Star Wars Battlefront II

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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
No way in hell I'm preordering this. Not after Battlefront 1 was $60 in November and $20 before Christmas back when it debuted. If only Nintendo titles got so cheap so fast!
Right now you can get the ultimate version for $5 from Origin. It's also on sale for $6 for the xbox one.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
I have had it preordered since it became available, premium edition. I enjoyed the first, will likely enjoy the second. I wish EA would allow you to use the same profile for the PC and console, VERY annoying that I cannot. Having to level up each pisses me off.


Golden Member
Aug 27, 2011
Who on earth payed $60 for the first? It was on sale on gmg before release for $40ish. The first was fun for a brief period but it was so unbelievably shallow. I really like the lack of premium for it. I'm half tempted to buy it just to support the lack of paid DLC, and I could really go for a more in depth dog fighting star wars game.


Apr 8, 2001
yes, but for the hour I played I was mostly on starfighter duty.


Jan 8, 2011
Played for a little. Its ok, but what the hell are those upgrade cards about? That feels stupid as hell. How long before they start charging for that crap? Not buying this game. Has a cheap ass pay to win/in-game gambling feel to it. No thanks.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2005
I spent 20 minutes standing in a Gamestop this past weekend begging my 12 year old not to pre-order this $80 special edition game. I lost. When he doesn't have the money to buy Skyrim on the Switch (a game he badly wants), I hope he learns a valuable lesson. Probably not. Parenting vs a huge marketing budget is really, really tough battle.


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2017
Played for a little. Its ok, but what the hell are those upgrade cards about? That feels stupid as hell. How long before they start charging for that crap? Not buying this game. Has a cheap ass pay to win/in-game gambling feel to it. No thanks.
Upon release. Looks like you can simply buy your way through all upgrades immediately. Looks like they just said f*ck it and went the whole way with pay-to-win with the gambling drug as well.
Reactions: moonbogg


Jan 8, 2011
Upon release. Looks like you can simply buy your way through all upgrades immediately. Looks like they just said f*ck it and went the whole way with pay-to-win with the gambling drug as well.

Yep, screw em. What a cheap slot machine, cracker jax feel this game has to it. All of that crap is total nonsense. Stupid cheap cards. Get out of here with that garbage. I don't know how many games use stuff like that but its really lame. There is no one passionate about gaming who is making this garbage because they would either not let this happen or quit in protest. Whoever wants gambling or cheap money sucking tactics in their game should open a casino and stay the hell away from gaming. At the very least they should stick to cheap ass $1.00 or free to play mobile games that are littered with cheap microtransaction/gambling bile and just stay the hell away from my desktop rig with their crap. Filthy slimeballs.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
I played it, had a decent time. Its obviously not finished, and all the modes were not available.

I don't really like the paying for upgrades, but not overly concerned about it. People bitching about it, don't really see the whole picture I don't think. "Pay to play" has been happening to some extent since the beginning, I know for my over 20 years of PC gaming.


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2017
I don't really like the paying for upgrades, but not overly concerned about it. People bitching about it, don't really see the whole picture I don't think. "Pay to play" has been happening to some extent since the beginning, I know for my over 20 years of PC gaming.
To some extent yes. Though far more in the last few years compared to the previous 20.

Are you able to name any games prior to 2017 that allowed you to purchase your way to maximum level/abilities immediately upon getting the game?


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
To some extent yes. Though far more in the last few years compared to the previous 20.

Are you able to name any games prior to 2017 that allowed you to purchase your way to maximum level/abilities immediately upon getting the game?

"Pay to play" to me may mean something different to you and others. Although I think it's essentially the same thing. Which is why I put it in quotes and said "to some extent".

