Some reasons why we have to hope a cure can be found for CBDs:

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Golden Member
Feb 2, 2012
Moonbeam, I'm concerned for you. You clearly have a tremendous fear of conservatives. Your posts also exhibit insecurity, anger, ego and denial. You have all the symptoms. I think you should be tested for CBD.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2012
Mr. Beam. I am a sufferer of the aforementioned "disease. " I know many of "us" take you to be a troll, but I'm not assuming that. I'm not trying to be insulting either. I'm genuinely curious as to your methods of furthering harmony of mankind.

It's a nice idea, but you can't just take a step back from the world's woes and proclaim yourself above them.

Moonie, if somebody physically attacked you, what would you do? Do you presume that all civilized areas entail equal safety, be they main street, ghetto, or redneck woodlands? Would you worry if any of those areas spread?

Readiness, or as you call it "low level" paranoia is still useful. Danger isn't eradicated from this world. I think you'll agree we're not even close to that point.

The way you wield that accusation reminds of the internet kiddie "u mad bro?" taunt. Because we give a nod towards being security minded, we are somehow wrong. It's sorta like you're saying it's fucked to care...a classic adolescent take on the world.

I care about people, and I care about progress. I don't want to trash the environment, I want society to be respectful and clean, and I certainly have no deep abiding love for the wealthy elite. I want us to figure out fusion energy, break through the inherent barriers of CMOS technology, and take to the stars. But how do we get there?

I believe in tough love. I'm a parent, and I realize that coddling you child isn't always the answer. You have to motivate people to succeed. You have to not fear failure, and become resilient to it.

It's these lessons we need to put forth into society as a whole. It's a waste of time cleaning up after adult children; teach them and motivate them to do it themselves! It's the only way we can advance forward and crush ignorance.

How are conservatives stopping this? How can they imorove? How will their changing help society as a whole? Why should I care to change my view?

EDIT/EXCUSE: Smart phone typing.


Oct 15, 1999
Can't attack the argument, so you may as well attack the author personally. You are a slam dunk in terms of proving his point.

What argument? The entire topic is make believe. Moonie created it, Moonie and a junkie are the only two that promote it. It's a vehicle for trolling that Moonie drags out whenever he's bored.
Now you're defending a point that doesn't exist, and saying that I'm displaying the symptoms of a condition that moonie made up. You've been made a fool of, and not by me.

Tell me again who has a brain defect?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
We I think we should just sterilize all couples who have this terrible disease right now! /sarcasm


That, of course, would be the low-level-thinking, conservative way of handling things, but liberal thinkers and conservative reactionaries have synergistic effects in the face of external enemies, a situation, however, we continue to create when fear dominates our policy.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What argument? The entire topic is make believe. Moonie created it, Moonie and a junkie are the only two that promote it. It's a vehicle for trolling that Moonie drags out whenever he's bored.
Now you're defending a point that doesn't exist, and saying that I'm displaying the symptoms of a condition that moonie made up. You've been made a fool of, and not by me.

Tell me again who has a brain defect?

I have simply stated scientific discoveries and the alarm bells that have gone off in both liberal and conservative sympathetic scientific circles triggered by these findings. The finding that conservative brains rationalize away rather than reason about data they find ego threatening is a real and obvious threat to reality based decision making. Your incapacity to either see or acknowledge the fact that there is a real issue here is demonstrative of your CBD in action.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 1999
Nothing there to attack because every word was fact.

Nice rhyme my friend

It appears to me by following you recent posts in this P&N forum that you are acquiring a following although small about 5 members it is showing a slow and steady growth. Please do not let these followers down. You now have 5 or so people looking up to you to lead them. It would be nice if you gave your group a name so those of us looking in can easily track and be inspired by your groups progress.

