Star Citizen: Chris Robert`s new space sim (the Wing Commander guy)

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SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Massive Schedule Update on Schedules:

From the Newsletter:
Greetings Citizen.

Today, we’re releasing an updated production schedule outlining our goals for the 2.6.1 patch. The features in this patch will not only improve the game’s performance and deliver some of the features that were originally planned for 2.6 like the in-game leader boards, message ordering and our new serialized variable system, but also address some of the balance issues now that 2.6 has been in your hands for almost a month.

We are also planning on one more small incremental patch, 2.6.2 that will include the MegaMap feature, which allows Players to seamlessly connect to different multiplayer matches or jump into a single player game mode without having to load a level every time. As well as introduce multi region game servers. This was one of our stretch goals and with the move to Amazon's AWS we are now able to move forward with it which I know will make people in Europe and Australasia happy as 200ms+ pings aren't fun!

On the project management side, department heads from all four studios were in LA this week to continue high level meetings on a number of topics, including the 2.6.2, 3.0 production schedules, which we'll provide more specifics on 3.0 as soon as they are set. It’s easy to rough in a schedule for what we want to accomplish, but fleshing out the details and getting revised bids from all our leads around the world takes time and an immense amount of coordination.

This week, we premiered a tweaked version of Around the Verse. While we've still maintained most of our features like the Studio Update and Behind the Scenes Featurettes, we've broken out the community section to be its own show and afford it the time to really cover the exciting things happening in the community. Our main goal with ATV going forward is to focus on upcoming game features and content, rather than retrospective ones (this week's ATV was an exception due to the short turnaround after returning from holiday). The plan is to dive a little deeper than we did last year, pulling interviews from all the studios to help show the challenges and advances of development.

Meanwhile, the roll out of new Community shows is already underway. Last Friday, we premiered Happy Hour which featured a livestream of Star Marine alongside insider information from Design Director Todd Papy and Senior Producer Alexander Marshal. Today's show focused on Pirate Swarm with Sean Tracy as a guest.

Finally, if you’ve received a PTU invite to join the testing of Spectrum, I highly encourage you to do so. We're hoping to roll it out with the release of 2.6.1, so the more people putting it through its paces now the better. We’re excited by the initial feedback, and can’t wait until Spectrum is the main hub for the community and devs to discuss and share their experiences with the game.

-- Chris Roberts

Relay (fmr. INN writers) has posted their summary on today's Happy Hour (ft. Sean Tracy):

Latest AtV focused on the new Pirate Swarm game mode within Arena Commander (the in-game 'verse game):
I like the modified format on giving the subject matter more time. Also, really loving the progress being made on character heads and hair, you can find that at the 4m57 mark.

And finally some BMM Love: (Concept Art)
Reactions: saj0r


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2005
I'm thoroughly confused by the 2.6.1 (and now 2.6.2) news.

CIG are on record as saying that minor patches are not efficient use of backer dollars since to change just one line of code requires us to re-download the entire pak file (which is like 2 GB). Multiple changes to multiple pak files is why we have 30GB downloads every patch. Data is expensive and with a million and growing backers we're talking real money.

But apparently it's not so expensive that they can't release a 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 patch.....something just doesn't add up.

Unless......they intend to release the new patcher before then (or as part of 2.6.1). When that happens, our download will be measured in mb or even kb and then these smaller patches make a lot more sense.

Edit: ok and now I see this from the relay link:

  • The Delta patching system where you're not downloading gigabytes of data now has an internal build being tested. It's still in the early stages of testing and tweaking, but once it's ready, they'll deploy it internally as it affects them as much as it affects us, and once they're happy with it they'll deliver it out to us. No ETA on it at this time."


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2000
Or it's because they need to get something out and 3.0 is far from ready. This way they release 2.6.1 in February-March and 2.6.2 in April-July.


Oct 17, 2002
Hey Guys

I setup a twitch channel. Please follow =)

Decent stream with intro -
Domination match where I got high score -

I'm using OBS (, a 720p logitech webcam, and a cheap green screen I hung in my basement to create the basic twitch setup.

