Steve Jobs named Fortune's CEO of the Decade

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
I hate their marketing.

Also, he and his company are causing massive smug clouds to form; we could soon have a global smugging upon us.
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Oct 9, 1999
In other words, Zune and Windows Mobile haven't been cool enough for you, so everything they've entered they're 2nd rate?

Zune and Windows Mobile are failures.

What about xBox? The 360 is still stomping the PS3 - and that's coming from a PS3 owner.

After dumping over $8B into the market, the best Microsoft can do with the 360 is sell 6M more units than Sony, who all but put a gun to their head and pull the trigger this generation. And that's with a one year head start and at half the price for a long time. Not to mention Nintendo is raping both MS and Sony this gen.

And they have plenty of products that are 2nd or 3rd place in the market - Zune, Windows Mobile (falling but still a very large market share), Bing, Hotmail, MSN Messanger (#1 IM client in the world), Internet Explorer, Visual Studio, MS Project, DirectX, Exchange, SQL Server.....

Zune, a failed iPod killer (ZUne HD, what?), IE a declining web browser with a stagnant codebase, Bing with a fraction of Google's market share, even *if* the Yahoo deal goes through, etc and so on.

Windows Azure might just become the top cloud computing platform in a few years.

Too bad they're about two years too late to enter that market and are going to get raked over the coals by Google and Amazon. Just like Silverlight was going to kill Flash and .NET was going to kill Java. Right.

This decade, we've seen the rise of OSX, and a litany of consumer-usable Linux variants. Yet even with their "blunder", Vista, they've still maintained the spot comfortably.

Operating systems are largely marginalized these days. The rise of mobile, internet, cloud computing is making the desktop OS just a commodity.

You are ignorant if you think Microsoft is not in a good position in the market - being that between 2008 and 2009 they went from the #6 to #2 most profitable company in the world, despite one of the worst years in their history. They've held a very strong position in a very hostile market.

They are pretty much marginalized in the tech industry. They'll have the Windows and Office cash cows for as long as that gravy train last, after that ship sails, what then?


Jul 1, 2001
Meh... I would have made Eric Schmidt CEO of the decade instead. Google has had much faster growth and far more technical advancements than Apple has in the past few years.


Aug 31, 2001
Jobs IS AAPL. company will nosedive when he can no longer run it.
I dont dislike apple, but i cant stand most of its smug, elitist userbase


Jun 16, 2000
You are beyond dense.

Zune and Windows Mobile are failures.

Failures? How are they failures? Because they aren't #1 in their respective markets? By your logic - Mac is a failure. OSX is a failure. Hell, even iPhone is a failure since it still trails Symbian in marketshare.

After dumping over $8B into the market, the best Microsoft can do with the 360 is sell 6M more units than Sony, who all but put a gun to their head and pull the trigger this generation. And that's with a one year head start and at half the price for a long time. Not to mention Nintendo is raping both MS and Sony this gen.
Have you SEEN how much money Sony sunk into the PS3? Or how much money they've lost on the PS3? PSX and PS2 were the most successful consoles of all time, Sony spent far more than MS on development of the PS3 - and 360 is beating it, not just in console sales, but even more so in software sales. 360 is a huge success no matter how you look at it.

Zune, a failed iPod killer (ZUne HD, what?), IE a declining web browser with a stagnant codebase, Bing with a fraction of Google's market share, even *if* the Yahoo deal goes through, etc and so on.
Again - you assume Zune is a "failure" because it isn't #1. It is growing, each iteration is more successful than the last. A product can be successful without being #1. You are so ridiculously dense and narrow minded. Just like you said in that other thread that Droid won't be a success unless it "dethrones" iPhone, which is an absurd statement to make. IE is "declining" but still is #1 in marketshare. Bing, again, is behind but VERY rapidly gaining in marketshare.

Too bad they're about two years too late to enter that market and are going to get raked over the coals by Google and Amazon. Just like Silverlight was going to kill Flash and .NET was going to kill Java. Right.
You never stop with this drivel. .NET has been a success, when did they say it would "kill" Java? .NET - especially ASP.NET - is a very popular platform, and in turn helps sell Windows Server operating systems. How do you know Azure is going to get "raked over the coals"? It offers a unique set of features that AppEngine and AWS do not. Unlike other markets they came late to, cloud services is still a very new, and very rapidly gaining market. There is plenty of room for Azure to succeed, you just can't admit it, because you're a mindless drone.

