Stop saying Islam is a religion of peace: Taslima Nasreen

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Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
On a lighter note, seeing Anonymouse hasn't been around for a while (no, it's not because their is a lack of articles to link) I will do his job this once, but with a slight twist:

I'm actually quite busy right now, but do have a new article to post:

Extremist literature common in mosques, Islamic school libraries, study says
OTTAWA – Many mosques and Islamic schools in Canada are placing young people at risk by espousing — or at least not condemning — extremist teachings, a new study says.

The study, titled “Lovers of the Death”? — Islamist Extremism in Mosques and Schools, says what worried them was not the presence of extremist literature, but that they found nothing but such writings in several libraries.

And here's a video showing how well these "refugees" are integrating with German society:

Lauren Southern: I thought I was in Germany… Turkey?

Omar F1

Senior member
Sep 29, 2009
You need to understand something. When you're taking aggressive instance against Islam, Muslims, their present and past history; I have to try brighten up. However, if I see a foreign national praising our nations then you'd find me saying Islam/Muslims is not truly what you think it is.
In another meaning, when someone talks bad about me personally I would do both; bring up my positives and compare them to the going standards around. But whenever I hear someone going compliments all over myself, I'd tell him to stop and that I'm not the good guy he think I am. This is a basic lesson which has many applications in real life.

Basically you made it very clear that we're one hell of evil nation. But from my own experience, much more Islamic knowledge and 1000x more exposure to the Islamic nation; I can confidently assert we're not that evil - compared to other empires/nations that ever existed on earth.
Simply put: we have both, a bright side and a dark one - which as you have mentioned not many Muslims are willing to acknowledge. But trust me, such persons they do exist and personally aware of some.
So I will keep repeating myself all over the place: brighten up and defer your ultimate judgment.

That's good, because I can be blunt, and bad, because it sounds an awful lot like are just not wanting to hear there is a problem with your religion. And that's a problem, because there is: Islamic terrorism, all over the world. Directly inspired by the Quran and the life of Muhammed. As broadcasted on the news daily and forever documented on the internet for all to see, for your children, your children's children and their children. Along with a huge amount of flat out toxic hate comments against that religion, something you fully deserve because you keep denying it has anything to do with Islam, even if the terrorist directly quote verses from the Quran like this one:
Not equal are those believers remaining [at home] - other than the disabled - and the mujahideen, [who strive and fight] in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred the mujahideen through their wealth and their lives over those who remain [behind], by degrees. And to both Allah has promised the best [reward]. But Allah has preferred the mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward -

Or this one:
So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.

So it's quite likely some frustrated young men will be blowing themselves up on a rather large scale soon. But Islam is a religion of peace. Cognitive dissonance combined with a superiority complex. It could also be very well possible that you would want to see the world under Islam, like so many of my countrymen say on the forums they visit (ofcourse they are not really my countrymen, they are Jihadist infiltrators).
You came late to the party and missed my first post in this thread, probably you should check it out. I am in fact acknowledging a huge fundamental flaw in our mindsets and that we must get very clear stance over the subject of jihad and our past history.

Islamic terrorism are all over the world? are you kidding? who has been live-practicing around here since15 years ago?
Back when the US invaded Afghanistan, tell me how many Afghani were on those hijacked planes or was there any clue that Taliban was aware of Osama's plan.
Yes the US had to make that invasion, no doubt about that, but you also should take into account that an entirely innocent nation was fully invaded and has been bombarded and called names up to this day. Yet, nobody dropped a single tear over those poor souls. Still worse, the ruling group was called terrorists by the their own invaders. Wow, terrorist; neither human nor criminal - something worse.
Don't mistake me, I don't care in which hell Taliban burns. But lets remember they had no direct involvement in 9/11, neither did the Afghani people.

Iraq is totally different story though. And nobody had ever declared war over the US/UK for that either, in comparison to the biggest crime in history when Britain declared war over Germany, while the US kept feeding its enemies from every side, running circles around itself over how to justify its entry.
Moreover, since it's only Islamic Terrorism all over the media, why nobody dare to call the Russian intervention, endless support for al Assad and Iran, the intentional bombardment of civilians everyday as an act of terrorism?
What I'm telling is, it's all about perception, relativeness and point of view. So far you have clearly demonstrated complete lack of such but only strong bias. All that while claiming to be superior and smarter.

I read Quran for dozens of times, I'm fully aware of those hatred/violence-inciting verses against non-believers. But is it the main message of Quran though?
I wonder why do those cheap blogs neglect to mention anything about the rest 95% (or more) of its content.
Do you know that in every couple of pages (and sometimes in every single page) he kept threatening the non-believers with long-lasting suffering. He talked a lot about how the Jews had disbelieved/betrayed dozens of his messengers (hence, the origin of the Jews hatred among Muslims), how they lost the right path, and later one of his greatest prophets was killed - despite all the god-like miracles he wielded, for which he has been worshipped by his followers and considered god himself. He also talked a lot about some dialogues and how they refused reason and rejected many of his own marks in this life.
I'm telling you, those subjects are what most of the Quran was talking about concerning non-believers. The killing orders were fewly numbered in comparison.

