State of the nat.. er OGR address. (I invite you RC5, Seti, etc. folks to read this too!)


Nov 21, 2000

Welcome to my "State of OGR" address. I would like to invite people who are involved with other projects to read this as well, as it is pertinent to most of us in some ways.

OGR has been a very successful project so far for our team. We are currently in first place, and have enjoyed a fairly long stint as the dominating team. Unfortunately, many people believe that our dynasty will come to an end.

You have probably heard it many times before...

"Only 100 days until the DPC take #1" .. "Only 40 days until the DPC take #1" ..

It is a fact that the DPC are currently out performing us.

So, what can we do about it?

1) Recruit more computers.

There are currently many people who are trying to recruit more machines.

Every bit helps. Even if the machine you find is a k6-2 300 that only runs 8 hours a day, that is still more output than what we already have, and will help us out. If we each add one machine to the OGR effort, that would be simply amazing.

2) Swap OGR time with Seti or RC5 time.

Some CPUs are better at different things. A K6-2 for example, is pretty good at OGR, while it is very poor at doing RC5 or Seti. It may be worthwhile to create a "time swap" chart, where you can choose your CPU and see what CPUs and projects you may be able to swap with on a near-equal basis.

3) Make a crack rack.

I have nearly no need for additional computers, except to do OGR. The easiest way for me to do this is create a crack rack. I plan on purchasing an AMD Duron 800 (which will run at 1000 Mhz) each month for the next few months. This will increase both my output and the teams output quite significantly.

Crack racks are fairly cheap. The prices I have come up with currently are between $344.94 and $372.01 canadian per node (that's between $226.62 and $244.41 USD). (See here for details.).

This brings me to my real point:

Not everyone can afford $230 USD to buy a crack rack node each month. Most people can however afford $5 a month, or $20 here and there.

I propose that we should have an "OGR crack rack fund", much like the advertising fund or the server upgrade fund. We would then use the money to purchase crack rack nodes whenever we can. The crack rack would have its own e-mail address. I believe that this would bring the team as a whole closer together, as everyone would have a stake into how well the rack does. I'm sure that a crack rack would move up the ranks fairly quickly. Dedicate a web page to the building and progress of the crack rack, as well as any significant progress that it makes. Perhaps add this page to This could also introduce people who are active in RC5 and Seti into the addicting world of OGR. It would meen to them $20, and not a decrease in their RC5 production.

Obviously there are several potential problems with this plan. Some are as follows:

1) Who gets to run/maintain/possess the crack rack?

I believe that there should be a vote on who gets to run the crack rack. If there is a good amount of interest, I believe that there should be a nomination period, followed by a vote. Only people who pledge $5 or more during the nomination period will get a vote.

/** Side note, at this point, I would like to nominate myself. I have several things going for me, I have the hardware in place (hubs, dhcp server, pproxy, etc..). Also, I have an air conditioner, which is necessary to keep temperatures down, and I have the most important thing of all - free electricity. I would also insure the crack rack in the unlikely chance of fire, theft, etc.. **/

2) What happens when OGR-25 ends?

I believe that after OGR-25, it would only be natural to progress on to OGR-26. If OGR-26 doesn't happen for some reason, then we would need to vote on what to do with the crack rack. Much like in the case above, there will be a nomination period, and anyone who has contributed $5 or more will get one vote (no substitutions).

3) Who gets to choose what hardware to buy?

This is a tough question. Obviously, people should have a say. According to my research, Duron 750 and 800s overclocked seem to be the best bargain. It seems to me like an open forum would be the best here, with everyone posting their opinion, and one or two people in charge of researching to see what really is the best bang for the buck.

I hope that this message at least promotes some thinking about the way we do things.

If 23 people donate $10, or 46 people donate $5 thats one crack rack, or an extra 700 GNodes a day.

If 46 people donate $5 a month, thats 700 Gnodes a day for the first month, 1400 Gnodes the second month, 2100 Gnodes the third, etc.. $5 a month isn't very much, but it adds up fairly quickly.

I hope that this letter at least makes people think a bit about this, and what it could accomplish. Remember, this really is a team effort!


