Soyo Rebate Update + Phone Numbers to Contact them


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2004
I called 909-292-2500 and dialed extenion 2528 as instructed. Talked to someone -- they picked up in abt 4 rings-- They said that they have recieved one of my $30 rebates and hadn't recieved the other. They said that they will send the first one within 3 weeks, and told me to resubmit the other rebate. They emailed me these instructions to resubmit my missing rebate:

Dear valued Customer:

Thank you for your recent submission of your rebate request.

According to our record, we only received one rebate submission from you ref #. xxxxx If you believe your mail was lost or misdirected, please contact your mail carrier directly. According to the rebate program?s terms and conditions ?manufacturers are not responsible for the lost or misdirected mail?.

However, we may able to help you if you will re-submit

1) a copy of your correct rebate form (forms)

2) a copy of invoice or packing list or receipt

3) a copy of UPC Barcode

by register mail to the following address : -

Attn : Luis

Special Care Customer Services Dept

1042 N. Mountain Ave # B 291
Upland CA 91786

We will make sure to process your rebate request within 3 weeks after receive your mail. Please email me if you do not receive your rebate check within 4 weeks. You may also check your status after 3 weeks at

We would like to thank you again for your inquiry and patience!

Customer Services

So, people start working the phones 'cos this is some progress.

FYI I got this info from previous posts here at AT that I saved 'cos my rebates hadn't quite 'matured' at the time.

Here are the original posts:

blueribb has posted a message entitled SOYO Rebate Problem.

Message Posted on: 02/03/2005 09:19:00 AM
Some Soyo Contact Info:

(909) 292-2504 ask for Rattana
(909) 292-2528 ask for Rattana or Shirley
(909) 937-0778 ask operator for Clarissa
(909) 937-0783 FAX (nightsurfer)

Good Luck

eagleguy has posted a message entitled SOYO Rebate Problem.

Message Posted on: 02/03/2005 07:56:35 AM
I had the same problem, went to and nothing showed up for newegg or SOYO SY-P4i865PE+V1.0. I contacted newegg and they told me to fax everything to Elizabeth Tsang (at Soyo rebate) at 909-937-0783. A day later the $40 rebate showed approved and mailed, but no record of the $35. I called her at 909-292-2500 x2533 and they typo'd my name on the $35, but said that it was mailed as well. Funny thing is that she supposedly fixed it in the system, but now when I go to and enter in my name and zip, I get prompted for house and/or unit # and it can't identify me.

But by faxing everything to Elizabeth Tsang (at Soyo rebate) at 909-937-0783 I seem to have made progress.

You can view the message at

Date Posted: 10/29/2004 08:45 AM Posted By: blueribb(Senior Member)
Soyo Rebate Tip:

If it has been 16 weeks from the "postmark" date on your rebate form, CALL Soyo at
(909) 292-2504. If you get an answering machine, press 1, wait a second and press 1 again.
This will connect you with either an operator or Rattana herself.

Tell her it's been 16 weeks and you haven't received your rebate. If she starts giving you
an excuse, interrupt her and tell her the rebate is a contract and that you have lived up to
your end and that you expect them to live up to theirs with NO EXCUSES. She may then ask you to
fax all your documents to her attention. You should have your rebate within 1 week.

I have gotten all my Soyo Rebate Checks using this method (on time).

Good Luck

PS - Don't call them if it hasn't been 16 weeks (from the postmark date above your name on your rebate form).
You might p!ss them off and push your rebate back even further.

Date Posted: Dec/07/2004 11:19 PM
Message Rating:

(909) 292-2504 or
(909) 292-2528

If you get an answering machine, press zero - wait a second and press zero again.
This should take you to the operator or Rattana herself (Rebate Dept).

Don't leave a message. Insist on talking to someone. Be nice ! (but firm)

Good Luck


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Spoke with someone at ext 2528 today, and got nowhere.

She said that the resubmission that I sent almost 2 weeks ago would not even show up on the website for about another 10 days, which is the type of "we're working on it" response that has led nowhere for months.

