stunning new archeological evidence on Jesus' life

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Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: jimmyj68
I will wish all a good night - all -

Logically I should undertake a defense of my earlier post which has struck a nerve somewhere, because logically he feels a need to win this "argument". But I have not argued with the poster as I logically should. Have you heard "--turn the other cheek"? that defeats argument instantly.

Here's a logic conundrum for you - Christ was fully aware that he was innocent of any wrong doing, yet he allowed himself to be brought up on charges, taken before the highest "court" and before a man that wisely and illogically refused to condemen Jesus himself as was his authority. He allowed the religous and learned leaders among his accusers to decide his fate. They offerred the gathering crowd a choice - who should die- Jesus of Nazareth or Babaras the criminal. To the gathered crowd Jesus was most logically the greater threat.

Now Jesus had walked on water, he had raised the dead, cured blindness, straightened crooked and crippled bodies and surely had the power to overcome all those who would nail him to the cross. As He hung there dying and suffering the logical thing to do is use the powers available to you and end the suffering. He didn't use logic. That's why he was able to take upon humself all of our sins (logical thought and its consequences) and get up from the dead. How logical is virgin birth?

Faith is truth and truth is faith - faith that you will be beleived because you are telling the
truth. Here's another for you - knowledge is not wisdom and is not truth. Knowledge about chemistry is fact of nature, knowledge about physics is fact of nature. Knowledge about religion (Theology) is a struggle to find truth upon which to base faith and becomes dependent on logic to define truth. All you ever need to know is available in the 66 books of the bible. Reading it in Faith will give you all the understanding, and wisdom, you need. Have you ever wondered why there are hundreds of colleges and universities dedicated to defining the logic in those 66 books?

Real FAITH, in capital letters comes only when you have enough faith as we all are given, in lower case to surrender your logical mind and allow yourself to be (here it comes!) Born again.

That's why I say you are incapable of understanding. Don't feel bad - you are definitely not alone. You are in the company of some of the worlds greatest religious teachers and leaders. -And what has transpired in this world in the name of religous logic defies description. 72 Virgins - give me a break!

This was too long a good night - sorry about that. But I hope it gives you something to think about that you will not try to define and understand logically.

Where is your proof of all these occurences? I know you just explained what faith means to you, making my question in your eyes illogical or invalid. So then I ask, where did you get your faith?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: DAGTA

The entire world believed it was flat and at the center of the universe. It wasn't just Christians.

The Greeks and the Romans knew it was round

His point, however, was that the Christian church essentially persecuted Copernicus for reporting that the Earth is round. They really badly didn't want to believe him.

Uh... no. Where do you people get this fake history?

Believing in an earth-centric universe and a flat-earth are not the same thing. Greeks, Romans, Christians (which were the same thing as the Greeks and Romans BTW), ancient Jews, ancient Babylonians (5000 year old astrology depends on a round earth, fancy that!), pretty much everybody knew the earth was round.

The geocentric model that the Roman Catholic church stuck to and persecuted Copernicus for because of his heliocentric model was the same geocentric model that had been developed by Aristotle. Flat-earth no. The Catholic never believed in a flat earth. Columbus discovering the earth was round is a myth that teachers tell elementary school children. Columbus knew exactly where he was going, he just didn't know that America was in the way.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: TehMac

What if I told you the world was created not by a big bang, but a big meatball that broke into circular round fragments and thats how the world started. And then backed it up with facts that made sense and were provable. Would you believe it?

I'll have to ask for the evidence first. We have evidence for the big bang. You do not have evidence for the giant meatball explosion. There is an important difference.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: jimmyj68
Everyday some idiot makes the Bible more credible. Cameron is today's idiot. Anyone who claims to be Christian (Christian, meaning one who believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus of Nazerth, the CHRIST - CHRIST was not his last name it was what and who he was) is knowledgeable enough of the Bible to know and expect all manner of claims denying the Christ. As we pass further into the centuries, 21st, 22nd etc., the claims will grow wilder and louder and seem evermore irrefutable. Check the Book Revelations - we now live in the "end times.":clock:

Jeremiah is also a good reference -

Please make my day and provide evidence that supports your statements that are not from the Bible.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: jimmyj68
Everyday some idiot makes the Bible more credible. Cameron is today's idiot. Anyone who claims to be Christian (Christian, meaning one who believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus of Nazerth, the CHRIST - CHRIST was not his last name it was what and who he was) is knowledgeable enough of the Bible to know and expect all manner of claims denying the Christ. As we pass further into the centuries, 21st, 22nd etc., the claims will grow wilder and louder and seem evermore irrefutable. Check the Book Revelations - we now live in the "end times.":clock:

Jeremiah is also a good reference -

Please make my day and provide evidence that supports your statements that are not from the Bible.