Have a great day Mr. Moonbeam


Dec 9, 1999
D-Man I don't know what you're talking about, I've been following Moonbeam posts for a long while now. He's the most entertaining thing posting here since JKWhiteGuilter was here for the '17 Year Old Racist Thug Got Shot' thread heyday. Or are you talking about the mental giants who actually are latching onto the tantrums as if they're fact? Don't be too harsh on them man, they too are - to a lesser degree - entertaining! :biggrin:


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 1999
D-Man I don't know what you're talking about, I've been following Moonbeam posts for a long while now. He's the most entertaining thing posting here since JKWhiteGuilter was here for the '17 Year Old Racist Thug Got Shot' thread heyday. Or are you talking about the mental giants who actually are latching onto the tantrums as if they're fact? Don't be too harsh on them man, they too are - to a lesser degree - entertaining! :biggrin:

chucky2 I actually invited Moonbeam and his wife if he has one out to IL for a visit. Love the guy enjoy reading his posts. I am concerned that some of his followers are being radicalized.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Dannar26: Mr. Beam. I am a sufferer of the aforementioned "disease. " I know many of "us" take you to be a troll, but I'm not assuming that. I'm not trying to be insulting either. I'm genuinely curious as to your methods of furthering harmony of mankind.

M: It is such a pleasure to find at least one person of a conservative nature who can express himself with intelligence and reason. It would seem to me that in your very capacity to ask heart felt questions lies the only hope I can see. But notice that you alone so far here stand on top of what is basically a pile of immature and childish reactions, the reactions of folk who can't be depended on to reason. I only suggest that it is important that somehow we find a way to cure the CBD. I don't have too many ideas as to how that can be done. One thought is that because conservatives deflect truth that damages their egos that we destroy the pretext that they are anything but shameful. The profound need to protect themselves from feeling they are disgusting exists because it is exactly how they unconsciously feel and want to keep that realization our of consciousness. The result of course, is that they actually act disgusting. Take Bober's post here as an example. He's stuck at the kindergarten fear he will poopoo in class stage.

D: It's a nice idea, but you can't just take a step back from the world's woes and proclaim yourself above them.

M: What may appear to be stepping back would be hard to separate from an acceptance of fact if conservative brains actually prove to be hopelessly lost to reality. Science has no answer to this.

D: Moonie, if somebody physically attacked you, what would you do? Do you presume that all civilized areas entail equal safety, be they main street, ghetto, or redneck woodlands? Would you worry if any of those areas spread?

M: I am not important but I don't seem to have a typical liberal brain. In almost every area of political and philosophical thought I always come down on some third way, a synthesis of liberal conservative thinking at what I call a higher level of understanding. I am not as hard on liberals as I am on conservatives, focusing on the latter because they can't be reached by reason if their ego gets involved. Liberals tend to be able to be reached by reason regardless of the consequence. They don't have the CBD to the same degree.

D: Readiness, or as you call it "low level" paranoia is still useful. Danger isn't eradicated from this world. I think you'll agree we're not even close to that point.

M: Totally agree. I have also stated over and over that when there is a real external threat liberals and conservatives work with synergy when playing in the same league. It is only when no threat exists that the conservative brain works overtime to fantasize one into existence and thereby make it real. It is this that is defective.

D; The way you wield that accusation reminds of the internet kiddie "u mad bro?" taunt. Because we give a nod towards being security minded, we are somehow wrong. It's sorta like you're saying it's fucked to care...a classic adolescent take on the world.

M: It would be hard to distinguish it's fucked to care and it's fucked to care about delusions, when we haven't established the reality of the threat.

D: I care about people, and I care about progress. I don't want to trash the environment, I want society to be respectful and clean, and I certainly have no deep abiding love for the wealthy elite. I want us to figure out fusion energy, break through the inherent barriers of CMOS technology, and take to the stars. But how do we get there?

M: Me too. What you are arguing against here is your conception of what a liberal is. Both liberals and conservatives are moral and have morality based ideologies. They differ in moral emphasis and the number of moral concerns they focus on. Conservatives, generally, place moral relevance on things like group loyalty, purity, respect for authority, etc, that liberals do not, the latter placing more moral weight on fairness and equality than conservatives do.

D: I believe in tough love. I'm a parent, and I realize that coddling you child isn't always the answer. You have to motivate people to succeed. You have to not fear failure, and become resilient to it.

