***STRIP CLUB UPDATE***not done...my greed prevails***


Jul 11, 2000
as you know from this thread


I have had a part time gig at this strip club for about 6 weeks now. with increasing responsibilities.

if you would like to ask me anything abou tthe experience i will open the floor to your questions at this time.



Well I just returned from vacationing in Brazil last week. I came back to the club expecting to cut my hours down. I tell the GM that it was my intent to continue working only every other weekend and when porn stars were in town. He was fine with that arrangement. Then Saturday afternoon on my way to Mohegan Sun for some afternoon gambling I get a call on my cell phone from the owner of the club. He is asking me my status at the club etc... Then he says that I have a good head on my soldiers and he wants to bring me onboard as one of the club managers......i guess they call it shift manager. Of course I explained to him that i have a full time job but I could be flexible if they were willing to be flexible as well. He said of course and to work out the details with the GM when I went in that night. I talked to the GM and I start training today and I will be getting a 100% pay increase.

Climbing the corporate ladder of the Adult Entertainment industry. Just think 6 months ago I was a lowly bar back, then I graduated to bouncer and Now floor manager.

See kids, dreams really do come true.

stripper and boyfriend on the run for 2 weeks bonnie and clyde robbery spree



Friday(5/18) I quite the club. Was n't seeing eye to eye wiht management anymore. On the brightside I have my weekends free all summer. I'll be kicking it off this weekend on the Jersey Shore!

New UPDATE 11-8-2007

Ok....well...were to start....

Last year I met a couple of girls on campus during my visit alumni weekend. We hit it off well and we keep in touch over the past year. These girls were freshmen when I met them.

Fast forward to about 6 weeks ago. One of the girls hits me up on facebook. The conversation is as follows:

heyyy! okay ready. Lets be as blunt as fuck. Bc i am. Me and my grl XYZ really wanna do something like for quick cash. Not b a hooker haha but last yr when i met you, you said that you knew ppl who worked at strip clubs or whatever and we would make alot of money fast. ABC had said that you didnt work there anymore. If thats the case do you think you could still hook us up with something? id really appreciate it! thanks! write back.

your all hooked up whenever you want to work.

fridays and saturdays are the best money making nights.

Give me a call 555.5555 and I'll make sure everything is all worked out for you. I still live nearby and you are both more than welcome to stay for free.

talk to you soon.


Okay babe! omg were SO exciteddd....how much AROUND wpould you say that we would make if we did a fri and sat deal? IS it sketchy? what do we wear? what do we take off? what do we have to know? like those kinda deals? well start in like 2 weeks? hahaha its so bad.were like desperate...were saving for mad shit this yr. Thanks for your help?call you soon! we should drink a lil b4....bc me and xyz r guna be like MAD nervous. hhahahaha


Hey everything is cool. you should come in the afternoon early on friday and we?ll have some cocktails.and chill for a bit. I will go over with you all the do's and don'ts and all that stuff. A stripping 101 seminar lol. So are you thinking 2 weekends from now?

sounds good me and my girl will LEAVE ZYX like around 5...i get outa class at 445...how long does it take to drive therE? where do you live exactly...? can we start in 2 weeks haha like that nite? we really wana...XYZ is her name if you wanna see wat she looks like shes mad pretty. Were excited! let us know the details...my number is 555-5555....cal lme soon babe!

So these two girls both end up showing up to my house on a friday night. Mind you they are 19 y.o. and they are by my standards A$$ lickin hot.

I brief them on the whole scene. They change into there outfits and do a very short audition in my bedroom. I was very professional about it, I wasn't groping them or whatever but i had to make sure they wouldn't embarass me when I brought them to the club.

We have a couple cocktails to calm them down they were sooooo nervous. Understandable.

They get to the club and me and the manager hook them up with all the guys with money. THey are naturals on stage and from what I saw naturals at giving lap dances. They walked out with 250 cash each at the end of the night for only about a 3 hour shift.. which is excellent for noobs.

I was there driver and I stayed and kept an eye on them the whole time. The club gave me an open tab all night so I just chilled with all my old stripper friends and had a blast drinking for free.

They slept over that night. I have a king size bed so I let them stay there. I slept on another bed in the same room. Again no perverted stuff went on. They left around noon the next day.

Fast forward to today. One of the girls got a bar tending job so she is not coming back but the other girl still needs money so she is coming this weekend with her other friend who never has stripped before. They are staying both nights at my house.

