Stop saying Islam is a religion of peace: Taslima Nasreen

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Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
Listen, pal: Christianity and Islam are the exact same terroristic racket: "Kiss My ineffable ass or I'll burn yours for all eternity." Same genocidal insane maniac of a God; the word Allah is cognate with plain old "El," which goes back to before Judaism even existed.

The reason Christianity does not commit as many atrocities any longer is because 300 years of Enlightenment thinking have killed it stone goddamn dead. And there are still insane holdouts like the Dominionists in the US or whatever hellish Christian movement is taking over parts of sub-Saharan Africa. If it hadn't been for a few ballsy Deists, the US would long since have devolved into theocracy; freedom of religion was written into our Constitution.

You are showing a disturbing lack of historical knowledge in your posts. I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
^^^ you've completely confused Christianity with Catholicism, so you're not quite as knowledgeable as you think you are. I notice you also used your incorrect conception of "hell" to sidestep the issue of comparing the amount, frequency and severity of atrocities from islam vs Christianity. Even if you were right on the "hell" comparison (which you aren't) it wouldn't change the atrocities of the distant past until just yesterday.

Oh... you forgot to reply as to why it would be "bad" for one to be a Christian...? You asked, I'd like to know why.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
The reason Christianity does not commit as many atrocities any longer is because 300 years of Enlightenment thinking

That's akin to saying: the reason you don't commit as many atrocities as John Wayne Gacy is you're not a psychopath...

...BUT you're just as bad as him!

Get back to me with equating the two when the Islamic world goes through 300 years of Enlightenment thinking.


Jun 9, 2016
Deflection... and a poor one at that.

No, the alt-right folks here are more or less the western counterparts to the middle easterners they're pointing at (who're pointing back at them. It's basically tard on tard crime. The only reason the folks here aren't picking up a gun to shoot arabs or such is either because they're better stigmatized/controlled by society, or that's the military's job.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Just another poor little innocent refugee who abandoned his wife and family to fend for themselves and escape "persecution" in Syria. /sadface

What The Media Is Not Telling YOU About The Muslim In New York Who Hacked An Officer With A Cleaver. Read His Own Confession To Become A Muslim Jihadi Martyr

What no media has revealed regarding this ‘crescent sword Jihadi’ should stun Americans as to the type of migrants coming in. He was Palestinian, migrant from Syria, named Akram Joudeh. His Facebook page reveals his death wish “via martyrdom”.

What the media is not revealing should stun every police officer. He was deranged by a Jihad wish telling his wife he desired martyrdom on his Facebook. He concealed his messages in Arabic which translated. In Arabic, Joudeh writes on his timeline quoting his wish from the Quran:
“Fight them [the infidels] so there is no tumult and all religion is Allah’s”.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
And Earl trying to insinuate that Americans are the ones to focus corrective actions on instead of the rules of islam and those who teach/follow it, ESPECIALLY when it comes to modern-day slavery and rape... well... no data, no matter how overwhelming in its clarity or sample size, will ever penetrate that layer of bias.

If copious real-world facts and evidence aren't enough to even warrant a discussion, there's little hope for solving the problem before it becomes monumental.
Heck, there are those in burning Europe that STILL refuse to admit there's a problem!

I'll take a look at your data
How does slavery and rape compare between Christians, Muslims, and Americans


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
I'll take a look at your data
How does slavery and rape compare between Christians, Muslims, and Americans

I'll be honest, the numbers reported by the site you linked seems a bit unbelievable to me, so I didn't respond to it.

Americans are uncivilized barbarians and should be banned everywhere

That said, I also didn't link an article about moslem rape in the UK because I felt the same way about their numbers. But I'll post it anyway because maybe both articles are correct, and I'll let you be the judge.

'Easy Meat.' Britain's Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up

LONDON -- Some scandals are so massive that they're simply hard to believe. As many as one million white English children may have been the victims of Muslim rape gangs, better known as grooming gangs, in towns up and down Great Britain.

Former Home Secretary and parliament member Jack Straw once said, "There's a particular problem involving Pakistani heritage men who target young, vulnerable, white English girls." He also said these Pakistani heritage men view white English girls as "easy meat."

This is when some shout 'racism,' but here are the facts: calculations based on convictions show that a British Muslim male is 170 times more likely to be a part of sex grooming gang than a non-Muslim. And there are no recorded instances of non-Muslims doing this to Muslim girls as part of a criminal enterprise. In one local jurisdiction, it was estimated that six out of seven Muslim males either knew about, or were part of, a grooming gang.

Igler says, "What you do not have is any example of non-Muslim men targeting Muslim girls for this organized form of abuse. So, the argument that this crime exists everywhere is not only false, but is being deliberately cultivated by the media and by the government inquiry that is kicking the can down the road."

