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Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: blueshoe
Originally posted by: coolkatz321
Let's start this post off as easily as possible. I'm Jewish, and let me say that when people make fun of the Holocaust, I normally get somewhat offended. No, I don't run around killig people and burning buildings to the ground, I just shrug it off and continue on with my life.

I've seen plenty of cartoons making fun of Jesus. Christians that look at them may get offended, but they don't riot. They might write a letter, but that's about it.

And now, we come to the Muslims. I have read tons of articles, and several books on why the religion of Islam shouldn't be though of as a violent one. Then, we get the cartoons. They're just cartoons, nothing worse. What's the reaction? Death to Denmark! Burn everything that has to do with them! Look, you can be Muslim, but no one can honestly condone what is happening. They're insane, and I was actually pleased to find out today that the Pakistani government has been stopping these protests. Enough is enough; get over it! A drawing is a drawing. From what I understood, the Koran teaches respect, not insanity. Thoughts?

I don't see them as "just cartoons". If it was any other Muslim other than the prophet in the cartoon, I doubt the riots would have happened. You compared it to cartoons that make fun of Jesus-- pictures of Jesus have been around for a long time, but pictures of Mohammad are forbidden. I'm not saying that it makes everything right or anything, a cartoon that makes fun of Jesus should be frowned upon by Musilims as well. I'm just saying that drawing Mohammad in the first place can cause a lot of controversy.

Do I think that they are insane for standing up to show how they feel? No. They should do that. But they certainly shouldn't have gone in the direction that would harm or destroy anything or anyone. In the Friday Prayers today (I'm Muslim), the Imam actually mentioned this and said that Muslims should respond to things like this. But he also added we must be reasonable, without that harming innocent people or destroying things like others have done.

By the way, there are millions of Muslims in the United States. Where are the riots? I know that many, including myslef were offended.

Are you in the US? You are offended, as you have the right to be, but you are also respecting the laws of the country that guarantee the right to freedom of speech. Those in Europe and elsewhere who are rioting, torching cars and embassies, killing people, and calling for "another 9/11" are clearly not respecting that right, and are not respecting the basic concept of rule of law.


Senior member
Mar 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: blueshoe
Originally posted by: coolkatz321
Let's start this post off as easily as possible. I'm Jewish, and let me say that when people make fun of the Holocaust, I normally get somewhat offended. No, I don't run around killig people and burning buildings to the ground, I just shrug it off and continue on with my life.

I've seen plenty of cartoons making fun of Jesus. Christians that look at them may get offended, but they don't riot. They might write a letter, but that's about it.

And now, we come to the Muslims. I have read tons of articles, and several books on why the religion of Islam shouldn't be though of as a violent one. Then, we get the cartoons. They're just cartoons, nothing worse. What's the reaction? Death to Denmark! Burn everything that has to do with them! Look, you can be Muslim, but no one can honestly condone what is happening. They're insane, and I was actually pleased to find out today that the Pakistani government has been stopping these protests. Enough is enough; get over it! A drawing is a drawing. From what I understood, the Koran teaches respect, not insanity. Thoughts?

I don't see them as "just cartoons". If it was any other Muslim other than the prophet in the cartoon, I doubt the riots would have happened. You compared it to cartoons that make fun of Jesus-- pictures of Jesus have been around for a long time, but pictures of Mohammad are forbidden. I'm not saying that it makes everything right or anything, a cartoon that makes fun of Jesus should be frowned upon by Musilims as well. I'm just saying that drawing Mohammad in the first place can cause a lot of controversy.

Do I think that they are insane for standing up to show how they feel? No. They should do that. But they certainly shouldn't have gone in the direction that would harm or destroy anything or anyone. In the Friday Prayers today (I'm Muslim), the Imam actually mentioned this and said that Muslims should respond to things like this. But he also added we must be reasonable, without that harming innocent people or destroying things like others have done.

By the way, there are millions of Muslims in the United States. Where are the riots? I know that many, including myslef were offended.

Are you in the US? You are offended, as you have the right to be, but you are also respecting the laws of the country that guarantee the right to freedom of speech. Those in Europe and elsewhere who are rioting, torching cars and embassies, killing people, and calling for "another 9/11" are clearly not respecting that right, and are not respecting the basic concept of rule of law.

