Star Wars: The Force Awakens reviews *SPOILERS*

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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2007
To me the movie sucked and is an episode IV rip off.

The best character was BB-8 and I loved Kylo Ren's lightsaber.

I most likely won't be watching episodes 8 or 9.


Sep 25, 2001
The amateur lightsaber battles were actually some of my favorite parts in the new movie...Finn vs. the Stormtrooper and Finn & Rey vs. Darth Emo. Felt way more realistic & not choreo-danced at all. It wasn't just endlessly clean Matrix-y fights all the time.

how does darth emo not fall/die when being hit by Chewy's xbow blaster?
that xbow is much more powerful than a standard blaster.

why the hell does darth emo keep hitting the spot where he was hit by the xbow?
is he like that farscape char Ka D'Argo where you insta heel when you bleed clear?


Sep 25, 2001
Just finished reading the novelization/ebook and the movie seems to be missing 2 scenes.

2. Rey being accosted by Unkar Plutt (Jakku junk dealer) in Takodanna for stealing the Millenium Falcon.

define accosted.
like Jabba the Hut molesting Leia when she was in the slave outfit?


Sep 25, 2001
what i want to know is this:

why the heck did nobody notice starkiller being created? wouldn't death star and death star II made them somewhat vigilant about looking for such things?

im assuming since the Empire was defeated that they didn't have the resources to build another death star, much less a death planet.

it would have been nice for the movie to tell us that the new Republic made a peace treaty with the remains of the Empire, which renamed themselves the First Order.

makes ALOT more sense in Leia creating the Resistance secretly backed by the New Republic.

still wish they explain why no other Master Jedi's stepped out of hiding when Luke and the New Republic won.
Other Master Jedi's could have taken over Luke's Jedi Academy to train the gen.

hm.. so darth Emo not only killed his class of apprentices, he also killed all the younger classes, like Anakin did?
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Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
still wish they explain why no other Master Jedi's stepped out of hiding when Luke and the New Republic won.
Other Master Jedi's could have taken over Luke's Jedi Academy to train the gen.

What other Jedi? AFAIK they have all been killed.

I enjoyed the movie, give it 8/10, there are a few annoyances with it:

-A bit too much comic relief, the BB-8 thumbs up was funny though.
-The whole chewie crossbow bit was dumb. Han acted like it was the first time he ever saw it used. They have been together for 30+ years...
-The released aliens sequence on Han's cargo ship was pretty dumb. This was a screw up by Rey for all the Mary Sue complainers.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
What other Jedi? AFAIK they have all been killed.

I enjoyed the movie, give it 8/10, there are a few annoyances with it:

-A bit too much comic relief, the BB-8 thumbs up was funny though.
-The whole chewie crossbow bit was dumb. Han acted like it was the first time he ever saw it used. They have been together for 30+ years...
-The released aliens sequence on Han's cargo ship was pretty dumb. This was a screw up by Rey for all the Mary Sue complainers.

Every time they make a spin off thing there's almost always a Jedi that survived. In Star Wars Rebels there are at least two and a half (the half being the kid being trained). I'm also sure they hinted at a few more in that show as well.

I really agree with you on the crossbow thing, I was wondering at the time how he'd never have fired it at least once.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
is he like that farscape char Ka D'Argo where you insta heel when you bleed clear?
Farscape was so much better than Star Wars. At least you had an interesting array of aliens and a pretty interesting story. It didn't make a lot of sense scientifically but once you got past that it was a great premise.


Jun 24, 2001
For sure sounds probably like ADHD.

If this is a dig at my post just before your about making it a third of the way through this post...

I liked the movie a lot. TL;DR the only major change I would have liked was Han living and Leia being killed by her son.

While I understand why Han had to die I think killing of Leia would have been better. First reason is obvious: it was painful seeing Fisher on screen whereas Ford carried his role well.