Obviously you didn't grasp what I had written about lying permission in Islam. If you may reread it.

I don't care about people drinking camel piss either, if that's what they want they should do it. The problem is you are making it a religious thing, by saying the prophet recommends it. And then make it sound scientific, so science proves the Quran is right.
How about what we call it here Siwak (roots of some plant that grows in desert). I tried dozen kind of toothpaste, local and imported; from US, UK & Germany, but found nothing so far to clear and shine your teeth better. It's well proven and completely safe, has been used around here since before Mohamed himself was born. I doubt it ever was mentioned that Mohamed was right to recommend it in of your regular sites.

My father never did those things either. And you have no idea about our family bonds, because you don't understand us just like we don't understand you. Cultural divide and all that, but to explain it a little: you might have 10 children, but we have 2 children that we love 5 times as much as you love your children, as proven by the fact you send them to fight in the Jihad at a young age, because you care more about your prophet than your children.

Let me add this too: imagine stoning your own wife after I fucked her brains out and made her ask for more. Well, I guess you will love it. In the West, we would pay her alimony, not stones. But maybe you are right and we should revise our laws a bit.
I wasn't particularly talking personal, and drinking isn't something uncommon in Western society. Also my main point that it's Islamic teachings that would have encouraged my father to not cheat around, but you chosen to read it in another way. I'm really not sure what had pissed you off and turned it into personal attack.
Also, it's common among the Dutch to see parents with three children or more, they're also a children-loving nation.
You aren't paying attention at what I'm writing here and seems to presume bad intentions.

My mother has been suffering from diabetes, high blood-pressure and cholesterol, bad back and weak joints of her knees and other problems. Trust me I wouldn't bargain her with the entire females population of Netherlands. She is the most wonderful thing I knew in this life.
I pray to God every couple of days to prolong her life, protect her path and have mercy over her soul both in life and death. Do you do the same to yours?.
I doubt yours had spent 1/10 of her efforts toward her home and family, otherwise she wouldn't have raised someone like you who'd talk street trash like that to strangers which you have not the slightest clue about.
I would keep it at that and won't lower myself to your level.


Dec 3, 2013
in comparison to the biggest crime in history when Britain declared war over Germany, while the US kept feeding its enemies from every side, running circles around itself over how to justify its entry.

NM .
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Aug 1, 2016
I don't read revisionist history because it's as dumb as reading math books that teach 2+2=22. Sometimes it's worth glancing over how dummies rationalize how they put the 2's together to point and laugh. It's like they imagine academic historians are going to start reading klan lit and have some kind of revelation. To further wit:

The british purposely created countries with antagonistic groups and fanned the flames so they can play divide/conquer/kingmaker. It's like if I created a support group with your sorts and isis, then set the agenda be about religion. I imagine some of the dummies would probably blame the resulting chaos on islam.

There's good reason why it's worth iterating these klan types are basically white isis, occupying similar positions in their respective societies. Eradicating some infidels muslims or whatever is basically a holy war for them, and of course their side is always the good against da evil.

Sure, they stabilized the region by creating iraq with 3 fractious groups & then israel. These dummies will believe anything.

Pretty sure the US has been going through this with black people for a long time. "The good ones", "welfare queens", etc. The Klan repeatedly referenced certainly had their reasons.

In a way you are like a muslim, you are just as brainwashed by your political correctness and naive idealism as they are by their bloodthirsty hypocrite prophet. I can't even blame you too much, I used to be like you and it took me some time to figure out the fundamentalist muslim mind. But you need to wake up sometime soon now, or just give up and convert now, for the sake of your children, and their children. I hope Clint Eastwood isn't completely right though.

Appeasing them doesn't work, it will only make them angrier. They hate weakness. Blaming yourself doesn't work, it will only make them say: see, the kuffar themselves are saying it's true, lets kill some more, and take their lands, which is our divine right. Giving them the slightest inch will make them take your whole body. The only thing they understand is force, something the people of Egypt understand and for which you need a dictator, which they installed themselves: (pay attention to that last paragraph). So that is our future, a police state and you better get used to it now (and don't cry when the nsa spies on you).

And what definitely doesn't work is blaming Western Civilization. It will only make them hate those values even more, like the ones that allow gay people to live and even marry. So you need to quit now with the PC bullshit and stand for the things you believe in. One of those things you should not stand for is a religion that uses the concepts of freedom of religion and freedom of speech to do away with those concepts. And you definitely need to give Israel your 100% unconditional support.