Very seldom are people using the same setup. As much as 20 years ago I started to play PC games at a competitive level. Nothing like winning tournaments, but playing on ladders. From Motoracer, JK, Tribes, etc. With these, the better computer you had, the more frames you had, usually the better you were. I used a joystick for Motoracer, much better than keyboard. All the top racers did. I had an upgraded computer for the FPS because lagging sucks ass, and you die. Upgrading my ram from 16 to 32mb may have been my biggest upgrade of all time for Unreal, literally changed the game. From slow and unplayable, to smooth. When the Raptor HD's came out and BF2 was in its prime, I had one. Because it loaded maps faster, and I got to the tank, chopper, or flag first. It was a very big difference. The cost between a Raptor and slow ass 5400 was huge, but I thought it was worth it. Today I have a mouse that I can change up the DPI on the fly, with a single button press. This is old news now, used to be a huge advantage. Changing the DPI for sniping, controlling a tank turret, flying, or anything else was better. Not even an issue anymore, paying to be a LPB instead of a HPB was an extremely big advantage in online gamine. CPU and especially video cards bring much better graphics. You can see things more clearly, see players off in the distance. AA/AF because the norm now, didn't used to be. People had to play with Minecraft looking graphics, to get smooth FPS, because that rules all. Some people have keyboard that can do macros, making gaming easier. Some people use 7.1 headphones which allows you to hear behind you much better, they can allow you to talk to someone easier, teaming up in a game. When WS monitors came out, it was a pretty big deal. I got a Dell 2005FPW, and it gave me much more field of vision on the side, allowing me to see more of the game. Allowing me to be better than I could with a standard 1024 res. No more editing the FOV in an .ini to get that fish eyed view. Hell, my current monitor allows me to have a reticle for every game, for every gun, all the time. It is there even when not play a game. So in some games where the sights for the gun suck, or are not there unless you zoom, I have them. All of these things are "pay to play" to me. I pay more, to allow better game play, which it turn usually makes me better. Having frames that never dip, with the best graphics, audio and controls is much better than playing with 30 frames, shitty sound and audio. Most people will be better on a better system. There are many more examples, but I think you can get the gist.

The same, but to a lesser extent can be said for consoles. Somewhere there is someone living with their mom playing on a 27" 720p screen. Or even a CRT. Using the TV's speakers, and standard gamepad. Elsewhere, there is someone with a 65" 4K TV, using surround sound headphones, and a razer gamepad. Or even a keyboard and mouse, I have one on my PS4. Because I detest using a gamepad for FPS games.

For over 20 years, I have been paying to play. I have paid more for higher end equipment than the average joe who was using a $500 Dell pos. Yes skill matters, so does the hardware.

I understand the everyday term of pay to play, and I don't really like it either. I don't get all bent out of shape about it, because there are people with better and worse setups than I have. We all pay to play. I am more pissed that I cannot use my same account for a PC version and PS4 version of the same damn game. I have two Overwatch's, BF1's, BF4's, and Battlefront's. Because I prefer when alone to play on the PC, by a mile. My son and co workers all play on the damn console. No matter how much I try to explain that I enjoy the PC more, and that control is better, they don't care. So I have to level up both games, which sucks. I will buy a short cut pack for the console game, because I level up the PC game normally. I don't feel bad at all. I am 120 on BF1 on PC, 34 on PS4. I earned every gun I want to use, I am not doing it twice if I don't have to.

I ranted a bit, sorry. Also, EA clarified how it will work. The best items will have to be earned, not bought. Another reason why I didn't get all that upset about it.
Reactions: Vaporizer


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Had a conversation yesterday with a friend about the campaign of the game (in light of the latest campaign's trailer).

Does anyone know if the events (well, the story) in the campaign are "canon"? A recent GameSpot article mentions that the devs 'worked with' Lucas (himself, not only Lucasfilm for example). And the question of whether BF2 was canon was actually asked but the answer was... bullcrap, to be honest. Apparently Mr. Lucas doesn't like the word canon itself, and the devs being questioned for the article resorted to use "authentic" instead.

I'm not sure what to think of that. Sure, Lucas created it, but now Disney owns it. So who is taking the final and canon decisions for both the movies and the games if new Star Wars games (since the Disney purchase of the franchise) are to tell stories as well? Does Lucas still have any weight on such decision for characters and timeline? Not to mention... does Lucas actually really care or just tells anyone coming up with 'ideas' to "go for it" all the time?


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Preload is available. Ready to play Tuesday the 14th, I am pretty excited.

Andy T

Senior member
Jul 24, 2008
Been playing it for the last couple of days. Like the graphics. Single player campaign is pretty good so far, except I am stuck on the Tie level - can't control flying ships with mouse/keyboard.
MP is fun, but I get killed often. Also, I am concerned about the "pay to win" through crates. I may end up buying the game after my trial is up.