Yes, I am in the US.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: blueshoe
Originally posted by: coolkatz321
Let's start this post off as easily as possible. I'm Jewish, and let me say that when people make fun of the Holocaust, I normally get somewhat offended. No, I don't run around killig people and burning buildings to the ground, I just shrug it off and continue on with my life.

I've seen plenty of cartoons making fun of Jesus. Christians that look at them may get offended, but they don't riot. They might write a letter, but that's about it.

And now, we come to the Muslims. I have read tons of articles, and several books on why the religion of Islam shouldn't be though of as a violent one. Then, we get the cartoons. They're just cartoons, nothing worse. What's the reaction? Death to Denmark! Burn everything that has to do with them! Look, you can be Muslim, but no one can honestly condone what is happening. They're insane, and I was actually pleased to find out today that the Pakistani government has been stopping these protests. Enough is enough; get over it! A drawing is a drawing. From what I understood, the Koran teaches respect, not insanity. Thoughts?

I don't see them as "just cartoons". If it was any other Muslim other than the prophet in the cartoon, I doubt the riots would have happened. You compared it to cartoons that make fun of Jesus-- pictures of Jesus have been around for a long time, but pictures of Mohammad are forbidden. I'm not saying that it makes everything right or anything, a cartoon that makes fun of Jesus should be frowned upon by Musilims as well. I'm just saying that drawing Mohammad in the first place can cause a lot of controversy.

Do I think that they are insane for standing up to show how they feel? No. They should do that. But they certainly shouldn't have gone in the direction that would harm or destroy anything or anyone. In the Friday Prayers today (I'm Muslim), the Imam actually mentioned this and said that Muslims should respond to things like this. But he also added we must be reasonable, without that harming innocent people or destroying things like others have done.

By the way, there are millions of Muslims in the United States. Where are the riots? I know that many, including myslef were offended.

You make an excellent point, and I hope that Muslim leaders like your Imam are becoming more and more common. Such an emotionally charged issue as religion is bound to generate some issues, but dealing with those issues by burning down the local KFC is just stupid.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

What exactly do you think those other things could be, perhaps life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

When you have people like this(Sayed Qutb) providing the inspiration to their religious leaders do you think they would be allowed to have those other things even if they were available to them?

The irony in the excerpt below is that the part of the United States he saw those things was considered very conservative and dry(no alcohol allowed).

What he saw in the USA, its morals, and especially the free conduct of its women, is believed by some to have been the basis for his commentary of the Qur'an Fi zilal al-Qur'an, which he wrote while imprisoned in Egypt. Resigning from the civil service he became perhaps the most persuasive publicist of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Here is another link to show that the western way of life no matter whatever the rewards may be is blamed for the decline of Muslim societies.Analysis: The roots of jihad

Excerpt from link:

Pakistan and Egypt - both Muslim countries with a strong intellectual tradition - produced the movements and ideology that would transform the concept of jihad in the modern world.

In Egypt, Hassan al- Banna's Muslim Brotherhood and in Pakistan, Syed Abul Ala Maududi's Jamaat Islami sought to restore the Islamic ideal of the union of religion and state.

They blamed the western idea of the separation of religion and politics for the decline of Muslim societies.

This, they believed, could only be corrected through a return to Islam in its traditional form, in which society was governed by a strict code of Islamic law.

What exactly are we willing to give to appease them,

  • the seperation of religion and state?

    the freedoms that women now enjoy?

    the ability to question things that in some places would have you branded as an infidel?

Sadly the ones who would fight relentlessly in the courts to preserve western freedoms like those above are their greatest apologists, cutting off their nose to spite their face.



Mar 6, 2004
You honestly can't take the handful (out of 1.2 billion) Muslims that are rioting (maniacally at that) as a representation of all Muslims, can you? I'm Muslim myself, and even though it doesn't make an ounce of difference publicly, I personally, and all the other Muslims I know, are disgusted at these reactions. The way these people have reacted, burning embassies, violent riots, "Death to Denmark" is so contradictory to the Sunnah (practices and sayings of the Prophet) that its revolting.

