Support for Trump an indication that most people are bad?


Golden Member
May 6, 2013
I think over 90% of all people are bad (evil) people. And the remaining 10% are good people who are holding the world together. Which runs counter to the average person in the U.S. and probably the world like the posters here who think 1% to 20% of people are bad. That's my estimation of what most of you think in that regard to bad people.

So consider Trump's outrageous comments about Mexican undocumented (illegal) migrants. If he gets eletcted by a majority popular vote as well as electoral vote in Nov of next year, then wouldn't this show that my theory may be correct?

It's not the first time for something of that magnitude. Throughout history the populace of various countries have been bad (evil) people for supporting leaders who were bad people doing evil things.

Now I realize Trump is claiming the Mexican government is controlling most of who gets to cross north of the border if they are Mexican. But do you serioiusly think that's really the case? Come on. Instead he easily comes across as saying most Mexican undocumented (illegal) migrants are felonious as if you should construe they are representative of regular Mexican folks. Which is silly as well as a bad (evil) thing to imply. He's not talking about the misdemeanor of illegal immigration or misdemeanor pot possession. He meant serious felony accusations for most of them.

And I'm keeping in mind with all this that now it's possible that under 50% of all the undocumented (illegal) crossings are Mexican. And that most come from other countries like Guatemala, etc, according to Rubio and some others on the right and left.

Sorry to get into the details of his comments so much, but it's necessary to give a look at both sides (again.) And to help demonstrate my theory in the title it helps if I try to understand Trump's point of view. Hence mentioning his theory that the Mexican govt manipulates most of the Mexican undocumented (illegal) crossings into the U.S. And please remember illegal migrant crossings into the U.S. are misdemeanors not felonies.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Looking at the people who support Trump, it's people who are openly bigoted, racist, rude, crude, no filter, etc.

People are FLOCKING to finally have a guy who "says it as it is" and support him. There is a huge movement now against all the gamergate sensitivity going around.

In the end, it won't be presidential support. He has practically no chance of winning against an even mediocre democrat. There is no way the christian right can get excited about Trump.


Jun 23, 2004
I have to be evil to demand the defense of my country, the sovereignty of my nation, the security of my people?

My home isn't for everyone. There isn't enough space or resources to simply relocate the planet onto the richest, wealthiest land. Fact is the more we import the more our wealth and resources are spread. The poorer we become. This imbalance, that makes us a juicy target, will eventually equalize and balance itself out.

If the world is to grow rich they need to stay home and empower their own people, their own countries. Not loot mine. Not harm mine. This is a matter of existential threat. To foster a foreign population of the 10s of millions that will not assimilate is to balkanize the United States. Is to drive it both into poverty and division.

It is not evil to want to continue to exist, it's simply intelligence.
You wouldn't open your door and let me take all that is yours.
But you'd gladly open this nation up instead.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2005
So OP the Soviet Union must be your ideal country since common people were trying extremely hard to be politically correct.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I for one salute the OP for finding yet another way to say "people who aren't like me are evil." That cannot be easy these days as the low hanging fruit is long picked.

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
Living in a world where 90% of everyone is evil would be downright horrible.

Glad I don't live in that world of yours.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
"President Enrique Peña Nieto, put up that wall!!!!!!" What the fuck is evil about that? The guys another incredible Reagan.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Mexico has huge rates of illegal power taps on their electric grid. Near their largest city, Mexico City also holds roughly 20% of the population, and the electric theft rates are even higher than estimated by this study, which is an average across all of Mexico. In 2011 it was a 16.7% theft rate. However, in the sprawling and enormous slums of Mexico city, nearly every single electric hookup is an illegal one.

Meanwhile, in the vast slums of Mexico City, where 20% of the population of Mexico live, there is virtually no sewage treatment, and people are simply discharging raw sewage all over their streets, since they have no other way to dispose of it. In fact, 90% of the municipal wastewater is untreated from Mexico City, and 95% of industrial waste is dumped untreated into this same wastewater. Then this raw sewage is flows directly back into the rivers and streams, which flow back into lakes and the oceans.

Corruption is very high and the decontamination limitations are low. Even (if) a company has a certification of clean action, the certifications can be bought illegally and the clean discharge is not actually clean STUDY OF MEXICO CITY.pdf

And a lot of this raw sewage is diverted straight to the fields and the crops, which are grown and contaminated with deadly bacteria, and sent back to the USA.

