Stop saying Islam is a religion of peace: Taslima Nasreen

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Jun 9, 2016
There you go again with no proof. You do have non-Christian political leaders declaring war based on false pretenses, though (leaders and wars I did not support).

Odd given your unbridled enthusiasm about killing muslims. Proof:

Just in case:

"The West didn't kill enough, apparently. Thankfully we have moslems in the middle east doing their part (83 killed in Iraq followed by another 100+). Thank allah someone is killing moslems, because Western civs certainly aren't killing enough. All told, over 1500 have been killed during this holy month of Ramadan, mostly moslems killing moslems. But killing the 49 non-moslem gays in Orlando, or 22 non-moslems in Bangladesh? That's the sad part. Every one of those lives were worth more than 1500 moslems."

Wrong. The only reason I care about it is because I have ignored the MSM and sought the truth elsewhere. In fact, the MSM and Obama continue to lie to me and say islam is not the cause of violence in cases where the attackers specifically mention islam is the reason for their actions.

Yes, which is exactly what is happening with the Black Lives Matter movement, one that is fueled by the MSM and Obama, is supported by racists like the New Black Panther Party, and is a movement based on lies. The pro-islam MSM and politicians controlling the White House are also suppressing/controlling anti-islam sentiment, even going so far as to remove muslim-specific phrases from the Orlando 911 transcripts and allowing the perps' wife to leave the country. So for once you are correct.

For some perspective, I'm pretty sure BLM doesn't go around shouting about killing all the white people or 1000 whiteys aren't worth one of their own. In contrast, only the worst elements within ISIL do.

It may be that your murderous rage isn't caused by religion, but if that's the case we should figure out what that cause is because anything on par with the worst of ISIL is pretty dangerous.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Odd given your unbridled enthusiasm about killing muslims. Proof:

It may be that your murderous rage isn't caused by religion, but if that's the case we should figure out what that cause is because anything on par with the worst of ISIL is pretty dangerous.

My murderous rage disgust is a reaction to the moslems killing innocent people, not that I take pleasure in their deaths.

For some perspective, I'm pretty sure BLM doesn't go around shouting about killing all the white people or 1000 whiteys aren't worth one of their own. In contrast, only the worst elements within ISIL do.

Unlike BLM supporters and other moslems, I am not killing innocent people. Also, if you think I am racist, then you obviously haven't read the racist ramblings of a BLM leader:



Jun 9, 2016
Frankly only reason you're not out killing innocent people is that someone hasn't put a gun in your hand and encouraged/sanctioned you to follow those convictions.


Nov 29, 2006
Taking a look in the mirror is some great advice. Here you are, with 17,000 shitposts over a large span of your life focused around annoying people on the internet, yet righteously confident you're on some kind of crusade against lord knows what. Sorry to break it down, but all those "victories" in your head are a result of adults who only see potential downside to engaging with a manchild who can't sink any lower while their own reputation can. It's certainly not due to smarts or anything resembling substance.
I never claimed "victories" over anything, that's the difference between you and I. I just flat out don't give a shit. It's the petty idiot that's always clamoring on proving people "wrong" that cares about such triviality.

As for potential downsize in engaging with an idiot, I came to that conclusion many posts ago in this thread, but you keep coming back. At some point, I was hoping you'd see through to your insistence on being and idiot, and my trolling. I thought I was being very apparent. But alas, hope is eternal, as is your idiocy.

You see, you're just too engrossed in your self-aggrandizing douchebaggery-ness to even realize what's been thrown your way, because you think you're too "smart" for it. You continually fall into the traps that you yourself are lambasting people for it. Smart? You certainly don't have it, certainly not beyond your delusions.

Give it a break, because anyone reading your posts in this thread can see all your flaws that I casually highlighted in the above post, and this one. I can go back and quote all of them, if you like. I do have some time on my hands now.


Jun 9, 2016
I never claimed "victories" over anything, that's the difference between you and I. I just flat out don't give a shit. It's the petty idiot that's always clamoring on proving people "wrong" that cares about such triviality.

