Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm opening cinematic! [update] NEW SP gameplay footage!

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Mar 4, 2011
I haven't paid any attention to D3 but I don't remember SC2 going on sale. I guess my expectations have changed with Steam sales (i.e. getting Far Cry 3 25% off shortly after release).

Check out slickdeals

SC2 was released in summer, then was cheap as $20 by Thanksgiving.


Mar 4, 2011
Hmm okay, guess it won't be too long of a wait then.

Yeah, gaming industry of 2013 is hyper fast. They sell and grab those early adopters of initial release @ full price and are quick to discount sharply in few months to keep the momentum going (and whoever would've bought already has within 3 months anyways).

I saw multiple instances of SC2 and D3 going on sale 3-4 months after.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
I kind of wish they had a no-multiplayer version for $10, because I'll never touch that side of the game. Getting serious about multiplayer to win requires alot of time I don't want to spend (learning every counter and when to make them). That was fine back in the day when we had like 10 good games a year, but now I'm not interested in mastering any multiplayer game, with so many games to choose from.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2002
I kind of wish they had a no-multiplayer version for $10, because I'll never touch that side of the game. Getting serious about multiplayer to win requires alot of time I don't want to spend (learning every counter and when to make them). That was fine back in the day when we had like 10 good games a year, but now I'm not interested in mastering any multiplayer game, with so many games to choose from.

So the ~20 story missions are only worth $10?
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Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2002
The story sucked. The missions were fine in that it was somewhat entertaining, but there was no reason to play the story.

Not saying the story itself is the best reason the play more so the missions themselves. And in the long history of games SC2s story isn't that bad.


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
The writing and acting in SC2 were pretty bad, but the single player is good despite that - I'd say 8/10. Worth buying just for single player, and for far more than $10. Multiplayer is what makes the game shine, of course.


Jun 30, 2003
sadly i am terrbad at RTS multiplayer.

and i had so much adrenaline pumping when playing SC2 MP (in ranked 1v1 matches) that i literally could only play 1-2 games before having to take a break.

i'm much more interested in the SP content. i really enjoyed the WoL campaign, even if it wasn't uber amazing (still quite enjoyable, don't get me wrong)

edit: after watching the cinematic, i believe the appropriate response is summed up nicely by a youtuber:


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Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
So it's my theory that Starcraft 2 really is about a depressed dude trying to save his former GF from the clutches of lesbianism.

So heart of the swarm will probably be something about how she like backtracks her homosexual foray while staying firmly within her true heterosexual self.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2010
I bought WoL when it first came out at retail price. I enjoyed the game (mostly SP) a lot even if I never got to enjoy the MP and the endless updating/DRM was a turn-off. As long as HoTS does not suffer from generic storyline (and taint the Starcraft lore), I'll most probably buy it though not at full price.

@karmy, do you have anything meaningful to say other than the mumbo jumbo I've seen you spew around?


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Re: Starcraft story. I never found it to be interesting in the slightest and found the original game itself to be good but nothing special. However I do (or did) enjoy the Diablo storyline whilst most people think "Diablo? It has a story?!" so I can't judge

Space Marines would be so much better in that situation, even the Imperial Guard. :biggrin:

At least IG would have held their ground. One of those SC marines turned his back on the incoming horde... noob! Nevermind those Siege Tanks... an Earthshaker shell would have done more damage than the forces of those marines.

I did quite like the anime/transformers inspired fly in, transform, try to shoot something sequence but it was rather futile and solo escapades like that aren't going to end well most of the time.


Oct 30, 2008
Well I already preordered the Collector's Edition awhile ago. This just confirms my preorder was a good decision.


Apr 8, 2001
Haven't gotten around to installed hol yet as I don't think much of the multiplayer game, but the video is pretty good. What was that attack craft that reconfigure to some type of ground platform? Is that in the game already?

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Haven't gotten around to installed hol yet as I don't think much of the multiplayer game, but the video is pretty good. What was that attack craft that reconfigure to some type of ground platform? Is that in the game already?

Vikings. Yes they were/are already in SC2.


