Stop saying Islam is a religion of peace: Taslima Nasreen

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Aug 1, 2016
I don't think Taqiya would apply to debating on the internet

Did you catch soon to be Sir Mo win his gold?

How do you know that is not a lie? I've heard western psychologists say that the concept of taqqiyah is deeper ingrained in the Muslim psyche than Westerners might expect. Also think about the society that is created by a religion that allows you to lie, especially over the course of 1400 very religious years. I mean why wouldn't you lie a little more often if convenient?

It might explain a story I heard from a teacher that when confronted with the fact he didn't do his homework a muslim student simply denied that he did not, even though he couldn't produce any results. When called out on it he insulted the teacher, saying that a kuffar had no right to insult a muslim. And that she was a filthy whore. Arab honor culture combined with muslim superiority complex and cognitive dissonance.

But our schools are run by management layers who don't want to hear these things. To inconvenient, difficult to solve and it might just incite racial tensions. So teachers are told to just accept it. And then muslims wonder why there are no internships and jobs for them. Must be the white mans racism. Must mention though that there are many muslims that are fine students, but they are affected too.

And I never said muslims can't run fast.

I do see you take an interest in Eastern philosophy. Here are some quotes by my namesake: "In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them". The Bhudda lived almost a 1000 years before Muhammed was born though. Which brings me to the words of Abu 'Afak:

Long have I lived but never have I seen
An assembly or collection of people
More faithful to their undertaking
And their allies when called upon
Than the sons of Qayla when they assembled,
Men who overthrew mountains and never submitted,
A rider who came to them split them in two (saying)
"Permitted", "Forbidden", of all sorts of things.
Had you believed in glory or kingship
You would have followed Tubba.

Words that are as eerily actual in our time as they were in his. Muhammed had him killed ofcourse.

So I would also like to say to all muslims, left-wing liberal progressives and the inevitable SJW's I might or might not have offended: "A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure."
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Aug 1, 2016
Say the guy whose country was built on a genocide, sure that there s not much trouble or opposition coming from the native americans.

Since 1945 no country has killed as much innocent people than the US, through direct wars, sponsored state coup to overthrow legal government..

Should i add that extremists in Syria are supported and armed by the US and their saudis buddies..?.

Actualy whenever an extremist and capialist friendly movement emerged somewhere in the world that he instantly got US support, as for violence there s no genocide that occured from muslim hand but for sure that most of the american genocided nations were victim of so called christians, all for land grab..

Your propaganda s nothing else that a mean to keep looting ressources of muslims countries, truth is that without their oil at forced cheap price most of the western world would live in poverty, hence the diabolisation as a poor mean to keep invading them, destroying their countries and seize their oil and assets, like in Lybia, isnt it.

I live in the Netherlands, no genocide afaik, but yes we were active in the slavetrade too, Maybe you've heard of it but we have a very interesting tradition of Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet. It used to be the most innocent childrens tradition, where they get presents if they had been nice. Santaclaus was based on him. Instead of Santa's little helpers, Sinterklaas has a Moorish helper, who caries a stick and a bag. If the children hadn't been nice they would be taken back to Spain, the country where Sinterklaas resides the rest of the year. We always told our children that Piet was black because he came through the chimney.

Until some black people started protesting, claiming that it was racist and depicted the black man in a subservient, even slavish role. I never really thought about it but after the now yearly commotion around the time the day approaches when Sinterklaas sails to Holland again, I looked into this tradition. Turns out there is a slightly more sinister meaning behind it, which should be understandable if I give two hints: Sinterklaas is dressed as a bishop and he only started sailing to our country after 1492. In hindsight it always was a bit strange that a slave carried a stick and a bag.

But the hornets nest was stirred and now we will probaly have to change his color (a bit). Even Verene Shepherd from the UN committee on the elimination of racial discrimination spoke out against it. It's slightly paradoxical that a black person would want to defend the rights of a slavedriver though. But like I said Islam turns everything around.

Yes, the US messed with the world, as any other superpower before it. People in South Korea seem happy enough though. Vietnam isn't doing bad either. And ofcourse we need to divide and conquer the Middle-East. If we had given the Sunni's and the Shia's their own state we would have seen some real mass slaughter.

And I don't envy FDR's position, who would have thought that the super primitive peripheral region called Arabia that was so unimportant that nobody even bothered to colonize it had the worlds largest oil supply? But sure, Islam has nothing to do with it. Even though the Saudi flag doesn't leave much to the imagination.

(Sorry for the long convoluted paragraphs)
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Aug 1, 2016
Ok one last post for today. There are two main muslim groups living in my country, I already showed the opinions of some Moroccans. Now it's time for the Turks, the ones we thought were integrated a bit better into our society:


I pray to Allah the almighty. With the help of Allah the Eiffel tower will be called SULTAN ABDUL TAYYIP ERRDOGAN tower. The Cologne Cathedral Sultan Tayyip mosque. Europe will be divided between Russia and Ottoman Empire 2.0 (Turkey). Just a little while longer. Today 5 million Turks in Istanbul and 75 million in Turkey swore revenge and to destroy the West. Tuesday a meeting in Moscow between Erdogan and Putin. 8 hours have been reserved for this meeting. Plans will be made. Destroy the evil spirit. USA will not save Europe this time. Your women will be our sluts in the harem. Your churches will burn. Your men will be our slave workers! Your time has come. We will have our revenge in the name of sultan Abdulhamit Han the second! We will divide/rule/destroy. May Allah let our time come soon. Allah is great!
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Apr 2, 2011
How do you know that is not a lie? I've heard western psychologists say that the concept of taqqiyah is deeper ingrained in the Muslim psyche than Westerners might expect.

That s not true, just look at the Seykes Picot agreement, a school exemple of perfidy, indeed here in France one of the UK name is "La perfide Albion", i think that it need no translation...

Actually what you are doing is to project on muslims the very characteristics of western countries when dealing with other countries.

Now look at the reality, historically only so called christians wiped out complete nations to seize their lands while muslims countries never experiemented such genocides with islam instrumentalised for the purpose.