Apr 8, 2001
Just stoped by the subreddit. Wow. Dumpster fire doesn't come close to it. Thinking more like late 60s Da Nang.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
The main problem in my book right now isn't only that BF2 may well end up being essentially completely screwed by the loot box system (except maybe the campaign), but also that Disney and EA signed an 'exclusive' multi-year agreement / deal back in 2013 for rights to publish Star Wars games made by three (now two) developers; DICE, Visceral Games and BioWare. Now Visceral Games is out of the picture, so we're left with DICE and BioWare. And for now only the Emperor knows what happened to the would-be in-development SW game that Visceral was working on if they indeed were working on one; and for some reasons I highly doubt that BioWare or DICE would "take over" that project... but time will tell.

So this 'monopoly' situation on Star Wars games is ruining the potential that someone (another dev studio) out there would manage to produce a good Star Wars game, which is the only thing we're asking for really. Just... you know, just make a good Star Wars game? No? Ok.

Since DICE * has * to make three Battlefront games that each coincide with the period during which each Episodes of the new trilogy are released (holidays of 2015 for BF1 and E7, holidays of 2017 for BF2 and E8, and holidays of 2019 for BF3 and E9) then it means that even Battlefront 3 will NOT be "safe" from that same 'business practice'. It's part of their contract and DICE I'm 100.99% certain has absolutely no power in final say over anything on anything against either EA or Disney (and I wouldn't be surprised if even EA themselves are heavily influenced by Disney in doing all of that... although I wouldn't be surprised either if EA would have done it all by themselves regardless).

So since we can all basically put a giant 'X' on Battlefront 3, what else do we have? BioWare working on... wait, nvm, they already have The Old Republic which dates back to 2011 on an engine that makes the game look like it was developed for the PS2, and their next "big thing" that won't be a big thing anyway because they're not the BioWare that they used to be is Anthem which has nothing to do with Star Wars (and that's probably a very good thing, we don't need more devs screwing up Star Wars stuff). Alright, so... Visceral is gone, DICE is a no go at least until after BF3 is out (after that I doubt their case between them and the SW franchise will get any better) and BioWare aren't exactly going to "save the day" with Anthem nor are they doing any favors for the Star Wars franchise with Old Republic, not to mention of course that Old Republic is completely unrelated to the Star Wars canon (that doesn't mean that most of the Old Republic's campaigns aren't good, some of them are GREAT and well written, but it just isn't related to anything from the movies).

And since DICE and BioWare are currently the only two devs "allowed" to make games for Star Wars and since EA has an actual monopoly on publishing rights for Star Wars games...

I suppose that the gist is to not expect a well-executed single-player and/or multi-player focused SW game anytime soon and for the foreseeable future. It sucks, a lot.
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Reactions: nurturedhate


Golden Member
Aug 27, 2011
I wanted to like this game. I wanted to support a Dice game with no Premium option. I wanted a good Star Wars game. I played the demo and realized it was just as shallow as Battlefront 1 and Battlefield 1. I miss bf2 and bf bc2. I even miss bf3/4 compared to bf1. Oh well.


Jan 8, 2011
Yeah I have no words for this situation other than I'm very angry and disgusted by it. I can't WAIT to see what happens if they try this with the next Battlefield game. That would instantly kill the entire franchise.


Golden Member
Jan 9, 2010
I haven't played any of the Star Wars games and I can't say I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but after reading this thread, if it goes on sale at Steam in a couple weeks, I'm buying Battlefront(the old one).


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Yeah I have no words for this situation other than I'm very angry and disgusted by it. I can't WAIT to see what happens if they try this with the next Battlefield game. That would instantly kill the entire franchise.

That's the problem, it won't. Don't get me wrong, EA will try to give the appearance that they're responding to this like they should, but in the end, monetization in games far far beyond the purchase price, is increasing and won't stop, and EA is leading the charge. And even if they're backed into a corner where it's obvious, it won't matter. The games will sell, and this monetization trend will continue. Expect to pay $75 for a new game, $25 for expansions, and, someday I anticipate that EA's dream of $1 to reload in a multiplayer game will come true. (reference to:

Although Star Wars is in a stronger position than Battlefield, it's not much less true for Battlefield. Game companies only change their mind if revenue loss forces them to. And since, despite the backlash, they won't suffer revenue loss since people will buy anyway, expect nothing to truly change.
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