Super Street Fighter IV Official Thread

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child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006

Though I'm not looking forward to facing these new dive kicking characters with my Cody. I'm sure half the online matches in the first couple months will be against Evil Ryus and Onis as well.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
yea it will be like how ssf4 was at first.

what i'm still uncertain of is how ssf4 people will play against ssf4:ae people.

it isn't clear whether the ssf4 people will get the whole ae balance stuff for free, but just can't play as the characters and won't have the extra online modes, or exactly what the deal will be.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
yea it will be like how ssf4 was at first.

what i'm still uncertain of is how ssf4 people will play against ssf4:ae people.

it isn't clear whether the ssf4 people will get the whole ae balance stuff for free, but just can't play as the characters and won't have the extra online modes, or exactly what the deal will be.

I would hope so. The last thing they need is a more fragmented user base.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I would hope so. The last thing they need is a more fragmented user base.

the problem with that though, what if people want to just play ssf4 and not play ssf4:ae?

like you can go play sf4 if don't like ssf4.

(granted i probably would never do this, but just sayin)


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
One thing's for sure:

There will be a LOT less Guile players out there. He got nerfed hard.

i'm glad for this, he is my least favorite character to face. i just find it such a snorefest and i grow impatient sometimes which becomes my downfall. and really good guiles are a real bitch to deal with.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001

Though I'm not looking forward to facing these new dive kicking characters with my Cody. I'm sure half the online matches in the first couple months will be against Evil Ryus and Onis as well.

just saw this on SRK that someone posted in one of the comments...

Cody's st.jab beats all the twins divekicks clean

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
i'm glad for this, he is my least favorite character to face. i just find it such a snorefest and i grow impatient sometimes which becomes my downfall. and really good guiles are a real bitch to deal with.

They are. My biggest problem is that his recovery on Sonic Booms and Sonic Hurricane are so short that he can simply spam them over and over with almost no threat of punishment.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
just saw this on SRK that someone posted in one of the comments...

Good to know.

However, on wake up Cody is still left with little options outside of EX Zonk.

Thankfully the twins have little stamina and if I can knock them down I can make their life a living hell.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
They are. My biggest problem is that his recovery on Sonic Booms and Sonic Hurricane are so short that he can simply spam them over and over with almost no threat of punishment.

yea i agree, usually the way I get in against a guile is I try to pick up on his pattern, and then I will do a "psychic" move based on me guessing him continuing his pattern. also if i'm "playing to win" against a guile, i will hang back and get a free ultra from him tossing sonic booms, then make my way in and hopefully land a combo to ultra, then back off again.

Good to know.

However, on wake up Cody is still left with little options outside of EX Zonk.

Thankfully the twins have little stamina and if I can knock them down I can make their life a living hell.

one thing I've seen that very few cody's actually use is that move he throws dust as he gets up. i know when i try to jump in on him with a meaty attack, that will knock me back off of him most of the time. not sure how the timing is on this, and if it can be safe jumped or not however. you probably know more about it than i do heh.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Thanks for the matches tonight man. I beat your Balrog once so I'm pretty pleased.

I can tell if I want to play this game any better I'm going to need a stick. Several times I saw an opening and couldn't get the move to come out with the pad or my big thumb would press a second button along with the one I intended to press.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
yah man good games, you caught me in the early rounds pretty nicely, you almost perfected me that first round too. i woulda played more but i told my wife i'd watch a movei with her haha!

you definitely know what you are doing with cody that is for sure. i didn't realize you are on a pad. yea man i could not play this game on a pad heh. i've actually never played ssf4 on a pad.

i haven't played as ken in ages and it's funny cause i kept fucking up his fadc. ryu is my 2ndary in this game and you fadc after the first hit on his srk, but with ken you do it after the second hit. when i wasplaying ken i kept doing it after the first hit and totally fucking myself up lol.

i'd definitely recommend a joystick if you want to stick with it and just all around try to get as good as possible.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
I've still got a lot to learn with Cody. First, the Bad Spray you mentioned above I have yet to get to reliably come out. Plus, it's worthless when someone is performing a crossup on you.

Second, I'm very bad at remembering to use Zonk (Bingo punch) during the match and its EX version is about his only wake up move. I could have gotten myself out of the corner once or twice had I thrown that out there occasionally.

Maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet and pony up the money for a stick.