Some of the Jews of Madina used to tell the Prophet "Al-Saam Alaikum" regularly, this is in contrast to the usual greeting of "Al-Salamu Alaikum". One means "poison be upon you", the other means "peace be upon you". The Prophet didn't order armies in to flog the Jews (remember, the Muslims controlled Madina), he actually told the Sahaba [companions] to just leave them be, and not even go as far as insulting them, their religion, or any aspects of it, to keep them from insulting God, as it is a sin they are unknowing of. And he didn't respond violently or irrationally himself, he used to shrug it off and say "Wa-Alaikum", or "upon you too".
When the Prophet went to Taaif to call their people to Islam, him and his companions were stoned out of the city. The Angel Jibreel [Gabriel] told him that if he liked, he'd bring down two large mountains that surrounded the city in on them. The Prophet said no, leave them, so that one of their offspring may be guided to Islam.

If you want to make any assumptions or definitions about Islam, make them from the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, not from nutjobs.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: sheik124
You honestly can't take the handful (out of 1.2 billion) Muslims that are rioting (maniacally at that) as a representation of all Muslims, can you? I'm Muslim myself, and even though it doesn't make an ounce of difference publicly, I personally, and all the other Muslims I know, are disgusted at these reactions. The way these people have reacted, burning embassies, violent riots, "Death to Denmark" is so contradictory to the Sunnah (practices and sayings of the Prophet) that its revolting.

Some of the Jews of Madina used to tell the Prophet "Al-Saam Alaikum" regularly, this is in contrast to the usual greeting of "Al-Salamu Alaikum". One means "poison be upon you", the other means "peace be upon you". The Prophet didn't order armies in to flog the Jews (remember, the Muslims controlled Madina), he actually told the Sahaba [companions] to just leave them be, and not even go as far as insulting them, their religion, or any aspects of it, to keep them from insulting God, as it is a sin they are unknowing of. And he didn't respond violently or irrationally himself, he used to shrug it off and say "Wa-Alaikum", or "upon you too".
When the Prophet went to Taaif to call their people to Islam, him and his companions were stoned out of the city. The Angel Jibreel [Gabriel] told him that if he liked, he'd bring down two large mountains that surrounded the city in on them. The Prophet said no, leave them, so that one of their offspring may be guided to Islam.

If you want to make any assumptions or definitions about Islam, make them from the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, not from nutjobs.

Here is a highly educated American terrorist Theodore_Kaczynski , finally stopped by his brother.



Senior member
Feb 18, 2004
Even more insane is attacking a country preemptively and unprovoked, while lying all the way along as to the reson(s) for choosing war.

How many innocent people have died in our name, with our tax dollars. How insane is it to allow this to happen, either by ommission, lazyness, oblivion or, inexplicably, by active approval.

Comparing the quantity and maliciosness of the two violent phenomena, and the tragic results--ours is exponentially higher insanity.

Neither is justyfiable. Both are shameful.


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: Frackal
Poverty, and cultural immaturity that hasn't learned to expunge excessive irrationa, emotional behavior
From what I've seen, it seems to be encouraged.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: MonkeyK
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: MonkeyK
I think that the cartoon was just the straw that broke the camels back. These people were already worked up and feeling that their religion was under attack.
Democrats look for any excuse to attack the President, some Muslims look for any excuse to attack civilization. Is there a difference?

Are you just looking for any excuse to be an ass?
You libs are just too easy. It isn't even a challenge anymore. I hardly even bother these days.

pat yourself on the back some more. doesnt mean you arent totally full of you know whwat


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.
Hate to be the one to break it to ya but money and education don't provide common sense. These people are compleely lacking in that category. They are nuts.

yeah, but money and education, and even more importantly a stable civil society where people can be assured of their safety and also be assured they will have the opportunity to find work and support their families, gives people more incentive to support the status quo.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: fjord
Even more insane is attacking a country preemptively and unprovoked, while lying all the way along as to the reson(s) for choosing war.

How many innocent people have died in our name, with our tax dollars. How insane is it to allow this to happen, either by ommission, lazyness, oblivion or, inexplicably, by active approval.

Comparing the quantity and maliciosness of the two violent phenomena, and the tragic results--ours is exponentially higher insanity.

Neither is justyfiable. Both are shameful.




Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: sheik124
You honestly can't take the handful (out of 1.2 billion) Muslims that are rioting (maniacally at that) as a representation of all Muslims, can you? I'm Muslim myself, and even though it doesn't make an ounce of difference publicly, I personally, and all the other Muslims I know, are disgusted at these reactions. The way these people have reacted, burning embassies, violent riots, "Death to Denmark" is so contradictory to the Sunnah (practices and sayings of the Prophet) that its revolting.