I also have been working on some Roccat Power Grids. I think the currently posted ones were kind of over done, and they didn't work all that great. They also had a lot of complicated macros that are hard to keep up to date with all the changes. So I wanted to make some basic templates using basic buttons.

I've only posted one of the custom grids I've made, but I'll be posting more soon. It's a grid for Director's Mode that makes it easier to use all the features. I make mine for landscape mode, which Roccat doesn't support, so everything has to be manually turned right 90 degrees.

F4 as a modifier in Roccat Director mode and the use of F4 seems to work differently than other usual modifiers like ALT and SHIFT. For instance, for the MFD UP button on the Flight Grid, it’s a simple shortcut entered as ‘Shortcut: Z + S’ with a ‘hold/repeat’ trigger. You’d think director mode would work the same way. ‘Shortcut: F4 + END’ with a ‘hold/repeat’ trigger. Basically, if you held the button on Powergrid, it would hold F4+END together for a moment, let go, and repeat. But it doesn’t work with Director mode, so I had to create a macro for Director Mode commands.

ie: Macro: d F4;65;d END;1;u END;1;u F4; This macro says to hold the F4 key down for 65ms, then press END d for 1ms, then let it up and 1ms later, let up F4

If you have any problems with camera switching might want to raise the hold time for F4 beyond 65. Just know it adds lag to the command.

Otherwise things work really well. If you hold down ‘INCREASE DOF’ it should work the same as spamming F4+HOME a bunch of times. You can also tap the button and it will work like a single F4+HOME macro.

Roccat doesn’t support holding a macro button down for an indefinite period of time. You have to define the timing of the macros in the macro, so if you hold down a macro, it repeats that macro, it doesn’t just keep holding down the key combo. Problem here is that the Save/Load function of Director Mode requires tapping F4+1 to load Camera Save 1 and holding F4+1 for a moment to save to that bank. You can’t have both of these in a single macro button. So I had to create two macros for saving and loading. ‘Create Save 1’ will run a macro that holds F4+1 for a moment. ‘Load Save 1’ will run a macro that only keys F4+1 in a single instance. Spamming Buttons can trigger camera change Quickly tapping between Director Mode controls that are bound as F4 + Key can initiate a camera view change. Ex.. Tapping Z Offset+ and Z Offset- back and forth quickly might cause the camera to change. I think if you tap the same button over and over, it won’t overlap commands, but if you press another button it might.

Download the Director's Mode Grid. -

I've been trying to play Star Marine in 3rd Person. It's hard without a gun sight, but it looks awesome. I still manage to get some kills now and then.



Golden Member
Sep 17, 2000


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2005
Seba - I see two T16000Ms on a tray sitting on the bookshelf behind the chair. Also some arms for holding tablets (for the Roccats power grid things I'm guessing). I'm guessing TechBoyJK puts that across his gaming chair after he sits down.


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2000
Oh. Those tablet supports made me think he has some bizarre artwork there so I kind of ignored that area.

Yes, I see the joysticks.

SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Seconded on the rocat setup. Only thing was the number of taps it seems to need for some of the functions.

Good usage for it, and I like the tabbed layout. Looks like a convenient way to switch between groups of functions.

FYI there was a lot of good Tony Z info in the AI AtV. Really not a huge fan of the happy hour shows though, but they do seem to be aimed at the part of the community that missed the old ATV format that was less formal / had greater community involvement.


Oct 17, 2002
Seconded on the rocat setup. Only thing was the number of taps it seems to need for some of the functions.

C/P from the description I wrote. The DOF in particular requires a lot of taps. However, it's actually the same way using the keystrokes. It's just a very minor adjustment each tap. But it was kind of a pain to get it to work as seamlessly as it does.