Operating systems are largely marginalized these days. The rise of mobile, internet, cloud computing is making the desktop OS just a commodity.
If by "marginalized" you mean continuing to make Microsoft billions and billions of dollars.

They are pretty much marginalized in the tech industry. They'll have the Windows and Office cash cows for as long as that gravy train last, after that ship sails, what then?

Are you assuming computers won't need operating systems in the future? As much as you think cloud computing (which in one paragraph you admit is a rising market, while in the next you claim Microsoft has no chance in, amusing) is the future, desktop operating systems aren't going anywhere any time soon. And again - Microsoft is still extremely successful in many other markets, whether they're #1 in particular market or not.

Get your head out of your ass, kid. Your blind view of the world is worthless.

edit: And, once more to stay on topic - you are nothing but a troll for even bringing this up in this thread.
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Senior member
Nov 6, 2000
Jobs IS AAPL. company will nosedive when he can no longer run it.
I dont dislike apple, but i cant stand most of its smug, elitist userbase

I dunno, it all depends on how the company is structured. At this point isn't he more a figurehead?


Oct 9, 1999
Failures? How are they failures? Because they aren't #1 in their respective markets?

I'm sure the goal of the Zune project was to end up in distant third place behind Sansa.

Have you SEEN how much money Sony sunk into the PS3? Or how much money they've lost on the PS3? PSX and PS2 were the most successful consoles of all time, Sony spent far more than MS on development of the PS3 - and 360 is beating it, not just in console sales, but even more so in software sales. 360 is a huge success no matter how you look at it.

All 360 fanboys do is compare things to Sony's situation. Like I said already, Sony royally screwed the pooch this generation. Squeaking out with a 6M unit head start is nothing to brag about, especially when you're being murdered outright by Nintendo. The E&D division has a $8B dent thanks to the Xbox and 360 that will never be filled at the rate they're going with the 360, along with bumps in the road like the $1.2B hit they took for the RRoD debacle. The only way you can remotely label the 360 as a success is to say, "Don't at us -- look at Sony!"

How do you know Azure is going to get "raked over the coals"? It offers a unique set of features that AppEngine and AWS do not. Unlike other markets they came late to, cloud services is still a very new, and very rapidly gaining market. There is plenty of room for Azure to succeed, you just can't admit it, because you're a mindless drone.

Looking at your Twitter feed I can see why you would think that, but at the end of the day, I don't see how Azure is going to be any more successful that Silverlight or .NET, which are second-rate players. Google is light years ahead of MS in this space.

If by "marginalized" you mean continuing to make Microsoft billions and billions of dollars.

And mainframes make IBM billions and billions of dollars. I wouldn't invest in IBM these days, would you?

Are you assuming computers won't need operating systems in the future? As much as you think cloud computing (which in one paragraph you admit is a rising market, while in the next you claim Microsoft has no chance in, amusing) is the future, desktop operating systems aren't going anywhere any time soon. And again - Microsoft is still extremely successful in many other markets, whether they're #1 in particular market or not.

Computers will always need an OS, but over time their role is becoming marginalized. Do you think at all about the OS in your mobile devices? Not really. Desktop operating systems are a waning technology. In 10 years we won't look at desktop OS releases the same way we do today.

Get your head out of your ass, kid. Your blind view of the world is worthless.

Your myopic view of the world is obviously a product of your environment. Get out of the Kool Aid tent and into the real world and maybe then you'll realize you're riding last decade's bus.


Jun 23, 2001
I'm sure the goal of the Zune project was to end up in distant third place behind Sansa.

All 360 fanboys do is compare things to Sony's situation. Like I said already, Sony royally screwed the pooch this generation. Squeaking out with a 6M unit head start is nothing to brag about, especially when you're being murdered outright by Nintendo. The E&D division has a $8B dent thanks to the Xbox and 360 that will never be filled at the rate they're going with the 360, along with bumps in the road like the $1.2B hit they took for the RRoD debacle. The only way you can remotely label the 360 as a success is to say, "Don't at us -- look at Sony!"

Looking at your Twitter feed I can see why you would think that, but at the end of the day, I don't see how Azure is going to be any more successful that Silverlight or .NET, which are second-rate players. Google is light years ahead of MS in this space.

