stunning new archeological evidence on Jesus' life

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
Originally posted by: thehstrybean
Originally posted by: Yzzim
Originally posted by: ivol07
But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests

When did we get a sample of Jesus' DNA to compare?

From the Holy Grail Indiana Jones found...of course!

No, Indy contaminated it...sorry...

Besides, The Davinci Code taught us all that the Holy Grail wasn't exactly a cup anyway!

Doesn't mean Indy didn't contaminate it.


Nov 13, 2003
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
Originally posted by: DAGTA
I'd be more interested/curious if it was coming from another source. The man who made Titanic and Pearl Harbor hardly seems credible.

I agree. If this was as significant as it sounds then it would be even bigger than the docudrama it's shaping up to be.

Guys... PSST. He is the producer, not the source. The source is the archeologist, scientists, and historians who are going to make claims in the documentary. I very highly doubt Cameron will even be in the film, making him not a source but a presenter of the sources.


Nov 13, 2003
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Even if it all turned out to be true, Christians would refuse to believe it. Religious people never, ever let facts get in the way of dogma.

examples? and please, anything other than evolution.

World only being 4000 years old, great flood, sodom and gomorrah, hail of fire, angels with the ability to fly, other planes of existance (heaven/hell), resurrection, etc.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2004
Originally posted by: DAGTA
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
Originally posted by: thehstrybean
Originally posted by: Yzzim
Originally posted by: ivol07
But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests

When did we get a sample of Jesus' DNA to compare?

From the Holy Grail Indiana Jones found...of course!

No, Indy contaminated it...sorry...

Besides, The Davinci Code taught us all that the Holy Grail wasn't exactly a cup anyway!

Doesn't mean Indy didn't contaminate it.



Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Even if it all turned out to be true, Christians would refuse to believe it. Religious people never, ever let facts get in the way of dogma.

examples? and please, anything other than evolution.

World only being 4000 years old, great flood, sodom and gomorrah, hail of fire, angels with the ability to fly, other planes of existance (heaven/hell), resurrection, etc.

Christians can accept all of those. Fundys don't, so please don't confuse the rational religious person with a fundy...


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Originally posted by: Midlander
Originally posted by: slash196
I'm surprised to see so many people brush this off. Wait, no I'm not.

How about you wait and examine the evidence before you dismiss it as bunk? Obviously there's a large burden of proof here, and Cameron obviously feels confident enough that he's willing to stake his entire reputation on it.

Sorry. I'm not going to get accept a single "proof" coming out of Hollywood. His reputation is for making money on movies. He has no credibility in the scientific arena.

so basically you choose to be ignorant. I doubt this very much nevertheless if you will not accept then you are choosing ignorance.

Actually, I choose to be informed. But I get my information from credible sources.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: thehstrybean
Originally posted by: DAGTA
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
Originally posted by: thehstrybean
Originally posted by: Yzzim
Originally posted by: ivol07
But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests

When did we get a sample of Jesus' DNA to compare?

From the Holy Grail Indiana Jones found...of course!

No, Indy contaminated it...sorry...

Besides, The Davinci Code taught us all that the Holy Grail wasn't exactly a cup anyway!

Doesn't mean Indy didn't contaminate it.



Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Even if it all turned out to be true, Christians would refuse to believe it. Religious people never, ever let facts get in the way of dogma.

examples? and please, anything other than evolution.

World only being 4000 years old, great flood, sodom and gomorrah, hail of fire, angels with the ability to fly, other planes of existance (heaven/hell), resurrection, etc.

Christians can accept all of those. Fundys don't, so please don't confuse the rational religious person with a fundy...
so what are your views on what jimmj68 believes? does he classify as a fundy? jw. not sure what I'm trying to bring out of it yet.

What is the rational religious person? Where does the evidence of god and jesus come from? Kierkegard talked about that alot in his essays. Is the rational religious person simply someone who believes in god? If so what is his dogma? What are his rules for living life? If his only belief is in a god then they are probably a deist which is for all intents and purposes an agnostic or atheist. They don't believe god intervenes in this world yet that he's there. So if god doesn't intervene then the rituals many perform are rendered useless. Anyway fundies are christians and most christians are atheist/agnostic if they know nothing more than that there is a god and jesus.



Golden Member
Feb 5, 2005
Jesus was resurrected scientifically. A clone of his body was made from a sample of his DNA at the time and his memory transferred to the new body, by the Elohim.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: Midlander
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Originally posted by: Midlander
Originally posted by: slash196
I'm surprised to see so many people brush this off. Wait, no I'm not.

How about you wait and examine the evidence before you dismiss it as bunk? Obviously there's a large burden of proof here, and Cameron obviously feels confident enough that he's willing to stake his entire reputation on it.

Sorry. I'm not going to get accept a single "proof" coming out of Hollywood. His reputation is for making money on movies. He has no credibility in the scientific arena.

so basically you choose to be ignorant. I doubt this very much nevertheless if you will not accept then you are choosing ignorance.

