We have an Inateck BCST-70 wireless barcode scanner. It works fine. I have changed the settings to stop line feeds/CR after each barcode. This works fine on like thousands of barcodes.
But there is this one barcode that insists on outputting not one but two line feeds after it. This barcode here:
10809981001108 (enter)
(enter again)
Does anyone know why? How can a barcode have embedded data to make the scanner also output linefeeds when its set not to? What is this called?
But there is this one barcode that insists on outputting not one but two line feeds after it. This barcode here:
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10809981001108 (enter)
(enter again)
Does anyone know why? How can a barcode have embedded data to make the scanner also output linefeeds when its set not to? What is this called?