Star Trek Into Darkness: 86% at (Post reviews here!)

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Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
Terrible movie. Continues to ruin the franchise and JJ Abrams will not rest until he runs both Star Trek and Star Wars into the ground. I will not be seeing another one of his garbage flicks.

Roddenberry is rolling in his grave.


Oct 9, 2002
Terrible movie. Continues to ruin the franchise and JJ Abrams will not rest until he runs both Star Trek and Star Wars into the ground. I will not be seeing another one of his garbage flicks.

Roddenberry is rolling in his grave.


Only a couple Star Trek flicks before J.J. were any good.

Self's really something.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006

Only a couple Star Trek flicks before J.J. were any good.

Self's really something.

This is Star Trek 5 levels here. Destroy timeline, have more plotholes in 2 hours then in an entire series run, LENSFLARE, and shake the shit outta the camera. Yeah...good movie....


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2006
Just curious- how big of a Star Trek fan are you?

Well I recall watching the original series OTA every week (pizza night) and have seen every episode of every other trek show since...but I wouldn't even be able to tell you the various enterprise numbers or any other details from the show (except some of the main characters). I watch scifi to be entertained, and I can ignore quite a bit.

As somebody else put it, they could have called it "Space Idiocy" and changed the names to bob, joe, sally, and sam and it wouldn't change anything...the movie still would have sucked ass. At least I didn't pay for it.

How can anybody think it was a good movie? Total shit.

I just started writing up my review of it and decided fuck it. The movie was brain dead trash the second it started. I'm not going to waste my time, it would take hours to write out all the stupidity and how they could have made it not suck.


Nov 27, 2001
Hmm I can only recall one lens flare from the movie that was bad, and that was a huge flare at the bottom of the screen while they were in the flippin' command room. What the heck was a huge lens flare doing in there anyway... they're usually caused by large sources of light, but if I remember correctly, that scene was before they took off so they were just sitting there at a space dock.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
They aren't trying to make it like the original, that has already been done. They don't want a remake so much as using the same universe but for a totally different fan base and style of writing.

That's perfectly fine if that's what they want to do. I think, though, that most people take issue with the fact that they are stealing and butchering old characters, story arcs, and scenes instead of coming up with new characters, story arcs, and scenes.

I have no problem with a new version of Star Trek...but this isn't a new version of Star Trek. It's Generic Sci-Fi Action Movie #1993945 with some people and things that are named the same as in Star Trek.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2012
This is Star Trek 5 levels here. Destroy timeline, have more plotholes in 2 hours then in an entire series run, LENSFLARE, and shake the shit outta the camera. Yeah...good movie....

How does doing a reboot with an alternate timeline destroy...anything? The idea is that stuff was altered before Kirk was even born...


Golden Member
Sep 8, 2007
I liked the one from 2009 better, although this was good too. I was never a Trekkie growing up, but I do like sci-fi. I agree with people who say that these 2 newer ST movies are too action oriented though, the special effects and scenarios are too overblown and overshadow the story IMHO. I would like to see a more exploration oriented movie with some action instead of all action.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
That's perfectly fine if that's what they want to do. I think, though, that most people take issue with the fact that they are stealing and butchering old characters, story arcs, and scenes instead of coming up with new characters, story arcs, and scenes.

I have no problem with a new version of Star Trek...but this isn't a new version of Star Trek. It's Generic Sci-Fi Action Movie #1993945 with some people and things that are named the same as in Star Trek.

This is the way I feel. I started reading the synopsis of Into Darkness and I basically got to the reveal and stopped. It was disappointing because it clearly showed that a ST reboot wasn't about telling new stories in the Star Trek universe, but was more about rehashing and updating existing story lines. I would have rather of seen any number of other stories except the one they picked at this time.

For me, this was the new Star Treks first time on its own legs. The first movie was heavily involved from the other timeline, with Nero being the main villain and all. And to simply choose to rehash one of, if not THE, most iconic storyline from TOS just didn't seem right. And that's not to say that it couldn't ever be done, but to do it so soon was what I found disappointing.

