some people are just stupid or REALLY bad with money

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Golden Member
Sep 17, 2000
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: BlahBlahYouToo
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: Engineer
Wow...just wow. Not only are people stupid, it just goes to show how stupid the lending instituations were in giving out loans. No wonder EVERYONE (including the banks) are going down....and the rest of us that are responsible enough to pay our debts and not get over our heads, take it up the ass by giving a taxpayer bailout.

I blame the lenders on this one. Although I'm a big believer in personal responsibility. I find it almost laughable they would allow a $500,000 mortgage with no documentation and nothing more than a signature on a dotted line. In this case, the lender should eat the loss.

i don't see how you people can blame the lenders?
yes, they were greedy and were only looking to close the deal. but they didn't drag her out of her rental apartment and ask her if she wanted a $500k house.
she sought them out and probably said, i want to live in a nice neighborhood in a big house large enough for my family, and 2 of my daughter's families.

who in their right minds at that income level would even think about purchasing a house that expensive?

We're blaming both, not just the lenders. You even called greed into this one. It's the lenders responsibility, IMO, to make sure that people have the ability to repay a loan and I don't mean just barely either. Responsibility should be no BOTH sides and in this case, neither side showed responsibility....

Agreed, but ask yourself which party is in the better position and has more experience in helping to avoid the creation of a mortgage that in all likelihood would be impossible for the debtor to repay? A BANK and a REAL ESTATE BROKER who toil day in and day out with issuing mortgages, overseeing real estate sales, and making determinations as to whether a particular buyer has the financial means and stability for the purchase, OR, an immigrant working in a factory making $25,000 a year.

Yes, both are to blame, but there is a term called "predatory lending" and this one fits the bill.

What exactly is so complicated about purchasing and financing a house? Mortgage brokers and real estate agents are salespeople. You shouldn't need an expert for something as simple as financing a four bedroom home.


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2000
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Listen all you bleeding hearts, it does not matter if we are talking about a bank, a realtor, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher or any other professional...NO ONE...I repeat...NO ONE will have your best interest more at heart than you....not even mommy.

If you blindly follow the advice of ANYONE for ANYTHING and take their word as gospel without doing some investigating on your own so you don't get burned....fuck get everything coming to you.

Is it that hard to write down some goddamned questions and seek second opinions?

When people get off their asses and quit putting their well being in the hands of others who don't give 2 shits on if you live or die, succeed or fail, this country will be a lot better off.

Most reasonable post of this thread.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2003
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Originally posted by: NL5
Originally posted by: Wheezer
a few key punches in a calculator would tell you that ona 25k salary you CANNOT afford a 500k home.

No shit.

Did you read the article? Most people have more income than just a salary. She had substantially more. You must have missed that part.

Also, everybody saying having renters is no guarantee of income - do you think any source of income is guaranteed? If you do, there is a very good chance that sometime in your life you will get one hellava eyeopener. My rental income has been substantially more reliable than my income from actually working. (thank god for that)

I can't imagine a world like you are wishing for. You talk about responsibility, in your dream world nobody has ANY. That would be swell - personally, I'm all for it - not very noble, but in a no rule contest for survival of the fittest, screw everybody in your path kinda world, I'd be at the top.

nice try, but lets go back over this.

I did read the article hence my statments about everyone else who was involved.

SHE only made 25,000 SHE was counting on other people in her family to pick up the slack....REMEMBER:

she makes $25,000 a year at the factory

She and one daughter split the two bedrooms upstairs, while her older daughter lived on the ground floor with her husband and two young children. With her daughters each paying $1,500, she could cover the remaining $1,100.

so she was not making any more money, she was counting on other people that could be taken out of the picture at any given time for any reason, or through the loss of a my post....I was pretty clear on this.

and to your point....NOTHING is guaranteed in this life which is why you do not live beyond your means....those that do are morons and deserve everything they get.

If you are not going to learn from the mistakes others have made then the only way is for you to learn it by yourself and suffer.

It's like seeing your buddy touch the hot stove and burn his hand....most people are intelligent enough to not touch the hot stove, but then you have those idiots that need to see for themselves and then cry bitch when they get fucking hoo.

