Super Tuesday Results

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May 28, 2007
First of all, as we've already covered, any attack on Hunter can be turned right back around on Ivanka and Jared. Any person that can't, or refuses to see that Donald/Ivanka/Jared is a thousand times worse than Hunter/Joe is a fucking lost cause that can die in a fire for all I care.

You understand that the purpose of the attacks is not to convince people to vote for Trump, right? It's to discourage Biden's supporters and the Democratic base and depress turnout. Turning the attack around on Jared and Ivanka does nothing. Trump is comically corrupt, everyone knows it. His base excuses it just like Democratic Party voters excuse all of Biden's shit when they vote for him.

Regarding "cashing in," there is nothing inherently unethical about taking your prior experience and turning that into buckets of cash.

This has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with influence.

That is what successful people do and knee-jerk railing against anyone that does it is a naive child. Before you can credibly accuse someone of corruption you have to establish that they voted for a policy that would have been detrimental to society or against a policy that would have been beneficial, AND you have to prove that they voted that way specifically in exchange for something.

That's an absurd bar to clear. There is literally a expression for implicit, or informal bargaining that does not involve specific exchanges: quid pro quo.

Proving that last part is VERY difficult, and if you accuse someone of corruption without that proof you might as well be accusing Sandy Hook parents of fabricating the existence of their slain children. Don't be that person. Instead, simply focus on the easy part: how did they vote? It doesn't matter whether they voted that way due to corruption or abject stupidity as much as it matters that they voted that way, period.

So fskimospy calls me a trumpster, and now you're essentially equating me with Alex Jones because I'm pointing out obvious and entrenched corruption in Washington.


Oct 6, 2009
Hunter Biden is a liability and northern Virginia is home to the latte demographic. I bet Hunter Biden has visited a Whole Foods or Trader Joes in northern Virginia.

None of those statements are factually incorrect.
Most of them are not facts, either.


Dec 15, 2015
Texas rules. Read tweet and his instinct is correct Republicans will pull any dirty trick to make it harder for minorities to vote. One trick is to close polling locations in heavy minority districts making the wait hours longer.
Lest we not forget.

Another fun one.


Oct 18, 2009
A pretty picture from the U.S. Census Dept. that demonstrates voter turnout by age ain't pretty for the youth.

And it laughably calls it Millennials only age group to increase voting turnout since 2012.....LOL!

No, really, it is.......and even at the highest voting turnout point for the 18-29 year old demo, they are still woefully underrepresented at polling places---guess their busy lives might get too interrupted to do their civic duty and vote. The fact is the 18-29 year old voting contingent rarely hits 50% participation while every other age demographic rarely falls below 60%. Them oldsters, now that's participation....70% or better. But what else are the oldsters going to do? Die?
Jan 25, 2011
Warren is officially word of endorsement yet.

Edit: Looks like someone leaked ahead of her campaign staff meeting this morning, so we might see Warren’s official statement and an endorsement later this afternoon.
Her camp and Bernie's camp are already working to find a way to unite so the endorsement seems obvious here.
Mar 11, 2004
It has always been time to support the nominee. If Sanders somehow pulls this out I’ll vote for him in a second.

Bernie minded people will do the same if they care more about his ideals than their wounded pride. It is unclear if all of them do though.

That's the question. Will they throw tantrums and not vote or even vote for Turmp out of spite? In my experience the Bernie Bros didn't actually support Bernie (let alone Democrats) and were always just Turmp supporters (I have yet to meet any actual supposed Bernie Bros that supported Bernie in the real world, but I've met several people that sure seem to be the exact same other than they're full on Turmp supporters), so, we'll see if its all been bullshit bluster by them once again.

Time to support the Dem candidate, hands down. The future is AOC for Bernie minded people.

Yep and yep. If Sanders doesn't get it this time, he's done. And no that doesn't mean dipshits should turn into petulent crybabies throwing tantrums if Sanders doesn't get it again.

Americans care, as they should as nepotism is a cancer. Now, it's small potatoes compared to what we've dealt with regarding Trump, but that doesn't matter to people that already support Trump (neither does the double-standard regarding his kids). It'll be the number one headline during the entire debate, 'This is what the Democrats represent, corrupt nepotism, 50k/mo payments to their untrained kids, crystal ball fund raisers'.