Having said that, I still feel like it was done really well.

One of the issues I have is with how little of SF was destroyed by the Vengenace. Having remembered the scale of destruction they showed during ST:Generations when the Enterprise D crashed on the planet, I would have expected it to destroy the whole city. But the Enterprise D didn't have huge buildings to slow it down, soo...

I liked the one from 2009 better, although this was good too. I was never a Trekkie growing up, but I do like sci-fi. I agree with people who say that these 2 newer ST movies are too action oriented though, the special effects and scenarios are too overblown and overshadow the story IMHO. I would like to see a more exploration oriented movie with some action instead of all action.

I've been trying to think about this. But has any ST movie ever been about exploring? There was Stop Voyager 1, Stop Khan, Rescue Spock, Save Earth, Find God, Save the Klignons, Stop Soran, Stop the Borg, Stop Dougherty, Stop Shinzon, Stop Nero,
Stop Khan

Was there every any "exploring" done in any of the movies. Weren't all of the movies basically goal oriented in existing ST lore, with the possible exception of Star Trek V, and we all saw how that turned out. Don't we generally leave the exploring to the TV series, with the movies focusing on a smaller arc using well established motives and themes?

Maybe the problem is that we don't have a TV show to go along with the movies. They could certainly do one without it being the Enterprise and then tie the TV series and movies together every couple of years. Then you'd at least have something of a foundation for when the new ST cast isn't interested or affordable to do a Enterprise movie anymore.


Jan 3, 2001
Well I recall watching the original series OTA every week (pizza night) and have seen every episode of every other trek show since...but I wouldn't even be able to tell you the various enterprise numbers or any other details from the show (except some of the main characters). I watch scifi to be entertained, and I can ignore quite a bit.

As somebody else put it, they could have called it "Space Idiocy" and changed the names to bob, joe, sally, and sam and it wouldn't change anything...the movie still would have sucked ass. At least I didn't pay for it.

How can anybody think it was a good movie? Total shit.

I just started writing up my review of it and decided fuck it. The movie was brain dead trash the second it started. I'm not going to waste my time, it would take hours to write out all the stupidity and how they could have made it not suck.

The reason I asked if you were a fan or not is it seems that longtime fans of the franchise hate the reboot while non-fans seem to like it more.


Oct 2, 2010
The reason I asked if you were a fan or not is it seems that longtime fans of the franchise hate the reboot while non-fans seem to like it more.

I watched TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. I enjoy the new movies, was never really a fan of the original series however, nothing against them, they just were all pretty boring for me, I have watched a good portion of them even if I don't "like" them.


Jan 3, 2001
I've been trying to think about this. But has any ST movie ever been about exploring? There was Stop Voyager 1, Stop Khan, Rescue Spock, Save Earth, Find God, Save the Klignons, Stop Soran, Stop the Borg, Stop Dougherty, Stop Shinzon, Stop Nero,
Stop Khan

Was there every any "exploring" done in any of the movies. Weren't all of the movies basically goal oriented in existing ST lore, with the possible exception of Star Trek V, and we all saw how that turned out. Don't we generally leave the exploring to the TV series, with the movies focusing on a smaller arc using well established motives and themes?

Maybe the problem is that we don't have a TV show to go along with the movies. They could certainly do one without it being the Enterprise and then tie the TV series and movies together every couple of years. Then you'd at least have something of a foundation for when the new ST cast isn't interested or affordable to do a Enterprise movie anymore.

Yeah, the TV show set up the movies, and a lot of them built off of previous episodes. The original movies were a continuing storyline, which is why II, III, and IV were all well received. V was universally panned because it was just plain poorly put together (mostly due to a writers strike, budget cuts, and no decent SFX company was available---the movie should have been put on hold instead of being forced out). VI continued where V SHOULD have picked up, and was well received as well.

