Stories of people getting owned at work! ? post 'em


Senior member
Aug 6, 2003
I have read quite a few of stories of people sending out a rude email to the whole company by accident or something to that effect. Anyone got links to posts of any good ones..... ? Bored.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
When I worked in the library back in college I got caught with one of the librarians (40 year old woman) getting it on the interlibrary loan vault by the dean of libraries. OWNED!!


Aug 25, 2003
Few years back I got a summer job in taiwan. There were some cute girls working there. I wrote an email to my friends about how hot some of them were. I accidently cc'ed my boss. Nothing bad came of it though. I don't think my boss was very fluent in english, so maybe he didn't read it. Or maybe he did, thought it was amusing, but never mentioned anything.


Sep 25, 2000
one lady at work accidentally emailed a 'perverted' sex email to the director, instead of her boyfriend (same first name.. guess he showed up in the address book first) .... needless to say... she no longer works there.



Senior member
Mar 9, 2003
the nob that is my cubemate should be owned (or rather FIRED) for giving me sh!t about my hours and whatnot, when he comes in late half the time, leaves right at 5, and today is his 2nd sick day in like a week and a half... WTF

I'm finding a new job...


Senior member
Aug 31, 2003
We finally caught the bastard who never flushed after his massive dumps. So to "own" his ass, we politely requested that he do next time.


Nov 9, 1999
One of my co-workers here that was hired two weeks before I was is gonna get owned pretty soon, this is the 5th time he's coming in late. He usually comes in an hour or two late and throws some bullshit excuses out.


Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Bruck
I have read quite a few of stories of people sending out a rude email to the whole company by accident or something to that effect. Anyone got links to posts of any good ones..... ? Bored.
This "manager" here once tried to introduce the testing team to a new concept he heard about. So he wrote it on the board for dramatic effect: HADDOCK TESTING. He obviously meant ad-hoc testing. He was seriously PWN3D be even the most junior tester until he left in a blaze of humiliation a year later...


Nov 20, 2003
We had an intern "presented" to us, as he was a neighbor to the associate superintendent. He knew quite a bit about computers, but he always slept on the job. He was very fat, and very lazy. He would fall asleep just sitting in a chair, even with people around. A few examples..

1) He was asleep while on a computer, he fell asleep mid mouse click. The right click window was open on an icon, his finger was on the right click button.

2) He fell asleep in a lab with about 30 students in it. We didn't wake him up, and just left.

3) We were unboxing about 100 computers, and his job was to install NIC cards in it. In the span of 6 hours, he installed 3 NIC cards.

4) He pulled up into the parking lot after lunch, and immediately fell asleep. His truck was still running. We had to wake him up after 30 minutes. When asked what he was doing , he said in a post sleep haze "uh..i was just thinking.

5) We had him deliver a printer cable to a school. 3 hours later we recieved a call saying he had an "accident" and had to go home and change. A number "2" accident.

6) We told him we were going to a high school, and to meet us there. He never showed up. He called us an hour later saying he was lost. We gave him directions, he finally made it. Mind you, he has lived in this town for 20 some years, and got lost.

7) He fell out of his chair twice. This was funny to see, if you were there.

8) He fell asleep in our shop, and the big boss walked in. He saw him there asleep, shook his head in shame, and walked away.

He was never fired, but he was under a "contract" per say. We did not rehire him.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Way back when CAD was just getting established (and workstations cost $30,000) I was a second-shift drafter. The system was so new there wasn't anyone who really knew it inside and out except the developers. While waiting for the group leader to finish the backups (I would walk her to her car), I was fooling around in my assigned CAD file and made one that said "Click the X for your secret message". The entire screen was white except for the message and an X at the top. When you clicked the X, some hidden text behind the white area would display which said "EAT ME". In those days, that was a pretty clever thing to be able to do, trust me.

When I came into work the next day everyone was avoiding me. Finally after an hour, a co-worker had pity on me and told me that some people from another company came in to see our CAD system, and the big boss (knowing I wasn't in yet) decided to use my file to show them how it worked. The big boss clicked the X. The visitors and the big boss all got treated to a nice display of "EAT ME".

I had only worked there a few months and it took me a while to gather my courage to go into see the big boss. He was obviously pissed, so I stammered out my story that I did it on my own time while waiting for the group leader, and that I was just learning more about how the system worked and never imagined anyone would access my file.

He let me go through the whole story while seeing I was a wreck about it, then said "Well, I don't even know what you're talking about. Get back to work."


Dec 26, 2000
Originally posted by: teddymines
This "manager" here once tried to introduce the testing team to a new concept he heard about. So he wrote it on the board for dramatic effect: HADDOCK TESTING. He obviously meant ad-hoc testing. He was seriously PWN3D be even the most junior tester until he left in a blaze of humiliation a year later...

sounds fishy


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: TC2181
We had an intern "presented" to us, as he was a neighbor to the associate superintendent. He knew quite a bit about computers, but he always slept on the job. He was very fat, and very lazy. He would fall asleep just sitting in a chair, even with people around. A few examples..

