'Straight pride' group removes Brad Pitt as mascot after actor complains

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May 30, 2008
We may not be able to police thoughts, but we absolutely should not tolerate any expression of hate speech or discrimination. If you can't at least be decent to others then you better keep it to yourself.

Thousands of people read these forums who never participate. Condoning hateful, archaic ideas is tantamount to loading the gun for some wacko to take things to the next violent step.

Though what do you mean by 'we' and 'not tolerate'? 'We, the denizens, or owners, of this forum', or 'we, the state'?

What is absurd is the idea that people can express hateful thoughts and then insist nobody can challenge or condemn those words. But I'm still not sure about the degree to which it should be a matter for the law.


May 30, 2008
The idea that trans folk have a mental illness isn’t hateful any more than saying anyone else with a mental illness is mentally ill is hateful. I’m depressed, if you call me that it doesn’t mean you hate me.

How do you feel about Soviet psychiatry? Essentially, thinking that Stalinist communism wasn't perfect could get you declared mentally ill.

What do you think of the idea that anyone who votes Trump is mentally ill? ( Though that analogy isn't ideal because Trump voters are not exactly a vulnerable minority so doesn't capture the level of threat and insult involved.)

As I said, mental illness appears to me to be a slippery concept, one that is in good part socially-constructed. Using it as a weapon against groups you disapprove of, in ways that aren't widely accepted or very clearly justified, is a political act, and people can call you on it.

I do think that there are a great many aspects of human behaviour and experience that we really don't understand scientifically, including sexuality and gender, and also including a lot of other behavioural conditions, and it sometimes seems to me a bit of a nightmare that we are all stumbling around in the dark, feeling obliged to make moral judgements about things when we really don't have enough information (cf arguments about things like ADD).

Personally I think maybe one should be cautious and err on the side of respecting people's own statements about their experiences.


Jul 2, 2005
Until recently. Previously it was defined as such. The change was bowing to public pressure. It being a mental illness isn’t is simply that, it’s not a reason to treat them poorly or anything. The scientific definition until very recently was yes it is a mental illness. And that’s the quasi scientific nonsense of psychology so take it with a grain of salt.
where did you get your degree in psychology and/or psychiatry? and how long have you been practicing?
Reactions: umbrella39


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
where did you get your degree in psychology and/or psychiatry? and how long have you been practicing?
Listen, that newfound schizophrenia nonsense used to be considered demon possession. Take it with a grain of salt.


May 30, 2008
Listen, that newfound schizophrenia nonsense used to be considered demon possession. Take it with a grain of salt.

It seems to me there's a certain continuity from when things were considered 'demonic possession' and are now considered 'mental illnesses'. Both positions can be underdetermined by the evidence. And either way it's about ghosts in the machine and a 'god of the gaps' kind of reasoning (you declare it to be psychological if you can't find a physical cause, just as once you would have blamed the demons).

Some conditions have gone from 'demonic posession' to 'mental illness' to 'physical conditions'.


Jul 13, 2005
We asure to have a lot of experts on mental illness on these forums!!\
I am just amazed that so many of you havew your degrees in the study of these illnesses!
It is amazing that just because you have an opinion formed by research done on the "internet" that you would dare consider yoursrelf an expert on the subject or the vastness of the different ways mental illness manifests itself!
Whats even more interesting is the way some of you reply with snarky observations!
Whats is true and cannot be disproved is that our understanding of these illnesses and our definitions of these illnesses change as our knowledge evolves and improves.


Senior member
May 24, 2013
What a load of crap. All you need is common sense here people, and not paragraphs of doctors finding reasons as to how they can rebrand transgenderism.

Pretty soon we will be hearing that pedophiles aren't mentally ill either, it's just that their "brain structure is different". Right.
Reactions: UglyCasanova


Oct 18, 2005
What a load of crap. All you need is common sense here people, and not paragraphs of doctors finding reasons as to how they can rebrand transgenderism.

Pretty soon we will be hearing that pedophiles aren't mentally ill either, it's just that their "brain structure is different". Right.

Well that was an impressive entrance into the thread. Also bonus points for mentioning pedophiles with trans people.

Never mind just another long dead account that suddenly starts posting in P&N.


Mar 25, 2001
As I said, mental illness appears to me to be a slippery concept, one that is in good part socially-constructed. Using it as a weapon against groups you disapprove of, in ways that aren't widely accepted or very clearly justified, is a political act, and people can call you on it.

