Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Before we get to the dangers of Statist thinking, wouldn't we first want to know if we CAN actually question our beliefs. Scientific evidence from neuroscience tells us that conservatives will rationalize rather than examine beliefs critically while at the same time maintaining a complete denial of that fact, if the examination leads into areas they find emotionally distasteful. It could even be that the whole notion that Statist thinking is dangerous could be a CBD creation, I don't know.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
This isn't a rational person.

This guy is an anarchist. He's got a point about mindless indoctrination being dangerous, but anarchy isn't rational either. He's completely ignoring the entire reason that tribes and cities and nation states were invented in the first place and we're much better off because of them.

This guy is nothing more than a tinfoil hat wearing nutjob.


Mar 19, 2007
Before we get to the dangers of Statist thinking, wouldn't we first want to know if we CAN actually question our beliefs. Scientific evidence from neuroscience tells us that conservatives will rationalize rather than examine beliefs critically while at the same time maintaining a complete denial of that fact, if the examination leads into areas they find emotionally distasteful. It could even be that the whole notion that Statist thinking is dangerous could be a CBD creation, I don't know.

That is absolute bullshit and unsupported by any scientific study. You couldn't be more full of shit if you were a septic tank.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2005
Careful, Anandtech P&N is a Neo-Keynesian Paradise. You better watch your back if you start saying bad things about increasing the size of the state, comrade.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Since this thread is going to be nothing but a slam-fest, let's have some fun. List a movie/game that an anarchist can't enjoy because it's "Statist." And remember: that's not limited to only pro- established government; an anarchist must mind his own business because any aggressive act of a person against another according to his own moral principles is the creation of a dictatorial State under that person's laws. So, for example, Sarah Connor was a filthy Statist in Terminator 2 because she tried to create a world in which no little baby Terminators would be born. I mean, just look at her employing weaponry to violate Miles Dyson's rights:

She might as well be wearing a SS uniform.

So I'll start us off with:

Star Wars.

The Rebels are fighting to enact another democratically-elected Senate. Those fascists.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
Since this thread is going to be nothing but a slam-fest, let's have some fun. List a movie/game that an anarchist can't enjoy because it's "Statist."

No, that's retarded. How about posting your opinion on the OP's vid? Here are some sample relevant questions you could answer. Is the vid dumb? Why? Which part didn't you like? Was there even a part of the video that you agreed with?

Are my questions now starting to help you see what message board threads are about and how to properly participate in them? So somebody creates a thread about a topic...maybe they reference an article or a video. Then people discuss that topic. The actual topic. It's not "I have decided this thread is now going to be about some unrelated bullshit". That's not how it works.

So, in my (probably vain) attempt to re-rail the thread...what are your thoughts about Statism? What opinions do you have? If people are too retarded to rule themselves, then why should we assign those same retarded people to rule over other people?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
No, that's retarded. How about posting your opinion on the OP's vid? Here are some sample relevant questions you could answer. Is the vid dumb? Why? Which part didn't you like? Was there even a part of the video that you agreed with?

Are my questions now starting to help you see what message board threads are about and how to properly participate in them? So somebody creates a thread about a topic...maybe they reference an article or a video. Then people discuss that topic. The actual topic. It's not "I have decided this thread is now going to be about some unrelated bullshit". That's not how it works.

So, in my (probably vain) attempt to re-rail the thread...what are your thoughts about Statism? What opinions do you have? If people are too retarded to rule themselves, then why should we assign those same retarded people to rule over other people?

You'll have grains of sand of coherent points in a sea of hyperbolic naivety and disaffected nihilism. If you can't convey your message without resorting to images of slaves being whipped and goose stepping SS troops for every perceived injustice you feel takes place in society, you're no better than the toddler crying his eyes out and screaming when mommy didn't buy him the candy bar in the checkout line. To him, this is the WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN!! How can mommy DO THIS TO HIM?!? He HATES HER! SHE'S THE WORST PERSON EVER!
This is essentially the mindset, and it doesn't warrant anything more than a wry smile and a quick pat on the head from reasonable adults with real lives and some semblance of credibility.
You're having a tantrum. You're illogical, and it completely removes any and all credibility you may have had because you cannot or will not process and discuss rationally actual facts and historical data, let alone basic societal tenets.