Is this bad? I am getting a finders fee for the one girl that is coming back again this weekend. My roomate says this is one step away from full blown pimping. I say this is free will. I am helping them make quick money and keeping an eye on them. Its hard to turn down.

comments feedback???

EDIT: I should add after the first time I brought the girls to the club the owner was offering me another position at his new club a couple towns over. I politely declined for the moment.


ok here it is.........the infamous strippa hos faces blurred


Update: 11-14-2007

Girls came down on friday as planned. They spend 90 minutes frolicking around my place in thongs and bras getting ready. We don't get to the club until 10. The new girl (we will call her red head) is nervous as hell doesnt want to go on stage etc...They end up dicking around most of the night. The brunette makes 100 bucks in the last 30 minutes when she finally decided to work. The red head does one dance right before closing. Before closing a stripper at the club that flirts with me all the time comes over and sticks her tongue down my throat and says I gave you my number now CALL ME! .....YESssssSIR!

After the club I ended up staying up till like 5 drinking and playing Halo 3 with the red head. She was decent too. I was shocked. I've never played video games with a girl. Let alone halo 3. I think I found the first stripper that plays video games. So guys there is hope for you. The whole time the red head is telling me how frustrated she is (sexually) and dropping hints that she's horny. I don't do anything with her. We pass out on the couch. Around 6 am she wake up and goes into my room and climbs into bed with my roomate. Now the brunette is sleeping in my bed in the same room. My roomate ends up nailing the red head while her friend is sleeping. Mind you they only met that night and talked for maybe 20 mins before they went to work. haha. I am charging him 50 bucks for delivering a co-ed to his bed.

Saturday night the girls did better. The brunette nearly cleared 800 dollars. She is a real natural. The red head was struggling. I end up passing out in bed with the brunette but she had been fighting with her bf all night and she was on the rag so nothign happened there. My roomate banged the read head again on the couch and in the shower in the morning. My roomate drove them back to school on sunday as I had to drive to montreal for business.

So I they are both very excited to come down again for 3 or 4 days in december during xmas break. I will look to close the brunette at that point.

It was a fun weekend over all.

Update 11-28-2007

Just got a call from the Brunette and her and the Blonde during my lunch break and they want to come up and work friday night. I didn't think the blonde would be coming back but i guess her bar tending job isn't panning out or she was convinced by the brunettes wad of cash from the last time. Anyways.....this is kind of awkward timing as I'm moving into my new apartment tomorrow and friday so its going to be a mess of boxes.

It is the 2 year anniversary of the club opening so its going to be quite a party. Should be fun if anyone is in the area come on down.

update 1-17-2008

I was avoiding an update....the red head and the brunette came up 2 weekends ago. For three days thurs, friday, saturday. I was working friday/saturday night at this upscale lounge downtown so I didn't go with them to the club. It was totally and completely terrible. Where do I start.....

1) the red head gets arrested friday afternoon for shop lifting a 10 dollar piece of makeup. The brunette is calling me what to do what to do....I say its not my problem. She gets a summons.

2) Both were on the rag again.

3) They are fucking pigs....shit everywhere. They don't clean. Gross gross bitches.

4) The brunette is now a know it all bitch because she's stripped all of 4 times. Before she started I gave her all the rules of the game and explained if she followed the rules she would make money. If she disobeys the rules she will be just like the other desperate stripper ho's. She now thinks that she can disobey the rules of the game without consequence. She is getting shitfaced and asking for coke while working. She's also talking to customers on a personal level giving them her number. I told her we are threw here. I said she is smart and knows everything so she should hang out with the douche bag she met at the club. I told her I hope they fill her up with coke and run a train on her.

Update 1-22-2008

Well they called me on sunday and asked if they could come back. The brunette and the bitchy blonde again from the first visit. I pulled the trigger....

"Hey now that you have your feet wet, you know what your doing etc... You can be on my team and stay as long as you like but I think 5% of your earnings is a fair price. If you are okay with that I'll see you friday."

She agreed.

So yes my love of money prevails.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: jhayx7
Hows the nose candy?

It is fairly prevalent amongst the girls who work weekends the most. Although this guy did give one bartender about a grams worth last weekend as a tip. She doesn't do drugs so i think she tossed it.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: jhayx7
Hows the nose candy?

