Star Citizen Development Discussion (Is Derek Smart Right?)

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SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007

SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Thank you.
I find interesting this post from user Karlias on rededit:

So my question would be is there reddit where people are more lets say neutral with their opinions about star citizen?

Define "neutral".

If we're talking about accepting and bringing up valid (i.e. substantiated) criticism of SC, I'd say the SC subreddit is a good place (just look at the upvotes regarding criticism over their horrible livestreams). If we're talking SA level JPEG redacted? SA or the Elite Dangerous SC thread have got you covered.

No profanity in the tech forums.

Anandtech Forum Director
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Sep 5, 2000
No, not at all, the spirit of a forum is to have open communication between all members and voice differing opinions as we are clearly doing right now, there's nothing at all wrong with that. I'm talking about ridiculous photoshop garbage, jabs at other people's comments without actually returning anything constructive (or even making a point), and generally just trying to shut the conversation down by using the comment thread as a bludgeon instead of at least a soapbox.

We don't need to provide you with a safe space. You aren't being forced to read the thread.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
On the flip side, are Derek Smart's games any good? Can't say I have ever played one. I saw where he was removing Line of Defense from Steam because it earned only two stars, but sadly, review bombing is a major thing today. Too many people have too little integrity.


Sep 5, 2000
On the flip side, are Derek Smart's games any good? Can't say I have ever played one. I saw where he was removing Line of Defense from Steam because it earned only two stars, but sadly, review bombing is a major thing today. Too many people have too little integrity.

He has a core group of people that enjoy his games. Think 300 page manual to play some of them. Reminder he makes games similar to sc so he kinda knows what hes talking about. Thats why he had a initial blog that talked about the feature creep and why it was bad. CIG then refunded his money for the game and said something about him. He then turned on the internet warlord and has dropped the bomb on them ever since. Its been fun.
Reactions: SLU Aequitas

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
He has a core group of people that enjoy his games. Think 300 page manual to play some of them. Reminder he makes games similar to sc so he kinda knows what hes talking about. Thats why he had a initial blog that talked about the feature creep and why it was bad. CIG then refunded his money for the game and said something about him. He then turned on the internet warlord and has dropped the bomb on them ever since. Its been fun.

That initial blog post was nothing more than a stream of adverts for his own games. "They can't succeed, I tried and it doesn't work. By the way, come check out my own line of games..." He tried to turn a cool idea into a video game and failed. Now he seems obsessively upset that the Star Citizen team is actually doing what he failed to do. The man is literally crazy, anyone who doesn't see that either doesn't know enough about him or is pushing an agenda.

SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Derek Smart is an absolute joke "Tier 1" reject. He's not a developer, he's a narcissistic windbag that has never made a non bug ridden piece of software (it really needs to be somewhat fun to be called a game). He has tried his best to scam others (see LoD and refund refusals, see BC3K 2.0).

The closest thing to entertainment this "3 degrees" failure has produced has been his twitter feed (and usenet before that).

His whole life will be a sad case study for a psych major, if anyone were to actually care.

And sorry for the swear before, sometimes I confuse this thread with OT/P&N.


SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
Neutral - opinion which is not colored with worshiping of Derek Smart or Cris Roberts and comes from people which think with their own head and bring good valid points about the development of star citizen.

Then you will find quite a few good topics on the Star Citizen subreddit (you'll have to ignore some fluff threads). Much, much better than the official forums, which I do not visit.

Seriously, go look at some of the top responses to the most recent ATV, there's quite a bit of criticism.


Sep 5, 2000
Derek Smart is an absolute joke "Tier 1" reject. He's not a developer, he's a narcissistic windbag that has never made a non bug ridden piece of software (it really needs to be somewhat fun to be called a game). He has tried his best to scam others (see LoD and refund refusals, see BC3K 2.0).

The closest thing to entertainment this "3 degrees" failure has produced has been his twitter feed (and usenet before that).

His whole life will be a sad case study for a psych major, if anyone were to actually care.

And sorry for the swear before, sometimes I confuse this thread with OT/P&N.


