Student shot with Taser by UCPD officers (Multiple times)

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Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: slash196
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: ayabe
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: canadageek
the easy way to train cops in the use of tasers is to taser them. you're going to be a bit more lenient with tasers if you know how much it hurts (i was voluntarily taser'd) same with pepper spray. and riot gas. here in canada, all RCMP officers are exposed to their equipment. all of it. (well, they aren't shot, thats a bit hardcore)

I think the cop overdid it and abused his authority. Nobody was "really" hurt so no big deal, but I kind of like the idea of putting that cop to the taser so he can see what it's like. That way, they both might learn something from this incident.

From my understanding most if not all officers must be tased as part of the certification process, though that may vary from state to state.

Perhaps he should be "re-certified".

I'd like to "re-certify" the officer in the nuts.

Its always fun to throw insults at those sworn to protect you isnt it? Stop arm chair quarterbacking what happened. Until you have been in a situation like that you have no idea what its like.

Even though you might enjoy mocking those that deal with the stuff everyday that you would run and hide from, they will still be there to protect you in your time of need.

Fact is officers, even the good ones, are increadibly judgemental. At least the ones I was around during my co-op. It's part of the job to look at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE with suspision. If that doesn't turn someone into a judgemental person then perhaps only being a spy would.

So yeah some of us actually understand the concept of what it's like, and had you asked me when I was doing my co-op I would be cheering you on. Guess what. I grew out of my naive view of the world. However I must say that had I became a cop my outlook would likely be different since my experiences would not be the same as they are today. That doesn't mean I would be right in that case just because I'm the one saying it.

It's wrong, period.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2003
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: arkcom
How do you guys even compare a shock from a taser to being beaten with a baton? He wasn't even shot with the taser, they shocked him with it like a stun gun. When you wake up in the morning after being beaten with a baton you're gonna feel it. After the initial shock with a taser there is no prolonged/permanant pain/damage, you wake up the next day feeling like it never happened.

If you wake up,,,How many deaths from tazer use? Don't forget the ones during police training.

Prove your point, how many?

"Between September 1999 and October 2004, there were 73 cases of deaths of subjects soon after having been shocked using Tasers. "

More deaths from tasers than marijuana.

Umm.... Did you even read your own source?

Between September 1999 and October 2004, there were 73 cases of deaths of subjects soon after having been shocked using Tasers. Of these cases:

In 8 cases, medical examiners said Tasers were a cause or a contributing factor or could not be ruled out as a cause of death.
In 18 cases coroners and other officials stated that Tasers were not a factor.
In most of the 73 cases, drugs including cocaine, methamphetamine, and PCP were concluded to be the major factor leading to death.
In many cases pre-existing cardiovascular conditions or other medical conditions were stated to be a factor.
Several deaths occurred as a result of injuries sustained in struggles. In a few of these cases head injury due to falling after being shocked contributed to later death.
These incidents form a very small percentage of many tens of thousands of operational uses of tasers.[6]

Most of the deaths were due to drug use or other factors, only in 8 cases could tasers not be ruled out as a cause of death.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: arkcom
Most of the deaths were due to drug use or other factors, only in 8 cases could tasers not be ruled out as a cause of death.

This is a paid advertisement brought to you by the friendly people at the taser corporation.



Jan 5, 2003
uhm 103 deaths in the U.S and Canada are a result of a taser used by law officials

source? amnesty international

in other news related to this story.. the kid was handcuffed sitting on the ground. What is he going to do when he is handcuffed? They tasered him while he was handcuffed and then again and again according to witness statements


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Dean
Originally posted by: arkcom
Most of the deaths were due to drug use or other factors, only in 8 cases could tasers not be ruled out as a cause of death.

This is a paid advertisement brought to you by the friendly people at the taser corporation.

umm....he even quoted it from the link, the link that someone obviously opposed to tasers provided. If you read his whole post you would have noticed that.