And I don't eny FDR's position, who would have thought that the super primitive peripheral region called Arabia that was so unimportant that nobody even bothered to colonize it had the worlds largest oil supply? But sure, Islam has nothing to do with it. Even though the Saudi flag doesn't leave much to the imagination.

(Sorry for the long convoluted paragraphs)

But if you think that Arabia is retarded just let them live in their retarded country, or are you saying that their oil belong to western countries, hey , they are retarded, they dont even know what oil is used for, those monkeys do not need it..

Such is the essence of your poor mental illness that years of scolarship didnt elevate you higher than a hater that know how to write...

As for quoting a marrocan, i could as well quote Gerd Wilders as the exemple of your mentality, why quoting a marrocan, i m also of muslim extraction, so dont come pretend that you have defined me using your ill conceived ideology of hate...


Jun 9, 2016
Actually, these sites post all their sources along with their articles. Don't believe what you read/hear? Check the sources.

First, it's evident you don't know how cherry picking works; I'd suggest researching that first, though not on breitbart or such. Second, their sources are often similar dumbshit blogs or "think" tanks where people are paid to write propaganda for the purpose of showing dummies a third party source.

Wow... THAT, folks, is the 'progressive' mindset in a nutshell. They think that because islamic countries are horrible shitholes, it MUST mean that "whitey is holding them down". It cannot possibly, EVER, mean that they're holding themselves down by their beliefs and/or actions. If people are wary around them, it MUST mean that they're horrible racists because muslims are innocent victims who do no wrong, thus cannot have any effect on the reactions of others.
Bizarre mental-gymnastics used in every aspect of social justice "logic".

It's simply a fact that for example iraq is now an even shittier place to live than under saddam AND crippled by sanctions. It's pretty clear the west was responsible here even if terribly inconvenient to the right wingers often pushing for it. This is basically the story of modernization in ME, where ironically the country we have the best relationship with is the one we're paying to export radicalism.


Jun 9, 2016
It might explain a story I heard from a teacher that when confronted with the fact he didn't do his homework a muslim student simply denied that he did not, even though he couldn't produce any results. When called out on it he insulted the teacher, saying that a kuffar had no right to insult a muslim. And that she was a filthy whore. Arab honor culture combined with muslim superiority complex and cognitive dissonance.

But our schools are run by management layers who don't want to hear these things. To inconvenient, difficult to solve and it might just incite racial tensions. So teachers are told to just accept it. And then muslims wonder why there are no internships and jobs for them. Must be the white mans racism. Must mention though that there are many muslims that are fine students, but they are affected too.

Seems many don't have jobs because of your attitude, whereby you see uppity behavior in some and won't hire the rest. That's how racism works, btw. The blacks didn't have jobs either for a long time before that situation was slowly rectified.

Omar F1

Senior member
Sep 29, 2009
Well, to be fair, Muslims have committed genocide, just like their older Christian brothers. The Quran talks vividly about the eradication of the Jews, as well as their sexual enslavement. A more recent example would be the Yazidi, a wee Christian culture in Arabia that have been suffering genocidal rape for a good while now.

But aye, the hypocrisy is just bemusing. Christians touting the glory of Christianity, whilst condemning Islam for being a violent religion. Wellp, let's just say that those Christian reservation schools only ended in the late 90s. Good hundred and fifty years of institutionalized rape, murder, torture, sterilization, sex slavery and human experimentation, visited upon Native American children.

And let's not forget that most of the population of America is Christian. I do wonder what the religion of the soldiers, that slaughtered and raped with impunity in Vietnam, belonged to. I think it ain't gonna be the big ol' Islam, nor that Judaism lark. Leaves only the big C, really.
The scary thing though, while you have heard way too many Islamic voices denouncing ISIS actions in general, I have yet to hear an Islamic cleric denouncing slavery and claiming that it has been abolished from our religious belief forever.
I wonder if that subject is well behind us, or it's kept secret in the archives.


Apr 2, 2011
The scary thing though, while you have heard way too many Islamic voices denouncing ISIS actions in general, I have yet to hear an Islamic cleric denouncing slavery and claiming that it has been abolished from our religious belief forever.
I wonder if that subject is well behind us, or it's kept secret in the archives.

What is kept secret is that servdom has not been abolished in most western countries, here in France we are slaves of a so called elite that allied with Germany to crush a popular uprising in 1870, to this day the rich families that were ruling France are still holding the power, albeit with a army of newcomers that adopted the slavers mentality.

To keep people from questionning this social darwinism the elite used the myth of the muslims being a threat, that is, the poorest part of the society is used as convenient scape goat for our european countries inability to reform a capitalism whose only mean left to enrich itself is to starve and eventually supress the meddle class.


Apr 2, 2011
Just fyi that was 1871.

You re right for the exact date...

May i add that the revolutionaries declared that women were equal to men and as such were granted voting rights, rights that were suppressed by the bourgeois power once they crushed the movement, it s only in 1945 that women were given back this right, for the record in Switzerland it happened only in 1971..

I will also add that women in France did need the legal approval of their husband to take a work till 1965, you see, it s not that long that rights that seem to us natural are recognized as such by the still men ruled societies..


Aug 1, 2016
That s not true, just look at the Seykes Picot agreement, a school exemple of perfidy, indeed here in France one of the UK name is "La perfide Albion", i think that it need no translation...

Actually what you are doing is to project on muslims the very characteristics of western countries when dealing with other countries.

Now look at the reality, historically only so called christians wiped out complete nations to seize their lands while muslims countries never experiemented such genocides with islam instrumentalised for the purpose.

But if you think that Arabia is retarded just let them live in their retarded country, or are you saying that their oil belong to western countries, hey , they are retarded, they dont even know what oil is used for, those monkeys do not need it..

Such is the essence of your poor mental illness that years of scolarship didnt elevate you higher than a hater that know how to write...

As for quoting a marrocan, i could as well quote Gerd Wilders as the exemple of your mentality, why quoting a marrocan, i m also of muslim extraction, so dont come pretend that you have defined me using your ill conceived ideology of hate...