As for potential downsize in engaging with an idiot, I came to that conclusion many posts ago in this thread, but you keep coming back. At some point, I was hoping you'd see through to your insistence on being and idiot, and my trolling. I thought I was being very apparent. But alas, hope is eternal, as is your idiocy.

You see, you're just too engrossed in your self-aggrandizing douchebaggery-ness to even realize what's been thrown your way, because you think you're too "smart" for it. You continually fall into the traps that you yourself are lambasting people for it. Smart? You certainly don't have it, certainly not beyond your delusions.

Give it a break, because anyone reading your posts in this thread can see all your flaws that I casually highlighted in the above post, and this one. I can go back and quote all of them, if you like. I do have some time on my hands now.

I can see how it's frustrating when nobody takes you seriously since you have nothing of substance to contribute, which is why you need to ride the coattails of the new show in town to get some attention. But until you can do better than worthless shitposting you're still nothing more than the local feces throwing monkey.

Fortunately I have some experience dealing with difficult children & pets, which looks to apply here, starting with establishing the position of said monkey in the pecking order.


Nov 29, 2006
I can see how it's frustrating when nobody takes you seriously since you have nothing of substance to contribute, which is why you need to ride the coattails of the new show in town to get some attention. But until you can do better than worthless shitposting you're still nothing more than the local feces throwing monkey.

Fortunately I have some experience dealing with difficult children & pets, which looks to apply here, starting with establishing the position of said monkey in the pecking order.

Why are you speaking in plural? Who are these nobody? This is now between you, and me. Take up the issue like a man and stop trying to lump others who doesn't give a shit who you are or what your opinions would be. It's a sign of weakness. You think you're actually contributing something? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....

The funny thing about flinging feces is that you're just trying wayyyyy too hard in wrapping yours in flowery words. Shit posting is shit posting, mate. At some point, you're going to drop this act, and just be your idiotic self.


Dec 3, 2013
She's uncomfortable with her own delusion being associated with Islam. Should be obvious. There's nothing mysterious or interesting about this woman.

What's interesting (and disturbing) is what Moore did, since he has (some) influence.

Wow, that doesn't look Photo Shopped at all. :whiste:

Not that I'm a fan of MM myself.


Nov 29, 2006
The monkey isn't a position to judge people.

You're not people, you're just an aggrandizing idiot with a penchant for "dunning-kruger" and narcissism. You're a nobody anywhere, trying to exert your "importance" and values to the internet.


Jun 9, 2016
You're not people, you're just an aggrandizing idiot with a penchant for "dunning-kruger" and narcissism. You're a nobody anywhere, trying to exert your "importance" and values to the internet.

There's a chasm between people and some monkey who's spent all of its life throwing feces, even if it's not in the monkey's interest nor capacity to understand this.


Nov 29, 2006
There's a chasm between people and some monkey who's spent all of its life throwing feces, even if it's not in the monkey's interest nor capacity to understand this.

There you go again claiming to be intelligent and high-and-mighty, but yet you continually engaging in the very acts that you deemed as "throwing feces". I'm telling you, your mother lied to you when she said you're smart.

The chasm? That's the space between your ears.


Jun 9, 2016
The 17k shitposts monkey looks at the human posts in this thread and can see no difference to the feces it's been throwing all its life:

The funny thing about flinging feces is that you're just trying wayyyyy too hard in wrapping yours in flowery words. Shit posting is shit posting, mate.

There's really no explaining to the monkey the distinction. The human can only point to the monkey and say "what a dumb monkey", and the monkey will point back and ape "what a dumb monkey" back the best it can:

You're not people, you're just an aggrandizing idiot with a penchant for "dunning-kruger" and narcissism.

That's why these posts aren't really for you, they're for the other people.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Frankly only reason you're not out killing innocent people is that someone hasn't put a gun in your hand and encouraged/sanctioned you to follow those convictions.

Frankly, one of the reasons I'm not out killing innocent people is because I was raised Christian and not moslem.