The world I live in is simply responsible for your own actions, you break it....fix it, you mess it up, clean it up, don't expect someone to walk behind you for the rest of your life cleaning up your fuckups.

With television, the news and the internet we all have the same opportunity to learn what is going on around us and how to avoid the pitfalls.....if you chose to ignore the signs and end up screwed because of it....well, too bad....maybe next time you'll pay more attention.

Wow. I got a gig to head to, or I'd answer this a bit more in depth.

She clearly makes more than 25k. I know that is a hard concept to grasp, but she is essentially renting the rooms out. Not essentially, she IS. Otherwise, you have to include the other peoples wages in the mortgage calculations and loan. It's that simple, and smart business. You would be shocked at how much money I get for doing all but nothing. She was making more in rent than she was from her J O B.

Yes, she got herself in over her head, but at the advise of a professional. One who should be held accountable. Oh wait, you don't believe in responsibility........


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
yo NL5-

She wasn't making shit.

Income = Revenue - Expenses

Rental Income = 3000

Expenses = 4100

Difference = 1100 loss (aka her portion of rent)

So your argument is pretty bunk


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Listen all you bleeding hearts, it does not matter if we are talking about a bank, a realtor, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher or any other professional...NO ONE...I repeat...NO ONE will have your best interest more at heart than you....not even mommy.

If you blindly follow the advice of ANYONE for ANYTHING and take their word as gospel without doing some investigating on your own so you don't get burned....fuck get everything coming to you.

Is it that hard to write down some goddamned questions and seek second opinions?

When people get off their asses and quit putting their well being in the hands of others who don't give 2 shits on if you live or die, succeed or fail, this country will be a lot better off.

It's not that black and white. You do not need to follow a professional's advice blindly in order for something really bad to happen as a result of missing just one important detail or to be misinformed during your own research. This is why professionals exist in the first place. This is why we pay them. If doing it ourselves were easy and the margin of error were small then these people wouldn't have a job.

no, you are making it far more complicated than it needs to be.

a few key punches in a calculator would tell you that ona 25k salary you CANNOT afford a 500k home.

What she did was quite simple...she allowed her wants to override her needs.

How many of you have turned down a car salesman? He tried to sweet talk you into a new car that you KNEW you could not afford and you walked away?

How is this any different?

Its not, it is as simple as sitting down with a calculator, a pencil and some paper BEFORE you go out searching for a home and you limit what you will purchase.

that DOES NOT require a CPA.

She got all frothy mouthed when someone else told her what she could afford, she justified it in her own mind, forget that she could have lost anyone of those people in an accident, forget anyone of those people could have lost their job, forget that anyone of those people could have gotten pissed off at her and walked out at any given time and left her high and dry.

I feel absolutely no pity for anyone that finds themselves in this kind of circumstance.

she fucked herself, plain and simple, and now she is fucking the rest of us just like all the other slobs that did the same thing.

I hope they rot in hell.
I agree that she should have done more research, but all that really matters to me is that the lenders took advantage of this woman's ignorance. The banks should have to reap what they've sown, but unfortunately tax payers are probably just going to bail them out. Apparently corporate responsibility is a foreign concept to these people.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
Originally posted by: NL5
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Originally posted by: NL5
Originally posted by: Wheezer
a few key punches in a calculator would tell you that ona 25k salary you CANNOT afford a 500k home.

No shit.

Did you read the article? Most people have more income than just a salary. She had substantially more. You must have missed that part.

Also, everybody saying having renters is no guarantee of income - do you think any source of income is guaranteed? If you do, there is a very good chance that sometime in your life you will get one hellava eyeopener. My rental income has been substantially more reliable than my income from actually working. (thank god for that)

I can't imagine a world like you are wishing for. You talk about responsibility, in your dream world nobody has ANY. That would be swell - personally, I'm all for it - not very noble, but in a no rule contest for survival of the fittest, screw everybody in your path kinda world, I'd be at the top.

nice try, but lets go back over this.

I did read the article hence my statments about everyone else who was involved.