Like I said already, the Middle-East needs to be divided in different countries. Otherwise the Arabs (or Persians or Turks, who btw the Arabs used to fight their wars for them, but who then turned on them and took over their empire, not unlike the British perhaps except they didn't take over their empire) will turn the Middle-East into one big country, so that the Sunni's can wipe out the Shia's for good or vice versa.

You look at reality:

Also google 'barbary states' so you understand why France colonized Algeria etc. Hint: it wasn't to exploit the resources of a giant desert.

Ultimately, looking at history to blame the West for their misfortunes isn't helping the Muslim cause. Because it they were honest, they would restore the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Hindu/Bhuddist Empire and stay in Arabia. And they would send billions of their oil money to us in compensation for the lands they took, the people they killed and the slaves they captured.

And yes, Arabs in the 1950's in Arabia were backwards. Kind of like some Indian tribes living in the Amazon forest nowadays. They didn't even have a proper way to tell the time. And no, if you herd goats and live in tents you don't need oil. There is nothing wrong with that, but if large amounts of oil are discovered in their lands (which the West never colonized) it becomes problematic. I hope you can see that. Or did you really think that Persia would leave them alone? Or Russia? Or China?

There is only one ideology filled with hate nowadays. So, in case this is the last time we speak each other: if you are a decent person, convert to a decent religion, like the one your ancestors practiced before the sword changed their minds. Like this guy for example.

He looks like a happy person to me.

Let me add: it was Muslims that created Geert Wilders, not the Dutch people. And he will probably win the next elections, which will be soon. But all other parties will do their best to prevent him from becoming president. And they will probably succeed because our parliament is fractured and has like 15 parties, most of them blinded by political correctness.

We had an anti-immigrant party in the 80's and 90's of the previous century, who never had more than 1 seat out of 150 (or maybe 2, I forgot) but their leader was demonized by not only the intellectual elite but also the people. And left wing terrorists carried out a terror attack on his party causing his wife to lose a leg and almost bleed to death in a ditch.

In hindsight, we should have listened to him a bit more, and actually study Islam and the culture it creates and promotes. Because it should tell you something if Dutch people, who used to be considered one of the most tolerant on the planet, now fully and openly support an anti-Islam party.
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Apr 2, 2011
Like I said already, the Middle-East needs to be divided in different countries.

It need to be governed by local people and certainly not by what you think they need..

Also google 'barbary states' so you understand why France colonized Algeria etc. Hint: it wasn't to exploit the resources of a giant desert.

You google, France was bankrupt at the time and they couldnt pay the debt due to Algeria and that dated back from the revolution when they were delivered large quantities of wheat while being attacked by european monarchies, by the same token they also seized Algiers public treasury that was equivalent to 4.5b€....

Go learn some history rather than parroting Wilders s sub culture of racism, indeed you just demonstrated that you are completely ignorant of historical facts that are public knowledge for whom make just a tiny effort....

Also at the time of the Barbary states, wich are named this way because the algerian people is said to be Berber, the US was a state where slavery was legal, as it was legal in most colonies of europeans countries..

So much for your selective history, indeed without muslims countries oil sold at forced cheap prices all europe would be starving to death because contrary to the US it s an overpopulated area, particularly your country, isnt it, and you dont have the ressources to live on your own...

So keep on your countries and leave thoses countries alone, if they starve then it will be their fault but just dont come again with your rotten mentality and pretend that they need this or that, for sure they dont need you and your takkia, the real "value" of western imperialism.

Edit ; i noticed that you branded Algeria as a giant desert, wich show that you are completely cluless because at the time Algeria only comprised the northern part of the current country, and it s all but a desert, as said return to school, the extent of the confusion you made here just show that you are a simple mind that want to talks about isssues that are far beyond his limited understanding, supremacism is backfiring in some way, lol...

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Aug 1, 2016
Seems many don't have jobs because of your attitude, whereby you see uppity behavior in some and won't hire the rest. That's how racism works, btw. The blacks didn't have jobs either for a long time before that situation was slowly rectified.

If you had read my posts you would know my own company tried twice, but failed. And the fault was not the racism you accuse us of, but the religion of those former employees, even when they were not very religious at all. A religion that can't integrate into any other society, because of all their rules and demands. It's almost like it's doing it on purpose. Our Hinduist employees seem to be enjoying their job though.

What do you think of my taqqiyah hypothesis? Kinda shines a new light on this guy, doesn't it:

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Aug 1, 2016
What is kept secret is that servdom has not been abolished in most western countries, here in France we are slaves of a so called elite that allied with Germany to crush a popular uprising in 1870, to this day the rich families that were ruling France are still holding the power, albeit with a army of newcomers that adopted the slavers mentality.

To keep people from questionning this social darwinism the elite used the myth of the muslims being a threat, that is, the poorest part of the society is used as convenient scape goat for our european countries inability to reform a capitalism whose only mean left to enrich itself is to starve and eventually supress the meddle class.

You are deluded if you think Islam will be any different. It's in the name ffs: submit, like the slave you are. Yes, Western elite are assholes. Goldman Sachs board of directors belongs in jail, along with Greenspan and his useless economist cronies. But everybody knows that will never happen. So I rather have Western elite, among whom there are many fine people actually, than Islamic elite, whose rampant corruption is plain for all to see. The king of Saudi-Arabia never travels with less than a 1000 servants and simply demands his own beach when he goes on a holiday. But keep developing conspiracy theories instead of accepting Ockham's razor combined with human stupidity. We all saw how well communism worked.
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Apr 2, 2011
than Islamic elite, whose rampant corruption is plain for all to see. The king of Saudi-Arabia never travels with less than a 1000 servants and simply demands his own beach when he goes on a holiday. But keep developing conspiracy theories instead of accepting Ockham's razor combined with human stupidity.

Lol, you call the saudi an islamist elite, do you even know that their instrumentalisation of islam, that is wahabism, was declared as heretic cult by knowledgeable muslims scolars at the time..?.

Of course you also dont know that african muslims (excepted egypt) have a different islamic cult, namely what is called malikism, and that they even have their own gnostic tendency.?..