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Dean
Originally posted by: arkcom
Most of the deaths were due to drug use or other factors, only in 8 cases could tasers not be ruled out as a cause of death.

This is a paid advertisement brought to you by the friendly people at the taser corporation.

umm....he even quoted it from the link, the link that someone obviously opposed to tasers provided. If you read his whole post you would have noticed that.

In that link, you will also notice that at least half, if not most of that data came directly from Taser. They admit to deaths, but I guarantee that data is skewed to make them less of a culprit. Sure many of them had drugs in their system, but to say the taser did not aggravate their death is a joke. It is like someone taking a heart attack after being pushed down a flight of stairs. Sure they died of the heart attack, but to suggest the push down the flight of stairs can be eliminated as a cause is foolhardy.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
I didn't think this warranted it's own thread.

This looks like Gestapo harrasment:

11-19-2006 The Game charged with impersonating cop

NEW YORK - Police think The Game should stick to rap, not law enforcement.

The rapper was arrested this week after telling a cab driver that he was an undercover police officer and persuading the driver to run a series of red lights, police said Saturday.

The 26-year-old, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, allegedly picked up a livery cab Thursday night shortly after he appeared on "Late Show with David Letterman." The cabbie drove about 13 blocks before he was pulled over, police said.

Taylor faces a charge of impersonating a police officer, police Sgt. Kevin Hayes said.

His lawyer, Jeffrey Lichtman, denied the accusation Saturday, saying police had been tailing his client throughout his stay in New York and that the cabbie was a terrible driver.
I'm from New York, it is very obvious the NYPD were tailing this guy.



Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
Gestapo harrasment?

If the guy was impersonating a cop, then he should be locked up.

Oh, and you neglected to quote a part of that article:
In an unrelated case, a partner in the recording studio started by The Game was arrested for allegedly laundering money for gangsters. Authorities on Friday charged John "Johnny Hooks" Abbey, 38, with laundering more than $100,000 for the 9 Tre Gangsters, a faction of the Bloods street gang that police say deals drugs and guns throughout New Jersey.

Doesn't look like he's the innocent-type.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dna
Gestapo harrasment?

If the guy was impersonating a cop, then he should be locked up.

Oh, and you neglected to quote a part of that article:
In an unrelated case, a partner in the recording studio started by The Game was arrested for allegedly laundering money for gangsters. Authorities on Friday charged John "Johnny Hooks" Abbey, 38, with laundering more than $100,000 for the 9 Tre Gangsters, a faction of the Bloods street gang that police say deals drugs and guns throughout New Jersey.

Doesn't look like he's the innocent-type.

Oh come on, nearly every rich Republicans launders money, don't see you complaining about them.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I didn't think this warranted it's own thread.

This looks like Gestapo harrasment:

11-19-2006 The Game charged with impersonating cop

NEW YORK - Police think The Game should stick to rap, not law enforcement.

The rapper was arrested this week after telling a cab driver that he was an undercover police officer and persuading the driver to run a series of red lights, police said Saturday.

The 26-year-old, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, allegedly picked up a livery cab Thursday night shortly after he appeared on "Late Show with David Letterman." The cabbie drove about 13 blocks before he was pulled over, police said.

Taylor faces a charge of impersonating a police officer, police Sgt. Kevin Hayes said.

His lawyer, Jeffrey Lichtman, denied the accusation Saturday, saying police had been tailing his client throughout his stay in New York and that the cabbie was a terrible driver.
I'm from New York, it is very obvious the NYPD were tailing this guy.


Gestapo harrassment? The guy was impersonating a Police Officer and could have gotten people killed. So what is your point?



Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: KAZANI
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Uh, no... I never mentioned waterboarding (which IS torture). Your brain is tired. Get rest.

Well excuse the presumptuousness on my behalf. Oh and, I am sort of glad you have those double standards. It shows that at least part of your brain has resisted ablution from the nazi propaganda.

