Some reasons why we have to hope a cure can be found for CBDs:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The brain defect of the conservative type has huge negative ramifications for the American people, and all people around the world.

Fear and the low level thinking it produces gives us things like war, a police state, and the pernicious degradation of the human psyche via competition and the fear of being a loser and the rage that comes with feeling one is.

Fear cause projection, the feeling that 'the other' feels what we feel with the intention to get him before he gets us. This is the cause of war and all the human misery that produces.

Fear causes insecurity, is insecurity itself, with all the ego needs to protect oneself from the system we create out of fear, a competitive society. It turns children sour at a young age and makes them want to bully anybody who seems weaker. This is how we create monsters and victims of our kids.

Competitive failure also creates a criminal mind set and a police state to create a repressive state of fear that breaking the law will ruin your life. This is why we have so many police brutality threads.

Fear may be the mind killer, but it kills way more than just minds. The CBD isn't good for the world. But when you tell the sick they are sick, not with some curable malady, but with a mental illness, they just get angry.

Naturally, anger is nothing but another face of fear.

It seems so odd that one can have a disease that is killing humanity and not want to cop to having it, don't you think?

Too bad that ignorance is bliss has an expiration date even if we don't know exactly when.

We have met the enemy and he is us.


Oct 15, 1999

At some point are we going to get over this stupidity? While I'm happy to see you stretch and become a two trick pony, this one is subpar even for you. The resident drug addict is the only other person here lame enough to crawl on this particular bandwagon, perhaps it's time to try a different inept attack?
Apr 20, 2008

At some point are we going to get over this stupidity? While I'm happy to see you stretch and become a two trick pony, this one is subpar even for you. The resident drug addict is the only other person here lame enough to crawl on this particular bandwagon, perhaps it's time to try a different inept attack?

Can't attack the argument, so you may as well attack the author personally. You are a slam dunk in terms of proving his point.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2005
Moonbeam, are you one of those liberals that lives in a gated community by any chance?


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
i am, and i also agree that CBD is indeed causing a HORRIBLE plague upon this country...

it's like, conservatives exist only to harsh one's buzz, stomp on any dreams they may have, and generally just oppress, in any way thay can... like snakes in grass... that's why i keep my lawn cut so low you can't even mow it.... cant stand no cheap bourbon, so don't even po'et.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Wow. One of your threads like this was already locked. Going for 2 now?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I knew the Conservative Smell Defect thread would bring this out...

You remind me of those self-absorbed imbeciles who claim that LunarRay and I are the same person because our posting style is identical even though they are so different it isn't even funny. I had no idea there was a conservatives smell different than liberals thread here when I posted this and one of us actually knows the truth of this, while the other is perfectly willing to assume there is a connection by pulling it out of his ass. You realize that while you may have thought you discovered a real connection between two things, I actually know you are full of shit, and you have no problem at all risking revealing that fact to me. "Why not show Moonbeam here, as he talks about brain defects, that mine is definitely defective". Thanks pal, but it's obvious without the proof. You have no problem making a fool of yourself because you are full of childish ego needs. No rational mind assumes what it obviously can't know. There is no connection whatsoever between those threads. The other one does, however, talk about the scientific facts about conservative brains and how they focus on fear. To hallucinate fearful content where it does not exist or connect things unconnected is insane. But you're not emotionally mature enough to fact that.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2004
...Soooo, why is this in P&N when it belongs in off topic? It's another moonbeam "Everyone who disagrees with me has a brain defect" thread....


Jun 19, 2000
These posts do not belong in P&N they belong in a new forum that should be created named "Help Me, I'm Mentally Ill". Quit responding to these posts guys just start reporting them as inappropriate for this forum. This post has no basis in Politics or News it is just bashing plain and simple.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
There is no 'cure' for the defective conservative brain - the same way there is no cure for Downs Syndrome. You don't cure something like this. You let them be, but we should not let them decide how we live. The same way you would not allow someone with Downs Syndrome to perform surgery is the same way we should not allow alarmists and sensationalist to lead this country.