Horrible source
Reactions: SLU Aequitas


Sep 5, 2000
In the last 500 years, the Fourth Stimpire has dominated four systems, which it has united into one starzone, Stimsis. The Fourth Stimpire has origins from the Ten Empire War in which 10 of the United Stimpires revolted against each rules. All empires except for the fourth swore freedom upon their citizens. There is no free speech in the Fourth Stimpire, and all self-controlled transportation has been made illegal without undergoing painful medical verification methods, in which arteries are severed without pain resistant, operated entirely by machines. The way they work claim to be the most hygenic and healthy way possible, but these machines often rub against pain points, causing great deals of pain to patients. The heart is then extracted from the body and placed into a glass grinding machine. Various energy centers are also dissected and replaced with dangerous transplants. After the painful, 52 hour surgical procedure, patients will then have to use a fused guidance tool, which pumps painful resistors into the body every 2 hours. The pain they have caused is so bad, the victim would freeze in a tense position. They would then collapse afterwards.

Sexual stimulation in any way within the grounds of the Fourth Stimpire is strictly prohibited, and anyone detected even touching their sexual organs will be subjected to a penectomy or if the offender was a female, they would then have a razor inserted into their ovaries. They would pump a blue solution into the womb until the stitchings burst. Offenders would also be forced to show their operated areas in public, and they would always harass and punch them to a pulp, against their will.

Otherwise, offenders would be tazed with the worst type of electricity in the systematic district, causing so much pain, the victim would scream and flail in madness. The pain would also triple every second, but no death would be incurred. This is also used in combat against enemy units, which is why all UEE forces must wear the upgraded suit to block this effect.

However, entertainment is also questionable in UEE grounds. Sporting events end with the losing team being rounded into a grinder and shredded on live television, boxing matches end with the loser having their hands removed without anasthesia, flight races would end with the losers having their arms and legs removed, then being injected with insanity, for entertainment. People are also forced into these events, by undergoing a painful 127 hour procedure which involves tweaking the muscles so they will not listen to brain commands, and then having a painful drug injected which also causes madness if the player is not sporting. This is all for entertainment, and anyone not watching any of it during sporting times and cheering for the winning team, they will be imprisoned into galactic camps.

Snuff films are also broadcast, and actors are actually murdered just for entertainment. Stealth droids also guide these forced actors into behaving exactly as the director dreams, otherwise they will be punished by being placed into a macerator and having their execution written into the film. Any film that does not feature someone being murdered will be burned and the entire crew behind it will be executed in the most grotesque way possible - vivisection.

All executions are broadcast, and anyone who misses even a millisecond, even by blinking, will be executed. All citizens must boo to the person being executed, and the family is gathered to be injected with eternators, which cause pain forever, making them immoral but feeling the pain tenfold every millisecond. They cannot pass out, but they will feel like it forever.

Conquests by this Stimpire end in the planet being razed, and all the citizens being executed in the same way as their citizens are. The planet is then destroyed and all remnants of it are removed, and any memories of it will be erased instantly from civil minds. People who are also killed are also erased from memories, and all memories of them, including toys and pictures, are destroyed.

Prisoners undergo 40,000 years of relentless and endless labor, and anyone not complying is sentenced to the eternator injection. All prisoners injected with eternators are placed into capsules and launched into far space, then the room is closed tight to ensure maximum insanity. Some prisoners are also subjected to the removal of blood, the lungs, the liver, the genitals, the skeleton, the muscles, the eyes, and even the injection of pressure. Prisoners sentenced to pressure chambers are locked in until they are inflated to a high level. The decompression is then stopped to make sure they are inflated and uncomfortable.

Children born on the 14th of July are subjected to the removal of their skeleton and an implant of a silver liquid to replace it. The nervous sysem is also injected in various parts to ensure it is five times more sensitive than the average.

Restaurants also are ordered to serve civil meat, and anyone attending must give themself up to be cooked into a grotesque meal. They are cooked alive, undergoing extreme pain, and are then subjected to industrial grinders and blenders. The Stimpire orders at least 1 million citizens to be dispatched every day, as they are afraid the population may overthrow them. But only one planet is cared for, and the rest are banned from eating, drinking, talking, using technology, touching anyone, wearing unauthorized clothes, touching buildings, or walking a centimeter out of designated routes. Civil enforcers are on every planet, and they are engineered so that they are 40 times larger than the 300 quadrillion population. At least 7 billion die every 12 hours under this rule.