Director mode and the use of F4 seems to work differently than other usual modifiers like ALT and SHIFT. For instance, for the MFD UP button on the Flight Grid, it’s a simple shortcut entered as ‘Shortcut: Z + S’ with a ‘hold/repeat’ trigger. You’d think director mode would work the same way. ‘Shortcut: F4 + END’ with a ‘hold/repeat’ trigger. Basically, if you held the button on Powergrid, it would hold F4+END together for a moment, let go, and repeat. But it doesn’t work with Director mode, so I had to create a macro for Director Mode commands.

ie: Macro: d F4;65;d END;1;u END;1;u F4;

**This macro says to hold the F4 key down for 65ms, then press END d for 1ms, then let it up and 1ms later, let up F4

If you have any problems with camera switching might want to raise the hold time for F4 beyond 65. Just know it adds lag to the command. Otherwise things work really well. If you hold down ‘INCREASE DOF’ it should work the same as spamming F4+HOME a bunch of times. You can also tap the button and it will work like a single F4+HOME macro. Holding Macro Buttons vs Holding Shortcut Buttons Roccat doesn’t support holding a macro button down for an indefinite period of time. You have to define the timing of the macros in the macro, so if you hold down a macro, it repeats that macro, it doesn’t just keep holding down the key combo.

Problem here is that the Save/Load function of Director Mode requires tapping F4+1 to load Camera Save 1 and holding F4+1 for a moment to save to that bank. You can’t have both of these in a single macro button. So I had to create two macros for saving and loading. ‘Create Save 1’ will run a macro that holds F4+1 for a moment. ‘Load Save 1’ will run a macro that only keys F4+1 in a single instance.

SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Just got this in my email, from the latest newsletter:
Star Citizen Newsletter - Regional Servers Inbound February 3rd, 2017

Greetings Citizen.

Across all our studios, work on the upcoming Alpha 2.6.1 patch is progressing nicely. There’s still some UI work to complete and stability issues to iron out, but, as you can see in our updated production schedule report, we’re almost ready to get this latest patch into the players’ hands. In fact, we're happy to announce an addition to this patch. Thanks to the great work by the Live Ops, Backend and UI teams, we're moving up the release of the Regional Servers to 2.6.1, so players will be able to choose which server (North America, Europe, or Australia) they join to ensure the best connection possible. Once these are running, we’ll be able to run more tests to assess whether more locations will be needed.

This week I split my time between Foundry 42 offices in the UK and Germany. I’ll be spending another week in the trenches with the devs at Foundry 42 to oversee our advancement on a number of fronts.

Thanks to everyone who showed their support for Star Citizen last weekend at both PAX South and the community-organized Bar Citizen event in San Antonio, TX. It’s just another example of how dedicated and inspiring our fanbase can be. In fact, we’ve been looking for more ways to to bring the community front and center. That’s why this week we premiered a new show called Citizens of the Stars that focuses on the important part you play in Star Citizen. Give it a watch to see some of the incredible things the community is doing.

-- Chris Roberts

This should be a nice improvement for those of you in Europe (let's all just recognize the Australians are gluttons for punishment and will probably miss the masochism of trying to play on the US servers
Reactions: TechBoyJK

SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
2.6.1 has been in the PTU, patch notes below:
Welcome to 2.6.1!

This patch is primarily dedicated to bug fixes, targeting Star Marine and Arena Commander in particular. However we also some quality of life improvements for the game, updates to Spectator Mode and new implementations to our ongoing network code updates.
Your launcher should should show "2.6.1-502812" as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Test client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Test.
Please review our current list of Patch 502812 Known Issues, and take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.

New Features
Star Systems


The Covalex PI mission has been expanded with additional objectives and Easter eggs that can be unlocked.

Game Systems

Arena Commander Balance Changes

Revenge kills and Resurgence awards have been removed from Arena Commander for the moment.
Lowered the spawn rate of pirates in Pirate Swarm slightly to provide a less drastic difficulty curve.
Improved the weapons issued to the Aces in Pirate Swarm mode.
The number of missiles and countermeasures awarded from pickups in Arena Commander game modes have been lowered.
Only currently dead players should be resurrected after a boss wave in Multiplayer Pirate or Vanduul Swarm, no additional lives will be provided.
This is to better balance the modes now that repair and restock pickups are available in the game mode.
Suicide in Arena Commander now carries a score of -200 points.
Updated the shields and fuel for the Constellation variant in Pirate Swarm.

