Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
Ok, I am really really trying to like STALKER. I went with the advice of many people and gave it a few hours. I am at BAR now, have some ok weapons and think the game is ok thus far but really... is there no other way to travel between the towns? Holy shit, I spend 5 minutes literally running between them to get paid off for jobs I have completed. What a waste of time.

Please tell me there is a way to quick travel later in the game.


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2008
Sorry mate, you're stuck walkin.

I love stalker, but travelling between areas drove me up the wall.

Clear Sky has a fast travel system. Yeah!


Dec 11, 2000
Yeah, the running can be a PITA, but I remember that when playing I picked up a few of the enhancements (I can't remember what the in-game terminology is) that would improve stamina so I essentially wouldn't get winded and could sprint the entire distance.


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2004
Try not to see the running as a chore....when I was running from town to town I came across bandit raids and encampments and interesting stuff if I explored a little off the beaten path on my way to the objective. For example nearly every building has a stash or some interesting artifact among other things.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2007
Originally posted by: RocksteadyDotNet
Sorry mate, you're stuck walkin.

I love stalker, but travelling between areas drove me up the wall.

Clear Sky has a fast travel system. Yeah!

I hope they didn't ruin Clear Sky. The entire point of traveling from point A to point B is that you have to work your way through the bandits and soldiers and whoever else is in the way. You may clear a checkpoint of soldiers one day, pass it three or four times over the next several days and then find it manned again. That's the entire point of the game, life goes on in the zone whether the player is there or not.

I've got Clear Sky on pre-order already. I hope it's not going to be a waste of money. :disgust:



Aug 14, 2000
Provided you're not a pack-rat and have stamina artifacts, running is not a problem at all.


Golden Member
Jun 9, 2001
You expect me to have to make a choice between my super awesome exoskeleton, and my super awesome SEVA suit? How dare you, sir?!

Seriously, I'm not giving either up. I think they could've done a bit of a better job with the inventory. I do appreciate a game that finally takes weight and bulkiness into account, but some sort of decent bank system would've been welcome - yes, you can keep things in countless storage boxes all over the place, but as has been mentioned, you have to run everywhere in foot so it would take 10 minutes just to switch your armor. Blech.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2008
Well, go to Wild Territories near the electrical lines. You can find moonlight artifacts there. A pair of those and you'll have infinite stamina, giving you infinite sprint. Heck, you can even bypass all the bandits etc. if you want and outrun those mutant dogs too. BTW, SEVA suit is better, IMHO, you really need the hazard/anomaly protection.


Golden Member
Jun 9, 2001
True, but iirc, the Exoskeleton is more useful in a straight up firefight, and there are several of those later on. Not to mention the extra strength.

I admit I'm a packrat. I think I mostly used the SEVA the whole time.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2007
Originally posted by: NoWhereM
Originally posted by: RocksteadyDotNet
Sorry mate, you're stuck walkin.

I love stalker, but travelling between areas drove me up the wall.

Clear Sky has a fast travel system. Yeah!

I hope they didn't ruin Clear Sky. The entire point of traveling from point A to point B is that you have to work your way through the bandits and soldiers and whoever else is in the way. You may clear a checkpoint of soldiers one day, pass it three or four times over the next several days and then find it manned again. That's the entire point of the game, life goes on in the zone whether the player is there or not.

I've got Clear Sky on pre-order already. I hope it's not going to be a waste of money. :disgust:

I'm really looking forward to Clear Sky only concern is they have showed off the faction system lots but not the story, hopefully the story isn't weak.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Ya... that's the biggest complaint I have with Stalker. It doesn't help that baddies respawn. Everytime I went through garbage to go to the eastern facility, I had to pick off the same 5 bandits to and thro so I wouldn't be scratched.

I like the exoskeleton more. I don't think I put too much thought into resistances for armor; that's the job of artifacts and rad-injections.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2002
The Oblivion Lost mod takes care of both issues. They introduce vehicles, as well as getting rid of the stamina system. Making my 2nd time through the game very enjoyable.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Miklebud
The Oblivion Lost mod takes care of both issues. They introduce vehicles, as well as getting rid of the stamina system. Making my 2nd time through the game very enjoyable.