And mainframes make IBM billions and billions of dollars. I wouldn't invest in IBM these days, would you?

Computers will always need an OS, but over time their role is becoming marginalized. Do you think at all about the OS in your mobile devices? Not really. Desktop operating systems are a waning technology. In 10 years we won't look at desktop OS releases the same way we do today.

Your myopic view of the world is obviously a product of your environment. Get out of the Kool Aid tent and into the real world and maybe then you'll realize you're riding last decade's bus.

Chris, I disagree with you on a number of points.

First, .Net is an extremely popular platform. Its used in most major corporations extensively for their internal web functions. It offers a unique set of features while being extremely easy to use and learn for programmers. And, as others have pointed out, .NET sells expensive Windows Server products.

Second, the Zune. Yes, the Zune didn't make a dent in the iPod, but every generation improves and sells more than the previous. As you say, coming in third place. I don't know whether or not that is true, but in a market that's saturated with digital music players, third place isn't a bad place to be in. Also, Microsoft has a history of introducing a product, then refining it with successive generations until it becomes the dominant player.

Third, the Xbox line. I was never a fan of the Xbox and still dislike it. The Xbox 1 was slapped together from off the shelf parts in 6 to 8 months and Microsoft spent billions in marketing and buying out developers to make games for it. This made the Xbox one of the most recognizable consoles. While I they will never turn a profit on what they invested cash-wise into the Xbox 1, the 360 has been profitable for a while. Furthermore, because of all the marketing, they get to spend less on marketing each generation of Xbox because people are already familiar with it.

Fourth, Desktop operating systems. While I am a Linux fan and use multiple desktop distros on a daily basis, Microsoft still makes billions of dollars on Windows operating systems and it isn't going away anytime soon. Even their 'blunder' Vista, which was total FUD, still probably sold more copies than MacOS Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard combined.

Microsoft is still a major player in the industry and they aren't going away for a long time.

Lastly, last time I checked, IBM was listed as a blue chip stock, making it a safe long term investment stock. In all likelihood, IBM will still be around when your great-grandchildren retire.


Jun 16, 2000
I'm sure the goal of the Zune project was to end up in distant third place behind Sansa.
"End up"? You act like the market is over and no one is selling more units. Each iteration of the Zune does better than the last - and we've already had a lengthy debate on this that we don't need to repeat, but fact is, like it or not, the ZuneHD has been well received. Its a marathon, not a sprint. This isn't Talladega Nights, there's more than first or last.

All 360 fanboys do is compare things to Sony's situation. Like I said already, Sony royally screwed the pooch this generation. Squeaking out with a 6M unit head start is nothing to brag about, especially when you're being murdered outright by Nintendo. The E&D division has a $8B dent thanks to the Xbox and 360 that will never be filled at the rate they're going with the 360, along with bumps in the road like the $1.2B hit they took for the RRoD debacle. The only way you can remotely label the 360 as a success is to say, "Don't at us -- look at Sony!"
Are you calling me a 360 fanboy? My entertainment center disagrees with you on that one:

The 360 has been very successful - the fact that they have the lead over a more powerful, ultra-hyped successor to the most successful game system of all time IS impressive. And while the console unit gap is closer than it was, 360 still sells a LOT more games than PS3. As an owner of a PS3 and a Wii that dislikes most things about the 360, I can say that...because I'm not a mindless fanboy.

Looking at your Twitter feed I can see why you would think that, but at the end of the day, I don't see how Azure is going to be any more successful that Silverlight or .NET, which are second-rate players. Google is light years ahead of MS in this space.

.NET has been very successful, especially in web programming, I don't know why you keep bringing that up. Silverlight is still pretty new itself. Cloud services is a new thing with a lot of growth - there is plenty of room for success for Azure - like I said, its a very unique product compared to AWS or App engine - all 3 appeal to different groups. Which I know is a foreign concept to you.

And mainframes make IBM billions and billions of dollars. I wouldn't invest in IBM these days, would you?

Actually, IBM as a company is still very successful. Their stock is actually up over a 10 year period, including over the tech bust. They are actually the 2nd most profitable tech company - ya know, after Microsoft.