When I insisted that one of the 4 rebates was listed as "approved" on verifyrebate, she said that I would then have it in two weeks. Right. I told her that it has been "approved" for a couple months, and she muttered something about apologizing for the delay.

Then I told her that the website for was not working, and she gave me the number for technical support; like I'M supposed to initiate something to get it working again? This is just so much BS, I can't stand it.


Jan 24, 2005
One of the rebates i recieved already, the other i resubmitted as per instructions, sent it certified mail, and i haven't heard anything (yet). Only been a few weeks though. THe main thing was on teh fine print of the rebate docs there were two different addresses. they were probably different boxes in teh same f'ing office, but different addies none the less. I've got $45 worth of use out of thsi board, if the other rebate doesn't come back, so i could really care less, but that extra $45 could be useful sometime soon. Just sucks that it's taking so long to recoup expensies.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 1999
Looks like you guys are really getting screwed on this..sorry

total BS

I will never buy a Soyo product...they need to stand up and fix it or they may end up like Compusa..they have to cover any manufacturers rebate for like 20yrs


Senior member
Mar 8, 2005
Dont expect anything from Soyo, Thank your lucky stars if you have ever received a check, I have faxed, I have emailed and now I have resubmitted to the upland address earlier this week, I expect nothing out of this, I refuse to waste another penny on this making a long distance phone call. I will never own another Soyo product again. Even went back and forth with newegg which they in turn didnt respond to my last 2 emails. The whole thing is a joke. Newegg should start crediting people as well.


Senior member
Feb 2, 2003
Something I want to get out in the open is how much I appreciate the tenacity of people on the Soyo Rebates. I am in the pssed at Soyo group but my purchase was from ZipZoomFly.

This has become a vendetta for me to get my rebates from Soyo no matter how much time or complaint forms I have to fill out. I'm using every site from BBB to FTC I can find on AT threads. I have been burned on rebates, resubmitted rebates and have seen and heard every excuse in the book before - but this time it is personal.

There are tons of people in this position and this time there appears to be critical mass to really hammer Soyo for their apparent fraudulent business practices. My guess is this is what happened to Compusa, so there is now precedent.

Just want to say thanks for the multiple threads with all the information. I blacklist Soyo and their subsidiaries for life.


Senior member
Sep 6, 2004
BS - last i heard newegg was paying custmers who wernt able to recieve there soyo rebate at all.

and i cant imagine why newegg wouldnt email u back? did u do soming or say something in your email to maybe cause this?

if not, Im gana PM u my email addy. just send me an email with your information(dont need personal info if u dont wont to send that to me) just your Email addy, SO#, Invoice#s, Product name, and Rebate #s. And i can email Newegg for u.. everytime iv emailed newegg, iv recieved a response within like 2 buisness days, sometimes the next day.
Thumbs up to Melectricus's Soyo policy.
funny thing(litteraly unfunny to me though lol) - i recieved a response from about my Overdue Zipzoomfly Soyo rebates, said thy were in the middle of proccessing the submission from dateXXXX and to check your status online next week... but when down like 3days ago or something.
iv only had realy positive experiences with newegg so far. but i feel bad about not giving them any rating at resellerratings or bizrate, because i just dont have time right now. but i will be giving them multiple highest ratings when i get the time.


Golden Member
Sep 3, 2002
i've gotten all 4 of my soyo rebates. it took a good long while, but they all came in.


Senior member
Sep 30, 2001
I had a tiger direct rebate I never received. I waited until a few days after the require waiting period then called Soyo. I talked to Shirley who said I would get the rebate the following week(7 Day). It took about 14, but they showed up.


Jan 24, 2005
Originally posted by: kenrippy
i've gotten all 4 of my soyo rebates. it took a good long while, but they all came in.
I think this is the biggest problem, its not that people aren't getting their rebates, they're not getting them in a timely manner. Give me one person who's inconvienced and i'll show you an army of people who hate that company. The only reason my second rebate didn't go through is because it was addressed wrong. In case you're too lazy to read that again, IT WAS MY FAULT. I didn't spot the error until i was goign over teh fine print of the rebate forms after recieving one but not the other. After a couple of emails and my usual post-watches on here i was given a second chance at submitting a rebate. This is something not every company would do, espeically if the screwup was on the consumer end.