It is fairly prevalent amonst the girls who work weekends the most. Although this guy did give one bartender about a grams worth last weekend as a tip. She doesn't do drugs so i think she tossed it.

No one tosses a gram of charlie. That like tossing a pocket full of cash.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: FoBoT
have you seen any "tic tacs" or "high beams" or "norks" ?

well not by those names. I'm not sure we share the same lingo here. care to rephrase the question in plain english?


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Atheus
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: jhayx7
Hows the nose candy?

It is fairly prevalent amonst the girls who work weekends the most. Although this guy did give one bartender about a grams worth last weekend as a tip. She doesn't do drugs so i think she tossed it.

No one tosses a gram of charlie. That like tossing a pocket full of cash.

someone who doesn't do drugs and isnt involved in that scene sees no value in it. Something like someone giving me a box of doorags......i would have no use in them nor would i see any value.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
How do they deal with all the $1 bills? Just take huge stacks to the bank?


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Sukhoi
How do they deal with all the $1 bills? Just take huge stacks to the bank?
good question.

They dispose of the 1's in a few ways.

1) They exchange them with the cashier by the private dance area

2) They exchange them with the bartenders who are always wanting more singles.

3) They use them to pay house fees

4) they use them to pay for there booze/coke


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
what % of the girls will perform extra curricular activities for extra $$?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
whats the worst thing about your job..whats the best thing...

what percentage of the strippers are struipping to pay for "college"

what percentage of those are really going to college..

im sure you have quite a few good stories about your time working there tell us a few


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: Sukhoi
How do they deal with all the $1 bills? Just take huge stacks to the bank?
good question.

They dispose of the 1's in a few ways.

1) They exchange them with the cashier by the private dance area

2) They exchange them with the bartenders who are always wanting more singles.

3) They use them to pay house fees

4) they use them to pay for there booze/coke
So basically, they do NOT just deposit a huge lump of 1s at the bank. Right?


Senior member
Aug 24, 2006
This is so cool.. there's a site that rates the clubs and it also has a forum... the people on the forum talks as if they're good friends with the stripper.. its just weird



Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: ElFenix
what % of the girls will perform extra curricular activities for extra $$?

Although I can't say for sure. I'd be willing to bet close to 50%

several have been known to break the contact rules and give h and b jobs in the private dance areas for an extra tip. There are a couple that frequently go home with clients at the end of the night and are full service hookers.

It should be noted there are girls there that just want to make a buck without demeaning themselves beyond showing there tatas and shaking their booty in your face.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: Sukhoi
How do they deal with all the $1 bills? Just take huge stacks to the bank?
good question.

They dispose of the 1's in a few ways.

1) They exchange them with the cashier by the private dance area

2) They exchange them with the bartenders who are always wanting more singles.

3) They use them to pay house fees

4) they use them to pay for there booze/coke

how do house fees work...

and is there any sex in the champagne room....


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
If I hypothetically paid a stripper $100 to take my brother to the back room for his bachelor party....what would he get?

he wont say :laugh:


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: NogginBoink
Been gettin any lately?

Yes but not from any of the strippers yet......

I've been playing my cards right and have become liked and trusted by the manager and owner. I am now running the club(acting doorman, bouncer,private dance cashier, dj and essentially telling the girls when they have to be on stage) twice during the week while still bar backing the busier weekend nights.



Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: bctbct
If I hypothetically paid a stripper $100 to take him to the back room for his bachelor party....what would he get?

he wont say

what goes on in the champagne room is negotiated between the girl and the client. it will vary from girl to girl.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: Sukhoi
How do they deal with all the $1 bills? Just take huge stacks to the bank?
good question.

They dispose of the 1's in a few ways.

1) They exchange them with the cashier by the private dance area

2) They exchange them with the bartenders who are always wanting more singles.

3) They use them to pay house fees

4) they use them to pay for there booze/coke

how do house fees work...

and is there any sex in the champagne room....

the girls pay hourly for house fees. if they are there for 7 hours they pay $z x 7

again what goes on in the champagne room varies from girl to girl. General rule of thumb i think is the hotter the girl the lower chance of getting any extra services.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: SuperNaruto
This is so cool.. there's a site that rates the clubs and it also has a forum... the people on the forum talks as if they're good friends with the stripper.. its just weird

There are many regulars at the club who are good friends with the girls. All the employees working with the girls end up being good friends with them as well. at least with the semi normal ones.
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