SHE only made 25,000 SHE was counting on other people in her family to pick up the slack....REMEMBER:

she makes $25,000 a year at the factory

She and one daughter split the two bedrooms upstairs, while her older daughter lived on the ground floor with her husband and two young children. With her daughters each paying $1,500, she could cover the remaining $1,100.

so she was not making any more money, she was counting on other people that could be taken out of the picture at any given time for any reason, or through the loss of a my post....I was pretty clear on this.

and to your point....NOTHING is guaranteed in this life which is why you do not live beyond your means....those that do are morons and deserve everything they get.

If you are not going to learn from the mistakes others have made then the only way is for you to learn it by yourself and suffer.

It's like seeing your buddy touch the hot stove and burn his hand....most people are intelligent enough to not touch the hot stove, but then you have those idiots that need to see for themselves and then cry bitch when they get fucking hoo.

The world I live in is simply responsible for your own actions, you break it....fix it, you mess it up, clean it up, don't expect someone to walk behind you for the rest of your life cleaning up your fuckups.

With television, the news and the internet we all have the same opportunity to learn what is going on around us and how to avoid the pitfalls.....if you chose to ignore the signs and end up screwed because of it....well, too bad....maybe next time you'll pay more attention.

Wow. I got a gig to head to, or I'd answer this a bit more in depth.

She clearly makes more than 25k. I know that is a hard concept to grasp, but she is essentially renting the rooms out. Not essentially, she IS. Otherwise, you have to include the other peoples wages in the mortgage calculations and loan. It's that simple, and smart business. You would be shocked at how much money I get for doing all but nothing. She was making more in rent than she was from her J O B.

Yes, she got herself in over her head, but at the advise of a professional. One who should be held accountable. Oh wait, you don't believe in responsibility........

can you please cite in the story where that is stated?

'cause if she made more than that, a measly $300 increase in payments....spread over 3 people all contributing to the house payment....well that should not have cost her the home.

and did you notice her contribution to the total payment vs. that of her daughters?

pretty fucked up when you purchase a home and you expect your children to contribute almost 37% more each to your house payment than you do.

what should that tell you?

it should tell you that maybe.....just maybe.....the purchase of a home in that price range is not a good idea.

basically what she did, was purchase a small apartment complex assuming that she would have guaranteed renters.

like I said what if something befell those renters and they could not make thier contribution to the house payment?

-job loss
-another job opportunity out of state

then what? she would be royaly screwed, but did any of that enter her mind? Probably not because she wanted the bragging rights to her friends and family back home that she lived in a nice big 500k home in the United States. It made her feel important, like she was "somebody"...well that desire, her own lack of responsibility, and greed to have something she could not afford is what fucked her...not the realtor, not the bank...her and her alone..."no" is a very simple word to say when someone presents you with a "too good to be true" offer.

Many people do it every day.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
actually they were very smart as we are helping to bail them out and give them help.



Diamond Member
May 31, 2005
bad with money? like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? oh wait they're not real people?


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2004
That type of loan should never have been made.

Tee hee...:laugh:
The little people will never understand that we can make these loans and get away with it.
Why the government would not dare let us fail. Why if they were to let us fail the entire economy would fail. Why if we were even in danger all the wish-he was-an-economist(s) will scream "bail them out!".
Go ahead and make that variable rate loan.
Deceive the ignorant.
There are no consequences to our actions!:evil:


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: alkemyst
actually they were very smart as we are helping to bail them out and give them help.

i was just thinking that. seems good to me. get a bad reputation and crappy credit in exchange for a new house that cost half a million?


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
The fact that she was renting to others, should have ensured that with proper tax preparation, her tax liability would be Zero.

Claim the rent as income against the expense of the house, all costs for living are divided by 3 and then she gets the depreciation to offset her own income tax liability.

At her stated income, the only tax deductions from her check should be the SS 7.5% Less than $40 / paycheck.

Assuming no decrease in principle then she has a 489K note - the article indicates that the debt stood at 503K.

The debt increased 15K. that is $3K/month.

It sounds like she stopped making some payments when the increase happened.