Again: Islam will never change, it was designed to be impossible to do that, and the designers succeeded in doing their job. So as long as Islam exists there will be Islamic terrorism, because that is what Muhammed did and what his followers must do. Either by fighting in the Jihad directly, supporting it financially and ideologically, or by silently supporting it, or even by saying that ISIS are not true Muslims and that 'Islam is a religion of peace', which is a great way to mislead people who still really think Islam is a religion of peace, even after 25 years of terror and 1400 years of conquest.

I don't know how many more times I must say this, but once again: all those other assholes you mention are different. They are just assholes, fundamental Muslims are assholes with an ideology, which is far more dangerous. And yes, the West has brought as much stability as is possible in the Middle-East by dividing and conquering them. But maybe we should let them unite, maybe then we can take care of the problem somewhat more easily (after either the Sunni's have killed all Shia's or vice versa).

Anyway there are plenty of non-muslim people saying there is a problem with Islam and I have posted many videos of ex-muslims and even muslims themselves saying that there is a problem with Islam. But if you don't believe any of them, or even label them 'islamophobes' then maybe you should listen to your own founding fathers:

And remember that you can make ammendments to your constitution. And also remember that you should never ever give up one of those already existing ammendments. In fact, it's time to stock up. Also reopen Guantánamo and send all CAIR members there, they are funded by the Muslimbrotherhood, an organisation you really should google.
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Aug 1, 2016
You need to understand something. When you're taking aggressive instance against Islam, Muslims, their present and past history; I have to try brighten up. However, if I see a foreign national praising our nations then you'd find me saying Islam/Muslims is not truly what you think it is.
In another meaning, when someone talks bad about me personally I would do both; bring up my positives and compare them to the going standards around. But whenever I hear someone going compliments all over myself, I'd tell him to stop and that I'm not the good guy he think I am. This is a basic lesson which has many applications in real life.

Basically you made it very clear that we're one hell of evil nation. But from my own experience, much more Islamic knowledge and 1000x more exposure to the Islamic nation; I can confidently assert we're not that evil - compared to other empires/nations that ever existed on earth.
Simply put: we have both, a bright side and a dark one - which as you have mentioned not many Muslims are willing to acknowledge. But trust me, such persons they do exist and personally aware of some.
So I will keep repeating myself all over the place: brighten up and defer your ultimate judgment.

You came late to the party and missed my first post in this thread, probably you should check it out. I am in fact acknowledging a huge fundamental flaw in our mindsets and that we must get very clear stance over the subject of jihad and our past history.

Islamic terrorism are all over the world? are you kidding? who has been live-practicing around here since15 years ago?
Back when the US invaded Afghanistan, tell me how many Afghani were on those hijacked planes or was there any clue that Taliban was aware of Osama's plan.
Yes the US had to make that invasion, no doubt about that, but you also should take into account that an entirely innocent nation was fully invaded and has been bombarded and called names up to this day. Yet, nobody dropped a single tear over those poor souls. Still worse, the ruling group was called terrorists by the their own invaders. Wow, terrorist; neither human nor criminal - something worse.
Don't mistake me, I don't care in which hell Taliban burns. But lets remember they had no direct involvement in 9/11, neither did the Afghani people.

Iraq is totally different story though. And nobody had ever declared war over the US/UK for that either, in comparison to the biggest crime in history when Britain declared war over Germany, while the US kept feeding its enemies from every side, running circles around itself over how to justify its entry.
Moreover, since it's only Islamic Terrorism all over the media, why nobody dare to call the Russian intervention, endless support for al Assad and Iran, the intentional bombardment of civilians everyday as an act of terrorism?
What I'm telling is, it's all about perception, relativeness and point of view. So far you have clearly demonstrated complete lack of such but only strong bias. All that while claiming to be superior and smarter.

I read Quran for dozens of times, I'm fully aware of those hatred/violence-inciting verses against non-believers. But is it the main message of Quran though?
I wonder why do those cheap blogs neglect to mention anything about the rest 95% (or more) of its content.
Do you know that in every couple of pages (and sometimes in every single page) he kept threatening the non-believers with long-lasting suffering. He talked a lot about how the Jews had disbelieved/betrayed dozens of his messengers (hence, the origin of the Jews hatred among Muslims), how they lost the right path, and later one of his greatest prophets was killed - despite all the god-like miracles he wielded, for which he has been worshipped by his followers and considered god himself. He also talked a lot about some dialogues and how they refused reason and rejected many of his own marks in this life.
I'm telling you, those subjects are what most of the Quran was talking about concerning non-believers. The killing orders were fewly numbered in comparison.

Obviously you didn't grasp what I had written about lying permission in Islam. If you may reread it.

How about what we call it here Siwak (roots of some plant that grows in desert). I tried dozen kind of toothpaste, local and imported; from US, UK & Germany, but found nothing so far to clear and shine your teeth better. It's well proven and completely safe, has been used around here since before Mohamed himself was born. I doubt it ever was mentioned that Mohamed was right to recommend it in of your regular sites.