The OP, and the video narrator, are sadly marginalized malcontents. Powerless misfits and impotent internet keyboard commandos. They'll huff and they'll puff and they'll link to Blog X and Poorly Edited Site Y and Melodramatic Youtube Video Z, but at the end of the day they're adult children. As dependent if not more so on the state and societal apparatus they so loathe. They're losers and shut ins, and despite their occasional internet eloquence, they are, sadly yet thankfully, impotent in real world matters.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
So, I am suppose to feel bad for wanting to be as best a model citizen as possible?

Let me guess; as long as I am a model citizen for what replaces the current government, then that would be OK.

Guys like this aren't really anarchists. Frankly, there are no anarchists - people will belong to something - bet it a compound, a group, an organization, a small local government, a huge government, an idea, an ideal, a process, etc.

And, they will follow. These notions of ubermen and self sustaining individuals is just a joke and nothing more than pipe dreams,.. or rather propaganda to rally up the troops & supporters,...

,.. wait,..

I thought followers were a bad thing,.. so why are people like this constantly recruiting and selling materials for $15 a pop??

I am not linking his site, but, he has a store!

They just don't like the current set up. And, these types of 'messages' are nothing more than attempts to shake things up and take over control themselves.

A result of humanity is society. And a good portion of that being (society - it is actually a living, breathing and changing being) has rules. These rules are established by a government.

It is certainly not perfect, but it is outright ridiculous to expect society to function without some form of control - which again, guys like this just want to take over control - but, guys like this are too big of a loser to function as a normal human being and participate, in order to get to the point where they influence how said control operates. They then whine and complain about how:
- the government is out to get them
- the system is rigged
- they are being held back
- they are being monitored
- they are being oppressed

Let's be clear, we are being monitored, no doubt - but, not to the extent guys like this are making things out to be.

Bottom line; Larken Rose is just out to make some $$$ by manipulating and controlling other people who may feel like him,... my,.. that sounds like many of the things he spoke out against in his video,...



Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Our friend NoStateOfMind is right. The State and centralization of power are idealism given

1) that RATIONAL men like Thomas Jefferson (INTP) and Murray Rothbard (ENTP) opposed the State (they supported voluntary republics with right of exit but not the Centralized State). INTP James Madison was one who kept stupid shit like "corruption of blood" charges and bills of attainder (as well as other attempts to perfect humanity) out of the Constitution. If only he hadn't yielded into making an Amendment process; but I understand why he did given that the majority wouldn't quit irritating him and knowing his support for majority rule concurrent with minority rights.

2) Yet the IDEALIST ENFPs like hitler and hamilton revolted when power wasn't concentrated enough for them; they believed govt could perfect humanity because they were some sick megalomaniacal revolutionaries turned counter-revolutionaries. Thomas Paine ("a national debt is good because it is a national bond") was an ENFP as well; he and Hamilton favored a public debt more than all their contemporary geographical colleagues.

In spite of all that, I am sure Alexander Hamilton and Adolf hitler are good spirits elected and saved by the grace of God; and they are better men than I am because their hearts really were pure with original imagination while my own mother is like a shorter Sara Roosevelt.

And man, does it fucking suck that the guardians (especially STJ ones who can't be satisfied and are so rude and violent) like me retard the world and the Idealists who think they can help the world long term hold up the Artisans (SPs) and the most precise Rationals (NTPs); I love and feel sorry for Artisans (especially STPs) simply because they are the most enslaved by centralization and bureaucrats like me yet they put up with it so much. What wonderful folks Artisans (sensation seekers) are; I believe all of them are elected and saved next to Thomas Jefferson's grace for sure.


Feb 24, 2009
You'll have grains of sand of coherent points in a sea of hyperbolic naivety and disaffected nihilism. If you can't convey your message without resorting to images of slaves being whipped and goose stepping SS troops for every perceived injustice you feel takes place in society, you're no better than the toddler crying his eyes out and screaming when mommy didn't buy him the candy bar in the checkout line. To him, this is the WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN!! How can mommy DO THIS TO HIM?!? He HATES HER! SHE'S THE WORST PERSON EVER!
This is essentially the mindset, and it doesn't warrant anything more than a wry smile and a quick pat on the head from reasonable adults with real lives and some semblance of credibility.
You're having a tantrum. You're illogical, and it completely removes any and all credibility you may have had because you cannot or will not process and discuss rationally actual facts and historical data, let alone basic societal tenets.