Can you add the mods to an existing saved game? Meaning, can I apply the mod and continue my current games?


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2002
I dont think so... It totally changes some of the mechanics of the game. Weapons are way more accurate. You can run 100% of the time. You can add silencers/grenade launchers/etc to almost all the guns now. Anomalies are 100% deadly. Makes the storyline saga a bit more difficult by adding more/harder enemies.

Gets two thumbs up from me. I cant wait for Clear Sky next week!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
Well, saw this thread and gave it a go, bought a copy from Steam for 25$ with tax, so pretty cheap. Liking it so far Funny part, some soldiers attacked me and I ran back to the village. They ran after me and this huuuuuge firefight started. The villagers won (2 people left ) and I got plenty of loot

Though some things I still can't figure out. Like the artifacts, they appear crap. I put two on me, bah, even one and the radiation buildup kills me anyway after a while. Also, I found a few nearby anomalies, but is there an easier way to locate artifacts in them other than to run around each anomaly you encounter and see if one didn't spawn an artifact by any chance? Also, the PDAs I find with 'hidden loot' - sometimes I just can't find the damn thing even though I am standing on it according to the map - any ideas?


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Qbah
Well, saw this thread and gave it a go, bought a copy from Steam for 25$ with tax, so pretty cheap. Liking it so far Funny part, some soldiers attacked me and I ran back to the village. They ran after me and this huuuuuge firefight started. The villagers won (2 people left ) and I got plenty of loot

Though some things I still can't figure out. Like the artifacts, they appear crap. I put two on me, bah, even one and the radiation buildup kills me anyway after a while. Also, I found a few nearby anomalies, but is there an easier way to locate artifacts in them other than to run around each anomaly you encounter and see if one didn't spawn an artifact by any chance? Also, the PDAs I find with 'hidden loot' - sometimes I just can't find the damn thing even though I am standing on it according to the map - any ideas?

Lol I didn't think the soldier ran up that far to the newbie camp- they would have had some sweet weapons for a beginner now go kill the ones at the train overpass checkpoint hehe. Some artifacts are just like that and not worth putting on, it is usually these artifacts that the trader has a quest for and if you hand them in as quest items you get some good cash and probably some extras aswell- the good artifacts won't really increase your radiation. As far as finding the artifacts, I just walked around and came across them my whole time in the game- no particular way to find them, but you will find alot anyway so don't worry.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2007
Vehicles for moving from area to area in Clear Sky I could live with. If they put a pair of ruby slippers on my feet and tell me to click my heels to get from place to place I'm not going to be happy.

Regarding the post above looking for loot that is on your PDA, check the attic above where you are standing, or in some cases the basement.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2008
Also, don't sweat artifacts too much at beginning. Better ones will come in time. As for artifacts that give you radiation, don't equip them unless you have another that counters radiation or you'll be burning through your antirads and health kits like crazy.


Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2005
I recently started this game and have a few questions:

1. Why does the same weapon show up twice or three times in my inventory? I'll look in there and see that I have two Dbl. Barrel Shotguns. Unless there's something I missed, they're the exact same weapons. I originally thought that every weapon you carry takes up space. Then I noticed a "x2" on one of my pistols.

2. How do you pick up those radioactive artifacts? Do you have to equip these counter-radioactive artifacts I seen talked about in this thread.

3. Do you get a chance to join factions, or are the factions only there to tell you if someone is an enemy or not?


Senior member
Sep 3, 2007
Originally posted by: GundamSonicZeroX
I recently started this game and have a few questions:

1. Why does the same weapon show up twice or three times in my inventory? I'll look in there and see that I have two Dbl. Barrel Shotguns. Unless there's something I missed, they're the exact same weapons. I originally thought that every weapon you carry takes up space. Then I noticed a "x2" on one of my pistols.

2. How do you pick up those radioactive artifacts? Do you have to equip these counter-radioactive artifacts I seen talked about in this thread.

3. Do you get a chance to join factions, or are the factions only there to tell you if someone is an enemy or not?

You probably picked up a few extra weapons off dead peeps.