$300/month for 6 months + interest on the $300 and late fees does not add up to $15K.

Me smells a rat.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2001
Originally posted by: NL5
Let's play a little game.

Suppose Johnny goes to the doctor. Doctor says, wow Johnny, looks like you have testicular cancer. I think you should have your balls cut off. (I don't know the technical term - lol). So, Johnny goes and schedules surgery, and they preform it perfectly. Now, they do a post op biopsy, and it turns out the doctor was wrong - no cancer. Now, is Johnny an idiot for following the advice of a medical professional? Or, is the doctor more at fault? Granted, Johnny should bare some responsibility, he could have gotten a second opinion, but who bears the brunt of the responsibility?

BAD analogy.
Most people are clueless when it comes to medical care so they rely on the doctors.
But anyone with common sense know that you don't go buying a $500K home making $25K a year(even if she did have help).
You don't need an financial advisor to tell you that.

Beside, the analogy given is an extreme case.
Nobody would have something that extreme done to them without more evidence or other opinions.
Bad analogy.


May 4, 2001
Honestly, if they were somehow able to swing $4100/month for a year, I'm surprised they couldn't come up with an extra $300 per month somehow between them. Either way, obviously, that loan should have never happened, even with stated income. Honestly, I put some blame on those lenders and real estate agent too...assuming she was honest with her statements and paperwork.


Aug 9, 2000
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
The fact that she was renting to others, should have ensured that with proper tax preparation, her tax liability would be Zero.

Claim the rent as income against the expense of the house, all costs for living are divided by 3 and then she gets the depreciation to offset her own income tax liability.

At her stated income, the only tax deductions from her check should be the SS 7.5% Less than $40 / paycheck.

Assuming no decrease in principle then she has a 489K note - the article indicates that the debt stood at 503K.

The debt increased 15K. that is $3K/month.

It sounds like she stopped making some payments when the increase happened.

$300/month for 6 months + interest on the $300 and late fees does not add up to $15K.

Me smells a rat.

ummm....layman terms?


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2001
I like to concur that she is a MORON !!!

Is the financial institution partly at fault ??
Sure but its like everyone else thats trying to make money in this country.
Noone forces you to sign a contract, you are the one that make the final decision.

Someone made a good point.
Her mortgage went up $300.
Thats enough to break her ??
Most likely someone lost their job and not able to contribute than the $300 hike.

In this case, I would probably say 95% her fault.
I can see if her original mortgage was something like $2000K and the ARM raised it to $3000K++.
It would be clearly a case of something you can afford to NOT being able to afford.
But a mortgage of $4100K since the beginning ?? You don't need an advisor to tell you that you can't afford that.



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
Originally posted by: edro

Now she is retreating back to Mexico.
At least she wasn't an illegal.

Did it say that anywhere ? I missed it.

If anything, it seemed like the author was tapdancing around the fact.. Makes me think she was illegal, and they chose to leave it out as not to lose out on the sympathy factor.

Originally posted by: yllus
I don't mean to be cruel, but I laughed. The margin for error is so incredibly low that there is no way in hell that she, the bank nor her agent should have agreed to the deal.

Originally posted by: sswingle
So the family had 3 incomes (husband didn't work apparently?) and they couldn't scrape together another $300 a month?

That's what I was thinking too.. We are talking about 300 bucks here, I would bet a dollar there is a car / SUV financed somewhere in that household for more than that.



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
How she got preapproved, and then approved for a loan is beyond me for that much.

A few years before the "crash" I was preaproved for a 750k house, no money down.. First thing I did was look at my income.. I quickly realized that the minimum payment was more than I made per month BEFORE taxes, and ran quickly in the other direction..

I would like to think it would have never passed underwriting, but today I'm not so sure.


Platinum Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Listen all you bleeding hearts, it does not matter if we are talking about a bank, a realtor, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher or any other professional...NO ONE...I repeat...NO ONE will have your best interest more at heart than you....not even mommy.

If you blindly follow the advice of ANYONE for ANYTHING and take their word as gospel without doing some investigating on your own so you don't get burned....fuck get everything coming to you.

Is it that hard to write down some goddamned questions and seek second opinions?