The entire point is that a book written two thousand years ago has prophecies in it that are coming true. It is it's own proof. If you're curious, read it yourself and see what you think. The Book of Revelation is the last book in the New Testament.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: DAGTA

The entire world believed it was flat and at the center of the universe. It wasn't just Christians.

The Greeks and the Romans knew it was round

His point, however, was that the Christian church essentially persecuted Copernicus for reporting that the Earth is round. They really badly didn't want to believe him.

Uh... no. Where do you people get this fake history?

Believing in an earth-centric universe and a flat-earth are not the same thing. Greeks, Romans, Christians (which were the same thing as the Greeks and Romans BTW), ancient Jews, ancient Babylonians (5000 year old astrology depends on a round earth, fancy that!), pretty much everybody knew the earth was round.

The geocentric model that the Roman Catholic church stuck to and persecuted Copernicus for because of his heliocentric model was the same geocentric model that had been developed by Aristotle. Flat-earth no. The Catholic never believed in a flat earth. Columbus discovering the earth was round is a myth that teachers tell elementary school children. Columbus knew exactly where he was going, he just didn't know that America was in the way.

Yes, I know that a geocentric universe and a flat-earth are not the same thing. You're talking to a scientist that has actually had to study the historically incorrect beliefs. Know now that you are going to lose this argument.

Here is specifically what was said

The entire world believed it was flat and at the center of the universe. It wasn't just Christians.

Okay, now that we've cleared that up, I gave evidence of people who did NOT believe the Earth was flat. Think about this for a few minutes so it can sink in. I can tell that you're a little slow in the head, so please give this some thought.

A) Someone said everyone believed the Earth was flat
B) I said not everyone believed the Earth was flat and gave supporting evidence

Do you realize now why I think you're a tool? I'm sorry to come down on you so hard, but I'm sick of people not reading a post before typing something ridiculous and posting. And it's late, so I'm grumpy.

I think I should also clarify that the Greeks were the first ones known to believe that the earth was flat, but later they proved that it was round.

And yes, I did originally post what you have quoted there, but it was a typo that has already been fixed.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Even if it all turned out to be true, Christians would refuse to believe it. Religious people never, ever let facts get in the way of dogma.

examples? and please, anything other than evolution.

Virgin birth, no proof of this happens in mammals

Walking on water, conflicts the reality of the specific gravity of water

Noah and the ark, two of every animal were found and placed on a boat?

Jesus coming back to life proving that he is the son of god. My aunt was dead for two minutes and they brought her back.

Adam and Eve. Original sin

Moses: Passover, parting of the sea, ten plagues



Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: DAGTA
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: jimmyj68
Everyday some idiot makes the Bible more credible. Cameron is today's idiot. Anyone who claims to be Christian (Christian, meaning one who believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus of Nazerth, the CHRIST - CHRIST was not his last name it was what and who he was) is knowledgeable enough of the Bible to know and expect all manner of claims denying the Christ. As we pass further into the centuries, 21st, 22nd etc., the claims will grow wilder and louder and seem evermore irrefutable. Check the Book Revelations - we now live in the "end times.":clock:

Jeremiah is also a good reference -

Please make my day and provide evidence that supports your statements that are not from the Bible.

The entire point is that a book written two thousand years ago has prophecies in it that are coming true. It is it's own proof. If you're curious, read it yourself and see what you think. The Book of Revelation is the last book in the New Testament.

What prophecies are coming true?

I have read the Bible. There is little or no historical or archeological evidence that provides support that it is anything more than a faith based book.

You can not prove a book is right by quoting from it.

Astaroth33 point was that some people confuse their beliefs with reality.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: DAGTA

The entire world believed it was flat and at the center of the universe. It wasn't just Christians.

The Greeks and the Romans knew it was round

His point, however, was that the Christian church essentially persecuted Copernicus for reporting that the Earth is round. They really badly didn't want to believe him.

Uh... no. Where do you people get this fake history?

Believing in an earth-centric universe and a flat-earth are not the same thing. Greeks, Romans, Christians (which were the same thing as the Greeks and Romans BTW), ancient Jews, ancient Babylonians (5000 year old astrology depends on a round earth, fancy that!), pretty much everybody knew the earth was round.