Let me add: it was Muslims that created Geert Wilders, not the Dutch people..

Lol, right in line with your ill conceived ideology, even your own (allegedly) ethnicaly dutch racists were created by muslims, that s denial at its worse...

Or perhaps that you dont have the intelligence to understand that Wilders is manipulating the dutch people.?
Because he has an agenda that is not allegeance to Nederland but to some other country that would benefit from muslims being discriminated? and hence not being part of the decisional processes in european countries even if they have high degrees...?..

As for supremacism let me tell you that i m part of a big family of 8 children, none has less than a master degree (4 years of university here in France) from Strasbourg University, a girl even managed to be twice major of her promotion for the whole France for both the political institute and the lawyer school, this will surely help you understand that i m making you a favour by answering your confusion that you re calling a discourse, as said you definitly need to return to school if you want to talk to actually educated people and not to half brained people like you who think that because they are dutch they automatically are as skilled as a Vermeer or other Rembrandt.

We all saw how well communism worked.

Yes we saw how it worked mister half brain, because werent the communists that your country would had lived to this day under the nazi s boots, isnt it, because you were just to weak to be ever capable of getting them out of Nederland, as said return to school...
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Aug 1, 2016
Lol, you call the saudi an islamist elite, do you even know that their instrumentalisation of islam, that is wahabism, was declared as heretic cult by knowledgeable muslims scolars at the time..?.

Of course you also dont know that african muslims (excepted egypt) have a different islamic cult, namely what is called malikism, and that they even have their own gnostic tendency.?..

Lol, right in line with your ill conceived ideology, even your own (allegedly) ethnicaly dutch racists were created by muslims, that s denial at its worse...

Or perhaps that you dont have the intelligence to understand that Wilders is manipulating the dutch people.?
Because he has an agenda that is not allegeance to Nederland but to some other country that would benefit from muslims being discriminated? and hence not being part of the decisional processes in european countries even if they have high degrees...?..

As for supremacism let me tell you that i m part of a big family of 8 children, none has less than a master degree (4 years of university here in France) from Strasbourg University, a girl even managed to be twice major of her promotion for the whole France for both the political institute and the lawyer school, this will surely help you understand that i m making you a favour by answering your confusion that you re calling a discourse, as said you definitly need to return to school if you want to talk to actually educated people and not to half brained people like you who think that because they are dutch they automatically are as skilled as a Vermeer or other Rembrandt.

Yes we saw how it worked mister half brain, because werent the communists that your country would had lived to this day under the nazi s boots, isnt it, because you were just to weak to be ever capable of getting them out of Nederland, as said return to school...

Well, I see you want to waste some more time, but it's all offtopic here, because this thread is dedicated to Muslims saying that there is a problem with their own religion. So if you want to attack anyone for telling the cold harsh truth, it is those Muslims you should attack.

Here is another:

Have your go at disputing the 34 videos he created so far addressing the real problem. Notice how he has to conceal his identity and use voice modulation?

That's what you sticking to a religion that created Wahabbism and the Muslimbrotherhood will bring over all of us. Because what you accuse them of is exactly the same what they are accusing you of, except according to my reading of the Quran and the Hadith they are right, and you are wrong. And your parents having 8 children is exactly the problem, no matter how well educated they are. The terrorist would love nothing more than turn them against the West and then chop their heads off. So far, they are doing a great job. If you are as smart as you claim to be you should open your eyes and face reality: terrorists are winning.

So I suggest you keep a very close eye on your fellow countrymen following the same religion that you had the misfortune of being born into. But there is a way to set yourself free and leave this prison without a door but with a very strong lock. Watch your neck though.
Reactions: techne


Apr 2, 2011
Here is another:

Have your go at disputing the 34 videos he created so far addressing the real problem. Notice how he has to conceal his identity and use voice modulation?

But i can post videos of people, including dutches, that say the same thing but on a symmetrical fashion, should i hold them as representative of what you are and what you think..?.

That's what you sticking to a religion that created Wahabbism and the Muslimbrotherhood will bring over all of us. Because what you accuse them of is exactly the same what they are accusing you of, except according to my reading of the Quran and the Hadith they are right, and you are wrong.

They are wrong and you are also wrong, as supposed muslim i have as much legitimacy to point what is right and what is wrong, but of course i have not, and by far, as much money as the rulers of saudi Arabia, so no doubt that i have no mean to prevail against them...

Saudis rulers are not muslims, it s a total fraud from their part, their extremism is based on the fact that they are not the legitimate rulers of the part of Arabia that comprise the holy cities, they usurped the power from the legal ruler in the early XXth century, rest is the consequence of their fear to be deposited...

And your parents having 8 children is exactly the problem, no matter how well educated they are. The terrorist would love nothing more than turn them against the West and then chop their heads off. So far, they are doing a great job. If you are as smart as you claim to be you should open your eyes and face reality: terrorists are winning.

I return you the Wilders case in some way, because it cant be negated that terrorists are a western creation, particularly here in France.

Our government publicly state that Assad is a criminal despite no inquiry made on this regard, so this amount to tell to muslims that it s legal to go to Syria and battle the legitimate government there, just imagine that when they come back in France they are not even jailed, prior to the Paris events there was no law here that stipulated that taking part in the syrian conflict in the terrorists ranks was illegal...

The day the western government like France or the US stop supporting the syrian terrorists there wont be any more any problem here but for some reasons rulers are taking decisions that are contrary to our national interests, not that Nederland is implied in such practices but you have witnessed that even Belgium had to take the burden and deadly consequences of France irresponsible policy of supporting the terrorists in Syria, so the muslim youth is instrumentalised by a government that use them to advance what is nothing more than some kind of colonial agenda.

So I suggest you keep a very close eye on your fellow countrymen following the same religion that you had the misfortune of being born into. But there is a way to set yourself free and leave this prison without a door but with a very strong lock. Watch your neck though.

As said i have no fellow, muslims are rabidly individualist and solidarity is effective only on grave events, that is, when it is really needed, for instance i had an uncle that deceased and at the hospital there were often nurses that told me that we, muslims, at least we supported our family members that were gravely hill, because you know, here most old people die in completely anonymous circumstances with not much visits from relatives, unless of course that there s a substancial heritage at stake.