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2000
Very well thought out and expressed proposal! A TA owned rack has many potential good uses IMO. I've got $30 laying around in my PayPal account that will go to this project if this plan is adopted by the team.



Senior member
Feb 5, 2001
I got some money burning a hole in my pocket, not sure how much... but if this product truly gets off the groud...

Also, there should be a webcam on the rack 24/7 so we can all see this thing working



Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
I can't afford a pledge, but I'll put in $100 before I become a poor college student again.

I disagree about the money DanC has. That should be used to recruit people, rather than just buy parts for a crackrack.

my 2 cents


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2000
free electricity is great! Our these systems going to have cases or just be bare? I can donate some some funding.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
This afternoon/weekend I will be load testing a new Dual P3 1GHz machine. The OGR client will run for at least a few days on it, but I'm not sure if I will permanently run it. I had to shut the client down on my TBird 1GHz a few days ago, but it should be back up as soon as I adjust the cooling. As for the rest of my OGR contribution, a few weeks ago I finally got all of my machines switched over. My personal race is to break one million OGR stubs by my one year anniversary (no problem).



Apr 23, 2000
I like the Team Crackrack idea.

And free electricity is a definite bonus - the cost of electricity is the only thing currently keeping me from expanding my own herd at home. :Q

I could donate some money, hardware or both to the effort!


Nov 21, 2000
Just thought that I would answer some questions...

I disagree about the money DanC has. That should be used to recruit people, rather than just buy parts for a crackrack.

I agree somewhat as well. People donated that money for advertising, not building a crack rack..

free electricity is great! Our these systems going to have cases or just be bare? I can donate some some funding.

The cheaper choice is no case. I don't think that it would really make a difference other than $15 each in cost.


I sleep during the day (I am nocturnal and work nights), so that wasn't me. That was my roommate.

I could donate some money, hardware or both to the effort!

Hardware is good as well, however i say that we add a clause, something like only hardware that is compatible with k6-2 or pentium pro and above will be accepted. (All others would be donated somewhere else.. like to narzy. )

Joe O

Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
An update of the graphs and status would help generate some enthusiasm. There has been no update for 8 months. Just how far along are we?

Green Man

Golden Member
Jan 21, 2001
I have an ATX 250W power supply that I will donate to the first person to PM me who is building a crack rack for TA. It is a never used pull from a case that I bought and immediately inserted an enermax powersupply. It is not AMD approved, but I don't believe that it will matter for a crack rack. I believe that the AMD specification has more to do with cooling. I'll post the name of the TA member who gets this. Please, only if you're in the'll help me out with shipping -- nothing against our esteemed members from overseas
Happy cracking, glad to help the cause. I'll also be trying to get a K6-2 350 I have in the basement going for the cause. I'll be running Linux on it, and I'm not all that familiar with that OS, but I know the great people here will help me with any questions I have.
hmmm I feel way more energized here than I have since I lost the computers at work. There was a stability issue with one of the computers, so SETI had to go on all of them. Taking it off didn't help the stability, it turned out to be a bad memory stick, but I got blamed just the same. It really took some of my enthusiasm away. Building a AYHJA O/C tbird rig that gets 4 hour SETI times brought a bunch of it back though!



Golden Member
Dec 15, 2000
I'd kick in some money too whenever I could. I can't guarantee a monthly contribution, but I'd be willing to help out however I could.

Here's an idea: we should create a PayPal account (or use Ottawanker's if he has one) for this purpose. Then anyone who wanted to pledge some money to this could just PayPal the money on over whenever they had a couple of extra bucks to spare.

I would build a crackrack, if I had the space, the money, or the time. This seems like a good way to get one in place for people who couldn't afford the initial price or the electricity! I also agree with the webcam idea, it'd be a great way to let people see the rack in place. You can get a cheap Kensington VideoCAM (not great but does the job) for about $20 these days.

Good luck!


Golden Member
Dec 15, 2000
This would also be a great way for RC5 people (like me) or SETI people to help out with OGR without hurting their own production rates.

OGR is the one place where Team Anandtech is still in the lead! We have to do something to protect that lead!!