Star Marine

Revenge kills and Resurgence awards have been removed from Star Marine for the moment.
In-match loadout customization is now implemented! During a Star Marine match, while your character is dead, you will have the option to change out your loadout before respawning.
Additional dialog lines during matches have been added.
FPS weapons have received a balance pass to improve viability.
Added a +25 Haemorrhage scoring bonus for causing another player to bleed.
This bonus is not awarded if you cause yourself to bleed.
The spawn point for Marines in OP Station Demien has been moved.
Added an additional route for players inside Echo Eleven.


In-game leaderboards are now implemented for both Arena Commander and Star Marine, so you can now review your standings in any given game mode within the game client!

Spectator Mode and Camera Changes.

With 2.6.1, we have made vast improvements to camera behavior and allow players to enter our Pure Spectator Mode.
Pure Spectator Mode can now be entered through Private lobbies by starting a match by checking the “Join as Spectator” box next at the bottom of the screen.
There are new cinematic submodes available to Spectator Mode, including First Person View and Focused Action Cam.
Cinematic cameras, in and out of Pure Spectator Mode, should now better align with the player you are watching. This includes ensuring your target is facing upright, and behaving appropriately when encountering walls or barriers.
Cameras should now properly Save and Load views regardless of map or mode type excluding Crusader.
Advanced Camera Controls have been improved to be more precise and smoother in transition.
Fixed an issue where players could not move or adjust their camera if they died while exiting their ship.


The Super Hornet has received a full visual update, encompassing art, animation, damage states, and VFX.
Ship weapons, mounts and turrets have received a health buff so they won't be as easily destroyed by splash damage.
The jerk levels of ships should now better scale with boost.
Ship SCM speeds have been re-adjusted to provide a greater range of speed between ships.
Projectile speeds have been tweaked, so that targeting pips of different weapon types will be closer together for easier targeting.
The Retaliator, Starfarer, 85x have had a pass to improve interior culling and graphic performance.
The Mustang series has had an optimization pass to improve graphical performance.
Pilot facial idle animations have been added for all ship variants!


Two aspects of our ongoing network refactor have come online - the first iteration of Serialized Variables and Network Message Ordering.
Serialized Variables replaces some of the original aspects of CryEngine for handling data (aspects and class members) previously serialized by CryEngine NetSerialize calls. In simpler terms, it's a much more lightweight means for handling update messaging on the network, with reduced risk of updates being lost in caching or other processes - and reducing lag.
Strictly Ordered Network Messaging moves the game away from CryNetwork client-server handling of networked objects, over to our new token system with a strict priority system for managing messaging between client and server nodes.
Mega Map
The new Mega Map system allows for much quicker loading time when switching between maps.
In this initial release it will only be enabled for single player maps (Hangars and single-player Arena Commander), but we will be expanding this to include multiplayer maps in a future release.
Multi-Region Servers
We now have servers available in the US, Europe and Australia!
You can choose what region you would like to connect to via an optional drop-down, when connecting to any multiplayer instance.
Selecting "All" will currently default to the US servers, but that will change as we build and improve on the functionality of our region support.

Updates and Fixes

Solar Systems


Fixed a number of lighting culling issues in Port Olisar EZ Hab.
Fixed an issue where the Crusader ASOP terminal would sometimes incorrectly provide a "All Pads are Full" message. This does not fix issues where the landing pads are blocked by debris from destroyed ships, or full from disused ships not despawning.
Fixed the missing audio for the weapons shop door in GrimHEX.
Improved the atmospheric audio around GrimHEX and the Crusader shops.
Fixed an issue with the GrimHEX lift audio would play in continuous loops.
Removed the scavenging sites from the asteroids around the ICC Probe Mission 2.
Fixed a number of issues with missing audio for the Yela wreckage sites.

Area 18, ArcCorp

NPCs in customs now have a selection of random animations instead of being very creepily synchronized.