At some point i wonder if the deshumanisation of western societies is not the real root of the current situation, that is, isolated and lost individuals that feel some ressentment for what they could no more be given, hence the resurgence of identitarisms and religions as a mean to compensate for destructured social relations.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
They are wrong and you are also wrong, as supposed muslim i have as much legitimacy to point what is right and what is wrong, but of course i have not, and by far, as much money as the rulers of saudi Arabia, so no doubt that i have no mean to prevail against them...

Saudis rulers are not muslims, it s a total fraud from their part, their extremism is based on the fact that they are not the legitimate rulers of the part of Arabia that comprise the holy cities, they usurped the power from the legal ruler in the early XXth century, rest is the consequence of their fear to be deposited...

Then why don't muslims worldwide attack the Saudi princes instead of us 'kaffirs'...?

(Ignoring the fact that your greatest-of-all-prophets TOLD you to bring suffering to the kaffirs as he did...)


Aug 1, 2016
But i can post videos of people, including dutches, that say the same thing but on a symmetrical fashion, should i hold them as representative of what you are and what you think..?.

They are wrong and you are also wrong, as supposed muslim i have as much legitimacy to point what is right and what is wrong, but of course i have not, and by far, as much money as the rulers of saudi Arabia, so no doubt that i have no mean to prevail against them...

Saudis rulers are not muslims, it s a total fraud from their part, their extremism is based on the fact that they are not the legitimate rulers of the part of Arabia that comprise the holy cities, they usurped the power from the legal ruler in the early XXth century, rest is the consequence of their fear to be deposited...

I return you the Wilders case in some way, because it cant be negated that terrorists are a western creation, particularly here in France.

Our government publicly state that Assad is a criminal despite no inquiry made on this regard, so this amount to tell to muslims that it s legal to go to Syria and battle the legitimate government there, just imagine that when they come back in France they are not even jailed, prior to the Paris events there was no law here that stipulated that taking part in the syrian conflict in the terrorists ranks was illegal...

The day the western government like France or the US stop supporting the syrian terrorists there wont be any more any problem here but for some reasons rulers are taking decisions that are contrary to our national interests, not that Nederland is implied in such practices but you have witnessed that even Belgium had to take the burden and deadly consequences of France irresponsible policy of supporting the terrorists in Syria, so the muslim youth is instrumentalised by a government that use them to advance what is nothing more than some kind of colonial agenda.

As said i have no fellow, muslims are rabidly individualist and solidarity is effective only on grave events, that is, when it is really needed, for instance i had an uncle that deceased and at the hospital there were often nurses that told me that we, muslims, at least we supported our family members that were gravely hill, because you know, here most old people die in completely anonymous circumstances with not much visits from relatives, unless of course that there s a substancial heritage at stake.

At some point i wonder if the deshumanisation of western societies is not the real root of the current situation, that is, isolated and lost individuals that feel some ressentment for what they could no more be given, hence the resurgence of identitarisms and religions as a mean to compensate for destructured social relations.

There you go again, blaming the West for all your problems. If I agree with anything it's that our governments are idiots, because they don't realize you need a dictator in a Middle-Eastern country. Why? because of Islam. Like in Egypt, where the first free elections in its history led to Morsi coming to power, a member of the Muslimbrotherhood, with 51% of votes.

The Muslimbrotherhood was founded in 1928 in Egypt (so it had nothing to do with anything you mentioned) in response to Western principles like democracy, secular law and separation between state and church being introduced in the Islamic world. One of its slogan is "God is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of God is our highest hope. God is greater!" Their logo consists of a Quran and 2 swords. Are you going to say Muslimbrotherhood aren't real Muslims either? Next thing you will tell me is that Muhammed wasn't a real Muslim. And I know Saudi's took their land from Hashemites, who now rule Jordan. It's not that bad there, but the king is basically still a dictator.

But you see, that's the problem, your religion accepts no central leader (except a caliph, who usually gets killed, like the first 4 'righteously guided ones'). And any Muslim can accuse any other Muslim of not being a real Muslim. And then kill them. Ok, actually it's based on 'religious authority' but if you don't see the problem with that you are blind.

Now Syria is no Egypt, because Russia wants Latakia harbor. Yes, geopolitics suck. So Assad has to beat down all opposition. And yes, European leaders are idiots for being against him instead of supporting him. And not killing returning ISIS fighters + their wife(s) and children. I already explained situation in Syria after WW1 so I'm not going to repeat myself. What I will repeat though is, as long as you call yourself Muslim you will be associated with the crimes Muslims commit. Which will forever be on the internet for all to see.

I think you are a decent person and these words might sound harsh, but believe me I've had my share of dead Syrian children, and Iraqi, and Afghan, and from plenty more Islamic countries. Now it's time to tell the truth. I understand it's not easy in France, they can be racist assholes. Killing them won't make them less racist. And when I said 'you' I meant all non-extremist muslims in France. What baffles me though is why a smart guy like you would want to be one of them.

PS: don't fuck around with our love for our families.

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Omar F1

Senior member
Sep 29, 2009
First of all, please do understand that I'm descendant from X country, carrying Y nationality, but lived in Z state for most of my life. So, I sort of give the middle-finger for nationalism bride and our fake borders
Criticism of either my religion or nationalism for the sake of discussion generally does not insult me in anyway, especially coming from foreign groups. Believe it or not I've already surpassed that point without return.

Lying in Islam is officially permitted in three ways; to lie to your wife for example that you love her while you really don't (to preserve your marriage/family), to resolve a conflict between people (to preserve order/unity among the society), and in war (obvious enough).
Taqiyya, as far as I know, it's well known among the hardliner Shiites. I don't know exactly what feelings they hide from us (we're publicly called Sunni as you know). It's a well known and documented doctrine among them.
But if you suspect me using that.....besides smiling right now I really not sure what to do.
Now you're obviously aware that most Muslims became indoctrinated to the point at which they will defend their reputation by any possible means (which include heavily-sided views, which in return you'd consider them flat-out-lies) . Unfortunately they aren't aware that aggressiveness is the complete opposite of sanity and rationale debate.
Keep in mind that also full disclosure might not be useful, practical or otherwise safe.

