Sonata II


Senior member
Jun 19, 2005
I was curious what people were hearing about the Sonata II case. Links to reviews would be appreciated. On the Antec site it says that it includes a SmartPower 2.0 450W ATX12V v2.01 supply, but I can't find more information on what the "v2.01" signifies. Does anyone know anything about it?


Jun 20, 2005
Originally posted by: nwrigley
I was curious what people were hearing about the Sonata II case. Links to reviews would be appreciated. On the Antec site it says that it includes a SmartPower 2.0 450W ATX12V v2.01 supply, but I can't find more information on what the "v2.01" signifies. Does anyone know anything about it?

I have A "review" on my website. I picked this case up last week from, heres the link to the website:

Also there is a two page thread on Sonata II on SPCR here is that link:


Senior member
Jun 19, 2005

Could you go into more detail about your opinion of this case versus the Antec TX640B? These are the two cases I'm considering, so I was wondering if the price difference was worth it for the Sonata II.


Jun 20, 2005
Originally posted by: nwrigley

Could you go into more detail about your opinion of this case versus the Antec TX640B? These are the two cases I'm considering, so I was wondering if the price difference was worth it for the Sonata II.

I will do my best. Here goes nothing:

Antec TX640B
I picked this case up from Newegg to hold my new computer components until the Sonata II was avaiable. Now that I have my Sonata, this case will get some modifications and go to my parents new computer. Now for my opinions of it.

The case itself is identical to the Antec SX635(B)II serious minus some new added features. The new features the 640 now include is a new front bezel, CPU duct, side vent holes, PSU, LED's, and paint. I will discuss these in more detail below.

The front bezel is a sleeker design and looks more sophisitcated overall. The intake slots are not much improved from the SX635 series... or at least I havent really noticed it. Dont get me wrong though, there are plenty of slots for the air to flow into the case and provide adquit case cooling. The front bezel also included a covered area that has build in Front Panel Audio (Headphones & Mic.), 2 USB ports, and 1 Firewire.

A CPU Duct is included as well. THe duct can be positioned using a couple of screws to be directly over the CPU, although I hear some motherboard/heatsink combinations do not make that possible - Mine fit fine and there is tons of room for adjustment so i think people were just to lazy to adust thing properly to fit it right. The duct suck cool air right from the side of the case and puts it directly into the CPU/HSF. The problem with this is that there is no filtration associated witht he vent/duct, so dust is a MAJOR issue. My Zalman 7000CU was filled with dust just after a month. The duct can also hold and optional 92mm fan.

Side vents. There are two side vent on the right panel (right panel looking from the front of the case). The top panel is for the cpu duct. The bottom vents are located right above the GPU posotion. An optional 80mm fan can be attached to it as well. Same problem with the bottom vent as well as the top vent: no filtration. Dust gets in and stays in.

PSU. Included is a 400W SmartPower unit. It is a backwards compatible 24-Pin and PCI-E ready. The fan is a push pull design incorporating 2 fans. One in the front of the unit that is powered by the motherboard and always stays on, and one in the rear to exhaust. The exhaust fan is off until a certain temperature/wattage is reached. The PSU is on the louder side ( at least for me).

LED's. This is a personal issue of mine. All the LED's on the case (Power, HDD, etc) are super bright blue. I'm more of an old fasioned kind of guys and prefer the less intrusive green and orange combo. The LED's are ALL Blue and light up my floor at night haha.

Paint. One of the better upgrades from Antec. The SX series had a charcoal grey/black paintjob that was impossible to match with black drives. The TX640B is truely black and will match your black drives. I had a NED floppy and DVD-RW in there before I swapped them into the Sonata and they match both perfectly.

The inside of the case is a bit cramped, but that what you have to expect from a mini-atx design. It is not hard to work with however. There are optional fan that can be mounted in the hard drive rack and one right after the intakes. If you have any high performance HDD, such as WD Raptors.. you might not like the vibration noise. Since the hard drive rack is all metal and is attached to the case by metal hindge, the vibrations from the Raptor spread throughout the entire case. I ran a Samsung 120GB drive in there for some time and that was not a problem.

Another Issue I have with the vents besides dust, is that it lets a whole lot of noise excape from the case. Im a silence buff and dont really like noise leaks from the case. Also another concern of mine is that the exhaust 120mm fan becomes useless when you have large vents on the side of the case. The airflow no longer flows from front to back like it sould, instead air just gets sucked in from the side of the case therefore resulting is highter mobo temperatures and HDD temperatures (assuming no fan is installed behind the HDD's). I have contacted Antec and ordered a Right panel so I can retrofit it to the left side and eliminate the holes. This can be done easily, just turn the right panel 180 degrees and it becomes a left panel - I tried it out. All I have to do is dremel the holes for the latches.