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Great idea, I'll donate some bucks when the idea is finalized. You'll be amazed how many NIC's, power supplies, vid cards, etc, will be available for free once you finalize a parts list.

You'll need to come up with a plan for how many nodes based on the structure you'll have to build, then the part list will be obvious. I would guess you'll want to allow for 12 or so at a minimum for starters? You could then post what you need, gather donated equipment, then you'll know how much cash is needed. As the money is raised, you can bring the nodes online.

If OGR ends before RC5, the rack could be converted to SETI or some other project by adding refurbished/donated hard drives, it could be crackin' for years!


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2000
ottawanker this is a great idea. I am very pleased to see that the folks from various projects are willing to help in whatever way they can.



Senior member
May 8, 2000
Someone tell me if this is a go. I have a dual P-Pro 200 and a webcam I will donate to the cause. Along with this I would donate some cash.

Send me a message and I will get the hardware out ASAP to get this going!



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
<southern drawl>ah well dohnate sum of mah money to this here wurthwhiile pro-jict</southern drawl>


Golden Member
Dec 15, 2000
I just checked into it, and I think a crack rack node could be had for a lot less than you think. These parts are all from

Biostar M7KVL motherboard . . . . $79 (onboard video and sound)
AMD Duron 750MHz. Processor . . . $34
Standard HSF Unit . . . . . . . . $9
64MB PC133 RAM. . . . . . . . . . $17
Realtek 10/100 NIC. . . . . . . . $11
Floppy Drive . . . . . . . . . . $14
250W Power Supply . . . . . . . . $38
Shipping. . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95
Total price:. . . . . . . . . . . $208.95

The good thing about buying from is that shipping is only $6.95 up to 150lbs. So we could conceivably buy a lot of these systems from there at the same time and save a bundle on shipping!

Note: The 64MB PC133 was only $4 more expensive than the 32MB PC100, so I figured it was worth it.
Note: You can upgrade to a 300W AMD-approved PS for only $8 more, but I think a Duron will run fine on a 250W supply.

So, how does it look?

EDIT: Darn font!! Always screws up my posts. It looked fine when I typed it in!!


Nov 21, 2000

Biostar M7KVL motherboard . . . . $79 (onboard video and sound) <-- Does this have multiplier changing abilities? (and onboard video and sound is not all that necessary for a crack rack.. )
AMD Duron 750MHz. Processor . . . $34 <-- That's a darn good deal
Standard HSF Unit . . . . . . . . $9 <-- I don't think skimping on the HSF is a good idea.. especially since overclocking is planned..
250W Power Supply . . . . . . . . $38 <-- quite expensive.. i can get a case for $29.99 canadian with a 300W power supply that ran my duron 700@1088 system no problem.

(note that all the prices on my site are in Canadian cash..)

So far this is what we have:

efun - $15/month
osmo - $30
sciencewhiz - $100
SpookyFish - Power Supply (perhaps)
GreatWhiteNorth - Dual Pentium-Pro 200 and a webcam

That gives us $145 and a power supply for node #1, and a Dual Pentium-Pro 200 (and webcam!)

That's a little bit short of $226 for the minimal crack rack, but I may be able to find a Duron lying around to throw in it, and we might have a power supply, so that leaves us with $17.07 USD left to raise for node #1 (assuming we get the Power Supply and Duron). Also, alot of people seem to support the idea and are just waiting for the ball to get rolling..

As for the PayPal account, I don't have one, but I could set one up (I'm guessing..) or if anyone else has one, and wants to organize the moneys..


Golden Member
Dec 15, 2000
It's not hard to set up a PayPal account. You just need a checking account that they can deposit the money into once you receive it from other people. I have a PayPal account, but it would just be kind of confusing to have me collect the money and then write you a check or something. I think it would be easier if whoever was going to house the crack rack would have the account. And since I don't have nearly enough room to do something like this . . .

But the PayPal thing was just a suggestion because it's quick and easy to use, not to mention free. If people wanted to write checks, they could certainly do that as well, but the PayPal account lets us put all the money into one account so that we can easily see how much we have.

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