Actually, I choose to be informed. But I get my information from credible sources.
but you've already cast judgement. Not doubt. There's a difference.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Originally posted by: thehstrybean
Originally posted by: DAGTA
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
Originally posted by: thehstrybean
Originally posted by: Yzzim
Originally posted by: ivol07
But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests

When did we get a sample of Jesus' DNA to compare?

From the Holy Grail Indiana Jones found...of course!

No, Indy contaminated it...sorry...

Besides, The Davinci Code taught us all that the Holy Grail wasn't exactly a cup anyway!

Doesn't mean Indy didn't contaminate it.



Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Even if it all turned out to be true, Christians would refuse to believe it. Religious people never, ever let facts get in the way of dogma.

examples? and please, anything other than evolution.

World only being 4000 years old, great flood, sodom and gomorrah, hail of fire, angels with the ability to fly, other planes of existance (heaven/hell), resurrection, etc.

Christians can accept all of those. Fundys don't, so please don't confuse the rational religious person with a fundy...
so what are your views on what jimmj68 believes? does he classify as a fundy? jw. not sure what I'm trying to bring out of it yet.

What is the rational religious person? Where does the evidence of god and jesus come from? Kierkegard talked about that alot in his essays. Is the rational religious person simply someone who believes in god? If so what is his dogma? What are his rules for living life? If his only belief is in a god then they are probably a deist which is for all intents and purposes an agnostic or atheist. They don't believe god intervenes in this world yet that he's there. So if god doesn't intervene then the rituals many perform are rendered useless. Anyway fundies are christians and most christians are atheist/agnostic if they know nothing more than that there is a god and jesus.

*sigh*...I wasn't going to get into the religious side of it, but I'll answer your questions.
The only thing that jimmy said that I can see (unless I'm reading the wrong post) is that someone will always make the Bible sound more and more correct by denying Christ, a sign of the end times. Yes, Rev. says Jesus will be coming when people denounce his name. Yes, jimmy is right in saying that every day, more and more people deny him. Europe used to be a stronghold of Christianity, but now it's largely atheistic. I really don't have an opinion on the end. We'll know it when it happens. I'll just say that...

Down here (the south), fundys are a really big thing. Most of the ones here are the extreme Church of God, Church of Christ, and some Baptist (READ: snake handlers). Usually these are the people who stand up, shake hands, speak in tongues, etc. Now that's great, and I'm not criticizing them at all. Some people feel God in different ways, but for someone who was raised a Presp., it's just not my speed. Anyways. The rational person is willing to change their beliefs based on logical thought. Many people that I know refuse to change what they believe based on logic. Once again, not a bad thing, it's just a personal thing. Fundies are the people who stand outside of funerals protesting soldiers deaths and stand on the side of the road condemning you to hell if you don't believe EXACTLY what they believe. In my opinion, those are fundys. Dogma are the beliefs of a people than cannot be questioned, so someone who allows logic to change their beliefs doesn't really have a dogma, per se.

It really varies from person to person, but many Christians are logical, everday people who let logic and rational thought influence their beliefs. I do, and a lot of people who talk with me about religion think I'm an agnostic or even atheist. I'm not really anything. I grew up Presp, like I said, and over time logic changed a lot of what I believed, except for the core stuff. Christ is the Son of God who came to earth, died for my sin, rose on the 3rd day, promises eternal life, etc. This may or may not be dogma, but the more in-depth things, like unconditional election and predestination are logical based, to me.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
but you've already cast judgement. Not doubt. There's a difference.

You're right. I have cast judgement on this source of scientific information.

I never wrote a word about the subject. Since you seem to want to know, however, that is something I highly doubt.


Platinum Member
Jun 25, 2004
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Even if it all turned out to be true, Christians would refuse to believe it. Religious people never, ever let facts get in the way of dogma.

examples? and please, anything other than evolution.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I don't know why the public lets Hollywood re-write history for them. Good drama maybe, but never accurate.
Take Tombstone, for example. Great movie. But not even remotely accurate.
Or Oliver Stone's JFK. What a joke! Even the portrayal of Garrison was inaccurate, and that particular conspiracy theory (there are many about JFK, but Garrison's particular theory) was thoroughly discredited long before the movie even came out.
And so on... countless fabrications of history passed off as the real thing.
And yet more people get their history from Hollywood movies than from history books. It's becoming a national disgrace.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
Originally posted by: slash196
I'm surprised to see so many people brush this off. Wait, no I'm not.

How about you wait and examine the evidence before you dismiss it as bunk? Obviously there's a large burden of proof here, and Cameron obviously feels confident enough that he's willing to stake his entire reputation on it.

By that reasoning, the democratic party are some of the biggest risk takers yet.
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Even if it all turned out to be true, Christians would refuse to believe it. Religious people never, ever let facts get in the way of dogma.
What if I told you the world was created not by a big bang, but a big meatball that broke into circular round fragments and thats how the world started. And then backed it up with facts that made sense and were provable. Would you believe it?