Game Systems

Arena Commander

General Bug Fixes

Pickups in Arena Commander should now scale based on distance from player, rather then distance of the camera.
Fixed an issue where the characters head would disappear after their ship was destroyed.
Stage cameras for Spectate mode in Arena Commander maps should now be correctly accessible.
Fixed an issue where players in Arena Commander games could not go into the negatives on their score.
Fixed an issue where ships damaged or killed via missiles were granting excessive score.
Audio cues have been added for collecting pickups in Squadron Battle.

Old Vanderval

Fixed a number of shader issues in Old Vanderval that would trigger screen tearing before the first checkpoint.
Removed the invincible antenna that protruded from buildings into the obvious race routes on Old Vanderval.

Pirate and Vanduul Swarm

Fixed an issue where a second Warlord would sometimes spawn in Vanduul Swarm after Wave 3.
Fixed some issues with the Vanduul Swarm AI flying into the map boundary too often.
Pirate Gladiator's in Pirate Swarm now have the correct paint job.


Fixed an issue where the kill feed in Pirate Swarm would sometimes show the same kill twice.
Fixed the naming and numbering conventions for the AI pilots in Pirate Swarm.
Fixed an issue where completing Pirate Swarm, Wave 18 would give the "defeat" message.
The UI for the Arena Commander Loadout customization has received a polish pass to clean up minor visual style problems and ensure consistent behavior.

Star Marine


Fixed an issue in OP Station Demien where external audio could be heard in the Mess Hall.
The audio from grenade impact collision has been made much more audible.
The audio for grenade hold (the cooking beep) has a smaller range.
Made a number of tweaks to footstep audio in Star Marine.
Fixed an issue where player death audio would play twice while in third-person camera view.
Fixed an issue where the "Respawning" audio would play too soon.
Star Marine simulation voices should now be correctly adjusted by the announcer audio option in game menus.
Fixed an issue where the audio in multiplayer matches would become corrupted in very large firefights.

General Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where dead players could sometimes continue capturing a point in Last Stand.
Fixed an issue where the explosive canisters in OP Station Demien and Echo Eleven would fall through the map after exploding.
Fixed an issue where a match would go into a fourth round if one round in Last Stand had ended in a draw, even if the other two rounds had been one by the same team.
Made some changes to the death camera in Star Marine to prevent instances of the camera going through collision or the player body.
Fixed a number of small collision issues with props around OP Station Demien.
Fixed an issue where the light sources on Echo Eleven would sometimes follow players around in EVA.
Made many small audio tweaks throughout OP Station Demien.
Idle audio for the MediPen dispensers in Echo Eleven have been added to match those on OP Station Demien.
Fixed some issues with projectile bounce and ricochet in Echo Eleven.
Many cosmetic art updates and tweaks have been added to OP Station Demien and Echo Eleven.
Fixed an issue where the radar and weapon sights would not reappear after respawn in Star Marine.

Loadout Customization

Fixed an issue where the loadout customization would sometimes lock players out from entering a Private match.
Fixed an issue where all the weapon images were missing scopes in loadout customization.
Fixed an issue where players could quickly toggle between teams and end up in the loadout of the opposite team.
Fixed an issue where players could acquire 2 or more primary weapons on a Light loadout if the drop action was interrupted prematurely.
The Star Marine models in the loadout editor now move and scale more appropriately for the screen resolution.


Fixed an issue where the scoreboard would remember the number of kills between rounds, allowing players to get a revenge kill at the start of a round.
Players will now be correctly penalized for suicide, even if they have recently been damaged by an enemy.


UI notifications for control points having been taken or lost in Last Stand are much more prominent.
Score notifications now appear when a character suicides.
Made the friendly/hostile player indicator (known colloquially as "The Dorito") less immediately visible, and fixed a number of issues where the indicator for Hostile players was visible despite no line of sight.
Grenade indicator now appears as soon as a nearby grenade is armed, not just when it is thrown.
Players who are dead at the end of a round will now be able to correctly see the results and scoreboard.
Fixed an issue where grenades were missing from Visor HUDs.