Nov 29, 2006
The 17k shitposts monkey looks at the human posts in this thread and can see no difference to the feces it's been throwing all its life:

There's really no explaining to the monkey the distinction. The human can only point to the monkey and say "what a dumb monkey", and the monkey will point back and ape "what a dumb monkey" back the best it can:

That's why these posts aren't really for you, they're for the other people.
So tell me genius, what is it about flinging feces with monkeys that keeps you up in the wee hours at night posting in this thread?

I told you you're an idiot. Should have accepted that fact and move on.


Jun 9, 2016
So tell me genius, what is it about flinging feces with monkeys that keeps you up in the wee hours at night posting in this thread?

I told you you're an idiot. Should have accepted that fact and move on.

As another example if the hilarious mirror doesn't suffice:

"To humble asshats like you. The fact that you feel the need to reach out to me on PM tells me that you're not ready, please don't continue your idiocy, here or elsewhere. Heed this, or not, your choice."

Sounds threatening, but not a few hours later:

"I never claimed "victories" over anything, that's the difference between you and I. I just flat out don't give a shit."

It's obvious by now the monkey brain does care about winning. And an animal without basic self-awareness is simply in no position to judge higher species with. A monkey might boast about figuring out the mirror is a reflection, but humans discover that when they're children. Objectively your posts are below the level of a bright 10 year old who can figure not everyone is as dumb as they are, and aspire to achieve better. Unfortunately due to wide variation in human intelligence, some never figure it out.

For the record I usually don't make an effort for monkeys, but there's been a pattern of shitposters replying to me, so you'll serve as the cautionary tale.


Nov 29, 2006
You still haven't answered my question, idiot. Your reading comprehension, or lack thereof is quite comical. Your denial is even more hilarious. I can guarantee that only one of us is laughing right now, and have been.

Now, answer the fucking question like a good monkey that I made dancing all along.


Jun 9, 2016
Monkeys think people speak to them for the dialog. Most people speak to monkeys in little words, so it's funny when they get upset by more complex ones:

SSSnail said:
The funny thing about flinging feces is that you're just trying wayyyyy too hard in wrapping yours in flowery words. Shit posting is shit posting, mate. At some point, you're going to drop this act, and just be your idiotic self.

And LOL@ your silly attempt at turning this into some sort of academic discourse where you use your word-a-day thesaurus to impress. HAHA!!!!


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Wow, that doesn't look Photo Shopped at all. :whiste:


Moore is such a liberal's liberal.

We're all HUMAN you fat fuckwad. Even most Muslims must find the message claiming that we're all *actually* Muslim, to be quite fucking stupid. It's that weird way that a lot of libs are actually insulting to the very people they're trying to patronize.


Jun 9, 2016


Moore is such a liberal's liberal.

We're all HUMAN you fat fuckwad. Even most Muslims must find the message claiming that we're all *actually* Muslim, to be quite fucking stupid. It's that weird way that a lot of libs are actually insulting to the very people they're trying to patronize.

The phrase isn't meant to be literal, but rather alludes to standing with the parties identified for solidarity. Sort of like bearing a rainbow symbol doesn't literally/necessarily mean someone's homosexual. Reading any sort of literature past elementary school must've been really challenging.

This thread is like a competition between you, justoh, SSSnail, JEDIYoda, and AnonymouseUser to out-tard each other.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
Bearing a rainbow symbol isn't the same as holding a "we're all gay" sign, though, is it, idiot?

Also, supporting that movement is virtuous, since gayness is a form of love, demanding of our respect. Standing in solidarity with a cult of death is just stupid, stupid.


Nov 29, 2006
Hey agent00f!

I actually was going over the thread and try to pick out some examples where you were being a condescending prick, where your posts were full of conjectures, projecting and misplaced ideologue. No sooner than I started reading that I realize it would be an exercise in futility - they were apparent in all your posts.