Originally posted by: Wreckem
Originally posted by: Aelius

Let see

1. Police tried to escort him from the building peacefully.
2. He resited and made a scene.
3. Got tasered for resisting.,
4. Got tasered again for disobeying orders.

My version:

1. The kid had a legitimate right to be in the library: HE WAS A STUDENT!

How the hell are the cop's suppossed to know ( or even the CS people ) if this guy is a student or not if he does not have an id to show this little tid bit of information. Do you realize how many people visit the UCLA library on any given day ?

2. He resisted the student-cops authority to check up on him. Here you can go the easy way and dismiss him as a brat. Or you can take his screams into context and think that what he did is called DISSENT. Dissent against the police state mentality which permeates every aspect of life in the USA under the terror-culture. Dissent against the paranoia of constant policing and repression while the real threats of the world exist outside the peoples, in their governments.

Not producing ID on a private campus, trying to start a riot, refusing to leave, resisting arrest, etc... is not dissent it's called breaking the law and being an ass. I supposed the guy who just refuses to be pulled over the cops is dissenting against the evil empire you live in right ?

3. He WAS LEAVING the building (he was very explicit on that) when the big cops started HARASSING him because they are brain dead idiots who never miss a chance to demonstrate their power. The coppers were NOT PROTECTING anyone. Just wanted to break the "brat with the bigmouth" who dared resist their thugish manners.

He had no intention in leaving that building. A person who would want to leave would of left no matter what and certainly would of gotten up prior to being tasered. Remember he was asked several times to get up and asked several times prior to that to leave the CS lab. He refused and thus brought this onto himself. He made the decision to not leave and to not get up. The cops were called there because he refused to leave the building.This guy was being a jerk off end of story.

4. He yelled "I HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITION" after the first charge on him. Now you may claim he was lieing but how swinish his aggressors were to take the risk of him telling the truth?

He was given full warning of the cops intent to taser him prior to it happening. If he truly had a medical condition he would of gotten up ASAP. Also he was not tasered when he was on the ground when video started. It was only after several attempts to get him off the ground and warnings did he get tasered.

They could have killed the kid. And for what? Blasted "OBEDIENCE"! Just so that the majority of you can continue to maintain your constipated "lawfullness" up your arse, the one which fosters your puny delusions on "safety".

and the guy could of gotten up if he wanted to. You are just bringing fourth a very silly "what if" arguement. I can play that game as well..."What if he had a gun or knife while he was on the ground and was just stalling for time...What if he had no intentions on leaving to begin with and only wanted to force a confrontation to file a frivolous lawsuit." Does it matter in the end ? No because none of these "what if" statements happened and the fact is this person broke the law and then refused to get up and leave. He lost his grudge match against the police.


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2006
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: MisterDucky
To be honest, I think UCLA and/or the Powell library administration are mostly at fault.

From what I can gather, UCLA has some policy where they randomly check library patrons working on computers to see if they have a student ID. This student was randomly asked if he had a student ID, and asked to leave when he couldn't produce one. When he refused (which seems reasonable--is it reasonable for a college to deny someone services they are entitled to, and have payed for?), the police were called, and then hell broke loose.

This seems ridiculous; why not use the highly evolved authentication that almost all major operating systems currently provide? My college does this exact thing; to use a computer on campus, one must first enter their student ID and password.

Instead, they decide to implement a policy that requires them to literally confront people (in the library no less, where people may be doing research and not appreciate the interruption) and verify if they are allowed to be using the computer. That is absurd. For starters, this sort of policy is simply begging for the aforementioned confrontation. Second, it requires someone to physically ask people; surely that person could be doing something more productive while UNIX or Windows is tasked with handling user authentication.

You must not know anything about computer security or computers in general. Passwords can be shared, stolen and if a person has physical access to a computer they can hack into it a lot easier then if they were online. The only logical reason they would have such a system in place to check ID's would be if some of the things I've mentioned already happened if not more. You cannot blame UCLA for securing their workstations from people who have no ID and potentially may not be students and are using those workstations for whatever reasons.

