Steam page shows 3 announcements coming

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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
There's no way to confirm that this was written by an actual Valve employee. Assuming it wasn't, I'm guessing this is probably just some guy re-iterating the most likely possibilities that pretty much everyone has already predicted for the next two announcements. Steambox hardware, new engine (using OpenGL) and L4D3.

True true, but still sounds good if all the above info is accurate.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I picked up a few opinions elsewhere..what makes MOST sense is

* SteamOS
* (Open) Source Engine 3
* Steam Box

Why Source Engine 3? Because they will want developers making games for the Steambox/SteamOS and Source Engine 3 would do exactly that!

The questions here is whether HL3 will be delivered as the first game using Source Engine 3 - THIS would also make sense. (I don't think it's likely that they would release a new engine without anything to show it's capabilities - that would be...VERY unlikely).

So..according to logic...I am almost 99% certain that we will see Source Engine 3, HL3 (see above why)..and of course Steam Box. It would make PERFECT sense.

Lol, this is my exact post earlier in the thread. Not hating though bro all love to see other people realize that this is the only strategy they have for this to work. Whether it will work or not well, consumers can be finicky, ESPECIALLY gamers. Gamers can take the smallest thing and blow it out of proportion then cry about it nonstop for days, even if the company then gives them their way (Xbone for example).

Hell, you can see it already in this thread with people doomsday saying that Valve will FORCE them to use SteamOS and that they won't be able to use Windows (which is just ridiculous) but well, that's gamers for you.


Dec 12, 2001
Because you can build your own, silly.

I'm sure the same players like alienware that are still making high end gaming PCs will jump on board this as well.

I can build my own PC and you know access thousands of games immediately with no porting and with top tier driver support across the board. No worrying about whether or not the latest games will run well or even be available.

If you were going to build your own box for gaming there is absolutely no reason to use an OS that is this limited.

Sadly agreed there. Microsoft had Xboxs in millions of homes and couldn't touch the living room TV as a main source of content until netflix came along. When netflix DID come along, MS was in a better spot than anyone else (aside from WII or PS3) because their console was already there.

Will Valve succeed next to the big 3? I don't know. I would say no, but then again, when Steam first came out no one thought it would succeed.

The big three consoles are definitely the gorillas in the market, but what happens when some kid wants a game system for his birthday to play Call of Duty and his parents say "Hmm, look at that. This steam thing looks like it will work and all of the games are cheaper on it. We'll get him that".

Its not a guaranteed key to success, but its not a bad shot if you're valve.

No they'll go to the store and see xbox or Playstation, know the name and reputation and buy one of those. Why does Apple sell stuff so easily? Brand recognition. That's the whole problem that Valve will never ever shake. Only PC gamers know who valve is and maybe a couple people who liked portal or L4D on Xbox, but when it comes to game systems people are going to ask 3 things.

1) Who are they? 2) What does this do better than everyone else? and 3) Why should I bother and not just buy a PS4 or Xbox One?

When it comes to question one you may say "well Microsoft was new to gaming and Sony too at one point." The difference is everyone and their brother had a walkman, everyone knew who Sony was. It was the biggest consumer electronics company in the world at the time. Microsoft was one of the most profitable and richest companies ever, people knew who they were. They had stature. For 2, people will want to know what it does better and what will there be? There will be less games and without singular locked hardware it will have the same PC issues. For 3 people likely won't even get that far, based on one and two they'll just buy an Xbox and let the kids play with the Kinect or get a Playstation.
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Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I can build my own PC and you know access thousands of games immediately with no porting and with top tier driver support across the board. No worrying about whether or not the latest games will run well or even be available.

If you were going to build your own box for gaming there is absolutely no reason to use an OS that is this limited.

No they'll go to the store and see xbox or Playstation, know the name and reputation and buy one of those. Why does Apple sell stuff so easily? Brand recognition. That's the whole problem that Valve will never ever shake. Only PC gamers know who valve is and maybe a couple people who liked portal or L4D on Xbox, but when it comes to game systems people are going to ask 3 things.

1) Who are they? 2) What does this do better than everyone else? and 3) Why should I bother and not just buy a PS4 or Xbox One?