1) He was asleep while on a computer, he fell asleep mid mouse click. The right click window was open on an icon, his finger was on the right click button.

2) He fell asleep in a lab with about 30 students in it. We didn't wake him up, and just left.

3) We were unboxing about 100 computers, and his job was to install NIC cards in it. In the span of 6 hours, he installed 3 NIC cards.

4) He pulled up into the parking lot after lunch, and immediately fell asleep. His truck was still running. We had to wake him up after 30 minutes. When asked what he was doing , he said in a post sleep haze "uh..i was just thinking.

5) We had him deliver a printer cable to a school. 3 hours later we recieved a call saying he had an "accident" and had to go home and change. A number "2" accident.

6) We told him we were going to a high school, and to meet us there. He never showed up. He called us an hour later saying he was lost. We gave him directions, he finally made it. Mind you, he has lived in this town for 20 some years, and got lost.

7) He fell out of his chair twice. This was funny to see, if you were there.

8) He fell asleep in our shop, and the big boss walked in. He saw him there asleep, shook his head in shame, and walked away.

He was never fired, but he was under a "contract" per say. We did not rehire him.

sounds like he may have had a medical condition.


I was a manager for a small company. we had a few computer operators. one for each shift. well the first shift guy would always complaing about the 3d shift guy. complaining about stuff being dirty and his work not done.

well me and another manager reviewed tapes. well we have amachine that vibrates and evens out stacks of papers. well he was climbing up on top of it and err..wraping his penis in rags and putting it IN/on the machine. he would do that a few times a night.

So my boss made ME fire him. she didn't want to heh. not that i blame her i didn't want to either.



Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: TC2181
We had an intern "presented" to us, as he was a neighbor to the associate superintendent. He knew quite a bit about computers, but he always slept on the job. He was very fat, and very lazy. He would fall asleep just sitting in a chair, even with people around. A few examples..

1) He was asleep while on a computer, he fell asleep mid mouse click. The right click window was open on an icon, his finger was on the right click button.

2) He fell asleep in a lab with about 30 students in it. We didn't wake him up, and just left.

3) We were unboxing about 100 computers, and his job was to install NIC cards in it. In the span of 6 hours, he installed 3 NIC cards.

4) He pulled up into the parking lot after lunch, and immediately fell asleep. His truck was still running. We had to wake him up after 30 minutes. When asked what he was doing , he said in a post sleep haze "uh..i was just thinking.

5) We had him deliver a printer cable to a school. 3 hours later we recieved a call saying he had an "accident" and had to go home and change. A number "2" accident.

6) We told him we were going to a high school, and to meet us there. He never showed up. He called us an hour later saying he was lost. We gave him directions, he finally made it. Mind you, he has lived in this town for 20 some years, and got lost.

7) He fell out of his chair twice. This was funny to see, if you were there.

8) He fell asleep in our shop, and the big boss walked in. He saw him there asleep, shook his head in shame, and walked away.

He was never fired, but he was under a "contract" per say. We did not rehire him.

...poor guy


Nov 20, 2003
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: TC2181
We had an intern "presented" to us, as he was a neighbor to the associate superintendent. He knew quite a bit about computers, but he always slept on the job. He was very fat, and very lazy. He would fall asleep just sitting in a chair, even with people around. A few examples..

1) He was asleep while on a computer, he fell asleep mid mouse click. The right click window was open on an icon, his finger was on the right click button.

2) He fell asleep in a lab with about 30 students in it. We didn't wake him up, and just left.

3) We were unboxing about 100 computers, and his job was to install NIC cards in it. In the span of 6 hours, he installed 3 NIC cards.

4) He pulled up into the parking lot after lunch, and immediately fell asleep. His truck was still running. We had to wake him up after 30 minutes. When asked what he was doing , he said in a post sleep haze "uh..i was just thinking.

5) We had him deliver a printer cable to a school. 3 hours later we recieved a call saying he had an "accident" and had to go home and change. A number "2" accident.

6) We told him we were going to a high school, and to meet us there. He never showed up. He called us an hour later saying he was lost. We gave him directions, he finally made it. Mind you, he has lived in this town for 20 some years, and got lost.

7) He fell out of his chair twice. This was funny to see, if you were there.

8) He fell asleep in our shop, and the big boss walked in. He saw him there asleep, shook his head in shame, and walked away.

He was never fired, but he was under a "contract" per say. We did not rehire him.

sounds like he may have had a medical condition.


I was a manager for a small company. we had a few computer operators. one for each shift. well the first shift guy would always complaing about the 3d shift guy. complaining about stuff being dirty and his work not done.

well me and another manager reviewed tapes. well we have amachine that vibrates and evens out stacks of papers. well he was climbing up on top of it and err..wraping his penis in rags and putting it IN/on the machine. he would do that a few times a night.