Oct 30, 2008
Tried to play a few matches with my friend last night and after playing nothing but MvC3, we were both so scrubby. I couldn't link anything. I am still looking forward to AE. Also, Amazon had the disc version of AE preorder price up for $40 if you don't have the game. Although, I think you can get SSFIV for like $20 so add on the DLC price and it still comes up as less.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I've still got a lot to learn with Cody. First, the Bad Spray you mentioned above I have yet to get to reliably come out. Plus, it's worthless when someone is performing a crossup on you.

Second, I'm very bad at remembering to use Zonk (Bingo punch) during the match and its EX version is about his only wake up move. I could have gotten myself out of the corner once or twice had I thrown that out there occasionally.

Maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet and pony up the money for a stick.

yea that is true about the crossups, thing is since i play rog mainly, i can't do any crossups so I have eaten it a bit. His EX Zonk punch can be good, but the thing is if it is blocked you can be punished, and to do it safely w/ex it requires 3 meter to FADC afterwards, so it is kind of expensive.

one pointer i'd give you with cody is just more of a general pointer, and that is to be more aggressive. i have noticed the cody's that give me trouble are the ones who are on me non-stop, and if you remember, the match you beat me, that first round i hardly even had time or an opening to attack you, and i died in the corner because you just kept the pressure on. cody has the best frametraps in the game too, so when you continue to pressure people it can be tough as hell to get out of unless it is an experienced player you are going against.

also if you noticed, that is how i tend to play, and when i let up is when you had openings. i know a lot of people cry about balrog being a turtle character, but as you can see he can be played extremely aggressively heh.

and holy crap though, that one combo you do, sj.fp, cr.fp, fp.criminal upper ... that thing does massive damage, i never knew he had combos that could do so much damage. you caught me w/that a few times and i swear it took off like 1/3 of my health.


Apr 29, 2001
I've finally been able to get on a bit more lately, so I'll definitely delve back in and get dominated by the cesspool that is live =P

I'd be down for some games though. My tag is "avid1ty". I'm pretty bad (really bad)... If anyone wants to give pointers it would be greatly appreciated. I'm still trying out rog. I have MvC3 but I couldn't get into that as there is just way too much going on.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
yea that is true about the crossups, thing is since i play rog mainly, i can't do any crossups so I have eaten it a bit. His EX Zonk punch can be good, but the thing is if it is blocked you can be punished, and to do it safely w/ex it requires 3 meter to FADC afterwards, so it is kind of expensive.

one pointer i'd give you with cody is just more of a general pointer, and that is to be more aggressive. i have noticed the cody's that give me trouble are the ones who are on me non-stop, and if you remember, the match you beat me, that first round i hardly even had time or an opening to attack you, and i died in the corner because you just kept the pressure on. cody has the best frametraps in the game too, so when you continue to pressure people it can be tough as hell to get out of unless it is an experienced player you are going against.

also if you noticed, that is how i tend to play, and when i let up is when you had openings. i know a lot of people cry about balrog being a turtle character, but as you can see he can be played extremely aggressively heh.

and holy crap though, that one combo you do, sj.fp, cr.fp, fp.criminal upper ... that thing does massive damage, i never knew he had combos that could do so much damage. you caught me w/that a few times and i swear it took off like 1/3 of my health.

Yep, it's meaty. In the corner I can use the LP CU and then cancel into an EX CU for even more damage and stun.

What's even better is when I have 3 EX bars and someone jumps in and I hit them with a HK Rufian Kick -> FADC -> f-HK -> EX CU. 306 damage, ~578 stun.

The problem I have with applying heavy pressure with Cody is that, in my experience, people online have no problems throwing out wakeup DP moves (you caught me a few times with Rog's headbutt) or a wakeup Ultra. After I successfully bait this once, they just turtle up and, for some reason, my pad isn't very cooperative when I try to throw (you were throwing the shit out of me last night despite me trying to tech).

Plus, under pressure, Cody's specials have so many startup frames that it becomes a real challenge to escape.