Many irrigation areas outside the Mexico City apply raw sewage channeled from the city to their fields. One district in the southwestern state of Hidalgo receives about 3.5 million of raw sewage every day. Although farmers are prohibited from using this water to irrigate crops that are consumed raw, the prohibition is apparently not always respected or enforced. Some vegetables have found to be highly contaminated with fecal coliforms, posing a direct threat to human health.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Based on these observations alone, it's pretty clear the government there either can't (not enough money) or won't (endemic and systemic corruption) to properly provide for their people, and they would like nothing better than to dump endless streams of disenfranchised people across their borders with the USA.

Would you like me to also link their horrendous jail statistics? Clearly, the government there has no capacity to even provide the basic services people require to properly survive. While its true their healthcare is practically free, it is bare bones and people regularly die of such common things as childbirth just because of a total lack of medical care and the fact so many births are at home.

So its no wonder that with an enormous influx of illegal aliens, we then get the same sort of behavior they bring over from Mexico. They try to hook up power illegally, they dump waste and trash where ever they see fit, they destroy empty houses to steal copper and other metals where ever they can just to recycle it, they steal our cars by the millions just to drive back to Mexico so they can launder the titles in other countries, and the long list of the ways they come over here and violate the laws in the USA just goes on and on and on.

While it may be true that not all of the illegal aliens are DOCUMENTED criminals, the fact is, MOST of them are used to a life of crime and corruption which is necessary just to survive in Mexico (and other South American countries) so it's no wonder they come to the USA and attempt the same sort of behaviors over here, now is it?
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Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
It's an indication that our government is broken and sucks.

No, it's an indication that a sizable segment of one particular political party has been spoon fed a narrative by certain right wing media sources that government is bad for so long that they are willing to support someone who is the furthest possible manifestation of what a politician is expected to be. There is no larger truth to be derived form this beyond the simple fact that ~20% of the Republican primary voters are idiots.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
It's evil when the crap about "Mexican rapists" and illegals is spread intentionally to distract. Seeing that he is (going to be) a politician, this is actually LIKELY.

Then it is evil because it is knowingly lying and misleading.

It's not "evil" if he and the people supporting him are REALLY thinking that Mexican rapists and illegals are a major issue. Then it's not evil, just your normal conservative stupidity.

(I am saying this since it's my 100% belief that while illegals are one minor issue, the issue of illegals coming into the country pales compared to offshoring. Blaming illegals "who take our jobs" while companies around the block are outsourcing 10.000s of jobs to Swasiland *legally* is nothing but ABSURD, so is the idea of building a wall etc. It will NOT change anything and not bring back jobs. It will be a total waste of *money and a waste of 4 or even 8 years presidency with a president who THINKS that illegals are a bigger problem and who doesn't address real issues like offshoring/outsourcing and rather focuses on nonsense, including abortions and gay marriage. This is NOT how you "make America great again".

So the "evil" depends whether he is intentionally making this an issue.
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Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
It's evil when the crap about "Mexican rapists" and illegals is spread intentionally to distract. Seeing that he is (going to be) a politician, this is actually LIKELY.

Then it is evil because it is knowingly lying and misleading.

It's not "evil" if he and the people supporting him are REALLY thinking that Mexican rapists and illegals are a major issue. Then it's not evil, just your normal conservative stupidity.

(I am saying this since it's my 100% belief that while illegals are one minor issue, the issue of illegals coming into the country pales compared to offshoring. Blaming illegals "who take our jobs" while companies around the block are outsourcing 10.000s of jobs to Swasiland *legally* is nothing but ABSURD, so is the idea of building a wall etc. It will NOT change anything and not bring back jobs. It will be a total waste of *money and a waste of 4 or even 8 years presidency with a president who THINKS that illegals are a bigger problem and who doesn't address real issues like offshoring/outsourcing and rather focuses on nonsense, including abortions and gay marriage. This is NOT how you "make America great again".

So the "evil" depends whether he is intentionally making this an issue.

Meanwhile, massive amounts of illegals without insurance or a driver license are driving wrecked vehicles that won't pass inspection and are unsafe which are an imminent danger to anyone who is driving legally. And they are also frequently so careless, they don't even bother to properly secure their loads of junk, which kill and injure people when their refrigerators fall out the back of their trucks going 80 mph down the highways and smash the vehicles behind them killing the drivers instantly. And I have seen stuff like this happen many times.