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
Haven't gotten around to installed hol yet as I don't think much of the multiplayer game, but the video is pretty good. What was that attack craft that reconfigure to some type of ground platform? Is that in the game already?
The Viking? It's the Terrans' fundamental air-to-air combat unit in SC2. Comes with the ability to transform to a ground-to-ground mech (and back) at no cost, but is rarely seen on the ground because it's not very tough.


Nov 27, 2001
The Viking? It's the Terrans' fundamental air-to-air combat unit in SC2. Comes with the ability to transform to a ground-to-ground mech (and back) at no cost, but is rarely seen on the ground because it's not very tough.

It's not a tough unit, but other than it's anti-air capabilities, it can actually work well for things like harassing workers. I would probably argue that using that as an initial plan is a bad idea unless you intend to transition into an air-heavy build, which helps mitigate the time you spent teching to air. Also, it's relatively easy to combat Viking harassment since Viking transformation is kind of slow. However, repurposing existing Vikings that may not be needed anymore into harassment units isn't a bad idea. In fact, it can be a good way to require the opponent to keep forces around or build structures to defend against air.


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2012
i enjoyed the SP campaign in SC2 pretty much.

The Ship lobby between levels was a great addition to RTS, going to the lab and chosing what technology to research, going to the cantina and talk to the crew, going to the armory and chosing how upgrade to do on my units, and of course, when possible, chosing what planet i want to go next

i thought those were the best things they did in the game, and i hope RTS from now on add stuff like that.

And the story was FINE. cliche, yes. Not a masterpiece, but it was not bad at all


Oct 10, 2006
It's not a tough unit, but other than it's anti-air capabilities, it can actually work well for things like harassing workers. I would probably argue that using that as an initial plan is a bad idea unless you intend to transition into an air-heavy build, which helps mitigate the time you spent teching to air. Also, it's relatively easy to combat Viking harassment since Viking transformation is kind of slow. However, repurposing existing Vikings that may not be needed anymore into harassment units isn't a bad idea. In fact, it can be a good way to require the opponent to keep forces around or build structures to defend against air.

You underestimate the number of idiots playing multiplayer. I've basically stopped playing public 4v4 because there's always one noob who doesn't protect his resources or seal his entrance, and guess how my team ends up losing?

On the flip side, wiping out entire noob bases with 10 or so vikings is fun, in a sad kind of way. They're also good for killing under-defended expansions.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I enjoyed the campaign a lot in WoL, and the whole "talk to you crew" mechanism gave a nice Mass Effect feel to the whole thing. I own the original StarCraft and Broodwar, and I completed campaigns for both, but I don't remember most of what happened by now. The campaign from WoL is a bit faded out by now too (only completed it once, and it was the same week the game was released).

SPOILERS BELOW (About WoL's campaign)

What I can remember is that (forgetting details that leads to that though) at the end we end up getting a final artifact piece and use it to destroy Zerg forces, so that Raynor can get to a transformed Kerrigan (back to human form that is). I also remember Zeratul in the ship (Battlecruiser) at some point showing some prophecy to Raynor about potential future timelines, or something similar to that, and that ultimately only Kerrigan has the power to stop the swarm.

With this said (and remembered... for now) I watched this new trailer and I can't for the life of me get a clue as to what planet that was. I don't recall the entire lore, nor where in the galaxy are the events of StarCraft actually occurring. At the end of the trailer we know that Kerrigan was having a nightmare or maybe some sort of premonition of things to come (probably that, rather than just a nightmare). So was that world just imaginary and only symbolic for things to come, or was it an actual planet that I just can't recall? I guess that my big question is why would Kerrigan have visions (premonitions) or nightmares (well... nightmares would be quite normal considering what she went through) about her still being the Queen of Blades and ordering Zergs around and invading a world for vengeance (as she claims). So probably Kerrigan is still not fully "cured" and maybe the artifact in WoL didn't work fully or maybe the effect was meant to be temporary... hmmm.