Bullshit they care. There's a shitload of Americans that view that as a positive ("family owned business for __years!"), unless its someone they don't like, and even then most of them can't actually say why it bothers them other than they're related to someone they don't like. There's also a LOT of Americans that directly benefit from nepotism.

The people raised to hate communism are already Trump supporters, and they despise socialist programs precisely because they're socialist. Those are already lost souls.

I sincerely hope you're right, I just hope we aren't talking on this board in another 9 months, with our shitposters in here saying 'herp derp I guess the Dimocrats didn't learn anything from 2016! Why'd you pick an unelectable candidate with a history of corruption!'

I don't agree, at all. If that's your biggest concern then I'd say your priorities are out of whack. Who cares what those shitheads think? They're full of shit and constantly lie. Plus, I hope you realize those same shitheads have been calling Bernie corrupt for some time as well. They bring up him railing about billionaires while having 3 houses or whatever dumb shit argument, and there were other corruption claims about him that I don't even remember.

Honestly, I think the 'he supported communism!' regarding Bernie would be even better. Hell, half of America supports socialist programs, and most young adults are smart enough to know that the 'communism' scare of damn near a century ago isn't relevant anymore. As a 30-something, I'm personally far more in favor of voting for someone being accused of being a communist because they support socialist programs than I am of voting for someone who's very clearly supporting nepotism.

To put it into a little sharper perspective, which candidate do you think will 'get out the vote' with 18-35 year olds? Bernie or Biden? Remember who 45+ people are voting for.

I thought pining for "the good old days" was no longer relevant, yet MAGA turned people into morons. Likewise, I didn't think the Russians sowing conspiracy theories would still be something that could be effective in modern society, yet again, here we are. Yes, except when you call those programs socialist then they think negatively about them, there's been repeated situations that showed this. Like where people would support Obamacare policies when described, but then when they reveal them to be part of Obamacare people would suddenly decide they were horrible. Americans are prone to propaganda, its literally how most Americans learn things, and once they learn it, they tend to refuse to change (other than in a bad way - i.e. they find out some "fact" they learned was bullshit so they decide to wholesale decide that everything is bullshit and then become conspiracy believing idiots; FYI that's why flat earth became a popular thing, so many people after falling for one conspiracy theory decided to believe some others, and then they go "well they lied about ___ why wouldn't they lie about all this other stuff!?!").

Honestly, neither. I know very few people in that demographic that openly support either (I think I encountered more Warren, and Buttieg, or even Wang supporters than Biden or Bernie in that group). And especially the 18 year olds I know they're much more likely to be Turmp supporters based on nothing other than him being a political troll. I honestly don't think either one appeals to younger people any more than the other, as I think they appeal to different subgroups within that demographic.
Reactions: Meghan54


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Wait is Warren dropping out now a nefarious attempt by the DNC to rig the primary? Just asking because apparently that's what it was when Klobuchar and Buttigeig dropped out.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
We are seeing an important mechanic at play. Youth votes pad the score sheet in popular vote. Black votes, Obama to Trump votes and suburbs win Electoral Votes.

Biden isn't going to run up the score, he's in it to win the votes that matter. EC.

All of the whining of Sanders supporters mean shit when a much more broad and important coalition show up.

Dems aren't playing to lose. The bait and switch last minute to winnow down the field plays into that long game.


Oct 6, 2009
You understand that the purpose of the attacks is not to convince people to vote for Trump, right? It's to discourage Biden's supporters and the Democratic base and depress turnout. Turning the attack around on Jared and Ivanka does nothing. Trump is comically corrupt, everyone knows it. His base excuses it just like Democratic Party voters excuse all of Biden's shit when they vote for him.
Again, if people can't see the threat that Trump is and that Biden is nothing more than a puppy dog comparatively, then they are lost causes.

This has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with influence.
This is not always true. The experience of knowing how things work is just as valuable.

That's an absurd bar to clear.
That is the bar everyone needs to clear before leveling accusations. Otherwise you are a scumbag who very likely is ruining someone else's life on a hunch. Would you like it if the government could lock you up without proof? No? Then don't fuck with people when you have no proof. Don't be a scumbag.