Social Module

Parties formed for private Star Marine and Arena Commander matches should now persist match-to-match rather then break up after a single match.
Chat will now work correctly inside of Arena Commander and Star Marine lobbies.
Fixed an issue where all contacts would appear as "Online" inside of a Star Marine lobby, regardless of their actual status.
Fixed an issue where players could talk or type in the chat window even when it appeared disabled and hidden.This caused a number of issues with players loosing control of their characters during the match.
Fixed an issue where the /addignore would not correctly ignore tells from the ignored player.
Fixed an issue where accepting a party invite to a Star Marine or Arena Commander match would not correctly pull the player from PU or Hangar.
Fixed an issue where players could not accept or decline a game invite while on the Arena Commander loadout editor screen.


Some ships had unlimited and near-instant acceleration in decoupled mode. This has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where the Rattler missile would fail to deploy rockets.
Fixed an issue where players would hear the ship start up audio on respawn, if they died while piloting the Sabre Comet, Gladius Valiant, Hornet Wildfire or Avenger Titan Renegade.
Fixed an issue where the self-destruct audio siren would sometimes not trigger.
Fixed an issue where the look reticle would incorrectly reappear after cycling cameras, even if gimbal lock was active.

Individual Ships

300 Series

Size 1-3 missile racks can now be equipped on the 300i, 315p, and 325a variants, as appropriate for their respective available hardpoints.


Fixed an issue where the pilot arms would look highly stretched or out of position from the flight yoke.


Fixed an issue where the interior cockpit glass would reflect the exterior environment.

Aurora (all)

Fixed an issue where the landing gear would disappear instead of going through the correct retraction animations.
All Aurora variants can equip S1-4 missiles, as appropriate for their respective available hardpoints.


Certain ship animations could be interrupted prematurely, causing some issues with doorways and elevators. This has been fixed.
Fixed a number of animation issues with the rear turret of the Caterpillar.
Made some changes to the VFX flashes of Caterpillar shields being hit for better pilot visibility.
Fixed an issue where the interior of the ship would seem to disappear when looking back into the ship from cargo module 01.

Constellation Phoenix

The toilet can now be accessed.

Cutlass Black

Improved the audio mix for the Cutlass thrusters.
Fixed a number of issues with missing collision audio for the Cutlass.


Fixed an issue where the UI prompt to open the side door on the ship and the prompt to climb the ladder were both missing.


Fixed a number of collision issues with the pilots left arm.


Fixed an issue where the interior of the ship would disappear if you stood in a specific location.

Hornet (all)

Fixed an issue where the bottom maneuvering thrusters were invisible.
Fixed an issue where the exhaust over the top rear right maneuvering thruster was misaligned.

P-52 Merlin

Added missing thruster deactivation audio.

Vanduul Scythe

Fixed an issue where the cockpit audio was out of sync with the entry and start up animations.

Vanguard (ALL)

Fixed an issue where visareas in a map would be visible when viewed through the cockpit window.
Fixed an issue where the interior lighting of the Vanguard Warden and Hoplite were part of the exterior prefab.

Vanguard Hoplite

Fixed an issue where the right-hand weapon on the Vanguard turret wasn't pitching or animating correctly.

First Person

Bullets should now appropriately penetrate limbs to hit other targets in applicable situations.
Projectile mass has been lowered to prevent shooting corpses around.
Fixed an issue where one player could shoot the gun of another player if they both picked up the gun at the same time.
Fixed an issue where the gun magazine could become offset if the character was looking around excessively while reloading.
Fixed an issue where sprint would not continue if shift was held while transitioning in and our of EVA.
Fixed an issue where the character animations could break while trying on clothing.

Weapon and Combat

Fixed an issue where combat signals would animate in contorted ways when holding an energy rifle.
Fixed an issue with the low cover pistol animations for characters.
Fixed an issue where character models would stretch and warp when unholstering and entering ragdoll.
Fixed an issue where hit reactions would play for damage taken by bleedout.
Fixed an issue where a character would be locked into aim-down-sights if they transitioned out of EVA while aiming down sights.