Second, is as a plot vehicle Ren killing Solo works but Ren killing a woman, his mother no less, would be a traumatic and dramatic turn to the dark side. Such a turn would have focused Han (become the general of the Rebels he was destined to be?) and Luke would obviously feel such a disturbance in the Force and "Awaken" him. Kylo Ren would be on a path deeper into the Darkside than those before him. Yes, the previous Sith Lords killed/wanted to kill their masters, killed Jedi's, and killed innocent people. Kylo Ren was situation in Ep. VII to:

Exile his master (Luke)
Kill a school of young Jedi
Murder his own mother

The Dark Side would have been complete in him. All that would be left, after being wounded like his grandfather, would be to embrace Darth Vader and become Darth Vader II--stronger than ever and beyond being turned by the love of his uncle (Luke) as he had embraced the deepest of treachery: betraying his father by killing his own mother only to draw strength from seeing his own father (Han Solo) grow in pain, hate, anger, and disdain for his own son. Oh, and Ben Solo would have been of Skywalker blood which means the force would naturally be extremely strong in him.

The Leia killing Ben Solo would have created a much more sinister, and powerful, Sith Lord. And whereas seeing Kylo Ren try to barter with his estranged father (who wasn't always a great father) it would have been beyond powerful to see Leia, a force sensitive figure, believe she has returned her son to the Light Side of the Force only for him to at the most inopportune moment run her through face-to-face. I can only imagine Kyle Ren, verbalizing his deep and sincere love for his mother and yet coldly explaining her death was to complete the circle and to bring Han and Luke down to their end and that Kylo could rightfully take up the place of his grandfather Darth Vader as Lord of the Sith.

I shutter at the thought of the Luke/Leia re-union. Leia's death would have painted the most bleak of futures; Han's paints a possible path to the Emo Side of the Force.

Third, is a big part of the original trilogy was Luke and Han being pulled together and being complete opposites. (Yes, Han/Leia also had a big part in the chemistry but that is all but gone.) With the turn of Ben Solo to Kylo Ren with the mother, Leia, out of the way you could see the natural need for Luke and Han to team up yet again but with the obvious tension: Han/Leia could not handle Ben, but under Luke's supervision he completed his fall to the dark side. And neither could protect Leia and would blame the other for her death.

Forth, while I didn't have an issue with Rey's force abilities I think it would have been more dramatic for Leia's death drawing Luke out of his depressed, isolated exile by the sheer pain he would feel in the Force. Seeing some snippets earlier in the movie of Luke (e.g. putting a memory block on Rey as the last of his apprentices and the lone survivor of his academy; a bitter dispute with Han/Leia regarding Ben Solo and Luke imposing a self imposed exile due to the dangers of the Force and Skywalker clan) and finally a "Force Vision" where Leia with Obi-wan and Yoda at her side, calling out to him saying, "Luke, you must return. You are the last of the Jedi. Without you there is no hope."--and after the vision disappears being transported to the "Jedi heaven" where Yoda tells Leia, "Another Jedi, there is" only for Obi-wan to interrupt, "Master, do not underestimate the power of the Force in Luke. He must return balance to the Force. Until Luke completes his path as Jedi Teacher his apprentice will fail."

This would have setup a lot entry by Luke to save Finn and Rey and for it to be Luke who inflicts the mortal injuries that will turn Kylo Ren into Darth Vader II. This would have completed the circle. Having Luke regret sparing Ben Solo after he killed his apprentices would have been a deep wound, and then his sister would have brought much anger from Luke. (And maybe even be the motivation of Emperor Snook--to turn Luke.)

It could also create the tiers of Jedi powers: We see Ren destroy Finn, Rey give a good fight only to be bested by a near-Sith Lord apprentice, and then for Luke to enter as pure Jedi being reminded of his progression in Ep. IV-V-VI in how in V with minimal training he showed promised by Vader destroyed him but in VI he was able to destroy Vader. Seeing Luke "go easy on Ren" while he tries to reason with him to have 1 last chance to turn from his path and when all is lost and Ren makes his move (whatever plot device--e.g. he lies and says he killed Rey, "I didn't make the same mistake I did last time when I spared Rey... your daughter.") Luke says "screw it" and breaks out the full wrath of his force powers that we have never seen before. Watching Ken be injured in ways to turn him into Vader and for the battle to end when Rey appears on scene to temper Luke's anger and her pleas for him to leave the planet before it explodes and Luke leaving Kylo Ren to die just as Obi-wan left Annikan.