There is literally a expression for implicit, or informal bargaining that does not involve specific exchanges: quid pro quo.
There is nothing wrong with quid pro quo. It is literally one of the most important tools in any negotiator's bag.

So fskimospy calls me a trumpster, and now you're essentially equating me with Alex Jones because I'm pointing out obvious and entrenched corruption in Washington.
I am calssifying accusing people of corruption (or anything else) without proof as Alex Jones behavior, yes.


Dec 15, 2015
Bullshit they care. There's a shitload of Americans that view that as a positive ("family owned business for __years!"), unless its someone they don't like, and even then most of them can't actually say why it bothers them other than they're related to someone they don't like. There's also a LOT of Americans that directly benefit from nepotism.
You don't see the difference between a family-owned potato farm and a VP's son making more in a month than the average American does in a year with zero experience or education related to the job? Again, this is all small shit compared to issues wrt Trump but it's not even in the same realm as a family owned business. This is the kind of shit that Bernie's been railing against, and why people like him.
Who cares what those shitheads think?
I care because disregarding the deplorables lost the 2016 election. I'm not saying there's even a middle ground to find with them, but ignoring them will cost the election, again.
They bring up him railing about billionaires while having 3 houses or whatever dumb shit argument, and there were other corruption claims about him that I don't even remember.
Exactly my point, some vaguely handwavey maybe whatever arguments, vs US senators railing about corruption in front of millions of viewers. HUGE difference of scale.
Honestly, neither. I know very few people in that demographic that openly support either (I think I encountered more Warren, and Buttieg, or even Wang supporters than Biden or Bernie in that group). And especially the 18 year olds I know they're much more likely to be Turmp supporters based on nothing other than him being a political troll. I honestly don't think either one appeals to younger people any more than the other, as I think they appeal to different subgroups within that demographic.
Probably true I'm sure. I'm in the age bracket where I'm shifting out of being a young idiot with very strong opinions about politics, to being an older idiot who understands why it's important for me to understand more about politics before forming an opinion, so maybe I've just got the wrong perspective to relate to either major group.


Jul 11, 2001
Warren is officially word of endorsement yet.

Edit: Looks like someone leaked ahead of her campaign staff meeting this morning, so we might see Warren’s official statement and an endorsement later this afternoon.
Warren (my thinking) may not issue an endorsement. Endorsing Bernie would be seen as a torpedo in Biden's campaign, which looks pretty solidly destined for the nomination. Endorsing Biden would be seen as an abdication of her progressive agenda. She can't win by endorsing, she won't lose by keeping silent on that. I have nothing but my intuition as evidence for my thinking on this matter.

Were I her I'd say to go out and campaign for whoever wins the nomination and vote that person!
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vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Sept - October is going to be really interesting.

Trump and Biden both have family baggage.
Both are known to be rambling buffoons at times.
Both are very quick to respond off the cuff based on emotion.

But where they diverge is completely in personality. You couldn't get two more different old white men next to each other.

Time to see if we want to continue the burn it all down "fuck your feelings" Trump approach. Or move back over to a candidate with decency and legitimate compassion.

Joe may be a bit...okay, really long in the tooth but Trump would never be able to deliver something like this.

Reactions: ewdotson and Muse


Jan 28, 2002
You understand that the purpose of the attacks is not to convince people to vote for Trump, right? It's to discourage Biden's supporters and the Democratic base and depress turnout. Turning the attack around on Jared and Ivanka does nothing. Trump is comically corrupt, everyone knows it. His base excuses it just like Democratic Party voters excuse all of Biden's shit when they vote for him.

This has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with influence.

That's an absurd bar to clear. There is literally a expression for implicit, or informal bargaining that does not involve specific exchanges: quid pro quo.

So fskimospy calls me a trumpster, and now you're essentially equating me with Alex Jones because I'm pointing out obvious and entrenched corruption in Washington.

G*damn, you are such a baby?

Am I doing this right?


May 28, 2007
Wait is Warren dropping out now a nefarious attempt by the DNC to rig the primary? Just asking because apparently that's what it was when Klobuchar and Buttigeig dropped out.