When it comes to question one you may say "well Microsoft was new to gaming and Sony too at one point." The difference is everyone and their brother had a walkman, everyone knew who Sony was. It was the biggest consumer electronics company in the world at the time. Microsoft was one of the most profitable and richest companies ever, people knew who they were. They had stature. For 2, people will want to know what it does better and what will there be? There will be less games and without singular locked hardware it will have the same PC issues. For 3 people likely won't even get that far, based on one and two they'll just buy an Xbox and let the kids play with the Kinect or get a Playstation.

I think this is a long term move. I do agree though, Valve is in the WORST position to try this move. Google and MS entered markets like this as power houses. Valve is entering as a lol option. Again though, I don't think Valve really expects anyone who is purchasing a PS4/Xbone to switch. I think this is just getting the concept out there, just like Nvidia tried with Shield, and MS with Surface (Although I think this is actually a better idea than those 2 attempts).

It's DEFINITELY a struggle though.
1. Linux
Getting people to move to Linux both Developers and Users.
2. Price
Blackened has said this numerous times and while I do think it's possible to make an OK option, no one will move to SteamBox unless it's a GREAT choice. Otherwise, why not just get a PS4/Xbone but I think this will be remedied down the road since SteamBox hardware doesn't have to be stagnant. AMD APUs, and Iris are both bringing graphics to mainstream at cheap prices but this is still an issue. DDR4 will help with this though as well.
3. Brand
No one will know who they are. Literally no one.
4. Competition. Mom sees Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and has probably heard of 2/3 of those names (hopefully). She sees valve and is like "I can't understand this stupid gamer crap, isn't 3 options more than enough?!" She gets PS4 because it's cheapest (I understand Nintendo Wii U is cheaper but that's not going to spotlight at all this holiday season. I didn't even know it was released until months later so I doubt anyone will care this year either. They failed HARD at marketing that.)


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
The appeal to consumers should be obvious - a mature digital distribution platform that's been driving down prices for years (while consoles fight tooth and nail to keep them high). Hardware of every size, shape and performance, while the consoles can only offer a least common denominator, one size fits all box. Games that improve in performance and looks over the years as you upgrade, and a top end performance consoles will never be able to touch.

I know the common wisdom is that PC gamers don't want to use a controller on a couch, and console gamers don't care about performance, moddability or upgradability...but no ones ever offered a hassle free, upgradable console before. There could be a legion of PC gamers glad to finally be free of being shackled to a desk and/or keyboard, and console gamers willing to throw money at their system to upgrade performance, just lying in wait for someone to actually make a platform that's the best of both worlds.

Interesting points, but I'm still not on board with you. The console's biggest strength for Devs is the set HW specs. They know exactly what everyone has and doesn't have to worry about supporting odd configurations. Most consumers don't really care about how many frames per second the game is pushing as long as it works and is fun. How do I know that? If they did consoles wouldn't sell anywhere near as well as they do. Having an upgradeable console, while on one hand sounds interesting is a support nightmare. You'd be back to people trying to figure out if their console could run the game, and most non-tech people don't want that.

The fighting to keep prices down thing I have a hard time getting in line with.. yeah Steam sales are awesome, but it's not like console sales are unheard of. You go to any retailer and you'll see them on sale, or price dropped as the sell through drops down. Even the digital sides on both major platforms have sales. MS just finished it's summer sale last month. Hell, both platforms are giving away games to it's subscribers (before it's asked.. yes Xbox is doing it for Live subscribers ).

My point is, while I find the idea of a upgradeable console interesting, I don't think most non-tech people will. Can you imagine explaining to some guy that he needs to keep throwing money into his console vs the competitors? Yeah the game might look a bit better, but it'll still most likely play the same and in the end that's all that guy will care about..