I agree with this and think modern psychology is not really science so to quote it as such is meh. The definition that yes this is a mental illness or not can be suspect. Definitely gray areas and slippery slopes. I’m not using this as a weapon though, hope you don’t think I am. As I’ve said over and over they deserve respect and equal treatment just like anyone else. That said I still believe anyone willing to mutilate their genitals, take hormones, create artificial breasts, etc to give the physical appearance that they are a sex they weren’t born with is a mental illness.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
What is "traditional" code for regressive social attitudes - sexism, homophobia, and a host of other terrible ideas of suppressing rights and calls of mental illness. Lot's of regressive attitudes. My wife's nephew is Trans and is FAR from "mentally ill". I’d be willing to wager that his coworkers and neighbors don’t know what his genitals look like. The assault on trans people is not independent of homophobia, but instead just those same homophobes finding an easier target to focus on. Most people don't know any openly trans people so they don't get as much support, and it's easier to be angry about 'men dressed as women infiltrating our bathrooms' when you don't understand the actual issue or know of any people that it applies to.

We still have elderly people who grew up in a time where homosexuality was considered disgusting and sinful. You had people coming of age where, as time passes, homosexuality was seen as simply a different way of doing things. Obviously, some people will never change, whatever speed we go to denying people, in America, rights and human decency won't matter to them. Progress is often made simply by the old bigots dying off, and being replaced by younger people with different attitudes.

So challenging the status quo in a visible and assertive manner is important, so that young people realize that there are possibilities other than the terrible choices advocated by their hypocritical overbearing ultra conservative parents and their religious leaders. It's also important, of course, because if you're LGBT and living in some podunk town in the Bible Belt, it may stop you committing suicide if you can realize that the attitudes you see around you every day are not shared by the whole world. And it's time for such a person to either, fight or leave that bigoted regressive area of the country behind them.

No doubt there are some people out there who might now grudgingly accept gay rights, but "draw the line" at trans rights. But I'm highly skeptical that any of these people were ever enthusiastically supportive of gay rights - they had to be dragged reluctantly to where they are. What we're seeing now with Trumpism - people who never really wanted to give up any of their privilege and bigotry becoming empowered to celebrate their regressive attitudes openly. The movement for transgender rights is just the latest cultural "hook" for homophobes to hang their homophobia on. If the entire trans-rights movement went totally silent starting tomorrow, the homophobes would simply have to think up a different reason to foment outrage against gays.


Jul 13, 2005
Why can`t we all gather round in a gigantic circle and hold hands and let bygones be bygones and sing "Kumbaya'????


Mar 25, 2001
What is "traditional" code for regressive social attitudes - sexism, homophobia, and a host of other terrible ideas of suppressing rights and calls of mental illness. Lot's of regressive attitudes. My wife's nephew is Trans and is FAR from "mentally ill". I’d be willing to wager that his coworkers and neighbors don’t know what his genitals look like. The assault on trans people is not independent of homophobia, but instead just those same homophobes finding an easier target to focus on. Most people don't know any openly trans people so they don't get as much support, and it's easier to be angry about 'men dressed as women infiltrating our bathrooms' when you don't understand the actual issue or know of any people that it applies to.

We still have elderly people who grew up in a time where homosexuality was considered disgusting and sinful. You had people coming of age where, as time passes, homosexuality was seen as simply a different way of doing things. Obviously, some people will never change, whatever speed we go to denying people, in America, rights and human decency won't matter to them. Progress is often made simply by the old bigots dying off, and being replaced by younger people with different attitudes.

So challenging the status quo in a visible and assertive manner is important, so that young people realize that there are possibilities other than the terrible choices advocated by their hypocritical overbearing ultra conservative parents and their religious leaders. It's also important, of course, because if you're LGBT and living in some podunk town in the Bible Belt, it may stop you committing suicide if you can realize that the attitudes you see around you every day are not shared by the whole world. And it's time for such a person to either, fight or leave that bigoted regressive area of the country behind them.

No doubt there are some people out there who might now grudgingly accept gay rights, but "draw the line" at trans rights. But I'm highly skeptical that any of these people were ever enthusiastically supportive of gay rights - they had to be dragged reluctantly to where they are. What we're seeing now with Trumpism - people who never really wanted to give up any of their privilege and bigotry becoming empowered to celebrate their regressive attitudes openly. The movement for transgender rights is just the latest cultural "hook" for homophobes to hang their homophobia on. If the entire trans-rights movement went totally silent starting tomorrow, the homophobes would simply have to think up a different reason to foment outrage against gays.

That’s wonderful and all. I’m stil of the opinion that someone willing to mutilate their body through fake breast implants (I think women who get this have some sort of a mental illness as well, just a socially accepted one), hormones pumped in their body, and a penis sliced up to become a vagina has a mental illness. Sorry but that will always be my opinion no matter how socially accepted it becomes.


May 30, 2008
Well, it looks like you "think" (read: feel) wrong again. Par for the course.

A rare awkward occasion where I slightly agree with UC. I'm not impressed with psychology or psychiatry as 'sciences'. They both have a very long history of abusive behaviour and bad ideas.

Though my understanding is some in those professions specifically don't make strong claims about being 'sciences'. I suspect those would be the more honest and thoughtful ones.

It's given us Jordan Peterson and William Sargant, after all. Not to mention Radovan Karadzic (that might be a bit unfair as his brutality wasn' t directly part of his profession - but would you trust him to treat you?). Oh, and George Osborne's brother, who had an affair with a vulnerable patient.