The good news is that we are are moving away (we are becoming a more liberal country) from being led and listening to people who are so wrought with fear, they cook up some of the most insane fears:
- Mexican children bringing in an African virus, via the southern border
- ISIS pouring into the US, via the southern border
- women 'sperm jacking'
- the War On Men
- the War On Christianity
- S'more recipes recommended by the government is a sign we are being oppressed by said government
- Not being allowed to enslave other human beings is a violation of state rights
- Pro-choicers are showing up to protests with feces
- Knocking on a door, and then you opening it, is perfectly OK to shoot the person knocked on said door
- Loud music means you are about to be murdered
- Minimum wage is fascist

Also, I think we need to remove the stigma of the defective conservative brain. It has served humanity's survival rather well - and, we thank you for warning us of the stalking lions, tigers and bears.

And, sure, the defective conservative mind is murdering people at the drop of a hat,.. or rather, knock of a door, but, the more we paint them as monsters, or as people who need to be cured - the higher the fervor will be in their sensationalism, lies and alarms.

When you speak of 'cure' (,.. or, frankly of anything), the alarmist immediately puts up his/her defenses.

I think we should let them speak their minds - let them really let everything out. Eventually, we'll all get it and just nod, before we turn around and live a life of peace and harmony,.. without the flashing sirens and alarms.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
...Soooo, why is this in P&N when it belongs in off topic? It's another moonbeam "Everyone who disagrees with me has a brain defect" thread....

I would think that because liberals and conservatives think differently, as theoretically based on differences in brain physiology recently identified in numerous peer reviewed scientific studies, and because of the disruption caused in OT by the arguments these differences of viewpoints produced there that were deemed disruptions to that forum which resulted in the creation of this P&N forum, that any discussion of that newely developed science and its effects on political thinking, news, and world events, would properly be discussed here.

It seems that the real objection then, by some, notably conservatives, to the information that they reject science that causes them to experience unpleasant emotions, has been to reject the presence of the presentation of that scientific information in this forum, and by the means also that the science predicts, that the conservative brain will invent rationalizations as to why that information should be rejected rather then that it fails to meet logically founded reasons.

Now, since the scientific understanding of differences in political perspective between liberals and conservatives has been identified to correlate with recent neuroscientific discoveries, and this is the established forum for discussing those differences, and since these differences are creating dangerous political differences that negatively affect our country, not only does the presentation of that info seem warranted here, but logically demanded.

Now since these facts ought to leap out to any brain not in denial, we have to turn our attention now to the kinds of invented rationalizations brains in denial typically produce, the question as to why what is scientific fact can cause some to have hurt feelings.

The answer, of course, is ego. In a search for personal meaning, a feeling of security and belonging, people who have experienced little love and sympathy for their true organic being and have been bent to conform to some so called greater glory, an ideology or system of belief and or belonging of any kind that gives them a substitute feeling of self worth will experience the terror of feeling insignificant if that substitute for a sense of real inner worth comes into question.

One does not understand anything in this world if one does not understand this. The maintenance, protection, and defense of these delusional altered realities, the bubble world the conservative brain cocoons itself within, are the cause of untold human misery. Surely the egos, false self delusions of self worth, are not worth the misery we pass along day by century to our children.

It should be clear then, I think, why the brains that operate in this fashion, would howl at the light from the moon.

So the actual invented rationalizations are many. Science doesn't say that conservative brains are defective, say. Of course not. In a world filled with real dangers paranoid delusions can help you out. One could even make a case that not being in a paranoid state would be disadvantageous, a defect if you will. But the constant unconscious need to invent one where one does not exist actually creates them. Fear cause what we fear to happen.

That is why, protestations to the side, humanity will have to do something about the low level reflex based thinking the conservative brain adopts in times of danger in a world that is far far more complex and required deep reasoning skills, otherwise the knee jerkers will kick us off the cliff.

Did you know that medicine that tastes good does not produce the same placebo effect that medicine that tastes like shit does?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Also, I think we need to remove the stigma of the defective conservative brain. It has served humanity's survival rather well - and, we thank you for warning us of the stalking lions, tigers and bears.

The problem with this, of course, is that the CBD is there because of stigma, the suppression of the feeling of worthlessness and its substitution with external ego identification, the feeling of belonging of the glorious team. As long as that feeling is repressed in the unconscious its effects will remain. We can have no real life in a world where everybody keeps their bandaged huge sore toes out in the aisle where everybody else has to walk. There is nothing more sad or dangerous than the person who walks around with a suppressed feeling of being disrespected. And this is not an issue unique to conservatives. The liberal 'live and let live' is just the apathetic opposite side of the same coin.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
The brain defect of the conservative type has huge negative ramifications for the American people, and all people around the world.