Antec Sonata II
I picked up the Sonata II from Newegg for $120 two last saturday and recieved it last monday. This is by far my favorite case of all my previous ones (Antec SX635BII, P160, TX640B). The SX635BII is old and in the trash, the P160 was too large (and doofy) for me, and the TX640B I also adored and is going to my parents.

The Sonata II is also identical to the original Sonata except for a few minor improvements. The overall look of the case is the same with the very professional glossy paint job. Some people do not like this, but I love it - as long as you dont mind the fingerprints.

Antec designed a new intake for the Sonata II, the curves are larger and the cutout is also much greater. The new door is on a plastic double hindge that allows it to open a full 270 degrees. I havent found much of a need for it to open so far, but I assume some of you may need it. The LED's on the Sonata II are the more traditional Green Power and Orange HDD (There are only 2). The front bezel also included a covered area that has build in Front Panel Audio (Headphones & Mic.), 2 USB ports, and 1 Firewire much like the TX640B. The port are covered by a movable flap and have 2 blue LED's on either side. I have removed the LED's.

The PSU is a SmartPower 450W unit with the same push pull design as the above mentioned SP400W unit.

The hard drive rails (4 total) include small rubber grommets to help absorb vibrations. My Raptor no longer vibrates the whole case and its noise is more muffled (but far from gone).

The included duct sucks in my opinion. It draws air in from the back of the case and then bring it into the case, make a 90 degree turn upward and extends to the CPU. The duct aslo has an optional opening near the GPU and can hold an optional 80mm fan within. The CPU end of the duct is large squre that can hold a 92mm fan within. The CPU end of it can also be adjusted laterally as well as height-wise to center it over the CPU/HSF. Anted recomends a gap of 20mm between the HSF/Fan and the Duct. In my scenario, I'm using a XP-120 HSF with a SilentX 120mm Fan mounted on top, there is no gap between the HSF/Fan and the Duct. The two are right on top of each other. Another problem with the duct is that it is so large to begin with. It blocks the rear 120mm fan and and airflow it might bring. In my opinion, do no install the duct. I have removed mine and saw temperatures drop 3C.

In the near future, both cases will be fitted with AcoustiPack sound dampening materials and will have upgraded PSU's. Both cases are wonderful and I will stick to them for at least the next few years (or until Antec releases an Sonata III ). You can't go wrong with either case, however I really like the Sonata II. Hope this helped.

Lord Banshee

Golden Member
Sep 8, 2004
Looking at the pics i don't see how the front 120mm fan is suppose to be install and where?

I thought Antec redesigned the HD bay so you can put the front 120mm fan in the front of the case instead in the mid of the case like the SONATA II?

Anybody know>?

*Edit* I guess i got some wrong info as i can't find what i thought i seen a pic of ... Oh well.. So i guess there is no reason to upgrade from Sonata 1 -> 2


Jun 20, 2005
By the way guys... that blue and black cable that comes out of the motherboard... DONT CONNECT IT. THe PSU will be very very loud. That cable is only supposed to be for rpm moitoring but somehow it draws more voltage ot the fan and makes it spin faster. I have disconnected mine and wow what a difference. The fan still continues to spin with the cable removed, but quieter and slower.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
I've been running my new computer in a Sonata II for four days. I didn't use the stock PSU, so I'm selling it. I submitted this to Neweg, but of course they didn't post it:

The Sonata II is the quietest case I've ever owned. The included rear TriCool fan operates nearly silently at Low speed. I've even installed a front Antec 1200rpm 120mm fan and a 74 GB Raptor, and the case is still quiet. The Raptor's seeking is much less annoying in the Sonata II than it was in my old Chieftec/Antec style aluminum tower.

The paint job is awesome. As you can see in the pictures at Newegg, it's very shiny and smooth. I can see a fuzzy reflection of the image on my monitor or even myself when looking at the side panel. You won't find a better paint job on any other case on the market.

Because it's designed to be small and quiet, building a computer in a Sonata II is a bit difficult. There's not much space to work with, but rails are on every single drive bay, so that makes things easier. Also, only one side panel is removable, and there is no motherboard tray. Thus, building in the Sonata II isn't easy, but this design eliminates possible locations for noise to escape or vibrations to occur. Those are the tradeoffs for a quiet, compact case.