Some of the Jews of Madina used to tell the Prophet "Al-Saam Alaikum" regularly, this is in contrast to the usual greeting of "Al-Salamu Alaikum". One means "poison be upon you", the other means "peace be upon you". The Prophet didn't order armies in to flog the Jews (remember, the Muslims controlled Madina), he actually told the Sahaba [companions] to just leave them be, and not even go as far as insulting them, their religion, or any aspects of it, to keep them from insulting God, as it is a sin they are unknowing of. And he didn't respond violently or irrationally himself, he used to shrug it off and say "Wa-Alaikum", or "upon you too".
When the Prophet went to Taaif to call their people to Islam, him and his companions were stoned out of the city. The Angel Jibreel [Gabriel] told him that if he liked, he'd bring down two large mountains that surrounded the city in on them. The Prophet said no, leave them, so that one of their offspring may be guided to Islam.

If you want to make any assumptions or definitions about Islam, make them from the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, not from nutjobs.

Indeed. But don't let it bother you, seeing this as some epic struggle against an evil religion (instead of just a fight against some idiots) is important to some people. I'm not enough of a psych person to figure out excatly why, but I'll just say that it is probably similar to the reason idiots like bin Laden attract followers. Being a part of a "noble struggle" against a 1-dimensional enemy makes some people feel big. True, bashing all Muslims isn't the same thing as flying airplanes into buildings, or even burning down the local KFC, but it's the same mentality...abandon reason, because the fantasy world you can live in is so much cooler.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
There was no rioting until a group of muslims from Denmark went to the middle east in December with a dossier with the cartoons from Jyllands-Posten newspaper and other images they said were offensive to Muslims.
So much for the poor muslims with only a camel, these were people living in one of the richest countries in the world, with free health care, subsidized housing, etc..
These people were living in freedom in one of the nicest countries on the planet, and they chose to travel to the middle east to stir up trouble. They should be arrested and tried for inciting a riot. Yeah, peace loving muslims.
Public opinion in Denmark turned against the group after several of its leaders went on trips to the Middle East in December, carrying a dossier with the cartoons from Jyllands-Posten newspaper and other images they said were offensive to Muslims.

Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused them of giving Denmark a bad name, saying he was "stunned" to learn about the trip.

The leader of the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party, Pia Kjaersgaard, went a step further, accusing the group of conducting a defamation campaign against Denmark.

Group leaders have said they sought outside help because they found it hard to make their voices heard in Denmark.

"We distance ourselves from the violence. We still don't think it's because of our protest that people in some places have used violence," said Ahmad Akkari, a spokesman for the group.

Akkari said he was part of a four-man delegation to Lebanon, and also visited Syria on his own. Another delegation went to Egypt.

He said blaming the visits for igniting the violence was absurd.



Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: marincounty
There was no rioting until a group of muslims from Denmark went to the middle east in December with a dossier with the cartoons from Jyllands-Posten newspaper and other images they said were offensive to Muslims.
So much for the poor muslims with only a camel, these were people living in one of the richest countries in the world, with free health care, subsidized housing, etc..
These people were living in freedom in one of the nicest countries on the planet, and they chose to travel to the middle east to stir up trouble. They should be arrested and tried for inciting a riot. Yeah, peace loving muslims.
Public opinion in Denmark turned against the group after several of its leaders went on trips to the Middle East in December, carrying a dossier with the cartoons from Jyllands-Posten newspaper and other images they said were offensive to Muslims.

Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused them of giving Denmark a bad name, saying he was "stunned" to learn about the trip.

The leader of the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party, Pia Kjaersgaard, went a step further, accusing the group of conducting a defamation campaign against Denmark.

Group leaders have said they sought outside help because they found it hard to make their voices heard in Denmark.

"We distance ourselves from the violence. We still don't think it's because of our protest that people in some places have used violence," said Ahmad Akkari, a spokesman for the group.

Akkari said he was part of a four-man delegation to Lebanon, and also visited Syria on his own. Another delegation went to Egypt.

He said blaming the visits for igniting the violence was absurd.

Ok, people, are we capable of seeing that etchnic and religious groups everywhere contain a large variety of people, and that catagorizing them all the same way is virtually impossible? Because it's not really rocket science, but you wouldn't know it around here...