The reason the TNG movies never really gelled is Paramount changed gears and was all for making Star Trek a "shoot-em-up", because battle episodes got huge ratings on the TV series. They tried to make big action blockbusters out of the franchise, but the cast wasn't really "that type of cast". While First Contact was probably the best TNG movie, if you look at 60 year old Picard running around the ship in a sleeveless shirt thinking he's Bruce Willis, it is kind of ridiculous.

After the TNG episodes were ran into the ground, Paramount came to the conclusion that Star Trek was too inaccessible to the average movie-goer, hence we have this redone, less cerebral, more action oriented and therefore more accessible movie.

It's Homogenized Trek for consumption by the masses. Enjoy.


Sep 22, 2007
This is Star Trek 5 levels here. Destroy timeline, have more plotholes in 2 hours then in an entire series run, LENSFLARE, and shake the shit outta the camera. Yeah...good movie....

My favorite idiocy was:

Resurrecting a 300 year-old man to design weapons and ships and then the lame reason behind having him do it. I'm sorry, but that was preposterous and extremely lazy writing.


Platinum Member
Feb 4, 2012
Trying to avoid anything made by Mr redacted Abrams...Star Trek was absolutely terrible and more like Dawsons Creek than anything else.

It's an absolute shame he's directing the new Star Wars...even though George Lucas left the bar a little low with the prequels, I'm sure he won't be able to make it over.

Leave the slurs out of here unless you want to be out of here.
admin allisolm
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Sep 22, 2007
Yeah, the TV show set up the movies, and a lot of them built off of previous episodes. The original movies were a continuing storyline, which is why II, III, and IV were all well received. V was universally panned because it was just plain poorly put together (mostly due to a writers strike, budget cuts, and no decent SFX company was available---the movie should have been put on hold instead of being forced out). VI continued where V SHOULD have picked up, and was well received as well.

The reason the TNG movies never really gelled is Paramount changed gears and was all for making Star Trek a "shoot-em-up", because battle episodes got huge ratings on the TV series. They tried to make big action blockbusters out of the franchise, but the cast wasn't really "that type of cast". While First Contact was probably the best TNG movie, if you look at 60 year old Picard running around the ship in a sleeveless shirt thinking he's Bruce Willis, it is kind of ridiculous.

After the TNG episodes were ran into the ground, Paramount came to the conclusion that Star Trek was too inaccessible to the average movie-goer, hence we have this redone, less cerebral, more action oriented and therefore more accessible movie.

It's Homogenized Trek for consumption by the masses. Enjoy.

The sad thing was that the cast was contracted for an eigth season of TNG and Paramount pulled the plug in order to make TNG movies.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
My favorite idiocy was:

Resurrecting a 300 year-old man to design weapons and ships and then the lame reason behind having him do it. I'm sorry, but that was preposterous and extremely lazy writing.

I took from the movie that Khan was helping design and build weapons because he thinks like a brutal savage, something Starfleet couldn't do. Admiral Marcus felt someone with that level of brutality was needed to prepare them for war with the Klingons, not that Khan was a brilliant technologist that could build weapons and ships 300 years ahead of his time.


Sep 22, 2007
I took from the movie that Khan was helping design and build weapons because he thinks like a brutal savage, something Starfleet couldn't do. Admiral Marcus felt someone with that level of brutality was needed to prepare them for war with the Klingons, not that Khan was a brilliant technologist that could build weapons and ships 300 years ahead of his time.

Yes, that was the reason given, and it was extremely lame and lazy writing IMO. If they wanted to give a somewhat legitimate reason that would've sounded more plausible, they could've said:

Admiral Marcus discovered Khan, woke him up, and was studying him in an attempt to genetically engineer super soldiers to use against the Klingons.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Yes, that was the reason given, and it was extremely lame and lazy writing IMO. If they wanted to give a somewhat legitimate reason that would've sounded more plausible, they could've said:

Admiral Marcus discovered Khan, woke him up, and was studying him in an attempt to genetically engineer super soldiers to use against the Klingons.

