Standup bit About Reverse Racism


Dec 7, 2009
When are people going to realize that there is only 1 race? The human race. All this talk of racism is a waste of time.

Your comedian makes a good joke though. I find it funny he is still living in the past.


Feb 5, 2011
I stopped after 2 minutes, just didn't see the point to continue on. I guess I've heard it all before. I have personally apologized to all the slaves I kept and all the black people who's land I've stolen.

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
I stopped after 2 minutes, just didn't see the point to continue on. I guess I've heard it all before. I have personally apologized to all the slaves I kept and all the black people who's land I've stolen.

The point isn't to make you feel guilty for your ancestors; but to point out continuing conditions that make it so that there's entrenched power one gets from being a white-male. This is also not to make you feel guilty for how you were born, but to point out that a few 'reverse racist' jokes are speaking against hegemonic power, not repressing someone.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
Wow. Not funny and bordering on absurd. If he thinks that wars are fought to keep "brown" people down and that they can't rise to positions of prominence, he is delusional. My black wife agrees.

Who cares about "reverse racism"? Discrimination is discrimination, prejudice is prejudice. So maybe according to someones definition of "racism" he might not be racist b/c he belongs to a people who are not in "power" (which I disagree with), he is still being prejudiced and bigoted for making jokes against whites (according to his standards).

He needs to leave the white jokes to Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. At least they are funny and don't need to tell half-truths to have a platform.

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
Wow. Not funny and bordering on absurd. If he thinks that wars are fought to keep "brown" people down and that they can't rise to positions of prominence, he is delusional. My black wife agrees.

Interesting totalization. I don't think "can't" was said; only that a factual observation that the deck is stacked, our culture is one of the supremacy of the white.

Who cares about "reverse racism"? Discrimination is discrimination, prejudice is prejudice. So maybe according to someones definition of "racism" he might not be racist b/c he belongs to a people who are not in "power" (which I disagree with), he is still being prejudiced and bigoted for making jokes against whites (according to his standards).
If you are privileged by the dominant assumptions of society and someone points that out, it isn't "prejudice"; it's observation of a sociological fact.

These are not jokes 'against' whites; but against white power.

He needs to leave the white jokes to Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. At least they are funny and don't need to tell half-truths to have a platform.
Every narrative is a failure to tell some parts of the story. Every truth is well less than 'half'. The difference is that if someone benefits from the dominant narrative that cuts out and implicitly represses the minority they are blind to this: they are addicted to white supremacy culture and imagine that anyone that might speak-against this deadly brew is trying to repress their 'right' to perpetuate a murderous culture.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Utterly unfunny from a comedic standpoint. No timing, no presence, no wit.

From a sociological commentary perspective it's dangerously tenuous logic that has been presented, and countered, in far more insightful and constructive ways.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011
there's no such thing as "reverse racism", there is only racism. Yes, you can be racist towards white people, And no, privilege is not a component of racism.

and I hate the concept of privilege so much, it always turns into oppression Olympics and the discussion becomes wholly unproductive. I have actually seen people argue that Jews had white privilege during the holocaust.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
Interesting totalization. I don't think "can't" was said; only that a factual observation that the deck is stacked, our culture is one of the supremacy of the white.

If you are privileged by the dominant assumptions of society and someone points that out, it isn't "prejudice"; it's observation of a sociological fact.

These are not jokes 'against' whites; but against white power.

Every narrative is a failure to tell some parts of the story. Every truth is well less than 'half'. The difference is that if someone benefits from the dominant narrative that cuts out and implicitly represses the minority they are blind to this: they are addicted to white supremacy culture and imagine that anyone that might speak-against this deadly brew is trying to repress their 'right' to perpetuate a murderous culture.

Obviously I listened more carefully to the video than you did. Go back and give it another listen. "...white people (insert "brown people" here) would never have any real hope of self determination" "Every couple of decades make up some fake war to bomb them back to the stone age". This guy is delusional. To try to defend what he is saying by claiming that every narrative is a failure to tell parts of the story is to make an unjust comparison. Obviously it is very difficult if not impossible to recapture an event or situation perfectly; however, some narratives are more truthful than others. Interesting totalization yourself

The difference between "pointing out facts" and making racist remarks is all in the attitude of the speaker. When discussing facts, racism has nothing to do with the content being delivered- it has everything to do with the deliverer. Of course, he was not delivering facts, he was delivering lies. And the lies he was delivering weren't "cute" little things about how white people drive and dance, it was about how they have purposely tried throughout the centuries until modern day to keep "brown" people down.