Fear and the low level thinking it produces gives us things like war, a police state, and the pernicious degradation of the human psyche via competition and the fear of being a loser and the rage that comes with feeling one is.

Fear cause projection, the feeling that 'the other' feels what we feel with the intention to get him before he gets us. This is the cause of war and all the human misery that produces.

Fear causes insecurity, is insecurity itself, with all the ego needs to protect oneself from the system we create out of fear, a competitive society. It turns children sour at a young age and makes them want to bully anybody who seems weaker. This is how we create monsters and victims of our kids.

Competitive failure also creates a criminal mind set and a police state to create a repressive state of fear that breaking the law will ruin your life. This is why we have so many police brutality threads.

Fear may be the mind killer, but it kills way more than just minds. The CBD isn't good for the world. But when you tell the sick they are sick, not with some curable malady, but with a mental illness, they just get angry.

Naturally, anger is nothing but another face of fear.

It seems so odd that one can have a disease that is killing humanity and not want to cop to having it, don't you think?

Too bad that ignorance is bliss has an expiration date even if we don't know exactly when.

We have met the enemy and he is us.

We I think we should just sterilize all couples who have this terrible disease right now! /sarcasm



Dec 18, 2010
The brain defect of the conservative type has huge negative ramifications for the American people, and all people around the world.

Fear and the low level thinking

Fear cause projection,

<cyber hug> It's ok moonbeam, I still love you.

It is obvious you were unloved as a child. Years of abuse has caused you to confuse fear with love.

Liberals only love others when they are in agreement. When you agree about murdering unborn children, gun control, gay rights,,,, and whatever else bandwagon you are on, only then can you break through your liberal hate and feel compassion.

Conservatives love everyone. From the cold blooded killer who just left the abortion clinic, to the man who killed his wife, conservatives believe everyone deserves love and compassion.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
The problem with this, of course, is that the CBD is there because of stigma, the suppression of the feeling of worthlessness and its substitution with external ego identification, the feeling of belonging of the glorious team. As long as that feeling is repressed in the unconscious its effects will remain. We can have no real life in a world where everybody keeps their bandaged huge sore toes out in the aisle where everybody else has to walk. There is nothing more sad or dangerous than the person who walks around with a suppressed feeling of being disrespected. And this is not an issue unique to conservatives. The liberal 'live and let live' is just the apathetic opposite side of the same coin.

I don't know,... I don't hate someone with Downs Syndrome, no matter what they do.

And, you can't (nor should you ever) punish, harm or kill someone, because they have Downs Syndrome. There is even a law that states you can't execute someone with Downs Syndrome (Texas thinks differently though,...).

I think you want an immediate resolution to this (pull the proverbial foot out of the isle),.. and, that is not going to happen so quickly.

Society is quite an organic animal. And, it will take a few centuries for the defects to go away,.. or at least stop listening to them.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
There is already good work being done to diagnose problems in the brain, not only that but to fix or at least make the problem better.


Dec 9, 1999
You remind me of those self-absorbed imbeciles who claim that LunarRay and I are the same person because our posting style is identical even though they are so different it isn't even funny. I had no idea there was a conservatives smell different than liberals thread here when I posted this and one of us actually knows the truth of this, while the other is perfectly willing to assume there is a connection by pulling it out of his ass. You realize that while you may have thought you discovered a real connection between two things, I actually know you are full of shit, and you have no problem at all risking revealing that fact to me. "Why not show Moonbeam here, as he talks about brain defects, that mine is definitely defective". Thanks pal, but it's obvious without the proof. You have no problem making a fool of yourself because you are full of childish ego needs. No rational mind assumes what it obviously can't know. There is no connection whatsoever between those threads. The other one does, however, talk about the scientific facts about conservative brains and how they focus on fear. To hallucinate fearful content where it does not exist or connect things unconnected is insane. But you're not emotionally mature enough to fact that.

:thumbsup: I was hoping when I posted I'd get more comedy out of you, and you didn't fail to deliver! Each time I get to read one of your nutty posts it's like a brief entertaining escape from reality. If you could please now just respond that'd be great! :awe:
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