Senior member
Dec 30, 2010
Something that I still don't get about this "bringing the pc to the living room" thing: A lot of pc games aren't made to be played in a couch. How are you ever supposed to play EU, total war, starcraft without mouse/kb? How is anyone playing an FPS from their couch going to compete against people using mouse/kb? Playing MMOs without keyboard shortcuts? etc.
Sure, we all play some games with a gamepad, but the games that define PC gaming are mostly made for mouse/kb.
They have no place on a console, so Valve can't even use PC exclusives as a selling point. It's pretty ridiculous that the announcement page for SteamOS has screenshots of Europa Universalis, Total War and Football Manager, all unplayable from the living room.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
Something that I still don't get about this "bringing the pc to the living room" thing: A lot of pc games aren't made to be played in a couch. How are you ever supposed to play EU, total war, starcraft without mouse/kb? How is anyone playing an FPS from their couch going to compete against people using mouse/kb? Playing MMOs without keyboard shortcuts? etc.
Sure, we all play some games with a gamepad, but the games that define PC gaming are mostly made for mouse/kb.
They have no place on a console, so Valve can't even use PC exclusives as a selling point. It's pretty ridiculous that the announcement page for SteamOS has screenshots of Europa Universalis, Total War and Football Manager, all unplayable from the living room.

TV tray.


Golden Member
Oct 12, 2010
Something that I still don't get about this "bringing the pc to the living room" thing: A lot of pc games aren't made to be played in a couch. How are you ever supposed to play EU, total war, starcraft without mouse/kb? How is anyone playing an FPS from their couch going to compete against people using mouse/kb? Playing MMOs without keyboard shortcuts? etc.
Sure, we all play some games with a gamepad, but the games that define PC gaming are mostly made for mouse/kb.
They have no place on a console, so Valve can't even use PC exclusives as a selling point. It's pretty ridiculous that the announcement page for SteamOS has screenshots of Europa Universalis, Total War and Football Manager, all unplayable from the living room.

I'll sit down on the floor in front of my coffee table. No need to get creative.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2010
Yes I know but that's just awkward and that's not how Valve is marketing this. From all the info we have now it's designed for a controller.


Oct 9, 1999
Interesting points, but I'm still not on board with you. The console's biggest strength for Devs is the set HW specs. They know exactly what everyone has and doesn't have to worry about supporting odd configurations. Most consumers don't really care about how many frames per second the game is pushing as long as it works and is fun. How do I know that? If they did consoles wouldn't sell anywhere near as well as they do. Having an upgradeable console, while on one hand sounds interesting is a support nightmare. You'd be back to people trying to figure out if their console could run the game, and most non-tech people don't want that.

The fighting to keep prices down thing I have a hard time getting in line with.. yeah Steam sales are awesome, but it's not like console sales are unheard of. You go to any retailer and you'll see them on sale, or price dropped as the sell through drops down. Even the digital sides on both major platforms have sales. MS just finished it's summer sale last month. Hell, both platforms are giving away games to it's subscribers (before it's asked.. yes Xbox is doing it for Live subscribers ).

My point is, while I find the idea of a upgradeable console interesting, I don't think most non-tech people will. Can you imagine explaining to some guy that he needs to keep throwing money into his console vs the competitors? Yeah the game might look a bit better, but it'll still most likely play the same and in the end that's all that guy will care about..

Those are legitimate concerns, but they're solvable problems. For one thing, this isn't going to be for everyone. Some people just don't care about the way a game looks or runs. But they're the people that will be on the 360 for years to come, who are fine with DVDs instead of blu-ray. Those people aren't the target market, and never will be, and that's fine.

If the platform begins to take off, I think we'll see that the more successful hardware vendors are the ones that can help novices navigate the complexities. Nvidia already has the "GeForce experience" in their drivers that can automatically optimize games. Integrate something like that into the steam store, set up some sort of performance grading system perhaps...and they can certainly answer the "will it run?" question.

Will they pull that off? I dunno...but that's basically the point where this succeeds or fails. They've got the concept, but they still need to execute. If they just throw it out there and don't make it user friendly, then I don't think it has much of a chance. Seems like everyone is stuck on how PC gaming is right now, and why console gamers can't deal with it. But people should also be thinking about what *could be* if someone out there gave a sh*t about making an appealing platform. Pre-steam, people would have been saying "console gamers don't want to deal with going to a website and downloading patches"...and the reason no one needs to do that anymore is steam. Managing saves was annoying, and then steam cloud came along. Remember what a PITA installing mods was like, finding just the right directory to unzip the files to...and then steam workshop came out, and it's just a few simple clicks.