(correct answer is no, suckah)


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: LegendKiller

Yes but Christians excelled at suppressing scientific knowledge or exploration and alternative ideas. If we are to hold ourselves to a higher standard than "the whole world" then why not question the status quo? Are we no better than barbarians where we cannot question something which has no basis in fact and only in faith?

everyone in power tries to suppress that which might topple them


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: LegendKiller

Yes but Christians excelled at suppressing scientific knowledge or exploration and alternative ideas. If we are to hold ourselves to a higher standard than "the whole world" then why not question the status quo? Are we no better than barbarians where we cannot question something which has no basis in fact and only in faith?

everyone in power tries to suppress that which might topple them

Very good point


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
*grabs lawnchair and popcorn.* this is going to be very interesting. the guy willl probably get mobbed or something.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2004
I will wish all a good night - all -

Logically I should undertake a defense of my earlier post which has struck a nerve somewhere, because logically he feels a need to win this "argument". But I have not argued with the poster as I logically should. Have you heard "--turn the other cheek"? that defeats argument instantly.

Here's a logic conundrum for you - Christ was fully aware that he was innocent of any wrong doing, yet he allowed himself to be brought up on charges, taken before the highest "court" and before a man that wisely and illogically refused to condemen Jesus himself as was his authority. He allowed the religous and learned leaders among his accusers to decide his fate. They offerred the gathering crowd a choice - who should die- Jesus of Nazareth or Babaras the criminal. To the gathered crowd Jesus was most logically the greater threat.

Now Jesus had walked on water, he had raised the dead, cured blindness, straightened crooked and crippled bodies and surely had the power to overcome all those who would nail him to the cross. As He hung there dying and suffering the logical thing to do is use the powers available to you and end the suffering. He didn't use logic. That's why he was able to take upon humself all of our sins (logical thought and its consequences) and get up from the dead. How logical is virgin birth?

Faith is truth and truth is faith - faith that you will be beleived because you are telling the
truth. Here's another for you - knowledge is not wisdom and is not truth. Knowledge about chemistry is fact of nature, knowledge about physics is fact of nature. Knowledge about religion (Theology) is a struggle to find truth upon which to base faith and becomes dependent on logic to define truth. All you ever need to know is available in the 66 books of the bible. Reading it in Faith will give you all the understanding, and wisdom, you need. Have you ever wondered why there are hundreds of colleges and universities dedicated to defining the logic in those 66 books?

Real FAITH, in capital letters comes only when you have enough faith as we all are given, in lower case to surrender your logical mind and allow yourself to be (here it comes!) Born again.

That's why I say you are incapable of understanding. Don't feel bad - you are definitely not alone. You are in the company of some of the worlds greatest religious teachers and leaders. -And what has transpired in this world in the name of religous logic defies description. 72 Virgins - give me a break!

This was too long a good night - sorry about that. But I hope it gives you something to think about that you will not try to define and understand logically.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Very good chance that this whole thing is a hoax to generate publicity for some crappy movie

Think about it. Mel Gibson made a mint by making a horrible movie that featured Jesus in it. Now here's a 'documentary' that claims to disprove Jesus. Who would be interested in seeing that?

1) Most devout Christians, seeking to disprove the movie
2) Most anti-Christians, seeking verification from the movie

That embodies a fairly enormous percentage of Americans that will *absolutely* see this movie. And then you have the Average Joe that will see this movie either out of boredom or curiosity.

Now that's quite a lot of profit you have there.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: slash196
I'm surprised to see so many people brush this off. Wait, no I'm not.

How about you wait and examine the evidence before you dismiss it as bunk? Obviously there's a large burden of proof here, and Cameron obviously feels confident enough that he's willing to stake his entire reputation on it.

Michael Moore has staked his reputation on lots of bad movies, but he's still filthy rich and will continue being filthy rich.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: DAGTA

The entire world believed it was flat and at the center of the universe. It wasn't just Christians.

The Greeks and the Romans knew it was round

His point, however, was that the Christian church essentially persecuted Copernicus for reporting that the Earth is the Edit(center of the unvierse). They really badly didn't want to believe him.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Fern
I've gotta believe if this were serious the scientists and archeologists involved would not allow such an important developement to be announced/publicised by the likes of Cameron. More likely it would unfold in a far more scholarly environment

The fact that's its being heard about, by most for the first time, in the form of a Cameron film suggests to me that this discovery has not been able to gain much traction/publicity or respect over the last 27 yrs.

I would expect that these artifacts (coffins etc) are the property of the state of Isreal; if they actually thought that they had the remains of Jesus, Mary etc I'd be surprised to see them allow Cameron to haul 'em around NYC etc for publicity.


Not allow? I'm sorry, but in a nation of free press you could make a movie about whatever you damn well please so long as the subject is not alive to sue you for slander


Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Midlander
Originally posted by: slash196
I'm surprised to see so many people brush this off. Wait, no I'm not.

How about you wait and examine the evidence before you dismiss it as bunk? Obviously there's a large burden of proof here, and Cameron obviously feels confident enough that he's willing to stake his entire reputation on it.

Sorry. I'm not going to get accept a single "proof" coming out of Hollywood. His reputation is for making money on movies. He has no credibility in the scientific arena.

If you take the Bible literally, you have no credibility in the scientific arena either.

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