I wasn't particularly talking personal, and drinking isn't something uncommon in Western society. Also my main point that it's Islamic teachings that would have encouraged my father to not cheat around, but you chosen to read it in another way. I'm really not sure what had pissed you off and turned it into personal attack.

You aren't paying attention at what I'm writing here and seems to presume bad intentions.

My mother has been suffering from diabetes, high blood-pressure and cholesterol, bad back and weak joints of her knees and other problems. Trust me I wouldn't bargain her with the entire females population of Netherlands. She is the most wonderful thing I knew in this life.
I pray to God every couple of days to prolong her life, protect her path and have mercy over her soul both in life and death. Do you do the same to yours?.
I doubt yours had spent 1/10 of her efforts toward her home and family, otherwise she wouldn't have raised someone like you who'd talk street trash like that to strangers which you have not the slightest clue about.
I would keep it at that and won't lower myself to your level.

Well, I could accuse you of Takfir now because I understand your religion better than you do, and you seem to be getting dangerously close to not accepting the judgement of Allah. It is the followers of Abu-Bakr-al-Bagdadi that are the true Muslims, not you. They even want to destroy the grave of the Prophet (pbuh) so people will not worship it, Inshallah.

And Allah will forgive them, because he is the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. They also want to destroy the Saud family because they work together with the infidels and even let them have military bases in the Holy Land, which they claim they are the guardians of, but which they stole from the rightful rulers. So now they must burn forever in hell, because they do not believe in the judgement of Allah, like the al-Khawarij did. They are unjust keepers of the Holy Cities and one day will pay for their sins, Inshallah.

Who Allah will not forgive is those who call themselves Muslim but who interact with the infidels, to the point of even wanting to live under worldly law and not Allah's law. Or even have their women treated in a hospital, or do you not believe that Allah is just and knows best? The Taliban do, and they let Allah judge whether a woman must live or die after giving birth. Inshallah.

There is only one way to be judged worthy of acceptance into heaven now: you must join the Jihad and fight the infidels and the polytheists so that Allah will prevail. He could kill them himself, but he wants to test you. Strike at their necks and do not rest until they are obedient and pay the jizyah. The world will be under the rule of Allah one day in the future, and all will prostrate for him and only him. Allah Akbar.
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Jun 9, 2016
In a way you are like a muslim, you are just as brainwashed by your political correctness and naive idealism as they are by their bloodthirsty hypocrite prophet. I can't even blame you too much, I used to be like you and it took me some time to figure out the fundamentalist muslim mind. But you need to wake up sometime soon now, or just give up and convert now, for the sake of your children, and their children. I hope Clint Eastwood isn't completely right though.

Appeasing them doesn't work, it will only make them angrier. They hate weakness. Blaming yourself doesn't work, it will only make them say: see, the kuffar themselves are saying it's true, lets kill some more, and take their lands, which is our divine right. Giving them the slightest inch will make them take your whole body. The only thing they understand is force, something the people of Egypt understand and for which you need a dictator, which they installed themselves: (pay attention to that last paragraph). So that is our future, a police state and you better get used to it now (and don't cry when the nsa spies on you).

And what definitely doesn't work is blaming Western Civilization. It will only make them hate those values even more, like the ones that allow gay people to live and even marry. So you need to quit now with the PC bullshit and stand for the things you believe in. One of those things you should not stand for is a religion that uses the concepts of freedom of religion and freedom of speech to do away with those concepts. And you definitely need to give Israel your 100% unconditional support.

Again: Islam will never change, it was designed to be impossible to do that, and the designers succeeded in doing their job. So as long as Islam exists there will be Islamic terrorism, because that is what Muhammed did and what his followers must do. Either by fighting in the Jihad directly, supporting it financially and ideologically, or by silently supporting it, or even by saying that ISIS are not true Muslims and that 'Islam is a religion of peace', which is a great way to mislead people who still really think Islam is a religion of peace, even after 25 years of terror and 1400 years of conquest.

I don't know how many more times I must say this, but once again: all those other assholes you mention are different. They are just assholes, fundamental Muslims are assholes with an ideology, which is far more dangerous. And yes, the West has brought as much stability as is possible in the Middle-East by dividing and conquering them. But maybe we should let them unite, maybe then we can take care of the problem somewhat more easily (after either the Sunni's have killed all Shia's or vice versa).

Anyway there are plenty of non-muslim people saying there is a problem with Islam and I have posted many videos of ex-muslims and even muslims themselves saying that there is a problem with Islam. But if you don't believe any of them, or even label them 'islamophobes' then maybe you should listen to your own founding fathers:

And remember that you can make ammendments to your constitution. And also remember that you should never ever give up one of those already existing ammendments. In fact, it's time to stock up. Also reopen Guantánamo and send all CAIR members there, they are funded by the Muslimbrotherhood, an organisation you really should google.