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: marincounty
There was no rioting until a group of muslims from Denmark went to the middle east in December with a dossier with the cartoons from Jyllands-Posten newspaper and other images they said were offensive to Muslims.
So much for the poor muslims with only a camel, these were people living in one of the richest countries in the world, with free health care, subsidized housing, etc..
These people were living in freedom in one of the nicest countries on the planet, and they chose to travel to the middle east to stir up trouble. They should be arrested and tried for inciting a riot. Yeah, peace loving muslims.
Public opinion in Denmark turned against the group after several of its leaders went on trips to the Middle East in December, carrying a dossier with the cartoons from Jyllands-Posten newspaper and other images they said were offensive to Muslims.

Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused them of giving Denmark a bad name, saying he was "stunned" to learn about the trip.

The leader of the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party, Pia Kjaersgaard, went a step further, accusing the group of conducting a defamation campaign against Denmark.

Group leaders have said they sought outside help because they found it hard to make their voices heard in Denmark.

"We distance ourselves from the violence. We still don't think it's because of our protest that people in some places have used violence," said Ahmad Akkari, a spokesman for the group.

Akkari said he was part of a four-man delegation to Lebanon, and also visited Syria on his own. Another delegation went to Egypt.

He said blaming the visits for igniting the violence was absurd.

Ok, people, are we capable of seeing that etchnic and religious groups everywhere contain a large variety of people, and that catagorizing them all the same way is virtually impossible? Because it's not really rocket science, but you wouldn't know it around here...

When did I say that all muslims are reactionary and violent? It's just some of them.
The ones rioting about a cartoon, setting off car bombs, or blowing up buses, they are the violent ones. What about the ones that travel from Denmark to the middle east to incite violence against Denmark and the west?
I see cartoons ripping Christians and read about people ripping Christians all of the time,
yet I don't hear about Christian riots or hear about Christians burning down embassies.
This is not a western problem, this is about muslims having a problem with violent behavior, and the failure of their culture to condemn violence. Instead, you have religious and political leaders in muslim countries inciting violence.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.

Or it could be because they know they're a small minority, and would get crushed or attacked immediately.

uhm no. the u.s isnt going to crush anyone. if people want to riot and protest they will do it. this is not north korea


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.
Actually, if you look at those who organize terrorist attacks, they are almost all highly educated, mostly in western universities.

statistics to these claims or is this another Meuge fact?



Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.
They have enough money and education to plot, plan, and kill!
No Money?

I'll give you a billion dollars if you go ahead and bang Jessica Simpsons


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.
They have enough money and education to plot, plan, and kill!
No Money?

I'll give you a billion dollars if you go ahead and bang Jessica Simpsons
Give me the million first and I promise to tell you about it in the finest detail after. And, can I keep the change?


The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: blueshoe
Originally posted by: coolkatz321
Let's start this post off as easily as possible. I'm Jewish, and let me say that when people make fun of the Holocaust, I normally get somewhat offended. No, I don't run around killig people and burning buildings to the ground, I just shrug it off and continue on with my life.

I've seen plenty of cartoons making fun of Jesus. Christians that look at them may get offended, but they don't riot. They might write a letter, but that's about it.

And now, we come to the Muslims. I have read tons of articles, and several books on why the religion of Islam shouldn't be though of as a violent one. Then, we get the cartoons. They're just cartoons, nothing worse. What's the reaction? Death to Denmark! Burn everything that has to do with them! Look, you can be Muslim, but no one can honestly condone what is happening. They're insane, and I was actually pleased to find out today that the Pakistani government has been stopping these protests. Enough is enough; get over it! A drawing is a drawing. From what I understood, the Koran teaches respect, not insanity. Thoughts?

I don't see them as "just cartoons". If it was any other Muslim other than the prophet in the cartoon, I doubt the riots would have happened. You compared it to cartoons that make fun of Jesus-- pictures of Jesus have been around for a long time, but pictures of Mohammad are forbidden. I'm not saying that it makes everything right or anything, a cartoon that makes fun of Jesus should be frowned upon by Musilims as well. I'm just saying that drawing Mohammad in the first place can cause a lot of controversy.