Computers will always need an OS, but over time their role is becoming marginalized. Do you think at all about the OS in your mobile devices? Not really. Desktop operating systems are a waning technology. In 10 years we won't look at desktop OS releases the same way we do today.
Don't tell that to the people rushing out to buy Windows 7 - which is selling something like 250% faster than Windows Vista did over its launch, despite the economy being a lot worse. And yes - I do think about the OS in my mobile devices quite a bit. You asked the wrong person that question. We don't look at ANYTHING in tech the same way we did 10 years prior, so that's a silly statement to make.

Your myopic view of the world is obviously a product of your environment. Get out of the Kool Aid tent and into the real world and maybe then you'll realize you're riding last decade's bus.

If you're referring to my job, I've only been there for 3 months, and in that time I've purchased a Droid, a Wii, a Zune HD (although I had a Zune16 a year ago). Oh, and I'm posting this from Google Chrome, and I use my Logitech keyboard/mouse at work. Unlike you, I am not a shill for a single company.

Microsoft is among the very top most profitable companies in the world, and thusly most successful (ya know, since that's the point of a company) whether you'd like to admit it or not. You're the one that's blind to the real world.


Apr 29, 2003
Jobs IS AAPL. company will nosedive when he can no longer run it.
I dont dislike apple, but i cant stand most of its smug, elitist userbase

The stock would nosedive, but I think the company would continue to do well and the stock would recover when people realize that Steve Jobs is not solely responsible for the success of Apple.


Nov 11, 2004
You are beyond dense.

Failures? How are they failures? Because they aren't #1 in their respective markets? By your logic - Mac is a failure. OSX is a failure. Hell, even iPhone is a failure since it still trails Symbian in marketshare.

It's Chris. Since it's not #1 in it's market it's a failure except when it comes to Apple stuff. He got called out on this exact thing in the last big Apple thread and he never answered it. He has no idea what he's talking about and we all know he gets paid or gets free stuff from Apple.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
So, Chris's join date is from 1999...and he has 115 posts. Dude, did you come out of lurking just to lick Steve Jobs' knob and bash Microsoft?

Jobs is totally deserving of this; he's basically brought Apple from being a second-rate company to being an electronic fashion trend.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2007
I agree that Steve Jobs deserves this award no matter how much I hate apple and apple users(guess I am now cause I got an ipod touch).


Senior member
Dec 7, 2008
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. The initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising $1.67 billion, implying a value for the entire corporation of $23 billion. Google has continued its growth through a series of new product developments, acquisitions, and partnerships. Environmentalism, philanthropy and positive employee relations have been important tenets during the growth of Google. The company has been identified multiple times as Fortune Magazine's #1 Best Place to Work,[6] and as the most powerful brand in the world.

I think these guys should have been close.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I'm not a fan, but nobody can argue that he's a fantastic CEO. That company almost tanked when they booted him out, and when he came back they rebounded like crazy. I still don't see them taking over the PC market, but they don't need to with the death grip on mp3 players and a beginning of the cell phone market.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.....
I think these guys should have been close.

When it comes to success no doubt Google should be considered. They toppled one powerhouse and are poised to do battle with the best of them now.

But right now Jobs is Apple. I can't think of any other company so closely tied to their CEO. Even Bill Gates wasn't quite as important to MS (as odd as that is to say). Apple was a joke, but they certainly aren't anymore. Proof of the effectiveness of their outreach is Chris, in some cases spewing "facts" to show how MS sucks in a thread that had nothing to do about MS, or even Apple as a company really.


Oct 9, 1999
"End up"? You act like the market is over and no one is selling more units. Each iteration of the Zune does better than the last - and we've already had a lengthy debate on this that we don't need to repeat, but fact is, like it or not, the ZuneHD has been well received. Its a marathon, not a sprint. This isn't Talladega Nights, there's more than first or last.

Better than the last? Is that some sort of benchmark of mediocrity? 3M Zune sales vs 220M+ iPods sales (not even including the Touch and iPhone). Not a peep from MS about Zune HD sales either, which is never good news.

Are you calling me a 360 fanboy? My entertainment center disagrees with you on that one:

Wow, you have a PS3. I have a home built gaming rig and Dell Mini 10v both running Windows 7 and an Eee PC 901 running Ubuntu -- yet you label me an Apple fanboy. I even have a Zune 4.

The 360 has been very successful - the fact that they have the lead over a more powerful, ultra-hyped successor to the most successful game system of all time IS impressive.