It's possible the dutch never had their version of the klan warning about the subhuman negrofication of white europe, but it certainly did for the jews. Given this shared language it's evident you never had a chance to learn from their legacy which is increasingly only fit for a cautionary tale. I suppose this makes me black (and maybe jewish) too, and I'm not sure what else for pointing out the irony of your own radicalization; but in all fairness the appeal of these right wing movements aren't limited to muslims.


Aug 1, 2016
It's possible the dutch never had their version of the klan warning about the subhuman negrofication of white europe, but it certainly did for the jews. Given this shared language it's evident you never had a chance to learn from their legacy which is increasingly only fit for a cautionary tale. I suppose this makes me black (and maybe jewish) too, and I'm not sure what else for pointing out the irony of your own radicalization; but in all fairness the appeal of these right wing movements aren't limited to muslims.

Ok, I guess Clint Eastwood was right. Maybe I should just convert and blow your brains out. Maybe then you will understand Islam. After that I will rape a bunch of feminists and have your friends explain how it was all because of socio-economic factors and the 'Genocide of the Palestinian People', while they sip their latte and wipe their fingers over a tiny screen. Meanwhile, back in the Caliphate, I will laugh my ass off and explain to Abu-Bakr that the kuffar really are that idiotic.

That radical enough for you? I sincerely hope that your leaders are not as stupid as you are and are actually working behind the scenes to solve this problem while Obama tells the people that the US is not at war with Islam but that it's just a 0,01% fringe deathcult that is doing these things. Otherwise I probably should really convert to Islam.


Jun 9, 2016
Europe has a similar population of ~50mil muslims to blacks in the US, so I suppose it's not a surprise if their klan also believe the subhumans are raping all the white womens and whatnot even if that isn't matched by statistical reality.


Aug 1, 2016
Europe has a similar population of ~50mil muslims to blacks in the US, so I suppose it's not a surprise if their klan also believe the subhumans are raping all the white womens and whatnot even if that isn't matched by statistical reality.

I see your political correct shell is hard, but beginning to show cracks. It's ok man, you can give in now and face reality. Islamic terror is here to stay until the world is under sharia and the Christians and Jews pay the jizyah.

And black people (btw: in the US don't want to destroy democracy, like these people do: Founded in 1928, long before muslims lived in Europe or the US, before oil was found, or the Afghan war, even before modern day Israel was founded.

This will tell you what they want to do, and what you are helping them with so gullibly:

Or maybe you can't help yourself because you had an education like this:

Time to man up I guess.


Jun 9, 2016
I see your political correct shell is hard, but beginning to show cracks. It's ok man, you can give in now and face reality. Islamic terror is here to stay until the world is under sharia and the Christians and Jews pay the jizyah.

And black people (btw: in the US don't want to destroy democracy, like these people do: Founded in 1928, long before muslims lived in Europe or the US, before oil was found, or the Afghan war, even before modern day Israel was founded.

This will tell you what they want to do, and what you are helping them with so gullibly:

Or maybe you can't help yourself because you had an education like this:

Time to man up I guess.

You might've seen various other threads here highlighting other minorities getting uppity. What would you say is the difference between you and their proprietors?


Aug 1, 2016
Can you just stop using abstruse words like 'proprietors' to make yourself look smart when you know you are not talking to a native English speaker? Or in other words: what the fuck are you talking about?

Or maybe give us your own vision for the future of Western Civilization for a change? Just keep going on like this, burn candles and hug after every terror attack, because there's nothing you can do against a 'lonewolf', even if they have at least 6 know accomplices? And keep denying it has anything to do at all with what the terrorists themselves claim to be the main reason: Islam?

Anyway, Geert Wilders has just presented his program for the coming elections: 1. total ban on islam, close all mosques, all musims leave our country. Lets see how it goes.

But ontopic now:

Taqqiya? Killing OBL, takfir? Timeless poetry, like the Quran? Peaceful comment. Promotes science so much that the islamic world has won a grand total of 3 Nobel prizes in real science, by an ahmadiyyah moslim, so they had to scrap 'ahmadiyyah' from his tombstone, but Pakistan has a nuclear bomb now. But the video is right, his pronunciation is correct.

Also, religion doesn't promote science, rational thinking does. But if religion does you will have to simply admit that Ra, Zeus/Jupiter, Krishna, Confucius, Thor and especially Jesus Christ promote science a whole lot more than Allah.

Btw, did you know a muslim general actually tried to blow up the Great Pyramid of Gizeh? Obviously it was yet another failure, but there is nothing new under the sun here I guess.
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Jun 9, 2016
People use big words sometimes for either nuance or rhetorical effect, it's worth trying sometime if you haven't. In any case, it seems a pathetic mindset to expect anyone to patronize with smaller words. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to improve at english.

What I'm talking about are the various other white supremacists here who either start or propagate threads about other minorities, using much the same language of the right about their danger to the white man or his interests. I've mentioned this above rather explicitly, but maybe the words were too big then, too. This shouldn't be new to you since right wing parties are hardly novel in europe and they've gone through pretty much the whole color wheel of races to hate on.