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
I'll be honest, the numbers reported by the site you linked seems a bit unbelievable to me, so I didn't respond to it.

That said, I also didn't link an article about moslem rape in the UK because I felt the same way about their numbers. But I'll post it anyway because maybe both articles are correct, and I'll let you be the judge.

I'm glad that article made you think twice about it


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
^^^ you've completely confused Christianity with Catholicism, so you're not quite as knowledgeable as you think you are. I notice you also used your incorrect conception of "hell" to sidestep the issue of comparing the amount, frequency and severity of atrocities from islam vs Christianity. Even if you were right on the "hell" comparison (which you aren't) it wouldn't change the atrocities of the distant past until just yesterday.

Oh... you forgot to reply as to why it would be "bad" for one to be a Christian...? You asked, I'd like to know why.

Well Catholicism and Orthodoxy was all of Christianity for well over a thousand years. Your brand of Christianity is much much younger. If Catholics and Orthodoxs are wrong, then I suppose EVERYBODY that existed for that thousand year plus period of time went to hell until your religion came around and interpreted the Bible correctly. I amuse myself sometimes by watching Catholic apologists explaining to fundamentalists why they are going to hell and vice versa. Basically both sides have no evidence outside the Bible and they are diametrically opposed.

The concept of torturing a person for eternity for the sin of not believing something in absence of ANY physical evidence and in direct contradiction to all physical and measurable reality is barbaric. The amount of mental suffering and anguish associated with the concept is incalculable.

The closest early concept of Hell as a place where those who were not just in life suffer appears for the first time probably in Egyptian religion. According to the Book of the Dead(≈ 1550 BC), Duat, the Egyptian underworld, is filled with dangerous creatures attacking the dead soul that goes to seek the justice of Osiris (only the knowledge of magical spells can save the dead). Osiris weighs the heart of the dead man on the scales of Ma'at, and if the man is found just, he goes to the paradise of Aaru; if not, the soul is instantly devoured by a giant beast Ammit and is banished to wander the earth for eternity. The critical part is the moral judgement, but still the worst punishment is in Egypt, as in primitive religions, the endless wandering.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012

Thank you! You typed something I was not wanting to put the effort into (I'm getting tired of dealing with historical and theological illiterates like him...) but that had to be said.

Unfortunately, given his post history--I've been doing some reading--it is likely going to fall on deaf ears. Anyone who can believe the things he does is either a complete sociopath or is ignorant to the point of actual mental debility; in either case, it is likely futile to try and improve him, and frankly I don't have the spoons for it. "He who is filthy, let him be filthy still" as the saying goes...


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
The concept of torturing a person for eternity for the sin of not believing something in absence of ANY physical evidence and in direct contradiction to all physical and measurable reality is barbaric. The amount of mental suffering and anguish associated with the concept is incalculable.

But that belief doesn't translate into terrorism. Judaism has reasons why there's no stoning anymore and other barbaric things. Christianity has reasons e.g. render unto Caesar, not winning in this world but afterlife. But Islam doesn't.There are many verses in the Quran that give the impression to act out violently in the real world, and it enables nonsense customs and rules. Out of the Abrahamic religions, Islam is on another level, and nobody knows when it'll resolve or if it ever will. In such a short time period, terrorism will be much more scalable (bioterrorism, etc.).


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Well Catholicism and Orthodoxy was all of Christianity for well over a thousand years. Your brand of Christianity is much much younger. If Catholics and Orthodoxs are wrong, then I suppose EVERYBODY that existed for that thousand year plus period of time went to hell until your religion came around and interpreted the Bible correctly. I amuse myself sometimes by watching Catholic apologists explaining to fundamentalists why they are going to hell and vice versa. Basically both sides have no evidence outside the Bible and they are diametrically opposed.

The concept of torturing a person for eternity for the sin of not believing something in absence of ANY physical evidence and in direct contradiction to all physical and measurable reality is barbaric. The amount of mental suffering and anguish associated with the concept is incalculable.

You're mostly right on the points you've made. The Romans took over Christianity and held it firmly for a good thousand years. The whole who-goes-to-hell-and-who-doesn't was hijacked along with it. Because it's mostly irrelevant to the conversation, I'll keep it short: Catholics demanded loyalty (and money) to the church, Christianity (historical, backed up by the dead sea scrolls) was simply acceptance of Jesus, PLUS a nice clause in there (that few seem to know about) that you're only held responsible for the knowledge you'd been given. Never heard of Jesus? Not responsible for not accepting. The concept of "burning forever" was also mostly a catholic invention, as historical-biblically, ALL the condemned are simply consumed in the lake of fire on judgement day, reduced to ash, then gone. Not eternal punishment as we've all head about thanks to a pervasive general knowledge, thanks to catholicism.