The fact that they are getting hammered by a less powerful, successor to the least successful system in a long time IS NOT impressive. But, by all means, distract and point to the PS3 which has been nothing but a disaster for Sony up until very recently.

And while the console unit gap is closer than it was, 360 still sells a LOT more games than PS3. As an owner of a PS3 and a Wii that dislikes most things about the 360, I can say that...because I'm not a mindless fanboy.

Again, your myopic view of things. You're looking at US sales from NPD figures where the 360 has a 9M unit lead -- of course software sales are going to be higher on the 360 side. In aggregate, world-wide, you see that in most cases sales are in ratio with system install base.

.NET has been very successful, especially in web programming, I don't know why you keep bringing that up. Silverlight is still pretty new itself. Cloud services is a new thing with a lot of growth - there is plenty of room for success for Azure - like I said, its a very unique product compared to AWS or App engine - all 3 appeal to different groups. Which I know is a foreign concept to you.

Silverlight has been out for 2 1/2 years. That's a long time in technology. It's been dumped by MLB, NBC, etc and really not caught on at all (unless you primary visit Microsoft websites or Netflix). .NET may be popular from your viewpoint, but looking at programming language popularity it lags behind Java, C, and even PHP.

And before you attack me for blurring the difference between runtime and language, I don't know anyone using any other language but C# to target .NET.

Actually, IBM as a company is still very successful. Their stock is actually up over a 10 year period, including over the tech bust. They are actually the 2nd most profitable tech company - ya know, after Microsoft.

Yeah, bad example, they're actually doing better than MSFT from an investment perspective.

Don't tell that to the people rushing out to buy Windows 7 - which is selling something like 250% faster than Windows Vista did over its launch

Windows Vista was a failure WRT sales, especially at launch. What kind of benchmark is that? Is that something to be proud of?

Unlike you, I am not a shill for a single company.

Proof I am?


Jun 16, 2000
Better than the last? Is that some sort of benchmark of mediocrity? 3M Zune sales vs 220M+ iPods sales (not even including the Touch and iPhone). Not a peep from MS about Zune HD sales either, which is never good news.
Umm - when you release a line of products, and then a successor line, you want it to be more successful than the last. No one at Microsoft expected Zune to knock off iPod right away. I don't know what their sales projections vs actual sales were - and neither do you, so don't pretend like it - but you still can't call it a failure, period.

Wow, you have a PS3. I have a home built gaming rig and Dell Mini 10v both running Windows 7 and an Eee PC 901 running Ubuntu -- yet you label me an Apple fanboy. I even have a Zune 4.

The fact that they are getting hammered by a less powerful, successor to the least successful system in a long time IS NOT impressive. But, by all means, distract and point to the PS3 which has been nothing but a disaster for Sony up until very recently.
I have a PS3 and a Wii, and I dislike the 360. I'm not a 360 fanboy, I'm just not an idiot. You never did respond to Max/OSX/iPhone being failures because they aren't #1 in their markets, which you seem to think is the bar between success and failure, by the way.

The Gamecube is the least successful system in a long time? Where have you been? Worldwide it sold similar to the original xBox, and it crushed Dreamcast. Anyway, again, no one has said anything negative about the Wii's success - their ability to sell to 55 year old women that will use it once and let it gather dust is impressive - I don't think Microsoft was targeting Halo and Gears of War at those audiences. Yet another case of "a product can't be a success unless its in 1st". Are you honestly Ricky Bobby's child? I'm going to start calling you Texas Ranger from now on.

Again, your myopic view of things. You're looking at US sales from NPD figures where the 360 has a 9M unit lead -- of course software sales are going to be higher on the 360 side. In aggregate, world-wide, you see that in most cases sales are in ratio with system install base.
Show the numbers then. Yes, PS3 and Wii are both more successful in Japan, but the US market is a considerably bigger market, and in the US, the 360 has a considerable software unit lead.

Silverlight has been out for 2 1/2 years. That's a long time in technology. It's been dumped by MLB, NBC, etc and really not caught on at all (unless you primary visit Microsoft websites or Netflix). .NET may be popular from your viewpoint, but looking at programming language popularity it lags behind Java, C, and even PHP.