They've also thought of the entire spectrum of solutions, too, from relegation to the ghettos to the final one. It worth mentioned the US also had its brainstorming as to what to do the coloreds, which were also similarly imported as cheap labor. For the chinese it was a ban, for the blacks it was first return to africa or jim crow, followed by more recent history. Never went so far as extermination which used to be the solution for the natives.

The point is the rhetoric & ideology you parrot is nothing new. If anything your predecessors were better at it and they still fell into the dustbin of history.


Aug 1, 2016
Well, you really are hopeless. You are either a Jihadist yourself, a Dhimmi, or politically correct, which might be even worse. But I understand the danger, because I am a true liberal thinker, and my brain tells me: Islam is the problem, and nothing else. Just like many other liberal thinkers who had the misfortune of being born in an Islamic country told us many times before in history.

Appeasing Islam won't help you, it will only make you submit even sooner. The only way to fight this is to crush this ideology, and help the good people that are born into it to escape from it. You can not do that by denying the root cause of the problem. Just like we could not destroy Nazism by denying that Nazism was the problem. And you can certainly not do that by putting the blame on yourself and denying the virtues of Western Civilization. The best way to save good Muslim people is to give them an alternative to their dark prophet, and turn them to a prophet of light, one they already know, but not well enough.

Yes, you will have to give up essential liberties to save those liberties. Because Islam hates those liberties and will destroy them.

Prepare yourself for this:

It will be long, it will be hard, and there can be no withdrawal.
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Jun 9, 2016
I suppose it's possible after a rather long history of errors the supremacists are right this time, and you just happened to join at exactly the perfect moment for them to shine. Seems rather unlikely though given islam's been around for a while, and this is just the next ethnic group in line for their usual shtick. You might have better luck with the Anti-Science Society; hear they're have this new climate thing going on after flat-earth and creationism didn't go as planned.


Aug 1, 2016
I suppose it's possible after a rather long history of errors the supremacists are right this time, and you just happened to join at exactly the perfect moment for them to shine. Seems rather unlikely though given islam's been around for a while, and this is just the next ethnic group in line for their usual shtick. You might have better luck with the Anti-Science Society; hear they're have this new climate thing going on after flat-earth and creationism didn't go as planned.

I didn't join anyone, I'm my own mind. And ofcourse I don't deny global warming, only an idiot does that. Who are your 'proprietors' by the way? Clinton foundation? George Soros? CAIR? MB? Refugee industrial complex? Security Industrial complex? Let me tell you folks, buy yourself some security firm stocks, so you can get rich easily in your gated community.

That's not an attack on your person though, just a playful insinuation...because all my posts so far have attacked Islam, and not people, unless they follow this religion for their dark goals. Lets just say it's a good time for conspiracy theories. There's only one organisation that actually tells us about their conspiracy: the muslimbrotherhood, and its terrorist offspring like AQ and ISIS. But then people don't listen to them...because the news is manipulated, and politicians deny the problem.

If Obamas and Clintons policies wouldn't have been such a total disaster I wouldn't be getting a slightly uneasy feeling when I watch videos like this, and think on the knowledge of Islam I have built up the past 15 years:

But people like Hillary who started an illegal war in Libia (which you never hear lib-progs complain about like they love to complain about when the neocons did the same in Iraq, but at least tried to get UN support) and their disastrous M-E policy have blood on their hands, not only of M-E people, but also of European people now, mostly the ones that defended muslims right to live there. You pulled the troops in Vietnam and it worked, you pulled the troops in Iraq and it failed. Why? Islam that's why. So I don't think its very comforting when I hear Obama say Clinton will continue his policies.

If you still think I dislike people of color (how do you know I'm a white person btw?), I added some yang to my yin yesterday and had a great time at a food festival, where I tasted many wonderful tastes and had excellent conversations with many people of all kind of ethnic backgrounds.


Jun 9, 2016
I didn't join anyone, I'm my own mind. And ofcourse I don't deny global warming, only an idiot does that. Who are your 'proprietors' by the way? Clinton foundation? George Soros? CAIR? MB? Refugee industrial complex? Security Industrial complex? Let me tell you folks, buy yourself some security firm stocks, so you can get rich easily in your gated community.
Sure, if "my own mind" means parroting every islamophobe blog out there. Is there any such revisionism about islam you don't believe? Serious question.

In contrast, I'm just stating some historical facts, the kind taught in school from books written by actual historians.

That's not an attack on your person though, just a playful insinuation...because all my posts so far have attacked Islam, and not people, unless they follow this religion for their dark goals. Lets just say it's a good time for conspiracy theories. There's only one organisation that actually tells us about their conspiracy: the muslimbrotherhood, and its terrorist offspring like AQ and ISIS. But then people don't listen to them...because the news is manipulated, and politicians deny the problem.