It doesn't have anything to do with security; it has to do with authentication. You must be confused about the two, because people have physical access to the computers regardless; the random check policy isn't in effect until after hours.

My point stands: there is no point in checking someone logged into a computer. If a student is dumb enough to share their user information, it doesn't pose much of a realistic threat to the university; it does, however, pose a substantial threat to the student.



Senior member
Sep 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Drift3r

How the hell are the cop's suppossed to know ( or even the CS people ) if this guy is a student or not if he does not have an id to show this little tid bit of information.

So his crime is that he didn't prove he wasn't a suicide bomber or some shite. Honestly, you Americanos haven't got the slightest clue about what constitutes a real threat.

He had no intention in leaving that building.

The poor guy could not have stated it any clearer...except maybe by spelling it to the imbecilles you think are your "Servants & Protectors". At the begining of the video he shouts: I - WILL - LEAVE!! That was before he was charged. Any more excuses you want to come up for those uniformed thugs?

He was given full warning of the cops intent to taser him prior to it happening.

First of all he wasn't expecting to being charged in the first place. Put the blind trust in authority aside for a while and try to understand what it is like to make a stand to what you percieve as unjust. Oh, and please! Do you honestly believe that even telling those baboons beforehand they would have stopped?

If he truly had a medical condition he would of gotten up ASAP.

Look up the word "stunned" in some dictionary.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Dean
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Dean
Originally posted by: arkcom
Most of the deaths were due to drug use or other factors, only in 8 cases could tasers not be ruled out as a cause of death.

This is a paid advertisement brought to you by the friendly people at the taser corporation.

umm....he even quoted it from the link, the link that someone obviously opposed to tasers provided. If you read his whole post you would have noticed that.

In that link, you will also notice that at least half, if not most of that data came directly from Taser. They admit to deaths, but I guarantee that data is skewed to make them less of a culprit. Sure many of them had drugs in their system, but to say the taser did not aggravate their death is a joke. It is like someone taking a heart attack after being pushed down a flight of stairs. Sure they died of the heart attack, but to suggest the push down the flight of stairs can be eliminated as a cause is foolhardy.

Well how many of those cases would have involved drawing a firearm? Guess we will never know. The point with tasers is they can be used as an alternative to using a sidearm and the chances of dieing from a taser are many many times less than being shot. It's also safer for innocent bystanders.

You can also die from the beanbags they shoot or rubber bullets, none of these less than lethal methods are 100% 'safe' but they are safer than being shot.

I still don't see what the fuss is about, every time I watch the video I laugh, especially at the pinko students yelling at the cops.

This guy wasn't protesting the war or anything else worth fighting about, he serves no moral purpose other than to show how he's raging against the machine at the library. So he deserved what he got, he won't have any permanent damage. He made a poor choice, hopefully he's learned from it.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Yeah his lawyer compares it to being raped. How weak, sorry Olbermann but this is stupid.


Golden Member
Apr 27, 2001
Gotta admit that if I had a Taser in my hand, it would be kinda hard to not use it whenever I could. :evil:


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: Arkaign
Fwiw, Olbermann on this event :

rofl "it was kinda like a rape" - what an idiot dare that scumbag compare this to rape

Ideological rape of a freedom loving student. Naturally he should be in a national terrorist watch list. *sarcasm* In fact he probably is since laws have been passed to collect DNA of all those arrested.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
I heard on the radio this morning high-profile civil rights lawyer, Stephen Yagman, has dropped this guy's case.

Of all the UC campuses in California, UCLA is the only campus that expressly permits their police to use a taser in situations of "passive resistance", which is presumably what this student was attempting to do by refusing to leave, refusing to show ID, and asking nearby students to "join him" in resisting arrest.

So much for his dreams of being the next civil rights posterboy lol.

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