General Animations

Fixed an issue where players could pass through a wall by vaulting over a nearby object.
Players will now be blocked from vaulting if they would land inside of geometry.
Fixed an issue with the animations when a character would heal while on a ladder.
Fixed an issue where character faces would continue animating after death.
Cleaned up the leg animation transitions when a character jumps while moving.
Fixed an issue where rolling while prone and in the third person camera would cause excessive camera rotation.


Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor was offset from the actual visual location whenever client screen resolution was not at 16:9.
Fixed an issue where the Ship Computer Verbosity in the audio options would reset after a client restart.
Players can now disable the cinematic missile chase camera in the game options menu.

Game Settings → Cinematic Cameras

Added a warning message when a lobby or party invite is sent to a player who is already in a lobby.
Fixed an issue where the "Switch Teams" button was present in private matches, even when the game mode was not set for a "team" game.
The updated pause/ESC menu has been implemented.

Player HUD

Trying on a flightsuit or armor in the shops will no longer cause the first person HUD to start floating.
Fixed an issue where the helmet radar would disappear after exiting a vehicle.
Fixed an issue where several armor suits had two radar displays hooked up.
Fixed an issue where pressing "F10" while a dead would result in the character and helmet disappearing
Fixed the mobiGlas visor so it would no longer clip out of frame at different resolutions.
Fixed an issue where viewing the mobiGlas in 3rd person would make the players head and helmet disappear.
Fixed an issue where the HUD warning for a incoming missile would not disappear.
Fixed an issue where players could not move or adjust their camera if they died while exiting their ship.


Coupled and Decoupled space brake can now be bound to separate or the same keybinding based on user preference, they are not automatically bound to the same key.
Prone and Crouch can now work correctly as either a toggle or hold, and the keybinding for both can be edited in the Keybindings again.
Fixed an issue where players could not crouch on the default XBOX 360 control mapping.


Fixed an issue where players would sometimes load into Star Marine Elimination with a persistent black screen.
Fixed a number of client crashes in Arena Commander, Star Marine, Crusader and Hangar.
Fixed a number of server crashes.
Fixed a number of performance issues related to the Drake Caterpillar.

  1. Made a cleanup pass on graphic detail levels for the Broken Moon map to improve performance.

  1. Also, some awesome Levski shots by Romain Grolleau: (Album)



Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2005
Surprisingly, I got a PTU invite. Assuming 2.6.1 isn't live this weekend, I'll download and give it a try.

SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Came across some Hurston stuff while reading the Reddit sub:

Concept Art (newly released):

In game from a couple of months ago:


Oct 17, 2002
I bought the star map poster. No problems there. I had to wait for it to be printed, but the eta they gave was 2 months, and iirc it showed up within 3 or 4 days of the eta.


Oct 17, 2002
I like the new update.

It's still buggy; but that's not what these updates are for. They're for blockers.

That said, Star Marine is incredibly fluid and responsive compared to previous iterations.

Hit boxes seem to be more accurate, the guns are more diverse in their impact, the HUD UI is better (shows grenade count now), and because of the geo-servers, ping times are way better now. Had a full match going and everyone was below 100ms in ping times. That's a first.

Also, megamaps are no joke. I can't wait to see how this feature progresses. Loading into hangars is instantaneous now.

I haven't played Arena Commander yet. I was kinda putoff by all the flight changes as I was so used to the pre 2.4 flight model that Arena Commander did nothing but frustrate me in 2.5 and 2.6.

The PU definitely runs better. Ship request terminals are still super buggy, but iirc that's part of a bigger problem that's being addressed on a larger front.

I wish they'd mix up the ICC quests. There's many more now, but you still have to go through the original ones. The shipwrecks are super cool though.

Some random player and I hopped in my Reliant to search for benhedge, and we stumbled on a shipwreck that neither of us had seen in 2.5 or 2.6 yet. Pretty sure it was a caterpillar? It was very wrecked. However, the debris field, and all the weird lights made for a super eerie scene that felt straight out of DOOM. Can't wait for FPS AI! It would have sealed the deal if we had a legit concern aliens or pirate players might be snooping around inside.

Also, the Star Marine maps have been changed. Same maps, but they've moved things around a bit for the better. For instance. Demien now has body bags and blood EVERYWHERE.
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