The geocentric model that the Roman Catholic church stuck to and persecuted Copernicus for because of his heliocentric model was the same geocentric model that had been developed by Aristotle. Flat-earth no. The Catholic never believed in a flat earth. Columbus discovering the earth was round is a myth that teachers tell elementary school children. Columbus knew exactly where he was going, he just didn't know that America was in the way.

:thumbs up;


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2002
Originally posted by: hehatedme
Originally posted by: Midlander
Originally posted by: slash196
I'm surprised to see so many people brush this off. Wait, no I'm not.

How about you wait and examine the evidence before you dismiss it as bunk? Obviously there's a large burden of proof here, and Cameron obviously feels confident enough that he's willing to stake his entire reputation on it.

Sorry. I'm not going to get accept a single "proof" coming out of Hollywood. His reputation is for making money on movies. He has no credibility in the scientific arena.

If you take the Bible literally, you have no credibility in the scientific arena either.

And where in my discussion did I mention this?

I don't take it literally, BTW.


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: DAGTA
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: jimmyj68
Everyday some idiot makes the Bible more credible. Cameron is today's idiot. Anyone who claims to be Christian (Christian, meaning one who believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus of Nazerth, the CHRIST - CHRIST was not his last name it was what and who he was) is knowledgeable enough of the Bible to know and expect all manner of claims denying the Christ. As we pass further into the centuries, 21st, 22nd etc., the claims will grow wilder and louder and seem evermore irrefutable. Check the Book Revelations - we now live in the "end times.":clock:

Jeremiah is also a good reference -

Please make my day and provide evidence that supports your statements that are not from the Bible.

The entire point is that a book written two thousand years ago has prophecies in it that are coming true. It is it's own proof. If you're curious, read it yourself and see what you think. The Book of Revelation is the last book in the New Testament.

A broken clock is right twice per day.


Dec 17, 2001
Wow it actually took about 20 posts for this thread to turn into complete dogshit, usually it only takes 10.


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2005
Does anyone have that link to Raptor Jesus?... or maybe it was already posted. I'm not reading 6 pages of intense flammage to find out.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Lots of holes in Cameron's story starting with the fact that you wouldn't expect generations of the family of a poor carpenter from Gailelee to be buried in a tomb in Jerusalem.

Also, this is not the first tomb to be found with these names.
?At least three other ossuaries have been found inscribed with the name Jesus and countless others with Joseph and Mary,? he said.



Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
If this is true, and the DNA matches up... this could be big, real big.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Juddog
If this is true, and the DNA matches up... this could be big, real big.

What would the DNA be matched up against? Did Jesus come back and give a sample?


Nov 17, 2004
Maybe they compared his DNA to the DNA they found on Jesus' blinged-out crunk juice cup. Because you know he was rockin' one of those.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Well, yaknow, there's not many families with the names Joshua, Joseph, Mary, and John in them!

I hate the Dan Brown references too BTW. Media sensationalism. Not only was that a very overrated book, not only did Dan Brown steal the whole idea from a historian who will have nothing to do with him, but the whole concept shows a stunning misunderstanding of history. Prior to Christianity, kings were usually considered to be gods unto themselves. Pharaohs, Caesars, etc. were all worshiped as divine. The spread of Christianity and its Jewish law of "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" made it much more difficult for the ruling classes to pretend to be gods in order to hold sway over the people. So one of the first alternatives tried was to tell the people that the king was descended from the god. Hence, Dan Brown's Holy Grail. The other alternative was to institutionalize the faith as a religion, and establish it as the means by which the kings derived their "divine right." That practice continued unabated until 1776 when a wise man declared that all men are created equal.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Juddog
If this is true, and the DNA matches up... this could be big, real big.

What would the DNA be matched up against? Did Jesus come back and give a sample?

Supposedly, they want to compare the DNA to the blood found on the Shroud of Turin. However, the Shroud of Turin has never been confirmed as authentic.

There are so many holes in Cameron's theory that it isn't funny.

Honestly, this sounds alot like Geraldo opening up Al Capone's vault....


May 3, 2004
Funny how so many people who need proof to believe in God will never question this report. :roll:


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: sixone
Funny how so many people who need proof to believe in God will never question this report. :roll:

That's because it's "science" as brought to us by a sensationalist for-profit media.
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