Back in the late 70s, my dad was broadsided in the middle of an intersection by a family of illegals in an illegal wrecked car who flat out ran a red light, and the cops at the time said nothing could be done, and he let them all walk away to do it again but they did tow the illegal car, since it wouldn't run anymore.

Fast forwards to today, now all you have to do is drive down any highway and see all the little grave type markers and flowers every mile or so where mostly illegals who couldn't drive properly and were probably under the influence wrecked their vehicles killing themselves, their passengers, and anyone else who got in their way.

Meanwhile, back in the late 70s, you almost never saw those little shrines to dead illegals anywhere on the highways, because the highway safety problem with them was just starting to increase about that time.
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Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
No, it's an indication that a sizable segment of one particular political party has been spoon fed a narrative by certain right wing media sources that government is bad for so long that they are willing to support someone who is the furthest possible manifestation of what a politician is expected to be. There is no larger truth to be derived form this beyond the simple fact that ~20% of the Republican primary voters are idiots.

Well if you say so it's gotta be true.
Feb 4, 2009
Dude 90% are evil. How about your Dad or Mother or Sister or Brother or Grandparents?
Get outside meet some new people have some fun.


Nov 9, 2000
No, it's an indication that a sizable segment of one particular political party has been spoon fed a narrative by certain right wing media sources that government is bad for so long that they are willing to support someone who is the furthest possible manifestation of what a politician is expected to be. There is no larger truth to be derived form this beyond the simple fact that ~20% of the Republican primary voters are idiots.

That would then make 53.9% of Democratic primary voters idiots for choosing Hillary. She is the exact opposite of Trump. Hillary has the evil Clinton political machine behind her.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
It might be a stretch to say that 90% of people are downright bad or evil, but certainly 90% of people are ignorant to a malicious extreme. 90% of people are trained to blindly accept the establishment authority on real issues such as 9/11 being an obviously much broader conspiracy, or the war on drugs being a total failure yet still allowed to continue, or the government attempting to make healthcare and education and housing "more affordable" but in reality is just a racket which jacks up prices for everyone yet these 90% of people will voice no opposition to it and they will do absolutely nothing to change it. These 90% of people do not understand the system of control they are under. It doesnt make them evil per se, but their ignorance could very easily be used to do great evil.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
I think over 90% of all people are bad (evil) people. And the remaining 10% are good people who are holding the world together. Which runs counter to the average person in the U.S. and probably the world like the posters here who think 1% to 20% of people are bad. That's my estimation of what most of you think in that regard to bad people.

So consider Trump's outrageous comments about Mexican undocumented (illegal) migrants. If he gets eletcted by a majority popular vote as well as electoral vote in Nov of next year, then wouldn't this show that my theory may be correct?

It's not the first time for something of that magnitude. Throughout history the populace of various countries have been bad (evil) people for supporting leaders who were bad people doing evil things.

Now I realize Trump is claiming the Mexican government is controlling most of who gets to cross north of the border if they are Mexican. But do you serioiusly think that's really the case? Come on. Instead he easily comes across as saying most Mexican undocumented (illegal) migrants are felonious as if you should construe they are representative of regular Mexican folks. Which is silly as well as a bad (evil) thing to imply. He's not talking about the misdemeanor of illegal immigration or misdemeanor pot possession. He meant serious felony accusations for most of them.

And I'm keeping in mind with all this that now it's possible that under 50% of all the undocumented (illegal) crossings are Mexican. And that most come from other countries like Guatemala, etc, according to Rubio and some others on the right and left.

Sorry to get into the details of his comments so much, but it's necessary to give a look at both sides (again.) And to help demonstrate my theory in the title it helps if I try to understand Trump's point of view. Hence mentioning his theory that the Mexican govt manipulates most of the Mexican undocumented (illegal) crossings into the U.S. And please remember illegal migrant crossings into the U.S. are misdemeanors not felonies.

I dont think most people who support trump are "bad" just stupid and intellecually lazy. The caveat is an arument could be made that if you support any candidate within the framework of the current electorial process you are stupid too.

The winner of the presidential election in 2016 will likley to have spent 2 billion dollars doing it, let that sink in.
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