In a way, we can thank islam for dividing the catholic church's attention long enough to allow protestants to take root.

...and it's not "my" religion. Not anymore. Heh... I don't get the jizya tax option anymore, I'll have to either convert to islam or die like the rest of the atheists.


Thank you! You typed something I was not wanting to put the effort into (I'm getting tired of dealing with historical and theological illiterates like him...) but that had to be said.
Unfortunately, given his post history--I've been doing some reading--it is likely going to fall on deaf ears. Anyone who can believe the things he does is either a complete sociopath or is ignorant to the point of actual mental debility; in either case, it is likely futile to try and improve him, and frankly I don't have the spoons for it. "He who is filthy, let him be filthy still" as the saying goes...
Wow... lots of name-calling but no facts or details provided. Typical liberal college SJW behaviour... Ignoring that and moving on...

If I understand your earlier rant, you're equating the two religions completely because of the similar ideology of condemning non-believers to a horrible torture. Even if that were true, it wouldn't equate the end result of what we're seeing in the world today because of the REST of the teachings of each religion. Heck, just have a closer look at their #1 "prophets"...


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Reactions: AnonymouseUser


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Saying that Islam and Christianity are just as bad as each other is the same kind of stupid I hear every election where it is argued your vote doesn't mean anything because the parties/candidates are the same.
Reactions: AnonymouseUser

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Dude.... *sigh* Even muslims refer to them as two separate entities.
Guess we got our proof-positive you have no clue about the subject.

That aside, you got yourselves a muslim running through a Minnesota mall (TODAY) questioning people if they believe in islam and stabbing them if they didn't:

JesusMuhammad don't die and he's coming back again right?
Maybe he's already here eh

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
I'm impressed our resident not-Markiplier knows this much. Looks like I underestimated him there! Still a jerk but at least not a religiously-motivated jerk.

Now if only I knew why so many atheists were creeps. You would think it's a short step from "i don't think there's a God" to "well, we're on our own; how do we make life suck as little as possible for as few people as possible?" One would think humanism would be the obvious next step...


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
The concept of "burning forever" was also mostly a catholic invention, as historical-biblically, ALL the condemned are simply consumed in the lake of fire on judgement day, reduced to ash, then gone. Not eternal punishment as we've all head about thanks to a pervasive general knowledge, thanks to catholicism.

This is BS. Eternal damnation is part of the scripture. There are several verses that make it quite clear. Some of the books that weren't canonized are even weirder than Revelation. In addition, it's blatantly obvious that Christianity, like many religions, are influenced by others. Tree of life/knowledge is a blatant copy from ANE. Same for Noah's Ark. Hell and heaven unsurprisingly are one of those concepts, too. Zoroastrianism predates Christianity. It has a hell and heaven. During resurrection, souls get a second chance (Christianity just once), but if they're not pious enough, they stay in hell for everlasting punishment. It's really nasty stuff.

"And the [Chinwad] bridge and destruction and punishment of the wicked in hell are for ever and everlasting. 32. And the wicked soul, apart from the punishment, contemplates the existence, and even the appearance, with the demons and fiends just as, in the worldly existence, a healthy man does that with him who is very grievously sick.'"

"191. 'They bring the poison and venom of the snake and scorpion and other noxious creatures that are in hell, (192) and give him to eat. 193. And until the resurrection and future existence he must be in hell, in much misery and punishment of various kinds. 194. Especially that it is possible to eat food there only as though by similitude.'"


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
I'm impressed our resident not-Markiplier knows this much. Looks like I underestimated him there! Still a jerk but at least not a religiously-motivated jerk.

Now if only I knew why so many atheists were creeps. You would think it's a short step from "i don't think there's a God" to "well, we're on our own; how do we make life suck as little as possible for as few people as possible?" One would think humanism would be the obvious next step...

Compare your posts to mine and count the insults. Then ask who's the jerk.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
I usually avoid saying thing like "you're Ignorant", but you are truly ignorant.

You may not like my tone but I haven't hurled insults like you and your pals have, neither in intensity nor frequency.
You want to make an actual point? Make it and prove it.
...and you don't avoid it at all, you say it often. Falsely. To convince others.


Jun 9, 2016
Saying that Islam and Christianity are just as bad as each other is the same kind of stupid I hear every election where it is argued your vote doesn't mean anything because the parties/candidates are the same.

You're right. Statistically speaking over recent history, you were far more likely to be killed by a christian or even atheist than muslim. This is true even for white westerners, many of whom are quite angry as of late that some darkie would dare try to kill one of them.
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