until it's fixed.

<< You can call me a zealot if you want, you can cry to your parents if you like, but the fact will always remain that you are using something that DOESN'T belong to YOU! Why should MS or any other company make anything if they can't get paid for it. why spend the time and resources. >>

conversely, not all people get paid what they have rightfully earned. Teachers are historically underpaid. They put in enormous time and personal resource into enlightening their fellow people. THAT IS LIFE. Not this idealistic view you've got where everyone gets their due. I pray someday you come to realize this.

companies are spending less and less on PC games because the return just isn't there, for every copy they sell many more are being used. Do you sneak into the theaters to watch movies and then complain that they are dirty? Where does your self inflicted power trip end. If EVERYONE followed your rational the software industry would go down faster than a three dollar whore at the site of a twenty. You claim it's OK because not every one does but enough do that it hurts the industry. You claim the software is too expensive when the price would drop if company knew that people were going to buy rather than copy their software. You say you have better ways to spend your money than to give to bill Gates yet you use his products because on a whole there really isn't anything better.

What power trip are you referring to? It's not like we have a pirater's day parade and march down the street sticking our noses up at people. Indeed, the only noses I see in the air are the people who belittle pirating as morally reprehensible. Heck, by your definition of power trip, we'd all starve to death. How can u justify buying that can of corn when there's a little iraqi kid who works all day for a crust of moldy bread because your support of this fat economy could be construed as oppressing him. When does this end?

<< You need broadband because dial up is just too slow, yet million of people are able to get by without an email address and live perfectly happy lives. You say you just can't justify spending $500 for a program that you hardly ever use yet when alternatives that are much cheaper are made availible you balk at the idea. >>

would you quit it with the broadband? Some people actually need broadband or at least some kind of internet access. I dare you to be a webmaster without the internet. How about doing freelance gfx without being able to confer with your client on email. This argument that people with broadband can't pirate software is nonsensical. It's exactly like me saying that I can't ever eat respectable food when I can take a host of vitamin and mineral supplements and sugar water for a fraction of the cost and use the money for software. It isn't required for our survival that we have fancy, delicious foods but I bet you won't argue we shouldn't be eating it.

<< The fact is you have some inane sense that the world owes you something, that if you can't see the direct effects of your action then you cannot be held accountable. I assume that you all wouldn't mind if someone took something you had created and started producing it and distributing it with out even giving you a second thought. THEN AGAIN, MOST OF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING WORTHWHILE IN YOUR LIVES(I(yoda) emphasized this). >>

Who do you think you are making a statement like that. How do you know what we've done with our lives and what's worthwhile? In fact, the only inane sense I'm getting is that you think that piraters somehow owe the world something. They don't. That's the truth of it. If someone picks your pocket, do you think the picker will give half a thought that he has some kind of moral obligation to you or the world or anything? Heck, what if he's feeding his family with that money? Do you think he's gonna say to himself, I'm a bad person for stealing? Heck no. In fact, he'd probably say you owe him something because you live better off than him and do nothing to help out people like him. That's the way things work. Is it right? Is it even true? Prolly not, but it still happens.

<< Face it all the excuses are used only to make you feel justified in your illegal activity. All they do is give you an excuse to break the law and STEAL from EVERYONE ELSE. THere is a thread on the DOJ's war on warez and the majority of people think that they shouldn't spend the money on anything as trival as warez but how many people do you know running a computer with an illegal OS? Now they would have to buy an OS Any os! so lets say here in this thread there are 10 people, these ten people have never bought or owned a licence for an OS. that is $950 of potential profit that MS lost. YOU NEED AN OS to make a computer work. Now there are MILIONS of people using pirated OS's make it HUNDREDS OF MILLION of lost revenue. Who pays that the people that PAY for the software. You are enrolled in the software welfare, i don't need to try because I am entitled to anything I want, software club. Take a look at your values for just a second, you aren't smarter for stealling just more uncerned with anyone who isn't you! >>

Suddenly, I'm reminded of the old "software prices will only go so high as the market will bear" argument. Have you thought that maybe software is priced so high that the market can't really bear it? That piracy is part of the cycle that is used to justify these high prices? How easy would it be to say that "we have to charge x more dollars because pirates cut into our revenues". It's the inverse of why you hate the justification people have to pirate software. You justify what you believe to be the reasoning behind software maker's actions, yet refuse to acknowledge the counter-point. You are under the image that we owe microsoft for all their hard work. But do you realize that the actual developers get a fractional percentage of the revenues from the sales? The majority gets funnelled to people who had nothing to do with the creation of the software. So maybe I don't feel justified in paying off these people who waste my television time wiht their commercials or the lazy manager who takes credit for the work of others. I don't know what actually goes on in there, but then neither do you.