I see you mentioned abrogation in Quran/Hadith. I don't know what's the problem with that. Do you understand that many people had spent most of their life learning what you basically call Sharia law and the origins of religious contexts. There is a whole branch dictating to learn about the men who narrated the Prophet traditions - Hadith.

About the camel piss, I really do not understand all the fuss about this either.
If there was a known medical benefits out of it, then so be it. "The people of Makkah are far knowledgeable of her paths", as the old Arab said.
Few bedouin are still using camel piss for their hair; it gives longevity, brilliant shine and strength. Also I read that it's useful in curing some skin diseases.
Btw, it's something else where the Prophet referred to Nigella sativa as "cure for every disease". Of course relativeness of speaking should be taken into account, and maybe there is a serious medical benefits for the known diseases back then.

Having been living/working in a Gulf state, it gave me the chance to interact/deal with a dozen or more of various Islamic nationalities throughout the years. To conclude the experience in a basic manner, I'd say I like many traits of that nation as a whole; the relative social solidarity, the extent to which Muslims generally trust each other, the simplicity of our minds and lifestyle (like it or hate it), how normal family would take care of its members, the way we love and respect our elder parents. I've sensed a quite unique kindness, calmness and persevere in the hearts of some of them.

You want some positives of Islam? Bluntly speaking, I never remember our father returning home drunk at some night, neither him trying to stalk another female, and vice versa - two key stones taught by Islam to preserve a family.
The stoning punishment for sexual intercourse committed by a married, as harsh as it's, in fact I view it as a way to preserve the holy covenant of marriage. (not that I'm happy about it)
A side note here, we have been blamed lately for our breeding rate. Personally speaking as a one coming from a family of 5+2 members, it is really a wonderful experience that you'd never understand if you didn't go through it. Also, it's common among the Dutch to see parents with three children or more, they're also a children-loving nation.

Regard the clip you posted to me earlier, honestly the guy does not have any clue what he is talking about. (he might have considered quitting drugs before doing so with Islam)
I don't know what it takes to make you believe it, but again he simply knows nothing about Islam whatsoever. You shouldn't place any emphasize to a such random posts. Maybe you could hear his opinion, but be careful before you pass judgment.
Islam means submission, but submission to God and only him. We supposed to worship him, this is the main core of Islam, this is reportedly why the God has created and done all what we could observe and aware of; just to be acknowledged and accredited alone for all of that.
That said, if a particular Muslim had established that belief and well realized reality - the way we see it - then there is absolutely no reason to leave Islam completely.
Its core message, the five prayers and Ramadn observation is most of what I care about. Thus, too many people have had decided to abandon the Muslims world but not the faith. And that is pretty evident of some Muslims in the US/Canada, and I personally know of such stories.
The God we worship is the Maker, the some exact one of the Jews, and the one whom supposedly the Jesus called to be worshiped. It's not religion that was pulled out of thin air as some might try to frame it by seeking to catch out every controversial context/rule or talk only about its negatives, forgetting in return that that system had created a successful and fair system to its followers, way back at its start.

I've some sort of theory about Muslims living abroad, for another night...


Jun 9, 2016
Ultimately, looking at history to blame the West for their misfortunes isn't helping the Muslim cause. Because it they were honest, they would restore the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Hindu/Bhuddist Empire and stay in Arabia. And they would send billions of their oil money to us in compensation for the lands they took, the people they killed and the slaves they captured.

And yes, Arabs in the 1950's in Arabia were backwards. Kind of like some Indian tribes living in the Amazon forest nowadays. They didn't even have a proper way to tell the time. And no, if you herd goats and live in tents you don't need oil. There is nothing wrong with that, but if large amounts of oil are discovered in their lands (which the West never colonized) it becomes problematic. I hope you can see that. Or did you really think that Persia would leave them alone? Or Russia? Or China?

For the record, I usually just glance over these sort of replies, but this stuck out as particular apropos to me. You're essentially justifying colonialism/theft of resources because the mud people weren't using them, sort of like I should come take your shit that you're not using, as long as I have a big enough stick and pretty much get to define what's used or not. Not coincidentally, this was the same justification used to push the natives in merica & elsewhere off their land. Damn, pimping is easy when you get all this free shit.

The claim that the ME wasn't colonized is amusing as well, given that for example iraq or the whole region's problem with israel were the wholly creation of the british. But I suppose any revisionism that makes white people look like the good guys again must be true to anyone dumb enough, and people these days can't see the appeal of the klan.

If you had read my posts you would know my own company tried twice, but failed. And the fault was not the racism you accuse us of, but the religion of those former employees, even when they were not very religious at all. A religion that can't integrate into any other society, because of all their rules and demands. It's almost like it's doing it on purpose. Our Hinduist employees seem to be enjoying their job though.

What do you think of my taqqiyah hypothesis? Kinda shines a new light on this guy, doesn't it:

Personally I work with muslims regularly in a rather advanced occupation; they seem a lot less problematic than the few stubborn diehard jingoists every place has around. Seems the problem in your case if these posts are any indication is a combination of incurable bigotry and generally poor judgment, and obliviousness to either.

Then why don't muslims worldwide attack the Saudi princes instead of us 'kaffirs'...?

(Ignoring the fact that your greatest-of-all-prophets TOLD you to bring suffering to the kaffirs as he did...)

The saudis have full support of merican military might.


Aug 1, 2016
First of all, please do understand that I'm descendant from X country, carrying Y nationality, but lived in Z state for most of my life. So, I sort of give the middle-finger for nationalism bride and our fake borders

Criticism of either my religion or nationalism for the sake of discussion generally does not insult me in anyway, especially coming from foreign groups. Believe it or not I've already surpassed that point without return.