And before you attack me for blurring the difference between runtime and language, I don't know anyone using any other language but C# to target .NET.
You're correct that C# is the most popular .NET language, but plenty of people (especially in web development/ use VB. Oh...but Texas Ranger Bobby doesn't know anyone that uses that at his non-Java UI job! I, in fact, use a combination of C++ and C# in .NET at work. So much for that theory.

.NET is plenty popular. I won't bother trying to explain to you existing code bases/legacy code or anything like that. If it isn't in 1st place, you'll consider it a failure. So I guess your buddy Java is the only successful programming language in the world. While on the subject of programming - is DirectX a failure? Or are we all still using OpenGL and Glide?

Windows Vista was a failure WRT sales, especially at launch. What kind of benchmark is that? Is that something to be proud of?
Vista is a "failure", and yet as someone else above posted, it still sold considerably more than other operating systems combined. If the consumer OS were dying, Windows 7 wouldn't be selling the way that it is - period. Its still a multi billion dollar market, and one that Microsoft absolutely dominates. more than Apple does with iPod. More than Google does with search.

Proof I am?

Every post you make? The fact that a dozen people came in here to say the same thing, with none of the other Apple fans even coming to bother backing you? Or, more importantly - the fact that you felt the need to troll this thread with comments about MS in the first place?
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Oct 9, 1999
Umm - when you release a line of products, and then a successor line, you want it to be more successful than the last. No one at Microsoft expected Zune to knock off iPod right away. I don't know what their sales projections vs actual sales were - and neither do you, so don't pretend like it - but you still can't call it a failure, period.

At this rate Zune will be a success by the year 2100. The Zune brand name is universally recognized as a failure. Zune HD is a Hail Mary to save the brand name. Initial reception from Engadget, etc was warm, but the release was hit with an enormous black eye of not having an app store, along with slow load times and pre-roll ads. No sales data out of Microsoft can only mean it did not sell well. The Zune brand is in the shitter, whether you want to admit it or not.

The Gamecube is the least successful system in a long time? Where have you been? Worldwide it sold similar to the original xBox, and it crushed Dreamcast. Anyway, again, no one has said anything negative about the Wii's success - their ability to sell to 55 year old women that will use it once and let it gather dust is impressive - I don't think Microsoft was targeting Halo and Gears of War at those audiences. Yet another case of "a product can't be a success unless its in 1st"..

Funny, because with "Project Natal" Microsoft is going after the 55-year-old soccer mom demographic. Typical Microsoft, always playing the follower.

Show the numbers then. Yes, PS3 and Wii are both more successful in Japan, but the US market is a considerably bigger market, and in the US, the 360 has a considerable software unit lead.

You made the assertion that the 360 has better software sales, it's your duty to prove it -- not mine.

You're correct that C# is the most popular .NET language, but plenty of people (especially in web development/ use VB.

Yes, plenty of low rent developers use VB in corporate environments. On the actual web it's largely eclipsed by LAMP, due mainly that Windows hosting is too expensive for most start-ups. Take a look at the Alexa top 100 sites and count how many are using Microsoft technology (outside of Microsoft, of course).

DirectX a failure? Or are we all still using OpenGL and Glide?

DX is a success, but it's a shame Microsoft screwed PC gaming in favor of supporting the Xbox 360. How's the Games for Windows intuitive going? How gimped is CoD4 on the PC? Even when Microsoft does something successful, their fucked up compartmentalized organization manages to fuck it up. How bad do you think the Zune team must have felt when the WinMob execs told them they could not do an app store?

Vista is a "failure", and yet as someone else above posted, it still sold considerably more than other operating systems combined. If the consumer OS were dying, Windows 7 wouldn't be selling the way that it is - period. Its still a multi billion dollar market, and one that Microsoft absolutely dominates. more than Apple does with iPod. More than Google does with search.

You sound like the horse cart salesmen of the late 1800's -- "Never mind the 'automobile'! Horse carts are a thriving business that have made us a ton of money!!!"


Apr 29, 2003
I figured this thread would be ruined by Apple haters... I had no idea it'd be ruined by a MS hater. Chris, you have a problem. You are way too involved in corporations. They will not love you back. Your rabid fanboyism is embarrassing to all Mac users. Please STFU. People like you are why people hate Apple so much.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
I figured this thread would be ruined by Apple haters... I had no idea it'd be ruined by a MS hater. Chris, you have a problem. You are way too involved in corporations. They will not love you back. Your rabid fanboyism is embarrassing to all Mac users. Please STFU. People like you are why people hate Apple so much.