Take whatever view you wanna take on piracy, but stop belittling others because they don't share your view.

Forgot this part.

<< You need broadband because dial up is just too slow, yet million of people are able to get by without an email address and live perfectly happy lives. >>

The mention of not needing broadband comes up. When you work at McDonalds, you probably don't NEED it, but you are the authority on that.


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2001

<< Just like, oral sex, tinted windows, underage drinking, underage smoking, speeding and marijuana, piracy is against the law >>

oral sex...illegal...only in some places

makes us wonder where you are.... hehe

<< Or better yet, try and justify your speeding. heh. >>

can see it now...."cuz i like going fast" "cuz i'm in a hurry"....but being in a hurry and causing an accident and possible killing people....piracy may not seem justified but speeding is accepted, yet overall which has the potential to cause more damage?


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2001
question: why should we pay $300 or whatever now that Microcrap already built say win95, and then to make win98 they didn't have to start COMPLETELY over, yet they still charge a lot? that doesn't make sense. also, winnt and win2k...same deal in a sense. they already have the damn fundamentals down. winxp is still a take-off of win2k, so yeah. if you were to make winxp from NOTHING then i would understand charging 200 or so for the first few months...until your cost to produce were met (paying the programmers and all)...but as soon as those were paid off, i would lay off on the prices a little. hey, look at RAM...the research for it has been paid off (not the newest know what i mean), so now the prices are going CAN run a computer without microsoft (heh. good ol' dos) but can't without shouldn't ram by that theory cost a crapload?

BLAH. and that software which costs 1 grand. BLAH. I'll smack that mofo if i ever see him in the street


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2001
explain to me this...i remember years back, i was say 7, and i would go to Sav-on or whatever and i could get a demo of Doom or whatever for a few bucks. Yes, I know the value of money has changed since then (in somewhere near 10 years)....but not SO MUCH that now the SAME DAMN DEMO will cost you 2-3 times the amount...CD's are cheaper to produce now than floppies, yet they still charge MORE money than before. EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. Make sense? NO! And no, inflation has not caused that much of a price increase. and i know you can download MOST demos (cheap as hell too) off the net, so then why do instore copies charge a hella lot for it?


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2001
also this...i remember 2-4 years ago i bought a component for vb 5 which cost me $20. that component allowed me to make my software shareware and everything. now this i can justify paying for, because it isn't a lot. most other companies were charging $100-200 or so for the same exact features of the component...i still can't justify paying for that.

so do the math:

(software you REALLY need)*(VERY reasonable price) = reason to buy



Jan 8, 2001

<< well you don't need a second phone line, I was on dial up for about 6 months and we were able to use our regular phoneline! also there are many small dial ups that charge less than $10 a month for internet service. Also last time I checked you don't need internet to survive! >>

You don't need a car to survive, either. Why don't you trade your car in for a bicycle? It will save you lots of money.

Driving a car makes life much more convenient. Same with broadband internet. Once you've got a car, you're not going to go back to using your bike for transportation, and trust me--once you've had broadband, you're going to find dial-up almost useless by comparison.

And jeez--considering most people pay only $40 a month for broadband, that's only $0.66/day more than a reliable dial-up connection. You're a cheapskate if you think broadband is a luxury item. It's even less of a difference if you happen to be an AOHell subscriber wasting $25/month on a basically worthless Internet service.


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2001

<< once you've had broadband, you're going to find dial-up almost useless by comparison. >>

hey hey! mind the 56kers here


Oct 27, 2001

<< heheheh... 12 of us at my high school just bought one copy of RTCW to bootleg . the games are wayyy tooo expensive for jobless high schoolers to pay for.

and dont tell us to get a job, becuase then we would have no time for the games or anything else. lots of schoolwork....

Whatever the excuse you have, it doesn't make piracy right. I think game maker's should put some time in advanced copy proteciton system. You know, CD is made almost impossible to copy, but copied disc will APPEAR to run fine and set to seriously mess up the gaming theme. I'm sure that will piss of gamer's for sure.



Oct 27, 2001


<< heheheh... 12 of us at my high school just bought one copy of RTCW to bootleg . the games are wayyy tooo expensive for jobless high schoolers to pay for.

and dont tell us to get a job, becuase then we would have no time for the games or anything else. lots of schoolwork....

Whatever the excuse you have, it doesn't make piracy right. I think game maker's should put some time in advanced copy proteciton system. You know, CD is made almost impossible to copy, but copied disc will APPEAR to run fine and set to seriously mess up the gaming theme. I'm sure that will piss of gamer's for sure.

I believe software makers can at least put an end to pirated network playable games. They should setup a serial number system utilizing state of the art cryptic technology so keygen can't easily generate it. The software could be setup to check the opponents S/N before running, check for evidence of tampering in security module and if everything passes it can finally run.
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