So my boss made ME fire him. she didn't want to heh. not that i blame her i didn't want to either.

Naw..he was just a fatass who was lazy and spoiled. He only got the job because of who he knew. He wouldn't have gotten hired otherwise, he couldn't even present himself in a professional manner, ie he wore a t-shirt and sweatpants every day to work, and had very bad hygeine. He said that his medicine for his "weight control" made him tired, but I think the real reason was he stayed up all night to play Everquest.



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I was running like a nutcase to get to my desk, because I had something I forgot to email to the printer and the presses were about to close. I fly through swinging doors and the CEO is right there with a cup of coffee in his hand. It actually flew into his face. I felt like such a moron.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: TC2181
We had an intern "presented" to us, as he was a neighbor to the associate superintendent. He knew quite a bit about computers, but he always slept on the job. He was very fat, and very lazy. He would fall asleep just sitting in a chair, even with people around. A few examples..

1) He was asleep while on a computer, he fell asleep mid mouse click. The right click window was open on an icon, his finger was on the right click button.

2) He fell asleep in a lab with about 30 students in it. We didn't wake him up, and just left.

3) We were unboxing about 100 computers, and his job was to install NIC cards in it. In the span of 6 hours, he installed 3 NIC cards.

4) He pulled up into the parking lot after lunch, and immediately fell asleep. His truck was still running. We had to wake him up after 30 minutes. When asked what he was doing , he said in a post sleep haze "uh..i was just thinking.

5) We had him deliver a printer cable to a school. 3 hours later we recieved a call saying he had an "accident" and had to go home and change. A number "2" accident.

6) We told him we were going to a high school, and to meet us there. He never showed up. He called us an hour later saying he was lost. We gave him directions, he finally made it. Mind you, he has lived in this town for 20 some years, and got lost.

7) He fell out of his chair twice. This was funny to see, if you were there.

8) He fell asleep in our shop, and the big boss walked in. He saw him there asleep, shook his head in shame, and walked away.

He was never fired, but he was under a "contract" per say. We did not rehire him.

sounds like he may have had a medical condition.


I was a manager for a small company. we had a few computer operators. one for each shift. well the first shift guy would always complaing about the 3d shift guy. complaining about stuff being dirty and his work not done.

well me and another manager reviewed tapes. well we have amachine that vibrates and evens out stacks of papers. well he was climbing up on top of it and err..wraping his penis in rags and putting it IN/on the machine. he would do that a few times a night.

So my boss made ME fire him. she didn't want to heh. not that i blame her i didn't want to either.

That's now pwned, that's nasty.


Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: ThePresence
I was running like a nutcase to get to my desk, because I had something I forgot to email to the printer and the presses were about to close. I fly through swinging doors and the CEO is right there with a cup of coffee in his hand. It actually flew into his face. I felt like such a moron.
Even *he* should know to use lids on drinks when in a computer area.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2002
Originally posted by: waggy
well me and another manager reviewed tapes. well we have amachine that vibrates and evens out stacks of papers. well he was climbing up on top of it and err..wraping his penis in rags and putting it IN/on the machine. he would do that a few times a night.

So my boss made ME fire him. she didn't want to heh. not that i blame her i didn't want to either.[/quote]

I think I'm gonna be sick...hahaa. Too bad you didn't submit the tapes to one of those "Shocking Videos" types of shows


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: teddymines
Originally posted by: ThePresence
I was running like a nutcase to get to my desk, because I had something I forgot to email to the printer and the presses were about to close. I fly through swinging doors and the CEO is right there with a cup of coffee in his hand. It actually flew into his face. I felt like such a moron.
Even *he* should know to use lids on drinks when in a computer area.
It wasn't a computer area, I was running like a moron through the halls.


Platinum Member
Dec 20, 2002
Someone that used to work here (before my time) evidently thought that monkey-drinking-his-own-piss video was so funny that she sent it out to "*All Worldwide Employees"...

Wouldn't have been that bad, exept that a ~3MB video going out across several thousands of addy's kinda brings everything to a screeching halt. On top of that, we have several people who travel, and when you VPN in and connect to mail, you have to download your messages in order to continue. God only knows how much that stupid video actually cost the company.

She got fired later the same day. PWN3D.


Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by: AbsolutDealage
Someone that used to work here (before my time) evidently thought that monkey-drinking-his-own-piss video was so funny that she sent it out to "*All Worldwide Employees"...

Wouldn't have been that bad, exept that a ~3MB video going out across several thousands of addy's kinda brings everything to a screeching halt. On top of that, we have several people who travel, and when you VPN in and connect to mail, you have to download your messages in order to continue. God only knows how much that stupid video actually cost the company.

She got fired later the same day. PWN3D.

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