That's good, because I can be blunt, and bad, because it sounds an awful lot like are just not wanting to hear there is a problem with your religion. And that's a problem, because there is: Islamic terrorism, all over the world. Directly inspired by the Quran and the life of Muhammed. As broadcasted on the news daily and forever documented on the internet for all to see, for your children, your children's children and their children. Along with a huge amount of flat out toxic hate comments against that religion, something you fully deserve because you keep denying it has anything to do with Islam, even if the terrorist directly quote verses from the Quran like this one:

Not equal are those believers remaining [at home] - other than the disabled - and the mujahideen, [who strive and fight] in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred the mujahideen through their wealth and their lives over those who remain [behind], by degrees. And to both Allah has promised the best [reward]. But Allah has preferred the mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward -

Or this one:

So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.

So it's quite likely some frustrated young men will be blowing themselves up on a rather large scale soon. But Islam is a religion of peace. Cognitive dissonance combined with a superiority complex. It could also be very well possible that you would want to see the world under Islam, like so many of my countrymen say on the forums they visit (ofcourse they are not really my countrymen, they are Jihadist infiltrators).

Lying in Islam is officially permitted in three ways; to lie to your wife for example that you love her while you really don't (to preserve your marriage/family), to resolve a conflict between people (to preserve order/unity among the society), and in war (obvious enough).

Taqiyya, as far as I know, it's well known among the hardliner Shiites. I don't know exactly what feelings they hide from us (we're publicly called Sunni as you know). It's a well known and documented doctrine among them.

But if you suspect me using that.....besides smiling right now I really not sure what to do.

Now you're obviously aware that most Muslims became indoctrinated to the point at which they will defend their reputation by any possible means (which include heavily-sided views, which in return you'd consider them flat-out-lies) . Unfortunately they aren't aware that aggressiveness is the complete opposite of sanity and rationale debate.

Keep in mind that also full disclosure might not be useful, practical or otherwise safe.

Saddams press guy is a Shia, so that makes sense. But Taqiyyah was practiced by the companions of the prophet before the Sunni/Shia even occured, so don't lie to me or actually study your own religion, it's on wikipedia. And I don't suspect you using it, but I said that to show you that trust has been broken, and that we can never be really sure now anymore. If you are allowed to lie why would you not lie about not lying? It might even be the case that it is a subconscious part of the Sunni muslim psyche now and you don't even know when you do it anymore. Like, I said trust has been broken.

And it's a problem that Islam permits it at all: it should be haram, not halal, especially in a control freak religion like Islam. But you don't even realize the absurdity of having a special word for the concept of a religious lie. Btw, Jesus never lied and Bhudda never lied.

I see you mentioned abrogation in Quran/Hadith. I don't know what's the problem with that. Do you understand that many people had spent most of their life learning what you basically call Sharia law and the origins of religious contexts. There is a whole branch dictating to learn about the men who narrated the Prophet traditions - Hadith.

The problem with that is that the earlier tolerant verses from the Medina period (like 'there's no compulsion in religion') are replaced with the intolerant verses from the Mecca period (like 'kill all non-believers'). And that moderate muslims can use the Medina verses to defend their religion (and maybe even believe it) while the extremist muslims use the Mecca verses to justify their terror attacks (and really believe it). How very convenient if you want to infiltrate another country while using decent people as cover. And dumbass politicians that don't even know a single verse from the Quran, much less a story from the Hadith, actually suck it up too.

About the camel piss, I really do not understand all the fuss about this either.

If there was a known medical benefits out of it, then so be it. "The people of Makkah are far knowledgeable of her paths", as the old Arab said.

Few bedouin are still using camel piss for their hair; it gives longevity, brilliant shine and strength. Also I read that it's useful in curing some skin diseases.

Btw, it's something else where the Prophet referred to Nigella sativa as "cure for every disease". Of course relativeness of speaking should be taken into account, and maybe there is a serious medical benefits for the known diseases back then.

I don't care about people drinking camel piss either, if that's what they want they should do it. The problem is you are making it a religious thing, by saying the prophet recommends it. And then make it sound scientific, so science proves the Quran is right.

Having been living/working in a Gulf state, it gave me the chance to interact/deal with a dozen or more of various Islamic nationalities throughout the years. To conclude the experience in a basic manner, I'd say I like many traits of that nation as a whole; the relative social solidarity, the extent to which Muslims generally trust each other, the simplicity of our minds and lifestyle (like it or hate it), how normal family would take care of its members, the way we love and respect our elder parents. I've sensed a quite unique kindness, calmness and persevere in the hearts of some of them.

You want some positives of Islam? Bluntly speaking, I never remember our father returning home drunk at some night, neither him trying to stalk another female, and vice versa - two key stones taught by Islam to preserve a family.

The stoning punishment for sexual intercourse committed by a married, as harsh as it's, in fact I view it as a way to preserve the holy covenant of marriage. (not that I'm happy about it)

A side note here, we have been blamed lately for our breeding rate. Personally speaking as a one coming from a family of 5+2 members, it is really a wonderful experience that you'd never understand if you didn't go through it. Also, it's common among the Dutch to see parents with three children or more, they're also a children-loving nation.

My father never did those things either. And you have no idea about our family bonds, because you don't understand us just like we don't understand you. Cultural divide and all that, but to explain it a little: you might have 10 children, but we have 2 children that we love 5 times as much as you love your children, as proven by the fact you send them to fight in the Jihad at a young age, because you care more about your prophet than your children.

Let me add this too: imagine stoning your own wife after I fucked her brains out and made her ask for more. Well, I guess you will love it. In the West, we would pay her alimony, not stones. But maybe you are right and we should revise our laws a bit.
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Aug 1, 2016
For the record, I usually just glance over these sort of replies, but this stuck out as particular apropos to me. You're essentially justifying colonialism/theft of resources because the mud people weren't using them, sort of like I should come take your shit that you're not using, as long as I have a big enough stick and pretty much get to define what's used or not. Not coincidentally, this was the same justification used to push the natives in merica & elsewhere off their land. Damn, pimping is easy when you get all this free shit.