BTW, no one is denying that whites have it better in SOME countries including this one. However, if you think they have it best in every country....

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
Obviously I listened more carefully to the video than you did. Go back and give it another listen.
Condescending is a poor way to start, particularly since its built on an equivocal argument and thus you've missed the meaning of his words and attributed it to my lack of care.

"...white people (insert "brown people" here) would never have any real hope of self determination"
You seem to have confused the concept of a people with a reference to every single individual within a people-group. As your argument was "If he thinks that wars are fought to keep "brown" people down and that they can't rise to positions of prominence, he is delusional."

Your totalization was built on this basic equivocation. Though he did use the word 'can't' he did not imply the demonstrably incorrect idea that a non-white is restricted in the positions of prominence he can reach.

You should take this, as an intellectually honest man, as a lesson for anytime someone seems to be making a ridiculous argument: you may just be misapprehending the idea being expressed.

To try to defend what he is saying by claiming that every narrative is a failure to tell parts of the story is to make an unjust comparison. Obviously it is very difficult if not impossible to recapture an event or situation perfectly; however, some narratives are more truthful than others. Interesting totalization yourself
Some are more factual to the physical-properties of what occurred, but the greater part of our interested is rarely focused on the physical-real aspects of a narrative, which are rarely much contested, unless those are the few pivotal aspects of the narrative. For example, if one person says that women are being raped by their bosses, forced to work with dangerous chemicals, and then fired to give birth to their birth-defect ridden rape-baby and someone says "nah!"; well that's a material fact that we can be 'closer' to or 'further' away. But usually narratives surrounding aspects of the human-condition are of interest because of social-concerncs, who said what, why did they say it, how did they feel about it, etc.

But to say that the days of the supremacy of white people in our society is a thing of the past is to fail to tell the muted stories of domination and subjugation that exist throughout American society. Some will refuse to see, or hear, this story because it makes them feel bad, or because to actually accept this fact would mean admitting that they are privileged in ways that others are not.

"BTW, no one is denying that whites have it better in SOME countries including this one. However, if you think they have it best in every country...." This is a reasonable point; being a white christian male will not get you very far in Algeria.

"it was about how they have purposely tried throughout the centuries until modern day to keep "brown" people down." Wars of repression are fairly well documented: Do you think we would actually have gone into Iraq if they were anglophobic?

This is an example of where the physical-real aspect of the narrative is not in dispute; what is in dispute is a matter of social-concern.
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Aug 31, 2002
I just like being around like-minded people these days and race doesn't play into that. Life is too short to spend it with weirdos and people with an axe to grind and grudges to hold and all this other nonsense.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Punchline at 2:28...

I can see where he is coming from, but I disagree. Racism is racism.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
Condescending is a poor way to start, particularly since its built on an equivocal argument and thus you've missed the meaning of his words and attributed it to my lack of care.

You seem to have confused the concept of a people with a reference to every single individual within a people-group. As your argument was "If he thinks that wars are fought to keep "brown" people down and that they can't rise to positions of prominence, he is delusional."

Your totalization was built on this basic equivocation. Though he did use the word 'can't' he did not imply the demonstrably incorrect idea that a non-white is restricted in the positions of prominence he can reach.

You should take this, as an intellectually honest man, as a lesson for anytime someone seems to be making a ridiculous argument: you may just be misapprehending the idea being expressed.

Some are more factual to the physical-properties of what occurred, but the greater part of our interested is rarely focused on the physical-real aspects of a narrative, which are rarely much contested, unless those are the few pivotal aspects of the narrative. For example, if one person says that women are being raped by their bosses, forced to work with dangerous chemicals, and then fired to give birth to their birth-defect ridden rape-baby and someone says "nah!"; well that's a material fact that we can be 'closer' to or 'further' away. But usually narratives surrounding aspects of the human-condition are of interest because of social-concerncs, who said what, why did they say it, how did they feel about it, etc.

But to say that the days of the supremacy of white people in our society is a thing of the past is to fail to tell the muted stories of domination and subjugation that exist throughout American society. Some will refuse to see, or hear, this story because it makes them feel bad, or because to actually accept this fact would mean admitting that they are privileged in ways that others are not.

"BTW, no one is denying that whites have it better in SOME countries including this one. However, if you think they have it best in every country...." This is a reasonable point; being a white christian male will not get you very far in Algeria.

"it was about how they have purposely tried throughout the centuries until modern day to keep "brown" people down." Wars of repression are fairly well documented: Do you think we would actually have gone into Iraq if they were anglophobic?