The same could be true of a lot of other stuff that's a roadblock for the less technically inclined, given some time.
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Golden Member
Oct 12, 2010
Yes I know but that's just awkward and that's not how Valve is marketing this. From all the info we have now it's designed for a controller.

Most games don't really need kbm. Really. And the ones you can make an argument for only need it if they're competitive. Is it really that difficult to keep a bluetooth keyboard in the magazine rack until you need it? I don't think it is...


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
here is the original text in it's entirety:

Wait, so Valve is going to use AMD for the CPU, but then turnaround and annouce NVidia as the GPU on the same day that AMD is releasing their new video card? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, and makes those posts highly suspicious.


Golden Member
Oct 12, 2010
Wait, so Valve is going to use AMD for the CPU, but then turnaround and annouce NVidia as the GPU on the same day that AMD is releasing their new video card? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, and makes those posts highly suspicious.

It's fake.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Something that I still don't get about this "bringing the pc to the living room" thing: A lot of pc games aren't made to be played in a couch. How are you ever supposed to play EU, total war, starcraft without mouse/kb? How is anyone playing an FPS from their couch going to compete against people using mouse/kb? Playing MMOs without keyboard shortcuts? etc.
Sure, we all play some games with a gamepad, but the games that define PC gaming are mostly made for mouse/kb.
They have no place on a console, so Valve can't even use PC exclusives as a selling point. It's pretty ridiculous that the announcement page for SteamOS has screenshots of Europa Universalis, Total War and Football Manager, all unplayable from the living room.

Big Picture mode will be for games that support it. The Starcrafts and Total Wars you will continue to play at your desktop.


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2012
Something that I still don't get about this "bringing the pc to the living room" thing: A lot of pc games aren't made to be played in a couch. How are you ever supposed to play EU, total war, starcraft without mouse/kb? How is anyone playing an FPS from their couch going to compete against people using mouse/kb? Playing MMOs without keyboard shortcuts? etc.
Sure, we all play some games with a gamepad, but the games that define PC gaming are mostly made for mouse/kb.
They have no place on a console, so Valve can't even use PC exclusives as a selling point. It's pretty ridiculous that the announcement page for SteamOS has screenshots of Europa Universalis, Total War and Football Manager, all unplayable from the living room.

VALVE Wireless Mouse and Keyboard with steam features integrated!

thats what i do to play some games on my couch


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
Something that I still don't get about this "bringing the pc to the living room" thing: A lot of pc games aren't made to be played in a couch. How are you ever supposed to play EU, total war, starcraft without mouse/kb? How is anyone playing an FPS from their couch going to compete against people using mouse/kb? Playing MMOs without keyboard shortcuts? etc.
Sure, we all play some games with a gamepad, but the games that define PC gaming are mostly made for mouse/kb.
They have no place on a console, so Valve can't even use PC exclusives as a selling point. It's pretty ridiculous that the announcement page for SteamOS has screenshots of Europa Universalis, Total War and Football Manager, all unplayable from the living room.

Wouldn't that be exactly ONE advantage of a console/PC hybrid? To plug a $25 wireless KBM combo into the USB and then play the way you want?


Oct 10, 2006
Well that 4chan "leak" is now confirmed bullshit, they announced a hardware Beta for 300 participants.

But they have confirmed that it's fully open-source and customizable/upgradable, and that they're relying on streaming to be a stopgap for games not written for SteamOS.
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Nov 27, 2001
Valve announced a beta program for their Steam Box. You have to go through a 5-step process to get into the pool of participants:

1) Join the Steam Universe community group.
2) Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
3) Make 10 Steam friends.
4) Create a public Steam Community profile.
5) Play a game using a gamepad in Big Picture mode.

You have to do it by 10/25.


Oct 10, 2006

Am I going to be using a mouse and a keyboard in the living-room?
If you want. But Steam and SteamOS work well with gamepads, too. Stay tuned, though - we have some more to say very soon on the topic of input.


Jul 9, 2000
The second announcement is weak. No hardware specs or pics. They should have at least had a pic of a prototype in a companion cube case or something.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
The second announcement is weak. No hardware specs or pics. They should have at least had a pic of a prototype in a companion cube case or something.

Agree, but in fairness, its also not an event. No speech, presentation, image, or anything. Just a timer and an announcement. I'm sure an event will come with more info soon.
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