That's the problem, you glance so you don't learn. It really is sad when smart people have an attention span that can't digest more than 140 characters. Well, I need a few more. So read:

The West gave its colonies independence, which has been neither a total failure nor a complete succes. But like Ghandi said: we rather live under our own bad rulers than under your bad rulers. Sadly we will never know if he would have ever changed his mind because he was murdered by the results of the policies of those homemade bad rulers: the Muslims breaking the country apart into India and Pakistan, and then into Pakistan and Bangladesh, resulting in the death of millions, more being added to this very day.

But there is a colonial empire that still exist to this day and it is there for all to see, but most choose to close their eyes. It's called the Islamic Empire and they have never given their colonies independence. You really seem blinded by your political correctness though, and I can't blame you, I used to say the same things you say. But if you want to claim the West messed with the Islamic world, you must accept that it was the Islamic world that messed with the West first. In all those empires I mentioned, and in Spain, France and Southern Europe, until Europeans drove them back from their lands. But it's starting to look like they are trying to make another attempt.

The claim that the ME wasn't colonized is amusing as well, given that for example iraq or the whole region's problem with israel were the wholly creation of the british. But I suppose any revisionism that makes white people look like the good guys again must be true to anyone dumb enough, and people these days can't see the appeal of the klan.

I see you glance indeed. protectorates (which are not the same as colonies) were established because the empire that joined WW1 out of its own free will lost that war (they even created a casus bello for it, even though Germany actually asked them not to join the war on their side). And after they lost that war, the Ottoman Empire fell apart into chaos. So we had to stabilize the region. If they hadn't messed with the West, the West wouldn't have messed with them. It's funny btw that the Arabs used the Turks (and the Kurds) to fight for them in the Jihad, but then had their empire taken over by them. Turks are not from Turkey, they come from Turkmenistan. But now they live in Byzantium.

Personally I work with muslims regularly in a rather advanced occupation; they seem a lot less problematic than the few stubborn diehard jingoists every place has around. Seems the problem in your case if these posts are any indication is a combination of incurable bigotry and generally poor judgment, and obliviousness to either.

Because you just glance you don't understand what I am trying to tell US people. There is no problem if there is only a small amount of highly educated Muslims working in your country. There are many fine intellectuals among them, and they say the same thing I am saying: the problem is not the West (actually they love it here), it's Islam. The problems start when the uneducated ones enter your country, and start having a lot of children while they enjoy Western societies benefits and welfare. Like in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany and especially Sweden. Search 'immigration in Sweden' on Youtube so you can see I'm not lying.

I read their forums, and I have never seen my language butchered like they can butcher it. Sure, no problem if you can't even spell spell right, except they will have to earn my pension in the future, like I'm earning the pension for the ones that brought this disaster upon Europe. Like I said, if you want to visit your heritage, now is the time:

The saudis have full support of merican military might.

Well, then tell your congressman to make them do what needs to be done. And remember to vote for the right candidate.
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Jun 9, 2016
That's the problem, you glance so you don't learn. It really is sad when smart people have an attention span that can't digest more then 140 characters. Well, I need a few more. So read:

I don't read revisionist history because it's as dumb as reading math books that teach 2+2=22. Sometimes it's worth glancing over how dummies rationalize how they put the 2's together to point and laugh. It's like they imagine academic historians are going to start reading klan lit and have some kind of revelation. To further wit:

The West gave its colonies independence, which has been neither a total failure nor a complete succes. But like Ghandi said: we rather live under our own bad rulers than under your bad rulers. Sadly we will never know if he would have ever changed his mind because he was murdered by the results of the policies of those homemade own bad rulers: the Muslims breaking the country apart into India and Pakistan, and then into Pakistan and Bangladesh, resulting in the death of millions, more being added to this very day.

The british purposely created countries with antagonistic groups and fanned the flames so they can play divide/conquer/kingmaker. It's like if I created a support group with your sorts and isis, then set the agenda be about religion. I imagine some of the dummies would probably blame the resulting chaos on islam.

But there is a colonial empire that still exist to this day and it is there for all to see, but most choose to close their eyes. It's called the Islamic Empire and they have never given their colonies independence. You really seem blinded by your political correctness though, and I can't blame you, I used to say the same things you say. But if you want to claim the West messed with the Islamic world, you must accept that it was the Islamic world that messed with the West first. In all those empires I mentioned, and in Spain, France and Southern Europe, until Europeans drove them back from their lands. But it's starting to look like they are trying to make another attempt.

There's good reason why it's worth iterating these klan types are basically white isis, occupying similar positions in their respective societies. Eradicating some infidels muslims or whatever is basically a holy war for them, and of course their side is always the good against da evil.

I see you glance indeed. protectorates (which are not the same as colonies) were established because the empire that joined WW1 out of its own free will lost that war (they even created a casus bello for it, even though Germany actually asked them no to join the war on their side). And after they lost that war, the Ottoman Empire fell apart into chaos. So we had to stabilize the region. If they hadn't messed with the West, the West wouldn't have messed with them. It's funny btw that the Arabs used the Turks (and the Kurds) to fight for them in the Jihad, but then had their empire taken over by them. Turks are not from Turkey, they come from Turkmenistan. But now they live in Byzantium.

Sure, they stabilized the region by creating iraq with 3 fractious groups & then israel. These dummies will believe anything.

Because you just glance you don't understand what I am trying to tell US people. There is no problem if there is only a small amount of highly educated Muslims working in your country. There are many fine intellectuals among them, and they say the same thing I am saying: the problem is not the West (actually they love it here), it's Islam. The problems start when the uneducated ones enter you country, and start having a lot of children while they enjoy Western societies benefits and welfare. Like in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany and especially Sweden. Search 'immigration in Sweden' on Youtube so you can see I'm not lying.

I read their forums, and I have never seen my language butchered like they can butcher it. Sure, no problem if you can't even spell spell right, except they will have to earn my pension in the future, like I'm earning the pension for the ones that brought this disaster upon Europe. Like I said, if you want to visit your heritage, now is the time:

Well, then tell your congressman to make them do what needs to be done. And remember to vote for the right candidate.

Pretty sure the US has been going through this with black people for a long time. "The good ones", "welfare queens", etc. The Klan repeatedly referenced certainly had their reasons.
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