M: Liberals care about their children too. What you emphasize is important in a world that is competitive and competition is hate. I prefer a world that is not based on competition but cooperation among all people. I am communal in my thinking. Conservatives are focused on individualism and the self and the more the world looks like the world that creates, the more one needs to be that way, creating a more and more cutthroat world, divided by nation class and race, etc. What you are hoping for is being better adapted to a sick system.

D: It's these lessons we need to put forth into society as a whole. It's a waste of time cleaning up after adult children; teach them and motivate them to do it themselves! It's the only way we can advance forward and crush ignorance.

M: Yes, but we obviously differ on what we define as ignorance.

D: How are conservatives stopping this? How can they imorove? How will their changing help society as a whole? Why should I care to change my view?

M: Knowledge is power. The only way I can see change happening is by understanding why we don't want to change. How do you get a drunk to stop drinking. Ultimately life deals a kick in the face that can't be rationalized away, I guess. Sad no? I hope for more.

D: EDIT/EXCUSE: Smart phone typing.[/QUOTE]

Not a problem at all. I empathize. When I make a mistake on my phone posting here, I get constant ridicule from some tree swinger who hasn't much else to offer.

Thank you again for asking intelligent questions and putting up heart felt critiques. What a pleasure.....

I forgot that D followed by a colon equals D:


Oct 15, 1999
I have simply stated scientific discoveries and the alarm bells that have gone off in both liberal and conservative sympathetic scientific circles triggered by these findings. The finding that conservative brains rationalize away rather than reason about data they find ego threatening is a real and obvious threat to reality based decision making. Your incapacity to either see or acknowledge the fact that there is a real issue here is demonstrative of your CBD in action.

So it's a little like AA, if you say you don't have a drinking problem it means you have a drinking problem.

I actually have no issue at all with the information, it's obvious that the two groups have a different approach to solving problems. My issue is with it becoming a troll topic, and that's exactly what it is. You drag this out whenever you feel the need to belittle others, and that my friend, is a character defect. You feel the need to demean conservatives, and I choose to respond to you directly, as I think most liberals don't fit in the box we've created for them here in P&N, so I don't attack the entire group.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
chucky2 I actually invited Moonbeam and his wife if he has one out to IL for a visit. Love the guy enjoy reading his posts. I am concerned that some of his followers are being radicalized.

I worry about that too. The fact that conservatives need ego deflation shouldn't become a sport. One should aim to find a way that includes self- remediation. Do your part to change so that extermination doesn't become the only knee jerk logical solution. But know that the great and powerful Moonbeam, will be on your side if that should happen. We'll be exterminated together. I consider him a man, only, who can manage the conservative and the liberal entrusted to his keeping. The truth is always a third way.
Last edited:


Dec 9, 1999
chucky2 I actually invited Moonbeam and his wife if he has one out to IL for a visit. Love the guy enjoy reading his posts. I am concerned that some of his followers are being radicalized.

You should go the other way man, CA is supposed to be very scenic, where as IL, unless down in Southern IL, is pretty boring. And now I understand what you meant. Some of his followers aren't being radicalized though, they were already radicalized. It's an ego stroke for them for something they can't already figure out is incomplete at best, wrong at worst. It's fun watching the self-validation and ego stroking, as it does give an insight into their minds, but that's about it. JKWhiteGuilter was a little more entertaining while he was here...


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
So it's a little like AA, if you say you don't have a drinking problem it means you have a drinking problem.

I actually have no issue at all with the information, it's obvious that the two groups have a different approach to solving problems. My issue is with it becoming a troll topic, and that's exactly what it is. You drag this out whenever you feel the need to belittle others, and that my friend, is a character defect. You feel the need to demean conservatives, and I choose to respond to you directly, as I think most liberals don't fit in the box we've created for them here in P&N, so I don't attack the entire group.