That sounds like a lot, but basically 5 minutes of Luke screen time (most at the end) and then swapping out Leia for Han for future movies.

Again, I really like the movie and I understand the new direction/new actors. But I would have preferred the above fall out from Luke/Han than with Leia. my guest and write up some cliff notes for us would ya, buddy?

Alternatively, if you are blaming your use of "for sure probably" on ADHD, you go right on ahead.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
how does darth emo not fall/die when being hit by Chewy's xbow blaster?

Either the Bowcaster is more powerful at close quarters and less so at farther ranges or Kylo Ren was wearing armor... or both.



Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
What a horrible movie. Was this story just compiled from random fanfiction? Did we really need a 3rd death star plot?

That wouldn't make logical sense though. Once you have a powerful weapon, why would you abandon it? (Because a group of fighters got off two lucky shots?) The logical thing is to increase the power of your weapons, not completely abandon them.

Also, in the opening scroll of text, did anyone else notice that all of the stars are of the same hue? A sort of bluish white? That would make them class A or class B stars. Even if I'm off and there are some class O stars, or even some class F stars, there's an absence of stars like our own. It's statistically unlikely in that section of the universe - O, A, B, and F only make up around 10% of all main-sequence stars. I expect to see some yellowish, orangeish, or reddish hues in Episode 8.

P.S., I don't know what that scroll of text said - I was too busy noticing the star thing.


Jun 24, 2001
That wouldn't make logical sense though. Once you have a powerful weapon, why would you abandon it? (Because a group of fighters got off two lucky shots?) The logical thing is to increase the power of your weapons, not completely abandon them.

Also, in the opening scroll of text, did anyone else notice that all of the stars are of the same hue? A sort of bluish white? That would make them class A or class B stars. Even if I'm off and there are some class O stars, or even some class F stars, there's an absence of stars like our own. It's statistically unlikely in that section of the universe - O, A, B, and F only make up around 10% of all main-sequence stars. I expect to see some yellowish, orangeish, or reddish hues in Episode 8.

P.S., I don't know what that scroll of text said - I was too busy noticing the star thing.

Something about how Luke is in hiding after Kylo Ren killed all the younglings in training and "The ashes of The Empire" are known as "The First Order" and a Resistance has formed even though they aren't resisting authority because The First Order isn't in charge. Yeah. I probably should have been noticing the stars too.

Can their planet/weapon be moved to another star system or would it have been abandoned after that final shot it didn't get to take? How can it fire blasts that can cross interstellar space faster than the speed of light and slow down just as they are ripping a planet to shreds? Can't they just use a smaller version of their sun-eating technology to destroy a system with a rebellious planet?


Jan 6, 2005
I thought TFA was incredibly well done, and there were some strong ideas and themes throughout. What I liked:

- Kylo Ren as a powerful but unhinged dark side force user with serious grandfather worship issues

- Finn as a Stormtrooper with a conscience. However I think his story arc would have worked better if there was a sense of awe or adventure to joining the First Order rather than his being a conscript kidnapped at a young age. What if the fall of the Empire brought chaos and disillusionment with the New Republic such that some systems actually saw the First Order as a good thing? You could keep Finn as an enthusiastic and impressionable young man seeking adventure, almost a mirror to Luke, and voluntarily joining the First Order but having the same revelation of what the First Order is upon his first mission. I like the idea of this new trilogy challenging the idea of what is good and evil