But it's all about balance. Every character has their strengths and weaknesses. It becomes a question of what disadvantages are you willing to live with.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
well the thing about the wakeup headbutts, and wakeup SRK's i was doing, it was all me guessing what you wuld be doing based on previous situations. i didn't just throw them out because I was waking up. it was just me thinking "hey he did this the past time he knocked me down, i think i can hit him here" or when you went for a tick throw a couple times, i got you with SRK for the same reason, because the whole situation was similar to what you had done previously. i think there was only 1 headbutt of mine you blocked on my wakeup (although i did not throw many out there), but you did block more of my SRK's ... but some of those i did intentionally because I could FADC after.

i do know what you mean though about getting caught by the people online mashing, but the thing is you can bait that crap so easily when playing someone who just isn't very good. it is all about patterns and trying to not let people pick up on patterns.

also when you are teching and option selecting, make sure you aren't pressing the buttons as soon as my attacks hit you. you want to wait like a split second AFTER my attacks hit you (or would have hit you in the case of a tick throw). that way you won't have the situation where you try to tech too early, where it is one of those situations where you hear your lk attack come out but you still get thrown.

also about takeup ultras, you just have to try and do safejump attacks on wakeup if you think you ropponent may do wakeup ultras, or something that will cancel through his ultra. there were a few times where you tried to do wakeup ultra on my jump in but since it was a safe jump, i blocked it and punished. there was 1 time too where i screwed up my safe jump timing and you did catch me though heh.

and back to the whole pattern things and doing wakeup ultras, you caught me one time with a wakeup ultra, because i had noticed that at that time you weren't trying wakeup ultras so i tried a meaty on wakeup, and you owned me w/the ultra. that was a good guess on your part for sure.

that is why i love ssf4 and fighters in general, because there is so much mind games to it heh.


oh and one last thing ... DONT JUMP AT BALROG!!!


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I've finally been able to get on a bit more lately, so I'll definitely delve back in and get dominated by the cesspool that is live =P

I'd be down for some games though. My tag is "avid1ty". I'm pretty bad (really bad)... If anyone wants to give pointers it would be greatly appreciated. I'm still trying out rog. I have MvC3 but I couldn't get into that as there is just way too much going on.

i could probably give you more rog pointers than you wanna hear heh.


Apr 29, 2001
i could probably give you more rog pointers than you wanna hear heh.

I believe it. I'm still taking baby steps and learning the basics. The last time I got into it I think I expected too much too early. Growing up I never played many fighters; Killer Instinct and a couple from the MK series was about it for me. The rest of my time was spent in the FPS genre. Coming over to Street Fighter, there are just so many different aspects to the game that I'm finding difficult to grasp.

I've spent quite a bit of time over at SRK but I don't dare make any post(s) as the community there is... well, you know...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
bah... I fired it up the other night thinking there would be new charactors. I had no idea it was a DLC i'd have to buy. Not really interested in putting $15 more into street fight at the moment since I rarely touch my ps3. $65+35 = $100 that I already have invested in street fighter 4. They should throw me a bone and give me the new charactors for free.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
bah... I fired it up the other night thinking there would be new charactors. I had no idea it was a DLC i'd have to buy. Not really interested in putting $15 more into street fight at the moment since I rarely touch my ps3. $65+35 = $100 that I already have invested in street fighter 4. They should throw me a bone and give me the new charactors for free.

no they shouldn't

hate this mentality that seems to plague the fighting community, and it is so evident over on SRK. everyone wants these updates and new features for free.

there is a difference between balance updates and features ... the features are going to be DLC with AE and the features are going to cost you $15. if you don't want the new characters or the replay mode, you don't have to pay for them. simple as that.

not sure why you fired it up the other night thinking there wuold be new characters yet heh. they just announced yesterday that the AE update will be out on June 7th.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I believe it. I'm still taking baby steps and learning the basics. The last time I got into it I think I expected too much too early. Growing up I never played many fighters; Killer Instinct and a couple from the MK series was about it for me. The rest of my time was spent in the FPS genre. Coming over to Street Fighter, there are just so many different aspects to the game that I'm finding difficult to grasp.

I've spent quite a bit of time over at SRK but I don't dare make any post(s) as the community there is... well, you know...

yea some very basic pointers I can give you with rog...

learn to use ALL of his normals. well almost all of them. i pretty much use ALL of his normals in pretty much all rounds except and pretty much every other regular move is used.

don't use the headbutt unless it is in a combo. DO NOT USER IT ON WAKEUP! it is EXTREMELY punishable and extremely easy to safejump. i very rarely use it outside of a combo, and when i do use it outside of a combo it is actually when i say not to use it, on wakeup, but it is only because I have a read on my opponent. if they block it, i'm usually screwed.

don't always end a headbutt combo with ultra, even if you have it. if your combo is 5-6 hits before the ultra hits, it will do very very little damage and is not worth it, unless it brings their health down very low or kills them.

only use light dash straight and learn the distance where it is extremely safe to use.

don't do full screen EX rush punches, as you will get thrown out of them by a mid level player.
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