M: Hold it. It's not about the obvious fact that the two groups employ different approaches to problem solving, it's that one group applies reason and logic and the other irrational truthiness to reach solutions. It's about the fact that one group tends to produce bubble worlds or rationalizations and delusions as substitutes for solutions while completely denying the scientific reality of that fact. And then you get upset when I point out the imbecility of that condition as if I were my fault you act that way. This is called ordering the messenger shot for disturbing the sleep of the king of to inform him of impending danger. Your problem is that the internet offers me physical safety and all the putdowns you throw to get my goat I experienced and transcended long ago in the process of destroying my own stupid ego. I am all too familiar what it means to hate myself. You can't hold a candle to what was done to me when I was vulnerable as a child. You will want to be there when the walls come tumbling down. The horror you fear is paradise. All you have to do is be vulnerable again.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You should go the other way man, CA is supposed to be very scenic, where as IL, unless down in Southern IL, is pretty boring. And now I understand what you meant. Some of his followers aren't being radicalized though, they were already radicalized. It's an ego stroke for them for something they can't already figure out is incomplete at best, wrong at worst. It's fun watching the self-validation and ego stroking, as it does give an insight into their minds, but that's about it. JKWhiteGuilter was a little more entertaining while he was here...

chucky. Location is irrelevant because wherever you go, there you are. Mohamed brought Mecca to a wasteland by the power of his being. Oh my Beloved, everywhere I look it appears to be Thou. Everything is attitude.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
IF fear is a key indicator for some kind of brain defect associated with Conservative beings, I wonder how it can be that both Liberal and Conservative folks who have a theist God belief system can be operating out of a fear motivation. AND, if God is God and the C's are operating consistent with the logic contained in that notion while the L's [equally yoked by a God notion] are operating outside the parameters mandated by their belief system which in this scenario the belief is not only logical but correct according to a 'higher power' who or which are defective thinkers.

IOW, there may indeed be brain differences twixt L's and C's generally but who at the end of the day functions according to the best practice under what they believe regardless of how that is viewed by the outside observer or provable to be reality by some evidentiary method ?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
IF fear is a key indicator for some kind of brain defect associated with Conservative beings, I wonder how it can be that both Liberal and Conservative folks who have a theist God belief system can be operating out of a fear motivation. AND, if God is God and the C's are operating consistent with the logic contained in that notion while the L's [equally yoked by a God notion] are operating outside the parameters mandated by their belief system which in this scenario the belief is not only logical but correct according to a 'higher power' who or which are defective thinkers.

IOW, there may indeed be brain differences twixt L's and C's generally but who at the end of the day functions according to the best practice under what they believe regardless of how that is viewed by the outside observer or provable to be reality by some evidentiary method ?

Who in this scenario is defective is several orders of magnitude beyond my pay grade to comprehend.

Are you asking if truthiness is as reliable to a conservative thinker as logic is as validating as it is to a logician or are you asking how anybody with a real belief in God could experience fear and if thee is any relationship between what we would logically expect to see in the actions of those who claim belief compared to what we actually do see.

You know I hope that the centipede was happy quite until the toad in fun asked which leg goes after which, rendering the centipede distracted and laying in a ditch.


May 24, 2004
M: Hold it. It's not about the obvious fact that the two groups employ different approaches to problem solving, it's that one group applies reason and logic and the other irrational truthiness to reach solutions. It's about the fact that one group tends to produce bubble worlds or rationalizations and delusions as substitutes for solutions while completely denying the scientific reality of that fact. And then you get upset when I point out the imbecility of that condition as if I were my fault you act that way. This is called ordering the messenger shot for disturbing the sleep of the king of to inform him of impending danger. Your problem is that the internet offers me physical safety and all the putdowns you throw to get my goat I experienced and transcended long ago in the process of destroying my own stupid ego. I am all too familiar what it means to hate myself. You can't hold a candle to what was done to me when I was vulnerable as a child. You will want to be there when the walls come tumbling down. The horror you fear is paradise. All you have to do is be vulnerable again.

As much as you want to claim you don't live in a bubble world, if your post is to be believed as your honest views, sorry to say you are living in a bubble.

Nobody on this forum is threatened by you anymore. No one fears your posts.

But we conservatives have this nasty desire to always want to help other people. And you are so in need of someone's help.