I guess only the klan folk could figure the real history & facts. They really seem the figuring sort, along with the isis crowd.

If Obamas and Clintons policies wouldn't have been such a total disaster I wouldn't be getting a slightly uneasy feeling when I watch videos like this, and think on the knowledge of Islam I have built up the past 15 years:

But people like Hillary who started an illegal war in Libia (which you never hear lib-progs complain about like they love to complain about when the neocons did the same in Iraq, but at least tried to get UN support) and their disastrous M-E policy have blood on their hands, not only of M-E people, but also of European people now, mostly the ones that defended muslims right to live there. You pulled the troops in Vietnam and it worked, you pulled the troops in Iraq and it failed. Why? Islam that's why. So I don't think its very comforting when I hear Obama say Clinton will continue his policies.

The colonial sectarian division in iraq was mentioned quite a few times, but I suppose those words must be too big for your head. Also recall that one side of the civil war in vietnam won rather decisively, in contrast to let's say korea which remains at odds despite a two-state solution, far more so than most gulf states. Must be those damn korean super-muslim's fault.

Also, why do people with "their own mind" always have to keep linking youtube videos made by other dumbshits?

If you still think I dislike people of color (how do you know I'm a white person btw?), I added some yang to my yin yesterday and had a great time at a food festival, where I tasted many wonderful tastes and had excellent conversations with many people of all kind of ethnic backgrounds.

You just like dislike people whose color implies much lesser social status than your own. That's why the colonial types quite like the klan, makes it rather cheap to keep the lower subjects in line when "your own" does it for free.
Reactions: arsjum


Aug 1, 2016
Also, why do people with "their own mind" always have to keep linking youtube videos made by other dumbshits?

I've adressed all points you mentioned in my previous posts. Koreans hate Islam too btw. And I keep linking YouTube videos, because that is what this thread is about, muslims and ex-muslims saying there is a problem with Islam: it's the only religion that promotes violence in spreading itself.

But a slightly different angle this time:

And this would have been a real good black president:
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Jun 9, 2016
I've adressed all points you mentioned in my previous posts.

Sure, you replied to them. That is not the same thing as "addressing", any more than posting some dumbass video about why 2+2=22 addresses ignorance of basic arithmetic.

Koreans hate Islam too btw. And I keep linking YouTube videos, because that is what this thread is about, muslims and ex-muslims saying there is a problem with Islam: it's the only religion that promotes violence in spreading itself.

But a slightly different angle this time:

And this would have been a real good black president:

Plenty of ex-christians say their religion is problematic, and its violence is simply historic fact. Your personal ignorance of facts doesn't effect the world much, much as you might believe different.


Aug 1, 2016
I think it's you who doesn't understand the difference between the 3 Abrahamic religions, Let me explain it to you:

If Jews would interpret their book litterally they would kill the Amorites, the Hethites, the Ferezites, the Canaanites, the Hevits and the Jebusits. And then create a country roughly in the area we call Israel today and live there under the halakha.

If Christians would interpret their book litterally they would love God, love their neighbour, turn their cheek, and even love their enemy, or at least forgive them.

If Muslims would interpret their book litterally they would join the Muslimbrotherhood, Al-Qaida, IS or a whole bunch of other terrorgroups across the world, kill all non-believers or make them live as secondrate citizens under the sharia. Like what IS actually say themselves they want to do:

So it seems to me that you don't know how to add 1+1 (no, it's not 11)

Here's another muslim that tells us about the problem with their religion:

Blaming Germany for helping to create IS because German born muslims go there after that Islamic State is created? You must be insane if you say that. What it means is that too many muslims living in your country want to turn it into an Islamic state as well.

Or is it racist if a Jew doesn't blame Germans living today for Nazism? He's probably just an islamophobe because he knows muslims are a bit like the new Nazis.
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Jun 9, 2016
I think it's you who doesn't understand the difference between the 3 Abrahamic religions, Let me explain it to you:

If Jews would interpret their book litterally they would kill the Amorites, the Hethites, the Ferezites, the Canaanites, the Hevits and the Jebusits. And then create a country roughly in the area we call Israel today and live there under the halakha.

If Christians would interpret their book litterally they would love God, love their neighbour, turn their cheek, and even love their enemy, or at least forgive them.

If Muslims would interpret their book litterally they would join the Muslimbrotherhood, Al-Qaida, IS or a whole bunch of other terrorgroups across the world, kill all non-believers or make them live as secondrate citizens under the sharia. Like what IS actually say themselves they want to do:

So it seems to me that you don't know how to add 1+1 (no, it's not 11)

Here's another muslim that tells us about the problem with their religion:

How do you figure someone who just parrots right wing nationalist revisionism is in any position to explain anything? These are the same people who used this same process to blame the jews for everything, and are evidently too stupid & ignorant to recognize even recent history repeating itself. This is a serious question.