You are quick to throw around the term "dunning-kruger", as if that's your ace in your back pocket. You groomed yourself to believe that you're superior, based on your assumption that people who are arguing against you must come from a lower socioeconomic class. You constantly mention "trailer type", and everyone is a racist white Christian, that's the reasons why they hate Islamic extremists, or terrorists. In your own mind and validation, you're the hot shit... The steamy kind, yes.

You automatically assumed the role of an authority figures, because, everyone is apparently "running their mouth" on you. On the fucking internet, no less. But, that's not "dunning-kruger" like, at all...

You think it's OK for extremists to blow up US citizens, or shoot a bunch of people dead, because the government's misstep. When presented with evidence, you said "then stop killing Muslims". So that makes you either a sympathizer, or an Islamic terrorist yourself. I'd have more respect if you're actually a terrorist and not an Islamic extremist sympathizer. Islam doesn't allow for peaceful coexisting with any other religions, or non-religious beings, for that matters. And they've been fighting and killing everyone else long before the US ever got there, even amongst themselves. They won't stop until everyone submit to their version of Islam, or dead. If you're a sympathizer, that makes you the worst kind of idiot. I'm not going to make an ass of myself like you and assume that you're an American, or white, or christian, let alone place a social standing on someone. Regardless of how smart, rich, powerful, (or good looking - in my case) you think you are, there's always someone that's better than you in some aspects, or all of it. This place is chock full of said persons.

You see, the more grownup and wiser I've became, the more I realized that I don't know much, and there are always people that know more, or are better at everything than I can do, or smarter - you're not one of them. You're just a wanna-be caricature who's trying way too hard to exert your highly self-valuation and nonexistence dominance on a forum where people have opinions.

I only form my opinions based on what's presented, and so far you've well presented yourself to be a freaking moron. Not going to assume you're white trash, not going to assume you're a misguided tree hugging hippy. Who does that on the internet? Unless you're some kinda "dunning-kruger" douchebag. To me, you're a nameless, faceless, ageless occurrence... you're... nothing. But you think somehow you're "contributing" to the forum, that's laughable. You think that your opinion is the only truth. Man, what a colossal shithead.

You think you're too smart to engage in back-and-forth "grade school" insults hurling, yet, you're easily goaded into said exchange. You post round the clock in the thread, you're so consumed with it that you'd go back to your postings and made numerous edits to cover for who knows what. Who cares anyways.. Not too smart now are you?

You're petty enough to PM people like some petulant grade-schooler, yet you claim someone will stalk you... You think everyone is out to get you, and that you have something to prove.

You engaged petty squabbles, and name calling, and "feces slinging", yet somehow you think you're above it all.

Everything you do is contradictory, everything you're accusing other people of, you're the worser offender of it, but yet you think everyone else is wrong, and that you're right. If one person tells you you're the dumb asshole, perhaps that person is wrong. If many people tell you the same thing, maybe it's time to reassess your self-evaluation.

As for shit posting, I see you're well on your way. You kept pointing out my 17K posts in 10 years, you'll have about 70K at the rate you're going. Yet, another aspect of being an overconfident asshat. And yes, your posts are all shit, regardless of how valid they are in your own head. I still haven't ruled out the possibility of you being a returning banned member, yet.

Oh, I just happened to read the Ark thread, and it stinks of your condescension as well. Same MO, same venecular, same unjustified smugness, same "dunning-kruger" term throwing around - whether it fits the context of the conversation or not. Although I'm on the evolution side, you were quite irritating there as well. The funny thing was I caught "dunning-kruger" in a sentence, glanced over and lo and behold, the username I saw did not surprise me one bit. I wonder if I read all your posting since this username was created, would I find the same kind of flow (flow, get it?). I'm sure they're all the same story, where you'd engage in a conversation with multiple someone, and you'd end up throwing out that "dunning-kruger" term, as it's your crutch.

Anyways, I will now go back to not contributing to the forum, and be my non-productive self. I'm not deluded enough to think I'm saving the forums, or be the light of righteousness on the internet. Carry on, idiot.

And of course you'll want your last words in, go ahead, I'll allow it. You wouldn't have it any other ways, am I right?
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