I didn't use the included PSU. As a warning, if you want to use a different PSU, either seat the PSU first, or expect to remove your CPU's heatsink. I removed the included PSU befor installing the other components because I usually mount the PSU last. You can't do that in this case unless you have a very short CPU hsf. I'm using a Thermalright XP-90, which is quite tall. The only way to insert the PSU is to push it through the motherboard area up into the power supply location. Hence, a tall CPU hsf becomes an obstruction. Again, that's no big deal. I hope it saves some of you some time.

The provided thermal duct is incompatible with my Thermalright XP-90 because it doesn't move to the right far enough. Once again, the XP-90 served as an obstruction. You wouldn't have these problems with a stock heatsink. Even if you can install the duct, it restricts the rear 120mm fan's ability to exhaust hot air from the system.

I'm not using the duct at all. I used the original Sonata in a friend's machine. From my observations, the Sonata II has much larger opening in the front panel to allow for better airflow. In fact, I don't see a need for the duct. My A64 3200+ is currently running at 36C, my Asus A8N-E is at 30C, and my 74GB Raptor is at 36C. The room temperature is above 72F. So, not only is this the quietest case I've owned, but it also runs fairly cool!

However, my Raptor does run about 3-4C hotter in the Sonata II than it did in my Chieftec case, while all of the other devices are the same temperatures or better. I think that's due to the Chieftec tower not using rubber grommets. That allowed the hard drive to use the drive bay as a sort of heatsink. The Sonata II sets the hard drives on rubber grommets for noise reduction, but that eliminates all contact with metal. Thus, the hard drive has less of a way to dissipate its heat.

This is one of the best cases I've owned. It's classy, which I'm glad to see after looking at my flashy Chieftec case with a window and blue cold cathode. Most importantly, it's about four times as quiet. I can now sleep with my computer turned on!

Edit: Those are my pictures towards the end of the thread on the link gintasr posted. However, I think the OP in that thread did a great job in his review.


Jun 20, 2005
Edit: Those are my pictures towards the end of the thread on the link gintasr posted. However, I think the OP in that thread did a great job in his review.

What thread and what pictures? All the pictures I posted are my own.

Good take on the Sonata II. I agree totally. Newegg usually take a few days/weeks to post reviews.


Lord Banshee

Golden Member
Sep 8, 2004
I'll keep my first one. I plug the side holes with some blue painters tape. It looks kinda neat from the side.

BTW i stock 120mm fan died this week. Good thing i had both fans in there. I just whiched it with the other (also a Antec Fan, but clear and more CFMs).

I was wondering why my CPU didn't like my Overclock this week... Ouch!


Feb 2, 2005
My bro just got his sonata nad set up a novel server on it he loves it . It is ridiculously quiet .


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: gintasr
Edit: Those are my pictures towards the end of the thread on the link gintasr posted. However, I think the OP in that thread did a great job in his review.

What thread and what pictures? All the pictures I posted are my own.

Good take on the Sonata II. I agree totally. Newegg usually take a few days/weeks to post reviews.

I meant the OP in the thread you linked to at SPCR in those post...I didn't realize that was you:

Originally posted by: gintasr

Read like 15 posts down.

And yes, all of the pictures on your site are your own. My own pics are towards the end of the SPCR thread linked above.


Senior member
May 7, 2005
Hi Folks - I am doing my first build and really like the clear side panel - do they make something like this for the Sonata II?


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
How about the Super Lanboy? It's somewhat like the Sonata/Sonata II as far as size, cooling, and drive mounting go.


Senior member
Apr 18, 2005
Originally posted by: teddyv
Hi Folks - I am doing my first build and really like the clear side panel - do they make something like this for the Sonata II?

I dont think so and I dont think they ever will, its going for a more matured look but I am sure you could mod it if you wanted to..

The Sly Syl

Senior member
Jun 3, 2005
Originally posted by: Gerbil333
How about the Super Lanboy? It's somewhat like the Sonata/Sonata II as far as size, cooling, and drive mounting go.

I love my superlanboy. The main differece between it and a sonata are:
A. The window.
B: The Weight.

The Lanboy is much much lighter overall, slightly flimsy (not in a bad way) and is a hell of a lot easier to carry around with that carrying strap.

Me? I liked the window, the light weight, and the carrying strap. The Lanboy is also quiet enough with stock fans, but I recently replaced the rear one with a panaflo and grabbed a fan speed controller. Overclocking + Newcastle + 80+c videocard required more airflow.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Hi Folks - I am doing my first build and really like the clear side panel - do they make something like this for the Sonata II?

defeats the point of silence. nothing lets through noise like thin plastic windows. sonata is also more solid then lanboy for that reason. weight/tight fit =dampen vibration/noise. plus...less direct paths in and out the better.
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