But then the whole reasoning behind having Khan's comrades inside the torpedoes falls apart.

I think the explanation works, but no one will win an Oscar for it. Remember, they can't get too detailed or confusing with the plot of the movie or the mouth breathers won't get it.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Was that really necessary dude?


Texas, too.

Really makes it difficult to find relevance for that state when so many Texans make an open mockery of themselves.

Oh, Star Trek...yeah, I might go see it....


Oct 27, 2006
The reason I asked if you were a fan or not is it seems that longtime fans of the franchise hate the reboot while non-fans seem to like it more.

I grew up watching TOS and TNG, I really loved them. At the same time, I was never under the impression that I was watching something of extremely high quality. One has to remember, that countless writers, directors were involved, and that resulted in TONS of poor episodes, plot holes, bad science, and so on and so forth. It was primarily just good fun, and at it's best had some cool ideas. The idea that the ST legacy is some Shakespeare-level paragon of quality is absurd. Even in the realm of Sci-Fi, it's pretty silly stuff overall.

The amount of nerd rage over the ST reboots is pretty funny to me. You just have to take it for what it is, big-budget Hollywood silliness. None of the Trek movies have been very deep in any way anyhow, perhaps the most intelligent was ST:TMP, but of course that was also the least fun of all the films.

So yes, I love old Trek, I love new Trek, but it's all fluff anyway.

And to think that Abrams can make SW worse than Lucas? Impossible. The prequels are some of the worst films of the last 25 years. He has a way of extracting terrible performances from great actors, and wasting potential in a way that is truly mind boggling. Basically any of the 'fan theories' that existed before and during the prequel release timeframe were infinitely better than the dreck we got. I wasn't mad about it, I just looked at it for what it was. I'll take a decently entertaining, decently acted action film (ST 2009/ST 2013) over a mind-numbing, poorly acted abortion like the prequels any day of the week. Jar-jar? One of the most horrible things ever to happen in this universe. And it's not even like the original SW trilogy was amazing to begin with. SW was okay. Empire was pretty solid. Jedi was fairly good as well. But notice the best two (Empire and Jedi) WEREN'T directed by Lucas

I'm sure that most of us here can immediately name MUCH better Sci-Fi than SW or ST at the drop of a hat. But that's the problem with really great sci-fi (and great literature of all genres), is that it doesn't fare well in 2-hr summer movies. You want depth, quality, intelligence, originality? Read a book. Win!


Oct 27, 2006

Texas, too.

Really makes it difficult to find relevance for that state when so many Texans make an open mockery of themselves.

Oh, Star Trek...yeah, I might go see it....

Heh, I'm from Texas, we're not all the same


Feb 2, 2005
Though I enjoyed it,this one left me feeling kind of frustrated and unfulfilled in a hard to describe manner. I felt like there was something wrong with the pacing of the movie. As we got to the midpoint I was thinking "how are they going to get through all the stuff they need to get through in time"? The answer was that they just didn't. Khan never became a real character for me. I really had a sense of who he was in previous episodes/movies, but here he felt really flat. He was no longer the incredibly dangerous arch nemesis of Kirk that I felt like I kind of knew, but just a guy in the movie.

The movie didn't have the slowly ratcheting tension that clues you in on where you are story wise, but rather kept tension and action at a medium-high level throughout. Not that I don't like action, but there was no time for the setup for each "stage" of the movie in between action set pieces. Even though the movie is quite long, the ending hit me like a surprising slap in the face. The whole movie was a great big whiz-bang action extravaganza that just falls off a cliff and dies in place of an ending. As the credits began to roll I was thinking "Wait, did khan really even DO anything"? Of course he did stuff, but none of it felt important to me, so it didn't make much of an impression. The main problem there was the lack of Khan as a fully fleshed character, I think.

I liked the callbacks to the previous star treks, even though I felt that they had to wedge them in and jump up and down on top of them to shoehorn them into movie.

All in all I'd give it a 6.5/10.
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