Beyond that, the only people (besides LunarRay) who pay attention to you are those who find you entertaining, rather than enlightening.

In the end, we all spend too much on message boards. We all are damaged goods here


Oct 15, 1999
As much as you want to claim you don't live in a bubble world, if your post is to be believed as your honest views, sorry to say you are living in a bubble.

Nobody on this forum is threatened by you anymore. No one fears your posts.

But we conservatives have this nasty desire to always want to help other people. And you are so in need of someone's help.

Beyond that, the only people (besides LunarRay) who pay attention to you are those who find you entertaining, rather than enlightening.

In the end, we all spend too much on message boards. We all are damaged goods here

Or we don't like TV and don't happen to have a good book handy.

You're right though, moonie isn't threatening at all. I bounce back and forth between him being a troll or being a one track thinker. Some people have their "thing". Their pet belief or fact that their world pivots on, those are one track thinkers. They often inhabit the political fringe and are generally harmless, just annoying.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003



I mean, is he even trying? You're talking about "brain defects" with someone with a 6th grade understanding of Neurocognitive function, who creates alternate accounts to agree with himself.

Brain defects, indeed.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
cubby: As much as you want to claim you don't live in a bubble world, if your post is to be believed as your honest views, sorry to say you are living in a bubble.

M: The only problem with this claim is that mine is backed by scientific demonstration and yours comes out of your ass.

c: Nobody on this forum is threatened by you anymore. No one fears your posts.

But we conservatives have this nasty desire to always want to help other people. And you are so in need of someone's help.

Beyond that, the only people (besides LunarRay) who pay attention to you are those who find you entertaining, rather than enlightening.

In the end, we all spend too much on message boards. We all are damaged goods here

M: Grow up. I have watched folk with poor self image try to belittle the significance of others since I was a child. I don't threaten you, hehe, as if I had that intention. The only thing that scares you are facts about yourself.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
I believe the biggest influence in being a conservative or liberal is what a person's parents were/are. Although I consider myself to be on the far left, it's hard for me to see those who disagree as 'defective'. I believe the tendencies are inherited, much like alcoholism.

I learned in Alanon how alcoholism has deep roots, and although it makes no sense to be alcoholic to the logical mind, it exists and has roots that go back generations.

My dad didn't drink, but his dad did, and passed on his controlling and abusive personality to my father. It almost seems genetic. Similarly kids pick up what causes them to be conservative or liberal; it's a family disease. As newer generations are created, divisions become even more ingrained.

Indeed on the right it appears to me that fear rules. I see it in gun ownership as well as the desire for geopolitical revenge, which is after all just a confession of fear and pain.

Do liberals have their own defects? Of course they do, but most seem to want to 'progress' past them, while the very definition of 'conservative' is to maintain tradition.

I remember the Vietnam war when I was a kid. It started not unlike our war with ISIS, with military advisers. It was also started by Democrats. What brings us to such action other than fear? We're giving them what they want. Look at what Bush's wars wrought in the wake of the fear and revenge over 9/11.

Reacting to fear is the defect.

Fear can be useful of course, but on a grand scale it must be overcome, otherwise we just create more of the enemy we claim we want to eliminate, and they successfully goad us into a greater response. When does it stop? Perhaps only after it is no longer profitable to the military/industrial complex, or we decide we have greater interests than free-flowing oil. There's a reason we're reacting more to Isis than to Boko Haram.

Anti-war (anti-revenge) is usually a liberal viewpoint (despite where our President is leading us), so I think I'll stick with them, like my father before me.


Dec 9, 1999
chucky. Location is irrelevant because wherever you go, there you are. Mohamed brought Mecca to a wasteland by the power of his being. Oh my Beloved, everywhere I look it appears to be Thou. Everything is attitude.

You obviously have never experienced a fine Chicago winter. Let me know where you'd rather be after your 20th day of cold gray weather: IL or CA. Natural beauty-wise, there really is no comparison...


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I mean, is he even trying? You're talking about "brain defects" with someone with a 6th grade understanding [IF that, of anything] who creates alternate accounts to agree with himself.
I think people are just bored and play along.
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