Thoughts are also surveyed, and anyone who does not think anything to loving the Stimpire with more than their capabilities will be sentenced to a prison. Prisoners who are punished for this violation will meet their greatest fear, only to have it amplified so they will turn insane as they imagine it exactly as they fear it. They then undergo a painful extraction of all fluids, to be replaced by a toxin which causes permanent irritation. The unknown substance keeps the subject aging normally, except they will never die. Prisoners punished in this way are unable to be reverted, despite many efforts, and they will never be able to be disposed.

The sickening truths have been revealed only today, and invigilation teams are still investigating the truths without setting foot in the galactic space of this sickening empire.


Sep 10, 2003
The whole "derek smart is bad" line of argument is pathetic. Even if he's a terrible developer, that doesn't mean Chris Roberts is a great one. Every great critic is a failed artist. Even a bad writer is correct in saying 50 shades of grey is a terrible novel. Derek has been mostly self funded, too, so his making shitty games is far less of a problem than Roberts burning almost $150 million of random people's money with his incompetence.

And the release of Battlecruiser was done by Derek's publisher by breaking their contract, after which he sued, got a settlement and the ability to patch the game.. LOD games are on steam and have automatic refunds. SC only began giving easy refunds ****after**** Smart began his campaign and alerted various government offices.

So, if you think "derek smart is a bad person" is a valid argument, you should really take step back and try to learn basic critical thinking skills. Also, if you think a subreddit made specifically to attack one person is a good source of information on that person, you are incapable of basic information assessment.


Sep 5, 2000
Yeah DS patched that game on his own time and dime because of the evil publishers. He has knowledge of trying to make the EXACT type of game christ roberts has said he could make. And now everyone wants to discount him. The guy has done more them most people.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2012
In the last 500 years, the Fourth Stimpire has...snip

...come again?

Yeah DS patched that game on his own time and dime because of the evil publishers. He has knowledge of trying to make the EXACT type of game christ roberts has said he could make. And now everyone wants to discount him. The guy has done more them most people.

Be that as it may, it's quite obvious that he's emotionally committed to trashing SC to a level of dedication most people reserve for spouses and children. He doesn't seem credible most of the time. With him it's confusing to discern where honest critique ends and hateful ranting begins.


Sep 5, 2000
...come again?

Be that as it may, it's quite obvious that he's emotionally committed to trashing SC to a level of dedication most people reserve for spouses and children. He doesn't seem credible most of the time. With him it's confusing to discern where honest critique ends and hateful ranting begins.

DS is one of those guys who when poked drops nukes on you. CIG would of done well to ignore him initially and let him post his single blog about the game. Instead they publicly refunded his money and talked about him being a failed developer. Oops. Big mistake. CIG needed a real publicists but as we can see they dont do anything right.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2012
Yeah, no arguments there. I guess CR doesn't have a relative or a spouse that works in PR, huh?


Sep 10, 2003
He wrote one blog post and then SC people starting attacking him relentlessly. Death threats, publishing his address, constant attacks on twitter. CR & others also attacked him endlessly. Smart is semi-retired and likes conflict. He has the time, lawyers on retainer, experience with lawsuits, and the personality to go after people.

CR turned Smart into a conspiracy theory to explain everything away. Consider the escapist article that was sourced with former employees. Chris Roberts wrote an insane rant response that is the most unprofessional thing I've ever read from someone in charge of a 7 figure budget, let alone a 9 figure one. Instead of addressing ANYTHING in the article, he asserts with no evidence that Smart was behind everything (libeling and slut shaming the author of the article along the way). He threatens to sue, but never followed through when they refused to retract.

Smart really went into high gear after this. This is when SA became really anti-SC. And, btw, I became convinced that the project was fubar (and that CR is a coke head) when I read through his insane rant.

Anyone who doesn't understand that Roberts' response letter pretty much confirmed the veracity of the article has low social intelligence.


Sep 5, 2000
low social intelligence people are the ones who have been preyed upon by sandy and co. They are literally praying for the day they can have no contact with the outside world and live out their fantasy in a space based mmo that allows you to do anything, has perfect graphics and has unlimited play styles. All of this will be done in 2 weeks.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2012
This is what worries me most. When you're a public figure, it doesn't serve you to get baited into fighting over every silly comment made about you or your project. The lack of discipline in this matter is, I feel, telling about how things are being managed at CIG. It's never good to act like you've got something to prove. If you've got the best game EVAR, and things are progressing at an acceptable rate, then you should just sit back secure in your knowledge that the naysayers are wrong.

They should have let DS roll off their shoulders....
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