See which one has the most "health" left and keep it. Unload the other ones and then drop them. When one has "x2" if I remember correctly it means they have the same health, drop one of them.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2008
1. They all count for weight. The reason there are multiple copies is because of the fact that there's wear and tear on your weapons. Integrity of weapons drop w/ use, leading to reduced accuracy and more jamming. It might be useful to carry two different pieces of your favorite gun and ditch one when it wears out.

2. Well, you can pick them up just fine. Just don't equip them until you get some counter-rad artifacts.

3. Well, you can't really join a faction per se though you can do missions for them and then they become friendlier to you and help you out with bandits or give you rewards.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: katank

3. Well, you can't really join a faction per se though you can do missions for them and then they become friendlier to you and help you out with bandits or give you rewards.

But that will be fixed in Clear Sky! w00t!


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
There was very few occasions when I felt annoyed by travel in STALKER. Most of the time traveling is made fun by enemy respawns, which result in fights that never get old. Besides, I could always use the extra ammo and heals. A bit later in the game I stacked on speed boosting/weight lowering artifacts and could run like a cheetah.

Artifacts are quite important overall. I switched them around all the time as needed for the task at hand. There's an artifact for just about everything in the game... Health, armor, electricity, weight/speed, psi attacks, etc. Since they tend to respawn, and even randomize, you can come back to areas several times, and get several artifacts. Somehow that didn't feel like cheating in this game. It usually does, but this time it didn't!

A little advice for you... If you don't like the game, don't "try" to like it. You are wasting your time. Go out and get some air. In my experience every time I forced myself to play through a game I didn't like, I ended up wasting my time.

Feel free not to read the rest, cause I feel like ranting a bit.

Anyway here goes...

It doesn't matter how many people say a game is good. Why is it that some think that if others say something is good, then it must be good for them? It can be, but that doesn't mean that it is, and if you feel it's not for you, don't try to change that... Everyone said Baldur's Gate was good, but I found it boring and lacking in action and interesting story. Why in the hell should I be restricted when choosing character class? Why cant I create EVERY character in my party and instead be forced to "hunt" for party members? Because some nerd said so? I loved Icewind Dale because I could make my own party members, and I loved Planescape: Torment because it's story was so unique and original, but I hated Baldur's Gate, and I didn't like BG2. I tried these games again and again, and tried to like them, but it was a waste of my time.'

All my friends loved "The Matrix", but I hated it. Everyone was talking about how "deep" the story told in the movie is, and how much lies behind it. I thought it was "nothing special", and I heard it all before in many other other forms. None of the ideas in Matrix were anything new or revolutionary to me. I forced myself to watch Matrix again, and I hated it again... I saw Matrix 2 and 3, and all of it sucked. In fact I laughed, because it was so dumb, especially the "Sleeping Beauty" ending. ROFL. I felt like my intelligence was being insulted, and I wanted back the time I wasted on watching this crap...

Everyone said "Dark Knight" was awesome, but I thought it was crap... I am very sorry for Keith Fletcher passing away, he was a good actor, and he played his part well, but the movie still sucked. Anyone who saw Batman: TAS in the early 90's on FOX, might know what I'm talking about, and what I think batman "should be like". Hell, if anything, Batman Forever with Val Kilmer was much better...

On the other hand, there are few RARE occasions, where forcing yourself to try pays off. I remember when I got into EVE Online, I hated many things about it. I hated the extreme complexity, I hated the pirating, the lame missions, the gate jumping, and many other things. But I stuck with it, and it all started making sense. I was able to see past the occasional mediocrity, the grievers and the pirates, and I found my own niche in this wonderful game... (too bad I still had to stop playing though)

For me part of STALKER's appeal was the fact that I am fluent in Russian, and so I could understand all songs, and jokes. I loled every time I heard bandits cursing, and threatening me in Russian. It was hilarious, for me at least... I also saw Andrey Tarkovsky's film, (Stalker), and even though I thought it was too weird for my liking, I think it helped me "understand" the game better. Honestly, STALKER is one of the best games I played.. EVER. It's that good. There's hardly anything remotely like it. But it doesn't mean you have to share my opinion! You are unique in your own way and you like what you like. Remember the old "Apple Jacks" commercial?

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