When people get off their asses and quit putting their well being in the hands of others who don't give 2 shits on if you live or die, succeed or fail, this country will be a lot better off.

Couldn't agree more.

Let's say I go to buy a car. Now, I walk into a mercedes dealership, and talk to the guy about buying a brand new CL at $100k+. I take a test drive, and then agree to sit down for some financials. This "professional" has no vested interest in whether or not I can afford the car, all he cares about is getting a loan financed by any means possible, and then he gets his commission and walks away happy. The same situation follows for any mortgage broker.

The burden here is between the lender and the buyer. The lender should be performing due diligence to determine whether or not lending to this particular buyer is a good investment. The buyer has the responsibility to determine what their budget will allow them to spend.

When the loan fails, the consequences for the buyer are a trashed credit score (which should be the case). The consequences for the lender are the financial losses associated with the short sale/foreclosure/etc. If the lender has a habit of funding bad loans, this will eventually cause the lender to close up shop (or to be bailed out by the gov't).

Regardless, the woman should have never bought this house. They took a pretty extreme gamble in order to buy a house which was far out of their means. They lost the wager, and are now paying the price (no house, trashed credit, etc).

The lenders are also starting to pay the price for their poor investment decisions. I can only hope the gov't will leave them out on a limb for allowing their money to be lended out in this fashion. Stated income loans (along with all the other tricks of the "predatory" lenders) were a loophole in the system which should never have been allowed to persist so long.


Jun 2, 2008
She didnt even have 10% for the downpayment? why did the buyer agree and what was the mortgage company thinking.


Nov 29, 2006
Originally posted by: Yreka
That's what I was thinking too.. We are talking about 300 bucks here, I would bet a dollar there is a car / SUV financed somewhere in that household for more than that.

It wasn't the car or SUV that broke them, it's the 22" rims with spinners.

On a more relevant note, most people in this country should NEVER even look at $500K houses because it's way out of their income bracket. The moment everyone think they can, that's when problems began; I think that moment happened a few years back.


Senior member
Jan 22, 2006
Originally posted by: NL5
It wasn't the house that got her, it was the adjustable rate mortgage combined with the housing slump. She was not the only wage earner living in the house, as there would be no way to afford a 4100 payment on 25k a year. The fact hat the real estate agent assured her she could refinance is a bunch of crap, and in my state is illegal. She paid for professional advice, and was flat out lied to. There in lies the real problem. Professional ethics in the real estate and banking industries went in the crapper in the last 10 years.


It needs to be illegal to unilaterally change the interest rates and payment plans for debt that has already been incurred.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
A lot of people in this thread ignored something cultural: the family in the U.S. is mom, dad, and kids. In Mexico, households are often extended families. It's not unreasonable to think that an extended family would pool their money to make a mortgage affordable.
Rios knew when she bought the house she'd have to skimp to make the mortgage payments. But she felt it was worth it. "It was a sacrifice but at least we'd have a home," said Rios, ...

The real estate agent said she could refinance within two years and lower her payments.

If true, the last part is probably the biggest reason. Who wouldn't skimp if they knew that it was only a temporary sacrifice. She went from making a temporary sacrifice with the trade-off of home ownership & an extended family to a realization that the "temporary" sacrifice was going to be permanent and be an even greater sacrifice.

In short, she was conned by people she trusted - alleged professionals. To suggest that someone earning only 25k per year in that market should be capable of doing a better financial analysis rather than trusting those professionals is ridiculous.

She managed to save $20k for a down payment on her meager earnings; she earned a very good credit rating. She obviously knew how much money she could afford each month, and how much money she could swing for a mortgage payment - and she did. Her one bad financial decision was listening to the advice of her real estate agent: the payments would go down. Instead, that proved to be absolutely incorrect.

The real estate agent got his commission.
The mortgage broker got his commission.
And, they both probably have no trouble sleeping at night knowing that this probably wasn't the only family screwed over by predatory lending practices.


Dec 29, 2002
If I was this womans kid and she wanted me to fork over $1000 each month for rent...I'd tell her to pound sand and move out.
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