- Rey as a latent Jedi. A lot of people are complaining about her ability to wield the Force by the end of the movie without any training. In ANH, Luke piloted an X-Wing against the Empire with no training and by TESB, is able to challenge Vader with minimal training from Yoda. I think the Star Wars universe establishes that those strong in the Force are able to tap into it, especially if it proves true that at a young age she actually already trained under Luke but blocked it out mentally after whatever happens with the Knights of Ren and her subsequent abandonment on Jakku. I actually really liked her as a character, and thought her scenes against Kylo Ren were the strongest in the movie, especially the battle of minds scene

What I would have changed:

- Made the First Order smaller, religiously fanatic, hit and run type military organization. I totally buy into there being a small remnant of the Empire still in conflict with the Republic. However, you don't need the Resistance as yet another faction. Since only Luke was witness to Darth Vader's redemption, you could have the First Order as a misinformed military cult that worships Darth Vader as a force of order. Ben Solo's turn to the dark side and joining the First Order could change it from being a nuisance to the Republic to a real threat. It would almost be switching the roles from the OT, with the Republic being the larger force and the First Order being a Rebellion sized military organization on the fringes

- Didn't need Snoke, unless they really land the reveal of who or what he is. I better like the idea of Ben Solo showing promise as a force user but also shaped by conflict between his parents Han Solo and Leia, sent to uncle Luke for guidance and ultimately destroying or undermining Luke's attempts at refounding the Jedi order. The rest of the plot still works, with Luke going into exile and if rumors are true, Ben Solo having a prior relationship or attachment to Rey as a young padawan under Luke. I think the new story works better if Kylo Ren discovers his powers without any guidance from a mentor at all, which only adds to the edge around his character as being completely unhinged.

- Didn't need Starkiller Base at all. Seemed like an afterthought to the plot. Could have done a commando style rescue mission of Rey as the primary motivation for infiltrating the First Order base without it being a Death Star type weapon. They should have kept the map to Luke Skywalker as the primary focus.

- JJ Abrams tendency to make the technology of an established universe super sized. He did it with Trek too. Han's ability to locate the Falcon, and the Falcon's ability to hyperspace out of a dock and also to near ground level of a planet didn't work for me. It seems like the story demanded the intersection of Finn, Rey, Han, Chewie, the Falcon and ultimately Anakin's lightsaber. The sequence of Poe meeting Finn, the escape, their separation and Finn linking up with Rey all worked for me. The rest relied a bit too much on coincidence.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
how does darth emo not fall/die when being hit by Chewy's xbow blaster?
that xbow is much more powerful than a standard blaster.

why the hell does darth emo keep hitting the spot where he was hit by the xbow?
is he like that farscape char Ka D'Argo where you insta heel when you bleed clear?

Either the Bowcaster is more powerful at close quarters and less so at farther ranges or Kylo Ren was wearing armor... or both.


While decreasingly effective beyond 30 meters, the bowcaster was more powerful and accurate than typical blaster weapons.

so distance would be the main reason


Oct 9, 2002
That wouldn't make logical sense though. Once you have a powerful weapon, why would you abandon it? (Because a group of fighters got off two lucky shots?) The logical thing is to increase the power of your weapons, not completely abandon them.

Also, in the opening scroll of text, did anyone else notice that all of the stars are of the same hue? A sort of bluish white? That would make them class A or class B stars. Even if I'm off and there are some class O stars, or even some class F stars, there's an absence of stars like our own. It's statistically unlikely in that section of the universe - O, A, B, and F only make up around 10% of all main-sequence stars. I expect to see some yellowish, orangeish, or reddish hues in Episode 8.

P.S., I don't know what that scroll of text said - I was too busy noticing the star thing.
I'd figure they were going for the look of the previous films, but I'd have to go back and watch them to compare.


Sep 22, 2007

At first I thought. oh, a female-Vader. That's cool too and different. The voice and acting were very effeminate. Later he takes the mask off. I think, oh, a gay-Vader. Okay.

Too bad they didn't use the Sith Witch from the Episode I preproduction sketches instead of Emo Kylo:

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