Maybe if you weren't so snide, Sanders supporters would vote for Biden in the GE. Am I doing it right?
Reactions: Maxima1


Feb 6, 2002
Sept - October is going to be really interesting.

Trump and Biden both have family baggage.
Both are known to be rambling buffoons at times.
Both are very quick to respond off the cuff based on emotion.

But where they diverge is completely in personality. You couldn't get two more different old white men next to each other.

Time to see if we want to continue the burn it all down "fuck your feelings" Trump approach. Or move back over to a candidate with decency and legitimate compassion.

Joe may be a bit...okay, really long in the tooth but Trump would never be able to deliver something like this.

boiled down to this

good guy vs bad guy


Mar 17, 2008
Maybe if you weren't so snide, Sanders supporters would vote for Biden in the GE. Am I doing it right?
Sanders supporters sounds a lot like Trump supporters as you put it.. god I hope not.. Also going from Trump to Sanders is such a distance that youd need FTL transportation.. steps man... steps...


Jul 11, 2001
Texas rules. Read tweet and his instinct is correct Republicans will pull any dirty trick to make it harder for minorities to vote. One trick is to close polling locations in heavy minority districts making the wait hours longer.
That totally sucks you can't vote by mail in TX unless you're disabled, >65, out of the country, in jail or otherwise confined. WTF are they thinking? Gawd, keep me out of Texas.
Nov 8, 2012
At this moment if Sanders wants to save his campaign he needs to start conducting serious outreach to other elements of the democratic coalition. One part of that outreach needs to be to dump the Bernie Bros publicly and disavow their support. As I kept saying before, the behavior of his most fervent supporters has seriously damaged him as it alienated the supporters of other candidates who might otherwise like him.

Democrats hate Trump and Bernie Bros remind them of Trumpkins. Toss them overboard.

Hahahahaha, you think that is going to bring in more votes?

You've gotta be shitting me, right?

"I disavow the Bernie Bros. They are not a representation of me"

"Oh good, I LOVED your policies - but the one thing keeping me away was just those damn Bernie Bros that I hear about on Twatter. Problem solved!"
Reactions: Maxima1


Dec 15, 2015
Hahahahaha, you think that is going to bring in more votes?

You've gotta be shitting me, right?

"I disavow the Bernie Bros. They are not a representation of me"

"Oh good, I LOVED your policies - but the one thing keeping me away was just those damn Bernie Bros that I hear about on Twatter. Problem solved!"
Gotta say I agree. Literally nobody I know, knows about nor gives a shit about 'Bernie Bros'. I've literally seen no evidence of such a thing beyond randos on the internet complaining they are a thing.

Can anyone cite a real event where one or more Bernie Bros did a thing that I should care about? I mean actually care about, not 20-something males protesting with 'yay bernie' signs or some shit.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Hahahahaha, you think that is going to bring in more votes?

You've gotta be shitting me, right?

"I disavow the Bernie Bros. They are not a representation of me"

"Oh good, I LOVED your policies - but the one thing keeping me away was just those damn Bernie Bros that I hear about on Twatter. Problem solved!"
Oh yeah it would definitely bring in more votes. People vote emotionally, not on policies, when your supporters piss people off they are likely to react emotionally, and not in your favor.

I mean duh, are you playing dumb here or something?
Nov 8, 2012
Your repetition of GOP talking points on a variety of topics leads me to doubt your sincerity. This song & dance about Hunter Biden is one of them. Characterization of the residents of northern Virginia as latte sipping elitists is another example of the usual scurrilous characterization you employ quite regularly.

"If you don't follow the democrats like a cult and dismiss any and all criticism then you're not a true democrat!" lol

Christ, you guys really do make it into a cult-like team following.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Gotta say I agree. Literally nobody I know, knows about nor gives a shit about 'Bernie Bros'. I've literally seen no evidence of such a thing beyond randos on the internet complaining they are a thing.

Can anyone cite a real event where one or more Bernie Bros did a thing that I should care about? I mean actually care about, not 20-something males protesting with 'yay bernie' signs or some shit.

I live in an area that is extremely heavy on the Bernie/Warren crowd. Literally every conversation with Warren supporters that involves Bernie also involves people bitching about the Bernie Bros. Every. Single. One.
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