Yea, I figured there was about a 100% chance of a flame war starting. I figured it'd be a MS Fanboy as well but in reality this goes to show how powerful cult of mac is

I'd listen to Mugs Chris, he speaks the truth.


Oct 9, 1999
I figured this thread would be ruined by Apple haters... I had no idea it'd be ruined by a MS hater. Chris, you have a problem. You are way too involved in corporations. They will not love you back. Your rabid fanboyism is embarrassing to all Mac users. Please STFU. People like you are why people hate Apple so much.

I don't recall saying anything here that would paint me as an Apple supporter. I pointed out what a bad job Ballmer is doing and the MS defense force (Deeko) jumped in about how great MS is. I am simply countering his argument.


Jun 16, 2000
I don't recall saying anything here that would paint me as an Apple supporter. I pointed out what a bad job Ballmer is doing and the MS defense force (Deeko) jumped in about how great MS is. I am simply countering his argument.

Your reputation precedes you, troll, and you know it. You FALSELY pointed out that Ballmer is doing a bad job, in a thread that has nothing at all to do with Ballmer or Microsoft, and I slapped you silly with "facts", and then you stomped your feet and called everything a failure, when clearly they aren't, and clearly Microsoft is still among the most profitable companies in the world. You lose, kid.

At this rate Zune will be a success by the year 2100. The Zune brand name is universally recognized as a failure. Zune HD is a Hail Mary to save the brand name. Initial reception from Engadget, etc was warm, but the release was hit with an enormous black eye of not having an app store, along with slow load times and pre-roll ads. No sales data out of Microsoft can only mean it did not sell well. The Zune brand is in the shitter, whether you want to admit it or not.

I already said I'm not getting into that debate with you again - jesus you're a worthless troll - that's a separate topic. You have no numbers to prove ZuneHD isn't selling well, you want me to give you numbers on 360 sales, how about you provide some numbers on the Zune? The Zune brand is hardly "in the shitter" and the Zune is hardly a failure. You just have your little Ricky Bobby viewpoint, that frankly is disturbingly ignorant for anyone older than 5 years.

Funny, because with "Project Natal" Microsoft is going after the 55-year-old soccer mom demographic. Typical Microsoft, always playing the follower.
Its interesting how I said "Halo and Gears of War", not "Project Natal" isn't it? If something like Natal is a success, they can successfully capture BOTH demographics, something the Wii will never achieve. So try again, sport.

You made the assertion that the 360 has better software sales, it's your duty to prove it -- not mine.
Similarly you made the assertion that it does not, or that its only [x] units shy worldwide. You also seemingly won't accept NPD numbers. No matter what I provide, you won't accept, because your drone programming won't allow it. In head to head cross platform titles, based on sales figures on Amazon, based on NPD, based on any source you want - the 360 almost always sells better than PS3.

Yes, plenty of low rent developers use VB in corporate environments. On the actual web it's largely eclipsed by LAMP, due mainly that Windows hosting is too expensive for most start-ups. Take a look at the Alexa top 100 sites and count how many are using Microsoft technology (outside of Microsoft, of course).
Sweet subject shift. I'll take that as an admission that I was right. Wow, the closest you've ever come to admitting defeat! Good job, there's hope for you to hit puberty yet.

DX is a success, but it's a shame Microsoft screwed PC gaming in favor of supporting the Xbox 360. How's the Games for Windows intuitive going? How gimped is CoD4 on the PC? Even when Microsoft does something successful, their fucked up compartmentalized organization manages to fuck it up. How bad do you think the Zune team must have felt when the WinMob execs told them they could not do an app store?
haha - another subject shift. Nice. You're finally giving in that your fanboyism is misplaced.

You sound like the horse cart salesmen of the late 1800's -- "Never mind the 'automobile'! Horse carts are a thriving business that have made us a ton of money!!!"

In other words, you have no response, because you know Windows isn't going anywhere for a long, long time - and that Microsoft has plenty of online offerings to fill that gap anyway.

Well Texas Ranger, you've seemingly admitted defeat, and even other Apple fans are against you now, so I'm going to stop helping you troll and derail this thread.

Congrats again to Steve Jobs, he deserves it.
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