Psychology also famously has a terrible record for reproducibility.

Not to mention I could cite people I know who have suffered at the hands of mental health professionals.

I don't see either of those fields as much of a science. I don't fully trust them, at least insofar as they claim to the authority of hard science. They are clearly _steeped_ in ideology. Bit like economics in that respect. Anything that has multiple 'schools' and that changes its systems so frequently does not inspire trust.

Where I entirely disagree with UC is in therefore making negative judgements about trans people. That doesn't follow from distrusting psychiatry or psychology. The point to me is to be humble and aware of how little any of us really know about such things. If you haven't got solid science and evidence to say otherwise, then the default ought to be to respect people's self-understanding, I would have said.


May 30, 2008
What a load of crap. All you need is common sense here people, and not paragraphs of doctors finding reasons as to how they can rebrand transgenderism.

Pretty soon we will be hearing that pedophiles aren't mentally ill either, it's just that their "brain structure is different". Right.

A good general rule is that anyone who invokes 'common sense' probably has little of value to say. It's just a code phrase for 'accept what I say without any supporting evidence or attempt at argument'. I'd ban the term.


May 30, 2008
No doubt there are some people out there who might now grudgingly accept gay rights, but "draw the line" at trans rights. But I'm highly skeptical that any of these people were ever enthusiastically supportive of gay rights - they had to be dragged reluctantly to where they are. What we're seeing now with Trumpism - people who never really wanted to give up any of their privilege and bigotry becoming empowered to celebrate their regressive attitudes openly. The movement for transgender rights is just the latest cultural "hook" for homophobes to hang their homophobia on. If the entire trans-rights movement went totally silent starting tomorrow, the homophobes would simply have to think up a different reason to foment outrage against gays.

It gives me no pleasure to point it out, but that really isn't true. The noisiest opposition to "trans rights" here tends to come from radfems - "political lesbians", who tend to be _militatntly_ pro gay-rights. There is clearly a direct clash between that school of feminism and the trans-right agenda. Hell, the Guardian ended up having to withdraw an article from the website completely, the only time they've ever done that, because a dispute between feminists and trans-activists got so far out of hand it ended with them publishing a downright abusive article. It all gets very heated. Hence the term 'TERF', which itself is seen as abusive.

Heck, this fuss was very recent:



Oct 18, 2005
That’s wonderful and all. I’m stil of the opinion that someone willing to mutilate their body through fake breast implants (I think women who get this have some sort of a mental illness as well, just a socially accepted one), hormones pumped in their body, and a penis sliced up to become a vagina has a mental illness. Sorry but that will always be my opinion no matter how socially accepted it becomes.

Feels over information how willfully ignorant and lazy.
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Jun 23, 2004
My wife's nephew is Trans and is FAR from "mentally ill".

I would suggest mental illness does not require a person to be afflicted in such a way as to be drooling in a corner flipping the light switches on and off. Highly functional, good and otherwise healthy people can have certain disorders. Not being comfortable in one's own body is most certainly a mental disorder.

Made all the more obvious by the fact that gender is a social construct. There is no natural order for the disorder to be based upon. Alone in the woods, with no one else to tell two people what to think, homosexuality would still exist. It is normal. Gender would not exist at all without other people to define it. That is the crux of my current understanding.

It could be as much a dysphoria against other people's standards as it is against one's own body. Given that societal standards are what define gender in the first place.


Mar 25, 2001
Im not sure anyone on here has expressed hate, what post are you referring to?

That’s what I’m saying, there isn’t any hate in this thread. He was saying people look at the thread and can search etc and he didn’t want to be a part of it, but there isn’t any hate being expressed in it. Just a conversation and opinions.

The part about name calling was in reference to Perknose calling me stupid. That wasn’t called for, I’m just trying to have a conversation. No need to call people stupid and such.


Jan 28, 2002
Until recently. Previously it was defined as such. The change was bowing to public pressure. It being a mental illness isn’t is simply that, it’s not a reason to treat them poorly or anything. The scientific definition until very recently was yes it is a mental illness. And that’s the quasi scientific nonsense of psychology so take it with a grain of salt.

Again, you are not in a position to decide which Science is "nonsense".

Only President Trump can do that.


Jun 11, 2004
What a load of crap. All you need is common sense here people, and not paragraphs of doctors finding reasons as to how they can rebrand transgenderism.

Pretty soon we will be hearing that pedophiles aren't mentally ill either, it's just that their "brain structure is different". Right.

Strawman with a side helping if DERP...



Jun 11, 2004
Im not sure anyone on here has expressed hate, what post are you referring to?

Don't you know? Conservaterrorists are now a protected class. Anytime you hear one lying through their teeth or insisting their feelz equals facts DO NOT correct them...

YOU have infringed on their free speech and YOU are now using hate speech to correct them.

The GOP... The new Black...

Victimized and persecuted at every turn year 2019....
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