SOYO may not be teh fastest on their rebates, but their products are decent, they're not quite Gigabyte or Asus, but they're suitable for most systems, my inquires into the tech support have either been glossed over or ignored, which i kind of expected since even ATI ignored me and has apparently dropped support of their IGP 9100 chipsets. Regardless, i've said it before and i will say it again. in big bold print this time.
if you stop buying hardware/software from every vendor that screws you over, eventually you're going to be doing your computations on an abacus, because there is no perfect company, product etc..


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2004
Originally posted by: kenrippy
Regardless, i've said it before and i will say it again. in big bold print this time.
if you stop buying hardware/software from every vendor that screws you over, eventually you're going to be doing your computations on an abacus, because there is no perfect company, product etc..

The only vendor that seems to be screwing people over here is Soyo . . . .

You stop buying hardware/software from them and a crappy company goes out of buisness and you're doing your fellow consumers a favor.

Dropping support for a chipset because it flopped is different than holding peoples money against their will.


Dec 16, 2004
I've gotten 1 of 4 rebates from Soyo.

Resubmitted via registered mail last week - we'll see what happens.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2005
Thanks for the offer but no need for you to get involded in my misery with Soyo or newegg. I said no such thing to newegg. Basicly just asked them what they are going to do about it, Didnt receive an email back for the last 2 I sent, They both went to there complaint address. Ive tried the last thing Im going to try, Submitted them via regular mail since there is nothing wrong with the USPS regualar mail service and I will see what happens. Im not paying for registered mail. My rebate has showed up no where at Soyo, ANd yea I see their website has been down now for what 5 days. Hmmmm.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2005
Originally posted by: csundar
I've gotten 1 of 4 rebates from Soyo.

Resubmitted via registered mail last week - we'll see what happens.

If you dont mind me asking what does registerd mail cost?


Senior member
May 27, 2005
I purchased the motherboard in November. I resubmitted my rebate several times. I only recieved 1 of my 2 $45 rebates.

I got fed up and called New Egg. New Egg gave me the $45 refund the same day.


Sep 10, 2003
I'm still waiting for my Soyo Rebates from a barebones system that I bought from Tiger Direct over a year ago. Soyo claimed that they didn't get the paperwork, even after I forwarded them copies of emails stating that my rebates had been received and approved. I have the BBB, and my State Attorney General after them now, and they claim that the check has been mailed. We shall see.. I had to threaten to take them to small claims court to get them to do that. I will NEVER buy another SOYO product as long as I live. They are dishonest and corrupt.


Golden Member
Apr 1, 2001
calling soyo's rebate dept def helps. I did, and finally got my $50 rebate a while back. Don't give up!


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
Posted by OneStepAhead at FW:

Received a detailed e-mail from ZipZoomFly today.

Dear ZipZoomfly Customer,

We would like to keep you informed of the current situation in regards to your Soyo rebates.

ZipZoomfly is currently engaged in litigation with Soyo (San Bernardino Superior Court, Case RCVRS086190). In an effort to ensure that the matter is resolved in a timely manner and that all qualified consumer rebates are paid, ZipZoomfly has been actively engaged with Soyo to expedite rebate processing. We hope to resolve this matter with Soyo as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, we have been informed that Soyo is catching up on their much-delayed rebate processing.

If you still have an unpaid Soyo rebate outstanding for products purchased from ZipZoomfly, please click the button below to access our questionnaire and send us the details of your claim, including information on whether you have received a rejection or a simple non-response from Soyo. Please also fill out your name, email, date of purchase, ZipZoomfly order number and remember to check the product part numbers and enter appropriate quantities. Also, please let us know the total rebates you are eligible for, and how much you have received to date. For every order placed, please submit a separate form.

There is a link to an on-line form posted by ZZF. They ask for order details and rebate status.

ZZF Soyo Rebate Inquiry form


Aug 17, 2001
lanyap: MUCH appreciated! Hopefully I will finally get my rebates after more than 8 months.

harley2ride: Exact sentiments. Soyo has pulled every dishonest tactic in the book to keep more rebate money.
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