Blaming Germany for helping to create IS because German born muslims go there after that Islamic State is created? You must be insane if you say that. What it means is that too many muslims living in your country want to turn it into an Islamic state as well.

Or is it racist if a Jew doesn't blame Germans living today for Nazism? He's probably just an islamophobe because he knows muslims are a bit like the new Nazis.

The nazis were right wing nationalists looking to blame their social ills on foreign looking elements while assert their own superiority, it's just what they do. Similar to the ISIL types and your friends. Not all germans or all muslims are of that type, just the folks like yourself.


Aug 1, 2016
How do you figure someone who just parrots right wing nationalist revisionism is in any position to explain anything? These are the same people who used this same process to blame the jews for everything, and are evidently too stupid & ignorant to recognize even recent history repeating itself. This is a serious question.

The nazis were right wing nationalists looking to blame their social ills on foreign looking elements while assert their own superiority, it's just what they do. Similar to the ISIL types and your friends. Not all germans or all muslims are of that type, just the folks like yourself.

Muslims parroting right wing nationalist revisionism...are you one of those Berners? That video really made me laugh my ass off. Until I realised many people really are this stupid. Or do you mean Frau Merkel? But ok:

The difference is that Jews were not plotting to take over Europe and make us live under the halakha. And they were also not guilty of Germany losing WW1. In fact, Jewish people contributed greatly to European society, building new neighbourhoods for poor people, sewers, clean water, parks, all things Jewish people did in my country.

The Muslimbrotherhood does actually want to make the whole world live under sharia law, and they are using other muslims as cover. Who are mostly a drain on our society anyway because many of them don't want to integrate, on the contrary. And the terror is hurting the economy with all this security stuff, and now tourism is hurting as well. Apart from that it would be nice if there would be a day without an islam-related news article for a while.

Besides I want them to leave my country, not kill them. But some people are saying it might come to that if we keep going on like this. Or it might just be the other way around.

And who is this Huma Abedin woman? My leftish newspaper ran an article about her, but I don't dare to link it because there was a fox news video. Ah, why not:

Why is a muslim woman from Saudi-Arabia Clintons most trusted aide? Or have you forgotten 911?

Edit: CBS, is that left or right-wing?:

Relied on her muslim faith...Something fishy about this sexting thing too. Trust me, I heard about this before but didn't pay too much attention. But now I have a strong feeling it was she who had him hacked. Always working, lonely Anthony, approached by a 22-year old...Also this Benghazi stuff now seems pretty weird all of a sudden.

Pence looks like a man who can take care of stuff. Irish Catholic, no taqqiya there.
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Jun 9, 2016
Muslims parroting right wing nationalist revisionism...are you one of those Berners? That video really made me laugh my ass off. Until I realised many people really are this stupid. Or do you mean Frau Merkel? But ok:
This was explained to you earlier. Various muslims criticize other muslims in the same way that I or Merkel criticize you. The smarter/educated ones aren't your counterparts; the ISIL's peon level types are.

The difference is that Jews were not plotting to take over Europe and make us live under the halakha. And they were also not guilty of Germany losing WW1. In fact, Jewish people contributed greatly to European society, building new neighbourhoods for poor people, sewers, clean water, parks, all things Jewish people did in my country.

That's not what the nazis claimed, going to the trouble of literally painting jews as less white than they generally are. Worth nothing they also claimed the same sort of thing for most all the colored people, and the nationalists have been gradually working through that list.

The Muslimbrotherhood does actually want to make the whole world live under sharia law, and they are using other muslims as cover. Who are mostly a drain on our society anyway because many of them don't want to integrate, on the contrary. And the terror is hurting the economy with all this security stuff, and now tourism is hurting as well. Apart from that it would be nice if there would be a day without a islam-related news article for a while.

Besides I want them to leave my country, not kill them. But some people are saying it might come to that if we keep going on like this. Or it might just be the other way around.

And who is this Huma Abedin woman? My leftish newspaper ran an article about her, but I don't dare to link it because there was a fox news video. Ah, why not:

Why is a muslim woman from Saudi-Arabia Clintons most trusted aide? Or have you forgotten 911?

The overreaction over terrorism is what's hurting tourism. That's a problem of your own creation. Problems resulting from right wing nationalism are generally more serious though, even if they try to blame those too on darky foreigners.


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2015
This was explained to you earlier. Various muslims criticize other muslims in the same way that I or Merkel criticize you. The smarter/educated ones aren't your counterparts; the ISIL's peon level types are.

That's not what the nazis claimed, going to the trouble of literally painting jews as less white than they generally are. Worth nothing they also claimed the same sort of thing for most all the colored people, and the nationalists have been gradually working through that list.

The overreaction over terrorism is what's hurting tourism. That's a problem of your own creation. Problems resulting from right wing nationalism are generally more serious though, even if they try to blame those too on darky foreigners.

Golly, another use of "darky." How long have you been so racist?
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