Do I think that they are insane for standing up to show how they feel? No. They should do that. But they certainly shouldn't have gone in the direction that would harm or destroy anything or anyone. In the Friday Prayers today (I'm Muslim), the Imam actually mentioned this and said that Muslims should respond to things like this. But he also added we must be reasonable, without that harming innocent people or destroying things like others have done.

By the way, there are millions of Muslims in the United States. Where are the riots? I know that many, including myslef were offended.

Are you in the US? You are offended, as you have the right to be, but you are also respecting the laws of the country that guarantee the right to freedom of speech. Those in Europe and elsewhere who are rioting, torching cars and embassies, killing people, and calling for "another 9/11" are clearly not respecting that right, and are not respecting the basic concept of rule of law.

Who made that the basic concept of rule of law?


The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.
They have enough money and education to plot, plan, and kill!
No Money?

Obviously you are mistaking the protesters with the terrorists.


Golden Member
Aug 24, 2005

I don't agree with what the radical Muslims are doing. However, this is not the time to test their tolerance, when the West has been invading the Muslim countries on top of the problem between the thieving murderous Jews and the intolerable murderous Palestinian.



Aug 8, 2004
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: blueshoe
Originally posted by: coolkatz321
Let's start this post off as easily as possible. I'm Jewish, and let me say that when people make fun of the Holocaust, I normally get somewhat offended. No, I don't run around killig people and burning buildings to the ground, I just shrug it off and continue on with my life.

I've seen plenty of cartoons making fun of Jesus. Christians that look at them may get offended, but they don't riot. They might write a letter, but that's about it.

And now, we come to the Muslims. I have read tons of articles, and several books on why the religion of Islam shouldn't be though of as a violent one. Then, we get the cartoons. They're just cartoons, nothing worse. What's the reaction? Death to Denmark! Burn everything that has to do with them! Look, you can be Muslim, but no one can honestly condone what is happening. They're insane, and I was actually pleased to find out today that the Pakistani government has been stopping these protests. Enough is enough; get over it! A drawing is a drawing. From what I understood, the Koran teaches respect, not insanity. Thoughts?

I don't see them as "just cartoons". If it was any other Muslim other than the prophet in the cartoon, I doubt the riots would have happened. You compared it to cartoons that make fun of Jesus-- pictures of Jesus have been around for a long time, but pictures of Mohammad are forbidden. I'm not saying that it makes everything right or anything, a cartoon that makes fun of Jesus should be frowned upon by Musilims as well. I'm just saying that drawing Mohammad in the first place can cause a lot of controversy.

Do I think that they are insane for standing up to show how they feel? No. They should do that. But they certainly shouldn't have gone in the direction that would harm or destroy anything or anyone. In the Friday Prayers today (I'm Muslim), the Imam actually mentioned this and said that Muslims should respond to things like this. But he also added we must be reasonable, without that harming innocent people or destroying things like others have done.

By the way, there are millions of Muslims in the United States. Where are the riots? I know that many, including myslef were offended.

Are you in the US? You are offended, as you have the right to be, but you are also respecting the laws of the country that guarantee the right to freedom of speech. Those in Europe and elsewhere who are rioting, torching cars and embassies, killing people, and calling for "another 9/11" are clearly not respecting that right, and are not respecting the basic concept of rule of law.

Who made that the basic concept of rule of law?

Are you in the US? You are offended, as you have the right to be, but you are also respecting the laws of the country that guarantee the right to freedom of speech. Those in Europe and elsewhere who are rioting, torching cars and embassies, killing people, and calling for "another 9/11" are clearly not respecting that right, and are not respecting the basic concept of rule of law.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.

You're wrong, most of the 9/11 terrorists were educated, and I've seen SEVERAL reports of STUDENTS rioting and burning's not just the poor and uneducated, it's the educated and affluent as well.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
People who are rioting don't have anything other than their Quran.

What do you expect?

They have camels for rides.

Maybe if they had other things to look forward to in life.

They are poor. They are suffering. What keeps them happy is their prophets, God. It gives them hope of a better life.

So you agree they're insane?

No they are poor and uneducated.

I highly doubt in those countries you will see the higher class going to the streets. The lower scums from the villages go to the streets.

Exactly why in the U.S you don't see Muslims going out on the street. They are all pretty much educated in the U.S.
They have enough money and education to plot, plan, and kill!
No Money?

Obviously you are mistaking the protesters with the terrorists.
If there is a difference, it doesn't show.

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