Anyway, I liked WoL's campaign really but that's all I played WoL for, tried a single multi-player game, then played some against the A.I. then basically uninstalled the whole thing (never touched it again since). So considering that I think I'll buy Heart of the Swarm eventually but much later when the price is reduced. And if it takes a year or more, or the holidays to make that happen then so be it, 'cause really I just plain suck at StarCraft and almost any RTS'es I can think of. Well, except... erm... hmmm... except maybe... well I think I was good at Dark Crusade but against A.I.... so yeah. And, well the trailer is awesome, superbly detailed (although short), but there's a few things that bugs my mind right now. I mean I've played enough StarCraft to know that you don't exactly send just a bunch (four, five?) of Vikings against a Zerg "mothership" nor do you form a ground line without Firebats in front and deployed Vikings behind (man would their gattling cannons help there) and where are the medics (wait nvm, probably busy dying as usual lol)? I know, it's nitpicking, the trailer is awesome I love it but sometimes... ya know. I liked the ending though, seeing a Battlecruiser crashing down from orbit onto the cityscape (damn Battlecruisers are bigger than I thought).

I'm playing too much WH40K (see my avatar? I'm a fanboy and sucker for almost anything WH40K, almost, except almost anything regarding Tau... except for the Kroot which I like) to not just close my eyes and imagine an IG Baneblade raining hell on them Zergs to help them poor SC marines, or not to imagine a single Space Marines squad wrestling their path through the hordes of Zergs. Nah, mixing both universes ain't good but can't help it when I see Zergs... they just remind me of Tyranids too much, although actual Tyranids would rip Zergs apart for breakfast (quite literally so). To be honest though, since I'm in the whole StarCraft stuff basically for the story only and since I love Blizzard cinematics in general I just think that, for me (and I know many others too in the same boat) would probably find it easier to just sit and watch a CGI movie telling the whole story and calling it a night... because waiting two or three years for the next "chapter" to conclude isn't good for story-telling efficiency. Now that I think of it... did they make any StarCraft novels? Might be easier that way.
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Nov 18, 2007
Yea, I want the game, but it does seem like kind of just an expansion. I also paid full price for WoL and D3, so cant decide if I will pay full price for this or not. Problem is I only play single player and it seems ridiculous to pay 60.00 bucks for a few hours long campaign.

OTOH, it takes forever to go on any kind of a decent sale(I mean like 20.00 or less).

HOTS is $40 since it's an expansion.


Mar 4, 2011

SCII lore was really terrible & simple to follow, despite being the first part of the trilogy. You don't need novels to follow, they're just supplemental.

Let me cliff it for you:

Before SC1, in the CD sleeve game manual:

Earth became united as one nation, they send half a million prisoners to new planets. They crash land, and settle there over 3 planets, known as Terran.

Xel'Naga is a godly master race whose hobby is to create a perfect race. They create Protoss first. They watch Protoss race prosper over the course of many millennia as they coached them. Later on Protoss got headstrong and rebelled against them. A big war happened and Xel'Naga disappeared.

Xel'Naga tries again- an adaptive race called Zerg. Overmind is made too. But they also rebelled. Xel'naga disappears. Zerg grows bigger by devouring planets.

Events of SC1 original:

Terran is having a civil war, The main entity called Confederacy is too oppressive, and other two factions in two planets are pissed off too. Suddenly Zerg arrives in their sector and rapes everything. They also witness Protoss ship destroying Zerg too. They're pretty much WTF. A backwater marshall named Raynor join forces with the upstart led by Mengsk. They are also joined by Kerrigan. They overthrow successfully and Mengsk is crowned an emperor. But, Mengsk proved to be the same shitty dictator same as Confederacy. And he also sacrificed Kerrigan to Zerg. Raynor escapes.

Zerg got a hold of Kerrigan and turned her into a Zerg hybrid creature. She became the right-hand person of Overmind much to the disapproval of other Cerebrates. They basically wreck everything including Protoss' homeland Aiur, and settle there.