This is an example of where the physical-real aspect of the narrative is not in dispute; what is in dispute is a matter of social-concern.

I understand what you are saying AND what he is saying, but I think you are both flat out wrong, period. I think for something to ring true it has to have more truth to it, so the extreme nature of what he is saying squeezes any sense of truth out of it. I think if he were actually funny it might work, but he comes across as just some bitter racist guy. So much of comedy is about delivery and attitude, and he misses the mark on both making his comedy not really comedy, just a tired old political rant.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
DixyCrat: If you are privileged by the dominant assumptions of society and someone points that out, it isn't "prejudice"; it's observation of a sociological fact.

M: This is what it is in reality but not what the person feels. The dominant assumptions of a culture that provide privilege include, for most, the intention to maintain that privilege. They convince themselves that it is earned and that they deserve it. They have an unconscious bias they are unwilling to see. It is visible to those who don't have such bias throughout this thread, in my opinion. We are motivated, I believe, by unconscious feelings of inferiority and out actions are all designed to prevent becoming aware of it, feeling how inferior we actually do feel.

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
MoonBeam, Do you think it is only feelings of inferiority/hate that motivate our self-destructive actions?


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005

I am not a fan of George Carlin as his style is similar to this guy- preachy, self-righteous, un-funny, fueled by rage. These types of comedians are more like politicians who gather around themselves like-minded people who want their ears tickled. I have heard Chris Rock say some stuff I disagree with, but b/c he is funny, his ideas are made more accessible, thus making his presentation more effective. Rock also has some anger fueling his stuff, but he has it in the right mix so that it presents as comedy and not a preacher or politician trying to be funny.

No doubt that misery can be a comedian's greatest friend, but you have to know how to properly channel it. You also cannot be overcome by bitterness as is much too evident in Carlin and this other guy.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
MoonBeam, Do you think it is only feelings of inferiority/hate that motivate our self-destructive actions?

My Father used to say that money isn't everything but it's way ahead of what ever is in second place.

I would be open to such a discussion if you think otherwise. I can only say that I do not believe any real knowledge about this matter can be had via a purely intellectual discussion and that I would not attempt to go very far in that direction. This is the kind of knowledge I first was taught by somebody who learned it in a padded cell and which I confirmed there as well. I am speaking in part metaphorically here. My point is that the intellect and what we feel can be miles and miles apart, the function of the first, often used to avoid the second. In short, one can only know what one feels by actually feeling it and the truth of that is so surprising and so unexpected and counter to anything one can imagine as to be a complete shock and utterly amazing.

It is that 'He who tastes knows' kind of thing.

What the intellect can do in my opinion, is look at certain expressions of speech that people utter, that imply or indicate such an unconscious truth, like, 'just my luck' or 'why does this always happen to me'. Self observation can do a lot. I remember a discipline problem child that used to come to my house all the time because I was kind to him and understood his problems, who subtlety mimicked me and started to kick in my rage. I caught on right away that what he was doing was showing me myself and I didn't like what I saw. He was testing me because he was sure I didn't love him. He was right in part. I didn't like the me I saw in him. This, by the way, is one of the ways kids are murdered psychically. They are way way way too alive and remind us of how dead we are.

The intellect, I think, in a willing truth seeker can also put two and two together and ask questions like, what if we hated ourselves and didn't know it. What would that explain. I remember a vision I had of what should I call it, there's probably a psychological or philosophical term which I don't know not being up on such things, weltanschauung just popped into my head, that I imagined as forming concentric circles around the truth, some of them very tight and some of them in far off orbits. The idea that we hate ourselves in the tightest explanation I have come across.

It is simple, obvious once seen, and elegant. It has all the ring of truth to me.

It is a concept that causes opposites to unify in higher understanding, in my opinion. Things like the identity of self hate and egotism, for example. It is the reason that the door to heaven is always found in hell. And on and on and on.......


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2011
Im white, and this act didnt really bother me. Its just some guy who is wrong in a funny way trying to make a quick buck.

Racism doesnt even exist, there is one race............the human race? Different ethnicities exist, but not different races of humans.

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
Im white, and this act didnt really bother me. Its just some guy who is wrong in a funny way trying to make a quick buck.

Racism doesnt even exist, there is one race............the human race? Different ethnicities exist, but not different races of humans.
^ you seem to have confused the words race and species.
1each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
2a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group
3a group of people descended from a common ancestor. "a prince of the race of Solomon"

1) the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
2) prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
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