The OP, and the video narrator, are sadly marginalized malcontents. Powerless misfits and impotent internet keyboard commandos. They'll huff and they'll puff and they'll link to Blog X and Poorly Edited Site Y and Melodramatic Youtube Video Z, but at the end of the day they're adult children. As dependent if not more so on the state and societal apparatus they so loathe. They're losers and shut ins, and despite their occasional internet eloquence, they are, sadly yet thankfully, impotent in real world matters.
Damn. Too big for a sig quote. Good job!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
That is absolute bullshit and unsupported by any scientific study. You couldn't be more full of shit if you were a septic tank.

You did notice, I hope, that anything I said no matter how accurate, if you didn't like the emotional implications of it, would be denied absolutely and here you are denying it absolutely.

And naturally, having convinced yourself via multiple rationalizations that that I don't know what I'm talking about, you have pretty much sealed your ignorance behind fortified walls, but the information that demonstrates exactly the truth of what I said can be found, and in your case, wasted here:

The CBD war on science is funny. The science that is acceptable to the CBD is otherwise known as group think from altered reality land.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Damn. Too big for a sig quote. Good job!

I liked the use of the term disaffected nihilism as a fancy substitute for self hate. One of the manifestations of self hate is the need to create some substitute for a lack of genuine self respect, often in the form of the worship or contempt for external authority, opposite sides of the same coin as a means to either substitute for or deny the feeling of self hate. None of that will work of course, but it gives folk something they imagine is very important to do.

To affirm or deny is madness. Consciousness evolution results from the insights that come with their reconciliation. The answers are always the reconciliation of paradox in some third way.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
I liked the use of the term disaffected nihilism as a fancy substitute for self hate. One of the manifestations of self hate is the need to create some substitute for a lack of genuine self respect, often in the form of the worship or contempt for external authority, opposite sides of the same coin as a means to either substitute for or deny the feeling of self hate. None of that will work of course, but it gives folk something they imagine is very important to do.

To affirm or deny is madness. Consciousness evolution results from the insights that come with their reconciliation. The answers are always the reconciliation of paradox in some third way.

It would seem an important endeavor to find how one arrived at the starting point in order to proclaim one's existence to be irrelevant in favor of the greater good. It seems there must always be a rationalization [either rational or otherwise] that cultivates a belief. How did this start must be the first question asked and its answer ought then provide the ability to reconcile the reality of the belief within the context of contra belief conditions.
How do Conservatives get to be the way they are and how do Liberals get to be the way they are? Is it as simple as how they were raised or is it much more complex such as some evolved genetic demand? I maintain it must be some combination but weighted heavily in favor of genetically derived brain differences and the consequences of that.


Oct 6, 2009
It would seem an important endeavor to find how one arrived at the starting point in order to proclaim one's existence to be irrelevant in favor of the greater good. It seems there must always be a rationalization [either rational or otherwise] that cultivates a belief. How did this start must be the first question asked and its answer ought then provide the ability to reconcile the reality of the belief within the context of contra belief conditions.
How do Conservatives get to be the way they are and how do Liberals get to be the way they are? Is it as simple as how they were raised or is it much more complex such as some evolved genetic demand? I maintain it must be some combination but weighted heavily in favor of genetically derived brain differences and the consequences of that.
Can't be that simple. I and many of my friends were all raised in very conservative, ultra-religious households. Roughly 50% broke free and became very liberal, while the other 50% stayed and are passing the same environment on to their own children. Sample size probably north of 100 people.


Mar 19, 2007
You did notice, I hope, that anything I said no matter how accurate, if you didn't like the emotional implications of it, would be denied absolutely and here you are denying it absolutely.

And naturally, having convinced yourself via multiple rationalizations that that I don't know what I'm talking about, you have pretty much sealed your ignorance behind fortified walls, but the information that demonstrates exactly the truth of what I said can be found, and in your case, wasted here:

The CBD war on science is funny. The science that is acceptable to the CBD is otherwise known as group think from altered reality land.

The accuracy IS your problem. You have come to your own conclusions form the study and somehow that has now morphed into scientific fact.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The accuracy IS your problem. You have come to your own conclusions form the study and somehow that has now morphed into scientific fact.

The conclusions I came to are the ones stated as observable scientific facts, the ones the science demonstrated to be true by experiments. Remember, the CBD constructs altered realities when science shows facts it doesn't like. You are in a hole from which you can't dig out so you paint the walls of your prison with pretty colors. Good luck as you dig deeper and deeper.
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