Protoss is having a civil war themselves due to their proud nature. A high templar named Tassadar seeks out Dark Templars who have the power to destroy the Cerebrates and Overmind. Protoss council is mad at him for what they feel is betrayal. But in the end they learn. Tassadar also met Raynor in the midst of a Zerg battle and they join forces.

In the end, Protoss and Terran join forces to destroy Overmind. Tassadar sacrifices himself in doing so.

SC1 Brood War:

Protoss struggles to reel back from Zerg's destruction of their homeland. With Overmind dead, they fight out of control Zerg forces. Kerrigan approaches Protoss as says Overmind is gonna come back. She eventually earns Protoss' trust through doing side missions (retrieving Psi disruptor which controls Kerrigan & helping kill Zerg).

Of course Kerrigan was using them. With Psi Disruptor gone and Overmind's death assured, she assumes total control of Zerg. She totally freaks out and destroys everything & kills off few important side characters too (Phoenix & Edmond Duke). Raynor is seething with rage and vows to kill Kerrigan.

SC2 Wing of Liberty:

It's been 4 years. Raynor is a bitter worn man. Zerg has been quiet for an unknown reason. Mengsk has marginalized him as a #1 public enemy through propaganda. Zeratul appears for the first time since Brood War and says Xel'Naga is coming back to rip shit up. The master race will be the undoing of all of us, nevermind Zerg.

Most of the missions are terribly insignificant to the story. Raynor collects various ancient artifacts as Zeratul instructed, fends off random Zerg infestation, and puts the artifact together to experience a vision which shows Xel'Naga fucking shit up. Then Zeratul says you can't kill Kerrigan, she's the only key to stopping all this.

Kerrigan & Zerg are back, with no explanation as to why she didn't finish everyone off 4 years ago (what a shitty writing). Raynor is approached by Mengsk's son who doesn't like his own father. They take half of Mengsk's total army and launch a full-assault on Zerg's original homeland Char.

They defeat Zerg with the artifact and Raynor 'rescues' Kerrigan who seems to be semi-reverted to her human state. The End. What a subpar lazy-ass writing compared to all the epic stuff happened in SC1.

SC2 Heart of the Swarm & Legacy of the Void

It's been revealed HotS will spend majority of the time with Kerrigan trying to regain control of her human self and reclaming Zerg (wtf shitty writing and didn't we do this already in SC1?). I suspect it will end with her killing Emperor Mengsk, who betrayed her and turned her into this abomination she is today.

Here's the leaked ending:

Legacy of the Void will obviously focus on Protoss and all races coming together to destroy the common enemy Xel'Naga. The same rehashed formula Blizzard has been using since Warcraft 3 (Human, Night Elves, & Orc come together to kill Undead & Burning Legion).

Answering your questions:
In the OP's trailer, Kerrigan was obviously dreaming or recalling the past. It's a generic battle, and based on the human buildings and the Mengsk statue, it's probably Tarsonis. She wakes up to find herself as 'human' again. So this is immediately after Raynore rescued her at the end of WoL. She is recovering in Raynor's battlecruiser.
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Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
It's not a tough unit, but other than it's anti-air capabilities, it can actually work well for things like harassing workers. I would probably argue that using that as an initial plan is a bad idea unless you intend to transition into an air-heavy build, which helps mitigate the time you spent teching to air. Also, it's relatively easy to combat Viking harassment since Viking transformation is kind of slow. However, repurposing existing Vikings that may not be needed anymore into harassment units isn't a bad idea. In fact, it can be a good way to require the opponent to keep forces around or build structures to defend against air.
A couple of vikings can't kill any buildings fast enough, and waddle too slowly to kill workers. Having more than a couple takes so much supply and resources that your army is weak and likely to get rolled. If you happen to find a situation where your existing vikings can do some harassment on the ground, great, but it's rare and I don't think you can really count on that happening.

I find transformation is actually used more for open combat than harassment. Besides adding a little bit of firepower to your army, it can temporarily protect the vikings from enemy anti-air (like when you temporarily lose air superiority and enemy corruptors/phoenixes/vikings would otherwise wipe out your vikings).
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